Preschool career guidance. Material on the topic: Organization of work in a preschool educational institution for early career guidance of preschoolers

In the modern system of preschool education, one of the main tasks is the common development of the child's individuality without interrupting social development!

Among the effective methods designed to cope with this goal, the method of professional orientation of children in preschool institutions has proven itself well.

What is vocational guidance for?

Career guidance, presented in kindergarten in the form of games, will help children from an early age to have an idea of ​​a particular profession, and by the time they reach the age of 15-17, when they have to make a choice, make it conscious and not get lost among the many options.

Very often, when asking children about why he studies at school, in response, you can hear such answers as “To get good grades” or “To be praised by the parents.” Few children realize that they are actually learning for themselves, acquiring knowledge that will contribute to their personal growth in the future.

Some professions, such as a hairdresser, a doctor, an athlete, a child can observe independently and have an idea of ​​how people of these professions work. The same professions, in which it is not possible to observe the work of adults, can be recreated with the help of modern technologies, for example, using 3D technology.

Games in which children reproduce actions and situations from different professions will shape their versatile development, which will prepare them for the beginning of adulthood and help them decide on the choice of work that brings joy and satisfaction, rather than serving a duty.

Career guidance in kindergarten. Presentation

Directions and tasks for the implementation of career guidance in a preschool institution can be described as follows:

  • To develop the familiarization with the different types of professions of adults inherent in the training program;
  • To involve in the process the administration of the kindergarten, educators, parents and the children themselves;
  • In games, show the actions accompanying the work process, acquaint children with professional vocabulary, talk about equipment, teach respect for work;
  • Organize excursions to production facilities, meetings with professionals, or invite parents of different professions to visit;
  • Memorizing the information received in further conversations with the teacher, classes;
  • Arouses positive emotions and a desire to imitate the heroes of works and reading children's fiction;
  • As a result of all these actions, children will develop a sense of pride in their chosen profession, they will be able to imitate the work of adults, know the purpose of objects used by representatives of different professions, and learn to respect all work.

Early career guidance project for children in kindergarten

The teachers have created various early career guidance projects for children. They consist of recordings of activities in the form of games, explanatory conversations with children, descriptions of games in the profession, reading fiction and subsequent discussions with pupils about what they read.

The projects contain information on the involvement of parents in this issue, their direct participation in the game and learning process.

Career guidance in kindergarten. Lesson plan

A career guidance lesson plan might look like this:

Studying two types of professions for a month.

With this method of presenting the material in the introductory lesson, they tell the general concepts of the profession, give an idea of ​​what a person is doing. In subsequent classes, they use excursions, games, reading, creating crafts and other activities designed to broaden the child's horizons about the profession under discussion.

Classes according to the following scheme:

  1. Show the children a picture depicting representatives of different professions and ask them to name them.
  2. When showing a picture with a picture of a doctor, for example, ask them to name the objects that the doctor uses.
  3. Name the actions performed by a representative of the profession.
  4. Name the personality traits that a representative of the profession should have.

Game program "Together with us in the world of professions".

On October 4, 2018, on the basis of the MBDOU of the city of Kostroma "Kindergarten No. 88", a game program for early vocational guidance "Together with us in the world of professions" was organized.

The event was held within the framework of the continuity of the kindergarten and the school in this direction.

The participants of this event were kindergarten pupils and pupils of class 2 "A" MBOU Secondary School No. 36 in Kostroma.

Organizers head Natalya Aleksandrovna Nikiforova, Elena Nikolaevna Romanova, senior educator, preschool educators, responsible for vocational guidance of MBOU Secondary School No. 36 in Kostroma Natalia Andreevna Shesterova, class 2 "A" teacher Solonovich Irina Leonidovna.

The game program began with a greeting from the kindergarten pupils who recited poems about their professions. Then the educational quiz "Travel to the world of professions" was held, during which the children remembered the distinctive features of many professions. Then the children were given work books. Children were divided into groups, in each of which they received knowledge and practical skills in the professions: "Builder", "Medical worker", "Designer", "Military", "Jeweler." - role-playing games for early vocational guidance, made by kindergarten teachers.

Each game had its own mentor for the children, who coordinated the “work” of children within the framework of this profession.

This event was positive, the music hall turned into a miniature KidBurg.

At the end of the work, the children shared their knowledge, experience and even presented their first works. Jewelers made jewelry (bracelets, necklaces), designers developed and created the interior of the apartment, the military learned to arrange equipment on models, according to the issued map, they also carried out training in the field, builders made buildings from modules and on models, medical workers received knowledge and skills on providing the first medical care, for work in ultrasound offices, pediatrician, ophthalmologist.

The event ended with a funny song about friendship.


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Our achievements in the project "Interaction of a preschool institution and parents in the framework of the problem of solving early career guidance of preschool children."

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At the present stage, the process of modernization is taking place in the education system, taking into account the current trends in state policy. Innovative processes in the education system require a new organization of the system as a whole. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On education in the Russian Federation" dated 29.12.2012 No. 273-ФЗ in article 64 states that the process of preschool education "Aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children" ... Particular importance is attached to preschool education and upbringing. In this regard, the preschool educational institution is tasked with using modern, effective and innovative means of child development. Innovative activities should be focused on improving the educational, methodological, personnel, organizational, material and technical support of preschool educational institutions, the organization of social partnership.

As a rule, career guidance begins only in the upper grades of general education schools. The child does not have time to make an informed choice, since the list of offered professions is small, knowledge about them is minimal and is given only sporadically.

But the hidden reserves of vocational guidance are hidden not only in the initial level of education, but also at the stage of preschool childhood. The early start of preparing a child for the choice of a future profession is not about imposing on the child what he should become, according to the parents (because, for example, many in the family work in this area), but in introducing the child to various types of work, in order to facilitate his independent choice in the future. Within the framework of continuity in vocational guidance, a kindergarten is the initial link in a single continuous education system. It is in kindergarten that children are introduced to the diversity and wide choice of professions.

Depending on the abilities, psychological characteristics of temperament and character, on the upbringing of the child and instilling in him the value of labor, children form a system of knowledge about professions, interests and attitudes towards certain types of activity. In kindergarten, at this stage, it is necessary to create a certain visual basis, the environment on which the further development of professional self-awareness will subsequently be based.

The current situation made us take a fresh look at the organization of vocational guidance work, which needs to be started now. The more diverse the preschooler's ideas about the world of professions, the brighter and more attractive this world is for him. The basis of early career guidance is the formation of an emotional attitude towards the professional world in preschoolers, giving them the opportunity to use their strengths in available activities. The formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world. Therefore, there is a need for purposeful work with children to form knowledge about the work of adults, about the professions of parents.

1. 2. Regulatory support for an innovative project.

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" ;
  • Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated July 16, 2013 No. 2770-KZ "On education in the Krasnodar Territory" ;
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN 2.4. 1.3049-13;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155;
  • The charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution is kindergarten number 11 of the village.

1. 3. The problem to be solved in the course of innovation. The degree of theoretical and practical study of the problem.

Problem: Lack of awareness among children about the diversity of professions.

2. Purpose. Object of innovation. The subject of innovation. Hypothesis. Tasks.

Purpose: - To create a certain visual basis, the environment on which the further development of professional self-knowledge will be based in the future.


  • To create in an educational institution the material and technical conditions necessary for the implementation of the project (creation of a mobile RPPS);
  • To improve the professional level of teachers and develop the ability to organize joint group activities using various methodological techniques and means, knowledge and mastery of modern technologies for the socialization of preschoolers, finding and using new educational resources that facilitate the solution of goals and tasks of early vocational guidance for preschoolers, the ability to create their own didactic and developmental materials;
  • To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the framework of joint work on the implementation of the Project: "Early career guidance for preschool children" ;
  • To develop guidelines, a series of practical measures to improve the social and communicative competence of preschool children
  • Organize: excursions, meetings, as well as close interaction with parents;

For kids

  • To form in children generalized ideas about the structure of the labor process, about the role of modern technology in human labor activity, understanding the relationship between the components of labor activity;
  • To foster a respectful attitude towards work and its results;
  • Help children understand the importance, necessity and indispensability of each profession;
  • To form the ability to reflect in the game and productive activities their impressions, knowledge;
  • Stimulate the development of cognitive, communicative, creative abilities of children.
  • Enrich RPPS (role-playing games, didactic games, book material, albums for a specific profession, etc.) special equipment and play material according to their professional direction;

For teachers

  • Create and test virtual didactic products (virtual tours, videos, presentations, games) for study in mobile interactive workshops;
  • To develop methodological support for early career guidance of preschool children in the world of professions;
  • Develop joint work with parents to expand the knowledge of children;

For parents

  • Promote the expression of interest in excursions for children;
  • Accompany parents in providing their child with qualified assistance in the difficult process of entering the world of the profession.
  • Encourage active participation in the life of a preschool institution, in organizing excursions.

For social partners

  • Create conditions and expressions of interest in strengthening partnerships;

Object - is the process of work of a preschool institution for early career guidance.

The subject is the formation of a visual basis for the environment of a preschool educational institution for early career guidance.

Research hypothesis: The creation of a visual basis for the environment of the preschool educational institution is a prerequisite for a complex system of immersion of the child in the world of the profession and creates conditions for more effective social and communicative development of the child.

3. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the project (scientific and pedagogical principles, approaches, concepts underlying the project).

Kindergarten is the first important stage of acquaintance of preschoolers with professions, which not only expands the general awareness of the world around them and the horizons of children, but also forms in them a certain elementary experience, contributes to early vocational guidance.

The problem of introducing preschoolers to work has found a worthy place in the works of outstanding teachers of the past. K. D. Ushinsky considered labor as the highest form of human activity, in which the desire to be and live innate in man is realized. The main tasks of upbringing in labor and for labor are K.D. Ushinsky considered instilling in children respect and love for work together with the habit of working. For education respectful attitude to work, it is necessary to develop in children a serious view of life and work as a basis. In the history of the development of pedagogical thought, approaches to solving the problem of introducing preschoolers to work changed with the development of views on the personality of a preschooler. A.S. Makarenko noted that correct upbringing is necessarily labor upbringing, since work has always been the basis of life. In modern pedagogical science, the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults has been studied by many scientists: Krulekht M.V., Loginova V.I. Meged, V.V. Misharina, L.A., Ovcharov A.A. Shakhmanova A.Sh. There are various approaches to the issue of familiarizing preschoolers with the professions of adults. S.A. Kozlova and A.Sh. Shakhmanova propose to acquaint children with workers, with their attitude to work, to form the idea that professions appeared in response to the needs of people (you need to bring the load, prepare lunch)... M.V. Krulekht and V.I. Loginova emphasize the formation of ideas about the content of labor, about the products of the activities of people of various professions, and fostering respect for work. Many teachers, such as N.E. Veraksa and T.S. Komarov, it is recommended to acquaint children with the types of labor that are most common in a particular area. T.I. Babaeva and A.G. Gigoberidze is recommended not only to acquaint with the profession but also with the personal qualities of the representatives of these professions. Gradually introduce children into the world of economic relations, form reasonable needs in children based on the relationship between the desires and capabilities of the family. Develop a value attitude towards work. These tasks are reflected in the educational area "Social and communicative development" ... To date, the main directions of the child's development are highlighted, in which the educational areas are determined.

Early career guidance is predominantly informational in nature (general

acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude a joint discussion of the dream and experience of the child acquired in some types of work (in terms of self-service, when doing a feasible job).

Thus, the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions is an urgent process in the modern world, which must be built taking into account modern educational technologies:

  1. Technology of project activities (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova)... Project activity is an activity with a specific purpose, according to a specific plan for solving search, research, practical tasks in any area of ​​educational content.
  2. Pedagogical technology of organization of role-playing games (D. B. Elkonin, A. V. Zaporozhets, R. I. Zhukovskaya, A. P. Usova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko)... Play is the freest, most natural form of immersion in real life. (or imaginary) reality for the purpose of studying it, manifesting one's own "I AM" , creativity, activity, independence, self-realization.
  3. Integrated learning technology (L.A. Venger, E.E. Kravtsova, O.A. Skorolupova) is a kind of innovative for preschool institutions. Integration is a state (or the process leading to such a state) connectivity, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas of the content of preschool education, ensuring integrity. Based on the analysis of the studies studied, taking into account modern educational technologies, it is possible to determine the goal and objectives of the work on early career guidance of children.
  4. Information and communication technologies. In modern conditions, development

a person is impossible without building a system for the formation of his health. In preschool on this moment these are: computers, multimedia projectors, laptops, televisions, as well as printers, scanner, tape recorders, camera, camcorder.

The information and communication technologies used can be divided into:

  • multimedia presentations;
  • virtual excursions (to enterprises, with representatives of professions who are introduced to preschoolers).

Multimedia presentations are visualization that allows the teacher to build an explanation using video clips.

The innovative project presents a systematic approach to vocational guidance for preschoolers. These theoretical conclusions, didactic and methodological materials in practical activities can be used in the development of vocational guidance programs for preschoolers.

The study of the characteristics of various professions will be through admission "Immersion in the profession" , visiting workplaces, examining visual information of professional activities, meeting with professionals. It is quite logical that this system should be based on play activity as the leading one at this age stage, and create certain conditions for the development of play activity.

To implement the set tasks, social partners were involved and cooperation agreements were concluded with them. We believe that the development of social ties of a preschool educational institution with organizations gives an additional impetus for the spiritual and moral development and enrichment of the child's personality, improves constructive relationships with parents, based on the idea of ​​social partnership.

4. Justification of the idea of ​​innovation and the mechanism for the implementation of an innovative project.

The main idea of ​​the innovative project: The creation of a single developmental space in a preschool institution to familiarize children with professions is relevant for our page. Since the village is considered small and remote. Most of the population is employed outside the village. For this purpose, the cohesive work of the entire teaching staff is directed towards early career guidance. For this purpose, a mobile RPSS is being created that satisfies educational needs for the development of early career guidance both in groups and in preschool educational institutions with in-depth study of a specific profession.

According to the age characteristics of children in the preschool educational institution, workshops are designated where the child can exercise himself in the ability to observe, remember, compare, act to achieve the set goal in his independence and activity itself. The workshop is a special RPPS, taking into account the specifics of each profession and creates conditions for the game plot. The workshop is supposed to acquaint children with a variety of professions, to imagine what the professions of the future might be like.

Workshop "Builders" - presented by building designers, non-traditional materials, small toys for playing around. Includes all construction trades: architect, bulldozer, crane operator, bricklayer, carpenter, plasterer, roofer, etc.

Workshop "Peace on the Roads" - represented by play centers, a stand in the hall of a kindergarten, a platform with traffic signs, road markings. Includes drivers of all types of transport, traffic police, road repair professions, auto mechanics, etc.

Workshop "Rescue Service" represented by the center of the young firefighter, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, medical workers, etc. play centers in groups.

Workshop "Farm" includes play centers in the group. An important component is the labor activity of children in the gardens at the window of the kindergarten. Game activities are built taking into account the traditions of people living in Russia, in the Kuban. Includes professions: agronomist, gardener, farmer, livestock technician, poultry breeder, vegetable grower, etc.

A teacher is responsible for each workshop, who equips the RPSS with special play equipment, replenishes with didactic aids, children's literature, art material, etc.

It should be borne in mind that an important role in the process of socialization is played by the interaction of a person with organizations, both specially created and implementing a socializing function in parallel with their main functions. (educational institutions)... Here, the child accumulates the corresponding knowledge and experience of socially approved behavior, as well as the experience of imitating such behavior and conflict or conflict-free avoidance of the fulfillment of social norms. Therefore, the organization of psychological and pedagogical conditions is so important in which the child reveals himself as a bright individuality, conveys his vision of the world, enters into social relations, realizing his value and uniqueness.

Socialization, as a complex process, is carried out at three levels:

  • communication with peers, which implies the ability to cooperate, effectively resolve conflicts, joint activities, etc.;
  • at the level of everyday norms and rules of cultural behavior, i.e. rules of etiquette;
  • familiarization with life in society, which in preschool age is realized through acquaintance with various social roles.

We have developed a system for visiting organizations. During the excursion, children not only form a system of knowledge, but also acquire a social and emotional means of familiarizing themselves with the world of adults, acquiring the experience of communicating with people by children. Children have the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and enrich their vocabulary.

“Upbringing itself, if it wants happiness for a person, should not educate him for happiness,
but to prepare for work in life. Education should develop a habit in a person
and love for work should give him the opportunity to find work for himself in life. "

K. D. Ushinsky

The period from birth to school, according to experts from all over the world, is the age of the most rapid development of the child, during this period the basic physical and mental qualities and properties are laid that make the child a HUMANITY. The importance of the preschool period is characterized by the fact that it is at this age that the general development of a person is ensured, which later serves as the foundation for his choice of value orientations, for building a person's relationship with the world around him, it is this age that is the basis for the assimilation of knowledge, skills and the development of the cognitive interests of a person ...

In modern society, the most important direction of the socio-cultural direction is attention to the personal and professional qualities of a person. A person can consider himself harmoniously developed provided that he has found his place in life, made the right choice and receives satisfaction from his profession, enjoys authority in society, and his work serves the good of the people and ensures personal well-being. A person is happy if he knows how and loves to work. From this point of view, the preschool period of childhood is extremely significant, when the foundations of a person's worldview, his personal culture, attitude to himself and to the world around him, in particular to his future professional activity, are laid. Introducing preschoolers to a vocational orientation allows them to update the knowledge and ideas of the child in their own real world.

In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, with the profession of parents and people well known, whose work children observe from day to day. Basically, this activity is of an informational nature (general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude a joint discussion of the child's dreams and experience, acquired by him in some types of work. This work begins already in kindergarten. In the process of his development, the child fills his consciousness with a variety of ideas about the world of professions. He tries to play out the actions of a teacher, librarian, salesman, doctor and others, based on the supervision of adults. It is still difficult for them to understand some elements of professional activity, but in every profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images, specific situations from life, stories, and impressions of an employee. At this stage, a certain visual basis is created on which the further development of professional self-awareness is based. Therefore, it is very important to create the most diverse mosaic of impressions about the world of professions as early as possible, so that then, the child can analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully and feel more confident. In the course of purposeful and systematic career guidance work, the horizons of older preschoolers about the world are broadened.

The purpose of early (children's) vocational guidance in a preschool institution is to expand knowledge about the world of professions, to form interest in the labor activity of adults, professional self-determination of a preschooler in accordance with the desires, abilities, and individual characteristics of each person.

The main forms of work in preschool educational institutions for vocational guidance of preschoolers are the following methods:

  • organized activities (conversations, classes, integrated classes, excursions, games, holidays, entertainment);
  • development environment equipment;
  • communication with the parents of the pupils;

Excursions, observations during targeted walks, stories of educators and parents, direct educational activities, games, holidays and entertainment, independent artistic and creative activities enrich children's ideas about the work of adults, and having these ideas, they realize that their parents are needed by all people, that their labor is honorable. The children develop an interest in the work activity of adults. Children, together with educators, enthusiastically make attributes for role-playing games. In their creative works, children portray their parents and themselves in the future. The statements of children are becoming more interesting and conscious. They assess the attitude of people to their labor duties, notice the interconnection of labor processes, the social orientation of labor. Many express a desire to choose the profession of mom or dad in the future.

Excursions are the most effective type of career guidance activity, which gives its positive results. During excursions, preschoolers get acquainted with various types of professions, not only in words, but visually, in practical activities, which, of course, helps children to better learn everything about the profession.

Having visited the plant "Progress" preschoolers got acquainted with the history of the plant, with the professions of their relatives working at the instrument-making plant "Progress" (assembler, fitter, balancer, milling machine operator, programmer, economist, controller, dispatcher), with labor dynasties. As a result, the children developed an understanding of the importance of adult labor, respect for the work of parents, a desire to help them and a desire to follow their example in their professional activities. Michurin's children met an outstanding scientist-breeder, naturalist who made a significant contribution to improving the nature of plants, developing breeding methods, creating new varieties of fruit crops. His work is continued by the gardeners of VNIIS, whose work the children were introduced to.

Building reflexive activity (visual, speech, play) aimed at enhancing children's ideas, obtained as a result of familiarizing children with professions in such types of children's activities as:

  • plot drawing, after observations, excursions;
  • design, modeling, application;
  • production of attributes for role-playing games;
  • compilation of stories from experience, illustrated with children's drawings, decorated in children's books;
  • competition of drawings and crafts;
  • quizzes, KVN

Working with parents - an important direction in the work of our institution. Working in this direction, we carry out the following activities:

  • Open Doors Days;
  • contests of crafts and drawings with parents;
  • design of travel folders "Great scientist-gardener IV, Michurin", "Michurinsk - science city", "Plant" Progress ";
  • questioning;
  • self-publishing of mini-books "My profession"

Creation of a full-fledged subject-development environment

  • organization of the mini-museum;
  • creation of folders for acquaintance with the history of the plant "Progress" and VNIIS, with professions;
  • replenishment of attributes for the organization of role-playing and theatrical games on this topic;
  • design of albums "Professions at the plant and VNIIS", "Family genealogies";
  • collection of video materials;
  • didactic and developmental games "Guess what profession it is", "What is made of what?", "Who does what";
  • design and systematic updating of the stand "We and the Progress Plant", "Michurinsk-Naukograd";
  • presentations

Effectiveness of work

In order to improve vocational guidance work, the institution is constantly monitored. Based on the monitoring materials, the most effective forms of vocational guidance in the section of organizational and methodological work highlighted pedagogical councils, master classes, seminars, workshops, business games, consultations, development of guidelines for early career guidance, thematic exhibitions, Open Days for parents, contests, thematic control, diagnostics, circle work, work of a creative group, excursions, design of didactic material.

Work with pupils is carried out successfully thanks to constantly conducted excursions to the Progress plant and VNIIS, watching videos, cycles of cognitive classes, competitions of drawings and crafts, KVN for older preschoolers, thematic entertainment, game activities, plot drawing, design, building layouts, composing stories , conversations, reading fiction)

Cooperation with parents greatly facilitates career guidance in the institution, since such forms of work as practical exercises, business games, round tables, questionnaires, contests, exhibitions, open days, parents' stories about the profession, and thematic holidays have been established.
Thanks to the purposeful work of the institution for the early career guidance of our pupils, we track the following results:

  • there was interest in the history of the Progress plant and VNIIS;
  • children have formed a holistic idea of ​​the professional activities of their parents at the Progress plant and VNIIS, of the social significance of a particular profession of parents;
  • children have developed cognitive skills, interest in the professions of their relatives, respect and pride for them;
  • the joint work of parents and children has formed a trusting and benevolent relationship between adults and children.

The results help educators identify shortcomings in their work and correct them in time.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the 20th century is the century of intellectually developed and creatively thinking individuals. The famous Russian poet once wrote: if there is an opportunity - go ahead, there is no opportunity - go with the century, but never lag behind it. The teacher must have modern knowledge and information and communication technologies, constantly receive information from the global network. Only then will he be able to correctly conduct career guidance work, taking into account the interests of the pupils. The educational system has been tasked with the comprehensive development of the younger generation, the acquisition of a modern profession by the individual, which is in demand by society and the state.


1 . Potapova T. V. Conversations with preschoolers about professions - M .: Sfera, 2005. - [p. 28]

2. Kutsakova LV Labor education in kindergarten. System of work with children 3-7 years old. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2012. - [p.70]

3. Shorygina T. A. Professions. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. M .: Gnom, 2013. - [p.13]

4. Kondrashov VP Introduction of preschoolers into the world of professions: a teaching aid. - Balashov: Publishing house "Nikolaev", 2004. - [p. 37]

5. Internet resources: (

Early career guidance of a child, according to many teachers, should take place within the walls of a preschool. It is in the educational programs of preschool educational institutions that the task of acquainting children with the work of adults is spelled out, within the framework of which the acquaintance of children with professions takes place.



"Early career guidance of preschoolers in preschoolers"

The main goal of early career guidance for children is to develop the child's emotional attitude to the professional world, to give them the opportunity to show their strengths and capabilities in various activities and professions. Receiving such knowledge, the child, firstly, develops the skill of work, develops a respectful attitude to the work of adults in different professions; secondly, his horizons are broadened, and finally, it contributes to the early manifestation of the child's interests and inclinations for a particular profession. Consequently, the task of acquainting children with professions implies preparing a child so that in due time he could boldly enter an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In a children's institution, the child's self-determination takes place directly, since it is not associated with the choice and mastering of a profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of the child's readiness to independently plan, analyze and implement his path of professional development.

The relevance of work on familiarizing children with professions is also justified in the FSES of preschool education. One of the aspects of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming a positive attitude to work. Through the work of such researchers as Ya.Z. Neverovich, D.B. Elkonin, V.G. Nechaeva, T.A. Markova, D.V. Sergeeva, A.A. Lyublinskaya and others laid the foundations of the domestic theory of labor education. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the preschool period of childhood it is possible and necessary to form the general components of labor actions (the ability to plan, act expediently, present the results of one's actions in advance); labor is the basis of the self-realization of the personality, the awakening of the creative principle in it. Due to age characteristics, a child cannot work professionally, creating material and spiritual values. Labor is not an end in itself, but its significance is in the educational impact on the personality of the child. The need for vocational guidance for preschool children was noted in their studies by N.N. Zakharov, E. Ginsberg, D. Super, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, E.A. Klimov and others. These authors paid attention to the stages of the formation of professional self-determination, the possibilities of choosing the preferred professions by children. In the studies of V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina, S.A. Kozlova, A. Sh. Shakhmatova and others on the problem of familiarizing children with the professions of adults reveals that children have access to a system of elementary representations based on a key, pivotal concept around which information is built. The most difficult thing for a preschooler is the awareness of the work of adults. They more easily single out its social significance in the activities of those people whose professions they are familiar with than the very content of professional activity. Familiarization with the work activity of adults is also crucial for the formation of the child's initial ideas about the role of work and the importance of professions in the life of society. Knowledge about work, motives, work direction, reflected in the images, already at preschool age begins to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes to their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people

According to A.N. Leontyev, it is in older preschool children that the ability to evaluate the activities of another person appears, to compare themselves with others. At this age, there is a direct interest in the world of adults and in various types of their activities. If at the younger preschool age, simple-imitation, imitation of the labor actions of adults, is carried out, then already in the senior preschool age children have knowledge about certain professions and everything connected with them. In the practice of preschool institutions, a certain set of methods has been accumulated that contribute to the formation in children of ideas about the professions of adults. This includes an excursion, conversation, reading children's fiction, observing specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimenting with different materials and, of course, playing.

Play is the leading activity of a preschool child. Children spend a lot of their time playing. Consequently, play is a key means of forming ideas about the professions of adults in older preschool children. The main type of game, where the acquaintance of children with the professions of adults is directly carried out, is a role-playing game. It is in the senior group of a preschool educational institution that a real, meaningful and rich role-playing game unfolds. In the role-playing game, children reproduce the adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, transform into the images of the adults around him, taking on their roles, and perform it in the play environment they have created.

The main feature of the role-playing game is the independence of children. They choose the theme of the game themselves, define the plot lines, take on roles, decide where to deploy the game, etc. At the same time, children are free to choose the means to create their own image. For example, picking up any book and a "pointer" wand, he can become a teacher at school. Such a play of fantasy and freedom in the implementation of the concept of the game allows the child to feel like a part of the adult world, to get used to any profession that in real life will not be available to him soon.

The content of the game helps to understand the main motives and goals of the professional activity of adults. Another feature of the role-playing game is that it is creative in nature. The creativity of children is already manifested in the fact that they create an idea and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the profession of adults from their own point of view, that is, how they see it, but at the same time it is limited by the game rules. Role-playing game is a collective game, in the process of which children themselves establish game rules, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships.

Children of the older group reproduce in the game not only the labor actions of adults, but also the relationships between people at work. In older preschool years, for example, the construction game begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children learn elementary labor skills and abilities, learn the physical properties of objects, and they actively develop practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, improve hand movements and mental operations, imagination and representations. Along with the games of previous years, children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationships. In the preparatory group for school, acquaintance with the work of adults becomes much more complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. The task of the teacher is to make children want to learn as much as possible about the profession they are interested in. Forming an active interest in the work activity of adults, one should pay attention to children's ideas about the moral side of work: what benefits do parents bring with their work? What do all people work for? Gradually, children are imbued with the consciousness that people who perform different jobs at the same enterprise participate in a common cause. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, individual abilities, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of developing his personality, which can be the first stage of career guidance for a preschooler.

Therefore, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of the leading places in the educational work of a kindergarten. In addition, familiarization of children with the work of adults and individual professions should be carried out not at the level of a separate task, but as a holistic organic process. The socialization of a preschooler is carried out to a greater extent through play as the closest, accessible, and most interesting type of activity for children. Solving the problems of familiarizing with the work of adults is based on a play basis. Role-playing game makes it possible to concretize and expand children's ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions, tools used, etc. Play is a reflection of life. In games there is an opportunity to foster respect for work effort, to show the usefulness of the result of work for the people around, to involve children in the work process, since play and work are often naturally combined. In a properly organized game, there is an opportunity for the formation of personality traits necessary for the implementation of successful work in future adulthood: responsibility for the assigned work, plan and coordinate your actions with partners, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues. The game helps to form the habit of work in children, gives the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. Creating with his own hands the attributes necessary for the game, the child discovers and develops his abilities, on this basis his enthusiasm, sometimes vocation, dream is born. Preparation for games in the profession is carried out wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even minimal, but on the basis of which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human life activity.

Thus, through play, children's interest in various professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is brought up. From a functional point of view, role-playing game can be viewed as preparing a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Based on the above, it follows that plot-role play is the main type of activity of children, in which they reflect the knowledge gained about professions, it is the leading means of educating character traits necessary for labor activity: sociability, the desire to carry out their ideas with other children, the ability to live together and work. The content of games and the fulfillment of a role in it, obedience to the rules of behavior and the development of game and real relationships, coordination of actions with other players and assistance to each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities in children, friendly relationships, which is so necessary in the future professional activity of a person ...

The benefit of a role-playing game lies in the fact that it is emotionally saturated. And if playing activity brings joy and satisfaction to the child, then this is a positive incentive for mastering something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions. Thus, the role-playing game is a guide for older preschool children into the profession of adults.