Compare the ground with other planets of the solar system. What is the main source of energy for the processes. What is the main source of energy for processes occurring on the surface of the Earth. Internal and external energy sources of land

Each element has its own energy field: air, water, fire and, of course, land. About the last and will be discussed. Earth is always associated with fertility, food, triumph of life. It is on it that we grow different cultures, build at home. She, in the end, has the strength of attraction!

Therefore, its energy is so strong and powerful, which is capable of charging all people. Energy Energy gives us the opportunity to feel a connection with your ancestors, to get their support and help.

Energy from the Earth is constantly. But, of course, not the whole it comes to us. Moreover, if we consider that lately we have become a little walk, it's a little work on the street. Remember how our ancestors lived! All their lives were closely related to agricultural, agricultural work. They were constantly in nature. Therefore, there were always so healthy, strong and hardy. Their Earth feeds them!

Getting energy from the ground is possible in different ways:

Energy from the ground may be in two types. The first is free energy out of the ground. It is her who we get when we go on the ground, we work in the garden. The second is the potential energy of the Earth. It causes the existing and long-term proven attraction (gravity). Without her, life on Earth could hardly have been such that she is. And this potential energy of the Earth can not give to the person and other objects of the surrounding nature. Otherwise, chaos will begin.

But how is the use of the energy of the Earth?

This process is quite simple and understandable. During our contact with the Earth, its energy enters our body through special energy flows. As is known, two main longitudinal channels pass through the human body: aspic and downward. Through the latter flows the energy of the Sun, and through the first - the energy of the Earth. It then applies throughout the body for smaller channels. All this network is similar to capillary, nervous. Everything is arranged so that energy falls into each, even the most distant "piece" of the body. Energy of the Earth go to food, the development of each cell. Thus, the body is healing, all its structures at the molecular level are updated.

However, energy and land is used and in another bed - in spiritual. She gives us harmony, calm. Makes us more kind, more responsive, more merciful. In women, this energy awakens the maternal instinct. After all, the Earth is a cormalist, like a mother for her child.

How does the lack of energy of the Earth affect human life?

Of course, it is characterized only by negative features:

  • Depression mood.
  • A person ceases to enjoy life and enjoy her.
  • Reducing sexual attraction, enjoying the sexual sphere.
  • Material problems.
  • Failures in the implementation of plans, desires.

In general, a person loses its stability, stability in many areas of its livelihoods. He becomes irritable, insecure, passive, powerless even before small difficulties.

And remember that we are all the children of the earth. And she will always help you, give you energy. Just try more time to "communicate" with her. The earth is akin to mother: the more you with her, the stronger you become. You start feeling huge support, care and calm.

Electricity - from the soil.

Getting free electricity at home!

Energy Sources on Earth

Not all energy sources are equal. Some represent only fundamental interest, the existence of civilization is associated with others. Some sources are practically inexhaustible, another will come to the next century, and even decades.

For several billion years, the head guardian of our planetary system is selected for several billion years. This source of energy can be called inexhaustible. Each square meter of the Ground Surface receives from the Sun an average power energy of about 1.5 kW; For the year, this will be about 10 million cyclealories of energy - such a number of heat give hundreds of kilograms of coal. How much heat gets the whole globe from the sun? Calculating the land area and taking into account uneven lighting of the solar rays of the earth's surface, we get about 10 14 kW. It is 100 thousand times more energy that is obtained from all sources of energy on Earth all factories, plants, power plants, automotive and aircraft motors, in short - 100 thousand times more energy power consumed by all population of the globe (about a billion kilowatt).

However, despite many projects, solar energy is used completely slightly. True, our calculation gave a huge number - but this amount of energy falls into all the places of the earth's surface: both on the slopes of inaccessible mountains, and on the surface of the oceans, which occupies most of the earth's surface, and on the sands of deserted deserts.

In addition, the amount of energy coming to a small area is not so large. But it is hardly advisable to create energy receivers extending for square kilometers. Finally, it is obvious that the transformation of solar energy into heat makes sense in areas in which many sunny days.

Interest towards direct use of the energy of the Sun several increased in recent times due to the appears to directly turn solar energy into electric. This possibility is naturally quite attractive. However, it is still implemented in a very small degree.

The solar energy battery was discovered relatively recently on our heads - in the upper layers of the atmosphere. It turned out that oxygen at an altitude of 150-200 km above the ground surface due to the action of solar radiation is in a dissociated state: its molecules are divided into atoms. When combining these atoms in oxygen molecules, 118 kcal / mole of energy could be distinguished. What is the overall stock of this energy? In a layer of 50 km thick at the specified altitude, 10 13 kcal is stuck - as much as it is exempt with full combustion of several million tons of coal. In the USSR, such a number of coal is mined in a few days. Although the energy dissociated at high oxygen altitudes is continuously resumed, here we are again faced with the problem of low concentration: the device for the practical use of this energy is not so easy to come up with.

Let's return to the discussion of energy sources. The air masses of the earth's atmosphere are in continuous motion. Cyclones, storms, permanent trade houses, light breeze - diverse manifestation of air flow energy. The wind energy was used to move sailing vessels and in windmills in the ancient century. The full average annual air flow power for the whole land is not a lot of not much 100 billion kW.

However, we will not lay great hopes for wind as a source of energy. Not only is this source of this is incorrect - there were chicken vessels in the age of sailing ships, - it possesses the same disadvantage as solar energy: the amount of energy released per unit area is relatively small; Wind turbine blades, if you create such an energy in a factory scale, would have to achieve practically impossible sizes. No less significant disadvantage is the impermanence of wind power. Therefore, wind energy, or, as it is poeticly called, blue coal, is used only in small engines - "windmills". During the wind, they give electricity to agricultural machines, illuminated at home. If excess energy is formed, it is reserves in batteries (so called electricity keepers). These excess can be used in the lull. Of course, it is impossible to rely on the windmill - it can only play the role of an auxiliary engine.

A gift source of energy is also moving water - a tidal wave of oceans, continuously coming to land, and river water flows flowing to seas and oceans.

The power of all rivers of the globe is measured by billions of kilowatt, only about 40 million kW are used, i.e. So far, about 1%. The potential power of the USSR rivers reaches 400 million kW, and about 20 million kW are used.

If we had lost coal, oil and other energy sources and would only move on white coal - the energy of the rivers, then with the full use of this energy (assuming that all possible hydroelectric power plants were built on all the rivers of the globe) would have to reduce energy consumption on the globe . Energy consumption on the globe currently exceeds the billion kilowatt - one of the hydropower of mankind is just now just enough.

Well, and tidal wave? Its energy is very significant, although approximately ten times less than the energy of the rivers. Alas, this energy is still used only in the most insignificant degree: the pulsating nature of the tides makes it difficult to use it. However, Soviet and French engineers found practical ways to overcome this difficulty. Now the tidal power station provides the issuance of guaranteed power in the clock of maximum consumption. In France, an experimental PES SENS was built and already operated, and a station in the USSR is being built in a sour lip in the Murmansk area. This latter will serve as experience for the construction of projected powerful PES in the Lumbovsky and Mezen Bay of the White Sea. In France, by 1965, a tidal station with a capacity of 240 thousand kW will be allowed.

Water in the oceans at high depths has a temperature that differs from the temperature of the surface layers by 10-20 °. So you can build a heat machine, the heater of which in medium latitudes would be the top layer of water, and the refrigerator is deep. The efficiency of such a car will be 1-2%. But this, of course, is also a very non-confidential source of energy.

Sun, air and water - granite energy sources * 16. Given in the sense that the use of their energy does not entail a decrease in any terrestrial values. The work of windmills does not reduce the amount of air on the globe, the work of hydroelectric power plants does not reduce the depths of the rivers, the stocks of terrestrials are not used and when solar vehicles are used.

In this sense, the sources of energy described so far have a big advantage compared to the fuel. The fuel is burned. Using the energy of stone coal, oil, wood is the irrevitable destruction of earthly values. It would be very tempting to carry out a photochemical engine, i.e. Receive energy using photosynthesis mechanism, which ensures the accumulation of fuel energy. The green leaf of any plant is a plant that is from water molecules and carbon dioxide due to the energy of the sun's rays produces organic substances with a large stock of energy in molecules. This process in plants has a small efficiency (~ 1%), but even at the same time, the energy reserves by plants is 2 · 10 15 kWh, i.e. This is hundreds of times higher than the annual energy generation by all power plants in the world. The photosynthesis mechanism is not yet solved, but there is no doubt that in the future it will be possible not only to carry out photosynthesis in artificial conditions, but also to increase its efficiency. However, in this area, a person cannot compete with nature and is forced to use it with gifts, burning firewood, oil, coal.

What are the fuel reserves on the globe? To conventional fuel, i.e. Such, which burns from the raised fire, includes coal and oil. Their stocks on the globe are extremely small. With modern oil spending, its explored reserves will come to the end by the beginning of the next millennium. Stone coal reserves are somewhat larger. The amount of coal on Earth express the number of ten thousand billion tons. Kilogram of coal during combustion gives 7000 kcal heat. Thus, the total energy reserves of coal are measured by a number of about 10 20 kcal. It is thousands of times more annual energy consumption.

Energy reserve for a thousand years must be recognized very small. A thousand years is much only compared to the duration of human life, and human life is an insignificant moment compared to the life of the globe and with the time of the existence of a civilized world. In addition, energy consumption per capita is continuously growing. Therefore, if the fuel reserves were reduced to oil and coal, the state of affairs on Earth with energy reserves should be considered catastrophic.

At the beginning of the forties of our century, the practical possibility of using a completely new form of fuel called nuclear was proved. We have significant reserves of nuclear fuel.

Here it is not a place to stop on the device atom and its core - the atomic nucleus, on how can the internal energy from atomic nuclei can be removed. The release of nuclear energy can be carried out only in significant scales on the so-called nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy is released in the form of heat, which is used completely as well as in power plants working on a stone coal.

Currently, we can allocate energy in industrial quantities of two elements - uranium and thorium. The peculiarity of nuclear fuel, which is its main advantage, is the exceptional concentration of energy. A kilogram of nuclear fuel gives energy 2.5 million times more than kilograms of stone coal. Therefore, despite the relatively small prevalence of these elements, their reserves on the globe in the energy expression are quite significant. Exemplary calculations show that the reserves of nuclear fuel are significantly larger than the reserves of stone coal. However, the admission to the fuel of uranium and thorium does not solve the principal task of the liberation of humanity from energy hunger - the reserves of minerals in the earth's crust are limited.

But now you can specify a truly unlimited source of energy. We are talking about the so-called thermonuclear reactions. They are possible only with ultrahigh temperatures of about twenty million degrees. This temperature is still achieved only with atomic explosions.

Now in front of the researchers there is a task of obtaining high temperatures not explosive, and the first attempts to reach a million degree temperatures were crowned with success.

If physicists are able to work with the necessary high temperatures in tens of millions of degrees, obtained by not explosive, then the controlled fusion reaction of atomic hydrogen nuclei (it is the name of thermonuclear) will become possible. With this reaction, huge energy per kilogram of fuel will be highlighted. In order to ensure now humanity with energy for one year, it suffices to highlight thermonuclear energy by recycling a tent of millions of tons of water.

In the World Ocean, so much thermonuclear energy is stored that it is enough to cover all the energy needs of humanity for a time exceeding the age of the solar system. This is really a limitless source of energy.

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The main sources of physics Archimedes. Works. M.: Fizmatgiz, 1962. Baby N. Selected scientific works: in 2. M.: Science, 1970-1971.Bohr N. Collected Works. Vol. 9 Nuclear Physics, 1929-1952. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986.Bronstein MP The current state of relativistic cosmology // Successes of physical sciences. 1931. № 11. S.

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2. Material sources in the text are discussed and argued that the curvature of space-time is the result of the impact of material sources. What do they represent and how are they formally presented? These sources are matter in the general sense.

People use different types of energy for all, from their own movements before sending astronauts into space.

There are two types of energy:

  • ability to make (potential)
  • actually work (kinetic)

Comes in various forms:

  • heat (thermal)
  • light (radiant)
  • movement (kinetic)
  • electric
  • chemical
  • nuclear power
  • gravitational

For example, the food that a person eats contains the chemical and the human body keeps it while he or she will spend both kinetic during work or life.

Classification of types of energy

People use resources of different types: electricity in their homes extracted by burning coal, nuclear reaction or hydroelectric power station on the river. Thus, coal, nuclear and hydro are called source. When people fill the fuel tank with a gasoline source may be oil or even growing and processing grain.

Energy sources are divided into two groups:

  • Renewable
  • Non-renewable

Renewable and non-renewable sources can be used as primary benefits, such as heat or used to produce secondary energy sources, such as electricity.

When people use electricity in their homes, electricity is likely to be combined with coal or natural gas, nuclear reaction or hydropower plant on the river, or from several sources. People use crude oil for fuel for fuel (non-renewable), but may also biofuel (renewable) as ethanol, which is made from recycled corn


There are five major renewable energy sources:

  • Sunny
  • Geothermal heat inside the Earth
  • Wind energy
  • Biomass from plants
  • Hydropower

Biomass, which includes wood, biofuels and biomass waste, is the largest source of renewable energy, which accounts for about half of all renewable and about 5% of the total consumption.


Most of the resources currently consumed from non-renewable sources:

  • Petroleum products
  • Hydrocarbon liquefied gas
  • Natural gas
  • Coal
  • Nuclear power

No renewable energy accounts for about 90% of all resources used.

Whether the fuel consumption changes over time

Sources of energy consumed over time are changing, but changes occur slowly. For example, coal was once widely used as fuel for heating houses and commercial buildings, but concrete use of coal for these purposes decreased over the past half century.

Although the proportion of renewable fuel from the total consumption of primary energy is still relatively small, its use is growing in all sectors. In addition, the use of natural gas in the electric power industry has increased in recent years due to low prices for natural gas, while the use of coal in this system has decreased.

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1. Wind energy

2. Hydroenergy

3. Geothermal Energy

4. Energy of the World Ocean

5. Energy of tides and sings

6. Solar energy


Bibliographic list


The concept of energy is not only physical or natural, as well as technical. The purpose of this work is to first familiarize themselves with the current state of affairs in this unusually wide problem, the analysis of new ways to obtain practically useful forms of energy. Humanity needs energy, and the need for it increases every year. At the same time, the reserves of traditional natural fuels (oil, coal, gas, etc.) are finite. The stocks of nuclear fuel - uranium and thorium are also finite. Practically inexhaustible reserves of thermonuclear fuel - hydrogen, but the controlled thermonuclear reactions are not yet mastered and is unknown when they are used for industrial energy production in its pure form, i.e. Without participation in this process of fission reactors. Two ways remain: strict savings when spending energy resources and the use of non-traditional renewable energy sources.

When considering the energy, as the industry of the national economy, one can track the evolution of energy sources, as well as the problems of mastering and using new energy resources (alternative energy sources). Energy non-traditional geothermal

Renewable energy sources include: solar and geothermal energy, tidal, atomic, wind energy and wave energy. In contrast to fossil fuels, these forms of energy are not limited to geologically accumulated reserves (if the atomic energy is considered fragonide). This means that their use and consumption does not lead to the inevitable exhaustion of stocks.

All new energy conversion schemes can be combined with a single term "ecoenergetic" under which any methods for producing clean energy that do not cause environmental pollution.

1. Wind energy

We live at the bottom of the air ocean, in the world of winds. People have understood this for a long time, they constantly felt the impact of the wind, although many phenomena could not explain for a long time. Wind observation was engaged in ancient Greece. Already in the III century. BC e. It was known that the wind brings one or another weather. True, the Greeks were determined only by the direction of the wind. In Athens, about 100 g. BC. e. Built the so-called wind tower with the "Rose Winds fortified on it" (the tower exists to this day, there are only "roses"). In Japan and China, the wind roses were also known: made in the form of dragons, they indicated the direction of the wind. But the main purpose of them was different: to scare the evil spirits - foreign winds.

The energy of moving air masses is huge. The wind energy reserves are more than a hundred times higher than the hydropower reserves of all rivers of the planet. Constantly and everywhere on Earth blew winds - from the lightweight breeze, carrying the desired coolness in the summer heat, to the mighty hurricanes bringing innumerable damage and destruction. There is always an aerial ocean, at the bottom of which we live. The winds that are in the expanses of our country could easily satisfy all its needs for electricity! Climatic conditions allow you to develop wind power in a huge territory - from our Western borders to the shores of Yenisei. The wind energy is rich in the country's northern areas along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, where it is especially necessary for man-minded people who are working around these richest edges. Why is such an abundant, affordable and environmentally friendly energy source is so weakly used? Nowadays, engines using wind cover only one thousandth of world energy needs.

According to estimates of various authors, the overall wind power potential of the Earth is equal to 1,200 TV, however, the possibility of using this type of energy in various parts of the land of unequal. The average annual wind speed at an altitude of 20-30 m above the surface of the Earth should be quite large enough to power the air flow passing through a properly oriented vertical section, reached the value acceptable to conversion. The wind power plant located on the site, where the average annual power of the air flow is about 500 W / m 2 (the air flow rate is 7 m / s), can convert into electricity about 175 of these 500 W / m2.

The energy contained in the flow of moving air is proportional to the wind speed cube. However, not all the energy of the air flow can be used even with the help of an ideal device. The main use coefficient (CPI) of the air flow can be 59.3%. In practice, according to published data, the maximum wind energy in the real wind turbine is approximately 50%, however, this indicator is not achieved at all at all speeds, but only at the optimal speed provided by the project. In addition, part of the energy of the air flow is lost when converting mechanical energy into electrical, which is carried out with the efficiency of 75-95%. Given all these factors, the specific electrical power, issued by the real wind power unit, apparently amounts to 30-40% of air flow power, provided that this unit is stable in the range of velocities provided by the project. However, sometimes the wind has a speed leaving outside the calculated speeds. The wind speed is so low that the wind-unit can not work at all, or so high that the wind unit needs to stop and take measures to protect against destruction. If the wind speed exceeds the rated operating speed, part of the extracted wind mechanical energy is not used in order to not exceed the rated electrical power of the generator. Given these factors, the specific generation of electrical energy during the year, apparently amounts to 15-30% of wind energy, or even less, depending on the location and parameters of the wind turbine.

The newest studies are directed mainly to obtain electrical energy from wind energy. The desire to master the production of wind power machines led to the emergence of many such aggregates. Some of them reach tens of meters in height, and, as they believed, over time they could form a real electrical network. Small wind electrical units are designed to supply the electricity of individual houses.

Constructed wind-electrical stations mainly DC. The wind wheel drives a dynamo machine - an electric current generator, which simultaneously charges parallel to the connected batteries. The battery automatically connects to the generator at the moment when the voltage on its output terminals becomes greater than on the battery terminals, and also automatically turns off with the opposite ratio.

On a small scale, wind power stations found a few decades ago. The largest of them with a capacity of 1250 kW gave a current into the network of power supply to the American state of Vermont continuously from 1941 to 1945. However, after breakdown, the experience was interrupted - the rotor did not repair, since the energy from the neighboring thermal power station was cheaper. For economic reasons, the exploitation of wind power stations and in European countries ceased.

Today, wind-electrical aggregates are reliably equipped with oil workers; They successfully work in hard-to-reach areas, in the distant islands, in the Arctic, on thousands of agricultural farms, where there is no close to large settlements and public items. American Henry Kzay in Maine built two masts and strengthened wind turbines with generators. 20 Battery 6 V and 60 to 2 V serve him in mad weather, and as a reserve it has a gasoline engine. For the month, the bears receives 250 kW of energy from its wind-electrical units; It is enough for him to cover the entire farm, the nutrition of household equipment (TV, player, vacuum cleaner, electric typewriter), as well as for a water pump and a well-equipped workshop.

The widespread use of wind-electrical units under normal conditions is still preventing their high cost. It is unlikely that it is necessary to say that you don't need to pay for the wind, however, the machines needed to make it in work, they are too expensive.

Now the most diverse prototypes of wind-electrical generators (more precisely, wind turbines with electric generators) are created. Some of them are similar to the usual children's turntable, others - on a bicycle wheel with aluminum blades instead of spice. There are aggregates in the form of a carousel or in the form of a mast with a system of circular scribals suspended above each other, with a horizontal or vertical axis of rotation, with two or fifty blades.

In fig. 2. Schematically shows wind-electrical installation built by National Airborne Office and Space Studies (NASA) in Ohio. On the tower with a height of 30.5 m, the generator is strengthened in a rotary streamlined case; The generator shaft sits a propeller with two aluminum blades with a length of 19 m and weighing 900 kg. The unit begins to work at wind speed 13 km / h, and the greatest productivity (100 kW) reaches at 29 km / h. The maximum rotation speed of the propeller is 40 rpm.

In the design of the installation, the hardest problem was to ensure the same number of propeller revolutions with different wind power. After all, when connected to the network, the generator should not be given to some electrical energy, but only an alternating current with a given number of cycles per second, i.e. with a standard frequency of 60 Hz. Therefore, the angle of inclination of the blades in relation to the wind is adjusted due to the detriment of them around the longitudinal axis: with a strong wind, this angle is sharper, the air flow is fluidity of the blades and gives them a smaller part of its energy. In addition to regulating the blades, the entire generator automatically rotates on the mast against the wind.

2. Hydroenergy

Many millennia faithfully serves a person's energy concluded in current water. Her reserves on the ground are colossal. No wonder some scientists believe that our planet would be more correct to call not the earth, but water - because about three quarters of the surface of the planet are covered with water. A huge energy accumulator serves as a world ocean, absorbing its large part of it coming from the sun. The waves should be splashing, tides and flow occur, the mighty ocean flows arise. Mighty rivers be born, carrying huge masses of water in the sea and oceans. It is clear that mankind in search of energy could not pass by such giant stocks. Previously, people have learned to use the energy of rivers.

The water was the first source of energy, and probably the first car in which a person used the energy of water was a primitive water turbine. Over 2000 years ago, the mountaineers in the Middle East have already enjoyed a waterfront in the form of a shaft with blades (Fig. 3). The essence of the device was reduced to the following. The flow of water, allotted from the stream or river, presses on the blade, transmitting their kinetic energy to them. The blades come in motion, and since they are tightly tight with palm, the shaft rotates. In turn, the Melnic Garrov, who, together with the shaft, rotates in relation to the stationary Lower Horry. That is how the first "mechanized" grain mills worked. But they were constructed only in mountainous areas, where there are rivers and streams with a large drop and strong head. On slowly current streams, water wheels with horizontally plated blades are ineffective.

A step forward was a Witruvia Water Wheel (1 century. N. E.), The diagram of which is shown in Fig. 4. This is a vertical wheel with large blades and a horizontal shaft. Wheel shaft is connected by wooden gear wheels with a vertical shaft, on which a milling mill sits. Similar mills and today you can meet in the Small Danube; They grind an hour to 200 kg of grain.

Almost one and a half thousand years after the collapse of the Roman Empire, water wheels served as the main source of energy for all sorts of industrial processes in Europe, replacing the physical work of a person.

Devices in which water energy is used to perform work is made to be called water (or hydraulic.) Engines. The simplest and most ancient of them are the water wheels described above. There are wheels with top, middle and lower water supply.

In modern hydroelectric power station, the mass of water at high speed rushes on the turbine blades. Water due to dam flows - through a protective grid and adjustable shutter - according to the steel pipeline to the turbine, above which the generator is installed. The mechanical energy of water through the turbine is transmitted to the generators and is converted into electrical. After working, water flows into the river through the gradually expanding tunnel, while losing its speed.

Hydroelectric power plants are classified by power to small (with an electrical capacity of up to 0.2 MW), small (up to 2 MW), medium (up to 20 MW) and large (over 20 MW). The second criterion in which the hydroelectric power station is separated is the pressure. There are low-pressure hydropower hydropower plants (pressure up to 10 m), medium pressure (up to 100 m) and high-pressure (over 100 m). In rare cases, high-pressure hydraulic hydraulic hydropower dams reach a height of 240 m. Such dams are concentrated before turbines with water energy, accumulating water and bring it to her risen.

The costs of building a hydropower plant of Great, but they are compensated by the fact that it does not have to pay (in any case, explicitly) for the source of energy - water. The power of modern hydroelectric power plants designed at a high engineering level exceeds 100 MW, and kp. It is 95% (water wheels have kp. 50-85%). Such power is achieved at quite low rotor speeds (about 100 rpm), so modern hydrotrbins are affected by their sizes. For example, the working wheel of the turbine of the Volga HPP them. V. I. Lenin has a height of about 10 m and weighs 420 tons.

The turbine is an energetically very advantageous car, because the water is easy and simply changes the translational movement to the rotational. The same principle is often used in machines, which are not at all like a water wheel at all (if pairs are affected on the blade, it is a steam turbine).

The advantages of hydroelectric power plants are obvious - constantly renewable energy supply itself, ease of operation itself, lack of environmental pollution. Yes, and the experience of building and operating water wheels could have a lot of help to hydropower. However, the construction of the dam large hydroelectric station turned out to be a task much more complicated than the construction of a small dam for the rotation of the mill wheel. To bring powerful hydrotherbins to rotate, you need to accumulate a huge stock of water for a dam. To build the dam, it is necessary to lay such a number of materials that the volume of giant Egyptian pyramids will seem insignificant compared to it.

Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, only a few hydroelectric power plants were built. Near Pyatigorsk, in the North Caucasus, a rather large power plant with a meaningful name "White Coal" was successfully operated on the mountain river. It was just the beginning.

Already in historical terms, Goello envisaged the construction of large hydropower plants. In 1926, the Volkhovaya HPP entered the unit, in the following - the construction of the famous Dniprovskaya began. The far-sighted energy policy, conducted in our country, led to the fact that we have, perhaps in the world, a system of powerful hydroelectric stations has been developed. No state boasts such energy giants as the Volga, Krasnoyarsk and fraternal, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. These stations, giving literally oceans of energy, became centers around which powerful industrial complexes have developed.

But while people serve only a small part of the hydropower potential of the Earth. Every year huge streams of water, formed from rains and melting of snow, flow into the sea unused. If they managed to delay them with dam, humanity would receive an additional enormous amount of energy.

3. Geothermal Energy

Earth, this little green planet, -nash the common house, from which we cannot yet, and do not want to leave. Compared with the myriads of other planets, the Earth is really small: most of it is covered with a cozy and lively greenery. But this beautiful and calm planet sometimes comes to rage, and then with her jokes are bad - she is able to destroy everything that graciously gave us from time immemorial. Grozny Tornochny and Typhoon carry thousands of lives, the indomitable waters of the rivers and the seas destroy everything in their path, forest fires in a matter of hours devastated huge territories along with buildings and crops.

But all this are little things compared to the eruption of the awkward volcano. Eating other examples of natural energies of natural energy exemptions are hardly on Earth, which by force could compete with some volcanoes.

People have long been known about the spontaneous manifestations of the giant energy tagged in the bowels of the globe. The memory of mankind keeps legends about the catastrophic eruptions of volcanoes, which claimed millions of human lives unrecognizable the appeal of many places on Earth. The power of the eruption of even a relatively small colossal volcano, it repeatedly exceeds the capacity of the largest energy plants created by the hands of a person. True, it is not necessary to speak about the direct use of volcanic eruption energy - there is no opportunity for people to curb this reciprocal element, and, fortunately, the eruptions are quite rare events. But this is the manifestations of the energy melting in the earth's depths, when only the tiny proportion of this inexhaustible energy finds output through the fire-drying vulcans.

Earth energy - geothermal energy is based on the use of the natural heat of the Earth. The upper part of the earth's crust has a thermal gradient equal to 20-30 ° C per 1 km depth, and, according to White (1965), the amount of heat contained in the earth's crust to a depth of 10 km (without taking into account the surface temperature), equals approximately 12.6-10 ^ 26 J. These resources are equivalent to the heat generation of 4.6 × 1016 tons of coal (taking the average heat of coal combustion equal to 27.6-109 J / T), which is more than 70 thousand times higher than the heat generation of all Technically and economically recoverable world coal resources. However, geothermal heat in the upper part of the earth's crust (to a depth 10 km) is too scattered to solve global energy problems on its database. Resources suitable for industrial use are separate deposits of geothermal energy concentrated on a depth accessible to developing certain volumes and temperatures sufficient to use them in order to produce electrical energy or warmth.

From a geological point of view, geothermal energy can be divided into hydrothermal convective systems, hot dry systems of volcanic origin and a high heat flux system.

4. Energy of the World Ocean

A sharp increase in fuel prices, difficulties with its received, reports on the depletion of fuel resources - all these visible signs of the energy crisis were summoned in many countries in many countries a considerable interest in new energy sources, including the energy of the world ocean.

It is known that the energy reserves in the world ocean are colossal, because two thirds of the earth's surface (361 million km 2) occupy the seas and oceans - the Pacific Aquatory is 180 million km2. Atlantic - 93 million km 2, Indian - 75 million km2. So, the heat (internal) energy corresponding to the overheating of the ocean surface water compared to the bottom, say, 20 degrees, has a value of about 1026 J. The kinetic energy of the ocean currents is estimated by the amount of 1018 J. However, so far people know how to use only insignificant shares of this Energy, and even the price of large and slow paying in investments, so that such energy has so far seemed low-job.

The recent decade is characterized by certain successes in the use of thermal energy of the ocean. Thus, mini-isnes and otnes-1 installations were created (OEZ - the initial letters of the English words of Axa NTHERMAL ENERGY Conversion, i.e. transformation of the heat energy of the ocean - it is about converting electrical energy). In August 1979, the heat and energy installation of mini-sezes began to work near the Hawaiian Islands. The trial operation of the installation for three and a half months showed its sufficient reliability. With continuous round-the-clock work there were no disruptions, if we consider small technical problems, usually arising from the tests of any new installations. Its complete power was an average of 48.7 kW, the maximum -53 kW; 12 kW (maximum 15) Installation gave to an external network to payload, more precisely - to charge batteries. The rest of the generated power was spent on its own installation needs. These include the costs of aegia to work three pumps, losses in two heat exchangers, turbine and in electrical energy generator.

Three pumps were required of the following calculation: one - for the supply of warm views from the ocean, the second - to pump the cold water from a depth of about 700 m, the third - to pump the secondary working fluid inside the system itself, that is, from the condenser to the evaporator. Ammonia is used as a secondary working fluid.

Installation Mini-otnes is mounted on a barge. Under her bottom is placed a long pipeline for the fence of cold water. The pipeline is a polyethylene tube with a length of 700 m with an inner diameter of 50 cm. The pipeline is attached to the bottom of the vessel using a special shutter, which allows you to quickly disconnect in cases. The polyethylene tube is simultaneously used and forcing the pipe-ship pipe. The originality of this decision is not in doubt, since the anchor productions for the more powerful SEIS systems being developed are a very serious problem.

For the first time in the history of technology, the installation of mini-otnes was able to give a useful power into external load, simultaneously covering and their own needs. The experience gained during the operation of mini-otnes allowed us to quickly build a more powerful heat and power plant of OSEN-1 and proceed to the design of even more powerful systems of this type.

New stations OTIS to power in many dozens and hundreds of megawatts are designed without a vessel. This is one grand pipe, at the top of which a round machine room is located, where all the necessary devices for the conversion of the aergia are placed (Fig. 6). The upper end of the cold water pipeline will be located in the ocean at a depth of 25-50 m. The machine room is designed around the pipe at a depth of about 100 m. There will be turbo units operating on ammonia pairs, as well as the rest of the equipment. The mass of the whole structure exceeds 300 thousand tons of a monster pipe, which goes almost to a kilometer into the cold depth of the ocean, and in its upper part there is something like a small island. And no vessel, except, of course, ordinary vessels needed to serve the system and to communicate with the shore.

5. Energy of tides and sings

For centuries, people pondered over the cause of marine tides and sings. Today we reliably know that a mighty natural phenomenon - the rhythmic movement of seawater causes the forces of attraction of the moon and the sun. As the sun is located from the Earth 400 times the further, a much smaller mass of the moon acts on the ground subwoys twice as much as the mass of the sun. Therefore, a decisive role is played by a tide caused by the moon (lunar tide). In marine expanses, tides alternate with theoretically after 6 h 12 min 30 s. If the moon, the sun and earth are on one straight line (the so-called Sizigi), the sun enhances the impact of the moon with its attraction, and then it comes a strong tide (Syzigine tide, or great water). When the sun stands at a right angle to a segment of the Earth-Moon (KV ADRATURE), a weak tide (quadrature, or low water) occurs. Strong and weak tides alternate seven days.

However, the true course of the tide and the low tide is very complex. It is influenced by the peculiarities of the movement of the celestial bodies, the nature of the coastline, the depth of water, sea currents and the wind.

The highest and strong tidal waves occur in small and narrow bays or the mouths of rivers flowing into the sea and oceans. The tidal wave of the Indian Ocean rolls against the flow of Ganges at a distance of 250 km from his mouth. The tidal wave of the Atlantic Ocean extends to 900 km up the Amazon. In closed seas, such as black or medium, there are small tidal waves with a height of 50-70 cm.

The maximum possible power in one tide cycle is a tide, i.e. from one tide to another, expressed by the equation where P is the density of water, G is the acceleration of gravity, S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe tidal basin, R is the level difference at row.

As can be seen from (formula, for the use of tidal energy, the most suitable can be considered such places on the sea coast, where tides have a greater amplitude, and the contour and relief of the coast allow you to arrange large closed "pools".

Power plant power in some places could be 2-20 MW.

The first marine tidal power plant with a capacity of 635 kW was built in 1913 in the Bay of D Iocolo Liverpool. In 1935, the tidal power plant began to be built in the United States. The Americans blocked the part of the Bay of Passamakvodi on the east coast, I spent $ 7 million, but the work had to stop due to the uncomfortable for construction, too deep and soft seabed, and also due to the fact that a large thermal power plant was built nearby Energy.

Argentine specialists offered to use a very high tidal wave in Magellanovomproliv, the government did not approve the expensive project.

Since 1967, at the mouth of the river Rans in France, a PES with a capacity of 240 thousand kW with an annual return of 540 thousand kW is operating in the mouth of a height of up to 13 meters. The Soviet engineer Bernstein has developed a convenient way to build PES blocks towed afloat in the right places, and calculated the cost-effective procedure for the inclusion of PES in the energy session during their maximum load of consumers. His ideas are tested on the PES, built in 1968 in the acidic lip near Murmansk; His turn is waiting for PES by 6 million kW of the Wamezen Bay on the Barents Sea.

6. Solar energy

For the ancient peoples, the sun was God. In Upper Egypt, the culture of which goes back to the fourth millennium BC, believed that the genus of Pharaohs leads its origin from Ra - God of the Sun. The inscription on one of the pyramids represents Pharaoh as the governor of the Sun on Earth, "which heals us with her care when it comes out, like the sun, which gives greens of the lands. Each gaze will be afraid when he sees it in the image of RA, which rises over the horizon. "

With his life force, the sun always caused people a feeling of worship and fear. Peoples, closely related to nature, were waiting for merciful gifts from him - harvest and abundance, good weather and fresh rain or karas - bad weather, storms, hail. Therefore, in folk art, we see the image of the sun everywhere: above the facades of houses, on embroidery, in a thread, etc.

Almost all sources of energy about which we still spoke, one way or another use the energy of the Sun: coal, oil, natural gas is nothing but "canned" solar energy. It is concluded in this fuel from time immemorial; Under the influence of solar heat and light on Earth, plants grew, accumulated energy in themselves, and then as a result of long-term processes, the fuel used today was evolved. The sun every year will give humanity billions of tons of grain and wood. The energy of rivers and mountain waterfalls also comes from the sun, which supports the water circuit on Earth.

In all the examples given, solar energy is used indirectly, through many intermediate transformations. It would be tempting to exclude these transformations and find a way to directly convert the thermal and light radiation of the Sun, falling on the ground, mechanical or electrical energy. In just three days, the sun sends so much energy to Earth as it is contained in all explored stocks of fossil fuels, and for 1 C - 170 billion J. Most of this energy dispels or absorbs the atmosphere, especially the clouds, and only a third of it reaches the earth's surface . All the energy emitted by the Sun, more than its part that land gets, 5000000,000 times. But even such a "insignificant" value 1600 times more energy that all other sources give, taken together. Solar energy falling on the surface of one lake is equivalent to the power of a large power plant.

According to the legend, Archimedes, being on the shore, destroyed the enemy Roman fleet under the syrakuses. How? With the help of incendiary mirrors. It is known that such mirrors were also made in the VI century. And in the middle of the XVIII century, the French natural scientist J. Buffon produced experiments with a large concave mirror consisting of many small flat. They were movable and focused on one point reflected solar rays. This device was capable of a clear summer day from a distance of 68 m rather quickly flammable with a resin-soaked tree. Later in France, a concave mirror was made with a diameter of 1.3 m, in the focus of which it was possible to melt the cast-iron rod in 16 seconds. In England, a large biconvecake glass was polished, it was possible to melted cast iron in three seconds and granite in a minute.

At the end of the XIX century at the World Exhibition in Paris, O. Muso's inventor demonstrated an insulator - dullness The first device that turned the solar energy into mechanical. But the principle was the same: a large concave mirror focused the sun's rays on a steam boiler, which led the printing machine, which made 500 prints of the newspaper per hour. A few years later, a conical reflector with a steam engine with a capacity of 15 liters was built in California in the same principle. from.

And although then in one, then in another country, experimental heaters reflectors appear in another country, and in the published articles, everything is loudly reminded of the inexhaustibleness of our luminaries, it does not become more profitable from this and are not widely distributed: too expensive radiation.

Today, for converting solar radiation into electrical energy, we have two possibilities: use solar energy as a heat source to generate electricity by traditional methods (for example, using turbogenerators) or directly convert solar energy into electric current in solar cells. The implementation of both possibilities is still in the infarder stage. In a significantly broader scale, solar energy is used after its concentration using mirrors - for melting substances, distillation of water, heating, heating, etc.

Since the solar radiation energy is distributed over a large area (in other words, there is a low density), any installation for direct use of solar energy should have a collector (collector) with a sufficient surface.

The simplest device of this kind - flat collector; In principle, this is a black plate, well isolated from below. It is covered with glass or plastic that misses light, but does not miss infrared thermal radiation. In the space between the stove and the glass, the black tubes are most often placed through which water flows, oil, mercury, air, sulfur arhydride, etc. Solar radiation, penetrating through glass or plastic to the collector, is absorbed by black tubes and a stove and heats the working substance. in tubes. The thermal radiation cannot exit the collector, so the temperature is significantly higher in it (Pa 200-500 ° C) than the ambient temperature. This manifests the so-called greenhouse effect. Ordinary gardening greenhouses are essentially simple solar radiation collectors. But the farther from the tropics, the less effective horizontal collector, and turn it out after the sun too hard and expensive. Therefore, such collectors are usually installed under a certain optimal angle to the south.

A more complex and expensive collector is a concave mirror, which focuses incident radiation in a small volume near a certain geometric point - focus. The reflective surface of the mirror is made of metallized plastics or composed of many small flat mirrors attached to a large parabolic base. Thanks to special mechanisms, collectors of this type are constantly rotated to the Sun, it allows you to collect possible greater amount of solar radiation. The temperature in the working space of mirror collectors reaches 3000 ° C and higher.

Solar energy refers to the most material consumption of energy production. The large-scale use of solar energy entails a gigantic increase in the need for materials, and therefore, in labor resources for the extraction of raw materials, its enrichment, the production of materials, the manufacture of heliostats, collectors, other equipment, their transportation. Calculations show that for the production of 1 MW * the year of electrical energy using solar energy will be required to spend from 10,000 to 40,000 people-hours. In traditional energy in organic fuel, this figure is 200-500 people-hours.

While the electrical energy born by the solar rays is much more expensive than the traditional methods obtained by traditional ways. Scientists hope that the experiments they will spend on experienced installations and stations will help solve not only technical, but also economic problems. But, nevertheless, solar energy transducers build and they work.

Since 1988, the Crimean Solar Power Plant has been working at the Kerch Peninsula. It seems that the common sense itself is defined its place. Just if where and build such stations is primarily in the edge of the resorts, sanatoriums, rest houses, tourist routes; In the edge where there is a lot of energy, but even more important to maintain the environment in purity, whose well-being itself, and above all the purity of the air, healing for a person.

Crimean SES is small - the capacity is only 5 MW. In a certain sense, she is a test of forces. Although it would seem what else to try when the experience of the construction of helicitations in other countries is known.

According to experts, the most attractive idea regarding the conversion of solar energy is the use of a photovoltaic effect in semiconductors.

But, for example, a power plant on solar panels near the equator with a daily production of 500 MW · h (approximately so much energy produces rather large hydroelectric hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants). 10% would require an effective surface of about 500,000 m 2. It is clear that such a huge amount of solar semiconductor elements can. Oh bought only when their production is really cheap. The effectiveness of solar power plants in other land zones would be made due to unstable atmospheric conditions, relatively weak solar radiation intensity, which evenly absorbs the atmosphere, as well as the oscillations due to alternation of the day and night.

Nevertheless, solar cells have already found their specific use. They turned out to be almost indispensable sources of electric current in rockets, satellites and automatic interplanetary stations, and on Earth - first of all for nutritional telephone networks in non-electrified areas or for small current consumers (radio equipment, electric razors and lighters, etc.) . Semiconductor solar panels were first established on the third Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth (launched into orbit on May 15, 1958).

Currently, estimates are not in favor of solar power plants: today these structures still relate to the most difficult and most expensive technical methods of use ofhelectio-energy. We need new options, new ideas. There is no shortage of them. With the implementation of worse.


The role of energy in maintaining and the further development of civilization is very large. In modern society it is difficult to find at least one area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity that would not require - directly or indirectly - more energy than a man's muscles can give it. Energy consumption is an important level of living standards. In those times, when a person mined food, collecting forest fruits and hunting for animals, he was required for a day about 8 MJ energy. After making fire, this magnitude increased to 16 mJ: in a primitive agricultural society, it was 50 MJ, and in more developed - 100 MJ.

In the process of developing civilization, a change in traditional energy sources to new, more advanced is not because the old source was exhausted.

First used energy when burning wood. Then the wood gave way to stone coal. Wood reserves seemed limitless, but steam vehicles demanded more calorie "food". Oh later began to use oil instead of coal. But ei resourceatruders, and every year they will cost everything more expensive.

The most powerful source of energy is nuclear - the leader of the energy engineering.

Uranus stocks, if you compare them with coal reserves, not so great. But on a unit of weight, it contains energies in millions of times more than coal.

Upon receipt of electricity at the NPP, it is necessary to spend, it is considered one hundred thousand times less means and labor than with the extraction of energy from coal. And the nuclear fuel comes to replace oil and coal ... It has always been like this: the next energy source was and more powerful. That was, if you can put it, "militant" line of energy.

Now, at the end of the 20th century, a new, significant stage of earth energy begins. There was an energy "smelling", and the linterative, not polluting the already damaged biosphere.

In the future, with the intensive development of energy, dispersed energy sources will arise not too high power, but with high efficiency, environmentally friendly, comfortable in circulation.

For example, a quick start of electrochemical energy, which later, apparently, will complement solar energy. Energy will very quickly accumulate, assimilates, absorbs all the newest ideas, inventions, achievements of science. This is understandable: the energy is literally connected with this, and everything stretches to the energy sector depends on it.

Therefore, energy, hydrogen energy, cosmic power plants, energy sealed in antimatter, quarks, "black holes", vacuo, are just the most bright milestones, strokes, separate inks of that scenario that is written in our eyes and which can be called tomorrow Energy.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that alternative forms of energy use are incommensumed, provided that it is necessary to develop effective and economical methods for this. The main thing is to carry out the development of energy in the right direction.

Bibliographic list

1. Balakov, Yu. N. Design of electrical installation schemes [Text] / Yu. N. Balakov, M. Sh. Missrikhanov, A. V. Shuntov. - M.: Publishing House MEI, 2006. - 288 p.

2. Venikov, V.A. Electrical systems. Electrical networks [Text] / V. A. Venikov, A. A. Glazunov, L.A. Zhukov. - M.: Higher School, 1998. - 510 p.

3. GUK, Yu. B. Analysis of the reliability of electric power plants [Text] / Yu. B. Guk and others. - SPb.: Energoatomizdat, 1988. - 480 p.

4. Zorin, V.V. Reliability of power supply systems [Text] / V. V. Zorin, V. V. Tislenko, F. Kleppel, Adler. - Kiev: Higher School, 1984. - 513 p.

5. Mikhailov, V.V. Reliability of power supply of industrial enterprises [Text] / V. V. Mikhailov et al. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1982. - 320 p.

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The sun is the only star of our planetary system. Almost an ideal sphere, which is more than 110 times and 330 thousand times harder! The average distance from the ground to the Sun is about 150 million kilometers, which means that the light from it to our planet comes in 8 minutes 20 seconds.

But even without the knowledge of all these facts, even in prehistoric times, many nations revered the sun by God. But even if you discard all this divine component, who will argue today that life on earth is still not imagined without it. But what is there when the sun is hidden behind the clouds, then life seems to be some kind of dull.

The sun can give not only heat and light, but also the joy of life.

But having angry, portraying, deification and exploring our shining, humanity also always sought to use it. The rays of light is the same giving energy, and free and constant. So why it became ...

It turns out that these rays can be used only in two ways - at least today. The first is to receive electricity with, for example, silicon panels. And the second way is to use directly solar heat. How? For this, a lot of original and unusual devices are invented.

Solar panels.

They are often, although incorrectly, called solar panels. Solar panels have long been well recognizable and distributed worldwide, and their field of application - from roofs of houses to space stations, from ships to cars.

Solar panels and solar collectors on the roof of one house.

Solar panels turn light into electric current, while solar collectors turn it into heat. The basis of the panels serve silicon plates. They connect batteries, inverter, controller, and sometimes much more - Simply put, the device is not simple.

Solar collectors.

The collectors are made of conventional metal and only the heat carrier fluid, which circulates through the collector, is heated. As a result, this liquid boils, say, tank with tap water. The device is, as we see, much easier, although technologies, let's say, painted the paint tank of the summer dacha soul.

Flat solar collector consists of the following elements:

  • cAFR, in which all the details of the device are concluded;
  • absorber - an element absorbing solar radiation;
  • thermally insulating layer;
  • coolant;

These are four main parts of the collector. But of course, the main thing here is not their number, but how do they all work together.

Let's first find out how solar collectors make. First weld the absorber, which serves as the basis of the future device. It looks like a battery, only on the contrary - the battery emits heat from the internal source, and the absorber takes heat from the external source.

Check ready-made absorbers for the presence of microcracks by placing them into a small container with liquid. For this, a simple Dedovsky method is applied - if at a pressure of 10 atmospheres, bubbles do not appear on the surface of the part, then it is ready for use.

The approved absorber is coated with a special selective coating (optical coating capable of absorbing sunlight). In a special vacuum chamber, a ion-plasma spraying occurs, as a result of which the absorber is covered on a view of a slightly iriable bluish thin film consisting of several layers, each of which has a different refraction factor.

As a result, as a result of such a physical phenomenon, the necessary physical properties are achieved as interference. Waves entering the surface and radiating - as if folded and, in fact, radiation becomes minimal. The resulting coating has two important properties - the absorption of solar radiation energy and minimal own thermal radiation.

The absorber is then placed in plastic CAFR with thermal insulation, covered above transparent glass and a collector is ready. Naturally, the heart of the whole device is an absorber and a special cover, without which the solar collector, like a car without fuel. It is this coating that it is able to hold up to 95% solar energy, translating it to heat.

Solar collectors are the simplest way to heat the water. Nothing special is required - only the device itself and shone, and then everything will happen by itself. But on this mechanisms that use the energy of the Sun, do not end.

Sunny sail.

One of the most ingenious and ambitious "solar" devices was invented in one of the Russian scientific institutions. It would seem that if there are space ships, then they must be sails. It was this thought that accepted the domestic scientists for the invention of solar sails - devices using ordinary sunlight to move in space.

The principle of operation of the sunny sail really resembles the work of ordinary sea sails. As we know, the wind fills them, which allows the ship to move. The sunny sail fill the photons of light, which bombarding the mirror surface of the sail and reflecting from her, they inform him the impulse, which allows such a ship in space to fly, and with an all-growing speed. There are only two important conditions - the ship should be as small as possible, and the sail - as much as possible.

There are also solar collectors who are often confused with panels, even though these are two completely different devices. Indeed, they both work from the sun, but differ from each other as the internal combustion engine from the hydrogen engine.

Brilliant sunny sail surface.

The material from which the sail is made is the thinnest polymer film with a thickness of just a couple of microns. All the power that is created by the Sunny Sails area is only 4 grams. But with constant long-term exposure, you can achieve acceleration, which can lead to speeds close to the speed of light!

Such sails and miniature spacecraft attached to them wanted to be used to fly to Mars. All the way was supposed to take 500 days, and without the use of fuel for movement, because everything makes the sun.

There was another option. Place such sails in the orbit of the Earth and reflect the sunlight on the night cities. This would lead to substantially saving electricity, and it would be almost like a day.

But, unfortunately, being in space, the spacecraft could not deploy all the petals of the solar sail. But the idea is alive to this day, and very seductive due to its simplicity and prospects.


In a small French town, Romeo Font in the south of France is an unusual building with a very simple and concise name - "Sunbake". The choice of space for the construction of this building was not accidental, because it was in these places all year round almost guaranteed: either a clear sky, or a little cloudy. It also almost never happens to rain and cloudy weather.

The building was erected in the 70s of the last century and represents a really large solar oven - the second name of the structure. But even without official loud epithets, looking at this fantastic unusualness, the spirit captures.

In general, there are only two large solar furnaces in the world. And, notably, the second is located in Uzbekistan. And despite the huge distance between them, the principle of operation of both furnaces is the same.

The building "Sunbake" in France.

Some mirrors (heliostats) reflect the sunlight, and other mirrors (hubs) focus the rays at one point, in which the result of more than 3000 degrees Celsius is achieved! So that it became clear what kind of bitter it, let's say that in nature there is practically no material that could not be melted in a solar furnace.

Large solar oven France is a building with a parabolic mirror (helioconcentrator), opposite which is a field with mirror squares (heliostats). The size of each of them is 7x6 meters, and the total area is more than 2,800 square meters. The task of heliostats is very simple - they reflect the sunlight on a large parabolic mirror, actually sending a huge sunny bunny on it.

Parabola buildings 50x40 meters size, consists of 9000 mirrors, each of which is individually oriented with four screws. During the construction of more than two years, it took only to focus each mirror at the desired angle. This made it possible to achieve power in 1 megawat - exactly so much capable of giving the sun rays collected from it.

In the building of the solar furnace there are laboratories with miniature furnaces. Here, scientists carry endless experiments and are mowed under the influence of sunlights of a variety of materials. Such furnaces are able to melt anything - wood, stone and even steel. If the power of the Sun is so obvious in small furnaces, then you can only imagine what will be in the focus of a large parabolic mirror.

Of course, this can be achieved in conventional furnaces, but in a solar furnace it happens in seconds. In addition, the samples from the Sun, which means that alloys are obtained without impurities - the purest metals, ceramics, composites. And the most important argument - for energy (sunlight) nobody pays anything.

The sun is the basis of any energy on our planet.

The sun is the first most powerful and still affordable source of energy on our planet. Its warming heat can feel each - it's worth a clear day to stretch your hand or look up.

Various devices can enhance light radiation repeatedly. But besides the solar panels, collectors, hubs and sails already known to us, essentially, all sources of energy on Earth are also the sun. Stone coal is formed from ancient plants, and they would never have grown without the wonderful rays of our only star. The same is told about oil with gas. And even futuristic windmills would not be rotated if not the wind, for which, as for the whole climate on Earth, answers our shining.

In pursuit of more and more popular energy resources, humanity has already found many paths. But perhaps everything we need is to stop looking down into the thickness of the Earth, but to draw your eyes upstairs - on our sun.