Why to strive nightmarish dreams. Nightmares in a dream - a sign of illness

Any sleep disturbance suggests that the person does not even go smoothly, and concerns it not only, but also nightmares. If you encountered this problem, read on, you will be interested. From this article, you will learn why nightmares are shot, and how it can be stopped without receiving potent drugs.

Causes of nightmares

If nightmares are filmed from time to time, and I would like to sleep calmer, pay attention to your lifestyle in general. Causes most often more than banal:

  • Horror movies before bed. What did you think - then and dreamed;
  • Incorrect meals, overeating. Bad not only the stomach - the whole body suffers. The body does not feel comfort and cannot relax, so there is nothing surprising in terrible dreams;
  • Normal cold. Any physical discomfort may be accompanied by nightmares, and it is also quite natural;
  • Bad conditions for rest. If you sleep on an uncomfortable sofa, in a slot, or vice versa, in the cold, you are unlikely to dream of a peaceful and pleasant sleep;
  • Alcohol abuse. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages often leads to nightmares, and people who are prone to fall into pieces are subject to nightmares;
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman changes not only physical, but also a mental state - she reacts to each trifle, becomes too clear and worried not only for itself, but also for the future child;
  • Overwork. Due to the strong overwork you hard to relax. The body may be "turned off" instantly, but these words no longer belong to the brain.
  • Nervous stress. The most unpleasant reason for which the nightmares are shot by people. Read about it below in all details.

Intrusive nightmare - truth without exaggeration

Some people believe that nightmares are a warning about a certain event that should happen, while others believe that terrible dreams are a consequence of what has already happened. In fact, the right and others, but there are no mystics. Everything has a logical explanation, and nightmares too.

Nightmare as a warning

Any dream is the work of the brain, which continues to function and after the physical body falls asleep. If you are afraid that you are afraid, then you are in constant psychological tension called "Sustainable Stress". Causes can be any way: a lifestyle associated with risk, dangerous occupation, lack of stability and fear for the future. There are more obvious reasons for the victims of the blackmail or, for example, in people who do not lie with the law, but they even lucky to some extent - they know where the problems grow from the problem.

If you are constantly shot by nightmares, but outwardly everything is completely safe and visible causes seem to be not, it means that you yourself are inattentive. The reason is, you just don't see her! Perhaps in the distant past you did not cope with some kind of problem and tried so diligently about it to forget that you even succeeded, but the question still remains open. Nightmares did not accidentally chose this period of time to start you to dream - it is likely that the consequences of the past events can declare themselves now, and once you have already thought about it.

What to do

To help yourself, it is necessary to find a cause. Answer honestly yourself what exactly bothers you. You can drive any disturbing thoughts now dangerous - so you beat the problem in the distant corner of the subconscious, where she is not going anywhere else, and one day she will declare themselves. Relax later, and now you need to understand why you are shot by nightmares and what they warn you about.

Nightmare as a result

In this situation, a person perfectly understands why he has a nightmare. He suffered strong stress, was something scared, and he may continue to be afraid, or lives in constant stress. The nervous system is so exhausted that even the night rest does not turn out.

What to do

If the source of stress is still present in your life, the nightmares will sleep until it is until you eliminate it. If you almost every night continues to dream of an episode from the past, which frightened you, but for further life it will not be reflected in any way, contact a psychologist for help, while the problem did not start you in a dead end.

Varieties and importance of nightmares

According to the experienced psychologists, each nightmare is not just like that. Instead of studying dream books based on prejudices and someone's rich fantasy, we suggest you find out the meaning of the "language" of terrible dreams and nightmares.

  • Disaster. As in the dream you are powerless before the elements, as well as in real life you feel helplessness. Such dreams can dream of a child from a disadvantaged family, a man who cannot protect themselves and their loved ones, or a woman who has become a victim of violence;
  • Dead. You leave reality and look for the causes of your failures in mysticism and prejudices. Instead of, for example, become more responsible, it is easier for you to talk to yourself and others that you have been smoothed or wished you fail. If you dream of a specific person who left life, it means that you have not yet come true with his loss;
  • Developing By the plane, train, an important meeting, etc. Such a nightmare dreams of people who are too much cramped, trying to do everywhere, or they are responsible for a large number of people. You just need rest;
  • Flight by chase. You in the literal sense run away from problems, instead of deciding, and even the subconscious will signal you that this method does not work. The first thing to do is become more frank with yourself. Rate the situation in which you are - perhaps your problem is quite solved;
  • Own death. Some stage of your life came to an end, and it is not always bad. The period of training, bachelor's lifestyle can end, a trial period at work - yes, anything! Sometimes such a dream warns of cardinal changes - for example, about moving, the birth of a child or changing the sphere of activity.
  • A shame (see yourself naked, get into an awkward situation). You give you too much importance to the opinion of others. Your subconsciousness tells you about that it is time to become indulgent to people. You will not harm empty conversations, and good, in any case, for all you can not be.

Indescribable fear, a strong attack of panic and anxious state are always unpleasant. In particular, if this happens in a dream, when the subconsciousness is not able to adequately react and turns out to be absolutely unprotected from such a night "horror movie". But many people, not knowing why terrible dreams are dreaming, they do not know how to interpret them correctly. Therefore, after them, be sure to change in their lives and believe that they can be precursors of terrible upcoming problems. In order to know for sure that he may know that one or a dream, you need to be able to understand it correctly and listen to the prompts that are taught in his story.

Scary dreams can often be enjoyed if the on the day before the horror film was viewed either overflowing the stomach due to the satisted dinner eaten in the evening. In addition to these reasons, psychology specialists revealed a number of prerequisites for people with such visions.

These include stressful situations, nervous breakdowns and disorders, poor well-being, the specifics of the diet, the use of certain drugs or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Nightmares can also be a certain expression of any dissatisfied state or anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the present reason for which terrible dreams are shot.

If nightmares do not disappear, it means that the problem of repeating bad dreams lies somewhere deep in the subconscious of man. Then psychologists recommend analyzing the night "horror movie." But it is necessary to do this without waking up among the nights, and the day when a person feels more protected from these nightmares.

When can horror dreamed?

Scary dreams arise mainly deeply at night, while the most terrible phase lasts only a couple of minutes. But despite such a small duration, the human body for a dream reacts very violently. The heartbeat begins to get fat, throughout the body in some cases a shiver passes, so the dreams often wakes up with a cry and in cold sweat.

Many experts believe that a dreamy nightmare can be not only the reaction of subconscious on certain events in life, but also a signal that you need to think about the state of your health. Therefore, in order to unambiguously understand what to do when the terrible dreams are shot, you need to identify the problem of their occurrence.

Analysis of night horror

To begin, it is necessary to put the questions yourself: "What does she do not give peace?", "Why does this nightmare cause a feeling of anxiety?", "What exactly are these terrible dreams?"

What people can pursue dreams often symbolize a set of personality qualities of a person, as well as events, feelings and abilities that they are rejected in his real life. The main task of psychoanalysis of night horrors is to understand that it displaces and is not accepted in itself and subsequently can cause such a strong nightmare.

For example, if a person dreamed that he had a lion, it could mean that he would avoid manifesting his masculinity and aggression. This happens, since he is trying to behave according to the rules, inspired by him since childhood.

What to do if a nightmare dreamed?

In the event that a terrible dream was harmful, it is not necessary to be afraid and wait for something bad at once. Psychologists advise not to give terrible plots of great importance, but they cannot be completely ignored.

People are used to immediately after nightmares to seek interpretation to ordinary dreams. But it is worth remembering that there are always considered classical cases in which individual alarms and human experiences are not taken into account, as well as its current life situation. Therefore, bad dreams need to be deciphering in a different, listening to their inner feelings.

Interpretation of nightmares

In order to know what to do if terrible dreams are shot, you need to understand their meaning. For example, a nightmare in which the fire was hardened means that in his daily life a man is too careless with fire.

Natural disasters and various disasters can come in night dreams if people have a threat or perceive some events taking place in their lives, dangerous for themselves.

A person can dream that he is chased or attacked by him when he is very afraid of something and wants to hide from it either to hide. If he sees himself sick, wounded or dying, it means that some transitional period occurred in life.

People are often seen in a dream that their spouse throws them. This plot speaks about the cooling relationship between partners, as well as the fact that a person is afraid to stay alone.

And why dream terrible dreams from Wednesday to Thursday? After all, many argue that such nightmares are the most truthful and there is a high probability that they can be realized in reality. In this case, it is best to forget them and configure yourself to a positive wave in order for the domestic forces to overcome all the unpleasant thoughts and do not let sleep in life.

Anxiety dreams during the waiting period of the baby

"What dreams of terrible dreams with pregnancy?" - This question is asked for many future moms. At this time, the life of the woman is overflowing with new sensations and emotions, which is associated with the raging hormones in their body. They begin to perceive everything differently and worry about any reason, so the likelihood that nightmares will occur periodically, very high.

Future mothers tend to exaggerate the meaning of bad dreams and at the same time begin to worry much, constantly looking for the secret meaning of these night horrors, especially if there were such dreams from Wednesday to Thursday. The interpretation of nightmares in this case may show that the woman is afraid that she is not ready for motherhood, either afraid of losing a not yet born child. As a result, it's just "pregnant experiences" and nothing more.

How to get rid of terrible dreams?

Of all the above, you can only make one conclusion: the nightmares are not necessary, as they are only the generation of the human subconscious. If they do not ignore them, then you can understand what thoughts or problems have accumulated in humans. Therefore, so that nightmares stop, you just need to eliminate all the reasons that contribute to their appearance.

Some experts advise those people who suffer from terrible dreams, discuss their plot with someone who can fully trust. The side view will always help detect complexes or the flaws that a person does not even suspect.

In addition, the nightmares can be defeated using drawing. For this, it is simply necessary to paint the terrible paintings from a bad dream, remembering and fixing on a sheet of paper all the smallest details. When the drawing is completed, it needs to be carefully considered and try to search the image that causes indignation and fear.

Some evening rituals such as bathtubs with essential oils and complete relaxation can also be facilitated.

What to do to make a nightmare not come true?

When a terrible dream has already dreamed, and a person is extremely fear that all its events can occur in real life, better to do as follows:

    After waking up to say three times: "Where the night, there and sleep," and then spit 3 times through the left shoulder.

    Remove all bed linen on which a man slept, inside out when he dreamed of a nightmare.

    Describe your terrible dreams on paper, as well as write in detail about all negative emotions about this and burn this sheet. As they speak in the people, a dream should be blown up with ashes.

After the nightmare, the first thing you need to do in the morning is to immediately store the bed. This action is done in order to close the inner world and do not give there to penetrate the unborn guests.

What can be useful in terrible dreams?

According to some psychologists, nightmares can be favorable for a person in the following cases:

    If terrible dreams are visited after any serious injury of a psychological nature, then in this case the night horrors allow a person to spill all negative emotions and in such a way to restore its sincere equilibrium.

    Nightmares can also help discover the already existing problem in the body, which a person did not suspect a reality.

    If terrible dreams accompany the turning points in life, then in the end there should be a good junction. Since nightmares in this case show a person that he switched to a new degree of its development.

Thus, getting rid of deep psychological reasons, people not only can forever spread with terrible dreams, but also change their lives for the better.

And fear. Night are a man when he is in the rapid sleep phase. As a rule, their plots are implausible and intricate. After waking, the person can remember and retell that he, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, no horror. Fears are manifested during deep sleep, about an hour after falling asleep, in this dying phase is rare. They are painful, but short-term, their plot is clear and. Waking up the next morning, a person may not remember what he saw at night. Hold nightmares daily. But if it happens all the time, it can lead to a weakening of health, negatively affect the psyche. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the reasons for such. Incidentally, the provoking factor for nightmarish dreams is the state of stress, the emergence of which is associated with problems at work, concern for loved ones, financial difficulties. Psychological reasons can serve the experiences about the personal relations that have emerged with fears and distrust of others. If it seems possible to understand and establish these factors, then, most likely it will help to normalize sleeping drugs, for example, antidepressants, barbiturates, sedatives, drugs may have such a side effect as night nightmares. Before you use such drugs, you should be consulted by a doctor, a provision, if necessary, to exclude their use. Earthly dreams can be caused by some diseases, dismisses, especially accompanied by high temperature, breathing difficulty. For the prevention of restless sleeping should not be used alcoholic beverages for the night. It is necessary to give the number of food that is eaten for dinner. Too satisfying and late meal can be very adversely affected by sleep. Exclude an active physical work before bed, a computer game, intellectual activity. If you can't find out the reasons, try simply change the place of your sleep. It is possible that you do not quite fit or inconveniently located bed. You can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or use the folk remedy to have a calming effect. Take 3 pieces of grass sage and thyme, 2 parts of the juniper branches, eucalyptus leaves, rose petals and one part of the lemon zest. Pour the boiling water in one liter and give the drink in the thermos for 6 hours. Drink the resulting infusion one by one glass before bedtime, and a few days later, terrible dreams will disappear. If nightmares At night, they are repeated with a certain periodicity, it is worth seeking help to neurologists or psychiatrists.

A rare person boasts that he never has nightmares, many have experienced their consequences: headache, a sense of anxiety, a broken state. But, according to scientists, the benefits of nightmares are undoubted - thus the human brain processes unpleasant impressions, emotions and internal conflicts that the person is experiencing. It helps to get rid of stress, nervousness, often makes it possible to draw attention to the existence of a problem at the subconscious level, which a person does not suspect.

All interested in: if the nightmares are shot to what it is. If the nightmares are caused by external (light, noise) or brought (alcohol, overeating) by factors, then get rid of them just - it is enough to exclude the stimulus: turn off the light or not rush overnight. In other cases, a person should think about what it seems to him in nightmarish dreams - most likely in these dreams can be found information about psychological or physical illnesses, complexes or hidden problems.

If you see the associated nightmares in a dream what to do? The natural disaster of any level, up to the apocalypse, means a threat from outside, perceived on the subconscious level, as an irresistible. A real threat to health or life, expected or predictable, symbolizes the weakness of character, stressful situation, insecurity in their forces. It would be worth mobilizing and try to cope with the problem independently, but most likely it will have to be involved in solving the problem of third parties.

The trap syndrome, in which it does not seem to threaten anything, but the situation is hopeless, classical phobia. If you are constantly shot by nightmares, in fact, the body reports a panic situation in which a person is unable to adopt the only correct and correct decision. The threat of dismissal, family complexity, domestic conflicts are practically not solved by attracting a third party; It will be necessary to cope on your own. Paranoid manifestations, up to the mania of persecution, there is a focus syndrome in personal relationships. The chief of "tyrant", a neighbor, a unclean business partner - in our lives there are enough situations in which a weakly accuracy person cannot stand properly.

What was the nightmare, in which there was a disease, staying on mortal apparel? Such dreams indicate a turning point in real life. New work, admission to an educational institution or its ending, the change of family or social status is often the reason that we see nightmares in dreams.

Nightmares in a dream benefit?

Psychologists allocate several types of useful nightmares:

  • when moving to another stage in the development (for example, personal growth), the discharge of emotions in the form of nightmares is almost inevitable, but the interchange is usually positive - a person wins difficult times and danger in a dream.
  • he experienced severe psychological trauma (for example, after a natural cataclysm or loss of a loved one), nightmares help to get rid of negative emotions and restore mental equilibrium.

Why dream nightmares?

First of all, if a nightmare dreamed, do not be nervous. It depends on the stage of sleep on which a person awoke. So, waking up in the fast phase, he immediately understands what happened only to sleep, whereas in the stage of slow sleep, it is not always able to evaluate where it is and what is reality.

Such a state is often accompanied by fright and confusion, high pressure and temperature, memory disorders and rapid breathing. Many people cry, moan and even shout in a dream, experiencing nightmarish adventures. A person is worried about a long time that happened to him in a nightmare, scrolling in the mind of events again and again. If such a nightmare is pursued - look in the dream book. Here you will find an explanation that you will most likely come out.

Nightmares in a dream: we study the reasons

What are the nightmares from? They often take their origin in children's emotional and psychological injuries: quarrels of parents, physical violence or strong fright can very much affect the entire subsequent human life. However, the adult, who saw or experienced such strong shocks as violence or an accident, is unlikely to avoid this fate.

Diseases of various etymology, from internal organs to the nervous system, are reflected in human dreams. Straiding snoring or apnea, for example, the nightmares are shot every night associated with the lack of air. And headaches and high temperatures can lead to fights, wars and other scenes of violence in a dream. A no less contribute to nightmares and such modern diseases as overwork, stress and depression. They wove in dreams, turning them into nightmares, and external stimuli, such as bright light, noise, loud sounds, stuffing or sharp smells.

Alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, excess caffeine, beginning or cancellation of intake, antidepressants or other drugs lead to restless unpleasant dreams. Also for night horrors leads to overeating before bedtime or physical fatigue. The horrors and those who are "just" are forced to perform monotonous, repetitive actions, such as routine work, requiring increased attention and scrupulsiness or responsibility.

If you are shot by nightmares what to do? Impressive people should avoid viewing horror movies and computer games before bedtime, as well as communication with unpleasant people. Terrible dreams are frequent guests and creative personalities.

Why dream nightmares during pregnancy?

Many girls are experiencing, as they dream of nightmares during pregnancy. Such dreams are sometimes things, but they do not threaten you. Most often, the reason is in your unstable emotional state. You are nervous, and this is manifested in dreams. How to get rid of nightmares at night? Walking more before bedtime, try to fall asleep with good thoughts. Buy yourself a comfortable pillow. If in your bedroom is hot - put the fan.

How to get rid of nightmares in a dream?

So, dreams of nightmares what to do? To get rid of them, you will have to find out what the body is trying to inform the body through dreams, understand yourself and solve disturbing problems. Sleep analysis, its plot and symbols will help determine the problems and find ways to solve them.

Dreamed the nightmare: what to do?

It is worth writing sleep details for a detailed analysis of its components. Perhaps you have to discuss sleep with a third-party trustee to see yourself from the side. Communication with real people, who are also involved in the nightmare (if any) will help to solve the situation.

How to stop nightmares? The best way is to rash with its reasons and solving the problem in reality, "program" subconscious on the prosperous end of the dream: come up with a happy final stage, read it or tell someone out loud. In any case, you should not be afraid of nightmares, because these are just messages from the subconscious about the existing problems, psychological or physiological, which need to be solved.

If you have dreamed of a nightmare - look in the dream book. It is likely that your dream is not a nightmare at all, but a good omen.

Dreams allow you to reveal fears, desires and hopes. And the strongest of all our fears reflect nightmares.

An impressive number of times in a whole life wakes up a man in a cold sweat and does not understand where he is that it happens to him, feeling himself and comes to balance, with relief understanding that it was just a dream. Especially concerned adult people not because of what the nightmares themselves are withdrawn, and why the nightmares are being shot by their child and what is his disturbing sleep. After all, children still do not know how to correctly express that they are worried about, analyze their activities and talk to parents about it.

To clarify the causes of the nightmare both in adults and in children, it is necessary to remember all the details of sleep, and to ask the child to ask these questions to tell him exactly what kind of dream he was dreaming. If a nightmare dreamed, it is necessary to pay more attention to the events that occurred the day before it, the frequency of such a plot and the emotional experience of the dream.

A nightmare serves as an expression of intense day experiences and fears or unacceptable desires that are suppressed and manifested in dreams in the form of horror experience. There are many reasons why nightmares are shot.

Most often, the terrifying person plots are formed due to the fact that in life he is experiencing some guilt for his actions. For the sake of deliverance to the person from accumulated negative experiences, nightmares, which makes it possible to stabilize the inner life of the dream. But the reasons for the terrifying dreams of plots are not limited to this.

External factors leading to bad dreams

To find out, because of what a nightmare could be dreamed of an adult person, you need to pay attention to the features of his life.

1. Tight dinner before bedtime.

For the reasons of nightmares, there is traditionally overeating before bedtime, because the body does not cope with the load, this reflects the nightmarish plots or excessively tense dreams. Dream Interpretation recommends not to overeat for the night, and better - dinner 3-4 hours before sleep.

2. Sleep on the left side.

This cause is associated with a heart. When a person sleeps on the side to which the heart is shifted, it begins to fight with interruptions, which causes unpleasant sensations that adapt the dreams to themselves.

Discomfort, heaviness in the chest (more often characterized experiences, sadness) leads to the fact that a person is experiencing those emotions that are characteristic of this physical condition, and this is very acute that it is manifested in sleep. If the nightmares are constantly shot, when a person sleeps on the left side, it is worth immediately checking the cardiovascular system.

3. Failure in the work of the body (single or permanent).

Due to the specific operation of the neurohumoral system, our emotions do specially affect our physical condition and his perception, which works in the opposite direction, i.e. if a person perceives some state of his body, he can feel quite certain sensations and emotions which were previously related to this state.

If you do not have obvious health problems and still a nightmare is often shot, it is worth contacting the therapist - check the condition of your body. Just in case, it will not hurt and help stop almost any deviation from normal operation still in the embryo.

4. Stresses.

Nowadays, a person's life is very tense, constant competitive struggle creates not too pleasant emotional background. Estimation associated with difficulties at work, at home or in a circle of friends, can be poured into terrible or disturbing dreams.

If you saw a familiar face in the role of a negative charm of nightmare, it is worth thinking about relationships with this person. Perhaps in the depths of the soul you have already rated the interaction with it as negative for you.

It is worth making breaks in an endless race for success for a full rest. At night, the dream book advises to air the room, turn off at least half an hour before sleeping all annoying attention equipment (computer, TV, telephone), not lying before bedtime in bed.

5. Very exciting fears.

The ability to lose work, money, a loved one or even a loved one leads to the fact that the tension must be expressed either in real life or in the form of scenes dreams.

In this case, the main thing is the analysis of the components of sleep. As a result of competent work on the restoration of all his episodes, it is possible not only to realize their fears, but even finding a solution or ways to mitigate the circumstances of life in reality. It is necessary to take a very carefully to the method of behavior that the dreams chose in the fight against the problems found in a dream. Dream Interpretation in this case recommends contacting close people, do not make an elephant from flying and learn how to cope with stress factors by careful analysis of your position.

In a dream, a nightmare may reflect the playback of punishment for what the person blames himself in reality, and the vinit is not mind, but in the subconscious. Therefore, the dream should remember its recent acts and decisions, analyze whether they could bring someone harm. If a degree is defined that the feeling of guilt is needed, it is necessary to either try to reappete it, or explain to the person, as a last resort, change its vision of the situation

7. Sexual problems.

Nightmares can dream almost constantly, if the dreams are experiencing difficulties in the sexual sphere of life. In this case, you should contact a specialist.

Very often, the causes of nightmare are woven so that it is difficult to separate one of the other, so it's quite normal if you immediately served as a foundation for restless sleep. It is useful to get acquainted with interpretations that give a dream book for one or another actions and dreams. It is the details that can not only serve as a guide to determine the reasons, but also to make the permission of problems in reality is much easier.

Pregnancy and children's dreams

During pregnancy, nightmares do not foresee anything bad, but serve as a signal for a woman to monitor the condition of their emotional sphere. Anxiety for the fate of his future child, experiences about events in the world and excitement about the material situation lead to a serious disharmony, which is why disturbing dreams are shot.

If during pregnancy every day the same nightmare dreams every day, attention should be paid to the number of vitamins in the diet and physical activity in a pregnant woman. In addition, if every day the same plot is repeated for a long time and causes strong excitement from a pregnant woman, it means you have to turn to a specialist or close people to remove stress and bring thoughts in order.

The reasons for which the child dreams alarming sleep is almost coincide with those that are presented above, but with some additions. For understanding, because of what he dreams a restless dream, it is worth considering the age and features of the child.

In the sensitive periods of development, nightmares can dream almost constantly, due to a sharp change in the perception of the environment, causing a strong alarm and a lot of impressions that the brain may not always be processed correctly. Therefore, the dream book recommends to give heat and support to the child, consider with him his problems, fears and desires, and also unobtrusively talk to educators or teachers about his behavior outside the walls of the house and his relationship with others.

To normalize his condition, it will not be superfluous to revise everything that happened in the day, to disassemble the night of his dreams and their embodiment. So it is quite possible to achieve the stabilization of the emotional state, bringing the experience of the experience that he received per day, and the dreams will stop being worried about the alarm and fear.

  • If the same terrible or alarming plot dreams every night - it means that there is some kind of causing person a factor that a long period occupies his thoughts and affects his life.
  • When the same restless dream is dreaming periodically, you need to remember which periods it happened before, how they are interconnected, thanks to which it is possible to identify in real life what is an disturbing dream.

Ways to throw out alarm out of my head

1. Tell a nightmare to someone who can discuss with a dream What happened in a dream, talk about the problems of a person who saw a dream, search the way out of the circumstances, which could cause a restless plot of dreams.

2. To draw as much as possible or describe your sleep, associated with it fears and emotions on paper, try to make it as in detail as possible, even if you don't want to remember that happened in the dream, and then exist into small nurses and burn or throw away the remains of the leaves.

3. Try to present your fear as what happened in reality, feel your emotions about this. After that, to analyze from the inside a terrible scenario, search the way out of way out, changes for the better of the situation that has developed as a result of the fact that the nightmare came true. As soon as the satisfactory plan is drawn up, you can leave work with a nightmare, it is unlikely that he will be disturbed yet.

A nightmare in a dream usually means an attempted subconscious to cope with an unstable situation, which is why there is a conflict in the psyche. For the day, we meet with a huge number of external and internal problems that are postponed in the subconscious. The alarming dreams free their psyche and can have a harmonizing effect on the emotional state, if a person comes to them quite reasonably and will not exaggerate their meaning.