Is the appearance in relationship? Is the appearance of a man?

Social norms intervene here. In many fairy tales, Vasilisa necessarily has the prefix "Beauty". And in order to be the most important, the most fortunate hero of the fairy tales, the man does not need to be neither beautiful nor smart. Ivanushka-fool usually takes its immediacy and the ability to see the world is not as they see his educated or smart narrative characters.

In everyday life, everything is the same. Fairy tales only reflect what is in reality. It is customary to think that a handsome man is a womanizer that he is scounded that is not capable of long-term feelings. The appearance of a man, as they say, should be a little more prettier monkey. And with beautiful women public opinion attributes more advantages and positive qualities. On this immutable law, the business of many glossy magazines, which teach girls and women to be beautiful.

Still, beautiful men for the girl can be more desirable and attractive. Beauty generally plays an important role in the first stages of relations. It is the launching mechanism for the emergence of a sympathy that provokes a man and a woman to find contact with each other.

Surely each of the men at least once was interested, is the appearance of a man for a girl? There is no universal answer here. Usually people consider beautiful those people who, firstly, are close to them on ethnic and national status. And secondly, we think we consider those people who look like people from our nearest environment. Psychologists have proven that there are only two features of male appearance, which are universal for different cultures as beauty criteria is the height of growth and muscle mass. All other features are strictly individual, or vary from country to country, from the city to the city.

Objective canons of beauty in each society, however, exist. No wonder there is an expression "recognized handsome". True, it is usually complemented by the phrase "in the whole class" or "in the whole city". That is, a handsome man seems to be beautiful at once to many representatives of the terrain where he lives. Moreover, such handsome people are enjoyed by the opposite sex. It is clear that in such a situation the question of whether the appearance of men is important for girls becomes purely rhetorical.

And yet, there is a big difference between to recognize a man beautiful, and to want to spin the novel with him. As it turned out, both men, women who choose their handsome partners who have a common character line - they have a consistently high self-esteem. The same guys or girls who are not confident in themselves suffer from low self-esteem, if anyone else, will choose someone who objectively does not seem to be most beautiful.

So that sympathies in the relationship passed into a more serious feeling, one beauty is not enough for men or women. And women especially. Men can stand longer next to a beautiful, but empty person. But women quickly tear the relationship with empty handsome handsome.

After the first euphoria, the start of the relationship comes the period when the appearance goes into the background. Common interests are coming to the fore, general attitudes on the perception of different life situations. Important at this stage becomes a general man's mood background. This is not the stage when you can demonstrate a partner to the longing, apathy or depression. The smile, the welcomes and heat of contact at the stage of transition from sympathy to mutual appeal becoming an important attribute of successful relationships. At this stage, the appearance of a man still plays their role for a girl, although not key. So it is not worth it from the very first days of the novel to show each other in home and non-heavy clothing, in a bad mood or in a capitution.

Some family-friendly specialists allocate four phases of love - sympathy, attractiveness or attraction, love, love. By and large, the appearance of a man for a girl is important only at the first two stages. And then even the big lover of lubricant face can feel a real tide of feelings for their guy, even if it is not very beautiful, because the first stages of watching each other are already passing.

Is there a special portrait of a person's personality, which is important to the beauty of a man? Clearly such a portrait to designate difficult. As mentioned, the girl should have a steadily high self-esteem. An important feature may be a desire to seem other more beautiful than it. Many women have such a desire. Psychologists know that even the most ugly girl next to the handsome looks the queen of the ball. People first there are a little surprised by his choice, and then think that since he chose her, it means that she is worth it. So choosing a beautiful man in partners is a great social capital for a woman. After all, then she herself seems like others much more attractive.

And even in my dreams reigns mysteriously perpetrators with narrow shoes Schiegol in the trenchkote of the color of the baked milk with an exquisitely tied beige scarf, I love my husband as it is. From time to time, under the threat of divorce, he gives to persuade himself to buy something fashionable, from a universal point of view. However, he still grabs the word "manicure". And the fingers in the blood in the process of artistic amateurism are unlikely. But a week ago an incredible happened! He requested a store with the purpose of buying a shade shirt ... green apple. Green apple was the first swallow. In the afternoon, he wondered to remove the mole on his forehead. And yesterday suggested discussing the problem ... branches of bangs. From Edaki delete the image of a happy rival began to fold in my head. Beautiful ladies capable of inspiring a person to Film, and not to purchase another batch of sneakers. However, the minimum analysis of the situation and the taking of themselves quickly proved the absurdity of my thoughts. It remained to recognize one thing - and this citadel fell victim to the epidemic of modern humanity - the pursuit of beauty and youth!

Time , back!

Of course, you know a bunch of quite young and beautiful men who are afraid of the numbers of their age in the knees. It relates them to a lot of women and therefore looks not very masculine. Lysins and seeds they fear much more than the war of worlds and the invasion of unfriendly civilizations. But, that is characteristic, attempts to men stop the course of times are rarely quite successful. My boss in the former work, Igor Petrovich, a beautifully looking man of thirty-seven years old, in one terrible day discovered seating whiskey in the mirror. Petrovich understood - youth left irrevocably, and this fact shook him. In the hope of hiding its dilapidation from the society, Petrovich Nastomtra appeared to work with a freshly stained head of intensively chocolate color. It was necessary to see how the actual shade changed the appearance of Petrovich, who was so decorated with an easy selection. Changed not for the better. But I liked the new imagine yourself to the new imagine, he walked in Gogol's publishing house, looked at all the falcons and flirted with all the girls celebrated, especially in the most young. Girls did not know where to go from the attention of the new Casanov, and laughed as soon as he left. With such a chocolate hare, he passed about six months, we were accustomed to him and even stopped riding, but what we experienced relief when he came to work in the usual color. We fell asleep with compliments, and the crisis of middle age seemed to have passed. Now he looks great and behaves naturally.


Bessame , Macho!

Everyone knows what the girls are enjoyed by real macho. Therefore, most of all in the world, men want to be steep alpha males. Well, or at least seem. In pursuit of brutal image guys are ready for everything! A terrible thing, if a man suddenly admiring the next film hero, decides to become similar to him with the help of girlfriend. I remember, a few years ago, my classmate and friend Arcasha penetrated the unshaven charisma Antonio Banderas. After attaching enviable charisma to my botanical person, Arcasha was satisfied and stated that he would let the courageous bristle. So hard he hoped to increase his rating in the eyes of girls. I believed that it was only in the bristle. No sooner said than done. But on the Arkashin face, the faithful sign of the dominant male is rapidly, literally in front of his eyes, turned into a rude beard. No forces could force a potential macho to go to the salon and give vegetation proper appearance. "I myself am," he threw in response to the admonition and squeezed for a long time with scissors in the bathroom. He reminded anyone - severe geologist, Dyadi Fedor's dad from Prostokvashino, who had stepped up a merchant, scattered professor, but not antonio Banderas. Two months of Arkady served the target of witty of all his friends and, most importantly, girls for whom it, actually, was treated. Then he surrendered and, having missed the balloon of foam for shaving, returned his usual image.

Frash with image

Copying someone's image without taking into account your own external and internal data for any person - the case is risky! It is clear that the one who does not do anything is not mistaken. But for some results of the aesthetic exquisites of a strong floor without tears you will not see! I have a friend Misha - the kindest soul person. A few years ago, this Dobryak had a specific appearance of the marriage - pumped musculature, a short neck, a haircut was almost under zero and a body mass far for one hundred kilograms. At the same time, both friends, and girls of friends, and his own girl Oksana adored him. But it turns out that Mishan himself suffered from his own image and once decided to change! For example, he chose his filmmaker - a wonderful guy of John Travut. (Misch's dimensions and travolines crushed.) Beginning Michelle from the town growing. With such a hairstyle in "Criminal Fiction" was irresistible! A whole year Misha suffered perplexity of Oksana and jokes of friends. Every day redesane, he became more like a wish from our school Lily Petrovna. One in one. Soon under pressure from the public, Misha crashed. Further Mishina Searches for the image, namely: gaining skin-brown skin by daily visits to the solarium, wearing fashionable glasses with simple glasses due to sniper vision, shirtless colorful shirts, with difficulty converging on the heroic chest, also did not led the perfectioleser to the desired result. And once Mikhail drew - to become a dazzlingly wonderful excellent weight! With his stubbornishness, the guy took the case ...

Love all!

I do not know any girl who would never sit on a diet in his life. But let's look at the truth - is there anyone among us who have never broken this diet? But if you decide to lose weight, a man - in his desire he will go to everything! Oh, for the first time in my memory, the same character becomes the hero of two stories in a row, but I will not throw out the song songs. The History of Slimming Mikhail occurred in my eyes. After five months, without any doctor of Bormental, Thai pills, a surgical reduction of the stomach and other extreme events, a targeted guy got rid of the extra thirty kilograms. The whole secret is in the power of will. By excluding alcohol, mayonnaise, flour, roasted, sweet, fat, smoked and salty and left alone with boiled fish, buckwheat without salt and grated carrots, Mikhail did not save! The acquired silhouette of Apollo is definitely decorated Mikhail, and then he would stop! To quietly enjoy life, your own red and felted girls (with patient Oksana, he broke up at the beginning of the carrot and fisheries). But the Misha lost a kayf of the quick transformation lost a sense of measure! Continued to lean the carrots and cabbage. Apollo looked more and more emaciated, but he liked Extremely. He acquired a disgusting habit of carrying fitting clothes. Turtlenecks and jeans-skinnie did it look like a grasshopper. "Stop, brother!" - They spoke friends. But the translucent Misha only smiled mysteriously. We have not seen several months, I really hope that he is still visible. Misha, if you read these lines, I repeat: stop, brother!

Loop from envy

Of course, not all men who care about their appearance are the heroes of comic stories. Among them are handsome men with an innate sense of style. Those the most men who wear a baggy sweater of an unclear shade are complemented by a brown scarf, and all around begin to fill and call the "Paris Chic". All that these lucky people do seems stylish. Sense of the style of nature gives unfairly. I guess, I guess, and the fact that now, with my appearance, people do not eat, as in the years of combat adolescence, is the result of long and painstaking labor. But the stylish due to me did not disappear VSE. She got a colleague Zhenya, in addition to his own impressive feeling of beautiful. Zhenya depletely fashionable trends, today he puts on a special style shirt or shoes of unusual color, and tomorrow these things become the most fashionable. He swings three times a week, and whatever he put on, girls walk behind him. Melting, more precisely, toning, which does not spoil a rare man, looks completely natural on his fashionable head. The cervical scarf, which is one of the thousands of Russian men, Zhenka wears, as if in him and was born. Apparently, he is this man, one of the thousands. In his presence, I feel like a rustic fashionista who came to the rural club on dancing. And I try to stay away from him on big parties, perhaps, going for a fashionable girl ... They are so different, our men. Most lives a happy stormy life, so never having heard the words "Trend" and "Collagen". Many are involved in the secrets of the beauty industry under the wise female leadership. And someone at all becomes the best fashion designer, designer or perfume.

At the time of dating, Tolik was dressed in black pans, red sandy, and a white shirt collar was flirtary on the blue Olympic. Hairstyle - carefully cleaned naoca. I was always a fashionable girl and from such a cavaller did not faint. But the advantages of Tolik - decency, reliability and many others - quickly manifested themselves when communicating, and we began to meet. Slowly, I began to put the magazines to him and talk about fashion. Very fast, Tolik broke up with an expensive heart with a hairstyle and olympic. He has a light character and high learning. Today he is an exceptionally stylish man.

Here we will touch on one of the most burning those who are important for a man in general for a man?

Very often we feed over your face for a long time, we draw, drink, paint and rummy, but for some reason we do not always get that result, which they were counting on.

Yes, and many of us can remember a couple of stories, where a handsome guy was fond of unattractive dranch, then he married her and not even watched.

Or, for example, you are in the company of men. You get your portion of attention, and here a far from a pretty woman appears, and all the attention of men strangely switches to it.

And you stand and outraged, what are they found in it?!


And here's another curious fact. In one of the gears, several experiments with men were held.

In the first case, five men acquainted in turn with one woman. Each was given for 10 minutes to charm. At the end, they had to recall some details of her clothes, makeup, hairstyles and other things.

Four out of five did not guesternally guess!

But if the man is so important an appearance, he would certainly remember at least some details.

And another experiment spent: one and the same girl changed various elements in clothes, hairstyle, make-up and went to several men. The same, without communicating with each other, should have noticed change.

As a result, the same result is that in the first case, the man did not notice anything.

But how so? We are so good - did it not matter to them, how do we look?

But what then do they pay attention to?

After all, there is no wonder there is a saying: "The man loves her eyes."

So, after all experiments, men were asked what they were important in our appearance? What they are "wetting" at the first acquaintance.

Are you ready to hear the answer?

Men pay attention to the general image of a woman.

After all, some of you guessed some of you?

When a man sees a woman, he immediately looks at her whole entirely: how harmonious her clothes, makeup, hairstyle.

That is, if you are hoping by grandmother's linyal wide skirt, and on top of Prababakin a family jacket with the smell of naphthalene, and on the head for a few days unwashed hair, then it doesn't matter that you have a very beautiful classic young face and perfect makeup.

Or another option: you are dressed fashionable and elegant, very very attractive, but when walking, waving your hands, storm nervously and slightly sludge. In this case, just as little chance like a man.

But you can, for example, be dressed not catchy, tastefully, in low-cost clothes, light natural makeup, beautifully cleaned hair, be fresh and natural. And men will be viewed on you, accomplishing your eyes and "stacking stacks."

Harmonious, beautiful and natural ways that need from a woman. And it is absolutely no important if you forgot to make a manicure or forgot to impose shadows forever.

Such them are men.

But what is even more interesting, all this is also not the most important thing for the tying of a serious relationship.

Of course, for the first impression, a beautiful and well-kept image is simply necessary, but in the future you start playing for other rules.

Imagine, there is an incredibly beautiful woman: well-groomed healthy hair, perfect skin, huge glowing eyes, figuring amazing, dressed in the last collections of famous designers.

Men folded her neck, ready to be the first to serve when her slightest desire, blush from her playful look.

In general, a nice such picture of the perfect woman.

And so, she finally stops his choice on one of the lucky ones, which seems to be ready to die from happiness.

He flies on her wings of delight, they are sitting at the table, the waiter brings expensive wine and here ...

They begin to get acquainted closer ...

It turns out that the girl is very closer. Laughs for any reason and without reason. Speaks about things in which absolutely nothing understands. And to all of the time, expresses a clear interest in his financial position.

The man is surprised, discouraged. In his head there is an incomplete of its unearthly beauty and full emptiness in the head.

If this is not a cool oligarch, which is just so needed in order to show friends, partners and the media, then he will think.

Not right away…

At first he will try to find her closer, meet again. It will be difficult for him to believe that God ordered this treasure such an important component as the mind.

But as you understand, after some time, the men decay pink glasses, he discovered in surprise that the girl was not at all attractive that she had a completely ordinary appearance and that he was unbearable with her boring.

When they break up, everyone will be terribly surprised how he could throw such beauty. But in the life of this girl such situations will be repeated once over time until it boosts the man who will only need a picture.

And of course, no speech about love, happiness, tenderness, there will be no mutual understanding.

Well, accordingly, the opposite story: an unattractive and imperceptible girl. Guys do not look after her, do not accompany the views. Yes, and generally notice her little.

She meets a man, as a friend, as a combat comrade, perhaps performing a common cause.

They meet, communicate. Discuss interesting topics. A man calmly looks into her eyes and his heart calmly.

Gradually, he noticed in surprise that the girl is very interesting that she knows a lot, with her there is something to talk about, and most importantly laugh. It is original, the word in his pocket does not climb, with a sense of humor and also loves to watch football. Surprisingly, they even sick for one team. They have so much in common.

And now the moment comes when a man notes that the girl is very cute, her beautiful good eyes, a charming smile and her hands are so soft and velvety.

And now he already sees in her beautiful, the heart beats in the drums, having taken into the world of love experiences and dreams.

They marry, they are happy, and everyone is surprised around, well, as such a handsome guy could marry this "urba". And the guy is surprised that someone may not like his gap.

Do you feel the difference?

So what is the "dog rummaged" here?

Well, firstly, we are talking about the harmoniousness of the image. That is, it is necessary that the signals of your body and your consciousness coincide. Be beautiful and outside and inside.

Well, you see, it does not combine evening dress and a breathtaking hairstyle with a mat and pleuts to everyone!

Yes, and your soul beauty in dirty jeans and disheveled hair is also quite difficult to see.

Well, and secondly, as you understand, your inner light covers everything around, refracting your shortcomings and shortcomings.

Beauty is an extremely relative concept. Someone loves thin, someone is crazy coming from the pyshek. And there are those who have always loved thin, but they struggle with peaceful warmth and beauty, fell in love without a memorial woman.

Is our appearance?

Yes and no.

Appearance without your mental quality is not at all interesting. Unless for short-graffitable and fast meetings.

Golden mental qualities in an abandoned and insanity television is also hardly inspired by someone, because, first, it is necessary to pay their attention to the girl to get acquainted. And if it looks like last year's potatoes, then who will look for raisins in it? After all, you will not want to "recognize the closer" of an untidy, a sloppy man, from which it terrible smells of dirty clothes and a unwashed body?

Although there is chances and exceptions in the first and second case.

So, summarize all of the above:

1. Be neglected. Do not dress too clean or too slam. Even in low-cost and simple clothes, you can look elegant and beautiful. Too bare body will not leave space for male imagination. Bright makeup can hint a man that you work somewhere on the expanses of Russian roads, earning the bread pressing with your beautiful body.

2. Be natural. Be that which you are: immediate, honey, with your fears and dreams, with your interests and plans for life. When you are relaxed and not covered, your energy circulates harmoniously, affecting a favorable man. He may not see the "Raisin", but he will surely feel his fiber soul fibirs.

3. Be interesting. Show him your wide range. You should be interested together. Of course, it's good when there is something to be closed with a person, but no less important and talk about something that will be interesting to you both. Read more, look, learn poems, interest him with dreams and plans.

4. Discover your soul. Do not hide your graceful "spiritual gave" from his attentive eyes. Show what kind of kind you are, delicious, migrating, restless, extraordinary, elusive, like the wind, gentle, like forget-me-not. Let him catch your barely noticeable fragrance, let the aura of your heart touches the strings of his heart. And when your energy waves fall into a single whole, then you can not separate you. And the appearance will go to the farthest plan, because from now on you will be uncontrollab to pull each other.

Ekaterina Meshcheryakova for the site

if you have not met your half, then you here:

if you recently broke up, then you here:

if you just wanted to become more attractive and noticeable for decent men, then you are here:


It is not difficult to answer this question, especially since we are modern people and there is nothing to hide here. Yes, appearance is important. I know, America did not open, and most likely you already, for sure, came across this problem. Now in order not to understand me correctly, I explain - we are not talking about handsome. I say that the appearance, style and other are not spiritual attributes matter.

There is a truth one big-crest but!
Everyone knows that "meet for dressing". We (girls) are not distinguished by a special originality and fully confirm this stereotype.

But: Moments happen when the dude is acquainted with you absolutely not corresponding (at least approximately) the ideal or type created in the head. But the charisma / sense of humor / masculinity and other whatever quality is simply shrinking for the norm, and the girl will revise the very "ideals and types."

And when not spiritual, and the spiritual attributes of the dude fully comply with the preferences of the girl (sometimes it happens), in general, you can experience this ecstasy from how successfully everything has grown.

There are, of course, the moments that are valued regardless of appearance, despite the fact that they can be formally attributed to the same bunch of "not spiritual" attributes.
For example, well-groomed and cleanness. And I'm not talking about metrosexual now. Panca and all sorts of subcultural flows there are, of course, cool. But when the dude is thoroughly washed and delicious smells, no lady will not stand up to him closer. For if the guy is a pure body and found the time to lose his teles in the soul, the girl, as if subconsciously notes his self-organization.

To the external cleanliness, I and other girls will take one hundred percent:
- pure head
- Obded nails without mud
- Clean shoes and clothing
- Pleasant smell (perfume really sometimes decides, because we are much more sensitive than guys)
- Pure face (acne, acne and other sores can be treated).

I think that nothing supernatural I wrote, because Exactly the same requirements, the normal dude imposes to its potential or already available friend. And if, so by chance it turned out that your super clean nails or powerful bitsuha did not come to taste, urgently breakage all the fibers of the soul.

You will help such things like:
- courage (if anything, protection from gopniks)
- masculinity (almost the same)
- notorious charisma (you are so alone, everyone else is gray mass)
- Galanament (open the doors, pay at the expense in the cafe, help put on a coat and so on)
- sense of humor (jealous, tip, humori)
- a sense of measure (not rebuild, do not re-equip and do not reamie)
- a self-esteem (to be a heel - failure ... sometimes it is better to pretend that you don't care, and your girlfriend will pay their attention to you).

Well, how my mother says: "There is a buyer for each seller." I personally add here: "Each creature is paired." And this means that if some girl did not appreciate you, I will definitely find that that will be wildly dragged from your beard, for example).

9 April 2017, at 02:02

How important is the guy's appearance important for the girl?

Imagine such a picture: you are in a hurry on your affairs, and here it takes a real sultry macho of unwritten beauty. What do you think, are all the girls around the girl secretly, or without shocking, scan it with their eyes? Undoubtedly, any girl will look after an attractive, charming guy. And there is nothing wrong with that, since this behavior is explained by the instincts in us. That is, nature itself commands at such moments. However, there is one "but" - if girl looking for loverprobability that she wants to build with him serious relationship- Mala. In the global sense, for women, the appearance of a man does not play a big role.

And therefore, our advice guys: if you do not have a luxurious, attractive appearance and do not change the girls like gloves, do not worry, showing kindness and responsiveness to women, you can find your true love and create a strong family.

How important is the girl's appearance for a guy?

Unfortunately, men in this regard are more arrogant. In order to interest the guy's favorite, we have a little positive qualities, you need to follow your appearance, hygiene, figure, dressed beautifully, etc. For example, contrary to all the laws of nature, without having model external data, you have it to start serious dating. Do not hurry to celebrate victory to the cake and your favorite soda, because the spark that broke out between you and that guy can quickly go out. Alas, you will have to support the fire of love for a long time. Do you have enough strength and nerves on such a feat?

Our advice to girls: Never stop there for achieved, Improve the body and spirit, only in this way you can keep your beloved near yourself.

Get happiness without risk - you can!

If you do not want to risk, waitly wait for a long time or work in the sweat of the face, fighting for the place under the sun, you can go to dating site for adults without registration. Put your photo, while other users will evaluate your external data. Believe me, at least one person, but you will be interested in you.