How to dress a white christmas tree a year. How to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year: the best original decorations and amazing decor ideas. Video: how to make flowers from paper

The new year is rushing to us ... Soon everything will happen ... Well, while the most interesting thing has not yet happened, you should do "homework" above the main symbol of the new year - the Christmas tree. This article will feature useful tips with photos, how to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018.

Decorate green beauty correctly

The first thing to be done is to choose the most suitable place where a fir will be installed. Green beauty should be well visible from all sides. It is desirable to free the space at the maximum. For example, that guests can come closer to the Christmas tree if desired and take pictures with it.

Another useful advice regarding the installation of barbed beauty. It should be warm. Many believe quite differently - exhibiting the Christmas tree before the holiday on the balcony. It is not correct. So she will die faster.

It is desirable that the spruce is installed in the center of the room. Standing somewhere in the corner, it will not create such an atmosphere of the holiday, as it could. It will be cold away from smiles of defensions and adults. So, how beautiful at home dress up the Christmas tree for the new year 2018.

What should be started to dress fir?

How to start decorating the Christmas tree for 2018 (photo), like not from garlands. The fir is always starting to dress up from these flickering light bulbs. They will become a "frame" for the rest of the jewelry. At the heart of the decoration of Eli Garlyand is a spiral. If the garland is long enough, it can be hung in several rows. Christmas tree will definitely not harm.

Some designers recommend paying attention to the vertical method of installing garlands. In this case, toys will be located from the top to the lower branches. If the garland hung in a spiral way, the toys should also be hung. For the Christmas tree, on which garland hangs vertically, it is worth using a longitudinal system of displacement of accessories.

The main rule of the decoration of ate - adherence to geometry. For this, it is not necessary to deal with mathematical sciences. It is enough just to learn how to feel the harmony, which should be in the maximum number in the life of every person. Even if we are talking about such a simple action like the decoration of the New Year tree.

If we talk about classics, the fir should be decorated with an annular way. The design is easily strengthened at the expense of balls and tinsel, waving them in circles. At the top there must be the smallest balls. Below - the largest.

Choosing this way of decoration ate like a classic one, no other accessories, except for the balls, do not need.


How to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018 (photo), like not grandmother good. His owner of the upcoming year is very respectful. In almost any interior, the old one will be perfectly combined with modern elements of the decor. Among the accessories for the New Year's ate, which must be paid attention to, should be:

1. Symbolic.

Decorate the Christmas tree figurines Cockerel easily. To do this, you will need an old fabric and stuffing material. Soft roosters can easily sew not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones, giving each thing to everyone who comes to the holiday.

If the fabrics in stock did not turn out, the folk craftsmen offer to make accessories in the form of a cock or wood cock. Even the child will quite cope with the first material.

2. Toys, come from the USSR.

At the moms and dads of our contemporaries, somewhere on the far shelf of the pantry will definitely be at least one suitcase with old toys. It is possible that some of them came into disrepair. Do not be upset in advance. Toys are easy to give former beauty, taking advantage of prickly materials - sparkles, ribbons and others. With their help, you can easily hide product defects.

If the toy is spoiled insignificant, you can even do nothing at all, referring to the fact that the rarity is again in fashion. Of the guests of the trick obviously no one will suspect. On the contrary, it will only increase their curiosity - and where these wonderful decorations were bought.

3. Homemade toys.

And it is not necessary that it was the cockerel. There are many other interesting features that are worth finding a place on the festive ate.

Dominant colors

Having understood with the ways of decorating New Year's beauties, it is worth talking about the color scheme that has far from the last value for the interior of the apartment on the holidays.

How to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018 (photo)? Designers are recommended to focus on colors such as:

1. Red.

Red remains one of the most popular colors for the year. For New Year's decorations and other tinsel, this color number one color. Red - Otrada for leaders; For those who are accustomed to dominate.

Another traditional color of the new year. It is symbolized with openness, unity.

3. Brown.

In the collapse of the host of the coming year, the rooster dominates brown. That is why it should be included in the list of mandatory colors needed for the New Year's entourage apartment. Brown symbolizes reliability and common sense.

In the search for alternatives christmas tree

"And where is Granny? - I'm for her. " Instead of Gaidar Babuli from New Year's comedy "Operation s and other adventures of Shurik" we will have a Christmas tree. If you try to try, it can be found a worthy alternative that will not be ignored to guests. On the contrary - they will be in need of asking how the owners of the house came to mind such an idea, replace the usual accessory with something truly unusual.

Among the most interesting options for the traditional Christmas tree should pay attention to:

1. Drawn fir.

First, the drawn tree occupies a much less space than the real one. Secondly, not only adults and children can take part in its "installation". For example, if your crumb draws well, it can be connected to the process of creating the main New Year's miracle in the apartment.

If soon the house is planned to repair, the Christmas tree is easy to portray, armed with paint. If there is no need to repaint walls, you can use the adhesive tape. In order not to stain the wall of the paint, it is worth purchasing several washing markers of green.

How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2017 (photo)? For this you will need small balls. They are fixed with scotch. In order to near the Christmas tree, there was a place for gifts, it is worth drawing it at an altitude of at least twenty centimeters from the floor.

2. Christmas tree from the garland.

Another option how to make the New Year's mood cross the threshold of your home - make a Christmas tree from the garland. To do this, the most spacious wall in the house, next to which the festive table will be installed. If there are several garlands in stock, in each room it is easy to make your Christmas tree, which will be overwhelmed unusual shades of red or yellow for it. In the baby's room, she can serve as a nightboard, soothing the child (before these you should choose the mode of smooth flower damping mode).

3. Christmas-stairs.

Fans of unusual things will probably have to taste a Christmas-staircase. In their form, this design is really like a fir. It perfectly fit into almost any interior. Decorations - garlands or balls - can be used to your taste. The perfect option is a fir made of fresh branches.

The design is possible to hang under the ceiling or make an inverted (in the Christmas tree, the narrow part will be at the bottom, and is wide - at the top). If you do not know how and how to decorate such a Christmas tree for 2018 (photo), use the garland.

This New Year does not work out without smell of needles, emanating from the Static Forest Beauty. The flickering of lights, glitter of glass balls and the rustling of fluffy garlands do not arise by themselves. That is why the decoration of the New Year tree with their own hands is included in the mandatory list of pre-holiday preparation so that the magic atmosphere reigns in the house. Evergreen tree All Christmas holidays will delight households and their guests, and the photo on her background will become pleasant memories. Many people are associated with elegant decoration, and on the eve of the new 2017 the hostess are trying to please and his patron - fiery rooster.

Main shades

The favorite of the color scheme is red, as well as its row: coral, burgundy, scarlet. Beautifully complement. Bright leaders golden and silver shine ribbons. It's not just that the rooster loves everything colorful: the listed shades in Feng Shui are symbols of wealth and prosperity. However, you should not exercise stick, trying to realize several photos in reality, how beautifully decorate the Christmas tree 2017 at home. The abundance of colors will cause the negative of the rooster, so it is important to have a red near the white, and the gold glitter dilute the warmth of chocolate.

You can dress fir in cold shades: purple, lilac, blue, turquoise. Any colors are suitable, resembling nature, but with a gloss effect. It is important to withstand the golden middle, so that the home decorations do not cut the eye, and the rooster remained satisfied with the preparations. It is advisable to view various options in advance and choose the most suitable.

To decorate the Christmas tree to the new 2017 will not be difficult if you decide on the most acceptable style:


Reminds the times of childhood when the fir was beautifully dressed in beads, garlands and figures of all stripes. On the top, a red star or a long multi-tiered toy was traditionally located. This option is quite possible to transfer from the old photo to modern life, adding shiny balls, ribbons, bumps. It is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree at home using 2-3 basic shades with a metal overflow.


The rooster is not a city bird, so Country style is ideal for the decoration of the New Year tree. Toys should be more than modest, not shop, but made with your own hands. You can find many photos and master classes for their manufacture:

  • Soft stuffed;
  • Fabric;
  • Associated from threads;
  • Paper or cardboard.

Relevant will be candies in wraps, gingerbread and lollipops. Beautifully complemented rustic composition with silk bows and bells.


The rooster loves everything natural, so to dress up with his own hands the Christmas tree by 2017 is permitted by any natural materials. Fresh fruits, cones, candied berries or orange squeezes are suitable. The decor harmonizes with decorations of pastel tones and paper flowers.

It is necessary to show a creative approach to beautifully decorate the forest guest. Not necessarily to strictly perform the advice of popular designers, creating an individual direction.

Suitable decorations

Old toys can be returned to the former chic, if they are separated by their beads, lace or atlas. The patron saint of 2017 respects the old days, which is combined with fashionable decor trends. Among popular options are leading:

If you want to decorate the Christmas tree unusually and original, and not as in the photo in magazines, you can use postcards. Make them with your own hands much more interesting, and inside you should write fun wishes for 2017.

Location of toys

Not everyone owns science, how to decorate the Christmas tree by 2017, so that the toys do not accumulate in one place. In the photo, everything usually looks beautiful and evenly, but in reality it is not always possible to repeat a similar feat. It is important to adhere to one principle, and not mix a few:

Turning and secrets

Do not put the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, as is customary in many families and can often be found in the photo. New 2017 year need to meet in the room where the fluffy beauty is located in the center. If there is no possibility to do this or do not allow the dimensions of the apartment, the spruce is moved to the wall, but the center of the center should be kept. There are many photos where the forest guest is located along the wall. It is forbidden to hang coins - only paper bills of various denominations. Under the spruce is usually put figurines of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, but before the onset of 2017, it is advisable to place there and ears there.

The Christmas and New Year holidays in some are associated with rest, in others - with travels, thirdly - with hopes for the fulfillment of cherished desires. However, almost all people have a new year accompanied by the smell of fresh ate - fluffy forest beauty, dressed in bright toys and brilliant tinsel. Tradition to decorate the New Year tree has an oldest story. Initially, the main symbol of the new year was decorated with sweets, then - wooden crafts, later - Christmas decorations. However, at all times, the choice of certain Christmas tree decorations was not just a tribute to fashion, but also in the way to attract good luck to your home and backward the chief New Year's guest who came to us from the pages of the eastern calendar. In 2017, the light rooster will be such a guest. In this regard, the main task arises - how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2017?

A red fiery cock, which will become the master of next year, does not like pompousness and stripping. This symbol is designed to bring peaces and peace, giving each long-awaited happiness. Therefore, that the guest from the eastern countries does not bypass your home, dress up the Christmas tree with small laconic toys, which will emphasize the beauty of the New Year tree. In the color design it is recommended to give preference to red, gold, silver and brown tones. Thinking on how to decorate the Christmas tree 2017, be sure to make it easily or purchase the figure of the main hero of the holiday - the rooster, and hang it in the most prominent place. Also, this oriental symbol refers favorably to all natural objects, so the toys of wood, hay, dried twigs or snows will be like never by the way.

Oriental traditions and culture are closely intertwined with the ancient teaching of Feng Shui, in which there are special rules regarding the process of decorating the New Year tree. For example, those people who in the next year most of all want to meet their love must install the Christmas tree in the farthest right corner of the house. Decorating evergreen beauty in this case should be paired toys of pink or red tones. If next year you dream about replenishment in the family, install the Christmas tree in the near right corner of the house.

To fulfill your desire, choose the decorations associated with children, for example, tie booties, make pendants from candy, etc. And certainly do it yourself! For financial well-being, install the Christmas tree in the left far corner of the apartment. So that your income in the next year has steadily increasing, choose golden and silver jewelry, they will help attract money to the house. You can also use the effect of visualizing your desires, for example, to tie a beautiful key to the branch, if you dream about a new apartment, choose a toy in the form of a car or make a garland from paper banknotes.

In what color to the Christmas tree 2017 photo fashionable examples of ideas

It is very easy to get lost in the modern diversity of the decor for the Christmas tree. Below are the most interesting options for how to decorate the Christmas tree, as well as recommendations for the use of decorations in 2017. Read on to understand how to decorate the Christmas tree this year correctly! Garland is a decorative chain made from interconnected objects.

This year the ideal solution will decorate the Christmas tree with an electric garland. She will add bright festive lights and New Year's mood. It is best for the photo that the garlands hung with a spiral look. It is also very beautifully decorated with windows, houses outside (roof, door opening, windows, bushes and trees) and mirrors. Had a festive garland much safer than to install candles, but no one forbids you. The only thing is - do not forget to install them correctly. The ideal option in 2017 would be packed in glass lanterns with a rooster sticker. Later it is easy to remake such lanterns under the animal of the other year with their own hands.

New Year's glass balloons preferably use 1 or 2 colors. If you have a lot of multi-colored balls, then you can uproor them in one color with your own hands. To do this, you can use paint, paper (color, white, newspaper, book), fabric, beads, beads and threads. For balls, you can even tie or sew interesting suites or just put the lace to them! Use or not in the decoration of the festive tree a classic bright rain is at your discretion, but every year its relevance is less and less. Perhaps if you have it, it is worth hanging, but if not, do not buy. There are some more couple of years and he will lose its relevance at all. Turn the rain to the New Year tree can be three ways: vertically, horizontally and spiral. Try each of the options to understand what exactly you like most! Tip! We recommend using the rain to decorate various items of the house, not New Year's Eve.

How beautifully decorate the Christmas tree 2017 photo fashionable ideas

Already quite soon the windows of apartments and houses will shine with the colors of the New Year's garland. In each apartment there will be a green forest beauty - an integral attribute of the upcoming holiday. How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2017 and will be discussed below. In independence, you have a vital tree or artificial - there are various ways to decorate it to winter holidays. Let's go briefly and give a few tips, considering that 2017 is the year of the rooster.

When there is a desire to make a Christmas tree sparkling, then start dressing it with garlands. With their help, you can outline the contours of the geometry of jewelry, and it can be any - it all depends on your imagination. It turns out that garlands hang on the "meridians". For example, you can position the spiral balls of various sizes and colors. Also, toys can be located along longitudinal lines. In this case, it is not necessary to wrap the garland around the tree, but simply arrange several along the branches, directing them to the base. This design option can be supplemented with tinsel, do not post everything along strict lines, and make big bows from tinsel and attach them between "lines". You can arrange the balls on the tree along the ring so that the bottoms were lower than the balls, and at the top are smaller.

Fiery red rooster prefers juicy bright colors, the favorite among which is definitely red. In addition to him, the patroness of the year will fall to taste: terracotta, scarlet, orange, yellow, burgundy, pink, brown, beige, golden. There will be a favorable rooster and to silver, white, blue and green. And some of the flowers listed above decorate the Christmas tree, you must decide for yourself. For the outfit beauty, you can choose both one and several, the most harmoniously combined with each other, colors and their shades.

Photo of the most beautiful Christmas trees 2017 new

There is nothing more beautiful than a beautifully dressed up tree with intricate jewelry and sparkling lights. The room where the New Year's Beauty is, and is filled with the festive spirit. And how unites the family with a joint decoration of the Christmas tree and prepare for the new year, because this holiday is considered to be family. Of course, no New Year's holiday is required without a green beauty. In how beautiful to dress the Christmas tree at home there is no secret, just need careful planning.

Some people for their Christmas trees pick up decorations under a certain topic, for example, nutcrackers, snowflakes or angels. You can also choose the subject of a certain country, city or area. The topic will help your tree look holistic, and besides it will allocate it against the background of others.

Of course, the Christmas decorations are many and everyone chooses them in their taste. In fact, there is no single recipe, how beautiful to dress the Christmas tree at home, because everyone decorates it in his own way. The main thing is to do everything with positive emotions and attract the whole family to this process. Then your Christmas tree will be the most beautiful, original and call only good and warm feelings.

Today, the Internet is a shot of ideas, how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year, because in the run-up of holidays, this topic becomes the most relevant.

Christmas christmas tree decoration 2020 We also decided to present in the original look of ideas, how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020 in different ways.

New Year's Christmas tree decoration 2020 You must think and plan, because the green beauty will undoubtedly transform your interior design by refreshing it with bright accents of a festive mood.

Tips, how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020, are often based on certain trends and trends of a particular style.

Depending on what style is created by your interior, and it is worth choosing the design of the New Year tree, taking into account the color solutions, the subtleties of the stylistic direction, etc.

No less important, what Christmas tree you decide to decorate your interior. If this is a living forest beauty, it is worth it to be in a room with a temperate air temperature so that she pleases you longer.

Artificial spruce is not so good. It can be placed in any room. Variants of artificial firings today are a lot.

They differ in color, size, fluffy branches, as a coniferous plant, so you can easily choose a fir to your liking.

I decorate how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020, decide on the decor's color solution for the most important holiday symbol.

Game and original christmas tree decoration in gold-red, blue-silver, pink-gold color solutions look original.

The decoration of the Christmas tree can be performed in gold-silver, white-red, white-blue, purple-lilac, purple yellow, gradient version.

In fact, you decide to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020, and in what color a festive symbol will appear - it does not matter, the main thing is that he raises you at your presence you mood, pleaseing the kids, residents of the house.

And now there are some successful variations, how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020.

Christmas tree decoration for the new year 2020 vintage toys

Christmas tree decoration for the new year - the process is very creative and pleasant. The Christmas tree will not only transform your home, but also remind you of childhood, will cause a lot of positive emotions.

Recall traditions and past holidays are always very nice, so stylists recommend how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020 in a vintage style, adding the holiday of the atmosphere of the past.

Vintage decoration of the Christmas tree 2020 can be performed as shopping variations of toys, for example, in the spirit of Soviet times, and create exclusive vintage toys with their own hands.

With the help of a decoupage technician, Patchwork can create excellent Christmas decorations, all sorts of balls and original figures, charming options for unusual toys in the spirit of ancient.

How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020 eco-toys and edible decorations

If you want a Christmas tree unusual in all respects, look at the eco-style and edible toys.

Just this Christmas tree decoration you are easy to implement on your own, because this decor can be made from old woods, twigs, dried fruits, cinnamon sticks, fixing them with ropes, harms, ribbons, etc.

Undoubtedly, for the kids will be joy to see the decoration of the Christmas tree with delicious toys and garlands, which can consist of home cookies, delicious candies, fresh tangerines, apples of different colors, nuts.

Knitted and fabric christmas decor can also be mixed with edible design elements.

These options can be added additional and other decor, mixing the original ideas from different styles. Here, as they say, it all depends on your fantasy and desires.

Stylish Christmas tree decoration 2020 in laconic style

When a lot of tinsel, garlands, toys, she sparkles, engraving the New Year's interior of the house.

But recently, many connoisseurs of sophistication and impeccability in everything choose a completely different style of decoration of a festive symbol, preferring an elegant classic, European minimalism in the decor, the perfect combination of colors and details.

Combining two shades of decorations, choosing a discreet and elegant decor, adding flickering garlands on the Christmas tree, you will get an impeccable European Christmas tree that all holidays will be perfectly harmonized with the interior.

New Year's Eve decor 2020 can be positioned vertically, horizontally, chaotically, but without frills.

How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2020 unusual and stylish

New Year's crafts do it yourself for the decoration of the Christmas tree - it is already very original and interesting, whatever ideas you have involved.

Stylists offer to take note of the decor of the Christmas tree from felt, from which you can simulate any shape of the figure.

Create out of the fabric of small dolls, angels, mittens, hearts, decorated with sparkles, beads or croups.

Simple tips, how to decorate the Christmas tree 2020 without extra costs - it is undoubtedly creating a New Year decor from paper, plastic, cardboard, pinslast.

Undoubtedly, the fabric garlands and bows, beautiful flowers, leaves, twigs, etc. look great and extraordinary.

As you can see, ideas are not small. Choose what you like, and decorate the Christmas tree with pleasure.

How to decorate the Christmas tree 2020: photo, decor, design

During the New Year holidays in each house, literally everything changes: creating a festive mood, the New Year's decor changes the accommodation to be unrecognizable. In the air, the peculiar fragrance of the Christmas shit is hung, at the table at last the whole family comes, friends come ...

Remember how in the "Christmas Song" Charles Dickens? In the house of Bob Kratchita?

For this period, a new head of the family appears in all homes. Who is he? Is it really instead of daddy mom or dad instead of mom? And maybe grandfather instead of a grandmother or ... no! It's not about a person at all about a person, but the mistress of New Year's holidays - the Christmas tree!

It is she who is the main symbol of the meeting of the New Year and Christmas, gives not only his unforgettable fragrance, but also a stunning train of festive emotions, meetings and friendly sites.

Without her presence it is difficult to present the house / apartment of someone from the inhabitants of our country. She creates a real holiday, and we only complement it. Is not worthy to be the main one?

He loves the tree and sense in everything, especially when it comes to her outfit. About how to "wear" a Christmas tree, today we will talk.

Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year: Basic Rules

In order for your Christmas tree to look most effectively and stylishly, first choose the best place for it. Green beauty should be well visible, it should not be infringed and deprived of the space. She should become a new year queen, and look like a real princess that freely spread the floors of his dress.

Despite the fact that the tree feels perfectly and in winter, during your stay in any housing, it will more comfortably feel warm. Therefore, if you put the Christmas tree in one of the rooms, it will be the best option for it.

To the balcony and the loggia before the holiday, to endure a green beauty, how many do, it is not worth it.

It will be perfectly maintained during the Christmas shin, but the atmosphere of the holiday will not be at all the same. Everything will look like a Christmas tree separated from the family, alone.

The owners will be exactly the same feelings, especially in children. A large percentage of a festive mood that creates a Christmas tree will be reduced. Highlight the space in one of the rooms, let the fluffy beauty truly will come to the head of the family on New Year's days. And then more comfort, warmth and family happiness will come to the house.

By installing the Christmas tree, proceed with the next stage - decoration. On how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year, you will learn further.

In order for everything to work perfectly, you need to know several rules.

First, decorate the Christmas tree always start with garlands. They will be the basis for your follow-up actions. Adhere to the spiral location of the garland. You can even in several rows. This location will be as comfortable as possible.

You can decorate the Christmas tree and garlands located on the tree vertically - from the top to the lower branches.

Secondly, the spiral layout of the toys will be ideal if the garlands are placed in the same way. If you choose the vertical location of the garland, then toys hang a longitudinally. As you already begin to understand, in the decoration of the Christmas tree there must be a kind of geometry.

Thirdly, a classic christmas tree decoration option is a ring method. We wind garlands in this case by rings, we enhance the "geometry" with balls and tinsel, which wipe the circles. And consider the sizes of the balls from the top to the lower branches need to be increased.

With this method, you rarely use any other toys. Only balls. But you can dilute toys that are conditionally similar to the balls, that is, visually "draw" a circle. For example, snowflakes or asterisks.

Important! When choosing a way of arrangements on the Christmas tree, remember that for each of them you will need to have a garlands of different lengths, the method of glow and may even need to be connected somewhat simultaneously.

For example, for the meeting of 2016, it is desirable to have yellow and red garlands, preferably with attenuation function. But the longitudinal location of the garlands will accurately require the presence of several.

Here is such a tradition to dress up a Christmas tree. Just choose the way that is closer to your family. But about how to decorate the Christmas tree and what color toys pick up, let's talk on. Let's start from the second point.

Design of the New Year tree: pick up colors

In 2017, the Christmas tree, as always, should sparkle and shine. The stronger, the better. But it does not mean that everything is suitable for decoration, which is in your boxes with toys. Not all colors will be in priority this year. We will need a colors that will enjoy the fiery rooster.

Red, white, brown, gold, green and yellow - perfect colors for decorating the Christmas tree, because these are the favorite rooster colors, which will sit on the throne in 2017. Therefore, it is precisely and we advise you to use to decorate.

Let's look at the meaning of these colors. What do they carry in themselves?

Red - the color of leadership, perseverance, dynamism, perseverance, struggle for their rights.

White - symbolizes completeness, openness, unity, intactness.

Brown carries reliability and common sense.

Golden - the color of the Sun, which embodies wisdom, excites and warms.

Green promises stability and progress.

Yellow - symbol of agility, originality, joy of life, freedom, fun, intelligence, justice.

Important! Choosing green toys, be careful: there may be a problem of draining decor elements with needles color. Especially if the toy is made of paper or other material that does not sparkle from the effects of light.

Even the decor made of glass and other reflecting light materials, glare often do not save. In the afternoon, such toys are usually lost in the branches of the Christmas tree, but at night under the influence of the included garlands, sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

The value of the colors studied, but not only knowledge about their essence is important for decorating the Christmas tree. A very significant moment in this process is the selection of a combination of colors. Pay attention to this moment.

We offer to use the following sets of combinations:

  • white / brown and golden;
  • white / yellow and red;
  • red, green and yellow.

Green beauty will always sparkle stylish and spectacular if together with you and children dress up the Christmas tree. They will bring their unique "highlight to his own immediacy to the process and himself. Therefore, "clothes" for the Christmas tree, pick together.

How beautifully dressing up a Christmas tree: choose toys

Decorations for the New Year tree, pick a minimum a few weeks before the new year. Pull the sets of Christmas toys that are stored in the house, and see which of them will fit exactly, and which years will remain without affairs.

If something needs to be purchased or convert what is - boldly for business. Being familiar with the color gamut and ways to decorate the Christmas tree, you quickly refer to what exactly and how to do for a standing meeting of the year of the Red Fiery Rooster.

Snowflakes, bumps, snowmen, figures of different animals, asterisks have always been in fashion, what kind of year we would not meet. But their use always depended on our taste, desires and, of course, from how to meet one or another new year.

The present atmosphere of the winter holiday will create snowflakes of various shades acquired or made with their own hands. Well, of course, from various materials: napkins, paper, beads, foils, fabrics. Snowflakes are perfect for the decoration of the Christmas tree and this year.

The process of cutting snowflakes will become a real holiday for your children. Therefore, do not buy better, but make them yourself.

The usual white paper for the printer is found at all. It is from this material that we offer to make snowflakes. Pick up the pattern and correctly fold the paper will help us the Internet. For example, in the following video shows how to print a ready-made pattern pattern for snowflakes and cut it:

From paper you can still make bulk snowflakes. Here is one example:

Another century ago the Christmas tree was decorated with cones. Such a custhetic decor in fashion and now.

Corses can be simply painted in different colors or make different figures, connecting several pieces together. The main thing is a good fantasy and the desire to do something beautiful.

See how articles made of cones can look.

Snowmen too in trend! Year of monkeys, dogs or roosters, and on the Christmas tree a snowman should be! Without him. It's like celebrating birthday without guests.

The next video on how to make a snowman with your own hands. At first it will seem to you that it is too big for the Christmas tree, but nothing terrible. Just adjust the sizes. If you like the dimensions of such a snowman like on the video, then he will take the honorable place near the Christmas tree or next to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at the foot of the green beauty.

Figures of different animals diverse any outfit of the Christmas tree.

A good decoration for green beauties will be the stars. If you make them a lot, and even voluminous, in addition, in the desired color scheme, the sprocket will be raised instead of balls.

How to make these Christmas decorations do it yourself, see the following video:

But another way. Here, the asterisks can be made already from the fabric. Just remove the sticks!

Instead of postscriptum

The design of the New Year tree, as we see, can be issued in a diverse way. We need only a desire and good fantasy. But is it possible to make it all exactly not like everyone? Can! This will be discussed further. Or rather, let's talk a little about European styles.

Important! Modern trends are actively offering us options for decorating the Christmas tree in European styles. For example, in Provence or Scandinavian styles. As far as they are acceptable for you, you can only solve you. If any one will like, then do not lose a minute.

Scandinavian style. This style does not tolerate any frills and bright colors. Welcomes alternative trees and structures that imitate it. In addition, bright shades, moderation and simplicity - his horse.

Provence. And this style is special. It welcomes natural shades and pastel tones, from jewelry - blue or white balls, bows, snowflakes, snowmen, knitted decorations, artificial flowers. Like the Scandinavian style, he does not tolerate bright shades, because his horse is soft, comfort and tenderness.

Here is our postscript. Not very intricate, but the result will be simple: the choice is yours! Suggest!

Happy New Year! With new happiness! Love each other, and in the new year you are surely lucky!