Events aimed at moral education. Extracurricular event for spiritual and moral education for primary school students on the topic "Good and evil

Different forms of educational events are aimed at joint activities between the members of the class team, parents, pupils. Consider the features and classification of educational activities, as well as we give an option of a program designed to work with the class team.


The educational event implies several structural units:

  • setting goals, tasks;
  • selection of participants;
  • selection of funds and methods;
  • direct organization;
  • result.


Educational activities are divided into the following criteria:

  • the number of participants;
  • content;
  • the degree of versatility.

When thinking through its activities, a class manager is necessarily guided by such a division.

Educational events in the class can be frontal, pair, group, individual. By their content, the following types of class hours are distinguished:

  • labor;
  • valeologic;
  • artistic;
  • social;
  • frontal;
  • leisure.

Educational events at school are voluntary, optional, to take part in them can everyone who will have schoolchildren.

Among the group species can be noted conferences, meetings, rules, duty at school, reviews, social and useful work.

An individual educational event requires a thorough training from the teacher. Its example can be prepared for the Olympics, creative or intellectual competition.

Stages of work

The educational event in elementary school begins with the selection of the form of work, setting the goal, content. In the process of such activities, the teacher takes into account the individual features of each student. It is important to think about the place for a conceived holiday, choose the number of participants, pick up a variety of aids.

Class team work program

Any educational event is held within the framework of a special program developed by the class teacher.

All attempts to create a specific program to identify talented and gifted children should begin with the question of what is such a term.

For early detection of giftedness, timely assistance and support, such children can serve as an educational event organized in the classroom, school. New federal standards are directed to the creation for each student.

The class teacher acts as a mentor who does not impose his pupil point of view, but only sends it to self-knowledge and self-development.

Any development of an educational event is a responsible occupation requiring the teacher of the concentration of attention, the choice of special techniques, selection of techniques and methods of work.

For timely identification of the individuality of the guys, the teacher leads serious and targeted work using a special program.

It clearly indicates the goals of educational events, the timing of their conduct. Among creative events that are appropriate in working with a class team can be allocated:

  • thematic evenings;
  • creative quiz;
  • hiking;
  • games;
  • meetings with interesting people.

Formation of citizenship

The main emphasis in its activities is a class teacher pays to patriotic education. To do this, the work plan makes activities related to the formation of a valid attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the native land.

For example, an educational event in elementary school regarding the formation of citizenship may be associated with the manufacture of greeting cards veterans. All children are talented, and the task of the class teacher is their timely help and support.

The main aspects of educational work

The leading idea in the activities of the class teacher is the work "from heart to heart." Conducting an educational event of any form, the species must be accompanied by careful preliminary preparation. Education is a process of targeted personality development. It is based on the effective interaction of pupils and teacher, aims to self-improvement, self-development. Education can be rightfully considered the art of touching the child. His goal is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality, the formation of the vision of its future (socialization) in it.

Basic principles of education:

  • naturalness;
  • integrity of the pedagogical process;
  • humanism;
  • interaction of family, school, society;
  • creation;
  • culturality;
  • cooperation;
  • individualization;
  • responsibility, mutual execution, mutual assistance.

The teacher must take a child as it is. For successful education from the teacher, there should be no pressure on the identity of the schoolchildren.

Event of the environmental orientation "Travel to EcoGorod"

We offer a plan of an educational event aimed at forming in the growing generation of a careful attitude towards nature. First, the guys are offered a game of traveling to the forest fairy tale station, then the puppet performance "Kolobok is looking for a cooker." Then sum up the results, winners and active participants of the ecological holiday are awarded.

For the game you will need:

  • according to the number of groups (classes) participating in the game;
  • premium materials;
  • plates with stations names;
  • for the performance, you need to record natural sounds, garbage;
  • costumes: Butterfly caterpillars, kolobka, hare, wolf, fox, bear;
  • two goals;
  • computer.

Playing for Stations "Travel to Forest Fairy Tale"

Guys, having received the route sheets, start moving along the fabulous forest. At each stop, they are offered interesting tasks.

Station "Forest Riddles". Here the team will have to guess different sounds that can be heard in the forest.

Have you seen how the spring trees cry? As transparent "tears" flow, and sometimes brooks run, if someone's hand is cruelly injured.

What tree is a conversation about? Why do they cry? (The movement of the juice from Berez during the cuts of their people).

It has not yet managed to melt the snow, and yellow flowers with unusual scaly stals appear on sunny lawns. As soon as the plant is wondering, the breeze takes its light seeds with fluffy umbrellas. What is this amazing plant? (Coltsfoot).

The guys must guess the beast, which teacher tells.

Hunt this beast mostly on mice. Often because of its gorgeous fur, it becomes mining hunters. He is great for you in Russian folk tales. Who is this predator? (Fox).

The teacher offers schoolchildren to guess a few riddles:

This plant was obtained for the color of berries, which are very helpful. It grows two hundred years in fir and pine forests. (Blueberry).

Two sisters in the summer of green. One to autumn blues, and the other black. (Currant).

With the form of these animals are very similar. They have a small face, long ears and rear paws, short tail. The body is covered with fluffy wool. They feed their cubs with milk. These fluffy animals feed on the grass, as well as young vessels. What animals are we talking about? How can they be attributed to groups of animals? (Hare rabbit).

What kind of bird is we talking about? A small, on her head she has a black hat, and on the breast - a black tie. The back is gray, tail and wings brown, white abdomen. A long dark tail always shakes, as if the bird was frightened something. What kind of bird is we talking about? (Wagtail)

At the station "Troops" the guys are offered interesting and unusual questions.

Why does Nheatva burn? (In the streaks of her leaves there is formic acid. When touched to the leaf, the hairs break down, it scratches the skin, the acid falls there.)

Why does birch adhesive young leaves? (Resinous compounds protect leaflets from frosts).

Why can't you shout in the forest, include music, dry fires? (Strong noise, the smell of smoke can scare forest inhabitants, so the birds throw their nests, the digestion of the offspring).

Chicks flying out of the socket are referred to as flatters. Why don't they do home? (Birds teach young to look for food, defend from potential enemies, it's hard to teach the chicks at home, then they will be helpless);

Why are lichens grow not everywhere? (Lichens grow only where there is clean air).

Why can not be gathered with a blueberry branches? (Blueberry shrubs can live up to 300 years, so they must be preserved).

Why shouldn't you tear big bouquets of flowers? (Torn flowers will never give seeds, and the next year will become less colors).

Station "Hungry Owl". You know that owls are night birds. They are hunting at this time, and in the afternoon they are sleeping in the dupex. Children are cleared on the chairs of couples as soon as the teacher says "night", everyone flies on the hunt, and with the word "day" return back to their places. Next, one chair is cleaned, as the man "quit" the tree, the owls have nowhere to hide. The game continues until one pair of "owls" remains, which will be considered the winners.

  • what is the name of the forest in which there are only ate;
  • what tree produce matches;
  • wood of what tree is taken to create paper;
  • you saw the nest of birds, how to save it;
  • who needs dumpy trees;
  • what is the benefit of ants;
  • how to protect anthills;
  • what a beast always builds a house with a pool;
  • what kind of hunting is always allowed in the forest.

Station "Forest Experts". Teacher offers a game with a ball. The whole team gets into a circle. The teacher says: "I offer you a game with a ball. Stand up in the circle." The teacher throws the ball, calls a forest plant or an animal. Then the ball is transmitted to another player. One who does not give a response comes out of the game.

An analysis of the educational event implies a self-esteem of the teacher's actions. He analyzes how fully he managed to realize the tasks, convey to each child the need for a careful attitude towards nature, its wealth.

Also, the analysis of the educational event includes all pedagogical methods and techniques used by the teacher in the preparation of the event.

The performance "Kolobok is looking for a cooker"

Leading. Good afternoon, dear lovers of nature! Today I want to tell a fairy tale, but not a simple, but environmental. And she is noted by "Kolobok is looking for an eco-coherent." Hear? This is a hero of our story sings his song.

Cobble. Kilometers of the road I walked, not tired,

I am a cheerful bun, I feel a song.

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather.

La, la, la.

Leading. This kolobok rolled and rolled into the forest, on a clearing, filled with sunlight. Suddenly, on a green leaf, a small caterpillar saw a kolobok.

Cobble. Oh, who are you?

Caterpillar. I am a caterpillar. And where are you holding the way, Kolobok?

Cobble. I do not know, rushing, where the eyes look.

Caterpillar. Just to move, where the eyes look - the mind does not need a lot. Here my grandmother said that when she flew high above the ground, she saw everything that was on the planet. And she said that on Earth, the best city is the eco-country. I have since I dream to see him. Maybe you will be able to find it?

Cobble. I?! Well, I will try to get this amazing city.

Leading. Kolobok said goodbye to the caterpillar and went to look for a cooker.

Rolling a bun in the forest, hare met him. At the side holds, grinding, sees.

Cobble. What's wrong with you, oblique friend?

Hare. Is it a scythe? Spit one who has played a joke yesterday with me yesterday. I rest under the bush, suddenly someone hit me on my head. Jumped up, I look in Storo-us, I do not understand anything. I see, on the meadow empty bottles "shoot" holidaymakers in the bushes. Rested, and after a bunch of garbage left. Any beast will be injured. Who will help us now?

Cobble. I can help! Here I will find a cooker and tell you how to get there. Leading. And rolled on the bun. On the way, he met a wolf, who holds for the belly.

Wolf. Oh oh oh!

Cobble. What's wrong with you, Gray Wolf? Why are your eyes sad?

Wolf. I ate the lamb, here is the stomach and hurts. It can be seen, he fed "chemistry".

Cobble. How so?

Wolf. Yes plants that ate lambs, different herbicides were processed. I will go to look for therapeutic herbs.

Leading. She walked a bun, she walked, but I did not see any ecoordoda. Circle dirt and garbage, destruction and chaos. Guys, let's remove the garbage together, we will make our city better and cleaner.


Educational work is an important aspect in the activities of the modern class leader. The teacher is a plan of events, given the individual and age features of schoolchildren.

The involvement of guys in extracurricular activities allows the teacher to form in the growing generation of the desire for self-development and self-improvement.

Extracurricular event "Key to heart - kindness"

Goal: Educating the ability to distinguish good from evil, develop a good attitude towards others, the ability to find the right, kind words.



1. Good, made in secret, pays clearly.

2. Hour in good try - I will forget all the mountains.

3. Look at the one who does not make anyone.

4. Create good to love you, good. Evil are not topical so that you will not destroy evil.




(Song sounds "Where wizards are found")

Today, our holiday is not simple - magical. And you know why? Because we will try to become wizards with you. For this we need a magic wand. What can make a magic wand? ( make people happy, heal them, help and. t. D.)

What always happens at the end of all the magical fairy tales? ( good wins evil)

Today we will answer the question: what is kindness and what does it mean to be kind? We will try to find a key to heart.

(Pupils are speaking)

Become a good wizard, well, try!

Here the tricks do not need special.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another -

Single pleasure, honest word.

On the flower flower, his leaves hung.

He sad ... What about? Guess his thoughts?

He wants to get drunk, hey, rain, fields!

And the rain flows from the leaks of your.

And what sister misses aside?

Magic do something sister!

And you turned the robust horse -

Gallop sister rushed on him.

Although mom has not returned from work

It is not difficult to know her thoughts, care.

Yes, it is necessary to mess around with cleaning again! "

And you commit a great miracle -

Paul spurla, shine tableware!

And Michanta Mom, returning home,

"Yes, it's, as in a fairy tale, the wizard you are mine!"

Teacher: - Can you help a good man? How?

And interfere with evil? How?

So, you can be wizards, because the main magic is kindness.

You noticed that the word evil is often used next to good. Good always counteracts evil, fighting him.

What is more in humans of good or evil? In front of you, the tokens symbolizing good and evil (yellow - good, black - evil). Think and choose that token that matches your beliefs. (Children choose tokens of a certain color and put on the scale of the scales)

Teacher: - We were clearly convinced that good in people are more than evil. It is not by chance that the folk wisdom says: "Kindness that the sun" and here we already have a bright, cheerful, good sun, which gives everyone to the rays.

View slides (show presentation)


What feelings did you cause these photos?

What do you remember most?

Did you meet such plots in your life?

Let's express your feelings in the song: "If good you"

(Children perform a song)

1 Freewoman goes on weekly, happiness of difficult roads.

What did you do good, what did you help people?

2 student this measure all earthly works are measured

Maybe raised a tree on the ground of Kuluda?

3 Pupil can build a rocket? Hydrostation? House?

Warming the planet melting in peaceful labor?

4 Pupil Ile under the Snow Powder Life Save someone?

Making good people - good yourself!

Teacher: - How do you understand these words? (The more you do the good people, the more beautiful you become in the soul)

Many glorious things are waiting for us, but first of all we must grow real people: good, bold, responsive, polite.

(Children perform a scene "Squirrel and Wolf")

Squirrel jumped from branches on a branch and fell straight on the sleeping wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Protein began to ask: "Let me" the wolf said: "Well, I will let you go, only if you tell me, why are you, proteins, so cheerful. I am always bored, but you look at you, you play everything there and jump. " Squirrel said: "Let me first on the tree, I'll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you." The wolf released, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:

You are boring that you are angry. You burn anger of anger. And we are merry because we do not do good and evil anyone.

Teacher: - What is the main thought? (Good to whom a good heart)

What makes a good man? (Charming, beautiful, joyful, cheerful, etc.)

5 student in the house of good deeds are busy

Quietly walks around the apartment of the kindness.

Good morning with us, good afternoon and good time.

Good evening, the night of good, it was good yesterday.

And where do you ask, so much kindness in the house?

Teacher: A kindness is a man's desire to give happiness to all people. This will help our magic wand, imagination, memory and attention. Today we will try to create a picture carrying a good picture - this is our cute and kind home, a bright garden and kindness flowers. If we answer the question "What does it mean to be kind" then we get the key to your heart and hearts of all loved ones. So, are you ready? (With a magic wand).

We start building a house - lay the foundation and bricks of wisdom and understanding. You have on various sheets of part 1 of the proverbs - you need to collect it together and disclose the meaning on the examples.

(Children perform the dance to the music "All in the world need a house")

Teacher: - along with the construction of the house is usually laid and the garden. Let's try to put it and we.

You are offered a set of different words on different sheets. You must choose the qualities that are necessary for a kind person, and we will make the crown of them from them.

1. Balked

2. harmless

3. irresponsible

4. Immorative

5. Non-flavored

6. Yesless

7. B. lagoslatel.any

8. noble

9. Chatty

10. Furious

1. Self

2. Self-confident


4. Serious

5. Boring

6. modest

7. The nervous

8. Fair

9. Hardworking

10. Sunny

2. And annoying

3. Obony

4. Fall

5. ignorant

6. delicate

7. Non-test

8. Mercy

9. Communicable

10. Correct

1. Plaxy

2. Decent

3. Own

4. Pretty


6. Pleaspel

7. Penalia

8. Potoslov

9. Reasonable

10. Zeady

(While children choose the qualities of a good man, music sounds)

Teacher: - What qualities have you chosen? You all chose the green leaflets of Crown to our garden, since these qualities are needed to good person in life. Thanks.

Pupil:Oh, how do we need good words!

More than once we were convinced of this.

Or maybe not words - are it important?

Cases - deeds, and words - words.

They live with each of us.

But for the soul before the time is stored.

To pronounce them at that age

When they are different!

Teacher: - How are our garden and a house without flowers. Let's put flowers, and let kindness of kindness will dissolve in our garden. Take the petals and write the name of the best person of our class. (We voice the names, explaining why this person called).

Here, our garden flourished.

(Children perform the song "Expensive Good")

Teacher: - Ready the house, the garden flourished, flowers bloomed, but our heart is silent. What is missing to him? (The most kind of people at home)

Take a circle and draw the most kind of people of your home.

I was not mistaken, many of you drew mom.

(Mom's appeal for children)

"The word mother"

Ukrainian folk wisdom reads: "Three misfortunes have a person: death, old age, and bad children. Old age - inevitable, death is inexorable, no one can close the doors of their house before these misfortunes. And from bad children, the house can save, as well as from the fire "and it depends not only from us, parents, but also children themselves. Hell feel the subtle mental motion of mother and father. Do not bring anxiety, chagrins, offense. Do not allow the life of parents to be poisoned by your shameful behavior. Remember that early old age and disease bring us not so much work and fatigue, how many heartlies, experiences, grief, resentment. When the heart hurts, children are sad for you, hair saddle. No offensive words are forgotten. The wound from the city heals, and the trace does not remain. And the wound from the offensive words heals, but the deep track leaves. Be kind Son, good daughter to the oldest. Hello feel the heart of the mother, you will die to see peace and peace in her eyes, happiness and joy, anxiety and anxiety, confusion and chagrin. If you do not learn to see her soul in my eyes, you will remain moral ignorant for life.

Teacher: - It seems to me that our heart fluttered.

What does it mean to be kind? (Help, maintain, feel, interested, take care, etc.)

I come to our heart and afraid whether it will open to us? Was it a kind of golden key? Open! I take the heart and take the key. I really want to give this small key to our guests. Let this golden key open the heart of each of you good deeds, good words. That ended our holiday, our magic. I ask you for a farewell to go out in a circle, take the hands and sing a song

(Children sing the song "Song about kindness")

Goal:formation of ideas from younger students about the good and evil and the responsibility of a person for the deed.


  • learning the ability to make a small story;
  • development of ability to analyze own actions and acts of others;
  • education of the desire to commit good actions.

Training: Children in advance is given to the task to remember cases from life, draw good and evil.

Equipment: Presentation of the song "If Good You ...", Exhibition of Pupils (Presentation), 4 sets of sunpers with rays, Bible.

The course of extracurricular activities

Children are sitting in a semicircle in 2 rows.

Teacher:Today we have an unusual event with you. I do not call it the topic. You guess it yourself, looking and listening to what I will show you.

1. Introductory conversation.

Did you pay attention to how this song is called?

What woven in this song?

What do you think about today we will talk to you?

2. Stories of children about the good or evil event in their lives

- At home you prepared stories, revealing your ideas about the good and evil, on the example of cases from our own life.

Tell them.

(In the course of the story, ask students questions about why he considers this case from life a good or bad, from whom the presence of good or evil in life.)

3. Acquaintance with the drawings of children

Pictures are considered alternately and listened to students' comments.

Guys, and what pictures and stories turned out to be more?

And what item was attended almost all the pictures? (the sun)

And what do you think, why?

4. Teacher: Now I will tell you the parable about two wolves.

Old Indian told his grandson:

- Inside each person there is a fight, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, egoism, ambitions, lies.

Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, courtesy, truth, kindness, loyalty.

Little Indian wondered for a few moments, and then asked:

- And what kind of wolf is wins?

The face of the old Indian touched a barely noticeable smile, and he answered.

- always wins the wolf that you feed.

How did you understand this particular?

What do you think, what act is easier to do?

Is it easy to forget the offense? Forgive?

6. Production of sunshine.

- Our life turns into the struggle over himself.

And what you become, will depend on you. Good to do hard. In the Holy Scripture (show the Bible) of God called the Sun of Truth. What do you think, why? It is God that is absolutely kind, and there is explained that God is love. We are with you the rays of God's Sun. And now we will memorize with you to find these races in yourself, to light them in yourself.

(On the tables lie rays on which words are written good, joy, peace, smile, friendship, quarrel, warm, sadness, insult.)

Go to the board. Let's compare which rays every group chose.

8. Conclusion. Outcome

Do you think that in our life more: good or evil?

Good in life is still more than evil.

And from whom and what does the availability of good and evil in life depend?

- You are right: whether the good will become even more, and the evil is less - depends on the person.

You are great!

The event ends the song Cat Leopold "if good you", the children sink.

Song Cat Leopold

Rain barefoot on the ground passed
Clees on the shoulders clapped.

And when the opposite is bad.
If a clear day is good,
And when the opposite is bad.
Hear how to ring in the sky high
Sun rays strings.

And when the opposite is difficult.
If good you are always easy,
And when the opposite is difficult.
Everyone shared his joy,
Scattering a laugh sound.

And when the opposite is boring.
If singing songs - with them cheers,
And when the opposite is boring.


  1. Children's Bible.
  2. "Primary School" (magazine) No. 6 - 2002 Article "On the issue of initial literary education and spiritual and moral education."
  3. Materials of the site

Municipal General Education

"Novodmitrian elementary school"

Scenario of extracurricular activities

"Day of kindness"


primary school teacher

Salikova Tatiana Nikolaevna

S. New Dmitrievka

Extracurricular event for spiritually - moral education for elementary school students on the topic "Day of kindness"

Objectives: raise spiritually- moral qualities of the child's personality;

    extension of the horizon;

    promote the formation of kindness and mercy in children, expand knowledge about their role in the life of every person;

    bring up a feeling of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill; Skills of culture of communication.

Equipment: Multimedia projector, musical accompaniment, leaflets with words: color, word, feeling, fabulous hero, deed; Memo with the words Sh.A.Monashvili.

The course of the event.

    Organizing time.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! We have a completely unusual day!Day filled with kindness, tenderness and caress, because we have a day of kindness!Very kind of tradition for many countries was the annual celebration of November 13 World Friend Day. For the first time, the day of kindness was held in our country in 2009 - then a flash mob took place in Moscow at the Manezh Square, which was attended by everyone. Executed Rivne at 11-00 hours took up his arms, forming a large circle, in the center of which was the globe of the world of the world. (Slideshow) - Let's also start our event with good flash bodies. (Under the song "What is a kindness?" Group "Barbarika". Children repeat the movements for the teacher).

    Work with the concept. "What is kindness?"

Kindness…. What does this word mean? (children's statement)

It's all good, kind, beautiful.

"The kindness is responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good others." Sergey Ozhegov gave such a definition of this word and noted the quality defining kindness: virtuous, good-natured, friendly, dubbed, respectable, kind, and conscientious.

What person can be called good? (children's statement)

A kind person is the one who loves people and animals, which is ready to help in a difficult moment. A kind person loves nature and takes her. A kind person loves birds and animals, helps them to survive in winter strules. A kind person tries to be careful, be polite and attentive in communicating with friends and adults.

Of course, kindness, mercy, the joy of experience for other people create the basis of human happiness.

    Monuments of kindness.

Teacher: Guys, and now I want to tell you a little about what the monuments of kindness exist in our world. (Show on slides).

- Famous modern sculptor and artist Grigory Pototsky decided to tell people: "Be kind!" And created a symbol of kindness established by him in different countries. The monument "Dandelion" was opened on October 20, 2007. In Tallinn. This is a symbol of kindness, love, friendship, unity. This is a gentle bronze flower, whose cap is composed of a variety of disclosed children's palms.

- On February 17, 2010, a monument to kindness was opened in the St. Andreyevsky Bridge in Moscow. Its symbol the organizers chose a dandelion. The monument is surrounded by benches with engraved inscriptions "Happiness", "Love", "Joy", "Dream".

- On February 4, 2009, a monument "Good Angel of the World" was solemnly opened in Penza. The monument "Good Angel of the World" is intended for the protection of the city, he personifies his defense, kindness and love.

In Odessa on the street shop there is a house with a wonderful sign "The world will save the kindness!". There are many more monuments of devotion, loyalty, friendship.

    Riddles about kindness.

Teacher: What word warms in the most fierce frost? (kind).

No need to boil silver, and what you need to boil ... (good).

When you regret good, what should I do? (good).

What words are more expensive than wealth? (good).

What business is not like? (kind).

Life is given on what are the case? (good).

  1. The fairy tale is a parable for children's "trumpetness."

Two friends worked a lot and did a lot of good for their lives. When they got to heaven, Angel flew to them and said:
- Your good occurred in front of you doors into the palaces of paradise. The Lord instructed me one of you to give the pipe of kindness. The music of this pipe will fall into the hearts of people living on Earth, and tell them about kindness.
Friends were delighted and loyed. To whom it will get a pipe.
- I was always kind of kind referred to my parents, kids and wife. I often helped the neighbors without any fee and gave money to the poor, "said one.
"My friend more than once squeezed me," his comrade confirmed him. - Thank God, I was lucky to meet in my life a lot of good people. My mother was an angel of kindness, I just had to have at least a particle of this good to return to people.
Angel gestured stopped him and handed him a huge shining tube.
- Why did you decide to give the pipe to my comrade? - offended asked the first friend. I was richer and helped people more.
- You're like a pipe when you are talking about the good one received from the other. Be similar to the grave when you are talking about good, rendered to you, "Angel replied.

Questions and tasks on the parable - a fairy tale:

Why are people more often talking about their good deeds than about other people's affairs?
- How to learn to make good deeds and no one to praise about what you did?
- Draw a kind of kind tube. (Children draw)
- Tell us about the good person in your life and his good deeds.

    On the roads of fairy tales.

And now let's guys, let's remember what fabulous heroes did good deeds, they brought joy to others. You need to guess, about whom we are talking.

1. This fabulous hero wore a broadband hat. With an excellent scarmer, he walked around cities, singing and music mined her bread. He saved dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Dad Carlo)

2. He treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

3. These were Favorite Flowers Girls, which turned out to be stronger than the snow queen and saved her friend from Ice Captivity (Gerda)

4. This girl used the last petal to help recover a sick boy. (Zhenya from "Flower-semi-deceive" Kataeva)

5. This fabulous hero helped his owner to become Marquis, marry the princess and become the owner of a huge castle. (Puss in Boots).

6. This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl, who helped the horror, the Iron Woodhouse and the cowardly lion to find what they were missing in life. (Totem).

What do these fabulous good things are distinguished, interfere with evil.

And what hero would you like to be like? Why?

7 . Play B."Associations" . Before you on leaves words:

Fabulous hero


Write what color, word, feeling, fairy-tale hero, the act is associated with kindness.

    Rules of kindness.

Teacher: And now let's call the Rules of kindness that all people must perform and then on Earth will always be peace, joy and affectionate sunshine.

1. Be friend, polite.

2. Be careful to people.

3. Do good deeds.

4. Do not answer evil for evil.

5. Help the weak, sick, small, who fell into trouble.

6. Goodbye other errors.

7. Do not greader.

8. Do not envy.

9. Sorry others.

9. The result of the class hour.

Do good - quite simple. Say again, we say that it is not necessary to create good things - it's incredibly just, good is not measured by money, sometimes - it does not require much time and strength, the main thing is to start. Even just a kind smile to an unfamiliar person - already able to work wonders, including for the man himself, who does this good. After all, besides the fact that good deeds will increase the mood, they are also how it is impossible to better affect well-being, increase vitality. After all, it is so easy - smile in the passing, hug your parents or a friend, give flowers, call friends and tell them what they are wonderful, pass the grandmother across the road, make it on the street and hang on the street for birds, tick the homeless kitten or puppy. And this list can be continued for a long time. Every year on February 17, the world marked the day of the spontaneous manifestation of kindness.

Good to be quite difficult.
Do not depend goodness from growth.
Does not depend a kindness of color
Kindness is not a gingerbread, not candy.
Kindness brings joy to people
And in return does not require award.
Kindness over the years does not age
Walked from the cold will warm.
If kindness, like the sun, shines,
Adults and children are rejoiced.

At the end of our class hour of kindness, I want to read the wonderful words of the famous teacher of Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili:

    Regardless of whether they are welcome or not waiting for him - we are good.

    Whatever your good will notice or won't notice it - we are good

    No matter how you take your good or discard him - Cre

    Regardless of what will pay you for good: good or evil - Cool Good

    Create good and no one ask permission,

    For no one is dominated over your good.

(Memo with the words of Sh.A.Monashvili receives every student)

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education of children

The House for arts and crafts for children


Scenarios educational


from the experience of the teacher of additional education Zaitseva N.V., the head of the theater team

"Play Life"

Compiler: Zaitseva N.V.- Methodist,

teacher of additional education


Educational work is an integral and important part in the activities of the teacher of additional education. Like any activity, it requires careful planning. It is necessary to affect in educational work such directions as: spiritual and moral education, heroic-patriotic education, upbringing a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, the formation of positive interpersonal relations, I.T.D.

Planning its activities in terms of educational work, the teacher sets certain goals and objectives. And when he decides with what he needs to think together with his pupils, that today is "malice" of the day, what needs to be done for the comfort of new guys, how to help the guys survive in this complex world and stay with the responsive, good , merciful, then forms for the teacher and his pupils "way of upbringing."

This collection presents various scenarios for educational events. They are different not only in content, but also in shape. Dear colleagues, the compiler hopes that these materials will be useful in your pedagogical practice.

  1. "Spring Birthdays" page 4
  2. "In the world of people" p. 6
  3. "Birthday Day" p. 8
  4. "Name Day in winter" p. 10
  5. "Concert - Imprompt" p. 12
  6. "Compliment" p. 14
  7. "Culture of the World" p. 17
  8. "The world around us" p. 23
  9. "My favorite books" p. 28
  10. «OUR RUBZAK» Page 29
  11. "Hello, individuality!" p. 31.
  12. "Behavior and Culture" p. 33
  13. "Time Travel" page 35
  14. "Allow me to introduce yourself" p. 37
  15. "Learning to manage" p. 39
  16. "Photos from the family album" p. 40
  17. "So that heard" p. 41
  18. "I love to live!" p. 49.

"Day of Spring Birthdays"

(cheerful cabbage in honor of the spring birthdays)

goal events: Development of a sense of confidence guys to each other; The formation in the team of the atmosphere of mutual support and cooperation.

Preparatory work

Pedagogue: Only a creative person will always be interesting. Each of you have our good deposits and abilities. Try your hand in creative activity next to interesting people can each. And perhaps creative discoveries will be in the future pledge of success in professional activities. Today, the topic of our congratulations guys who were born in the spring sounds like this: "I wish you happiness!". And it is like speakers that we will try to congratulate birthday women now .. Oratoric art (or eloquence) originated in ancient Greece and Rome. Speech speaker beautiful, sonorous, filled with the idea, conviction of the author. Causes an emotional rise from the listeners. You are given time in order to prepare your speech. And let's start! Good luck!

(Congratulations for birthdays).

Pedagogue: Great! Well done! I'm just sure that you have no dear birthday women so no longer congratulated!

And now the game prepared guys for you!

Musical handkerchief.

So, friends are a new game! It is called "Musical Card". Assistants in the game - ordinary handkerchiefs and ... broom. Music starts to sound, and the handkerchings are quickly transmitted in a circle. Then the master says loudly: "Stop!", The music is interrupted, and the one who did not have time to pass the handkerchiefs to his neighbor leaves the game. The music sounds again, the handkerchiefs again flies in a circle. Who remained, the winner.


Pedagogue: And now in the hands of the master appears broom. All those who stand in a circle will ask for numbers. Merry music sounds. Holding hands, everyone is dancing, moving in one, then in the other side. But the lead calls the number and releases the broom from the hands. If the player under this number did not have time to pick up the broom, he drops out of the game. Updated to become leading.



educational event

"I am in the world of people, or live in harmony with others"

(hour of wisdom)

Goal: Development of communicative skills, developing a benevolent relation to each other.

Exercise "Greeting"

Pupils are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: "Europeans", "Japanese", "Africans". Each of the participants comes in a circle and greets with all the "its" way: "Europeans" shook the hand, the "Japanese" bow to the "Africans" rubs their noses.

(This exercise charges a group of positive energy)

Pedagogue: Remember, guys, on one of our events, you had a homework - draw yourself in the form of a plant or an animal? Fine, I invite you to the opening day. Here is your booth with your work, try to guess the drawings.(Children share impressions).

Pedagogue: What did you feel when I painted? Why did you exactly portray yourself? Are you satisfied with your portrait? Why are all drawings different?

Exercise "Tangle"

Pedagogue: A person cannot exist one. It is in the system of relationship with other people. The interdendering system of relations unites people, makes it possible to effectively develop.

Is it easy for you to speak pleasant things to other children? Someone have already spoken something nice today? How are you feeling? I, I suggest you, now take turns to turn to each other with the words: "I am glad that you, Vika, next to me ..." The first playing wounds on a finger the end of the thread from the tangle and gives the tangle to someone. A participant who receives a tangle, winds a thread around the finger, turns to his neighbor and gives him a tangle. When everyone is connected by one thread, raise hands up, then lower them on your knees. It is very important to do everything at the same time so as not to destroy the common circle. At the same time, each child wures his part of the thread on the tangle, referring to another neighbor with the same words.

Exercise "Good Animal"

Teacher. I propose to imagine that the whole group turned into one big kind animal. Everyone listened to how it breathes. I suggest to breathe everyone together: inhale - everyone is doing a step forward, exhale - a step back. The animal breathes smoothly and calmly.(breathe) . And now, I suggest listening to his big heart beats. Knock is a step forward. A knock is a step back and so on. It is very important to do at the same time.

Exercise analysis.

  • Did you adhered to the designated rules?
  • Did you like the animal, part of which you were?
  • What was surprised you in this game?

Exercise "Let's live together"

Instruction. Participants are divided into pairs, forming two circles (external and internal). If, on the teacher, players standing in a pair (not negotiating) at the same time throw one finger, then look at each other in the eyes; If two fingers, then shook hands, and if three fingers are hugging. When the number of fingers in the pair does not coincide, then a command corresponding to a smaller number of fingers is performed. (Play). After the execution of three tasks, participants standing in the outer circle are moving to the right, and all tasks are repeated.

Reflection. Exchange Impressions are carried out in a circle with the transfer of a burning candle to each other.

Scenario of the educational event

"Who was born in autumn"

(cheerful cabbage in honor of summer and autumn birthdays)



Educating goodwill, friendliness.

Forming respectful attitude to each other

Pedagogue: Guys Today we gathered a friendly company for what?

(guys answers) correctly to congratulate the autumn birthday family happy birthday! Share all together their joy! Let's drink tea together, rejoice and play!

The game "Do you agree ...".

Each participant writes some task on cards. Cards are mixed and folded on the table inscription down. After that, the participants are in turn fit to the table. The teacher points to the card and asks if the participant agrees to do this (the participant does not know what task is in question).

If the participant meets consent, it fulfills the task. If the participant refuses, the teacher indicates another card. In the case when the pupil, having agreed to the task, refuses to fulfill him after he learned about what task is speaking, he pays a fine or gives Phanti.

If the participant performs the task, it receives a prize.

Job examples:

  1. Follow the concert number.
  2. A cup of tea.
  3. Say a compliment to any of the pupils.
  4. Answer the question of any of the participants.
  5. Perform the task of any of the participants.
  6. Imitate the sounds of any animal.
  7. Picture any (defined) item.
  8. Relief terrible grimace.
  9. Spoil yourself hairstyle.

10. Draw a self portrait.

11 Draw yourself a mustache and walk so 10 minutes

A game.

"Congratulations to the birthday"

(From the words on the card, make a congratulatory text)

Control, new clothes, success

Puddle, boyfriend (girl), sun, smile.

Umbrella, suitcase, happiness, salad.

Dream, friends, glasses.

Parents, love, house.

Performance, role, scene, house of creativity

Siamese Gemini game

One of the partners is prohibited to use the right hand, the other is left. At the same time, they must perform various tasks, helping, each other.

Job examples:

  • Tie a bow on the rope.
  • Put the thread in the needle.
  • Expand candy.
  • Cut out the paper is a simple figure.

That couple, which is better than others copes with the task - gets a prize.

A game. "Ending of the word"

The teacher in turn for each pair pronounces the beginning of the word. Partners choir must finish the Word. If partners call the same ending - they receive a prize point. A couple who scores the largest number of points after several rounds, receives a prize.

Example : Pedagogue says "Self-". If both participants respond "-lins," they won. And if one says "years," and the other "-sval" - the couple loses the round.


Participants distribute roles. One partner becomes "blind", another "render". "Blind" tie eyes. His goal is to fulfill an easy task (for example, pour tea) with the help of the "guide" prompts. The couple that will work most famous and effectively receives a prize.

In the final of the event, the teacher gives souvenirs to all the participants of the cabin.

Scenario of the educational event

"And we have a birthday in winter!"

(Cheerful cabbage in honor of the winter birthdays)

goal Events: develop communicative abilities and ability to live in the team.


Shape positive self-esteem

Form the ability to organize cultural leisure

Preparatory work: Preparation of cards for games.

Teacher: So, dear winter birthdays happened !!! Winter came, which means our holiday with you. Good mood with yourself? (Answers Guys) Gifts? (References of the guys), jokes and games (Answers Guys). Then let's start !!!

Greeting Telegrams game

Teacher. What birthday can take place without congratulations? And sometimes completely unexpected?! Their creative compilation is the meaning of this task. Guys, you need to make text of the telegram for our birthdays, each word of which begins with the letter that is part of the word written on the card. For example: the word "cake", the text may be like this:

Congratulations to the birthday of PTK to grow ZPT Naughty ZPT Walking PTC Aibolit

It does not matter that in your "telegrams" there may be no usual logic, the main thing is goodwill and mischief of congratulations.

Game "say phrase"

Pedagogue: You need to tell the phrase "Congratulations on your birthday!" So as if you:

  • - explain in love;
  • Commander in the parade;
  • Winnie - Pooh, going to visit the patch;
  • Guest, with a sharp Georgian accent welcoming birthday man;
  • Purrity, like a cat, basking in the sun;
  • Strive to attract the attention of the guest of the opposite sex by a flirty, playful tone;
  • Matroskin's cat telling the ball about life in the village;
  • A man who asks alms.

"Unusual compliment" game

Each receives a card indicating the words of a certain lexical group. The choice may be like this: "Economic Items", "Dishes", "Furniture", "Animals", "Birds", "Plants", "Cosmetics", etc. For one minute, the guys come up with compliments addressed to any of the birthday men within the framework of a given topic.

Pedagogue : For example, if you got the word "tableware", we can say the following: "The form of your face is the same flawlessly round, like my new frying pan" or "your hand brush is the same sophisticated as fragile and exquisite pens of the cups of my old Chinese service."

Scenario of the educational event

"Nice to meet you!"


goal Events: creating a comfortable friendly atmosphere in a circle.


Educate the desire to help;

To form a positive self-esteem, self-confidence.

Teacher: Guys, let us settle down in a creative semicircle on stage. So, I will imagine and tell you about your good features of the character and about negative, as I think. And then in a circle will continue to acquaint! Okay? Then let's start.

(Acquaintance with the characteristics of your personality)

Teacher: Okay! You are just great! Let's remember all the characteristics, and at the end of our event we will repeat, again we will repeat such acquaintance, only now we will not speak about yourself, but about comrades! And now you have a card, they are offered various etudes, choose and carry out tasks! Thus, we must have a concert-expression! By the way, you know what the word is imprompt? Imprompt is creative activities without prior preparation!

The tasks are performed.


Participants are divided into pairs and come up with an etude on the topic "Acquaintance". This can occur at the school evening, and in line, and in the library, etc. The most important thing here is the period before the first word. How did you see each other? How did you like that both want from this acquaintance? How did you decide on the first step? Etc.

« Collective etude»

Topics may be very different. For example: "Shopping toy shop": each participant comes up with a toy for himself, showing her actions. Responding to the behavior of other toys.

"Imaginary journey"

Pedagogue: Now we will go on a journey. I will describe the place where we will have, and you have to imagine, see him mentally and do what your consciousness will tell you.

So, we take imaginary backpacks from the chairs, put on them, we will go on the scene. Before you Polyana, full of wildflowers and berries. Rove flowers for a bouquet. Collect berries! But first, determine for yourself - what is a flower or berry, because I can ask you - what is it? Consider everything grows in the grass, and therefore you will not immediately see. Therefore, the grass needs to be gently spread. Well, now we went further on the road to the forest. Here flows the stream, and the board is thrown through it. Look at first! Go through the stream. We now rest and snack. Get out of the backpacks what mom gave you on the road, and snack!

And I will guess what you eat.

Note. It is better to divide into two groups. One group performs tasks, the other looks and determines who behaved more naturally and truthfully. Then you can change places.

"Sochini Fairy Tale"

Pedagogue: Different events and miracles always occur in fairy tales. We will carefully listen to our comrades who will speak on the phrase, building the plot of fairy tales. For example, the first says: "Alenushka collected mushrooms in the forest", the second "and suddenly she saw a sparkling stone .." and so on. So that the completed story turned out.

Etude. "Transformation of the room."(the whole group participates)

Pedagogue: I tearned the petal from the flowers - seven-density, threw it up and said

Fly, fly petal, in the west to the east, north, through the south, come back, making a circle. Only touched the land to be, in my opinion, led. Led us to be...... (the teacher calls the place and time of action, all depict the actions in the proposed circumstances).

Pedagogue: So, our concert-expression came to the end! Let us condemn the successes and creative finds of each of you! Become again in the creative semicircle, and speak out to your friends!



educational event

"Compliment is a serious matter?"

(talking in the game)

Goal: Development of skills to notice positive qualities in humans, express it in a friendly and pleasant form

Teacher. Dear friends, agree with the following statements?

  • A cultural person is distinguished by the ability to speak pleasantly and freely communicate with others. He may carefully listen to what the interlocutor says, will even help him express his opinion.
  • Such a person will be able to arrange even a closed or upset person to a conversation.
  • Almost every person has the opportunity to become a charming and friendly interlocutor.

Does the productive and friendly communication helps such a concept as "compliment"?

Compliment - (Fr.) - kind, pleasant words, flattering review. Alas, in the minds of some people there was an idea that a compliment is only there is flattery, the way to achieve the location or attention of another person for the sake of any personal goals. This is not true. Flying is hypocrisy, pleased with praise.

So, do you live in friendship and harmony with people. Can you always arrange to yourself? How to achieve this? Let's talk about it.

Exercise "Step towards"

Instruction. The teacher invites two pupils to go out, on the forefront, and become a face to each other from different scenes scenes. (preferably friends)

The task. You need to take a step towards each other in turn, and to say something pleasant.

Comment. Usually, the task causes an embarrassment. Not immediately pupils remember pleasant words. The first steps towards going, as a rule, are made quite large to get close to get closely. The teacher notes that even a friend, we often feel free to say good words. It is possible that some conflicts with parents and friends occur due to the fact that we are rarely telling them pleasant.

Why and how compliments are made

Pedagogue: With the help of a compliment you can fix the mood, change it to the positive side:

  • "You look so wonderful!"
  • "You made the most interesting etude yesterday, everything is just delighted!"

If your mood leaves much to be desired, then, naturally, such words will help to use and think: is it all bad? And perhaps will prevent a rapid act.

Remember when you last spoke to each other good words?

Starting to do each other, the compliments are never late. They will help get rid of quarrels and tension, support someone who is difficult.

But the ability to make compliments - a whole art! After all, compliments are different! You can say: "You are just super!", "You are wonderful!". But this option has shortcomings - it is not always clear why you praise a person. In addition, the feeling may arise that this is a kind of excuse, said from considerations of politeness, compliance with the rules of decency.

You can praise not by the person himself, but the fact that a person is expensive: "Listen, what is your wonderful brand collection! Never seen such an interesting "; "Yesterday I saw your photos at the exhibition. All around and Ahali. They say very professional. Color, composition - flawless! "

But for this you need to know the tastes and interests of a person than he is proud of what he considers worthy.

Sometimes you can make a compliment by comparing a person with expensive for you or well-known and popular people. For example: "You are the same courageous as ...", "You move as easily as ...". The only thing that must be considered is to know whether the interlocutor knows with whom they compare.

Game "King of the compliment"

Pedagogue: All pupils are seated in a circle. In the center there is a chair - throne. Everyone in the hands are cut from cardboard hearts. Some hearts in the center drawn an arrow piercing them. The participant sits on the throne selected by lot (or optional). The rest in turn tells him compliments. After that, the sitted on the throne comes to each and hands on the heart. The pierced heart is given to those whose compliment made the greatest impression. The game continues until all participants visit the throne. Then the one who scored the greatest amount of pierced hearts. It is he who becomes the king or the queen of the compliment.


  • Is it easy to find the desired wording for the compliment?
  • Is it easy to utter compliments?
  • What feelings did you experience when the compliments pronounced and when did you hear them in your address?
  • What was more pleasant - listen to compliments or pronounce them?

Pedagogue: Do not forget to notice and evaluate that good that is in your friends, loved ones, acquaintances. Several nice words spoken with a good smile are often able to turn your opponent in your supporter.

Discussion. Six rules "How to like people"

The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie in the book "How to win friends and influence people" cites six rules, which allows people to please:

Rule 1. Sincerely interest in other people.

Rule 2. . Remember that the person's name is the most sweet and most important sound for it in any language.

Rule 3. Smile.

Rule 4. . Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about yourself.

Rule 5. Speak about what interests your interlocutor.

Rule6. Inscribe your companion consciousness of its significance and do it sincerely.

During the discussion, pupils express their attitude to the rules.


educational event

"The culture of the world"


Form: polylog.

Nikolay Otrada


In the morning there will play noisy birds ...

We say: in a new one sing



To distinguish anything.


Old riding on the way.

Glory will not slow down

Alexey Lebedev

Or remember or forgotten

The smell of wind, water and pine,

On suspended roads of spring? ..

As a dream of distant sleep,

Only pines, sand, silence.

Sky crystal bowl,

Golden from the sun edge.

This youth is clean your

This tenderness is missing.

Boris Kotov


The wind threw the dust higher,

And a little weather

Suddenly hit the roof

Two rain crushers,

And, swinging the plantain,

Forcing herbs to lie down,

Cover autumn rain

He starts the Earth.

It's early early evening

Shadow will stand at the window

And in the fog dress shoulders

Potamy area.

It will be released late

Again a neighbor on the porch,

From the rain the handkerchief will close

Twood face.

Smoke falls full,

The leaves rushes in darkness ...

And the song will start again

To my heart.

Alessey Alekseevich Lebedev


educational event

"The culture of the world"

Goal: introduce pupils with the culture of the world; Continue work on patriotic education.

Form: polylog.

Materials for the event that are preparing pupils in advance.

  • The culture of the world arises as an alternative to the former system of values, the culture of war. Peaceful resolution of conflicts, interaction, consent, cooperation, accounting of mutual and universal interests, the dialogue of cultures and peoples, governments and representatives of different professions, active participation in the general conservation of peace and life on Earth - the values \u200b\u200bof the new world order.
  • Stereotypes of the culture of war is the essential characteristics of the outgoing era. This is not only a military confrontation and conflicts. This is the confrontation between countries and peoples, struggle, overcoming, alienation of people, human community from each other. This and conquest, the subordination of nature by man.
  • Movement along the "Culture of War" axis is a dead end in the development of mankind. The military-technical potential is accumulated, capable of 4,000 times to destroy all living on Earth. The fact of such "measurements" deprives - as if life can be destroyed twice.
  • The culture of the world is a culture of creating and maintaining connections. Only together - man and nature, countries and peoples, scientist and practices, teacher and student - all we are able to ensure a happy and gracious life on our beautiful planet.
  • Consent, cooperation, interaction, sympathy, compassion, empathy, dialogue of cultures and systems of values, openness of the world - the components of the new culture. Harmony of people and nature is the path to the culture of the world.
  • The culture of the world is a careful, thoughtful attitude towards nature, the ability to see and feel her beauty, maintain and multiply her wealth. Overcoming their indifference in relation to nature, the culture in the mirror of the world reserves reserves itself, draws the strength of the power in the attention of the open world to himself and the world itself reflects the world.

Possible questions for discussion.

How do you understand the concept of "value"?

What, in your opinion, is the value for a modern person?

What, in your opinion, was the value for another 20 years ago, and now I have lost your meaning?

Poems that can be used during the discussion.

Nikolay Otrada


He is such that they do not describe immediately

Because you can not immediately understand!

Rain goes .... We say: never

It was not heavy rain this summer.

It is only possible to lick the dala - remember your youth.

In the morning there will play noisy birds ...

We say: in a new one sing


My fields, valleys, thickets, Suns Unprecedented rays -

This is a world, green and murder, smelling with flowers and speech.

He lives in the foliage of thick acacias, in a bird whistle, in the talk of the stream.

Only we can not be forgotten


To distinguish anything.


So that the earth bloom in all its glory,

So that the life of bloom, buzzing lava,

Old riding on the way.

Well, as for fame -

Glory will not slow down

Alexey Lebedev

Or remember or forgotten

The smell of wind, water and pine,

Pillar rays of permeated dust

On suspended roads of spring? ..

Or remember is no longer possible

As a dream of distant sleep,

For railway platform

Only pines, sand, silence.

Sky crystal bowl,

Golden from the sun edge.

This youth is clean your

This tenderness is missing.

Boris Kotov


The wind threw the dust higher,

And a little weather

Suddenly hit the roof

Two rain crushers,

And, swinging the plantain,

Forcing herbs to lie down,

Cover autumn rain

He starts the Earth.

It's early early evening

Shadow will stand at the window

And in the fog dress shoulders

Potamy area.

It will be released late

Again a neighbor on the porch,

From the rain the handkerchief will close

Twood face.

Smoke falls full,

The leaves rushes in darkness ...

And the song will start again

To my heart.

Brief bibliographic certificates about the authors:

Boris Aleksandrovich Kotov (1909-1942).In the spring of 1942, Boris Kotov went to the army and became a mortar in one of the rifle parts. September 29, 1943 he died in battle at the Dneprovskoye bridgehead. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Sergeant B.A. Kotov's posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Alessey Alekseevich Lebedev(1912-1941). On the eve of the war A. Lebedev finished the Higher Naval Red Banner School named after Frunze. In November 1941, a submarine, on which A.A. Lebedev was a navigator, when performing a combat task in the Finnish bay, poured for mine. Lieutenant A. Lebedev died with his ship.

Nikolay Karpovich Turchkin (Nikolai Otrada) (1918-1940).In December 1939, he left the Finnish front volunteer. He fought in the 12th ski battalion. On March 4, 1940, the death of brave was killed in cruel battle.


educational event

"The world around us "

(Flowers in legends and legends)

Goal : education of love for native nature, development of observation and interest in the world around.

The form: Collective creative business.

Preparatory work.

Divide the pupils into several small groups - "connoisseurs of nature" who need to choose the material and tell about one or more colors (name, myths, legends, legends, poems about colors, their healing properties, etc.). The story should be bright, emotional, using visual material (photo, painting, presentation, suit), music, poems.


Body in the forest, in the field, in the village, in the country, you can see a lot of amazing and interesting in your native nature. We will talk about colors with you, without which our land would not be so beautiful. Blue, red, yellow, pink - they, like multi-colored lanterns, flashed along paths, in glades, flower beds, near rivers and streams.

Many flowers are a real forest pharmacy that helps a person to preserve health, extend the life and cure from the ailments. Great Jean Jacques Russo spoke to his friends "When you notice that I am very sick and little hope for my recovery, demolish me to the meadow, and you will see that I will be fine again!" . We are still learning a lot about the colors at our event, but it will be next. And now quiz.


  1. What plant according to legend blooms on the night of Ivan on the purchase? (Fern)
  2. What flower appeared to the light of the thumbnail? (from tulip)
  3. What flowers grew in Kay and Gerda? (Roses)
  4. What flower grew on the planet of a little prince (Tale by A.De Saint-Exupery "Little Prince")? (Rose flower)
  5. What plant love cats (Valerian)
  6. What flower translated into Russian means "star"? (Aster)
  7. Favorite flower of the German poet V. Goethe? (Violet)
  8. What colors most often give women on the eighth of March? (Mimosa)
  9. What flowers took with me to the cockpit of the aircraft Valery Chkalov, going out in 1937 in the flight across the North Pole in America? (Vasilka)

Final word teacher.

Materials for the event.

Poems about colors.

S. Yesenin.

Flowers tell me for goodbye,

Heads nodding low.

You will no longer see close

Native field, fatherland.


I do not like flowers from bushes,

I do not call them colors.

Although I touch them with mouth,

And I will not find delicate words.

I just love the flower,

Who wore roots to the ground

I love him and accept,

How northern our cornflowers.

A.K. Tolstoy.

My bells,

Floweries steppe!

What to look at me

Dark blue?

And what do you keep

Per day cheerful May

Impairment of certain grass

Head shaking?

S.P. Beauty

Bowful light droplet

In a meadow colored pattern

Forget-me-not sun plunder,

Like a bead in a carpet.

I.P. Matlev

How good as fresh roses

In my garden! How my eyes seduced!

How I prayed autumn frosts

Do not touch them with a cold hand!

Like i am shore like i cherished

My colors are cherished, expensive!

I seemed to me, joy flourished in them,

It seemed to me, love breathing in them.

S.P. Beauty.

Golden in silver

Narcissus Song in Crystal.



Bend over flower

Infirmity will fill.


The kidneys blossomed, the forest moved,

The bright rays were fledged;

On his outskirts, fragrant grass,

Love in the sun Lily of the Lily of Golden ...


On the fields removed the wind sweat

Willow loosened behind the pond.

The path has a small snowdrop

Fired blue lights.

Hardened, weak and flexible,

Rejoice in surprise everything.

And in response a friendly smile

The sun leans towards him.

A.N. Plescheev

How my garden is fresh and green!

Blossomed in him lilac;

From cherry siny

And from the lip curly shadow ...

True, there is no pale lilies in it,

Proud dahlias,

And only the motley heads

Eleves the poppy one.

Yes sunflower at the entrance,

As if faithful watch,

Wakes up the track

All the peeing grass ...

S. Kirsanov.

I am not a steppe -

I go on a pharmacy,

Take up in her

Herbal file.

Infinite steppe

Endless steppe

You are written in nature

Wise recipe.

Legends about colors.


The young statutory peasant guy Vasily loved the beauty of the mermaid, and he replied to her reciprocity. They were very happy, just could not agree, where they best live together. Mermaid called Vasily in the cute heart of the cool waters of the river, and the young Pacquer wanted to settle from the native fields. For a long time they argued, persuaded each other, but no one wanted to give up. Then the mermaid decided on the last extreme: he turned it into a modest blue flower - Vasilek. She hoped that Blue Flower was Vasily - Vasilek sooner or later comes to her water house. But it did not wait: Vasilek tightly keeps roots for arable land and is inseparable with native fields.

(Ukrainian legend)


He lived in one village of a parenchy named Ivan, who walked in a red journey and loved most of the time to spend on the edges among flowers and shrubs. He cared for flowers, took new varieties and dreamed of something in silence. And the villagers, jealous of the red shirt flashing among the greenery, said:

Yes, this is Ivan, tea goes there? (In this area, people in their speech put the introductory word "tea").

And before that, they were accustomed to this that they did not notice the absence in the village of Ivan. And when the Okolitsy suddenly appeared invisible early scarlet flowers, began to say: "Yes, it is Ivan tea!". So began to call them. In addition, if the leaves of this plant brew boiling water, then a pleasant refreshing drink will be.

(Russian legend)


Virgo Maria, as a child, somehow looked at the sky at the sky, destroyed by sparkling stars, and made a desire: how well it would be good if these amazing stars became earthly flowers and she could play with them. And as soon as the stars heard this wish, they reflected in crystal drops of dew shining on earthly plants. On the other morning the Sun illuminated the earth, and everyone saw that it was covered with like small asterisks - white flower. Virgo Maria was in admiration, decorated themselves and exclaimed that they would always be her favorite flowers and let them be called Mary's flowers - daisy.

(Christian legend)

No discard

One day the goddess of Flora flowers came down to the ground and began to distribute the names to all colors on Earth. All the flowers were gifted by the names, no one missed a wonderful goddess and wanted to remove it, as Suddenly heard someone's weak slim voice:

Do not forget me, Flora! Give me some kind of name!

Flora looked around, looked around and wanted to leave, so did not see anyone. But the voice repeated and asked for himself a name. And then only Flora noticed among the grass a small gentle flower of blue. The goddess laughed and said it would be called forget-me. And with this name, she endowed him wonderful power - to return the memory of those people who will begin to forget their homeland and their loved ones.

(Ancient Greek legend)


When Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, it was a heavy snow, and Eve was very cold and sad. Then a few snowflakes cleared over her, fell to the ground and turned into flowers - snowdrops. Seeing them, Eve was delighted, having fun, she had hope, and since then the Snowdock became a symbol of joy and hope.

(Christian legend)


God of Light Apollo pursued one of the beautiful daughters of the Atlas, which flee from him in fear.

And when he almost overtake her, the girl with a plea appealed to Zeus, so that the stume was covered with Apollo. The Great Zeus was compressed and turned her into a blooming violet, hiding in the shade of his forests. Since then, every spring she bloomed and filled with his fragrance of heavenly forests, pleaseing the gods and goddesses.

Perhaps this flower would have remained in heavenly forests and never got to the ground. But one day, young perverse, daughter of Zeus and Demeters, dreamed violet, choosing the most tender and beautiful for her bouquet. Then, the gloomy underground kingdom of AID also burst into her and wanted to kidnap her. Persephone rushed away, pressing torn flowers to his chest, but Aid still caught up with her. In fright, she dropped violets, and they fell to the ground. That's where the duality is in the worship of the flower in the ancient Greeks: on the one hand, the violet is a sign of sorrow and mourning, on the other - the symbol of spring and coming nature.

(Ancient Greek legend)


The Maritime Tsarevna Volkhov loved the young man Sadko, who played perfectly on the feet, and he gave his heart to beauty Lyubava. Sad Volkhova went ashore and began to cry bitterly. And where the tears of the princesses fell, the valley rose - a symbol of purity, love and sorrow.

(Old Russian legend)


The FVAN Tsarina Alqueman gave birth to Herakla's boy's Zeus, but, fear of revenge Ges - Zeus's wife, hid the baby in a dense shrub. However, Gera accidentally discovered him and decided to feed his chest. But the little herak was felt in the hero of the enemy and pushed her. Milk splashed on the sky, which is why the Milky Way was formed, and a few drops fell to the ground and turned into snow-white lilies.

(Ancient Greek legend)


educational event

"My favorite books. My favorite writer. My favorite poet"

Goal: Education of love for book, reading. Development of skills to allocate in the text mainly significant.

Form: Competition.

Preparatory work.

Pupils are preparing an exhibition of the most favorite books or works of any writer, poet. At least 5 books should be presented at the exhibition. The exhibition should be aesthetically decorated. It will be not bad if the guys will pick up epigraphs, drawings, music to their exhibitions.

Book review includes the following:

Name of books and their summary.

The main idea, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book.

Characters of books and your attitude towards them.

What did you like the book?

The brightest episode in the book. Speech pupil.

Registration of the audience.

"People cease to think when they stop reading" (D. Didro)

"Among the books, as among people, you can get into a good and bad society."

Contest's course.

Presentation of the jury.

Book review (up to 5 minutes). Criteria for evaluation:

Selection of interesting books.

Aesthetic design.

Expressiveness and originality of design.

Fullness and quality view (sequence, clarity, emotionality, spoken brightness).

The jury summarizes the contest, celebrates the winners and the most original, interesting exhibitions and performances, presents pre-prepared diplomas and prizes.


educational event


goal : Create an atmosphere of interest in each other.

Form: Exprompt game.

Preparatory work:

Teacher, taking into account the specifics of his mug (communicability, openness, mobility: whether there is a new one in the circle, etc.), thinks out: The method of dividing a mug into a microgroup, an introductory word, builds the game and tasks in a logical sequence, prepares the necessary stationery.

The teacher divides pupils on 3-4 microbroups and departs children so that each microbroup is convenient to work together. The teacher explains the guys the purpose of such a meeting is to get to know each other and see what kind of team are we?

If everyone looks into his backpack, it will find there many different things similar to those that have others, but still perfectly special. So in our team: everyone is special, but everyone has something in common. We are all one team. Let's now imagine that we collect one big backpack - a backpack of our mug. So, now each group will try to work together and quickly perform tasks. Folding all together, we find out what kind of team we have?

Try to make a collective portrait of your microGroup. Answer the questions:

What is your all age?

What is all the growth together? The weight?

What color are your eyes? Your hair?

What musical instruments do you know how to play?

What kind of sports do you do?

Which mugs still go?

MicroGroups for 3-5 minutes make up a description, then in turn represent their portraits. This is usually funny descriptions. It is important that during the work, the guys talk about themselves. Because it happens in the game, then those children who have been able to come into contact with the mansion, they have been "closed". The first task creates a benevolent atmosphere.

Teacher: And now let's see what special features have each group:

Let's consider which group most of the brothers? Sisters?

Which group in the house most lives cats? Dogs?

Who has other animals?

Teacher: See, we have their own records. We will continue their list.

Name the shortest name in your group.

Name the shortest name.

Who has a birthday before all a year?

Who has a birthday later all a year?

What time of year in your group most of all days of birth: in winter? Spring? In summer? In autumn?

Teacher: And now on the sheet that I distributed you, the felt-tip pen portray the friendly cartoon of your group. It is necessary that it turns out from those subjects that indicate your hobbies.

In conclusion, the teacher reports everything that was created by microbroups, and calls the features that our team can be characterized. The teacher offers all year to replenish "our backpack": to collect all the achievements of the mug. And at the end of the year to "open" a backpack and rejoice to the general success and success of personal.


educational event

"Hello personality, or what I am different from others"

(revelation hour)

Goal: development of self-knowledge skills and self-acceptance.

Game for Greeting "Affectionate Name"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher asks to remember how they are affectionately called at home. Then it is proposed to throw each other ball. A child who falls the ball calls his tender name. After everyone names their names, the ball rushes in the opposite direction. At the same time, you need to remember and call the affectionate name of the one who throw the ball.

Conversation "What do I know about myself?"

Pedagogue: What, besides our appearance, makes us unlike others? In the form of a group conversation, various areas of manifestation are discussed. What do children differ from each other? What about them in common? Participants are given an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structural components of the personality:

  • "I am a physical" (my body, age, gender, features of appearance);
  • "I am intellectual" (my mind, ideas, interests);
  • "I am emotional" (my feelings, experiences);
  • "I am social" (every person plays a lot of social roles at the same time: you are a student at school, the son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter; In addition, you are a collector, an athlete, a participant of theatrical studio).

It is necessary to show the importance of knowledge about yourself and positive self-education.

The game "Who am I?"

Teacher. Guys, you need to write 10 definitions responsible for "Who am I?" and their characteristics. Answers should look like this:

Analysis. What is the ratio of positive and negative ideas about yourself? What definitions did you put in the first place? Why are these manifestations for you so much?

The game "Homeless Hare"

Participants are seared on the chairs set in the circle. One chair is cleaned. In the center of the circle remains leading. At the request, he chooses a sign that has a certain number of participants, and asks them to change places. For example: "Change in places all those who have blond hair" (who loves dogs, is fond of dancing, etc.) possessing these signs get up and change in places with each other. The task of the lead is to take the vacation place. The one who did not have enough stool becomes the lead and coming up with a new sign.

Exercise "Find yourself"

Instruction. Pupils The mug is offered a set of various items: shell, various toys, volumetric geometric shapes, etc. It is proposed to look at them and choose one item most liked and a close member. Task: come up with and tell the story, a fairy tale, a parable about this subject.

Tips Charlie Chaplin

Each person is capable of much if it will be able to look into yourself and see the grain that will give reasonable shoots. In adolescence, you need to learn to make decisions, make independent actions and carry responsibility for them. The act makes a person. Each person is individual. Think over what features are only characteristic of you. Any child is interesting and talented. How to become a person able to fully realize their potential? It is necessary to listen to the advice who offer people who have right.

  • Do not be afraid to make a decision and bring it to the end.
  • Keep the workability, the charge of creativity and reasonable risk.
  • Look for a positive and demonstrate it.
  • Do not be arrogant and do not be afraid to ask questions.
  • Search for interest in various matters and try yourself in them.
  • Do not miss moments of good luck.
  • Do not place impossible requirements to yourself, but at the same time strive to conquer new heights.
  • Listen to yourself and study yourself. It will give you strength to move forward.
  • Clearly determine your advantages and disadvantages. This contributes to success.
  • Learn to rejoice in everybody's stay and learn lessons from it.
  • Love people, and they will answer you the same.


Homework.Draw yourself in the form of a plant or animal.


educational event

"Behavior and Culture"

(hour of communication)

Goal: stimulating behavioral changes, training for effective interpersonal communication.


All participants get up in two circles (internal and external) face to each other.

The task: greeting each other eyes, head, hands, words.

Exercise "Massage in a circle"

Everyone stands in each other, palms lie on the shoulders standing ahead. Each child begins to carefully massage the shoulders and the back of standing ahead. Two minutes later, all turn 180 degrees and massage shoulders and back to the partner standing on the other side.

Teacher: Can a person who has a lot of advantages to be non-cultural? Is there any mutual relationship in the concepts of "behavior" and "culture"?

Cultural behavior is:

  • human behavior in accordance with those standards that have developed and which this society is supported;
  • certain communication methods that prompt the rules of behavior in one situation or another.

These ways of communication are taught us:

  • correctly behave at the table;
  • be polite and helpful with the elders;
  • be able to behave in a substantial and well-known society;
  • be able to behave with friends.

Culture of behavior is raised since childhood. Good manners are needed to everyone. If they become the internal need of people, then they will help to greatly eliminate many reasons for a bad mood, which is still generated by the rudeness and the uncompatory of people. "Good decency is based on, as well as the requirements of a good taste, for common sense, on the laws of the human tact, which are produced without much difficulty in everyone who is demanding for themselves and attentive to people" (Lion Cassil). In the models of their behavior in various situations, it is not based on the need to abide by external decency, but for its conscience - measure of human cultures.

Exercise "Evaluate the situation"

Instruction. Participants work in pairs. They get cards indicating the situation that you want to play. The rest of the children appreciate the replicas and the behavior of the guys in the situation. Flags are used to evaluate the roles played roles: a red checkbox - a person comes dangerous; Green flag - a man comes true; Yellow checkbox - a man comes right.

Situation 1. Coupe train. Three people go in it. At the next station comes a new fellow traveler. How will people communicate in the coupe?

Situation 2. The store is a queue. You asked the last in line to warn those who are suitable later, that you moved to another department. When you came and took our place, people began to resent. Your actions.

Situation 3. Your best friend behaves wrong. You know that. Your actions.

The guys express an opinion on the playful situation, and puts forward the versions of the correct behavior.



Exercise analysis.{!LANG-c84820d3c6a04c1e1e2700217b1b0e21!}


Scenario of the educational event




Preparatory work:{!LANG-f445e6da83cbd065df6f21cce00f401b!}




















educational event













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