Should a girl seek a guy. How to conquer a woman: Secrets of experienced men

How to conquer a woman? This is a common question that are interested in many men. Not all representatives of strong sex are known how to conquer the love of a woman, although it seems that individual individuals are given by nature. Therefore, there are various methods and tips, how to conquer a woman using which you can get a penalty.

When a man set himself a goal: to conquer the representative of the beautiful sex, he must, initially, tune in to a positive. He can tell the jokes, the main thing to make it to the place and witty so that otherwise not to resemble the clown - women will appreciate.

If a man is added to the humor of a man, then his charm will not be borders. It is the flexible mind that many femina prefer in the first place, because not many like it, when their man only says, not silent, and inserts a joke, wherever neither fall.

In order to quickly conquer a woman to demonstrate her attention to her attention - to listen carefully, to show generosity, to be disinterested and generous.

Friends and friends love to distribute advice, how to conquer a woman, but do not need to obey them all, it is necessary to show individuality and originality, it is this woman highly appreciate.

How to win a woman's heart

Often, men really face that they do not know how to conquer the love of women, because it is very difficult to determine what type of beloved to know how to behave with it. Each Femina is unique in its appearance and character. However, you can comply with general advice of psychologists, how to conquer a woman, no matter what type it applies.

How to win the love of a beautiful woman? Initially, you should love and respect yourself. Only the initiative, self-confident man who has no complexes is able to conquer a beautiful sex representative. It is necessary to be sincere and not fake, because the woman will immediately understand that she is deceived, and will cease to communicate with a non-exclusive person. It is important to behave naturally and honestly.

To answer the question of how to conquer the heart of a woman, it is important to observe the manners, but not overdo it, because such behavior will look taller. But if a young man got used to obscene expressions, then of course in a female environment he must forget about them if his goal is to conquer a rapid lady.

Women love unexpected pleasant actions and surprises, it dilutes their daily turmoil at work and at home. Choosing chosen you can conquer, showing your interest in it. This can be done through the presentation of gifts, writing pleasant messages, visits to the restaurant, meetings from work and the like.

Dimensional, incoming behavior will help a man easier and faster to win his chosen his chosen. But nevertheless, in relation to the ladies you like, you need to stick to the golden middle: to impress a pleasant young man who persistently persistently imposed, but will not be "the ass".

How to win the heart of a woman and stand out between other competitors? It is necessary to accomplish some brave and good act, the reason should not be stunning, the main thing is that he touched the heart. For example, you can stand for someone, make a benefactor or pick up a dog from the shelter. If the heart of the chosen widespread faster - it means it was able to conquer.

How to win the attention of women? It is necessary to take care of your appearance, engage in personal hygiene, follow purity and accuracy.

Sometimes men face closeness of women, coldness and independence. Therefore, they are very interested in the question: "How to conquer a strong woman?", Especially if she is impregnable. In fact, it seems that it is impregnable. The adult lady demonstrates external independence and coldness, but inside it is eager for trembling feelings and emotions.

How to conquer a strong woman? It is necessary to start, to make it a solution to demonstrate coldness and inaccessibility, it will still pass with time when it will be ready to open. If a man really wants to understand how to conquer a strong woman, then he should gain patience and strength to bring the matter to the end. Even even the strongest lady is boring to be all the time strong, in fact, she is waiting for the one who can conquer her and accept it. Of course, she really wants to shift at least some of all the problems on the Bole strong men's shoulders.

This girl winner in a career life, but not in personal. A man must understand that he will win if it gives her his support and it will be able to build relationships to periodically change with her roles. Even that strong femina, which was able to conquer, will not be a pretty kitty all the time and complain about how it is difficult for her. One way or another, but she is accustomed to be independent, to solve difficult questions personally, so it is necessary to make it to do it, otherwise there is no relationship.

If the girl demonstrates his freedom and coldness, she was disappointed in men. Therefore, to win it, it is necessary to show your superiority and strength, it can be done very well in contrast with other competitors when suitable situations arise.

You can ask a lady why it behaves so removed whether the reason is that it offended her previous chosen one and that he did. If it will still talk or you can learn about it in other ways, then this information can be used in your favor.

If a man managed to stretch the relationship until the woman seems ready for sexual proximity, then it is important to try one hundred percent, because it is this step that will help finally conquer her. This should be prepared for this, even if a man has experience in intimate affairs.

Many fair sex representatives seem so closed and unfriendly, because they have never been completely satisfied in their lives. It is possible that because of this they relate to everyone so cold.

No woman will be able to resist the man who managed to provide her frantic pleasure. So absolutely conquer a strong woman by conquering her with his intimate abilities.

Let the woman try to look strong and decisive, but at home she can be a defenseless and dependent, and the man must arrange it it.

If a man is really captured by how to conquer a strong woman, then he must not pay attention to the coldness of the view and inaccessibility, as it can be a protective reaction, just a habit. It is because of this reaction, many are afraid even to approach such a lady, so competition in this case will not be so big.

It happens that Femin resists to stretch the pleasure of the process of conquering her man, check the seriousness of intentions or better know the guy. In any case, it is necessary to show it that it is the most attractive and special, then wait for a while so that the wizard is dispelled, and she was able to open.

As a man conquers a woman

Highlight features for which women can easily understand that they are trying to conquer a man. This can be found by shifting a little more observation than usual.

It can be understood that a man wishes to conquer a woman, in some signs.

The first thing is noticed is a look. To find out whether a man is trying to conquer a woman to watch how he looks at others and is distinguished by this view from what is facing you.

With his chief, he behaves wrong with others, he communicates with her anymore, tries to find common topics for discussion.

A man who wants to conquer a lady ships it with many compliments, can make some minor, but lovely gifts, ask about the upcoming affairs and try to highlight the time between them for invitation for lunch or dinner.

A strong sex representative who wants to conquer a woman always tries to look impeccable, especially if he has a meeting with the parent. It becomes noticeable how carefully he picked up his clothes, did a hairstyle, chose perfume. He always tries to install tactile contact, not noticeably take the hand, spend your fingers on the shoulder, stroke the head and be closer to feel the smell of a woman.

If it is to be in one company with a desired woman and other competitors, then he will make the maximum efforts to win it, will try to stand out against the background of others in order to prevent even possible communication with anyone else to communicate.

The signs described above are characterized by a man trying to conquer a woman, but these are only the most visible, there are others.

Strong gestures trying to conquer Femina, also differ. When he sits and talks to someone else, his hands are on a level with a chest and belly, if he is talking to the desired woman, they are lowered to the pelvis level (which indicates the messengers of the man).

Wishing to win the chosen, demonstrates its high status, which he does not get to recall in communication. So he tries to show that he has something to give a woman, and he will be able to take care of her.

Also, who wants to conquer mutual love, is that he uses his sense of humor. He is constantly joking and carefully looks at the reaction of the girl to those, or other jokes. Men, whom nature awarded a sense of humor and optimism capable of feeling that a woman feels comfortable and easily with them. Each femin himself knows what laugh in response to a successful joke of a man, she begins to look differently and evaluate his personality.

How to win a married woman

The heart does not order - there is such a proverb, so there are cases in life when a man like an inaccessible woman, especially if she is already married, so it begins to wonder how to win the love of a woman in marriage.

First of all, it should be found out how much she loves her husband, if it turns out that she does not mind to hold a weekend with another man, or in her behavior across the neutral attitude towards her husband, then this is a sign that it is quite considering the best option, then It will be easier to conquer.

It happens that the woman is still in doubt and can immediately not close the tempting proposals of another man, then it turns out that it will be harder to conquer it.

Initially, it is required to know what she lacks in marriage. It happens that a woman needs passion. The reason for this in the processes occurring after marriage. Romance of relations with time fade away, and the husband no longer tries to look a cute guy, at times his wife seems to be no longer attractive.

If the husband himself cannot resume romance of relationships, but it will be able to give it someone else on the side, there is a big percentage of the likelihood that the woman will take advantage of this.

Also, on the contrary, if a man walks too much, comes home drunk and wishes an indifferent passion from his wife, then she wants more romance and warm male attention.

Finding out what exactly the married woman needs, what emotions she is missing, a man can conquer it with ease - with all the necessary.

A man who reflects on how to conquer a married woman, you need to be interested in and remembering absolutely everything: her tastes and priorities, that she loves, what lives, admires, in what places she has not been for a long time. Accordingly, draw conclusions and do according to its desires. This is how the determining factor will add a big plus against the background with the actions of her husband and will help to win the heart of the desired chosen.

Before proceeding with active actions, it is necessary to make that the woman itself drew attention to the man, and she has at least not a great attraction. To do this, you need to try to spend more time with her, wondering what she is doing. If a man wants to make a woman happier than it is in marriage, then he must give her to understand that he is interested in her personality, and not just intimacy for one night.

But there are cases that a woman does not want to stop her marriage, she is only interested in a light romance in which there is no obligations. Women make a small check for this: refuse a man in a sentence to spend the night and look at the reaction. If he, despite the refusal, does not fall into sadness, but remains the same positive, cheerful and interesting guy, then this is a sign that he also does not want to associate himself with serious relationships. If a man is frustrated due to failure, this suggests that he expected more from this connection and thus will not receive anything. If a man also wanted a windy novel, then it can be congratulated: he was lucky to win a married woman.

Should a woman seek a man?

Recently, my girlfriend told the story that she finally liked the guy. And instantly, how the zipper knocked! The action took place on the street. He is the whole state and beautiful, in expensive clothes, with a well-kept face. And talking on the phone. They met views when she passed alongside to quit in the ballot box from coffee. At that moment, withdrawing from the phone, he said she, as she was divinely beautiful. She thanked and smiled in Hollywood in response. Consider that doubly thanked!

After that, he returned to the phone again, continuing to observe how she was heading towards his car, leaving him farther and farther.

Would she want him to stop her? - Yes!
Expected this? - Yes!
Did he do it? - no!

She sat down and frustrated by their business ...

Women decide to seek men

Yes, it is believed that a man should seek! This is a classic, blah blah blah, but let's be honest: only a tiny percentage of men really begin to seek a woman immediately, as soon as they see her. As a rule, it is. The rest are slow and do not understand what goat they should drive up to this woman.

Therefore, women rush the sleeves, and to get a man, until it is hopped others, apply their methods to manage our male attention. So I decided to ask myself on the page in Facebook women friends and subscribers, how do they seek men?

So, women, imagine (or remember), you liked the man. But he, infection, does not pay attention. How will you achieve it? Ka are you looking for a key to it?

Examples: How do women achieve men themselves?

2. Risk assessment (there are Frustrial guys - it is easily or not difficult, but if the walker is experienced or chronically fallible into someone - you should not try!

3. The plan for individual attraction of attention (someone can invite someone for tea, and it is more difficult to hurt with someone ... maybe you can have to use it, feed delicious, marathon to run together ... depends on the "goal" together)

4. Sales

And I have everything before the banality. I am looking for general events / places / events, come once, I shy there a star and disappear. And then - patience. As a rule, within 10 days a man makes itself felt.

My wig range were always banal:
1. Clothes
2. Smell
3. Movement
4. Symptime string.
And if nothing comes out - Ignore. And automatic switching to another object.

Interesting? - Then continue!

Immediately I give to understand that I see what an extraordinary and that only I can appreciate it to a complete degree. I offer an event, an interesting object: if you like racing, a ticket to jumps. If you like to swim, then - at sea. I can repeat the occasion a little more compromised in a couple of weeks or a month. If not, I already slow down forever, pre-captured to half dead, let it suffer. If I went to meet, then at the first convenient case, I do a blowjob. For consolidation.

Previously (well, after all, I am a married lady now) I fascinated several men from his circle, they pushed around and invisibly competed. The rest (and "mine" also) included instantly. So I discovered a kind of old instinct.

I try to talk and listen, I ask questions and listen to sincere interest again. If you come to contact and there is feedback - I rate how "my man". If you are playing in a notch or goes to ignore, I lose interest very quickly. Why do I need any ferdypendose nomads, if around full of cool adequate men, before which do not need to dance on the ears and humiliate, but can you enjoy communication and mutual sympathy?!

Here are some more:


I provoked them, but not aggressively, but very positive. Challenged some challenges, took to weakly and they were led. Then in the process they paid attention to me and it felt in everything. I had a flirtary with them, I was kidding, asked many questions about himself and the men told me about myself that in the right mind no of them would tell you a woman. And then as a rule, they all ceased to be interesting to me. And one of them in a fever, in the heat, insulted aloud: "I also knew that if I stretch to you, then I would send me to hell" ...

Everything is simple: it came to the restaurant said that the spirits are super! Spent over. In the morning, the name did not ask and gone. He himself found me, married after two months of dating!

It is important that the man is in the area of \u200b\u200breaching constantly. Neighbor, colleague, a friend of the common company. Via the Internet scheme does not work. Love term - 2-3 months. I am rubbed in trust, flirting, generous for compliments. I have an excellent sense of humor, and I am a very interesting interlocutor. And I listen ... God, how I do it! A man thinks he is the best speaker in the world, yes! Plus disclosed sexuality. Plus, non-verbal entailing sexual behavior. Plus clothes style change from convenient to attracting. But all in moderation, I know her. I never knew the defeat. Received anyone if aimed. Even married. Even happily married. And then he tired of all this game.

And now let's find out what men think about it?RU: I was talking about at work several times right in my forehead. I like me and all that. I respect such women for the courage, but those who treated, unfortunately, were not for me. Therefore, frankness to frankness - thanked for attention, but unfortunately not fate. As for me, in such cases it is better to honestly and frankly talk to not offend.

You have not yet forgotten the story of my friend, told at the very beginning?And how many such stories happen to each of us? When unexpected, and therefore - the present Happiness passes next to you and like the ship, hurts your boat on board, causing you convulsively to think and tremble. And in this bustle, trying to comb your thoughts, you miss that moment when it was necessary that there are power to cling to the teeth and hands for the outgoing ship!

Should men need Read more than women? - yes, should!

If it is not clear, I will write again - yes, men must achieve!

Today is still all.

Sex on the beach is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a certain extreme. Especially for men On a wonderful beach, this is a new atmosphere and a situation when the passion wakes up, but the same time is the fear of being noticed by people. For young couples, sex on the beach may not like at all, because before you decide on such a step to prepare.

Summer starts very soon, and this means the beginning of the beach season. The choice of relaxation in summer is very diverse, but the beach view will be the most popular. There are many places where you can relax well, let it be a distant resort or beaches located near the city. For pairs, the beach is not only a pleasure of the warm sun, a beautiful scenery and warm water, but also a certain romance. In such a pleasant romantic setting there is a place for this classes as sex. Sex On the beach it is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a certain extreme. Especially for sex On a wonderful beach, this is a new atmosphere and a situation when the passion wakes up, but the same time is the fear of being noticed by people. For young couples sex On the beach may not like at all, because before you decide for such a step you need to prepare. All the circumstances of sex must be carefully planned and foreseen. In this case, it may be important to all, not only your internal attitude and convenience, but also external factors. The first thing to be envisaged is the place where you relax.

If you decide to try the beach sex Abroad on the beach of some hotels, then you should know about the rules of the hotel and the laws of the country. Such an adventure may turn into a large fine and even the deadlines in prison, this is possible in countries: Spain, UAE, Romania, Egypt. The next thing to remember is the climatic conditions of this place, because there are many factors that can distract you from the case. For example, some insects can beat off your desire to have sex, except that mosquitoes can bite you, some insects will try to crawl. This case will require a special means of insects. For convenience, you may need a few plaids and even a mattress can be hygienically to do it right on the sand. But besides hygiene plaid performed the function of protection against cold and prying eyes. It is necessary to take into account the time when you can have sex, it will probably be very decent to have sex on the beach in the afternoon, but 2-3 hours a night, just suitable. Sex On the beach it is extreme, however, the same attracting the undertaking for couples. So that everything goes great, the main thing is that you and your second half like this idea, and make a massage, drink. You can also see before sex On the beach video online to understand how it will happen at all. Sex On the beach is a great way to diversify sexy life, in bed what to remember you.

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Men answer: Should a man want to seek a woman?

A man should not anyone, I think a woman too.

If there is a reciprocity, or just sympathy, or there is an attraction to each other - it's like a game, excitement: a man is achieved, a woman takes. A man is a winner, and he will do everything to become his woman. From the process itself, we are pleasure, especially when we overcome the difficulties when we conquer the heart of a woman. But when a man achieved her, then more than likely, he will lose interest to her and starts to "seek" others.

In general, we need to respect myself and your interests.

If the woman gives directly to understand that "you don't shine anything" - it's better to go away and search for other options. If the woman "plays", or in doubt, then try it.

I wonder what a woman should in such a way?

Answered Eugene 28 years

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Will a man get to seek a woman if she needs her and really liked, provided that this woman with another? I just turned out to be a little in such a situation .. There is a boyfriend, a month is familiar with him, walked, and my boyfriend, with whom We are often quarrels and we can not talk on weeks .. and I was my MCH I was a year and a half together .. and it was sick, I went to know another, but he learned that I had MCh immediately became different, not achieving I don't do anything, although I don't drive it, but on the contrary, sometimes I write to him, I call .. I really like it .. But judging by the actions, my MCH tries to constantly do everything for me, and the other guy is inactive, deleted from contact, does not call. I do not ask like me .. and I still think someone else to choose.

If it is very, very much, it flashes and will not seek.

Free - yes, with a man - not everyone. My such fan walked a year sought a year, walking the call (not), a gift for February 14 presented. But the active actions began only after I decided to leave my (and left a month later).

and what do you think? Would you achieve a man who has a girl?

5. I am so beautiful

If this man becomes, of course. My husband with unreal heroism from a civil marriage outdated. If necessary - the seam will turn out. And if he is a boy, not a man, a slid that is afraid to lose or you didn't like him so that for the sake of you try, then he merges.

A real man will not seek a woman in love with, only if she is married.

If a girl tells him that she is not against, well, there at the table for the eggs will take and smile smile, etc., then it will be

When a woman runs for a man - this is against nature. The man must be the first to take the initiative. Only men we have spoiled. You can't care for, I don't know the words pleasant, you will not wait for the initiatives, on the contrary, they themselves want to run behind them. In general, what are these men? Here in Turkey a man is so men!

I'm so standing beautiful

Even if it is officially married, will seek if it needs it hard.

in general, for a man, his own personal life is important than the personal life of a woman. Those. If a man himself is not free, he has obligations to another woman and if he a seriously fell in love with another, for him it can become a serious obstacle to the manifestation of his feelings. I do not take into account the men-Gulelen who change their wives, but from the family goes not going. But if he is free, and the woman is married or in a civil marriage, but at the same time he understands that it is this woman that he needs him, he will never stop him. And it is 100%. And if he does not take anything, it means not so much you need just, that's all.

Or maybe a man does not seek the girl you like, if I considered that he was indifferent to her?

In 95% of cases - yes.

My husband, sought.

14. I am so beautiful

Or maybe a man does not seek the girl you like, if I considered that he was indifferent to her?

Young yes, older and inximate no.

And older is how many years?

And what does it mean inexpensive? If a man knows how to seek what he wants, one is a priori smart.

I'm so standing beautiful

If this man becomes, of course. My husband with unreal heroism from a civil marriage outdated. If necessary - the seam will turn out. And if he is a boy, not a man, a slid that is afraid to lose or you didn't like him so that for the sake of you try, then he merges. A real man will not seek a woman in love with, only if she is married.

17. I am so beautiful

Even if it is officially married, will seek if it needs it hard. In general, for a man, his own personal life is important than the personal life of a woman. Those. If a man himself is not free, he has obligations to another woman and if he a seriously fell in love with another, for him it can become a serious obstacle to the manifestation of his feelings. I do not take into account the men-Gulelen who change their wives, but from the family goes not going. But if he is free, and the woman is married or in a civil marriage, but at the same time he understands that it is this woman that he needs him, he will never stop him. And it is 100%. And if he does not take anything, it means not so much you need just, that's all.

You're right. Crash or not break marriage, probably depends on the upbringing of a man. But the civil submissions and the divergent guy will not stop some kind of guy. Even if the author encourages his own way, he will not appreciate these relationships and is already alive of them. Men appreciate what a lot of strength has invested! And the more they invested, the more appreciated.

if there are doubts of whom one of two choose, most likely, you need to look for the third, and from these two to refuse.

17. I have such a beautiful | 06/21/2015, 22:48:23)