Beauty recipes from grandma's chest. Ancient recipes for beauty. Grandma's beauty recipes for face and body

It is not youth and beauty that should be envied, but the state of a woman who has freed herself from the fear of age. (April 1913)

Use long-lasting lipstick often to avoid leaving marks on other people's cheeks. And most importantly, so as not to stain the cheeks of your friend's child. (October 1949)

A face that glows with health and a figure that radiates energy have 4 out of 5 chances to appear beautiful. (March 1916)

In fact, today it is easy to become beautiful. After all, we know that beauty is the sum of several noticeable components: a good hairstyle, a slender figure, perfect makeup - and a few more subtle details. (January 1954)

As everyone knows, real beauty is within us. This is the love that every woman radiates. It shines brighter and reveals itself in caring for others, in the enthusiasm with which you communicate with people, trying to get to know them better. (December 1966)

Never turn into the type of woman who says, "I don't care how I look, because I'm already married." (February 1940)

Your motto when applying makeup should be: "Use less, but carefully chosen". (January 1933)

And now we come to a simple but important rule for maintaining the beauty of the neck: always keep your head high. (February 1952)

Here's our uplifting strategy for January 1961 fashion (it's a time-honored tool, by the way): Add bright, fresh colors to your wardrobe. Forget basic blue. Refresh your image with the most colorful clothes you have. Or buy at least one bright dress! The main spring trends

Secrets of skin beauty

Apply a protective oily cream or emollient lotion to your face every time you go outside, where the wind and cold can damage your skin. Also, use sunscreen more often to avoid sunburn on your delicate skin. (November 1947)

Keep a jar of eye cream on your bedside table. Then you won't forget to use it in the evening. (March 1969)

Worst of all, they affect the appearance of a woman and the condition of the skin of the face: unhealthy diet, going to bed too late, bad air, rarely taking a bath and anxiety. (February 1895)

In the summer at sea, you need an effective sunscreen to avoid burns. Apply it more often, sparingly, not only when you are sunbathing, but also when you get out of the water. Here it is, the secret of female beauty, which we never tire of repeating! (June 1950)

Beautiful look: beauty secrets at home

The beauty of the eyes largely depends on the shape of the eyebrows. (May 1890)

Curl your eyelashes to make your look more open and expressive. This will add shine and sparkle to the eyes. (March 1955)

To hide puffy eyelids, add depth to them with shadows. Use a deep smoky eyeshadow shade in brown, green, blue or gray. Apply eyeshadow all over the eyelid and crease. And under the brows, apply a lighter, lighter, contrasting shade. (October 1976)

Your hands

Home beauty secret: if the cuticles near the nails become dry, often lubricate them with warm vegetable oil or special cuticle oil. This will make it easier to move them away rather than cut them off. (March 1948)

Be kind to your hands, they need care as much as your face. Remember that hands are incorrigible scammers, and nothing betrays a woman's age and status as they do. Do everything so that your hands say only good things about you. (July 1927)

Cover your nails with a bright color, it will remind you not to bite your nails! (May 1958)

How to dress to be successful

This advice, written in October 1915, is not outdated 100 years later. So, to look like a successful business woman, you should get a well-tailored and perfectly fitting suit made of quality dark-colored fabric. It is desirable that there is no decoration on it. Let the perfection of the cut be its hallmark. You should have two skirts to match this suit, as the jacket wears out 2x slower than the skirt. And a pair of plain cut blouses in impeccable condition. A business office is not a place for ruffles and frills.

Look younger

Every woman sometimes needs to use blush, and some simply cannot go out without them. The rosy blush gives a fresh and healthy look to pale and tired skin. (October 1956)

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to try to get rid of them later. (July 1919)

A dark powder of dense consistency will accentuate your wrinkles. Choose a lighter, more airy powder to hide imperfections and wrinkles. (May 1932)

Hair beauty secrets

A few curls in your hairstyle will soften your facial expression and make you look younger by several years. (May 1897)

A professional haircut is essential for a good hairstyle, and this is the thing that should be entrusted to professionals, and not done by yourself. (March 1957)

Get everything you need to color your hair in one place. Then your hair will not suffer from too long dyeing when you are looking for something that you forgot to cook. (June 1977)

We take note of the beauty secrets of our grandmothers!

Let's talk about the skin

The best remedy for women's skin -. A small bottle of unrefined olive oil, called "Provencal" by our grandmothers, will replace both a cream and a mask for any skin. If you can't afford to buy a wide range of cosmetics, buy olive oil. Even if you just put a little olive oil on your face every night and after half an hour remove the excess with a soft napkin, in a couple of weeks you will see changes on your face. The skin seems to revive, smoothen, becomes elastic. Olive oil solves the problem of excessive dryness, irritation, and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. The most valuable product that can replace several jars of cream.

The oil can be thickened with a piece of natural wax. Heat three tablespoons of olive oil and a walnut-sized piece of natural wax in a small glass jar of baby food in a water bath. Heating must be carried out before the wax melts, it must not be overheated. Mix the oil mixture well, after hardening it will look like petroleum jelly. Before setting, you can add a few drops of natural aromatic oil. For example, avocado oil, cardamom oil,. The cream is well applied, after half an hour, the excess must be removed. This is an old recipe and time-tested.

Face masks of our grandmothers

It is pointless to list the recipes for masks, there are endless numbers of them, but I will still tell you about several masks that can always be made from what is at hand, and which have always faithfully served female beauty from generation to generation.

- Egg yolk mask. Grind the yolk of one egg, adding olive oil drop by drop, with a tablespoon, until thickened. Then add a teaspoon of honey and mash again. It is better to use the mask in the evening, applying for 20-30 minutes. Then just wash it off. Rub your face well with a herbal ice cube. Look at yourself in the mirror. Well, how? I’m saying that our grandmothers knew magic. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The mask perfectly nourishes, stimulates and rejuvenates the skin.

- Sour milk or cream mask... Yes Yes. Kefir and the cream we buy every day are excellent cosmetologists. They should be trusted with their skin. It is good to purchase bran or finely grind oatmeal. Pour a spoonful of bran or ground flakes with cream or kefir (a quarter of a glass) and let stand for half an hour in a water bath, in hot water. Can be mixed with sour cream. The mask should warm up to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply for 15-30 minutes and rinse off. No soap!

This mask nourishes, brightens the skin, tones and tightens it. For you can add a few drops of olive oil. For oily skin - a few drops of lemon juice. For inflamed, acne-prone, add ½ teaspoon of powder. It's such a spice. It copes well with the inflammatory processes of the skin. Unfortunately, the mask is not stored, it must be used immediately.

- Potato mask. Wash one small potato well, wipe dry and grate on a fine grater, right with the skin, you can add bran and a few drops of lemon juice. Everything! Apply to face, covering top with a paper towel to keep the liquid from spilling out. Wash off with cool water after twenty minutes. The mask refreshes, relieves swelling, fatigue. So simple and so useful, give it a try.

- Yeast mask... This mask needs real live yeast, as it used to be, which is now rarely on sale. But, if you can buy them, be sure to try this mask. You can use brewer's yeast, they are sold in pharmacies. Mix a tablespoon of bran, a teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of honey (if you cannot tolerate honey, you can without it) mix and heat for five minutes in a hot water bath until warm. Everything can be applied. For 15-30 minutes. The mask is very useful. It affects the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes in them, relieves irritation and soothes.

Masks should not be overused. They can be applied alternately once or twice a week, or in courses, every other day, for two weeks. Then you should give the skin a rest, use only the cream. If you are not too lazy to brew herbal decoction and wash your face with it in the morning and evening, it will be great. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Brew the most common herbs: chamomile, linden blossom, burdock and dandelion roots, St. John's wort and plantain. Everything that is available to you from this list can be used to prepare cosmetic broths for washing.

Of course, it's good when you have the means to buy new beauty products and visit expensive beauty salons. And if there are no funds or opportunities? Little things like that have never stopped women from fighting for their attractiveness. I hope grandma's secrets will help you feel the most beautiful!

We all dream of staying beautiful as long as possible. Everyone wants to have delicate skin without wrinkles. Such common masks as strawberry and cucumber, many have already tried. Would you like to try something new. How to get rid of wrinkles, there are many tips. Here is some of them.

For example, onion juice brightens the skin well, it can even remove freckles. After reading a letter from one woman, I was delighted. Without thinking twice about how to get rid of wrinkles, she picked up one very good recipe for herself with the result of which she was very pleased.

The woman prepared thirty grams of onion juice. I bought several white lily bulbs from a flower shop and made juice from them. Then I took some refined wax. I connected everything together and put it in a water bath for about half an hour, until the wax melted. Stir until the wax melts with a wooden stick.

After the wax has melted, the mass must be cooled, stirring in the same way. The cream is ready, you can use it. You need to rub your face with this cream twice a day, morning and evening. The result will not be long in coming.

I want to write a little more about the lily. Lilia was also appreciated by the famous beauties of the Great Age. They made themselves such a mixture. From the lily, you need to press 20 grams of juice, add 20 grams of honey and 10 grams of wax already melted there. Only the wax should be white. Such a cream protects the face from wrinkles, prevents them from appearing and smoothes small ones.

You can do whole courses of treatment to get rid of wrinkles and restore facial skin. An excellent face cream is offered by traditional medicine. Mix the burdock oil and lanolin together and slowly add to the rose water. Then add camphor and rose oils and petroleum jelly there. Stir well to form a cream.

100 milliliters of burdock oil and lanolin, 50 g of petroleum jelly and 50 milliliters of rose water. 10 milliliters of camphor and rose oils. The course of treatment is 21 days. Apply the cream daily to cleansed skin. If you feel that there is a lot of cream on your face, blot the excess with a tissue.

This healing mask is also made with burdock oil, only other ingredients are added. Mix flour with burdock oil, and honey with orange juice. First, apply a mixture of flour and butter onto your face, gently massaging and letting it sit for five minutes. Then apply a mixture of honey and juice on top and hold it on your face for fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, rinse your face with warm water. The course of treatment is one month. The procedures are done three times a week.

I almost forgot to write the proportions. So 20 milliliters of burdock oil and thirty grams of lime honey and oatmeal each, and fifty milliliters of orange juice.

In our modern world, progress has gone so far that it is no longer necessary to make our own cosmetics. And if you want the most modern, most effective and natural way to get rid of wrinkles, use the latest scientific achievements in combination with the forces of nature - Transfusium face cream from SISEL You will see the effect after 2 weeks of use.

Our beloved grandmothers have gone through a lot, mostly it was a hard time for them, but when we look at the photos, we admire their beauty: extravagant hats, lush and shiny curls, healthy, radiant faces, chiseled figures, gorgeous hairstyles, well-groomed hands and stunning outfits ... A woman, even in the most uncomfortable and difficult conditions, must remain a woman and take care of herself. This article will focus on the ancient recipes for beauty, health and youth.

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Photo gallery: Recipes for beauty and youth from grandmother's chest

Face masks

They are necessary for a healthy complexion and renewed tone. Grandma's masks are safe for the skin, and even vice versa, very useful. But before that, the face must be thoroughly washed. It is necessary to prepare the mask before the application itself, but not half a day before that or the day before. When applying the mask to your face, you should be in a state of relaxation and be immobile. To wash off the mask, you will need boiled water or herbal infusion. Next, there are some rules to follow:

  • it is undesirable to keep the mask on the face for more than 20 minutes, especially if it turns into a hardened rough cake;
  • after removing the mask, you must wash your face, lubricate the skin with lotion and apply a cream that suits your skin type;
  • if you have normal skin, then 2 times a week it is enough to do a mask, if dry - sharper, and if you are already in old age, then once a week.

If your skin is dry, then the infusion should be prepared from rose petals, jasmine, mint, strawberry leaves, raspberries, currants, chamomile and linden flowers. If you have oily and porous skin, then mixtures of yarrow, plantain, calendula, nettle, aloe, eucalyptus, coltsfoot and birch buds are suitable for you. For 1 tablespoon of the mixture, there is a glass of boiling water, let it brew.

The mask for dry skin should be based on sour cream, vegetable oil and cream, and for oily skin - on berries, vegetables and fruits.


It is advisable to take such baths a couple of times a week for half an hour. The water temperature is 30 degrees. Salt bath: for ¾ of water, the bath should contain up to 500 grams of salt. It is very good if it is sea salt, it will improve your well-being and invigorate.

In the pine bath, the temperature should be 35-40 degrees. You will need a half pack of your own for a bath of water. Such a bath will provide you with a pleasant smell, calm the nervous system and relieve fatigue.

A foam bath will help in losing weight. Its temperature should be 35 degrees.

Wheat bran bath will soften the skin. Pour two handfuls of bran into a gauze bag and hang it under the tap so that water pours onto it. Observe a temperature of 29-30 degrees. Do not wipe your body after the procedure. Let it dry itself.

Vanna from a decoction of tartar is taken for skin elasticity, the effect will be especially good after a diet. Brew 250 grams of the mixture, strain and send to the bath. The temperature should be 30 degrees.

Vanna from a decoction of various herbs. Brew 250 grams of various herbs (sage, mint, dill, rosemary, linden, lavender, yarrow), insist and pour in.

Clear skin - 4 tips

  1. To achieve an even complexion, it is not necessary to apply foundation; it is better to use a mattifying cream or face gel. So your pores will breathe and your complexion will be healthy.
  2. Use moist, antibacterial wipes throughout the day to cleanse your skin of dirt and dust that can irritate your skin.
  3. Use moisturizers and repair products regularly. Do deep cleansing. For example, to remove flaking on the skin, such a mask will help you: 50 grams of vegetable oil, the same amount of honey and yolk. Stir in a homogeneous mass and spread in a thin layer on the neck, face and décolleté.
  4. In order not to crack your lips, you need to moisturize them all the time. Cucumber juice, honey and lard (2: 1) will help you. An apple boiled in milk will have a good effect. Nourish your lips constantly, do not forget about hygienic lipsticks and balms. You can moisturize your lips simply by lubricating them with fasting oil.

Grandma's shampoo

How to wash your head, and most importantly with what? It probably sounds very strange, but you can do it without shampoo.

You will need a loaf of black bread. If it is a hundred grams, then take the whole one, and if a large one, then divide it into three parts. Chop it, pour boiling water so that it completely covers it, but not much. When the bread is warm and swollen, apply to damp hair and roll into a bag. Rinse off after 25 minutes. Believe it or not, your hair will become shiny and most importantly clean. You will need a lot of water to wash off the bread, you can add a teaspoon of honey, yolk and a little lemon juice to this mask, but do not overdo it. The main task is to wash your hair. Such washing is very useful to prevent the hair from breaking, falling out and growing well.

Hair masks

Women in Central Asia and the Caucasus are convinced that sour milk and whey are the best for hair. This nourishes them and accelerates their growth. First, they apply sour milk to dry hair, hold it for a while and rinse it off with warm serum, and then rinse it off with water. It is and conditioner, and shampoo right away.

Try an onion mask. Chop the onion - you can grate, you can in a blender, add yolk, a spoonful of honey, the same amount of olive, burdock or castor oil and literally on the tip of a teaspoon of ground red hot pepper. Rub this mixture into the roots and apply along the entire length, wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel, and after an hour rinse off with shampoo or bread. Brittle, damaged hair will recover and heal over time and grow better. The only drawback of this mask is the onion scent that will stick to the hair. You can apply it before the weekend or treat your hair while on vacation. The result will not keep itself waiting.

Hair nutrition

If your hair falls out, quickly turns oily, the ends split or suffer from dryness and brittleness, then it is better to be examined by a doctor. If it is not possible to do this, then eat bolshevitamins, cleanse the intestines and liver.

Hair will be delighted with sea buckthorn. Add sea buckthorn oil, jam and berries to your diet. Over time, you will see that your hair is healthy, lush and shiny.

A decoction of pine buds and cones of coniferous trees will help perfectly. You need to take one pine cone or kidney menu, add water and boil for a minute. Then let the broth cool. Drink this broth 2 times a day ¼ glass. For this you will be thanked not only by the hair, but also by the skin.

Be wonderful!

You don't have to go to the salon regularly or visit a plastic surgeon to look good. It is enough to regularly take care of yourself, and use folk methods, or grandmother'sbeauty recipes, which will certainly give a good result after some time.

Coffee and coffee drinks spoil the complexion, make nails and hair very brittle. Try replacing coffee with green tea (or other herbal tea) for more powerful antioxidants that will not only bring back a healthy glow, but also prevent wrinkles and premature aging. You can also wipe your face with frozen green tea cubes, then the skin will be fresher and brighter, and more elastic.

Before going to bed, my grandmother advised making a face mask from eggs, you can use both white and yolk - separately, white and yolk masks have a different effect:

  • The protein mask is mixed with a small amount of honey and washed off when a feeling of tightness appears. The protein mask improves the oval of the face, tightening the skin.
  • The yolk mask is also prepared with honey, washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. This mask softens and nourishes the skin well.

After the masks, you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

The steam bath for the face perfectly cleans the skin of toxins and toxins: a mixture of medicinal herbs is added to the water boiling in a saucepan, after 2 minutes it is removed from the heat, it cools a little. Over this saucepan you need to "breathe" under a towel until the broth cools down. After that, the face is wiped with a napkin or towel and a mask is applied.

These simple recipes will help keep your skin clean and firm.


Herbal mask: mix equal parts of the herb - mint, thyme, lemon balm, mallow and coltsfoot. Take 4 teaspoons of the mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water.

We will insist for 25 -35 minutes. Then strain the broth, but we will not wring out. Add oat flour to the herbal mass until a gruel is formed and apply on the face. Let's leave for 20 minutes.

Such a face mask will perfectly eliminate the flaking of dry skin. And besides, it has a tonic effect.

Dill mask: to prepare this mask, take 1 tablespoon of dill, grind it and mix it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, add oat flour until you get gruel.

The mask is applied in a thick layer on the face for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. This mask will refresh and smooth your skin.

Nourishing oil mask: for this you need to stir the yolk of one egg with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. The mass must be homogeneous.

This mask should be applied with a cotton swab. When the first coat is dry, apply a second coat, then a third. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

The mask will soften the skin, eliminate flaking. To maximize the effect, do this mask 1-2 times a week for 1.5 months.

Yolk mask: squeeze juice from half a lemon and mix it with 1 yolk. Add the grated zest of one lemon and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with a cotton swab, which we moisten in milk at room temperature.

Sour cream and yeast mask: rub 2 tbsp for it. spoons of yeast with milk (you can take sour cream) until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask with a thin layer. We keep it for no more than 10 minutes.

Apply for sagging and aging skin.


Protein-honey-oatmeal mask: mix the protein of one egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything well, add oatmeal to make a gruel. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply to the face. Let us hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This mask refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores, and removes blackheads. Suitable not only for oily skin, but also for normal skin.

Herbal Mask: Take Chamomile, Linden Blossom, and Elderberry. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly, then strain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to the warm broth until a gruel is obtained.

We keep such a mask on the face for 20-30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

The mask cleanses and tones the skin.

By the way, you can make ice from herbs. Ice washing brings wonderful results!

Sour milk mask: lubricate your face with yogurt, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

This simple mask will help your skin acquire a delicate color.

Tomato mask: Apply tomato pulp to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off with warm and then cool water.


Potato mask: Cook the mashed potatoes. Apply a warm mass to your face, rinse off after 20 minutes. The mask will whiten and refresh the skin.

Lemon-protein mask: we need - 1 protein, 1 teaspoon of cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Whip the protein into a strong foam, add cream and juice (you can replace lemon juice with 2 drops of lemon essential oil), apply the mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, wash it off with cool water.

The mask tightens pores, refreshes and cleanses the skin. If the skin is oily, then you do not need to add cream, if dry, add olive oil.

Curd mask with salt: 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of sour cream with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese. Add 1 teaspoon of table salt (for dry skin, add a little olive oil to the mixture). Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water.

This mask perfectly refreshes and tones the skin.

Honey-lemon mask: 100 g of liquid honey, mix with the juice of one lemon. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to face daily 10 minutes before washing.

Your skin will be refreshed, firmer and beautiful in color.

Refreshing mask: 2 tbsp. mix spoons of milk with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of brandy. Apply to face for 10 minutes.

Suitable for loose skin.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult here. All the recipes are quite simple, and the effect of them is simply amazing (provided that you make masks regularly).

Note: if you don't have olive oil on hand, then replace it with sunflower oil or use essential (base) oils, such as almond, peach, apricot, grape seed oil, in general, the oil that suits you.

Crushed oatmeal can be used in place of oatmeal.