The first bath of the newborn. How to understand if the water temperature is right for the baby? Slide for bathing newborns

The appearance of a baby at home is always a joy, anxious expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions subside, parents begin to think about the fact that the baby should be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can raise many questions.

One of the situations that cause confusion in young mothers is the first bathing of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or if you are lucky with a supervising nurse and doctor, then bathing will not be a big problem. But if not, moms need instructions. Therefore, now we will give detailed recommendations for bathing a newborn baby.

Preparing the bathroom and water for the newborn's first bath

First of all, it is worth refuting the myth that it is impossible to bathe a child until the umbilical wound is completely healed. You can bathe your baby from the first day of life, but you need to approach this issue extremely responsibly so as not to bring infections.

Bath ... The main thing to remember is safety. Therefore, take care of purchasing a baby bath in advance. There are many reasons not to bathe a child in an adult bath - the danger of location, a rough surface for the baby's skin, the remains of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even accidental drowning.

The baby bath is safe for the baby in every way. It is not worth saving when buying it. On sale there are anatomical baths, baths such as "mother's belly", conventional, built-in adult and inflatable models. The safest for newborns are baths of the "mother's tummy" type. They are cup-shaped, non-slip, stable, comfortable for mums and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support newborns who cannot keep their heads in the correct physiological posture.

Water ... Babies can only be bathed in boiled water and weak decoctions of herbs. The water temperature for the first bath of the child at home should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of water in the newborn for the next few months. The kid should not feel the temperature difference. In order to control this aspect, you need to buy a bath thermometer in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat, which will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid introducing infection into the umbilical wound, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for the first bath. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze folded in two or three layers, and pour the solution into a bath, filtering it through gauze. Pour until the water turns slightly pink. You can also add strong solutions of herbs to the water - chamomile, linden, dill.

Bathing products. If possible, you should dispense with water and decoctions of herbs with potassium permanganate, but if you need to use detergents, you should avoid antibacterial products and soaps. Only special foams for babies can be used. The packaging must indicate that the use is permissible from birth (0+). The foam must be dissolved in a small amount in water in a bath.

Bathroom temperature is also very important. If the temperature of the water is in sharp contrast to the temperature of the air, the least that can be expected is tears and screams; more - pneumonia. The bathroom should be warm, as well as the room that the baby will get into after bathing.

The first bath of the child should be as less traumatic as possible. Try to follow all the recommendations so that it does not cause long-term fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and it is time for the daily bathing. First of all, you need to stock up on bathing attributes - a watering can with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flagella (in no case with sticks), brilliant green solution, clean gauze, diapers and talcum powder.

Let's move on to swimming. It is necessary to undress the baby, wash it if necessary, and gently put / put it clean in the bath. To do this, you need to support your head (back of the head), neck, back with your left hand (if your mother is right-handed), and your legs and buttocks with your right hand. So the baby is lowered into the bed. In a bath of the "mother's tummy" type, the baby is placed supporting the armpits and head, gently leaning against the walls and making sure that the baby is comfortable. It should be lowered slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a watering can with water (temperature 36.6 ° C) and gently water the baby's body, but not the head. Water in the eyes will scare the baby and may cause fear of bathing. Watering the baby with water (or a decoction of herbs), you need to give him time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after swimming?

After the washing procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap it in a towel from the head to the feet. The towel should be soft, dry and warm. Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in a small amount (just a couple of drops) will help to retain moisture. It must be applied before you dry the baby's skin.

In advance, you need to prepare the room into which the baby will get after bathing. Cover the changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, place diapers and talcum powder next to it. Remember to close the windows and check for drafts. In the first 10 minutes, do not put on a diaper and sliders on the baby. It is enough to cover the baby with a terry blanket and let the skin breathe.

We should also dwell on wiping. It is absolutely impossible to wipe the baby. You need to gently blot it with a soft towel, paying attention to the folds. Using a flagellum twisted from cotton wool, clean the ears and nose, treat the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green and leave the baby to lie naked so that the skin breathes. After 10-15 minutes, you can put on a diaper, pre-treating the skin with talcum powder. If you use a diaper right away, you cannot avoid diaper rash and prickly heat.

Washing your newborn for the first time is not so difficult if you prepare for it in advance. Mothers often do this spontaneously, without preparation, and in a panic they look for a towel or diapers, leaving the child alone. Another extreme is to make a show out of the first bath, gathering around noisy and lisping relatives. It also adds stress to the already obscure and new bathing routine. It is best if there are two people to bathe - mom and dad, helping each other.

Learning to wash your baby is easy. It is enough to do everything right once, so that daily bathing becomes a real pleasure for both parents and crumbs.

Informative video on the topic

A newborn is a great joy in the family, but no less a responsibility. It's good when a child comes to the house of a prepared mother (at least in theory), who knows the basics of caring for such a baby. This will avoid many health problems of the child and will save the parents' nerves.

Preparing for the birth of a baby, most women study baby care books, pediatric forums and magazines for mothers. All this preparation turns out to be invaluable in the real life conditions of the little man.

When is the first bathing allowed?

The first bath of a newborn is almost a sacrament. When can you bathe your child for the first time after the hospital? It depends on the general condition of the newborn and the condition of his umbilical cord.

It is recommended that the first bathing be carried out after the umbilical stump has dried out (this is the remainder of the umbilical cord, which is clamped with a special clothespin in the maternity hospital). The remainder dries up for 3-10 days, up to 2 weeks is considered the norm. On average, this happens 4-5 days. Accordingly, if mom was in the maternity ward for 3 days, the first bathing can be scheduled one day after discharge.

If the umbilical residue lasts longer, the child's body must be treated with wet wipes, or the baby must be bathed in a small amount of boiled water in agreement with the pediatrician. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to wet the stump.

As for whether to bathe a baby in boiled or raw water after the stump falls off, the opinions of pediatricians differ. Many people recommend bathing the baby in boiled water until the umbilical wound heals. Others believe that it is enough to treat the wound after bathing, and running water can be used, since if water is used to remove the primordial lubricant in the newborn's ward, this is running water from a centralized water supply system.

Of greater importance is not so much the reservoir in which the baby is bathed, but the quality of the water. If all the years of life in the apartment there were no complaints about the taste and smell of water, you can use it. Otherwise, it is advisable to use boiled

What to prepare for your first home bath?

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  • baby bath;
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature;
  • soft terry towel;
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • water;
  • small plastic bucket;
  • cotton swabs (preferably with a special limiter);
  • brilliant green (brilliant green);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

For the first bathing of a newborn, it is better to use a special baby bath, which should be thoroughly washed and disinfected before the procedure by scalding it with boiling water (we recommend reading :). However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, the first bathing may well take place in an "adult" bath. In his book "The Beginning of Life", he writes that in a large bath, nothing constrains the baby's movements - he can move his arms and legs, and accordingly, the body's blood circulation and respiratory functions improve. Plus, in the "adult" bath, the newborn, actively moving, spends a lot of energy, which allows him to eat better after bathing and sleep sweetly.

What will be the water temperature for the first swim? A thermometer is required for measurement - it allows you to determine the optimal water temperature. Due to the immaturity of the thermoregulatory functions of the newborn's body, temperature fluctuations that seem insignificant to an adult can lead to hypothermia or overheating of the baby.

Which towel to choose for the baby? Soft and delicate, plus it should be individual, clean and big enough to wrap the baby's body. The baby's skin is still very delicate and can easily be injured.

A soft bath towel is a must. The baby's delicate skin and the tough, adult-friendly nap are incompatible. Many manufacturers produce a towel with a corner in which the child can be wrapped comfortably, covering his head.

It is strongly not recommended to use a washcloth, especially a hard one, for a newborn. In the future, you need to choose a soft washcloth or mitten in order to avoid damage to the skin of the baby up to one year old. Toys for 1 month of life are absolutely unnecessary when bathing crumbs.

Modern pediatricians advise against using detergents, baby shampoos and even baby soaps for several months of a baby's life. Firstly, the soap will dry out the skin, and secondly, it will wash away the beneficial microflora. An exception is a situation in which the mother discovers poor-quality treatment of the child's skin in the newborn's ward: for example, the presence of primordial lubricant or traces of blood. This should not be, but if it happens, you should use baby soap, which is applied with a cotton swab and gently washed off with a scoop.

Herb extract or manganese?

You can hear tips for adding herbs to your baby's bathing water (we recommend reading :). This is not recommended until the umbilical wound heals. After that, if the baby does not show an allergy to one or another herb, you can periodically "tint" the water with a string, chamomile, brewing them, or use a ready-made pharmacy version of the herbal extract for children (we recommend reading :).

For the first bath, it is better to use a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. The water in the tub should be pale pink. If mom has doubts about the saturation of the solution, before the first bathing, it is worth consulting with the local pediatrician, who will visit the baby the next day after discharge.

Basic rules for the first bath

  • the child should not be sleepy or upset;
  • the baby must be healthy;
  • procedure time - about 10 minutes;
  • water is poured into the bathroom about 15 cm (the baby's chest should not be immersed in water);
  • water temperature no more than 37 С;
  • the position of the baby is on the elbow of the mother's hand;
  • after the procedure, the baby is wrapped in a towel and on a hard surface (changing table), the baby's skin is dried with blotting movements (rubbing the baby's skin is strongly discouraged), special attention should be paid to the groin folds, armpits and neck of the baby;
  • followed by the obligatory processing of the umbilical wound (for more details in the article:);
  • up to 6 months it is recommended to bathe the child every day, at a later date - you can every other day (we recommend reading :).

We present to you an accessible lesson of the first bathing of a newborn:

Carried out with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. The processing time is until the umbilical wound heals. It is very simple to determine that the wound has healed - by dropping peroxide into the wound, you will not hear a hiss, and the liquid will not foam. Up to this point, after each bathing, treatment is required. It is better to buy a bottle with a dispenser, if it did not work out, you should drip peroxide with a pipette, 2-3 drops. Then the wound is thoroughly soaked with a cotton swab and smeared with brilliant green (carefully so as not to get on the skin of the umbilical ring and not cause it to burn). Even more tips can be found in the video lecture of pediatrician Komarovsky at the end of the article.

The first bathing of the baby is a responsible business, the district pediatrician will give competent advice on how to do it correctly. But sometimes that's not enough. A convenient way to see how to carry out the procedure is video. The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky did not bypass his advice and the first bathing of the crumbs.

If the baby has accepted the procedure well, the time is allowed to increase slightly, but if the baby is screaming, he must be immediately removed from the bath. It is impossible to allow a newborn to cry for a long time, he can "scream" temperature or an umbilical hernia. In the water, especially for the first time, the baby must be lowered slowly so that he does not get scared.

  • If you use baby soap, the breast is first soaped, then the limbs and genitals.
  • Then the baby is turned over on its stomach, its head and chest are on the mother's hand, and the back is washed with the other hand.
  • Lather the head last, making sure that the detergent does not get into the eyes.
  • The baby is rinsed with a scoop.
  • Don't forget about air baths.

The first bathing of a newborn raises a lot of questions from newly-made parents. You can learn more about the rules for washing a baby by listening to a lecture by Yevgeny Komarovsky.

Bathing is very important for newborns. This is not just a hygienic procedure, but also tempering the baby, introducing him to the world around him. Almost all children like to swim, they go into the water with pleasure. However, if at the first acquaintance with water the baby has unpleasant sensations, he gets scared, then in the future it will not be so easy to make him swim. That is why it is important to carry out the first water procedures in life, having previously familiarized yourself with how to bathe a newborn baby correctly.


When to take your first bath

There is a lot of controversy about when to bathe a child for the first time. Some insist that it is necessary to wait for the complete healing of the umbilical wound, others say that you can take a bath immediately after leaving the hospital. As a rule, this happens on the third or fifth day of the baby's life. In this matter, it is better to rely on the opinion of a pediatrician, who, according to the general condition of the newborn, will give recommendations on the care and conduct of daily hygiene procedures.

It is better to bathe a newborn at the same time, preferably every day before the last feeding. If the child is naughty, it can be seen from him that he is tired, then it is advisable to cancel the bathing, limiting himself to wiping with wet wipes or a soft towel soaked in warm water.

Important! It is necessary to wash or wipe the baby's folds, treat them with baby cream, oil or talcum powder daily. It is in these places that the skin is most susceptible to diaper rash.

Video: Treatment of baby's folds for the prevention of diaper rash

Preparation for bathing

Before water procedures, you should prepare all the necessary accessories in advance, put them so that they are at hand. This is especially important if the mother is bathing the baby alone, without helpers. To take a bath you will need:

  • a special baby bath and slide;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • a ladle for watering and rinsing the baby;
  • baby detergents - soap, shampoo;
  • soft towel.

Baby creams or powder, clean clothes for the baby to sleep in should also be prepared in advance.

Baby bath

It is better to bathe a newborn in a special bath. It is convenient because it is compact and does not require a large amount of water. The first time, when the water for the newborn has to be boiled, this is a big plus. It is advisable to install the bath so that the mother does not have to bend over too much.

The bath is washed before each bath. It is not necessary to use chlorine-containing agents for these purposes every time; it is enough to carry out thorough disinfection once every 1-2 weeks. Before each bathing, it is washed with soda or laundry soap, rinsed thoroughly with water. You can pour over boiling water, but this is not necessary.


Until the umbilical wound has healed, the child should be bathed in pre-boiled water. In this case, there is no need to add additional disinfectants. The procedure consists in washing the baby, washing the folds. After bathing, the umbilical wound should be treated as recommended by the pediatrician (usually brilliant green is used for this purpose).

When the umbilical wound heals well, you do not need to boil the water, but it is advisable to pass it through a filter, at least a homemade one. It is recommended to add agents that have disinfecting properties to unboiled water.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Until recently, pediatricians strongly recommended adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water. Today this method is increasingly being abandoned. And not without reason. The fact is that a solution acceptable for bathing, when the water becomes only slightly pink, is not capable of fully disinfecting. A stronger solution will burn the baby's delicate skin. Potassium permanganate greatly dries, which negatively affects the condition of the skin of the newborn, leads to the appearance of rashes, peeling, dermatitis and other problems.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to bathe the newborn in a solution of potassium permanganate, it should be diluted in a separate container of a small volume. To do this, first pour potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife) into the prepared clean dish, then pour warm boiled water. Close the container and shake the resulting solution thoroughly to dissolve all particles.

The product should be poured into prepared bathing water very carefully, controlling the amount. Then mix the water and make sure that there are no undissolved particles left, which, if they come into contact with the skin, can leave a burn, and if they get into the eyes, even lead to blindness. The color of the water should turn out to be slightly pink.

Herbal infusions

It is preferable to use decoctions and infusions of herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula, string and others. These herbs have an antiseptic, soothing effect on the skin, relieve irritation, inflammation and flaking.

For the preparation of the infusion 2 tbsp. l. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the selected herb, cover and wrap. Let it brew for 1-2 hours, drain. Pour warm infusion into a prepared bath (for 30-50 liters), mix. Do not make too strong an infusion. The listed herbs have a drying effect and, if they are too strong, can cause peeling. In addition, some newborns have an allergic reaction.

Bathing water temperature

It is convenient to use a baby water thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. A comfortable temperature for the first bath is 37 ° C. As it cools, hot water should be poured from a ladle gently along the side of the tub from the side of the baby's feet, then stirring it thoroughly.

When the baby gets used to the water and loves to swim, it will be possible to lower the temperature at the request of the parents. Some parents bathe their child in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 32 ° C, for hardening purposes. This is a good hardening measure, but you shouldn't start with cool water.

General rules for bathing a newborn

When everything is ready, you can start water procedures:

  1. A special washcloth is used to bathe the newborn. You can replace it with a small piece of clean, soft cloth. Many parents wash their baby with their soapy hands.
  2. You cannot use soap every time; you can wash a newborn with soap or special foam no more than once a week. Even if the baby is sweating, washing with plain water (possibly with the addition of herbs) will suffice. You also need to wash your hair with detergents no more than once a week. If a newborn has yellow crusts on the head, they are removed during bathing, when the skin is steamed. To do this, use special shampoos to remove crusts or baby cosmetic oil, as well as soft brushes with natural bristles.
  3. It is convenient to have a special slide for babies up to six months, until they learn to sit on their own. If there is no slide, then the newborn should be held with the left hand (provided that the mother is right-handed) so that the head lies on the bent elbow, gently clasping his left arm under the armpit: this way the baby will not slip out and will be securely fixed.
  4. It is necessary to bathe a newborn baby, following from above, from the baby's neck, down to the legs. Much attention is paid to the folds. It is necessary to rinse each of them with gentle sliding movements: on the neck, armpits, arms, groin folds, folds on the legs.
  5. Wash the child's head from the forehead to the back of the head, thoroughly rinse the folds behind the ears. Wash your face, avoiding the eye area. It is better to wipe the eyes of a child of the first month of life after bathing separately with a gauze swab dipped in chamomile broth.
  6. It is better not to use soap when washing. It will be enough to rinse the genitals with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with water. You cannot rub for a long time, try to remove a film or a protective white coating in girls, otherwise the risk of infection will increase.
  7. After bathing, take the baby out of the bath and rinse with clean water from the bucket. It is advisable that the water for rinsing is one degree lower than that in which the child bathed.

For the first water procedures, 5-7 minutes is enough. The child gets acquainted with water, gets used to it. It is not necessary to use soap and shampoo in the first bath, it is better to introduce the baby to them in a week or two. Subsequent bathing is increased by 1-2 minutes each time, if the child likes it, he is happy, not capricious. By a month, the duration of the procedure takes 15-20 minutes, and by 6 months - up to half an hour.

Remember: The risk of injury in the bath is very high, so the baby should not be left alone for a minute. The kid can completely submerge in the water and drown.

Swimming with an inflatable ring

Many mothers use an inflatable neck ring almost from the first days of a child's life. In fact, this is a very useful attribute, but it is advisable to use it not earlier than 1-2 months of the baby, when he is already strong, holds his head confidently, is used to water and is not afraid to swim in a large bath.

A correctly selected circle is absolutely safe. It fixes the baby's head and does not allow water to penetrate to the baby's mouth and nose, which eliminates the possibility of choking. In addition to fun bathing, it is also a great exercise for a child.

After bathing

You should take the baby out of the bath very carefully, holding the head. It is advisable for someone to throw a towel over the child and take it from the mother's hands. If there is no one to help, then put the newborn on a bent arm, turning it upside down so that the head rests on the palm, put a towel on top and then gently turn it over on the back.

Some mothers spread a towel on the washing machine or a changing table installed in the bathroom, put the ransomed baby on it and wrap it up. This can really be a solution if at first it is hard to get used to getting the baby out of the bath. However, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should a child be left at a height: even newborn children, actively moving their arms and legs, can approach the edge and fall. Unfortunately, there are many such cases.

After bathing, let the baby lie down for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, you should not pre-heat the air in the room too much, otherwise there will be no point in hardening. Pediatricians believe that 22-25 ° C is the optimal temperature for such procedures. After the baby is completely dry, treat the folds with baby cream, oil or powder to avoid diaper rash.

Important! Talc should be applied only on absolutely dry skin, otherwise, under the influence of moisture, it will roll and clog into folds, which will cause even more irritation.

After all procedures, the baby should be dressed in dry clean clothes, fed and put to bed. Most likely, well-fed, satisfied and tired, he will quickly fall asleep on his own.

Hygiene of a newborn baby requires special knowledge from parents. The first month, you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the umbilical cord, skin folds, and the hygiene of the mother's breast. There are special requirements for baby bathing. So, the first bathing of the child after the hospital is recommended by doctors no earlier than 2 days after discharge. This article is about what the hygiene of a baby should be in the first month of life.

After the newborn is watched by the district doctor and nurse. They are obliged to visit the baby the next day after the mother and baby return home. Health professionals give mom advice on how to feed. Health workers should make repeated visits on the 14th and 21st days after birth.

  1. In the first month of a baby's life, you should not invite guests to the house and visit public institutions with the baby, as well as go on a visit with him. This is explained by the weak immunity of the little man, when he can get sick from literally every sneeze.
  2. A certain temperature and humidity regime should be maintained in the children's room: air humidity - 60%, temperature - + 23 ° C.
  3. If the baby is fed with artificial formula, then each feeding should be made from carefully sterilized bottles.
  4. When breastfeeding, the mother should wash the nipples after each feed, not before. This is explained by the fact that between feedings, bacteria that are useful for the newborn intestines are formed on the nipples, which are easily washed off if you wash your breasts before feeding. In this case, the mother should wear a clean bra with disposable pads.

Umbilical cord care

When the baby is born, doctors put a special plastic bracket on the remainder of the umbilical cord. By the 4th-6th day of the baby's life, the umbilical wound is covered with a crust, and after a month it heals completely. Modern doctors are sure that the umbilical cord does not require special care, as this can lead to infection of the wound and its trauma.

There are a number of adverse symptoms that require a visit to a doctor:

  • the area near the navel is reddened and swollen;
  • an unpleasant odor emanates from the wound or there is a purulent discharge;
  • the umbilical cord heals more too slowly;
  • a protrusion formed, increasing when the baby cries.

Doctors do not recommend washing the baby in the bath until a crust forms on the wound! The first bathing of the child after the hospital in the absence of a crust is unacceptable, in this case it is enough to wash the baby and carry out morning hygiene procedures.

Washing your face in the morning

Newborn babies have very vulnerable skin, so it should be looked after very carefully from the first days of life. For the first month, the baby can only be washed with boiled water. Before proceeding with this procedure, you should prepare:

  • a container with boiled water heated to a temperature of +32 ° C;
  • baby oil (mineral or vegetable);
  • sterile cotton filaments and cotton pads;
  • a gentle towel (preferably bamboo).

Before starting to wash the baby, the mother should wash her hands with soap to keep them warm and tender. Bathing rules in the morning:

  1. Each eye is wiped with a cotton pad moistened with water and wrung out. Movements should be from the center to the periphery. After wiping with a wet disc, you need to blot your eyes with a towel.
  2. The nose and ears are cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in oil. It is forbidden to use cotton swabs!
  3. Use a damp disc to wipe the ear and the area behind it, the nose and mouth, the forehead and cheeks of the crumbs.
  4. The procedure is completed by drying with a towel - for this it is enough just to get the baby's skin wet.

After each toilet, the baby should be washed with running warm water without using detergents (maximum once a week). It is not recommended to use industrial-made wet wipes, as they contain many chemicals that can cause unnecessary irritation and trigger an allergic reaction. Bathing babies should also be complemented by a procedure for intimate hygiene of babies.

How to wash a girl

Before you go to the bath with your daughter, you should pick her up in a special way: the head should lie on your elbow, and the butt will be supported by your palm. The baby is placed on the inside of the hand with the tummy down. For the convenience of washing, they are usually used for newborns who are placed in a large bath - this reduces the risk of dropping the baby.

During the procedure, the girl should be washed from the bottom up - avoiding the ingress of dirty water into the vagina. You can not wipe the labia from the inside! After the procedure, you should blot the bottom and genitals with a soft towel. In the presence of irritation, the skin should be treated with a special agent.

How to wash a boy

Before going to the bath, the baby should be picked up in the same way as described above. At the moment of flushing, the water should be directed from front to back. The scrotum and penis should be washed gently without pulling the delicate skin or exposing the head of the penis.

After water procedures, dry and lubricate the skin if irritation is present.

What to do with crusts on your head

After birth, babies often develop yellowish crusts on their heads - the so-called gneiss. The reason for its formation is unknown. It is assumed that its appearance may be associated with the reaction of the baby's body to food.

To get rid of crusts on the scalp, prepare a vegetable or cotton pad and a small scallop. One hour before bathing in the bathroom, you need to grease the crusts with oil previously boiled in a water bath. Bathing babies should be supplemented by wiping the gneiss with a soapy cotton swab, followed by combing out. When the hair is dry, remove the remnants of the scales by combing out with a comb.

Baby bathing

If a crust has formed on the umbilical wound, there is no inflammation and discharge from it, then you can start washing the crumbs. As a rule, the first bathing of the child after the hospital takes place a couple of days after discharge.

The first month of a child's life, water procedures should be taken every day. Starting from the second month - every other day. By six months, it is enough to bathe the baby a couple of times a week. You do not need to do this too often, as exposure to water with bleach will negatively affect the condition of the baby's skin.

Bathing should be done at the same time every day, preferably before an evening meal. Duration of water procedures - up to 6 minutes. The first bathing of a child after the hospital can scare him, so 1-2 minutes will be enough for a start. If the baby starts crying, you should stop the procedure. You need to swim on a full stomach so that the child is not capricious. You should not take a bath after 21 hours, as this will have an exciting effect on the nervous system of the baby, and it will be more difficult to put him to sleep. Bathing water for newborns should be about +23 o C.

If necessary, a bathing sequence or chamomile can be added to the water, but it is not recommended to bathe the baby in manganese water. Potassium permanganate is very dry to the skin and is very dangerous in terms of causing burns by crystals of the substance. In the first month of a child's life, water should be used settled and boiled to get rid of excess chlorine and other harmful elements. For the procedure, you can use baby baths for newborns - they do not require a lot of water.

When bathing the baby, hold him by the head and neck with the left river, and pour the body with water with the right river and wipe the skin. At the end of the procedure, the child should be poured with water that has a temperature 2 degrees less than that which was during bathing.

Diaper handling

This accessory makes life much easier for parents, but its use is associated with a number of requirements.

  1. Before going outside, after emptying, half an hour after feeding, the diaper should be changed.
  2. After removing the diaper, the skin should be allowed to "breathe" for 40-60 minutes.
  3. If there is irritation on the skin, you should temporarily stop using this item. Alternatively, regular, washed and ironed diapers can be used.
  4. If allergic rashes appear in the diaper area, you should immediately replace it with products from other manufacturers.

Fulfillment of these simple requirements will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of sweating, allergies, diaper rash and other troubles.

You need to start bathing a newborn baby only after the wound at the site of the umbilical cord has healed. Until that time, the baby can only be wiped off with a damp soft towel. Particular attention is paid to the folds in the skin. Usually, the first bathing of a newborn child is carried out for the first time by parents in the second week after the birth of the child.

For this procedure, you need to prepare everything you need, including a soft sponge, baby soap, and a large rinse jug. The bath can be used enamel or plastic, but specially designed for bathing newborns. Be sure to prepare a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

Baby's first bath

Water treatments can be done at any time of the day, but it is best done in the evening before the last evening feeding. It is also recommended to swim at the same time. If your baby is worried in the evening, is naughty while bathing, try to carry out the procedure in the afternoon, after lunch, before feeding.

It is necessary to observe a certain air temperature in the room where the bathing takes place. It should be 20-25 degrees. The water temperature is 37-38 degrees. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Before filling the tub with water, prepare a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate in a glass jar. You will need it to treat your navel after bathing. Close the jar with a lid, store it in a cabinet so that it is always at hand. Now fill the tub with warm boiled water, pour in a little solution so that the water turns light pink.

It is necessary to bathe the child in water with potassium permanganate until the wound from the umbilical cord is completely healed. Bathing water should be boiled and cooled for about 2 months. The first procedures should last no more than 3-4 minutes. Baby soap is used no more than 2 times a week.

Prepare everything you need in advance. Place these items next to the bathtub so that they are close at hand and do not leave the child unattended for a second.

For a water treatment, you need to prepare:

Clean bath, baby soap, soft clean towel for wiping, warm towel to wrap baby after bath, cotton swabs, diaper, diaper.

You will also need two undershirts: light and warm. Two caps: light and warm. Be sure to use a baby bath. You can bathe a child in a shared bath only from six months. For convenience, use special stands.

Some helpful bathing tips:

During the first water procedures, do not use any cosmetic products other than baby soap. Do not use shampoos and bath foams. They can cause allergy symptoms.

You can use baby shampoo from 5-6 months of age, no more than 1 time per week. Bath foams can be used after 1 year.

First bath

Fill the bath 15-20 cm. The baby's head, shoulders and chest should be kept dry while bathing. Place a jug of warm (36 degrees) boiled water next to it for rinsing.

Undress the child, pick it up and very gently gradually lower it into the water. The baby should be submerged in water, and his head should be located on the elbow of the father or mother. At the same time, support your head and back with your left hand.

With your right hand, gently wash the baby's chest, legs, arms, and genitals with a soapy cotton swab. Then flip it over onto your tummy, supporting your head and chest, and lather the back. Now lather your head with a swab.

Then rinse it with water from a jug. Rinse off the lather from your head gently so that the soap does not get into your eyes. This should be done in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head, and not vice versa. Rinse your baby thoroughly so that no soap is left on the skin.

After bathing and rinsing, take the baby out of the bathroom, quickly wrap him up in a soft bath towel. Place on changing table. Use blotting movements to wipe the baby from the remaining water, starting from the head. Wipe gently from abdomen to back. Thoroughly blot the folds of skin, neck, armpits and groin. If your baby's skin is very dry, baby cream or oil can be used.

Now the navel should be processed. Pipette the hydrogen peroxide solution into a pipette (your child's doctor will tell you the consistency). Put 2 drops on the navel area, then blot with a piece of cotton wool. Instead of peroxide, you can use brilliant green or a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which you have already prepared. Now the baby can be dressed and fed.

After the first water treatment, bathe your baby daily until he is six months old. After 6 months. up to one and a half years old, you can buy a baby every other day. Be sure to keep track of the temperature of your bathing water. First use boiled water at 37 degrees. After six months, the water can be heated from 36 to 36.5 degrees.

During the first bathing up to 6 months. the duration of the procedure should be 5 minutes. After 6 months. up to 1 year - from 5 to 10 minutes. After the first year of life up to 2 years, it is permissible to bathe a child for 10 to 15 minutes. Increase the duration of the procedure gradually, starting from a few minutes.