A mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1 instruction. Milk mixtures Nan: composition and advantages, pediatrician tips. Therapeutic and preventive and healing mixtures "NAN"

Mixtures "NAN" are in demand in young mothers whose kids are obtained by artificial or mixed feeding. Reviews about them are quite controversial, however most parents trust only this manufacturer. The product line contains mixtures of various purposes, including for premature babies. To understand what to give preference will allow the study of their features.

The NAn mixture is popular in the food market for artificial feeding children, however, what is its advantage?

About manufacturer

The products of the brand "NAN" are produced since 1962 by the Nestle concern. The first series of blends were designed for healthy babies with a good appetite. However, gradually the range was complicated and expanded. Since 2004, bifidobacteria is added to the products to normalize digestion. In 2010, consumers are proposed to Milk "Dentapro" to prevent teeth diseases.

Nan basic mixtures assortment for healthy kids

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The needs of children of different ages in nutrients are not the same. Given this, Nestle specialists have created such products:

  1. "NAN 1" is a product for newborns (0-6 months). As part of mineral and vitamin supplements to raise immunity.
  2. "NAN 2" is a product since six months to a year. The composition is similar to "single", but the increasing demands in nutrients are taken into account.
  3. "NAN 3" - Milk since year. The product is useful bacteria and lipids that are useful for the digestive system and become good prevention of caries.
  4. "NAN 4" - Milk since 18 months. The composition is similar to the "Troika", taking into account the age needs of Baby.
  5. Finished milk in packaging 200 ml. They should be warm and served in a cup, a bottle.

Mixtures of NANs produce for different ages of a child

Basic Nan Basic Mixtures Components

Balanced dairy mixtures NaN provide children with nutrients necessary at their age. The composition of products is characterized by such features:

  • BF bifidobacteria Normalize and maintain a healthy microflora, strengthen immunity.
  • Optimized Optipro protein. Provides a slight digestibility of the milk, a full growth of the child.
  • Fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6. Strengthen immunity, contribute to the development of the nervous system and muscles.
  • Lack of flavors, dyes. Products have a natural taste, forms the right food habits.

Protein composition

"NAN" 1 and 2 - dairy mixtures, and Nan 3 and 4 - dry dairy drinks for drinking and cooking. It is important between the products between the products - the reduced protein content in the mixtures due to the demineralization of the dairy serum. The ratio of serum proteins and casein is such:

  1. in No. 1 - 70 K 30 (close to Mamina Molok, in which the proportion is 80 to 20);
  2. in "Nan 2, 3" - 60 to 40 (like mature maternal milk).

The protein in the mixtures of NaN and baby milk is called Optipro. Its presence reduces the risk of obesity by reducing the metabolic load on the body. This is also promoted by valuable amino acids: taurine, gestydine, other.

The composition of NAN mixtures includes everything necessary for the development of a child.


The adhesive component of dry mixes is represented by fish fat and vegetable oils. Previously added palm olein, however, due to the distribution of negative information and palm oil, Nestle refused it and found a different solution. In the basic nutrition of the manufacturer now contains such oils:

  • sunflower;
  • coconut;
  • rapeseed low recorded.

Also in nutrition there are polyunsaturated fatty acids, called "smart lipids". The most valuable of them are DHA and ARA (acids docosahasean and arachidon), important for immunity, eye and brain.

Carbohydrate composition

Lactose is an important carbohydrate product component. In combination with maltodextrine (rapid carbohydrate), it gives a sweet taste that infants like. Carbohydrate components provide infant organism with the necessary energy, give prolonged saturation, affect the thickness of the mixture (make it more thick). The manufacturer's magazine does not contain sucrose (reed sugar), which is positively distinguished by products from analogs.

Other components

Products contains live bifidobacterium cultures BL. These are probiotics that are responsible for the formation of normal microflora in the walls of the large intestine, strengthening immunity. In the mixtures "Nan 2" also contains Denta Pro bacteria that are responsible for the prevention of caries. They prevent the development of bacteria that destroy the enamel of the teeth, populate the digestive tract.

Therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures of Nan and their composition

For the purpose of therapeutic diet and therapy, fermented milk and other mixtures with the original composition are used. Pediatricians assign them for a certain time to adjust the child's condition. For therapeutic and preventive products, a similar composition is characteristic of the entire supply assortment. However, there are significant differences related to the types of destination.

"NAN" fermented milk

The popular milk mixture "NAN" improves digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, strengthens immunity. In composition, it is distinguished by the presence of a baked milk component and includes:

  • living cultures BL - strengthen the immunity of the baby;
  • the lactic acid bacteria obtained by biofermentation technology - strengthen the body and prevent the development of infections.

Acception adapted mixtures NaN 1, 2 and 3 warn constipation, colic, provide a healthy strong sleep. They have enough iron that prevents anemia in infancy.

As you know, with problems with digestion, the dream of a child becomes bad. This problem can be solved with a mixture of nan

"NAN" hypoallergenic

"NAN" anticolics

The old name of the mixtures - "Nan Comfort". Due to partially hydrolyzed protein, the product reduces the risk of allergies and food discomfort. Low lactose content practically eliminates fermentation and colic process. Probiotics L.reuteri help to settle the intestine with a positive microflora.

The complex "Optipro" designed according to a special technology provides a slight assimilation of the finished milk by the body of the kid. Also in the product there are lipids ARA and DHA, a vitamin complex, important trace elements. The mixture can serve as the only power source for newborns from 0 to 6 months.

"NAN" mislessly

If the baby does not tolerate dairy products, then it can be used by nan-lucrative, however, before use it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician

The lactose product is designed for feeding babies with lactase deficiency in a situation where the body from birth can not assimilate dairy products. They help to recover after intestinal infections, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, do not have age limitations (can be used even for feeding newborns). Often they are prescribed with frequent colic and jerking.

The lactose product is not hypoallergen, differs from product No. 1 by the percentage of the share of proteins and casein (60 K 40). The manufacturer replaced the lactose on easier digested lactose syrup. L.reuteri lactobacillia are added as prebiotics. The mixture contains a full-fledged vitamin and mineral complex, linoleic acid, vegetable oils, solid milk protein.

In the lactose product there is no maltose (malt sugar), but soybeans in its composition can also provoke allergies. Enter the children's product should be carefully and only with the permission of the doctor. Contraindications for use - glucose-galactose failure, galactosemia.

"NAN" Triple Comfort

"Triple Comfort" from Nan is an adapted product to eliminate the functional disorders of digestion in children from birth. The special formula helps to eliminate constipation, colic, reduce the incligration rate. The "Toyan Comfort" mixture normalizes the frequency of the chair, contributes to the formation of the correct intestinal microflora.

The mixture of "NAN Comfort" includes lactobacilli L.reuteri, smart lipids, hydrolyzed protein "Optipro", prebiotics. Additionally included mineral and vitamin complex, oligosaccharides, potato starch. Among the ingredients of the "Triple Comfort" there is palm oil.

Nan Triple Comfort Recommend children from birth

"NAN" antirefluux

Mixtures "NAN" AR 1 pediatricians are prescribed newborn and babies up to 6 months with parents' complaints about frequent joins. They are believed to therapeutic nutrition, which is not used as the main meal for the baby. Its reflux is used in conjunction with breastfeeding, other types of mixtures. Among the components of the dry "antirefluux":

  • hydrolyzed protein of dairy serum;
  • culture prebiotics L.reuteri, which form normal microflora and help reduce the inclusion frequency by 3 times;
  • optimized hypoallergenic complex Optipro - minimizes the risk of a negative reaction to protein of cow's milk;
  • starch - increases the viscosity of the product, which reduces the likelihood of jagging.

The balanced formula of the NAN "Antirefluux" mixture includes also vegetable oils, lactose, trace elements and other useful substances. Moms complain about his density and unpleasant taste, however, they note a positive effect on the digestion of babies. Due to the denotoms, food requires pickup nipples for a bottle. Usually, moms use nipples with a replacement stream. The prepared mixture should be mixed for a long time, shabby.

"NAN" for premature babies

The product is important for premature babies born ahead of time and baby ladies. Contains the highest percentage of serum protein (about 70%), which significantly distinguishes it from analogs. The proteins of the mixture are partially hydrolyzed, which increases their absorption rate.

For premature babes, there is also a mixture of NAN, but before use you need to check the baby on allergies (we recommend reading :)

Product advantages for premature: The baby quickly gains weight, loves the taste of the finished milk. The product is feeding kids until the weight of 1800 grams is achieved, after which they are transferred to the usual mixture. Among the contraindications: Galaktozhemia, lactose intolerance, glucose, allergies to the protein of cows milk. Among the components are palm oil.

Instructions for the preparation of the mixture

Before the purchase of fermented milk and dairy mixtures, "NAN" should be consulted with a pediatrician. The doctor will recommend a suitable product, relying on age, weight, state of health Baby and parental complaints.

When buying it is important to pay attention to the shelf life (printed usually at the bottom of the jar). It is advisable to make purchases in reliable stores where there is a guarantee of storage conditions.

When cooking, the mixture should use power with a sufficient expiration date, which was opened no later than a month ago. To make the mixture to benefit and caused health problems with a baby, it is important to comply with sterility when preparing it. You will familiarize yourself with how to dispense and breed the powder, will allow instructions on the package, which has a view of the table:

The age of babyPer first feedingNumber of feedings per day
Volume of boiled water, ml.The number of dimensional spoons of the mixtureMixtureOther types of food
1-2 weeks90 3 6 -
2-4 weeks120 4 5 -
2 months150 5 5 -
3-4 months.180 6 5 -
5-6 months210 7 4 -
7 months and older210 7 4-3 1-2

When preparing the mixture, it is necessary to clearly follow the proportions of dry powder and water, as well as use only clean dishes and boiled water

When preparing mixtures "NA" take the desired number of dimensional spoons without a slide. The proportions cannot be changed without the recommendations of the health worker. Otherwise, you can overgrow the child or bring to dehydration. From 7 months parallel to hypoallergenic, conventional, acidic mixtures NaN should be administered to babble - porridge, vegetable puree, cottage cheese, fermented milk products.

It is important for the mixture before feeding, reducing the boiled water to the comfort of comfort, 37 degrees (in hot water, useful bacteria will die). Initially, it is necessary to sterilize the container and the nipple, cool, pour prepared water and add the required amount of powder spoons. Next, you should collect a bottle, cover with a lid and shake thoroughly. It is important to check the temperature dropping on the wrist (the power must be a little warmer hand).

When feeding, you need to carefully maintain the baby, give it a rest when necessary. The remains are forbidden to use again. It is important to sterilize the bottles and boil fresh water for the mix to avoid problems from the child's health.

Symptoms that the mixture of "NAS" approached the baby - a set of weight, calm sleep, lack of colic, constipation, good skin. If at least one of these indicators is complied with, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. You may have to change baby food to another type (for example, liquid milk) from the wide range of Nestle.

If the kid is inclined to allergies, pick up the mixture for him a real problem. It should be safe, contribute to the physical and mental development of the child and at the same time be delicious.

All these requirements are NaN nutrition. He is published by Nestle since 1962. The line has different mixes for children who have some health problems. Nan hypoallergenic is a specialized nutrition, the purpose of which is preventing food allergies.

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    Nan hypoallergenic

    NAN NAN Hypoallergenic Optipro reduces the risk of allergies, including atopic dermatitis. It is proven clinically.

    The product is an optimized protein complex with partial hydrolysis. The splitting level of the protein in it is higher than in other Nestle mixtures. It is prescribed with the tendency of a child to allergies and as an intermediate power in the transition from the healing mixture to the usual one. This nutrition is used if the newborn allergies to the protein of cow's milk.

    Contains in its composition such important components as:

    • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - ARA and DHAThey play a crucial role in the development of the immune system, the brain and view of the baby. This element is in breast milk.
    • Bl. bifidobacteria - contribute to the development and strengthening of the child's immunity. Live cultures of the mixture of National law 1, 2, 3, 4 hypoallergenic contribute to the development of the digestive system of the kid.
    • Protein- This is the most important component for the formation of the entire body. It participates in the development of the brain, muscle tissues and other organs.

    Nan hypoallergenic food

    Children of different ages require their amount of nutrients. That is why for each age group NAN released its product:

    1. 1. Nan 1 - Milk for children from birth (0-6 months). Contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of immunity.
    2. 2. Nan 2 - product for kids 6-12 months. It has virtually identical components with a mixture of 1, but it takes into account the increasing needs of nutrient components.
    3. 3. Nan 3 - food for a child from 1 year to one and a half years. Lipids contain lipids and live bifidobacteria, which are useful for the digestive system and serve as caries prevention.
    4. 4. Nan 4 - a mixture for children from 18 months. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in NAN 4 adjusted in accordance with the age needs of crumbs.

    Composition of mixes

    At the power of 1-4, it differs in the presence and concentration of the following elements:

    • Fat Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. They contribute to the development of the nervous system, muscles, digestion.
    • Optipro protein in optimized form. It allows the child to grow fully.
    • Equal milk bacteria BL. They strengthen the microflora in the intestine.

    There are no flavors and dyes in the mixtures. It helps to eliminate the likelihood of allergies and forms the right food habits.


    NAN 1, 2 is milk mixtures, and NAn 3, 4 - dairy drinks for cooking and drinking in dry form. Since the protein of cow's milk is a strong allergen, instead of it in nutrition is used casein and whey protein.

    Proportion of casin protein serum:

    • In NAN 1 - 30 K 70 (approximately to breast milk, in which the ratio is 20 to 80);
    • in NAN 2-4 - 40 K 60.

    The protein in the mixture is called Optipro. His presence in children's nutrition reduces the metabolic load on the body and, as a result, reduces the risk of obesity.


    As fats, fish oil and vegetable oils are used, namely:

    • coconut;
    • sunflower;
    • rapeseed.

    Palm oil was previously used, but due to the negative reaction, Nestle refused its application.

    And also there are polyunsaturated fatty acids:

    • linoleic;
    • arachidon (ARA);

    The most valuable ARA and DHA are responsible for the development of organs of vision, brain, immunity.


    Lactose and maltodexterine are present in the mixture as a carbohydrate. Together they give a sweet taste that the kids like.

    These components perform several important functions:

    • provide a child with the necessary energy;
    • give a long sense of satiety;
    • make milk more dense.

    An important difference from the nutrition of other brands is not containing reed sugar - sucrose. This substance is able to reduce immunity, its use leads to a violation of metabolism and increased nervous excitability.

    Other components

    Another important component in the mixtures of nan hypoallergenic - Live bifidobacteria BL. They are probiotics that are responsible for the normal formation of intestinal microflora, and, as a result, strengthening the immune system.

    In the mixture of NA 2, Denta Pro bacteria are introduced, they are responsible for the prevention of caries and dentition of dental enamel. In addition, food is rich in vitamins A, E, D, K, with, folic and pantothenic acid, Taurin.

    Mineral substances are present among the components:

    • phosphorus;
    • potassium;
    • sodium;
    • chlorides;
    • magnesium;
    • iron and others.

    Mixtures of NAS have a balanced composition. The ideal ratio of fats and carbohydrates, a vitamin complex and living dairy bacteria contributes to the physical and mental development of the baby.

    Terms of application

    For children of different ages there are their dosages of dry product and water. To save live bifidobacteria, before cooking water for the mixture you need to boil and cool to a temperature of 37 s and only then add powder.

    The instructions indicate the number of full spoons of the mixture without a slide. The violation of the proportions in the preparation of the mixture can lead to the dehydration of the organism of the newborn.

    On the package of the mixture there is an instruction for the preparation of a mixture for children of different ages. For clarity, it is represented as a table.

There are cases when it is impossible to establish. In such situations, baby dairy will come to the rescue. One of the popular is the "NAN" mixture, the instructions for the use of which we will consider in this article.

Description, Composition and manufacturer

Brand - Nan, brand country - Switzerland, manufacturer - Nestle, country-producer - Netherlands. "NAS 1 OPIPRO" is a dry adapted containing bifidobacteria. It is created to feed from birth. The balanced composition ensures that the infants will receive all the necessary nutrients that are important for physical and mental.

The unique complex of optipro helps to get the child the required amount of protein, and thanks to the living bifidobacterium BL is strengthened by its immunity. The desired amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is present. Produce this product from high quality raw materials. It does not contain flavors, GMOs, dyes and preservatives. The mixture has a pleasant taste in question, and she will definitely like the infant.

Did you know?Nestle began its work in 1866. And in 1867, thanks to Arni Nestle, a product appeared for the artificial feeding of babies, who had the name "Milk Flour Arni Nestle."

  • demineralized dairy serum;
  • skilled milk;
  • compound of vegetable oils (palm olein, low-circuit rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, Mortierell Mountain oil);
  • lactose;
  • citrate calcium;
  • maltodextrin;
  • fish fat;
  • acidity regulators (potassium hydroxide, citric acid, calcium hydroxide);
  • magnesium chloride;
  • chloride potassium;
  • soy lecithin;
  • citate potassium;
  • L-phenylalanine;
  • vitamins (C, E, RR, pantothenic acid, A, B1, B6, B2, folic acid, D3, K1, B12, biotin);
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium phosphate;
  • taurine;
  • iron sulfate;
  • inosit;
  • bifidobacteria (at least 106 CFU / g);
  • zinc sulfate;
  • nucleotides;
  • L-cardinet;
  • copper sulfate;
  • iodide potassium;
  • sodium selenate;
  • manganese sulfate.

Age category

Important! The best food for infants is maternal milk. Before switching to artificial feeding, you need to seek advice to the doctor.

How to prepare a mixture

Consider how to breed a mixture of "NAS":

  1. First, you should wash your hands well.
  2. Bottle, nipples and a lid need to rinse well.
  3. Then they are recommended to boil over 5 minutes.
  4. Drinking water should be boiled 5 minutes and cool to a temperature of +37 ° C.
  5. Adhering to feeding tables, you should pour the desired number of water to the bottle.

  6. Following the table, you need to pour the exact number of measuring powder spoons, which corresponds to the baby's age. You only need to use a measured spoon, which is in the bank, filling it without a slide.
  7. Then the bottle must be stolen until the powder is completely dissolved.
  8. The spoon is recommended to put on the ledge in the jar.
  9. A jar with a powder needs to close tight.
  10. Important! If you use non-filled water and non-sacterilized bottles, incorrectly store the mixture, transport and cook it, then it can all adversely affect the child's health.

    How to give a child

    Consider how much you need to give a mixture of "NAN", depending on age:

    After 6 months, it is recommended to use NAN 2 nutrition to Nestle, the age category of which ranges from 6 months to 1 year.

    Did you know?At the very beginning, a bird and three chicks in the nest were depicted on the Nestle logo. And in 1988, after another rebranding, only 2 chicks remained on the logo.

    Is it possible to store a ready-made mixture

    Many parents are interested - how much can I store a ready-made mixture of "nan"? The answer is unequivocal - none. It needs to be breeding strictly before feeding. It is impossible to do this in advance. If the mixture remains, it cannot be stored and used in the future.

    Precautionary measures

    When you are preparing a mixture of "nan" for newborns, you need to use only the accompanying spoon, which should be filled with a slide. If the diluted will be more or less powder than indicated on the package, then the baby can break the power or will lead to dehydration of the body. The portions specified on the jar cannot be changed without consulting a doctor.

    Terms and conditions for storing packaging

    After opening the jar, the powder must be used for 21 days. The jar cannot be placed in the refrigerator. Store "NAN" is necessary at temperatures up to +25 ° C (before and after opening) and with humidity - no more than 75%. Shelf life: 24 months.

    Several useful tips for parents:

    1. So that living bacteria persists, the water for the mixture needs to be cold to +37 ° C and only then add powder.
    2. You can boil water only once. The second time it is boiling it is not recommended.
    3. The mixture should be given to the baby according to its age.
    4. It is necessary to wash your hands before feeding so that the sick microflora does not get into the mixture.
    5. The bottle before each feeding should be sterilized.
    6. Pour powder is recommended only intended for this measuring spoon.
    7. So that there are no lumps, the prepared mixture is necessary to shabby well.
    8. A jar with a powder needs to close tightly so that the moisture is not absorbed.

Today, there is a huge selection of children's mixtures for newborns from different manufacturers. One of the most famous products - mixes for babies Nan. Despite ambiguous comments on the network, the baby food of this brand is in demand for parents.

The production of mixtures for newborns and for children is a little older, under the NAN brand, is engaged in the company Nestle. In 1962, the first nutrition was released, and it was intended for kids who were on artificial feeding and did not have health difficulties. Later, in 2004, the manufacturer began to include bifidobacteria, contributing to the improvement of the work of the digestive system of newborns. Since 2010, the company began to produce milk to strengthen children's teeth.

The main composition of children's mixtures of NAS includes substances that are required for the growing organism:

  • minerals;
  • iron (warn anemia development);
  • vitamins;
  • taurine;
  • fishe fat (helps to assimilate calcium);
  • nucleotides;
  • lactose.

The role of the main ingredients are: milk, serum and whey protein. Milk protein in some kids causes an allergic reaction, for this reason, there are negative feedback from parents. But the company has developed a wide range of products and taking into account the features of various children, including susceptible to allergies.


For the convenience of choosing in accordance with the age of a child, a mixture of the NAN brand is numbered from 1 to 4.

  • "1" - a mixture for the smallest, from birth to six months. A suitable complex of vitamins and minerals is selected, aimed at forming immunity.
  • "2" - nutrition for kids aged from 6 to 12 months. Similar composition, but an increase in calorie, due to the increasing needs of actively moving children.
  • "3" - designed for children from 1 to 1.5 years, includes a substance that contributes to the normalization of the digestive system and protection against the caries of the first teeth.
  • "4" - applied to one and a half year-old carappow and older, as an addition to the main diet.

In addition to the milk mixtures of the NAS, there is an oiled series, which also has varieties depending on the age of the child. It added bifidobacteria that helps children's animals work better. This product relieves babies from constipation, colic, restores the intestinal flora.

Nanna "NAN" for children with allergies

Despite the fact that in the production of baby food, harsh requirements are observed, some children can be allergic. Until the year, the newborn only adapts to various components in food, and the tendency to undesirable reactions are several times higher. Therefore, among the products of the National Academy there is a special kind of mixture, hypoallergenic. "NAN-1" can be used to power the kids from the very first days of life, "Nan-2" includes in the diet of semi-annual children. The composition of hypoallergenic mixtures is complemented by amino acids, which counteract possible child allergies.

However, even in these mixtures there is a protein of cow's milk. Just his body's newborn baby and can not be absorbed. For such children, Nestle has released a lactose-free children's mixture. From its composition, the milk component is excluded, maltodextrin added, improving the intestinal work, and nucleotides that strengthen immunity.

Specialized nutrition "NAN" for newborns

There are cases when a child needs a special nutrition intended for solving specific tasks. First of all, it is important for just what has appeared on the light of kids. For this reason, the manufacturer of children's mixtures NAN has expanded the line of its products with additional varieties.

  1. Predan. Sometimes children are born before putting time. Modern medicine allows babies to gain a foothold in our world. For some time they contain them in special incubators, creating conditions close to the womb of the mother. But the nutrition also needs a suitable. In the mixture for premature newborns, a complex of minerals and vitamins is supplemented, so that in the small body everything will be necessary for the formation of bone and muscular tissues and the strengthening of immunity.
  1. "Antirefluux". In the first months of life, children are only a digestion process, and there are small failures. One of the problems for many parents become frequent toddles of the baby. You can cope with this, rightly choosing than feeding a baby.
  1. Alfare. There are among nan mixtures and such a nutrition, which, with the help of the necessary amino acids, has a therapeutic effect on the intestines of kids and eliminates them from diarrhea. Ponos threatens newborn dehydration, so such food is capable of preventing serious consequences. But it is possible to begin to feed the specialized species of the mixture only under the control of the children's physician.
  1. "NAN Premium". The company "Nestle" took care of the most demanding kids. In a children's mixture for newborns "Nan Premium", the most advanced composition, which distinguishes it from all other types of baby food:
  • skimmed milk;
  • vegetable oils;
  • serum purified from minerals;
  • trace elements;
  • bacteria, normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nucleotides;
  • fish fat;
  • vitamins;
  • carnitine;
  • licitin;
  • taurine;
  • inositol.

It is important to note that there is no dairy, but a whey protein, therefore "Nan Premium" is hypoallergenic. In addition, the composition is everything necessary for the full growth and development of newborns and to prevent different kinds of discomfort.

Terms of Use

In order for children's mixtures to help the kids grow strong and healthy, parents should know how to properly prepare baby milk, how much and in what kind of storing what proportions are important to observe for saturation of the child.

  • The choice of the mixture primarily determines the age of karapuse. The manufacturer specifically labels the products from 1 to 4. So, the food for newborns will be insufficient for grown babies, and mixtures with a greater digit on the package, which is supposed to be a baby, can be understood with babies, be too heavy food.
  • Before breeding milk, it is important to carefully examine the instructions where it is indicated in which the amount of water how much dry mixture needs to be divorced, the storage time of the open and closed packaging.
  • For feeding, you can use only sterilized dishes, and the preparation of well-washed hands.
  • It is impossible to use hot or non-filled water, the optimal temperature is 35-45 degrees.
  • A mixture in a bottle must be well stolen so that it is stirred to a homogeneous state and there were no lumps.
  • Cooked milk is intended for one feeding. Reheat or just leave the next time you should not.
  • The launched box of children's mixture can be stored tightly closed and smooth as much as indicated on the package. Moisture, which can get into it, harms the product, and many components of baby food in open form will quickly deteriorate. If the recommended 3 weeks come to an end, and the dry mixture remained, you can cook from it baby cookies or to put into another baking, because the divorced baby food is an analogue of milk.
  • You do not need to try to make the baby eat as much as recommended by the manufacturer for the appropriate age. But when breeding it is necessary to take into account what a portion for it is assumed to not leave the child halfland. The best indicator that the kid is fought, is its good health and stable weight gain. On average, for one meal, kids eat from 120 to 240 ml of milk, depending on the age and general pace of development.

How to choose a suitable mix mix

Currently, there are many baby food options on store shelves, different manufacturers, different products in the assortment of each. Trying to pick up for your baby the best mixture, you do not need to try to try everything. For children, especially newborns, a frequent change of artificial nutrition is harmful and unsafe. It is better to pay attention to the features of the development of a particular child and consult with a pediatrician.

In order to avoid problems with the health of the baby and the wrong conclusions about the specific form of a children's mixture, it is important to make sure that the nutrition does not provoke allergies and is well absorbed. Therefore, to begin to introduce a new children's mixture into the diet with a small volume, 90 ml. In the first days of feeding, it is impossible to give a child other products containing allergens. Otherwise it will be difficult to understand what caused the reaction of the body. Only a day three, if there are no side effects, you can fully switch to the selected mixture.

Another baby milk may simply do not like the crumb, then you will also have to look for another product. Among the NaN mixtures from Nestle, there are options that differ from each other and in the composition, and to taste, which allows you to find the necessary meals within one brand.

An important factor in choice for parents is the price of a children's mixture. The cost of nutrition is somewhat higher than some others: the packaging of 400 grams of a non-specialized mixture will cost approximately 400 rubles, and the price of therapeutic and with an extended composition can reach up to 700 rubles. Of course, more budget options can be found on sale, for example, a mixture "Baby". But it is better when choosing to navigate the composition of the product and the expected effect, including therapeutic than the price.

Age: from 0 to 6 months

Volume: 400 gr.

Consumption:4.57 grams of 30 ml of water

Type: therapeutic-prophylactic mixture (partial hydrolyzate).Based on partial protein hydrolysis.

Dry dairy hypoallergenic mixture for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of children from birth to 6 months.
Partially split protein contained in Nan- 1 hypoallergenic has a double effect on the immune system: contributes to the prevention of allergies and gradual "addiction" to the milk protein. The mixture of NAN-1 hypoallergenic mixed bifidobacterium BL was introduced, which helps to ensure the predominance of bifidobacteria in the kid's intestinal microflora - like children on breastfeeding.

30.00 BYN.

Nan Gha1 hypoallergenic warns the development of allergies!

Trademark: Nestle®

Manufacturer: Nestle Deutschland AG,The country: Germany

Properties: Season (general property) - all-season; Consumer age - 0-6 months; .Type of packaging- w / bank;

View of the mix - therapeutic and prophylactic;

Class (general property)- premium;

Nan hypoallergenic - The children's mixture is made on the basis of partial hydrolysis of 100% serum protein with an improved amino acid composition, which reduces the protein allergenity and contributes to the formation of food tolerance. Reduces the risk of colic and constipation. The unique combination of nutrients contributes to the development of healthy microflora and the attachment of immunity. It is prescribed for the prevention of food allergies in children from a risk group, with non-heavy forms of food allergies.

Dry children's mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1, designed for children from birth to 6 months with high risk of food allergy. In the Children's mixture, NAN Hypoallergenic 1 contains all the necessary nutrients for the physical and mental development of the child. However, if the child already has allergies to the proteins of cow's milk, you should not use this mixture. Also, the mixture can be used with insufficient or absence of breast milk at mothers, because its composition is as close as possible to breast milk.

Buy a mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1 You can in our store at a very good price with delivery in Minsk.

Thanks to a unique combination of protective components, the first protection, a children's mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1 has a protective effect, warns the risk of allergy, contributes to becoming, and strengthening the child's immunity in the first, decisive months of life.

Smart lipids - Two fatty acids DHA (Omega-3) and ARA (Omega-6) present in breast milk:

    important for the development of the brain and vision of the child.

Hypoallergenic protein Optipro Ha Thanks to moderate hydrolysis:

    prevents the development of allergies.

    provides normal growth and development.

A mixture of nan hypoallergenic1:

    easily digested.

    provides a soft chair.

Bl. bifidobacteria - Live probiotic cultures:

    Support a healthy microflora.

    contribute to strengthening immunity.

Structure : lactose, vegetable fats, partially hydrolyzed whey protein, L-arginine, fish oil, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, L-histidine, choline batterpet, L-tyrosine, vitamins, taurine, inositol, nucleotides, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, L- Carnitine, culture of bifidobacteria, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate.

Cooking method:

    Wash and sterilize the bottle and nipple.

    Cool boiled water to 37 ° C.

    Guided by feeding table Determine the required amount of water in a bottle. Add half from the required volume of warm water into the bottle.

    Guided by feeding table, add the exact number of measuring powder spoons according to your child's age. Use only a measuring spoon located in a bank filled without a slide.

    Shake the bottle until the powder is completely dissolved.

    Add the remaining half of warm water to the bottle. Sharely shake the bottle carefully.

    Check the temperature of the finished mixture on the inside of the wrist. (37 ° C).

    After cooking, the bank should closely close the lid.

To preserve the number of live bacteria, the boiler water should be cooled to be cooled to about the body temperature (37 degrees) and then add a dry mixture.

Important : The mixture should be prepared immediately before each feeding. Follow the instructions on the bank. The diluted mixture remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and subsequent use. During feeding, keep the child so that he does not choose. When the child is growing, go to feeding from a cup.

Storage: Before and after opening, a mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1 Store at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees and relative air humidity not more than 75%.
After opening, use for three weeks, it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.
The shelf life is indicated at the bottom of the bank.

Children's mixture of nan hypoallergenic 1 is made of raw materials produced by specially selected suppliers without the use of genetically modified ingredients, dyes, preservatives and flavors.

The product is certified.

Thank you for chosen us!

Manufacturer: Nestle Deutschland AG

Country of origin: Germany

Importer in RB: Branch number 1 "Nest" IOOO "Alidi West"