How much a newborn should go to the toilet for the most part. We help the newborn to go to the toilet for the most part: what to do if the baby cannot poop

In this article, we will answer the question of young mothers: How many times should a newborn baby poop.

Most young mothers start to panic when the child's behavior changes, they often ask questions: is the baby getting enough milk, is it hot or cold, how many times should a newborn baby poop, etc.

So let's take a look at the question...

In general, the child's stool has the ability to change, then the child poops 8 - 10 per day, then does not go to the toilet for several days.

What is the norm?

Since all children are different, the concept of the norm does not exist here. You have to watch your baby if he is worried about anything, if he has a good appetite, if his stomach is soft, if he is in a good mood, etc. The type and frequency of your child's stool is affected by the type of feeding. If your baby is breastfed, then he can poop up to 7 times a day and this is normal. My children were breastfed and the frequency of going to the toilet was about the same.

In general, in children of this age, the stool has a uniform consistency, it can be either liquid or mushy, but it should not be solid. It is important that you monitor the child's stool, there should be no lumps, mucus, blood in the baby's secretions (if you find any of the above, in this case you need to consult a doctor, as the child may have some kind of disease).

Sometimes it happens…

It happens that a child, being breastfed, poops once every two days and there is nothing to worry about (unless, of course, he is naughty and has a hard stomach), his body simply absorbs mother's milk well. If it’s hard for a child to go on a big one, he often cries, pushes, and all this is to no avail, then this is constipation.

How to deal with this problem?

First of all, you need to look at what the mother of the child eats, namely, include laxative foods in the diet. You can also use an enema, but remember the volume of water should not exceed 30 ml. and water temperature should be room temperature. And one more nuance: often you can’t do an enema, as this can aggravate the problem of constipation. Massage in the intestinal area (clockwise) helps well, as well as laying the baby on the tummy. You can’t listen to grandmothers and put pieces of soap in your child, as this can affect the intestinal microflora.

If our children had constipation, they cried, refused to feed, arched, well, in general it was terrible, then the wife took an ear stick (previously choosing with the smallest cotton head) and smeared it with baby cream and thereby forced her son or daughter to poop. Instead of a bar of soap! The effect was! But I’ll say right away that this is often not worth doing, as the child himself stops trying to poop. There are medicines for constipation for children, but they should not be used without the advice of a doctor.

loose stool

Also, the baby has liquid bowel movements and mothers often perceive this as diarrhea, but this is not always the case. As I wrote above, a child can poop up to 7 times, if he does this more often, then try to remember maybe you ate something new the other day and eliminating this product will improve your child's stool. If the liquid stool does not stop and you notice any impurities in the child's secretions, the stool foams and has a sharp unpleasant odor, the color turns green, then you need to see a doctor. Perhaps this is lactose intolerance or an intestinal infection, in any case, you can not do without going to the doctor.

Artificial feeding and stool of the newborn

We figured out natural feeding, now let's talk about a child who eats mixtures. Ideally, a bottle-fed child goes to the toilet about 4 times a day, the color of feces can be either light yellow or dark brown, the smell is sharp. If you notice that the baby's feces are liquid and there are undigested lumps in it, then this means that you overfed him with a formula. You need to contact your pediatrician.

Every mother knows her child well, so you just need to keep an eye on him and not panic in vain!

This is where I will end this article. Health to you and your children!

What worries mothers the most in the first minutes of their child's life is his health.

What will it be like?

How is it formed from birth?

One of the indicators of a child's health is the quality of his stool.

Newborn chair. How much should a newborn baby poop?

The baby in the womb receives nourishment through the umbilical cord. His intestines and stomach are formed in utero and were originally designed to process liquid food, best of all - breast milk. At birth, intrauterine food still remains in the intestines and stomach of the child.

Both the intestines and the stomach of a newborn are not ready from the first days of life to receive food from an adult, they can hardly cope with the absorption of breast milk and mixtures, not to mention more serious nutrition. Today, in almost all maternity hospitals, it is customary from the first moments of a child’s life to apply it to the mother’s breast so that he receives at least a few, but drops of such an important product as colostrum.

Colostrum contains all the most useful vitamins and minerals that are not found in other foods that are not excreted in such a huge amount with regular breast milk. It is colostrum that helps the intestines of the newborn to “start up” and start working in a normal, human mode, and not in utero.

In the first days of a child's life, his stool is called meconium. It has a greenish, brownish tint, may have impurities of mucus and lumps. Digested fetal food comes out with meconium. How many times a day should a newborn poop? In the first few days, when meconium is stool, the child can poop five, six times a day and this will be considered the norm.

How much should a newborn baby poop? In the first days of the baby's birth, the staff of the maternity hospital will help the mother in this matter. Nurses make sure that the baby does not have blood in the stool so that he defecates within twelve hours of birth for the first time. Why is it so important? Because this is a sign of the normal development of the baby and the full formation of his intestines.

How many times a day should a newborn poop? What should be of concern?

Many young mothers are even afraid of the color of the baby's first bowel movements. But do not panic, meconium is a physiological phenomenon in children. It is very important that the mother monitors the frequency of bowel movements and consistency. If a child poops more than six times in the first days of life and at the same time significantly loses weight, this is a cause for concern, in some cases, for hospitalization.

The cause of such a pathological phenomenon can be various bacteria, mainly E. coli and other pathological microflora that has become active in the baby's intestines. Only qualified doctors can cope with this problem, but not the mother on her own.

How much should a newborn baby poop? Five, six times a day. But if he poops a dozen times, while often applied to the chest? What to do in this case? If there are no bloody streaks in the child's stool and he is gaining weight within the normal range, then such a process may indicate excessive intestinal peristalsis. In any case, the pediatrician determines the norm how many times a day a newborn should poop.

If a child defecates once or twice a day and at the same time feels fine, sucks well, does not act up, sleeps soundly, then everything in his body is functioning normally. But, if he twists his legs and cannot defecate, then the child has constipation.

There are situations when a newborn cannot defecate for a day, then in the maternity hospital they will give him a cleansing enema or prescribe a mild laxative. The cause of this pathology may be the underdevelopment of the intestines of the newborn or the malnutrition of the nursing mother. It may be worth choosing a different formula for a bottle-fed baby.

Mothers who breastfeed their baby should follow the strictest diet in the first days of their child's life:

Exclude fatty foods, sour and spicy foods;

Avoid sugary waters and carbonated drinks;

Avoid foods high in salt and sugar;

Avoid products containing dyes and flavors.

Of course, the best option would be proper nutrition for the mother throughout pregnancy. But, if this was not possible, then she should try to monitor her nutrition from the first days from the birth of her child.

For those mothers whose newborns are prone to constipation, a special diet will be selected in the maternity hospital. Boiled beets with sunflower oil eaten by the mother very well stimulate the baby's stool. Women in labor should carefully listen to the advice of doctors and not allow experiments in their diet.

How many times a week should a one-month-old breastfed baby poop?

The ideal food for a baby in the first days of his life is breast milk. There is no other better food for him yet, since artificial nutrition is not so useful and not so well absorbed by his body.

The first month of a child's life is most important for the formation of his health. It is from the state of his intestines that his local immunity depends. Many mothers are concerned about the question, how many times a week should a one-month-old breastfed baby poop? Doctors believe that breastfeeding a child receives much more nutrients and trace elements, as well as fiber than artificial feeding, so he should poop less than seven times a week in the first month of his life.

There are times when a breastfed newborn defecates once every couple of days. If the child eats well at the same time and is not naughty, then you should not worry. But if colic bothers him, then mom needs to reconsider her diet, remove white bread from it and replace it with wholemeal bread. The mother must follow a lactation diet. If this does not help to improve the functioning of the baby's intestines, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe tests and a laxative, and will select an individual treatment.

How much should a one-month-old bottle-fed baby poop?

Many mothers are faced with the problem of choosing the right artificial mixture for their child. The thing is that each baby is individual, and the mixture is just an imitation of natural breast milk. Many mothers spend weeks trying to find the right formula-fed food for their baby.

So, due to the lack of properly selected nutrition, an infant in the first month of his life may begin to have problems with bowel movements. Many babies already at this age have dysbacteriosis - the disease is insidious and brings a lot of inconvenience.

How much should a monthly baby poop? If he uses mixtures, then from once every couple of days. The best option would be a bowel movement two, three times a day. If a monthly baby poops several times a week and at the same time there are no impurities of blood, mucus in his feces and he has a normal, not sour smell, then everything is fine with the child.

Today, special mixtures with bifidobacteria and gluten-free have been created for children with problematic intestines. They are a salvation for many parents from sleepless nights and problems in the child with the intestines.

If the baby poops more than five times a day on artificial feeding, it is worth sounding the alarm and calling the pediatrician. The fact is that along with the release of feces, the child also loses fluid. Toxins begin to destroy his body, internal organs. Moms should not ignore this situation, it is better to immediately call a doctor.

Thus, each infant and one-month-old child is individual and it is not worth building standard development norms for everyone. It is worth remembering that the baby should poop at least once a day and at the same time feel good, and no more than six times a day, in the first days and month from birth.

Today, scientists have proven a direct link between the psychological situation in the family and the development and health of the child. If there are frequent scandals and screams in the family, then the baby may have problems with bowel movements and other health problems. The appearance of a child in the family is a responsible step and should be treated with all care.

How many times and how a newborn pees and poops a day can say a lot about the health of the baby, so it is important to monitor these indicators. Often, changes in urinary patterns, urine color, and stool consistency can indicate the presence of a disease. It is far from always worth panicking if the baby began to go to the toilet more or less often. Are there any specific norms in this matter, and how many times should a baby go to the toilet during the day? It is worth dwelling on this in more detail.

The frequency of urination in the baby

A newly born baby can already pee for the first time literally immediately after birth. Some newborns can urinate several times in the first 12 hours after birth, there are babies who do not go to the toilet for a whole day after giving birth, this is considered the norm. How many times a baby will write on the first day of his life is purely individual.

Do not be afraid if in the first few days the urine of the child has a pronounced color - orange or reddish. This is not a sign of illness, the liquid becomes red due to the large amount of urate salts. In the first few days of life, excess salts will be washed out of the body, and urine will become the usual pale yellow or completely transparent color.

The frequency of urination is influenced by many factors - the time elapsed after childbirth, temperature and humidity, type of food. For these reasons, there are no clear norms, because the environmental conditions for each baby are individual, but there are average statistics, and pediatricians are guided by them:

  • a monthly baby pees 20-25 times a day, this frequency persists until the age of 6 months;
  • baby over 6 months old. up to 1 year pisses 15-16 times a day.

As the frequency of urination decreases, the daily volume of urine gradually increases - from 300 to 500 ml at the age of 1 month to a year.

Normal volume of urine in a child

The older the baby becomes, the more factors affect the frequency and volume of urination:

  • season;
  • ambient temperature;
  • physical and emotional state;
  • features of the psyche.

Impressive and sensitive kids may go to the toilet more often than their more melancholic peers. The anatomical structure of the organs of the genitourinary system also affects the mode of urination. If the baby has a large bladder, then it will be emptied less often.

Gradually, as they grow older, the child will experience less urge to urinate, and from the age of one year their number will be reduced to 10-12 times.

How much urine should be passed at one time? Here it is worth focusing on the average values ​​​​- from 60 to 90 ml, this volume is maintained until about the age of five.

Consider also the fact that during weaning babies from diapers, they pee more often, because they are not used to controlling the process of urination on their own. At this time, it is worth showing special patience and tact, you can not scold the baby. At first, the child will write more often, but gradually such episodes will occur less frequently.

By the age of one, the baby can already ask for a potty on his own during the day, but children can pee in their pants until they are 2 years old, while they have not yet learned to restrain their impulses and go to the potty in time.

Until the age of two, diapers will be needed for the night, because there is no point in waking the baby up to go to the potty at night. The child simply does not understand what the parents want from him. Nocturnal enuresis is normal up to 3-5 years of age, if it continues at an older age, then you should consult a doctor.

It is noticed that during weaning from the breast, the frequency of urination, on the contrary, decreases.
It should be borne in mind that you can focus on the above values ​​\u200b\u200bwhen the baby or older baby is healthy, develops normally and grows in proper conditions.

What are the deviations

If the baby has lost a lot of fluid (after poisoning, due to fever, overheating, or insufficient fluid intake), this may cause more infrequent urination. Also, the baby may begin to write less due to problems with the functioning of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system.

If the baby, on the contrary, began to write often, then the cause of this may be stress, hypothermia, too much liquid consumed, salt water baths, worms, kidney diseases, diabetes.

Only a qualified specialist can identify the exact cause of the problems; in case of any drastic changes, you need to show the child to the pediatrician and get referrals for tests, the results of which will determine a clear diagnosis.

You can take tests without waiting for a referral - just come to a private clinic, and from there, with ready-made results in your hands, go to the pediatrician.

It is worth contacting a pediatrician if the color, smell and transparency of urine have changed, and also if the baby has begun to experience. In healthy children, urine is clear, yellowish, without blood, mucus and other impurities.

Until there is a diagnosis from a doctor, you cannot self-medicate and stuff your child with pills and medicines, even if they seem harmless. Some mothers and grandmothers mistakenly try to warm the baby's perineum, thinking that problems with urination are due to hypothermia, but this can greatly damage the child (especially if the cause of the disease is an infection).

Many mistakenly mistake the baby's bladder for a tumor in the abdomen. The fact is that in infants this organ has an elongated shape, and not rounded, as in adults. Even an empty bladder can be easily felt over the baby's pubis. If the organ is full, then pressing on it will lead to urination, and this “swelling”, which is so frightening for young parents, will literally decrease before our eyes.

How often should a baby poop?

The child's stool may not be permanent, sometimes a newborn poops 8-10 times a day, and it happens that you do not go to the toilet for days. So how many times should he empty his bowels? There is no clearly established norm here, it all depends on individual parameters - the baby's appetite, type of nutrition, intestinal characteristics, etc.

On the very first day after birth, the baby will poop black feces (meconium), this can last 2-5 days. Up to 2 months, the baby can poop up to 10 times, then gradually the bowel function returns to normal, and the child will defecate less often.

A breastfed baby goes to the toilet quite often - up to 7-10 times a day. Normally, the stool should be homogeneous, it can be creamy or liquid, and after 6 months the feces become more solid, as the gradual introduction of complementary foods begins. If you notice blood, mucus or lumps in the discharge, also contact your pediatrician.

How often a child poops is affected by the type of food. If the baby is formula fed, he may go to the toilet less often than when breastfeeding. On mixtures, babies poop less often - 4 times a day after 3-3.5 hours, while the color of the feces can be very different - from light to dark brown, the smell is sharper. If there are lumps in the discharge, then most likely the baby’s body does not have time to digest food, and you simply overfeed him. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician.

When complementary foods are introduced into the child's diet, the consistency of the discharge changes, and a characteristic smell of feces appears.

Good day, dear moms and dads! Only you know how impatiently you can wait for the birth of a baby. Undoubtedly, you prepared for his birth, bought a dowry, and waited.

And then this happy moment came, but along with boundless joy, a feeling of confusion and anxiety appeared. After all, there were nurses and doctors nearby in the maternity hospital who could examine the child and help you in difficult times, and now you are alone. And somehow it's different.

How to understand if everything is fine with the baby, is he getting enough milk on time, is he healthy? The baby cannot tell you about this yet, but he does a very good job of showing you his condition. You just have to learn to understand the behavior of the crumbs and actions, his desires and needs.

Today we'll talk about how much should newborn poop. The chair of a child, to some extent, can talk about the state of his health, about how his digestive system works. Whether the food that you offer him is suitable for the baby will also be seen in the quality of the stool. So, let's go in order.

What stool is considered normal for a newborn?

Depending on what the baby and his mother eat, the color of the stool changes. If a newborn baby is fed only breast milk, then there will be any shade of yellow and green. For example, if a mother eats a large amount of plant foods, which is commendable and correct, then the color of the baby's feces may be green. This is all considered acceptable.

Babies who are formula fed may have darker, mustard-brown, and even foul-smelling stools. The most important thing is that at the same time the baby is cheerful and calm. The consistency of the stool in newborns should be mushy. Which chair should be clear, but how much should a newborn poop? - This is a question that worries caring parents.

Normal frequency of bowel movements per day in newborns

If we talk about how many times a newborn poops, then, of course, there is no single norm and cannot be. In the first month of life, a baby can poop up to 7-10 times a day, and this is how many times it turns out. Note that artificial babies poop less frequently than those who are breastfed.

It happens that the baby does not fit the nutrient mixture, and he can have a delay in stool for up to two days. If at the same time the child is not bothered by gases, the tummy is soft and the child behaves quite calmly, no measures should be taken yet.

Stool retention - constipation in a newborn

For many children, at the end of the first month of life, it happens. Caring mothers immediately begin to worry and grab onto enemas and candles, thinking that the child has constipation. Although in fact, the reason is that the digestive system of the newborn adjusts its work and sometimes a slight delay in bowel movements is possible.

It is worth the wait and everything will work itself out. Of course, only on condition that the baby feels fine: there is no bloating, he has a good appetite.

In the event that when you change the diaper you see feces in solid form, then there is a high probability that the child has constipation and measures must be taken:

  • review your diet if the baby is breastfed;
  • change the milk formula for an artificial baby;
  • talk to your pediatrician about your next steps.

Frequent stools - diarrhea in a newborn

As we have already said, in the first month the baby can poop every time after he eats, and this does not mean at all that he has diarrhea. Yet again. We carefully look at the quality of the chair.

If there is a very liquid, one might even say watery stool, then most likely it really is diarrhea (diarrhea). This condition is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration of the child's body and, as a result,.

By the way, your pediatrician will be interested in how much a newborn baby poops at every appointment. Be sure to tell the doctor what color the baby's stool is and how often he walks on the big one, this is very important for proper monitoring of the baby's health. Feel free to ask the doctor questions that interest you and for which you have not found answers.

Good health to your child, and to you, patience and understanding.