Hairstyles for long dark hair without bangs. Always fashionable haircuts for long hair without bangs. Cascade - Hairstyle for all occasions

According to hairdressers, haircuts without bangs are, above all, girls with the right features of the face. The main thing is that there were no outstanding parts - a large nose, too high and convex forehead - which need to be adjusted. Photo haircuts can be viewed below.

Famous "Lestenka"

Straight long hair is the perfect option to create such a hairstyle. The hair is trimmed in different ways: they are equal in the control strand, perpendicular to the floor (this reception is called strand on the strand) and compile on the temporal parts of the head. Below, give a haircut diagram and photos of hairstyles.

Hit season - Cascade

Cascade haircut is also made on long and not curly hair. The technique of its implementation is more complicated than the ladder. The master combs her hair along the entire length and divides into several parts. As with the "steps", the control strand is distinguished, and the rest of the hair across the whole head is equal in accordance with it.

Haircut for long hair without bangs "Fox Tail"

Holders of long (below the blades) of the hair very much more haircut on long hair. It is called lisus tail. The ends of the hair in this hairstyle are drawn up by a triangle, or the letter V - from here for the similarity with the fox tail, this hairstyle and got its name. You can not use bangs in this haircut, since the very highlight is not in front, but on the back. Lisai tail can be made both very smooth hair and hair with a chemical twist. For examples, see the photo below.

If you have hard and thick hair, the ends can be profiled, graduate, arrange with ribbon strands or fines. The sequencing ends are contraindicated, because all the beauty of this hairstyles lies precisely in the beautiful form of hair, loose on the back. To solve this problem, some hairdressers use hot scissors when cutting equipment (sequencing sequencing tips). Not very long hair to perform such a haircut is better pre-building in the cabin.

In addition, the lisus tail looks gorgeous not only in a loose form, but also in the collected in the tail.

Who and what comes

The haircut of the ladder is very suitable for a round face, lengthening it.

The triangular face will look more voluminous if you emphasize the strands of the cheekbone area.

The cascade is well suited to those who have a narrow face, because when laying it is possible to create a visual effect of a wide person due to large curls or stranded strands.

Haircuts for long hair without bangs: Trends 2019

The real hits of this season will be graded hairstyles in the style of "grunge" and all sorts of cascade variations. Distinctive features - torn hair tips and thorough styling, as a result on hair, the effect of light carelessness. It will be nice to paint your hair into some beautiful, not acidic color. In general, the main thing is natural. You can also lay the hair in this season without complicated accessories: two or three movements with hand - and hairstyle is ready!

Video lessons to the article

In summer, it is quite difficult to fully lay bangs, besides, wearing it too hot. Also, this element is hairstyles not all suitable, taking into account the face form and the height of the forehead. Therefore, many women prefer haircuts on long hair without bangs. Moreover, it is this kind of hairstyle now in a trend among celebrities and actresses of Hollywood.

Extra haircuts without bangs

For luxurious long strands under these conditions, only 3 types of haircuts are suitable:

  • cascade;
  • ladder;
  • smooth slice.

Each of them can be performed using a variety of techniques. Also, professional stylists recommend combining them, add extravagant elements to the hairstyle, such as shaved whiskey.

Haircut Cascade for Long Hair without bangs

Perhaps this universal haircut at all times remains the most popular. It can be seen on many Hollywood dives, including Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston.

Cascade without bangs performed in 3 main styles:

  • clear graduation;
  • branch;
  • "Torn" ends.

In the first, classical case, the shortest strands are located on the back of the head. Next, the master makes clear transitions from one hair layer to another, leaving the longest curls in front. This haircut is ideal for women with rare, deprived of the desired volume by strands. It creates a visual effect of thick, lush and healthy hair, especially if it is performed in combination with melting.

The second technique with a soft milling ends smoothes clear boundaries between the layers. In addition, this method of cutting the cascade allows you to proper strands. Therefore, it is recommended to women with rigid, thick and naughty curls. The compound stages ensure maintenance of the desired shape hairstyle without loss of volume.

The last, third style involves the processing of the ends of each layer in the cascade with a special blade. Due to this, the effect of "torn" haircut is created. Similar hairstyles are well helped to hide some flaws of the face form, for example, too large cheekbones, high forehead.

It is worth noting that the competently performed is suitable for absolutely any form of face. Moreover, there is a huge number of options for its laying, including the creation of large curls, soft waves, chaotic-negligent grunge.

Haircut ladder for long hair without bangs

The hairstyle under consideration is a combination of long smooth strands behind and smoothly graded curls in front. The shortest sections are located at the level of the Ear UH, gradually reaching the line of the main mass of the hair.

The ladder is considered an ideal haircut without bangs for a round face. Due to the effect of the framing, it allows it to slightly lengthen it, adjust the shape and size of cheek, hide large cheeks.

It is important to remember that the above-mentioned functions described hairstyle performs only with proper laying - strands need to be pulled out with a hairdryer or iron, the ends slightly wrap.

Haircut without bangs with a smooth cut for oval

This, it would seem that the simplest and simple hairstyle is not available to every woman. After all, to wear the hair of the same length with a smooth slice necessarily the presence of some conditions:

  1. First, this haircut is exclusively for women with an oval face, as it does not allow you to hide any disadvantages.
  2. Secondly, strands should be thick, possess sufficient volume. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look "slightly" and ugly.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to carefully follow the health of curls. Invalid, too dry or oily hair. Such defects with a smooth slice are noticeable immediately.

Women in all centuries tend to look beautiful and well-groomed. Long hair can give the image of additional charm.

Such a hair requires constant care and a mass of free time, however, the effect of the luxurious mane shiny hair is simply incomparable!

Of course, long hair is very beautiful, that's just modern lifestyle leaves little time to care for them.

An excellent solution will be a haircut "Cascade" for long hair without bangs, which will allow you to look great at a minimum of the spent effort.

That is why more and more often the fair sex is preferred to make haircuts, which, without shorting the length of the hair, allow you to put them quickly and beautifully, without spending too much of such precious time.

Excellent solution will be a haircut "Cascade" On long hair without bangs, which will allow you to look great at a minimum of effort spent.

Cascade Options on Long Hair

An important advantage of such a haircut is called absolute naturalness.The hair trimmed by a special way is directly and elegant, without requiring special ways to lay them.

Such an effect is achieved due to smooth transitions.which are made possible by the technique used by the hairdresser - to replace short hair smoothly come slightly longer, creating a real silky shower waterfall.

An important advantage of such a haircut is called absolute naturalness. The hair triggered by a special way is directly and elegant.

Such steps, which create the image of the "Cascade", can begin at different lengths of the hair, both at the top of the top and closer to the tips.

From this and depend haircut options that distinguish between several:

Classic "Cascade"

The classic view of the "Cascade" allows you to get a natural volume, and the cutting "Cascade" on long hair looks great even without bangs.

This type of haircut is perfectly suitable for women in the following cases:

You can select those features of the cutting "Cascade" in the classical version:

  1. Cocks of the hair gently separated from each other for thin strands.
  2. After that, the strands are superimposed by one different and consistently shortening.
  3. Steps that create the necessary volume are cut off with conventional scissors.

Graduated Cascade

This kind of "cascade" is considered more extravagant, here strands as if stacked with each other with the finest layers, creating a unique image. Hair coated at a certain angle, allow you to emphasize too sophisticated face features and make a very obedient even a very thick hair.

The graduated haircut "Cascade" on long hair without bangs always has a clear shape, a little reminding the hat.

Note! A feature of such a haircut is a rather short coating length on the top of the top, followed by an increase in the length of the strand.

All equipment is performed with smooth transitions.As is the main meaning of the graduation of the "Cascade". The layers decorated strands make it possible to create clearly read carelessness.

The graded version of the "cascade" haircut is suitable for:

The graded "cascade" is not suitable for thin and soft hair, in this case the hairstyle will lose the form too quickly.

The graded haircut can be easily furnished by a small hair movement performed using a brush and a hair dryer.

Ripped "Cascade"

The torn version of the "Cascade" is considered hairstyle predominantly young, extravagant girls. To create such an image strands will ring in chaotic order, they can have a different lengthboth in the upper and lower head.

The torn version of the "Cascade" is considered hairstyle predominantly young, extravagant girls. To create such an image, straight will be angry in chaotic order, they may have a different length.

However, the torn "cascade" is perfectly suitable not only for young people, but also for women aged, which feel the power of movement.

Note! This kind of "cascade" perfectly hides wide cheekbones of the triangular face form, adjusting them. Beautiful sexes who have a little elongated face will look very harmonious with hair trimmed in this style.

Such a haircut should not be done on the hair that are not too longMoreover, if their owner has a round face. There is a big risk to achieve an effect even more round bricks.

Benefits of the "Cascade" haircut

Haircut "Cascade", which can be quite often seen on girls wearing long hair without bangs, is always at the peak of popularity.

Haircut "Cascade", which can be quite often seen on girls wearing long hair without bangs, is always at the peak of popularity. She is simple in laying.

Its popularity can be explained by the presence of its undeniable advantages:

  1. Quick update of an existing style, without the need to make radical changes.
  2. Easy laying.
  3. "Cascade" is universal, it will fit perfectly for women of any age.
  4. Allows not only to create a harmonious appearance, but also constantly change, laying the hair in different ways.
  5. It looks great even on wavy hair.
  6. Perfectly adjusts chubby brushes and rounded face shape.
  7. In combination with innovative staining methods, allows you to create a unique image.

"Cascade" for long hair without bangs

Even if the face is wide, "Cascade" without bangs will be an excellent solutionallowing you to somewhat adjust the disadvantages of appearance.

Haircut "Cascade", made on long hair without bangs perfectly suit women with face in the form of oval.

Ideally suit such a haircut of girls, happy owners of a luxurious cushion of curly hair. "Cascade" allows you to create some kind of order on my head, Which makes hair lying in their places, not too shouting.

Women who have perfectly smooth hair will also make a haircut, creating curls, gently framing face.

The optimal is considered to be such a length of strands on the sides of the person who start from the chin and descend below.

It is this kind of haircut that allows you to better emphasize the beauty of the face as a whole.

With "Cascade", as with a simple haircut, you can do the hairstyles.

"Cascade" for long hair with bangs

Bang is undoubtedly a very important part of the hairstyle, allowing you to give it new paints and elegantly supplementing the fed one style.

What are the same advantages of such a haircut:

Haircut "Cascade" for long hair without bangs fit almost to all.

Especially winning it looks in the following cases:

A haircut that layerly lengthens hair, it can not always come to the yard.

There are cases when it should not be done:

Cascade laying options for long hair without bangs

Long hair without bangs, on which the cascade haircut is made, will look great even without laying, if they are well-groomed and healthy. But, sometimes without laying can not do.

Wherein it is necessary to gently twist the curls of the hair brush, making smooth waves. Create such a hairstyle can be varnished.

To implement the life of a cute and romantic image, you can dry the hair with a hairdryer, pre-moistened with mousse for laying.

If any celebration has to be prepared, you can prepare in advance and shut the curls with a curlers or a hair dryer.

Important! Hair that is directly from the person needs to be twisted inward, and the rest - towards the back of the head. The shortest spars that are located on the top of the head can be slightly combed and fixed with the means for laying.

In the case when you want a calm laying, without a lush volume, You can simply straighten the curls with hot ironing. After the hair treatment, you can give the form of individual strands from the person using a special wax for hair.

In the case when you want a calm laying, without a lush volume, you can simply straighten the curls with hot ironing.

It does not require laying the haircut "Cascade", which can be slightly diversified by making an oblique sample, or a zigzag sample.

How to revive the cutting "Cascade"

In order to give the dynamism and brightness of the Cascade haircut, you can resort to staining of the chapels trendy today technicians.

So, popular coloring techniques:

  • ombre;
  • shatuch;
  • bedding.

In principle, any coloring, which suggests a gradual change in the color from the roots to the tips, will be very advantageously improved the Cascade haircut.

Even a slight rise, performed extremely delicately, will allow the harmony to give harmony.

Also popular is also a variation option.

How to care for hair to keep the cut "Cascade" for a long time

Haircut "Cascade", made on long hair, requires the same care as any other. Only in the case of competent care for their own hair, you can keep the charm of the hairstyle for a long time, which gives the master of beauty salon.

Haircut "Cascade", made on long hair, requires the same care as any other.

There are no special difficulties in caring for a haircut "Cascade" Just comply with general simple rules:

Haircut "Cascade", the hostess of which takes care of the beauty of his hair, does not leave them without attention and styling, can delight its owner for long weeks. Unchanging enthusiastic views will become a real reward for hair care.

In this video, you will see the cascade haircut nuances for its proper execution.

From this video you will learn how to make a cascade haircut on medium and long hair.

This video will show you a "cascade" haircut for a different hair length.

Haircuts on long hair without bangs have a huge selection, every woman can find the option with which it will look in the best possible way. Girls with long hair look always attractive and feminine. Every representative of the weak gender, which has a decent length, can afford to make absolutely any hairstyle and it inspires it. Long hair has always been considered a symbol of sexuality, and such girls most attract the attention of men. But, unfortunately, not all girls can afford haircuts on long hair with bangs.

The most beautiful haircuts for long hair without bangs

Any girl can have thin or lush, curly or straight long hair, which from time to time must be cut.

With haircuts for straight hair to determine much easier, it can be:

  • Cascade;
  • Ladder;
  • Hood and many others.

For curly hair with the most beautiful haircuts, a hat and a ladder can become and that is not expressive. Haircuts give the hair of additional volume and attractiveness.


It has long appeared in the world of fashionable cascade cutting trends and most of all it is suitable for long hair. As with bangs, and without bangs it looks just fantastic, because a huge amount of clear strands of different lengths are able to create an additional volume and an interesting form of hairstyles.

Haircut Cascade for long hair without bangs will go absolutely to all girls and will be able to help them achieve the following:

  • Ideally emphasize the features of a round or oval person;
  • Give additional volume with thin hair;
  • Make too thick hair is a little less and more attractive;
  • Easy when creating any hairstyle.

Cascade without bangs on long hair - it is beautiful and interesting. Absolutely any girl can, with this haircut, successfully emphasize all its advantages, because the versatility of the cascade is a long-proved fact.


Often a ladder haircut prefer girls with medium-length hair or if they are long. It always looks beautiful, because at the expense of different lengths of strands, some multi-levelness is created.

Beautifully, such a haircut will look and after laying the hair, and she will give them extra volume. Haircut on long hair The ladder will be perfectly looking if the girl will make a rise.

Such a strife is perfect for girls who have:

  • Round and soft features;
  • Long and thick hair;
  • Not too high forehead;
  • Oval face and not too high forehead.

The haircut of the ladder on long hair without bangs is ideal for girls who are not afraid to experiment on themselves and look bright.


Many since early childhood is familiar with the name of the haircut cap. So many mammies preferred to cut their little beauties, and always looked attractive.

But the haircut cap on long hair looks a little different than short. On long hair, soft, smooth lines and transitions are created, which looks just wonderful as a result.

Such a haircut gives hair a special attraction and if the girl values \u200b\u200bthe length of his hair and wants the ends to always look beautiful to give preference to her.

Dependence on face form

Many girls nature endowed a round or oval face and when it comes to long-haired beauties it is difficult for them to decide on the desired haircut. It should be understood that the round and oval face have their own specific features and expressive features and these 2 types should be considered separately.


Girls with a round face have soft features, their forehead is low and therefore haircuts with bangs are completely contraindicated.

Modesta with long hair boldly can use a haircut elongated square or karebob without bangs. It should be given preference not too dark colors of hair.

Who has dense hair, you can draw attention to a cascade or ladder haircut. But you should not do too expressive strands of the hair, because they will only spoil the face.


Oval face has expressive features and is characteristic of it is a high planting of forehead. If a girl with an oval face gives preference to haircuts without bangs, she must replace it with something.

For example, making a haircut elongated square, cascade, the ladder sample should not be in the center. You can close the forehead.

It is also recommended to make expressive strands in front and you can help smooth haircuts in this. For an oval person, whatever haircut is, it is worth to apply filing and due to this person becomes more rounded.


Straight hair

Often you can meet girls with long curly hair that would like to have straight and those who have direct, but I would like more volume. And those and others look wonderful, but haircuts need to be able to pick up appropriate.

For long straight hair, such haircuts are most suitable:

  • Cascade;
  • Ladder;
  • Extended square and karebob;
  • Hood.

If the hair is thick and magnificent wizard, apply the technique of filing, and if thin and brittle to try to give the volume due to several expressive strands.

All these haircuts can be like a bang, and without it, but if we talk about the absence of bangs, it is more beautiful without her girls with a round face.

This problem of thin hair

Not every female representative can call himself the owner of lush, thick hair, although she managed to keep their length. Thin hair is simply tolerated cannot be filmed and use it unnecessary during the haircut.

For long thin hair, you can use such haircuts without bangs as:

  • Hood;
  • Lestenka.

These are the best options for thin and brittle hair from all existing ones. Haircuts beautifully look and do not take volume, but on the contrary add it.

All haircuts on long hair are featuring in their own way, and you need to select them for a certain type of face and hair. If the haircut is chosen correctly, it will surely look beautiful and appropriate, and to make the right choice should be used by the advice of experienced stylists and hairdressers.

If the work of the wizard will be performed high quality and tastefully each girl with long hair will be able to feel like a real goddess.

Long hair is the most beautiful thing that the nature gives girls and such a gift it is necessary to skillfully use. Proper care and gorgeous haircut for long hair will turn any female representative into beauty and make her image in unique.

When they talk about a feminine image, long-haired beauties come to mind immediately. The luxurious chapelur requires proper care, so that it looks good, pick up a suitable hairstyle. With the onset of the new year, the question of haircuts for long hair 2017 becomes relevant.

Women's Haircuts for Long Hair 2017

From a long time, it was believed that the girl with elongated curls is beautiful, feminine, sexy. Care for them requires great labor and effort, as well as financial investments. Leave them just to grow - it is wrong, since without special care and trim, they will look untidy and unattractive. Fashionable haircuts on long hair 2017 will be good both on large curls or neat waves, falling along the shoulders and on absolutely smooth. The main thing is to comply with the contour and create a well-kept look.

Haircuts for long hair 2017 give space for varieties of various stackings, they suggest the following trends:

  • classic is considered trimming on the same level, with fresh and healthy tips. This form goes if there is a good amount of roots;
  • for the visual creation of a lush type, it is recommended to cut different levels from a short upper layer to the elongated bottom. Such contour will visually give the missing volume, but also requires a small daily laying.

Asymmetric haircuts 2017.

Unevenness will be extremely popular during the entire 2017, it looks very original. In the desire to become not like a lot of girls with pleasure, they will make such fashion haircuts 2017 for long hair. Thanks to them, you can create a unique image, because asymmetry creates not only the form, but also the quality of hairs, which is individually for each woman.

Asymmetry can be created at the expense of the elongated front and shortened from behind. Haircuts for long hair 2017 will look especially large, if you put in an arbitrary order. The unevenness will look even better if you make stacking as a braid sample on one side, falling on the face and eyes.

Lestenka haircut 2017.

Lestenka is considered a classic and will be relevant for many more years. On elongated strands, she looks perfect. It is ideal for women with a wide face or cheekbones. The most fashionable haircuts for long hair 2017 must include this hairstyle whose technology involves the following:

  • it is performed with separation on straight or oblique probes, it all depends on individual female preferences;
  • the back remains uniform, only slightly squeeze the tips;
  • the front of the ears is evenly agreed by the book, where the shortest level can start from the middle of the cheekbone or under the chin;
  • it should look symmetrically due to the observance of smooth lines;
  • it looks good with bangs that has a straight or oblique form.

Ripped haircut 2017.

Haircuts on long hair 2017 torn shape choose creative young lady, style characterizes the girl as the original and bold nature. In such a hairstyle there is no smooth lines as in the ladder. It is multi-layered and creates an additional pomp, it is interesting, regardless of whether they will be wavy or straight strands. Stylish haircuts for long hair 2017 assume the presence of a ribbon effect. They are characterized by such features:

  • it is performed by layers from the top, which is the shortest, to the base - the bottom layer;
  • the effect is created due to the fact that the master does not work with scissors, but. It deliberately cuts off the ends not with even lines, but in a different direction, combing different thickness;
  • the volume is lined with layers consisting of strands, coated in different directions at various angles.

Haircut Cascade for Long Hair 2017

This is a versatile option, and it is often chosen by the owners of thin and optional curves. You can apply almost any kind of modeling. Cascade for long hair 2017 involves compliance with the following technology:

  • the form is attached due to the multi-layer co-construction of the layers from the short on top, to the maximum extended from the bottom, at the basis itself;
  • in such haircuts for long hair, 2017, the master makes strands, ranging from the first on the head towards the face. All others are focused on the very first;
  • a good complement will be easy toiling, this visually adds magnificities and creates a natural effect of glare.

Long hair haircuts with bangs 2017

Bang gives any girl a mischievous and young look. She harmonizes almost every one, emphasizing her eyes. Fashionable bangs 2017 for long hair are bulk with smooth contours and with strongly milling uneven ends. They can act as such combinations:

  • with asymmetry will harmonize a similar model;
  • it is interesting to look shortened mill - with cascading or torn options;
  • the smooth and bulk contour complements the ladder, especially with a direct perfect surge.

Haircuts for long hair 2017 - Fashion trends

In the coming year, fashion will continue to bulk multi-level strands. They are suitable for both the owners of thin and run-in kudrey and those that they have volumes from nature. Long hair 2017, depending on their structure, will look good with the following options:

  1. For curly strands, a compound effect and cascade are suitable, they do not require serious stacking, it will be possible to lay natural curls of moussami.
  2. Asymmetrical adhering to the owners of straight strands, although large waves can refresh the image.
  3. It will be suitable for long-haired and even trimming ends. You can wear straight and oblique probes. The smooth line is suitable for the owners of natural scope from nature.

Bang 2017 on long hair

This element is combined with almost any type of image. Haircuts for long hair without bangs 2017 can be successfully complemented, if it allows the type of face. In the coming year, such models will be relevant:

  • short compound, combined with asymmetry and cascade;
  • kosy - combined with a ladder and a cascade. It should merge with the rest of the strands.

What is the hair length in fashion 2017?

The fashionable hair length of 2017 fluctuates between radically shortened and elongated:

  • among the shortened models at the peak of popularity will be asymmetric with elongated individual strands in the face;
  • extralen will strive for naturalness, both in color and in the form, the preferred will be the natural laying of wet curves with a minimum means of fixation, or perfectly even strands;
  • locks will be in trend as extremely shortened, and lower shoulders.