Comic poems about plaid to the anniversary. Does bed linen give

Congratulations! You bought a wonderful and useful gift - warm plaid! But here is the question, how best to give a plaid? How to pack the plaid to make a gift more enjoyable?

We will tell you how to make an unusual gift from an ordinary gift. Such a gift will become an exclusive and the moment of donation will be remembered for many years of using the plaid.

We present several options for packing plaid as a gift:


1. Fold the plaid into a narrow strip.

2. Cock the center.

3. Scatter the heart and fix the ribbon.

4. Decorate the plaid on your taste.

Now you can easily show this gift your warmest feelings for a close person.


1. We fold the plaid into a narrow strip.

2. Twisting one edge to another until the middle. Fix pins or ribbon.

3. The second part be bent on the manner of the snail head and fix the ribbon.

Packed so the plaid will immediately become from a simple gift very original and will definitely cause a smile.


1. We fold the plaid into a wide band.

2. One third of the bands with sprawling and with the help of rubber bands formulate foot.

3. The remaining part is folded in half and refuel into the shell.

4. We throw the armor with the paws from above.

5. With the help of rubber or tape form a head.

6. Cut out your eyes out of paper and fix them with pins.

Congratulations to the turtle ready!

Man, kitten, etc.

1. Fold the plaid into a wide band.

2. Remove one part of the plaid.

3. Wrapped two corners the rest of the plaid form the head.

3. Secure the head with rubber bands or pins.

4. Cut from paper eyes, spout and mouth and pin them with pins.

If you do a cat - stick to him a mustache from a wire or paper.

Now your plaid with delight will take even a child as a gift! Pack the plaids and give your care closest and loved!

Everyone received gifts in his life. Let it be a small and modest present, but he was always a sign of respect for the people around him. In childhood, we received toys, animals, candy as gifts, and at the same time it always seemed that the joy would not be the end! With age, the realization is that gifts need to be given to those who can use in everyday life or in the farm.

At the moment, in fashion gifts from different countries, all kinds of souvenirs from European states and other corners of the world, distinguished by the national flavor and unique charm of the region, from which they are brought.

According to many experts, preferably present gifts that correspond to such criteria as:

  • quality,
  • cost
  • need.

One of these gifts is rightfully considered to be plaid. Probably, everyone will agree that this thing is necessary in any house, and it is especially relevant in the cold season when you can hide a warm blanket and sitting near the fireplace, enjoy a wonderful evening. It seems to come up with something better and more pleasant is simply impossible. Therefore, if someone sets a question about a gift that will have to do native, friends or just familiar, you can not think that you prefer to the blanket.

Choose a plaid as simple enough.

To date, there is a huge selection of covered and plaids from a wide variety of materials. So, a very original gift for the wedding will be:

  • knitted
  • tissue
  • or stitched on the technology "Patchwork" Plaid.

However, the question is not how the plaid is made or covered, but from what it is manufactured. At the moment, manufacturers offer:

  • natural cashmere
  • cotton
  • woolen
  • and fur blances
  • as well as plaids from synthetic materials, like a velor or fleece.

All of them are distinguished by high quality and excellent operational properties.

One of the excellent gift options is a woolen plaid corresponding to several similar cotton products in the price ratio. However, in this case, the price does not play a big role, because the wool plaid is very warm, high-quality and pleasant to the touch, moreover, has properties that have favorably affecting the human body.

Also, the plaids from Pashmina are also in demand. They are called woolen diamonds, as Pashmina is a soft and thin undercoat of goats inhabiting in the Himalayas.

Cashmere plaids are popular and in demand - luxury and grace indicators. Cashmere Plaid is distinguished by warmth and ease, as well as a variety of colors and colors presented to the selection of modern buyers.

As you can see, the blankets as an option of a good, practical gift or wedding astussswair are represented today in a large assortment manifold, so choose the product you like and presented it as a gift to friends and loved ones!

Many are tormented by bed linen give? On the one hand, this is a practical and useful gift that will be needed in any house, and on the other, the thing is too intimate, and so easily not please the taste of the host of the house in this regard.

You can give bed linen, the reasons for this several minutes at once:

  • All use bed accessories, which means that your gift with a large share is probability will not be dressed on the shelves of cabinets, but will go "to the case."
  • Luxurious bed linen will enjoy everything, regardless of sex - both men and women.
  • Quality bed linen never comes out of fashion, so such a gift is relevant out of time.
  • Bedding is used every night. What is the last gift to you gave you, which you used with the same regularity?
  • Good bed linen will provide comfort for years and decades.

Bed linen gift

At first glance, gift sets of bed linen may seem a strange choice for a gift, but this present will certainly be assessed to those who decide to present it. And although bedding as a gift is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the presents, for most people a gift cover or gift sets of bed linen will become a stunning companion for the house.

By making a gift, you will certainly want to present something that the recipient will enjoy as long as possible on a regular basis. In addition, take note of the fact that although most people have several sets of linen, this is not the textile that changes once in the season or even once a year. The same with bedspreads - they are not unnecessary in the house, they can be kept somewhat on shift, you can use on the bed, sofa, chairs, and so on. That is why gift covers and bed linen - a practical and thoughtful gift.

Who needs to be presented to bedspread or bed linen as a gift?

As a rule, bed linen is a universal gift, the main thing is to choose the right design. Such a present will like people of all ages, any sex, status, and so on. But the two most popular occasions on which bed linen is usually given:

  • Wedding is one of the most popular reasons that motivate people to give a bedspread to the wedding. Bed linen for a wedding is also given, because the newlyweds are certainly home textiles does not hurt and will have to be likewise. That is why a beautiful set of high-quality linen is what will take a worthy place in the house of newlyweds.
  • Moving - a similar event is often associated with change in life, with thirst for updates. So why not refresh the interior of the bedroom with the help of a bright set of bed linen or interesting covers?

If you struggled to find the right gift for someone in your life, think about the advantages that they could get from the new set of bedding. There is a good chance that it can be a gift that will be used more often than any other.

How to pack the bedspread as a gift?

How to beautifully pack the bedspread as a gift? In fact, there are many ways to prevent a blanket as a gift.

You prepared a beautiful bedspread (and maybe they did it with your own hands) for your loved one, and now it's time to submit it as a gift. You have completed painstaking work on choosing the right combination of colors and patterns on the fabric. You chose a design that is attractive and well combined with the character and tastes of the recipient. Now you are ready to give it to his beloved person. Part of the joy from receiving a gift is waiting and unfolding. Properly wrapped gift ensures the positive impressions of the recipient before turning the gift.

It's easy to be modest and simply present the blanket to the recipient. In the end, the blanket is big and cumbersome, and it is difficult to put it in a gift bag. For wraps, a lot of wrapping paper will be required.

How to give a bedspread as a gift?

Placing the bedspread in a box with beautiful paper is a standard way to present a gift. Even a large blanket can be wrapped in a large box. Hiding covered in another gift, such as a luggage or chest, an excellent way to add a surprise element.

Packing covered is important, but the presentation is also important. The bedspread should have a label so that future owners know who made the blanket. A gift card is also the necessary part of the gift. This will provide a reminder of a precious gift and will show its importance.

My gift is soft plaid -
You will serve for many years!
Will not be scared then
You have any cold!

I give you a plaid today
He will be for you like an amulet.
Winter cold will warm
And do not want to remove him anywhere.
He will warm for you
He will warm you day from day.
And in summer, even in the most heat
He will come in handy, take him with him.

We give as a gift plaid,
To sleep in warm!
Let it he warm
And reminds about us!

I want to give you a plaid to give
So that it was warm in the winter,
So that you could warm you and hide
He is all sadness. To love
You always have your fate
I wish you from the heart
So that life is happy!
You congratulate you today!

As a gift, take a warm plaid,
He will serve many years.
Being warm, comfortable,
You do not care about us.

Plaid warm to you rather give
He will warm up already by December.
You will not freeze with him for sure
Under it will be the eternal heat.

Warm plaid and these slippers
For you, our cute daddy!
Let you become a cozy
And the disease will all stop!

I will give you a plaid today
I will come to you at lunch.
I will give you the same warm
So that in life only always lucky.

So as not to cough, do not hurt
I will give a cozy plaid
Warm to envelop he will be able
In any cold will warm.

You are going to give warm today
And in life so that it helps you very much.
I will bring you a box of good sweets,
And with them and my gift is a warm plaid.
It will be the beautiful decoration of the interior,
Just as excellent window porter.
Only the plaid you don't hang on the window,
Better on the crib you got stuck on a little.

I give you a blanket
He will take away from the troubles,
He will give peace
Forever now yours.

Kohl freeze winter boat,
My gift will be needed.
If suddenly you read the ailment,
You will turn back to it.
Plaid I give you a friend,
He warmed your kens.
And Berg, so that from the element,
If you need you.

Take a plaid as a gift!
Let the cozy be with him.
Let him serve many years
Warming days your!

And winter and cool summer
There is nothing more reliable than the plaid.
They are covered, breathed in the chair.
Movie Look more interesting.
Drafts and diseases called
The soul will be warm.
VMIG will disappear alarm, care,
Trouble from your work.

Accept poems and plaid as a gift!
Let him not be hot.
You can go to him,
And you want - with your head to cover ...
Ballet under him in the evenings
And hide at night!

Singing you today I am a verse,
What I will give you the desired plaid.
And if suddenly in winter it will be cold,
You put together and sit down and sit down as convenient.