The toenail falls behind. When should I see a doctor? Toenail detachment

You can count a considerable number of ailments in which deformation of the nail plates is observed. Some of them are easy enough to get rid of, others not quite. One of these problems is large. This unpleasant pathology can not only seriously scare a person, but also negatively affect the general state of health.

Features of the course of pathology

So, onycholysis (detachment of the nail plate) is a pathological change in the keratinized part of the thumb, in which it separates from the skin. It can be partial or complete. In this case, a void appears under the nail, in which harmful bacteria can multiply.

The disease develops quickly enough. For example, in six months, the nail can peel off completely. Despite the fact that it is the disease that is affected first, spreading further over time. Refusal of treatment can provoke a complete loss of the nail plate, and without the possibility of recovery.

Most often, peeling of nails on the big toes is diagnosed in men who do not always monitor the health of their feet. Naturally, the pathology must be treated. However, you first need to establish the factors that provoked it.

Reasons for development

If a toenail flakes off, the reasons may be:

Circulatory problems in the lower extremities.

Allergic reaction.

Fungal lesions of the legs.

Some chronic pathologies.

Eczema or psoriasis.

Acquired or hereditary diseases that are of a somatic nature (and in the acute phase).

Traumatic injury to the finger.

Infectious lesion of the finger, in the treatment of which the wrong methods were used.

Abnormal nail growth.

Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Taking certain medications or chemicals.

Detachment of the toenail on the big toe (the causes of the development of the pathological process can only be established after diagnosis) is a serious problem. It is impossible to hesitate with the treatment of pathology.


So, the presented disease has the following signs:

1. A cavity appears under the nail in which air accumulates.

2. The part of the plate that has come off becomes yellow, blue or brown.

3. First, only the edge of the nail is separated, and then the process covers the entire stratum corneum.

It should be noted that in the early stages of development, the disease is not accompanied by pain. However, when an infection enters the air cavity, significant discomfort may appear: ulcers develop, pus is released, and bleeding occurs.

Diagnostic features

Detachment of toenails on the big toes must be treated, otherwise the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. However, first you need to find out the cause of the development of pathology.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. If there was a finger injury, then the patient should tell about it. In addition, the doctor externally examines the detached plate. If necessary, bacteriological inoculation is carried out to determine the microflora in the void.

Features of proper nutrition

Do you want your nails to be strong and healthy? Then eat well. You must follow these rules:

In order to have a sufficient amount of iron in the body, you can drink a decoction of sorrel, burdock or dandelion flowers.

The lack of silicon can be replenished with bananas, salt, parsley, and salad.

If magnesium is lacking, milk and meat should be consumed.

In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of calcium, it is necessary to eat nuts, cabbage, cheese, seaweed, vegetable oil. It is advisable to consume animal calcium, as it is easier to assimilate. You can get it by crushing eggshells.

Features of traditional treatment

If a toenail detachment has begun, the treatment will be as follows:

1. If the plate comes off due to a fungal infection, then the drugs "Bifonazole", "Exoderil" are used for the purpose of therapy. Moreover, these funds are not only topical - some of them are sold in tablets for oral administration. Combined treatment from the inside and from the outside will be more effective. Fukortsin is considered a good enough medicine. This tool can lubricate nails up to 4 times a day. Next, 3-5% oxytetracycline ointment is applied to the plates.

2. Infectious and fungal pathologies can be treated using a laser.

3. If the nail is completely detached, surgical removal is indicated. In order for the stratum corneum to recover sooner, it is recommended to use a gelatinous solution. You will have to drink it at least 5 times a day, and the therapy itself lasts 3 months.

In order to prevent the further spread of the pathology, it is necessary to cut nails shortly once a week, try not to use cosmetic varnishes for a pedicure. In addition, you should change your socks daily and use antiseptics (unless there are any contraindications).

Using folk remedies

If from the skin, treatment can be carried out not only with the help of medications. Folk recipes will also be useful:

Olive or sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. It should simply be rubbed into the nail plates every night before going to bed.

Warm baths with sea salt not only strengthen nails, but also disinfect the resulting cavity. However, it must be borne in mind that the salt must be free of impurities. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day for 90 days.

Detachment of toenails on the big toes can be treated with herbal teas. For cooking, take a large spoonful of pre-chopped pine needles and chamomile. The mixture is steamed with boiling water, and then diluted with strong green tea (half). Next, you need to lower your toes into this liquid for half an hour.

Gelatin trays. Dissolve half a teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. In order for the raw material to completely dissolve, the liquid can be slightly warmed up. Next, you should dip your nails into the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.

Apple cider vinegar helps to eliminate onycholysis. It is necessary to mix it in equal amounts with water and use it as a bath. Leave your feet in such a mixture for 20 minutes, and the procedure is repeated twice a day.

In any case, before using the presented funds, you must consult your doctor.

Prevention of pathology

Many patients turn to doctors with the question: "The nail on the big toe is gone: what to do?" Naturally, such a disease must be treated. But it can also be prevented by observing the following preventive measures:

1. It is better to buy comfortable shoes that are made from natural materials.

2. Keep your socks clean at all times, and do not use synthetic materials. It is better to give preference to cotton or linen products.

3. If your feet get wet, they should be wiped and dried as soon as possible.

4. If a finger is injured, it should be bandaged immediately and a doctor should be consulted.

5. When working with heavy objects, wear appropriate footwear: with a steel toe. This will protect against injury.

6. If symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection have been noticed, an urgent need to consult a doctor, otherwise the whole family may suffer.

7. Do not let the toe of the shoe press on your toes.

8. After visiting public places for bathing or washing, you should thoroughly wash your feet with antibacterial soap and treat your feet with an antiseptic.

Even with regular care of the nail plates, you can sometimes notice peeling of the nails. For what reasons does the nail move away from the skin on the leg and why does this phenomenon appear suddenly? This pathology is called onycholysis. With the formation of this disease, you can notice the exfoliation of the nail plate from its bed. In general, such a nail becomes painful and requires drug therapy.

Every person at least once in his life has met with such difficulty in peeling nails from their bed. This process is called onycholysis. Onycholysis is a disease of the nail plates, which is accompanied by inflammation, pain and the likelihood of even bleeding of the bed.

There are a number of varieties of this disease:

  1. Kailonhinia - the nail plate departs in the middle.
  2. Onychoshisis - the nail departs across its own growth.
  3. Onychomadesis is the most unpleasant form. The nail comes off at the very beginning, as a result of which an excessive inflammatory process can appear. All inflammation is accompanied by suppuration and excessive pain.

Reasons for the separation of the nail from the skin

The use of antibiotics can cause this nail disease. Of particular interest is the use of fluoroquinol or tetracycline agents. At the end of the treatment, they leave by themselves.

But the separation of the nail from the skin may also have a non-infectious possibility. This can be associated with finger injuries. In addition, it can be caused by chemical, mechanical and physical conditions. This happens if the skin is regularly exposed to a variety of allergens, for example, washing powders, household chemicals, and various solvents. In such an embodiment, it will be sufficient to simply eliminate the effects of conditions that provoke peeling nails.

However, the most dangerous will be dermatological diseases.

Nail plates are able to peel off in case of diseases such as:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bullous dermatosis.

In addition, this manifestation appears with lingering disorders, pathologies in the activity of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous and gastrointestinal system, infectious and endocrine disorders. If you notice that the tip of the nail plate begins to move away from the skin, get tested. This can often indicate that you have some kind of infection.

With an initial suspicion of a fungal infection, it would be more correct to find the causative agent of the disease and choose the best therapy regimen. It is necessary to understand that the detachment of the nail plate should not be covered with decorative varnish. This will negatively affect the structure of the nail. It will turn yellow and constantly thin out. This will only worsen the position of the nail plate.


The following methods of establishing a diagnostic conclusion are used:

  1. Visual examination of the damaged nail.
  2. Detection of auxiliary symptoms.
  3. Certain particles of the nail go on to determine the kind of pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Delivery of a general blood test.

If there is a need, then it is possible to use an additional technique for diagnosing particles of a detached nail plate.

Which doctor should I go to?

Initially, you will need to see a general doctor (therapist) who will examine you and provide you with a referral to see a dermatologist, orthopedist, mycologist,. Depending on the cause of the flaking nail, your doctor may refer you to any of the listed doctors. If you have a fungal infection, then most likely, a general practitioner will refer you to a mycologist, if there is such a doctor in your clinic. If the reasons were an orthopedic lesion, then an orthopedist will be waiting for you. Well, and, accordingly, if you have disorders related to the skin, then the referral will be written out for an appointment with a dermatologist.

The method of therapy for onycholysis is selected based on the reasons why the nail peeled off from the bed. For this reason, the doctor identifies the causative agent of the disease and carries out treatment to combat it. If only the treatment of flaking of the plate is carried out, then after a while a recurrence of the disease is likely.

Key areas of therapy:

If the peeling of the nail plate has occurred due to a blow or bruise, then first you need to start to stop the bleeding. After the blood no longer flows, it is possible to determine the intake of funds that will eliminate inflammation. Subsequently, the damaged nail plate is carefully cut off and after a while a healthy nail will grow back.

If the disease has developed due to prolonged use of medications, then the key cause of the disease is intestinal dysbiosis. The doctor will determine probiotics for the appointment, prescribe a special diet, which will consist of lactic acid drinks and high-quality products with a minimum intake of sugar and harmful substances.

Step-by-step treatment:

This option is suitable for the most insignificant form of the disease, which is formed due to wearing shoes that are not in size or with a bruised leg. If the cause of flaking is a fungus, then cutting the nail according to the scheme above will be even dangerous, you do not need to do this. If a nail infected with a fungus is cut off, spore spreading will occur.

Folk methods

The dermatologist is obliged to establish an accurate diagnosis of onycholysis. If the reasons are unclear, the doctor can observe the color of the nail plates, their condition and the type of skin under and near the nail.

The doctor may also order an examination of the thyroid gland, as with problems with it, the nails suffer.

If the disease is triggered by a fungal infection, then the following treatment with folk remedies can be carried out:

  1. Buy Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate. At least 1 or 2 times a day, and preferably even 3 times, you need to dip it into a saucepan or a suitable container with hot water and a few tablespoons of salt. Keep your fingers in this water for about 20 minutes. The nail plates must be completely submerged. If you can use this procedure 4 times a day, then this will only be a plus and will help you get rid of mycosis of the nail plates as soon as possible.
  2. For onycholysis therapy to work with alternative medicine, it is necessary to walk as often as possible with shoes without socks and do not wear closed-toed shoes. If possible, wear sandals more often.
  3. When you go to bed, your feet should be on the blanket, not under it. If your feet are cold, put on socks after cutting off the area that covers your toes.
  4. Mycosis prefers a humid and warm environment. Keeping your feet cool and dry at all times can help speed up your recovery. The salt will help keep your nails dry.


When the nail plate peels off and comes off, the patient is obliged to more closely monitor his health.

He must understand what actions to take in order to stop the secondary formation of this process:

  1. You need to constantly and thoroughly take care of your nails, in particular, cut them and do not run them.
  2. Minimize contact with harmful and toxic agents. When cleaning the house and using chemicals, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment.
  3. Take a course of vitamin preparations from time to time.
  4. Carry out timely treatment of chronic diseases.
  5. Be sure to observe hygiene, wash your hands after visiting the street, wash your feet every day before going to bed.

Observing all these rules, you can protect yourself from the appearance of such a disease as a fungus, onycholysis.

What to do if the nail is still getting dark?

If you hurt yourself and notice that your nail begins to flake off, and eventually darken, then this indicates that a small hematoma has occurred under your nail, blood spilled from the vessels and a slight swelling turned out.

In principle, with fungal infections, the nail plate cannot darken, it only acquires yellowness.

It will not be possible to remove a dark nail after a bruise until it falls off by itself. Do not try to take it off, cut it, pull it out. It won't do good. It is better to wait for the bruise and the nail itself to fall off. In this case, the growing nail must be trimmed.

If you just got a bruise, then you can immediately immediately apply ice to the nail and in this case it may not darken.

The nail departs after shellac

Shellacs, gel polishes and other coatings delighted many women who were delighted with a long-lasting coating for 2-3 weeks. However, after removing the varnish, many noted that the nail plates took a terrible look: exfoliated, thinned, broke.

Why is this happening? The thing is that shellac and other gel polishes are chemical compounds that literally enter the nail plate itself using ultraviolet lamps. Disputes about the benefits of such a manicure do not subside until now, many say that there is nothing harmful, while others, on the contrary, do not advise using it.

Many women must be aware of certain things about shellac before applying this coating to their nails:

  1. UV light is quite corrosive to skin cells. If you have a large number of moles, you should be especially careful. In women with sensitive skin, the lamp can even provoke burns.
  2. Under a stable shellac coating, the nail plate is deprived of oxygen and moisture, and this leads to peeling of nails, overdrying, and brittleness.
  3. The removal of shellac is also carried out using a rather aggressive chemical solution that will remove the top layer from your nail and deform it.

After shellac and other long lasting manicures, you will always have to rebuild your nails for a while. If possible, don't use such an aggressive one.

What if it didn't hit and it's not a fungus?

Wearing tight shoes is likely to cause the nail to flake off. Perhaps you like to wear shoes that are tapered to the toes. Especially women and girls often wear such shoes. But you should know that the shoes should not bring any discomfort and should not squeeze the foot when walking.

Due to the tightness, the nails simply begin to rise above the toes and begin to flake off. If the nail is already lost, wait until a new one grows and in no case wear tight shoes.

If, nevertheless, you think that it is not a fungus, not a bruise or tight shoes, see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Perhaps it just seems to you that you do not have the fungus.

Interesting video:

Peeling toenails do not look very attractive, however, this is not the biggest problem, since in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, this phenomenon risks turning into quite serious consequences for a person.

What to do if a toenail comes off? And why is this happening?

Why is the nail moving away from the nail bed?

If a nail is peeling off a leg, the cause may be an infection or various injuries.

Sometimes peeling off the nail plate is a natural reaction to nail damage if a person accidentally and hard hits a finger.

However, the nail comes off not only because of severe bruises, but also for one of the following reasons:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. As a result, there is constant friction of the nail. It is not possible to notice this immediately, but when the problem is detected, the nail already begins to move away.
  2. Due to frequent contact with various chemicals. For example, nails sometimes fall off from those people who work at car washes, because there a person constantly interacts with chemicals that harm the body. In general, such a reaction is also considered normal, natural.
  3. As a result of a slight blow, when the person does not feel acute pain. Despite this seemingly minor damage, the toenail still begins to flake off. Moreover, if it fell off after the impact, it is necessary to treat the skin in this place as soon as possible in order to prevent the occurrence of infection.
  4. The use of the most common household chemicals also entails consequences in the form of nail flaking.

In addition to injuries, one cannot fail to mention diseases.

  • One of the most common is a fungal infection (onychomycosis), which is very easy to recognize. She has such signs as an unpleasant odor, yellowed nails, severe peeling of the skin around them. Ultimately, nail fungus leads to the complete destruction of the nail plate, so it is important to start fighting it at the earliest stages. Also, keep in mind that fungus is contagious, and for this very reason, you need to thoroughly disinfect your shoes. A visit to a dermatologist is also mandatory if there is a suspicion of the presence of a fungus.
  • It is possible that detachment occurs due to the intake of certain medications or due to allergies. In both cases, it will probably not be possible to detect any other external signs other than peeling off the nail, and therefore it will not be difficult to distinguish an allergy from a fungal infection.
  • With long-term use of antibiotics (especially those that are among the fluoroquinol and tetracycline), there is also a possibility of this problem. However, as soon as the course is completed, the unpleasant consequences will disappear almost immediately, the nails will stop moving away from the nail bed on the leg.
  • As for allergies, it occurs either as a result of the use of low-quality cosmetics, or on its own. Women are more likely to encounter this nuisance, because they like to perform processing procedures for their feet in beauty salons, and use shellac varnish.

Prevention measures

  • In order not to become a victim of the aforementioned onychomycosis and not to lose toenails, wear only comfortable, high-quality shoes.
  • Never wear someone else's slippers or sandals because the other person may have the fungus.
  • In addition, you must not forget about the precautions when visiting such public places as the pool, sauna, bath - be sure to wear slippers (preferably rubber), and when you return home, treat your feet with a special spray.
  • The use of an antimycotic spray will not harm.

Treatment of nails with medications and folk remedies

When the fungal disease is at an early stage and only a few nails are affected, it is recommended that suitable medications are used as soon as possible.

There are anti-fungal ointments, varnishes, and even drops. The most effective drugs are Cyclopiroxolamine and Batrafen, as well as Lotseril.

The first two drugs are medicated varnishes. They are used according to a certain scheme in monthly courses. During the first month, the product is applied to the nails every two days, and during the second - twice a week. During the third month and further, the varnish is used once a week, exactly until the toenail is completely restored. From above it is allowed to cover the nails with ordinary varnishes.

Lotseril is a medicinal solution. It must be applied to the affected nails twice every 7 days. The duration of the treatment course is from six months to one year.

In addition to varnishes, there are also peel-off plasters. This tool is used when the nail can no longer be saved. With its help, the exfoliating nail plate is painlessly removed.

If your toenail is flaking, you can also try folk remedies.

  1. For example, you can prepare a soda bath for your feet at home. Such baths must be used every day, and they are prepared simply: a tablespoon of soda dissolves in two liters of warm water, then the legs are steamed in the finished bath. At the end of the procedure, the feet should be wiped and greased with celandine ointment. Next, the legs are bandaged and warm socks are put on top. You only need to walk half an hour in socks. After the problem area has softened, try to carefully cut off the affected tissue, because this will make it easier for healthy tissue to grow back.
  2. Apply small pieces of kombucha to the affected nails. The medical compress lasts the whole night, and in the morning the soft nail should be carefully cut off. Kombucha treatment continues until the nails heal.
  3. In addition to all of the above, wine vinegar, salicylic ointment, coffee brew, garlic gruel and mint with salt are also used. Lotions on nails made from birch leaves will also help, milkweed decoction is effective.

If the nail on the big toe tears, it brings significant discomfort to the person. It should be noted that the nail can peel off after symptoms - precursors, timely detection and treatment of which, this problem can be avoided. The nail can fall off due to injury, as well as in the case of a fungal infection. Let's consider these and other questions in more detail.

Why is this happening?

Not always the reason that the nail fell off is a fungus or other disease. This problem is most common in men who have a tendency to run a leaking fungus and not pay attention to the condition of the nails. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons for when a nail can come off.

Nail injury. Basically, we can talk about a strong blow to this area, when the nail breaks open and subsequently flakes off as a sign of the body's natural reaction to injury. Even if the blow is light, the nail can gradually crumble and come off. At the same time, it is not so easy to achieve complete preservation of the nail plate, and sometimes it is completely impossible. In this case, negative consequences are not observed.

The nail can separate and come off due to wearing uncomfortable shoes. This is preceded by the systematic rubbing of the shoe on the toe.

The nail can exfoliate and come off with its frequent contact with a chemical. For example, a person can work at a car wash, of course, he uses chemicals for washing. In this case, not only the nails suffer, but the entire body.

Detachment of the nail and the skin of the toe occurs when a fungal infection occurs. Symptoms in this case are pronounced: the yellowed nail may hurt, peeling of the skin around it is noted and an unpleasant odor occurs. Treatment is necessary as early as possible, when the nail has just begun to crack. In this case, complete detachment can be avoided.

Less rarely, the nail can bend as a result of allergies to some drugs taken. In this case, no other symptoms are observed. These drugs include antibiotics of the tetracycline or fluoroquinol series. After you stop taking these funds, the problem disappears. But not only drugs can be the reason that the nail is exfoliated. So, this phenomenon can be observed when using low-quality cosmetics.

Thickening of the nail

A hard and thickened nail is a symptom of many pathological phenomena in the body. The most common ones include:

  • insufficient content of vitamins in the body, which leads to improper nutrition;
  • if circulation to the fingertips is impaired, it can cause an abnormality in the development of the nails. This symptom is often observed in rheumatism, gout and atherosclerosis;
  • fungal infection of the nail is also accompanied by this symptom. In parallel with the thickening of the nail, a change in its color is observed;
  • trauma to the nail or the process of inflammation of the nail bed;
  • a thick nail is also found with flat feet, clubfoot, wearing the wrong shoes;
  • with eczema and psoriasis, the nail may thicken. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the provoking disease;
  • this problem may be congenital. Treatment in this case consists in taking vitamins and carrying out medical baths.

Suppuration of the nail

The nail can peel off together with suppuration, which in medicine is called "felon". Basically, the disease occurs suddenly, under the influence of factors such as trauma, chemical burns and high fever. No less rarely, suppuration can also be after an incorrectly done pedicure procedure, as well as when the fungus is exposed to the limb.

Most often, it is the thumb of the lower extremity that breaks up and festers. If several fingers fester, this indicates a pronounced decrease in the immune system, which occurs when a serious chronic disease occurs in the body. Also, damage to several nails can be observed when exposed to the fungus. Suppuration of the nail is accompanied by severe pain, which is caused by pressing on it. There is also tissue swelling, redness of the skin around the nail, and increased local temperature.

How to cure such a nail? In this case, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, which will eliminate puffiness and pain syndrome. An analysis of pus is also taken to determine the causative agent of this process.

If there are indications for surgery, the doctor cuts the skin near the nail where the pus has accumulated and removes it. Dead tissue is also removed. As a rule, the nail is also removed, which in the future can grow back only if the nail bed has not touched the inflammatory process. In severe cases, the only way out is to amputate the finger, which will prevent further development of the inflammatory process.

What does the discoloration of the nail indicate when it peels off?

In what cases does the nail plate change color? The most common ones.

Fungus. In this case, not only does the color of the nail change, it begins to lose its shine, becomes thickened, stripes appear on it. With the development of the disease, the nail deforms, crumbles, flakes off. Most often, with a fungus, a wavy nail with a yellowish or brown tint can be observed.

Injuries. The nail can turn blue and peel off when it is injured. The color changes due to a hematoma or accumulation of blood under the nail. A blue nail can also be observed with a fungal infection.

Weak immune system, infection, improperly processed pedicure supplies. In these cases, the green color of the nail is observed.

Allergy. In this situation, the nail can turn white and even flake off. You can notice that the nail has turned white even if a person has problems with the functioning of the kidneys, heart or liver.

Nail injury and detachment

The most common injury is nail contusion. In this case, the broken nail will hurt, the intensity of the pain depends on the severity of the damage. Over time, you will notice that the plate has turned black and began to flake off.

In this case, first aid is as follows:

  • take off your shoes and socks;
  • place your foot under running water or place in a bowl of cool water;
  • you can apply a cold compress to eliminate bleeding (if any) and reduce the hematoma;
  • disinfection of the wound with iodine, alcohol or other antiseptic.

If the injury has not completely ripped off the nail, then blood may accumulate under it, which is the reason for its further lifting. So that the doctor does not decide to remove the nail, it is necessary to immediately remove the accumulated blood to prevent it from clotting. After this procedure, the pain becomes less.

The removed nail after injury may grow back in the future. But don't expect that anytime soon. The growth period takes at least a year. In order for the new nail to grow without deviation, it is recommended to wear the correct shoes and avoid injury.

If the nail has come off, this in any case indicates the development of a pathological process that requires immediate medical attention.

A cracked or flaking toenail is a common and often painful condition that many people experience at some point in their lives.

The procedure for removing a flaking toenail is generally associated with minimal risks. After it, the nail grows back to full size in about a year and a half or even earlier.

Nails usually flake off as a result of injury or infection. Fungal infections or injuries may require additional medical attention. since only a doctor is able to ensure the correct growth of a new nail in especially difficult cases.

In this tutorial, we'll show you what to do when your toenail falls off. We will also look at the causes of peeling nails and explain when to see a doctor for such a problem.

A new nail usually grows back in 18 months or less

When the nail just begins to fall off, the person can immediately go to the hospital.

Or he can start treating the nail on his own. To do this, follow these steps:

  • use a nail file to round off sharp or protruding edges;
  • clean the nail bed;
  • put a bandage on your finger;
  • neatly trim partially attached nails;
  • avoid removing any remaining nails.

If the underlying cause of nail problems is not treated, then the new nail may not grow properly or not at all. Infectious diseases may require taking special medications.

Why do my toenails peel off?

There are several common causes of nail fallout. These include fungal infections, trauma, and psoriasis.

There are also reasons that are less common. These are mainly the side effects of certain drugs and other diseases that do not affect many people.

Below we will look at common causes in more detail.

Fungal infection

Fungi can develop in many areas of the body, including between the nail and the nail bed. When this happens, a person's risk of nail falling off increases.

However, there are a number of signs that a person can watch for the appearance before the nail falls off. Signs of a fungal infection include the following:

  • white or yellowish discoloration of the nail;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • thickening of the nail;
  • unusual shape of the nail;
  • reduced nail strength.

Fungal infections can develop for several reasons. They are more likely to occur when the skin near the nail or the nail itself is damaged. Key causes and risk factors are associated with the following:

  • aging;
  • cracked nails;
  • active participation in those sports in which legs are involved, in particular, football;
  • diabetes.

Curing a fungal infection is often difficult. Therapy may require the use of topical creams, oral antifungal agents, or a combination of both.

In particularly severe cases, a person may need surgery to remove the nail and stop it from growing further.

Preventing a fungal infection is easier than treating it. This can be done with:

  • keeping the feet dry;
  • regular nail clipping;
  • frequent change of socks;
  • disinfecting the scissors after use;
  • wearing shoes in public areas with damp floors, such as gyms, changing rooms, and showers.


Ballerinas Can Damage Toenails When Wearing Pointe Shoes

Injuries are a common cause of nail detachment. Even minor injuries can cause the toenail to gradually fall off.

Such injuries can occur as a result of the following:

  • car accident;
  • falling of a heavy object on the finger;
  • contact sports;
  • ballet or other types of dancing;
  • hitting a toe on a hard surface.

Trauma tends to turn the toe black or purple as blood collects under the nail. The blood puts extra pressure on the nail, which can cause it to fall off after a few weeks.

If a hematoma affects a significant part of the nail, if a person feels pain or throbbing, he needs to see a doctor who can punch a small hole with a needle and thus drain the blood and relieve pressure.

In many cases, people manage to cope with injuries on their own. The most common home treatment methods include the following:

  • elevation of the leg;
  • immersing the affected area in cold water;
  • frequent application of fresh dressings;
  • taking (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen;
  • rubbing the affected area with antibacterial ointments;
  • blunting the sharp ends of the nail with scissors and a file.

Depending on which finger is damaged and the area affected, it can take up to 18 months for complete healing and the appearance of a new nail.

Loose shoes and socks should be worn if the nail is injured, and the nail should be trimmed to avoid further injury.


Psoriasis is common and causes red, scaly patches to appear on a person's skin. This condition leads to the fact that the body begins to produce an excessive number of skin cells that rise above the surface of the skin in the form of plaques.

Psoriasis usually occurs in other areas of the body, but 55% of people with the condition find it on their fingers or toes.

People who have no signs of psoriasis elsewhere on the body are much less likely to experience them on their nails. Only 5% of people without psoriasis on the rest of the body have this condition on their nails.

When psoriasis appears under the nails, it is usually mild and rarely causes serious problems. However, toe lesions sometimes have the same effect as the collected blood - they press on the nails and can cause them to detach.

Symptoms of psoriasis under the toenail include the following:

  • yellow or brown;
  • thickening of the nail;
  • deviation in the shape of the nail;
  • education under the nail.

That is, the symptoms of psoriasis are very similar to those of a fungal infection, so a person with psoriasis should be checked by a doctor to distinguish one condition from another.

Psoriasis can be treated by soaking the nail in warm water. The doctor will most likely prescribe special creams to relieve symptoms. Phototherapy (light therapy) may also be an option.

When are toenails removed?

If only part of the nail has fallen off, it is important that the remainder stays in place.

In this case, instead of removing the nail, the person should trim or file jagged edges or irregularities to smooth the shape of the nail. This will help prevent further injury and keep your toenail comfortable in your sock or shoe.

Any nail that is not completely removed from the nail bed or is still attached to another part of the nail should be trimmed. After cutting the edge of the nail, it is necessary to blunt it with a file.

Complications when removing a toenail

If a person's nail has been removed, then there is a high risk of damage to the skin at the site of the nail bed and the development of infection. Signs of infection in such cases include:

  • pus;
  • bleeding;
  • fever;
  • pain;
  • redness;
  • edema.

When should I see a doctor?

Fungal infections that do not go away for a long period of time should be evaluated by a specialist who can prescribe effective treatment.

A person should go to the hospital if they suspect that they have an infection under or around the nail, or if they have suffered an injury that is causing problems.

If a person suspects psoriasis, a doctor can advise on how to manage the symptoms of the condition on the skin and under the nails.


While a big toenail is usually not a serious medical problem, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to a person.

In some cases, a damaged or peeling nail can become infected or indicate a more serious medical condition.

A person can take steps to keep the nail bed clean and protected. If he suspects an infection, then it is better to tell a specialist about it.