Whitening T-shirt at home. Changed color T-shirts: whiten white chlorine? Disinfectants: Peroxide, Manganese

White T-shirts are becoming increasingly popular in our time, especially in the summer, but the material of this color is very quickly smearing or yellowing, and then the question of how to whiten the white T-shirt is relevant.

Having understood the elements of clothing with the fact that these elements will save their financial resources, because it is much easier to remove spots with a white T-shirt using chemicals or home ingredients.

Written by the question of how to whiten a white T-shirt at home, the first thing to do is to choose the means that make the dirt from this element of clothing.

The best methods, how to bring a stain with a white T-shirt or remove the yellowness with it, are the following:
  1. White. This method will help remove the old stain on a white T-shirt. The cleaning method is rather radical. To use whiteness, it is necessary to connect 3 liters of clean water with a small amount of detergent, and then one large spoon of bleach is added to the mixture. Mike is soaked in solution for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. After soaking, clothing need carefully rinse in cold water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Thus, we whiten all the yellowed areas present at the T-shirt. The thing for 15 minutes is soaked in warm water, and then hydrogen peroxide is applied to the contaminated sections. After the appearance of barely audible hisss, you can be sure that the reaction went and starts the process of removing yellow spots. After a few minutes, clothes need to be wrapped in clean water, and if the result is insufficient, then you can re-use hydrogen peroxide.
  3. The answer to the question of how to remove the stain present on the T-shirt, is the use of a solution from mangartage and economic soap. Initially, 100 grams of soap takes and dissolves in 10 liters of boiled water, a weak permanganate solution is added to this mixture. T-shirts on which the yellowing is removed is placed in the resulting composition for a period of 6 to 7 hours. After a complete cooling of water, clothing is rinsed. Soap can be replaced with a washing powder.

Despite the fear of many owners that manganese can paint the T-shirt even more, it is not. The combination of soap, mangalls and water is the ideal solution to how to whiten the T-shirt at home.

Despite all the difficulties in finding a response, how to wash a white t-shirt from different stains, much more than many housewives care how to whiten the T-shirt with a pattern.

The first thing to be remembered when looking for an answer to the question, how to wash T-shirts with a print - this is the fact that the drawings on such clothes are applied using thermal printing. This procedure is characterized by the fact that in the process of applying the paint pattern, the paint is strongly absorbed into the fibers of the tissue, so they are almost completely scorched. As a result, such a pattern you do not remove even with the help of the strongest bleachers, it is noted that such types of pastes can be soaked even in the chlorine-containing bleach.

You can also use the following species of bleaching:
  • optical - create the illusion of bleaching, the stains do not dispense them;
  • oxygen - the most appropriate type of bleach, because it does not worsen the condition of the tissue fibers, and it can be applied even during machine washing.

Clean such T-shirts in the washing machine is not recommended, since it is when friction about the drum can be harmful to the drawing. If you are not afraid that with disgraced things can happen something, you can take a chance, but you must use a special bag for washing.

Now you know how to wash the T-shirt with the help of a typewriter and how to wash a T-shirt manually, but it would be much easier to look for a method, how to wash your t-shirts, but prevent their pollution and yellowing.

In order not to look for the methods that are spots with a white T-shirt, such rules should be followed:
  1. When performing manual and machine washing, follow the temperature regime of water. Heavily hot water and overheated iron can leave yellow spots on a white T-shirt.
  2. T-shirts made of natural fabrics are allowed to dry under the open sunshine, but in the case of synthetic clothing from this will have to be abandoned, because there is a possibility that yellow or gray traces will remain on the T-shirt.
  3. Before placing things in the closet, they must be dried, since traces of mold can appear on wet things, which are almost impossible to remove.

Observing these 3 basic rules, you can be sure that the way of removing with white t-shirts of stains or yellow traces you will have to look no more.

Finally, it is important to note that the washing of such a color of the Mains is best done by hand, since the machine wash will not be able to carefully cope with pollution and will have to be washing several times.

In any store, there is a large selection of various bleachers and specialized means for light things. As a rule, they stand quite a few, so there is not everyone. Such formulations are not always effective, besides, their components are capable of destroying the fabric. Many women erase white clothes together with color, as a result of which it is painted and acquires an unpleasant shade. Folk remedies will help correct the situation.

Maintaining whiteness of things not and difficult

If you have got a problem, as at home to whiten a white t-shirt, it is necessary to solve it immediately. You do not have chemical compositions for bleaching? Replace them with other components that are almost in every home.

This substance is able to restore the snow-white color of things, but at the same time it can significantly complicate the solution to the issue. To avoid this, it is necessary to accurately comply with the recommended dosages. Otherwise, the material will receive damage, and the clothes will serve a much smaller period.

To remove the gray and yellowness, dissolve acetic acid in the water, lower the product into the resulting solution and set up thirty minutes. Clothes periodically turn over the mixture is well absorbed into the fabric. Slow up the process will help some food soda.

Spots of various origin will help to eliminate. Moisten a brush or a napkin with a napkin prepared on the basis of household soap and vinegar, and carefully process the stain. Then slip things and post by adding a powder containing phosphorus or enzymes.

An indispensable means that can withdraw the stains of any complexity. Soak clothes in the water, adding three spoons of peroxide into it. It is very important to comply with the recommended concentration of the substance. If you add a large amount of means, it can destroy the fabric, and if there is an embroidery or metal decor on things, they will sweep.

Hydrogen peroxide

Mix the finished solution and lower the contaminated thing into it. Wait about forty minutes so that all active substances have absorbed into the fabric. After the set time expires, get the product, rinse, wipe and dry in the sun. Ultraviolet will significantly strengthen the effect. Instead of peroxide, you can use hydroperite tablets: nine pieces for ten liters of water. They must be dissolved in water, after which they treat all the problem areas.

One of the option, how to return the whiteness to the spent and white things - the usual soda. She quickly restores the original color of your clothing. But in its pure form, it is not worth it - there will be no effect. The substance can be combined with ammonia. Mix the mixture and lower the product into it for four hours. The solution regularly stirred. Then neatly press, rinse several times and wash the way convenient for you.

Baking soda

For washing, it is advisable to apply powder with phosphorus or enzymes - it will help to solve the problem faster and restore the former whiteness.


This substance can withdraw the most difficult and time-based pollution. It also returns snow-white color and original beauty. To get the desired result, mix the ammonia and water, the temperature of which does not exceed thirty degrees. Lower the product into the solution and leave for three hours. To speed up the process, add a bit of economic soap. When the time comes out, rinse the product in a large volume of water and wipe. Drying in the sun will improve the bleaching process.

The original way to restore the whiteness of things is a mangartan. It will help remove yellow stains that appeared on light fabric, and any other contamination. For processing, prepare the following solution: add powder into water with enzymes and a little manganese, so that the water becomes slightly pinkish.

Dirty thing Wear, lower in the cooked solution and cover with plastic film to overlap the access of oxygen. Clothes withstand until the mixture cools, then rinse and send to washing. Manganese should be used carefully, otherwise the thing will not become white, brown.

In economic supermarkets, you can find many different funds with which your things will be perfectly clean again. This is the easiest way to get rid of yellow spots that appeared on clothes.

Manufacturers produce three options whitening substances:

  1. Oxygen - universal bleaching option. Such formulations do not adversely affect fabric, therefore are considered safe. But it is possible to apply them only in cool water.
  2. Chlorine-containing is an aggressive composition, so it is not applicable for delicate materials. But for flax or cotton is one of the best options.
  3. Optical - returned whiteness from small crystals that settle on the fabric and give it a snow-white color. If there are colored inserts on the product, under the influence of the optical bleach, they can be very modified.

Methods of washing different clothes

To get the maximum result, when washing, you need to take into account the features of this or that object of clothing. White socks are best to wash with the help of economic soap - it has an excellent whitening effect. Also soap suitable for manual washing of underwear.

It is recommended to use a mixture prepared on the basis of ammonic alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. And the best remedy for yellow spots appearing on T-shirts and white shirts from sweat - boric acid. Kitchen towels are perfectly brightening the remedies, and if they do not help, buy bleach, which are designed to remove stains. If you want to restore the whiteness of bed linen, post it at high temperatures.

If you have a lot of bright clothes, you will have to constantly fight yellow and gray spots. But if you follow certain rules, you can not allow them to appear:

  • do not apply bleach on the material or do not mix them with the ammonia;
  • if the water is rigid, be sure to add a softening agent into it;
  • natural materials erase separately from synthetics, and white things separate from color;
  • in the presence of strong contaminants, it is pre-soaked a thing that dissolves bleaching components in water;
  • white things stitched from delicate fabrics, erase only in a special mesh bag - it will protect them from deformation.

Reading time: 3 minutes

White T-shirts is one of the most beloved garardo items of men, women and children. This universal thing is worn with jeans and skirts, put on with a native clothes under shirt and pullovers.
A significant disadvantage of such products is that over time they can lose the initial appearance.

What is the problem

The main problems that may arise with incorrect care for such things:

One way or another, you have to decide how to wash a white T-shirt at home.

  • Carefully sort the underwear before washing. White things can not be mixed with color, otherwise they can paint.
  • You should also sort the T-shirts on and wash them in water of different temperatures.
  • White T-shirts with color stripes or embroidery should be washed in warm water.
  • When using bleachers with chlorine content, it is necessary to carefully rinse the underwear so that it does not purchase the yellow shade and the structure of the fabric does not spoke.
  • If you are going to bring a stain with a white T-shirt with the help of folk methods or household chemicals, but do not know how. Do not hurry, first check the selected tool at an invisible place (inner seam).
  • Remember that getting rid of the gray shade on white things much more difficult than preventing its appearance. Start watching white clothes immediately after purchase.

Means for washing

So that white remains white, clothing should be washed with special powders. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers produce washing powders and liquid detergents (gels) specially intended for white things. They contain many more substances that give the tissue whiteness.

Normal washer

Natural fabrics (cotton) are erased in hot water, and if there are severe contaminants, they can even boil them.

  • Machine. Things that can be washed in a machine machine, you need to lay in the drum and set the appropriate type of tissue mode. The washing powder or liquid detergent falls asleep in the compartment for household chemicals, and the gel is better put in a measuring cup right into the drum.
  • Manual. Manually usually erased not very dirty things, as well as made of delicate materials or decorated with decorative details.

The water temperature for things from synthetic tissues should not be too high (optimal - 30-40 degrees). If you wash white t-shirts from very hot water, after a while they will get an ugly gray or yellow shade.
Dry white cotton things better in the sun, it helps to save the brightness of the color.

Against yellow spots from sweat

Very often, yellow spots are formed on white T-shirts in the field of armpits, from which it is difficult to get rid of even with the most modern means of household chemicals, and often the thing is simply emitted.

In combating them can help one of the folk recipes.

  • You need to mix the teaspoon of food soda and the juice of half of the lemon.
  • Wash the T-shirt with warm water, put it in an empty container (plastic pelvis).
  • Apply a foam mixture on those zones on which there are yellow traces from sweat, and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse with warm water and wash with powder or gel.

Traces from Deodorant

Also frequently found problem. Deodorant is mixed with then leaves visible traces on T-shirt. First, they are noticeable only with the inside, and then manifest themselves from the outside.
They are dispersed in very hot water with powder, a household soap or a tool for washing dishes (so that particles of fat are dissolved). The tool is applied to polluted areas, a clutch with a soft brush and leave not several hours. Then washed in hot water.

Giving snow-whiteness

To restore the initial whiteness of products, you should use the optical bleach.

It contains special substances that create a thin fluorescent film on the surface, which increases the intensity of the reflected light of the violet blue spectrum, and the thing seems to be snow-white. This effect of white is visible in daytime and ultraviolet light.

Strong pollution

How to wash hardware, peach, rust and other white t-shirts? If it is difficult to remove stains on T-shirts, you can use a stain remover, bleach or one of the folk recipes.

Stains are currently produced in the form of sprays, gels, powders and sticks (pencils).

  • Any of these funds should be applied to the stain and leave for impact (time is indicated on the packaging of the means).
  • Then the thing is erased with the usual way.

If you decide to take advantage of the bleach, then simply diverse it in warm water and soak the T-shirt in it for two hours. Then you need to carefully rinse the thing and wash with a powder for white.

How can you hide a stain on a T-shirt, if there was no special means at hand? Hydrogen peroxide comes to the rescue. This popular antiseptic agent is perfectly coping with difficult-derived stains of various origin. The stain you need to drop the peroxide and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse and wash. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Begin to take care of the white broadcast immediately after purchase, when washing, observe the temperature regime corresponding to the type of fibers, and use specialized household chemicals. Then things will delight you with freshness and white for a long time.

To restore the lost whiteness of things, they usually resort to dry-cleaning services or acquire expensive means. But there are many ways to give them a dazzling whiteness at home, using substances that are available in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the first-aid kit. They will help to avoid circulation into dry cleaning to give a T-shirt of the pristine whiteness. People's methods will come to the rescue.

Chemicals bleaching are divided into 3 groups:

  • chlorine-containing;
  • oxygen;
  • optical.

Oxygen bleaching agents are effective only at low water temperature.

Optical bleach creates the effect of white-white T-shirts at the expense of microparticles deposited on the fabric, but can change the shade of the drawing on the T-shirt.

Folk Methods

You can give whiteness things without the use of chemicals. There are many people's ways to whiten the T-shirt.


This is a popular way to care for things. It is perfect for linen, cotton fabrics. T-shirts boiled in an enameled tank. You can boil at the same time only white things so that the T-shirt does not paint. It is necessary to put on the bottom of the white rag on the bottom, to add any means for washing and the ammonia alcohol (on 10 liters of water is required to be 1 tbsp.). Boil duration - at least 1 hour. Periodically need to stir underwear.

There is a modern alternative to this method - washing in the car at a temperature of 95 degrees.

There is another boiling method. For whitening, it will be necessary:

  • fill with cold water capacitance (8-9 l);
  • add 3 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • pour 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Periodically stirring for 30 minutes. Stretch and rinse several times.

Laundry soap

This tool is capable not only to restore the whiteness of T-shirts, but also to eliminate sweat stains. It should be predetermined by the economic soap of the problematic places of T-shirts, leave it for 20 minutes. Prepare a warm solution of household soap, soak it for 2 hours. Stretch manually.

Lemon juice

You can quickly whiten the T-shirt with lemon juice. However, the method does not help to cope with stains. In warm water (10 l), it is necessary to add juice, squeezed from 2 medium size lemons. Soak and leave a t-shirt for a long time, you can at night. In the morning rinse.


With the help of soda, you can wash the spent thing. The method is suitable for the care of things made of cotton, flax, natural fabrics, synthetics. Procedure:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda in 1 l warm water.
  2. Add 1 tsp. Ammonic alcohol, stir.
  3. Soak t-shirt for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash and carefully rinse.

You can use soda when washing children's things. It destroys outsiders, disinfects.

Washing T-shirts with Pattern

If the drawing is applied with thermal printing, and the T-shirt sent, then even the chlorine-containing bleachers will not be able to damage. If the drawing is made of thermal blind, then it follows:

  • use oxygen bleach;
  • wash only manually in warm water.

With such care for things, the drawing on a white t-shirt will not lose its brightness, and the fabric surrounding it will become snow-white.

Each host faces the problem of whitening clothes. White things, especially popular T-shirts, quickly are hung and easily "caught up", losing pristine whiteness. Yellow spots from sweat contribute to their pollution into the question of their pollution, who can deprive anyone. What to do in this case?

How to solve the problem at home?

To combat loss of whiteness, it is not necessarily every time to resort to the services of dry cleaning or stocking expensive bleaching. Often, it will be possible to help substances that each hostess have in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the first-aid kit. It can be:

  • white;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • mangartan;
  • ammonia;
  • soda, etc.


To begin with, it is worth noting that boiling with whiteness is an extreme radical measure to which you should resort only when you need to withdraw the solar stains. You can do with simple soaking. Cook for washing three liters of water with a detergent, add 1 spoon of the bleach and soak the thing for 15-20 minutes, rinse in a large amount of cold water.

Important! You can not allow whiteness directly to clothing (it harms fabric fibers), it is necessary to pre-dissolve it in water. And remember that such aggressive tools are suitable only for very hardy fabrics, such as flax or cotton! Synthetic, wool, silk and artificial fabrics such an execution exactly "will not like"!

And if still it is necessary to boil?

In the tank capacity (copper and iron basins, in order to avoid oxidation reaction, do not use!) Pour 10 liters of water, 2 caps of white and 200 g of washing powder. Make sure that things are freely located in the pelvis and covered with water. Operage clothes hour-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-aided clothing. After that, carefully populate things warm and then cold water.

Hydrogen peroxide

This simple, but fairly effective sweater bleach. You need a favorite thing for 15 minutes to soak in warm water, then put the peroxide on yellowed from sweat. You will hear a slight hiss - this is a sign that the reaction is launched and the peroxide is struggling with yellowing. After a couple of minutes, the product can be wrapped as usual, if necessary, repeating the manipulation with peroxide.


No matter how paradoxically sounds, but the raspberry solution capable of leaving the unweighted spots is and a wonderful bleach!

100 g of the household soap (72%) dissolve in 10 liters of boiling water, add a weakly red solution of mangarteau (split it in a separate glass container). Place in the resulting mixture yellowed underwear and close the lid tightly for 6-7 hours. When the water is completely cooled, you can rinse the T-shirt. Instead of soap, you can take a glass of washing powder.


There are several ways to use ammonia.

  1. Summer and gasoline. Substances need to be used in turn. First thoroughly treat the yellowness (especially at the edges) by gasoline. After that, there is a cotton disk or sponge, moistened in the Nashai. Next, post the thing with a powder as usual. To remove an unpleasant odor, you may need several styrics.
  2. Salmon and cook salt. This method is suitable for cotton and flax. Ammonia and salt (on a teaspoon) dissolve in a glass of water and treat the resulting stains. Then rinse the thing and post as usual.
  3. Summer and medical alcohol.Mix them in equal parts and process stains. Leave until the composition works (for 15-20 minutes). If the alcohols begin to dry - moisten the contamination again. Fold in cold water.


This is another simple and inexpensive way. On the water bucket, soda and ammonia will be required in an amount of 10 and 5 spoons, respectively. In this solution, the underwear should be ruined at least 3-4 hours, after which it needs to rinse and wash, as usual.

It happens that after long-term storage on white things, nonstable yellow traces are found. Simple soaking in the solution of soda and the ammonia can not save. Then you need to reveal the thing in the same mixture about half an hour, then it is good to cray. With this processing, the washing may not be needed.

Important! Bleaching soda is suitable for children's clothing. A third of the glass of soda is added to 10 liters of water and soaked children's things for several hours.

All listed ways have one essential drawback - they take too much time. If you do not have it in sufficient quantities (the thing you need to lead to a presentable look as quickly as possible) - industrial means will come to the rescue.


These funds also have a significant drawback - a fairly high price. But as an emergency measure, they are very effective.

First you need to decide on the type of bleach, which will be applied. They are chlorine-containing, optical and oxygen.

These funds are the most aggressive, capable of destroying the fibers of the fabric in just a few styrics. Gentle and subtle materials for this will be enough and one. In addition, they can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to apply such bleachers only with extreme need. In this case, the effectiveness will be their essential plus. Everyone knows that in whitening chlorine there is no equal. Yes, and in disinfection - too. However, in the washing machine, it is categorically impossible to use them!

Before bleaching, such substances must be pretty able to dissolve in water,and only then give the product there. Strictly follow the instructions for applying a particular means: do not exceed the concentration of the substance and the soaking time!

Important! It is possible to work with chlorine-containing bleachers only with careful compliance with the safety rules: put on gloves, remove dark and colored things to accidentally drop on them (otherwise "left" stains cannot be avoided), take care of the chlorine from random hitting them. Remove the bleach in places inaccessible to children!

Such means contain a reflective particles that cover the surface of the fabric and only create a visual illusion of whiteness, actually nothing whitening. Therefore, they are only suitable for white monophonic tissues (they can harm them to ruin - spoil colors) and are used rather to "pinch the gloss" things that have lost freshness after several washes. Optical bleachs are often added to powders and soap. It is necessary to apply according to the instructions. But if there are serious stains and yellowing on clothes, there will be no sense from such a wash.

This type of bleach is perhaps optimal:it does not cause allergies, is environmentally safe, does not require boiling and manual washing. If you have a problem, how to whiten the T-shirt with a pattern or generally - color, you can use the oxygen bleach, designed just for colored fabrics: and the colors will restore, and seets perfectly. When using such bleaching, it is necessary to carefully comply with the dosage: it can damage the structure and color of the tissue.

How to return the White T-shirt, you now know. Next - a few simple, but important advice, how to avoid further yellowing of such things.

  1. Carefully choose the temperature regime.It also applies to washing, and ironing. Excessively hot water (especially in combination with bleachers or powders, inappropriate type of tissue) or superheated iron can generously delight the white thing with yellow. By the way, the iron can leave stains and if there was stagnant water during ironing in it.
  2. Products made of natural fabrics can be dried in the open sun. But synthetic materials such a procedure is contraindicated: may shine or sit down.
  3. Carefully dry things before folded into the closet, And follow the humidity of the air indoors, where they are stored: the increased moisture content contributes to the appearance of spots from mold, which is almost impossible to derive.
  4. Take measures to reduce sweating. First of all, follow the hygiene and remove the hair cover from the armpits. In the heat, try not to use excessively hot and sharp food.
  5. Do not use deodorants with aluminum content - when contacting then, they form the most stubborn yellow spots on things.
  6. Carefully treat the selection of bleach. It is important that he fit for a specific type of fabric, otherwise yellowing cannot be avoided.
  7. Use water mitigating (Instead of industrial, you can use lemon juice or vinegar). Salts contained in rigid water, entering into a reaction with a washing powder, can reward the product with yellow.

Observe these rules, and your things will last for a long time and will delight your eyes. Bleach them will have less frequently. So, the fabric will retain its properties longer.
