Gymnastics and athletic training. Gymnastics and athletic training The coolest set of exercises for a perfect figure

In just 2 weeks, you will get rid of 5 extra pounds, and even 5-6 centimeters in the hips and waist. And this will not be an ordinary power complex of exercises, but these will be static exercises.

This is one type of load. In general, there are 3 types of loads.

Dynamics is when, with the help of the right exercises, for example, when we squat, twist or lunge, in general, the load is power.

There is a complex with jumps - plyometry. About such exercises, which also do not take much time, and give excellent results, for an ideal figure at home. I will write about them later.

And there is static - when you linger in a certain position. And it is precisely the exercises for holding a certain position that are the most difficult, and therefore they are as effective as any other training.

A set of exercises for an ideal figure at home is the topic of the article today

And many more useful and effective for an ideal figure, you will find in the category how to lose weight fast .

A set of exercises for the perfect figure at home

1. Static lunges. Starting position standing. Squat down a little and lean forward deeply.

Make sure your knees don't go past your toes. From this position, take your left leg back, and slightly to the right, so that you can stand steadily.

Keep the weight of the body on the right leg, the pelvis is retracted slightly back, stretching the gluteal muscle.

In this position, you need to stand for 20 seconds to start, then you can increase it to 45 seconds. then change your leg. And repeat the same. Repeat for 2-4 sets.

Remember! Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the toe, otherwise, when doing the exercises, you will not get results, but problems with your knees.

2. Static tilts on one leg, or swallow. Starting position standing. Take your left leg back.

Standing on the right leg, lean forward, while pulling the pelvis back, as if stretching the gluteal muscles.

The head should be an extension of your body, looking ahead of you, and do not lower your head too low, and do not tilt it up. In this case, the supporting leg should be slightly bent.

Then the muscles of the buttocks and thighs are well tensed. Also stay in this position for 20-45 seconds, and 3 sets for each leg.

3. Starting position lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knees.

Focus on the right heel, and lift the left leg up. Inhale and as you exhale lift your pelvis as high as possible. And also hold this position for 20-45 seconds, and 3 sets for each leg.

And the closer the stop leg is, the easier it will be for you to do, so gradually try to move your leg away.

4. Sit on the floor, wrap your arms around yourself under bent knees, and lean back while rounding your back and pulling in your stomach.

Feet on your heels, then remove your hands to the sides, and stay in this position for 20-45 seconds. It will be difficult, but it's worth it. And this is the easiest way.

If you also lift a leg, then it will be even better, and if you raise two legs, then this will be the best result. Again, 3 sets. At the same time, make sure that the legs are slightly bent at the knees, then the press is better worked out.

5. Plank. The most common classic plank. Standing on your hands, legs straight, and arms at the elbows, it is better to bend a little so as not to injure the elbow joints. Also from 20-45 seconds, and 3 sets each.

This complex will take only 15 minutes, and the result will be as you get from daily grueling workouts in the gym.

You will even lose weight in waist and hips by at least 5 centimeters in 2 weeks, provided, of course, that you do them regularly, and if you do them both in the morning and in the evening, the result will be even better.

The main thing to remember is that whoever does, then with the result, and whoever does not, always complains that nothing will help him and all this is not true.

Is it true. Check yourself. Good results for you.

Today you learned a set of exercises for an ideal figure at home, how to do it right. And how in 2 weeks, with the help of exercises, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds, and extra centimeters at the waist and hips.

And in the next article you will learn about useful products that contribute to female beauty, harmony, youth and health.

Beauty and youth, to you!

And you can watch another useful video that may be more suitable for you. Try, experiment, and you will get the result!

The coolest set of exercises for the perfect figure

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Places for charging are assigned to units. They must be well lit. Distances for walking and running are marked with signs.

Uniform for physical training classes

Form #1 Form #2 Form #3 Form #4 Form #5

Fig.6.1. Fig.6.2. Fig.6.For. Fig.6.3b. Fig.6.4.

For physical training classes, the following dress code is established:

Form No. 1(Fig. 6.1) - in sportswear (swimming trunks, shorts, T-shirt, training suit, slippers, sneakers or boots). It is allowed to conduct classes without shoes on a specially prepared (clean) grass, sand or wooden platform.

Form No. 2(Fig. 6.2) - summer casual, field or working uniform, without a headdress, with a bare torso or in a T-shirt (vest), in trousers with boots or straight cut (outlet), respectively, in boots or boots.

Form No. 3(Fig. 6.2) - summer casual or working uniform, in a tunic (jacket) with an unbuttoned collar by one button, without a headdress and waist belt;

Form No. 4(Fig. 6.Za) - summer casual, field or working uniform, in a tunic (jacket) with an unbuttoned collar with one button and a loosened waist belt;

Form No. 5(fig.6.4) - winter everyday, field or working uniform, in an overcoat or jacket with an unbuttoned collar and a loosened waist belt.

The uniform is established: for morning physical exercises - by the commander of the military unit, and in his absence - by the regiment on duty. In order to harden and prevent hypothermia of personnel, the uniform for morning physical exercises is established depending on the air temperature and wind strength:

Dress code for morning exercise

Air temperature, 0 С Dress
In calm weather, with little wind With gusty winds over 5 m/s
Above +10 0 No. 1 or No. 2 №2
From +5 0 to +10 0 №2 No. 2 or No. 3
-5 0 to +5 0 №3 No. 3 or No. 4
-5 0 to -20 0 No. 4 in gloves №5
From -20 0 and below №5 No. 5 (in case of strong wind - a hat with headphones lowered and tied with a braid)
Training sessions are the main form of physical training and are carried out in the form of theoretical and practical (educational-training, educational-methodical, instructor-methodical and demonstration) classes. Practical classes are the main type of training sessions and are held in sections of physical training (accelerated movement, gymnastics, ski training, overcoming obstacles, military-applied swimming, hand-to-hand combat, sports and outdoor games) or in a complex manner and should have an educational and methodological focus. Educational and training sessions in the sections of physical training are held according to the following plan:
Tasks Content
Preparatory part - 7-10 (10-25) minutes
Organization of those involved. General strengthening of the body and preparation for mastering applied skills in the main part of the lesson. Construction, verification, announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Combat techniques and exercises, running and exercises in motion. General developmental exercises. Special and preparatory exercises for the techniques and actions studied in the main part of the lesson.
Main part - 35-40 (65-85) minutes
Mastering applied skills and their improvement. Development of physical, special and mental qualities. Formation of the ability to act in difficult conditions, applying the acquired skills. Exercises, techniques and actions, complexes and control exercises, running, games and relay races.
Final part - 3-5 (5-10) minutes
Bringing the body to a relatively calm state. Walking and running at a slow pace. Muscle relaxation exercise combined with deep breathing. Tidying up classrooms and equipment.
Summing up the lesson. Announcement of grades and setting tasks for self-study hours.

* Figures in parentheses indicate the estimated time for a two-hour session.

Comprehensive classes at the beginning of the training period are aimed at improving the general, and later on, special physical fitness of military personnel.

The main part of the classes is organized at three or more places at the same time or with a successive transition of the unit from one training place to another. In this case, first, exercises are practiced for the development of speed, agility, techniques and actions associated with fine motor coordination, exercises for strength, and then for endurance. Specific options for combining exercises are determined by the leaders of the classes in accordance with the periods and tasks of training, the level of physical fitness of military personnel and the material security of the classes.

A comprehensive lesson can be carried out according to the following plan:

The preparatory part of the lesson includes: drill techniques, general developmental and special exercises, which are selected depending on the content of the main part of the lesson. General developmental exercises include sipping exercises, exercises for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, torso, legs, the whole body, paired exercises and sets of floor exercises No. 1 and No. 2.

Lesson content Time (min.)
Preparatory part - 7-10 minutes
Organization of trainees Carry out as part of a company (platoon) in a two-tier formation. Check the personnel, announce the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Structural techniques and exercises for attention Perform on the spot and on the move.
Walking and running 1-2 Conduct in a column of two (one at a time) at an average pace.
Exercises for two, self-insurance techniques, exercises in punches and kicks 3-5 Carry out in an open two-rank formation in a stream.
Main part - 35-40 minutes
Short distance running: Distance 30-40 meters
Special running exercises 6-7
Accelerations Perform in lines of 4-6 people.
30m relay race. Perform three running segments for each; rest between segments - 1 minute. To foster a sense of personal responsibility for the performance of tasks by the unit (team).
Exercise on the crossbar: pulling up, lifting with a coup, raising legs to the crossbar. 6-7 Perform in pairs, with the help, with alternate shifts, the maximum number of movements.
Weight Exercise: Lifting and Carrying Ammo Boxes 6-7 Perform "To failure", in pairs, alternating work with rest.
Hand-to-hand combat techniques: knife attacks and protection from them, disarming the enemy and freeing from captures. 6-7 Perform in an open two-tier formation. Encourage bold action against an armed adversary.
Overcoming individual obstacles 6-7 Perform stripes in two directions in a streaming, competitive method. Encourage bold action on high obstacles and structures.
Lesson content Time (min.) Organizational and methodical instructions
Running 800-1000 meters Carry out as part of a company (platoon). Cultivate perseverance and perseverance in overcoming the distance.
Final part - 3-5 minutes
Running at a slow pace, walking to relax the muscles, combined with deep breathing Carry out as part of a company (platoon) in a column of two (one at a time).
Summing up the lesson Evaluate the fulfillment of the tasks of the lesson and the task for self-training.

Performing exercises on the spot and in motion begins from the starting position, which is accepted by the command: "Starting position - ACCEPT". The exercise is performed on the command: "Exercise START". To end the exercise on the spot, instead of the last count, the command “STOP” is given, while in motion - “Exercise - FINISH”. General developmental exercises performed on the spot are shown by the leader standing facing (mirror) or sideways to the trainees, and performed in motion - towards the ranks.

Complex exercises are performed in divisions. For example: “Bend over, arms back, do it ONCE; combat stance, do-TWO; sit down, hands forward, palms down, do-THREE; combat stance, do-FOUR.

The main part of the lesson is carried out as part of a squad (platoon) at two to three training places with their change in 10-15 minutes and ends with a comprehensive training, games, competitions, relay races and running training for 6-10 minutes.

The final part: the trainees clean up the equipment and put the class place in order. Then they perform walking, deep breathing exercises to relax the muscles. The leader summarizes the results of the lesson and gives the task for self-study.

Accelerated movement. Classes on accelerated movement are aimed at developing endurance and speed, improving actions as part of units, and educating strong-willed qualities.

Classes are held in the stadium or on level ground, as well as on rough terrain on roads and off roads.

Classes are held as part of a unit in a frontal or streaming way.

The preparatory part includes: rebuilding on the spot and on the move, walking and slow running, general developmental exercises on the move and on the spot, special jumping and running exercises and running with acceleration.

The main part of the lesson is carried out according to two options: the first is learning the technique of running for medium and short distances and training in it; the second is learning cross-country running techniques, how to carry weapons, fitting equipment and training in forced marches.

Training in sprinting is carried out at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, in running for medium and long distances - at the end. In preparation for forced marches in the first lessons, poorly trained military personnel are allocated to a separate group, in which a designated sergeant conducts training.

Injury prevention is ensured by careful fitting of footwear, uniforms, equipment and weapons; in hot weather - continuous monitoring of the condition of those involved.

Gymnastics. Gymnastics classes are aimed at developing students' strength, strength endurance, agility, resistance to motion sickness and overload, fostering perseverance and perseverance, courage and determination, improving combat bearing and smartness.

Classes are held on gymnastic grounds, in sports halls or premises adapted for this, on the ground.

The preparatory part includes combat techniques, exercises in walking and running, general developmental exercises, exercises for two, exercises on the gymnastic wall, with a gymnastic bench (beam).

The main part of the lesson includes exercises on the crossbar, uneven bars, simulators, multi-span projectiles, support and unsupported jumps, lifting and carrying weights, acrobatic exercises, exercises in balance and climbing.

Training of exercises consists in their repeated repetition by all trainees at the same time, in pairs, with the help, in a stream of one or several people, with a change of places of employment in a circle. To increase the physical load in the lesson, exercises of a variety of structure are performed: pulling up, raising the legs to the crossbar, lifting the cartridge box and squatting with it, bending over on the gymnastic bench, jumping over it, etc. Exercises are performed sequentially as part of a platoon (company).

comprehensive training, games and relay races are organized using projectiles, inventory, equipment and are held in a streaming or competitive group way.

Reliable help and insurance when performing jumps and exercises on shells;

Checking the technical condition of projectiles (stretch marks, carbines, ax devices);

Checking the reliability of fastening arms and legs when performing exercises on special projectiles;

Correct performance of the exercise by military personnel.

Ski training. Ski training classes are aimed at the formation and improvement of skiing and skiing skills, the development of endurance, the development of strong-willed qualities, and the hardening of the body.

The preparatory part includes: checking the condition of ski equipment and clothing; performance of combat techniques with skis and on skis; movement to the place of the main part of the lesson. Before the start of the movement, the head of the lesson appoints and instructs two to three trailers (one of which is a sergeant) from among well-trained military personnel.

Training in the technique of skiing is carried out without weapons and equipment.

To move along the track when learning ski moves, the command is given:

"Normal move, in a circle, distance 5 steps, step - MARCH."

To learn climbs, the unit is built at the foot of the slope. After the demonstration and explanation, the command is given: “Christmas tree rise”, one at a time to the right in a column, a distance of 5 steps - FORWARD.

The learning of descents, braking and turns is carried out first on the spot, and then when descending from the slope at the command: “Descent in the middle stance, on the right one at a time, distance of 10 steps (slope length) - FORWARD”.

Training in skiing is included in each lesson and is carried out for 30-70 minutes at first without weapons and equipment on slightly rugged terrain, later with weapons and equipment on terrain with more difficult terrain.

Injury prevention is ensured by:

Checking the fit of shoe bindings, uniforms, equipment and weapons;

Taking into account the magnitude of physical activity in the classroom and its timely reduction;

Learning skiing techniques on slopes free from trees, bushes, stumps, stones, pits, ditches and other obstacles;

An accurate indication of the direction of movement and the distance between the military personnel during ascents, descents, braking and turning, as well as the place of construction after the exercise;

Observation of trainees, their mutual observation; providing immediate assistance when signs of frostbite appear.

Overcoming obstacles. Classes on overcoming obstacles are aimed at the formation and improvement of skills in overcoming obstacles, throwing grenades, performing special techniques and actions.

Classes are held on specially equipped obstacle courses and on terrain equipped with obstacles and targets.

Overcoming horizontal and vertical obstacles individually and as part of a unit;

Throwing grenades for accuracy (according to the conditions for performing control exercises);

Special techniques and actions on structures, models of military equipment, with cargo individually and as part of units;

Control exercises on obstacle courses.

The preparatory part of the lesson is carried out with and without weapons on the tracks or terrain adjacent to the obstacle course. When carrying out the preparatory part with weapons, it includes combat techniques, walking and running in various ways, running, crawling, actions on suddenly given signals and commands (“TO FIGHT”, “INTO THE SHELTER”, “AIR”, etc.), running 150-200 m with a passing overcoming of simple obstacles. The preparatory part of the lesson without weapons includes general developmental and jumping and running exercises, running with accelerations, running at an average pace up to 600 m.

The main part of the lesson includes exercises in overcoming sections of an obstacle course 40-60 m long with the implementation of the learned techniques and actions at a different pace, as well as throwing grenades for accuracy. Exercises are performed in a stream, competitively - in a group way or in the form of a circular relay race. Throwing grenades is carried out alternately at horizontal and then at vertical targets. Each lesson includes a complex training in the performance of the entire control exercise or most of it in combination with running up to 600 m and other complex exercises. Training is organized as a stream in pairs, groups or as part of a unit. Sergeants control the order of overcoming obstacles and throwing grenades at the target.

At the first lessons in the process of training, the accuracy and speed of performing techniques are improved with a slight complication of the situation, which is achieved:

The use of various starting positions (lying, kneeling, behind cover, in a trench) before taking off to overcome obstacles or before throwing grenades;

Increasing the distance to obstacles and targets;

Giving sudden commands and signals during exercise;

Changing the order of overcoming obstacles and hitting targets.

In subsequent classes, the main attention in the training process is given to the development of general and speed endurance, which is achieved:

Repeated execution of techniques after actions that give significant physical activity;

Performing techniques in combination with other actions both on obstacle courses and on terrain of various nature;

Performing techniques and exercises in personal protective equipment, in conditions of limited visibility and at night. Comprehensive training is periodically carried out with the use of simulation tools and fires.

Injury prevention is ensured by:

Digging up and falling asleep with sawdust (sand) of landing sites when jumping from high obstacles;

An increase in intervals and distances when conducting classes with weapons and in the dark;

Making targets for throwing a fan away from the direction of running;

Clearing of ice and snow from places of repulsion and landing;

Strict observance of the rules for the use of simulation tools.

Military swimming. Swimming lessons are aimed at developing skills in military-applied swimming, developing endurance and self-control while in the water, and developing general endurance.

Classes are held at specially equipped reservoirs, water stations, in outdoor and indoor artificial pools at a water temperature of at least +17 ° C in accordance with the instructions for organizing swimming classes (order by part).

Swimming lessons are held only under the guidance of the unit commander - an officer who is assigned assistants from among the military personnel who are well versed in swimming techniques and teaching methods. Solitary bathing of military personnel is prohibited.

Military personnel who do not know how to swim and swim less than 50 m are allocated to a separate group.

The preparatory part of the lesson is held on land. Along with general developmental exercises, it includes exercises that imitate the movements of the legs and arms when swimming in various ways, and when learning to swim in uniform with weapons - fitting uniforms and weapons, making a float.

The main part of the lesson is spent on the water. Those who can not swim practice in a shallow place. To perform the exercises, those who can swim enter the water by jumping from the starting table according to the commands: “TO TAKE PLACES”, “TO START”, MARCH”; those who do not know how to swim - on the stairs (ladder) or from the longitudinal side of the pool on command: “Into the water by jumping down with their feet - MARCH” or “On the ladder into the water with a step - MARCH”. With those who can swim, the main part of the lesson begins with swimming at a slow pace of 50-100 m and doing breathing exercises. Then swimming with one legs (hands) is turned on for 25, 50 and 100 m; swimming to coordinate the movements of the legs, arms and breathing for 100 m or more.

Those who do not know how to swim perform exercises for mastering with water: exhaling into iodine, sliding, float, etc. Then the technique of leg movements at the side of the pool, hands and breathing while standing on a shallow part are practiced; swimming to coordinate the movements of the legs, arms and breathing for 25-50 m with the use of supporting means and without them.

Swimming in uniform with weapons is carried out after mastering the basics of swimming technique. At first, swimming methods are mastered with individual rescue equipment, using a float from a duffel bag, and then without them.

At one training session, three to four diving exercises are performed. Between them, a rest of at least 5 minutes is provided. At the full station, between the rotary shields at a depth of 1.0-1.5 m, a guiding end (white rope) is pulled to maintain the direction of diving.

Safety in learning to swim is ensured by:

Availability and readiness of life-saving equipment and first aid kit;

Careful check of serviceability of rotary boards, dividing paths and other equipment, cleaning of the bottom from snags, piles and other items before the start of classes at the water station;

Checking the number of servicemen before entering the water, in the water and after leaving the water;

Appointment to observe them two - three swimmers;

The prohibition for military personnel to enter the water and leave the water without a command;

Training in a starting jump at a depth of at least 1.5 m, and when jumping into the water from a 3-meter tower - at least 3 m;

The prohibition of diving and jumping into the water for military personnel who have suffered diseases of the middle and inner ear. As an exception, allow them to practice only if the ear canal is blocked with cotton wool thickly smeared with petroleum jelly;

Prohibition of swimming near the tower during diving; permission for the next serviceman to jump no earlier than the previous one sails from the place of entry into the water at a distance of at least 5 m;

Diving training only with a safety line 5-6m long with a float at one end; familiarization before diving with ways to equalize pressure on the eardrums;

Checking the correct fit of uniforms, equipment and weapons, fastening of supporting items; conducting a swimming lesson in uniform with a weapon at first at a depth of 1.0-1.5 m, and when moving to a deep place - along a stretched rope with floats;

Termination of classes in the water, if the military has signs of severe cooling: chills, goose bumps, blue lips. The head of the lesson and his assistants must know the safety measures and be able to provide first aid to a drowning person.

Hand-to-hand combat. Hand-to-hand combat classes are aimed at developing the skills necessary for destroying, incapacitating or capturing the enemy, self-defense from his attack, and building self-confidence.

Hand-to-hand combat classes are held: training in combat techniques with weapons - on a special platform equipped with stationary and portable stuffed animals and targets (wickerwork), portable obstacles (walls, fences, front gardens, inconspicuous obstacles, etc.), trenches, communication passages, dugouts, landings, facades of houses with windows; on tactical fields, in guard towns and on obstacle courses; training in unarmed combat techniques - on a flat grassy area, a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust, or in a gym (on a carpet of mats).

Can you easily do 50 push-ups, 50 ab exercises, 50 squats, and 50 calf raises in one set (without a break between exercises) without any problems?
If the answer is yes, congratulations! So you are ready to move on.
For those who are not yet ready, I do not recommend mastering the exercises of the second complex until you develop sufficient strength in the first.
The main groups of exercises will remain the same, only the load will increase ...

Warm up
Be sure to do a warm-up, especially when the complex is performed in the morning. In addition to a simple warm-up (arm swings, body tilts, etc.), do 30 exercises from the first complex: 30 push-ups, 30 leg raises (or twists), 30 squats, 30 calf raises. Also do 6 pull-ups. This will be your warm-up before the complex number 2.

Push ups
I remind you: in order to move on to push-ups of the second complex, you must be able to do push-ups 40-50 times in one approach (or at least 100-150 times a day) without any problems.
So, in this complex we will use the following types of push-ups: finger push-ups, , And .
1) finger push-ups- ordinary push-ups, in which the brush is placed on the floor like a spider, with rests on the fingers. The exercise is not difficult, and if you can do 50 regular push-ups, then you can easily do 30-40 finger push-ups. The position of the hands can be either shoulder-width or wider than shoulder-width - try both ways.
2) push-ups on one arm with support- may seem quite complicated at first glance. The execution technique is as follows: in an emphasis lying on the floor, we lay down on the floor on our stomach, our hands are like in ordinary push-ups (only the elbows are as close to the body as possible), we spread our legs a little wider. Then we remove one hand behind the back, and try to push out on one hand. Most likely you will not succeed, but this is not necessary now - you should feel exactly how the legs (how wide), the arm, and the body should be, so that it is possible to push out on one arm. Your body will tell you the correct position. For example, we decided to do push-ups on the right hand. The hand should be placed almost under you, and the knee of the left leg will look to the left, and not to the floor (i.e., the whole leg will be practically turned to the side).
The position of the body has become approximately clear? Then we put the left hand (which was removed behind the back) on the floor, but do not lean on it as on the right hand, but put it on the index finger, and not too close to the body - all this is necessary so that you transfer as little weight as possible to it. Thus, our left hand will play the role of a support, and to maintain overall balance during push-ups. The main weight of the body will fall on the right hand. These are not yet push-ups on one hand, but they are no longer simple push-ups on two hands - this is a transitional version of push-ups.
Perhaps at first the index finger of the left hand will not be able to bear part of the weight of the body - then put the left hand on two fingers (index and middle); if this is not enough, put on five fingers, and gradually remove one at a time.
Do these push-ups as many times as you can, first on the right, then on the left supporting hand. Try not to forget about the distribution of body weight - it should be on the supporting arm, the second hand serves only as a support.
3) push-ups on the fist of one hand with support- the execution technique is exactly the same as in the previous push-ups, only the supporting hand is placed not on the palm, but on the fist. In this case, the amplitude of push-ups will increase slightly.

Press exercises
Here we won’t change anything much - twisting and lying leg raises will be enough. The only thing is that you can complicate the exercises a little. Eg:
1) Twisting on a high support- these are essentially ordinary twists (lifting the body from a prone position, knees bent, hands behind the head, we rise until the chest touches the knees). The only thing is that the legs are not on the floor, but on a high surface, for example, on a sofa or on a chair. Thus, the load on the abdominal muscles increases.
2) Flexion. The technique of the exercise is as follows: we lie down on the floor, hands behind our heads, legs extended, knees closed. We begin to raise the body, as in ordinary bends, while at the same time we begin to raise our legs (when lifting our legs, we bend at the knees - you can up to 45 degrees at the top point of the lift). It is necessary to touch your knees with your elbows at the top point of the lift, and lower yourself to the starting position. It may be difficult to balance at first, but you will quickly get used to it.

Here we will do the same as push-ups - we will squat almost on one leg, the second is used for support and balance.
The technique is as follows: we put the legs wider than the shoulders, hands for convenience - behind the head. Then we transfer all the weight to one leg, let it be, for example, the right leg. In this case, we put the left foot on the toe. We begin to do squats, we try to ensure that almost all the weight falls on the right leg. When squatting, do not take your right knee to the side! It must look ahead. The back should be straight, you can not hunch. We squat to the point where the thigh of the right leg is parallel to the floor.
Do the same exercise with weight transfer to the left leg. Take your time, follow the execution technique. You probably won't be able to complete this exercise more than 15 times on each leg at first. But don't give up and it will bring great results!

Calf exercises
Here we will practically leave everything as it is - that is, rises on the toe of one leg, the second leg in the air. Be sure to use a stand (a thick book under the ball of your sock) to increase the amplitude of the exercise.
Let's add one more exercise: jumping on one leg. Try to jump as high as you can (don't bend your skating knee before jumping), but don't damage your Achilles tendon - do these jumps after calf raises so that the tendon is stretched and ready to go.

In this complex, pull-ups are considered one of the main exercises. Two types of pull-ups will be used.
1) Pull-ups with a regular grip - arms shoulder-width apart, pull up until the chin touches the crossbar.
2) Variable wide grip pull-ups. Technique: direct grip wider than shoulders, pull up until the chin touches the crossbar, go down, and pull up until the back of the head touches the crossbar - we try to touch the crossbar with the upper back. So we pull ourselves up alternately: touching the chin - touching the back of the head - touching the chin - touching the back of the head ...
In total for the daily complex, you will have to do 50 pull-ups. If you get less, then after the complex it is still desirable to “finish off” the number of pull-ups to 50. For example, you got 32 pull-ups for the complex - after the complex, before you cool down, do another 18. It doesn’t matter, it will be 3 times 6 , or 7 + 7 + 4 - the main thing is that the total number of pull-ups per day is at least 50.

Example of FRs complex #2:
1) Warm-up - 30 exercises of the 1st complex + 6 pull-ups.
2) 40 push-ups on the fingers with arms wide apart; 40 twists on a high support; 20 squats on one leg with support; 50 calf raises; 12 pull ups.
3) 15 push-ups on one arm with support; 40 curls; 20 squats on one leg with support; 40 jumps on one leg; 10 Variable Wide Grip Pullups.
4) 15 push-ups on the fist of one hand with support; 40 twists on a high support; 20 squats on one leg with support; 50 calf raises; 12 pull ups.
5) 15 push-ups on one arm with support; 40 curls; 20 squats on one leg with support; 40 jumps on one leg; 10 Variable Wide Grip Pullups.

Complex No. 2 is considered to be developed,
if you are able to do in one go:
- 30 push-ups on one arm with support (on each arm);
- 50 bends;
- 35-40 squats on one leg with support (on each leg).
- and also if you perform at least 50 pull-ups per complex.

This complex is considered quite difficult, so if you feel that you have overtrained, do fewer sets, repetitions, or even complex No. 1. Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet so that the body can fully recover.
In addition to the complex, it is recommended to perform aerobic exercise - running / cycling / swimming. Of course, the complex also develops the cardiovascular system, but not enough, so jogging for 5-10 km / cycling / swimming in the pool or in the summer in reservoirs will greatly strengthen your body. In addition, thanks to complex No. 2, you will be able to show very good results in these sports, since you will already have a base in the form of developed muscles.

Gymnastics and athletic training

144. Classes in gymnastics and athletic training are aimed at developing agility, strength and strength endurance, resistance to motion sickness and overload, spatial orientation, applied motor skills, nurturing courage and determination, and improving combat bearing.

145. Classes are held on gymnastic grounds, towns, in sports halls or specially equipped premises, on the decks of ships, on training complexes, on the ground.

146. Gymnastics and athletic training classes include physical exercises on the crossbar, parallel bars, vaults, acrobatic exercises, exercises with weights, on simulators and multi-span apparatuses, in balance, climbing, outdoor games and relay races.
For servicemen of flight personnel and cadets of military educational institutions who train flight personnel, physical exercises on a trampoline, a stationary gymnastic wheel, and acrobatic exercises are included.

147. The section "Gymnastics and athletic training" includes the following exercises:
A set of floor exercises N 1 (the exercise can be used in the preparatory part of the classes):

A set of floor exercises N 2 (the exercise can be used in the preparatory part of the classes):

Exercise 1. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position (Fig. 3).

Emphasis lying (legs together, body straight), bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, unbending your arms, take the emphasis lying down.
The exercise is performed without stopping.
To control the touch, it is allowed to use a special technical device.

Exercise 2. Torso tilt forward (Fig. 4).

Lying on your back, hands behind your head, interlock your fingers, legs are fixed. Tilt your torso forward until your elbows touch your knees and return to the starting position until your shoulder blades touch the floor.
The exercise is performed within one minute.
Slight bending of the legs is allowed.

Exercise 3 Rope climbing (Fig. 5).

Grasp the rope with your hands below the mark of 2 m from the floor and rise to a height of 6 m from the floor in an arbitrary way. Touch the top mark with your hand. Lowering down - in an arbitrary way. Pole climbing is allowed.
It is forbidden to start the ascent from a jump and jump off the rope above the mark of 2 m from the floor.
The assessment of the exercise is made according to the method of climbing:
"excellent" - climbing without the help of legs, legs - in the "corner" position;
"good" - climbing without the help of legs, legs - arbitrarily;
"satisfactory" - climbing with the help of legs.

Exercise 4 Pulling up on the crossbar (Fig. 6).

Hang (grip from above, legs together), bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the crossbar), unbending your arms, lower yourself into the hang. The position of the hang is fixed.

It is forbidden to perform movements with a jerk and a swing.

Exercise 5 Raising the legs to the crossbar (Fig. 7).

Hang (grip from above, legs together), raise your legs to the crossbar until they touch and lower them down. The position of the hang is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.

Exercise 6 Lifting a coup on the crossbar (Fig. 8).

Hanging (grip from above, legs together), bending your arms, raise your legs to the crossbar and turning around the axis, go into focus on straight arms. After fixing the stop, lower yourself into the hang without stopping in an arbitrary way. The position of the hang is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.
It is forbidden to perform swing movements and touch the crossbar with the chin.

Exercise 7. Lifting by force on the crossbar (Fig. 9).

Hang (grip from above, legs together), bending your arms, put one bent arm at point-blank range, then the other; Continuing the movement, go to emphasis on straight arms, after fixing the emphasis, lower yourself into the hang without stopping in an arbitrary way. The position of the hang is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.
It is forbidden to perform exercises on both hands and movements in a jerk or swing.

Exercise 8 Bench press lying (Fig. 10). Bar weight - 70 kg.

Lying on your back on a horizontal bench, with a grip from above on the bar of the bar located on specially equipped racks, raise the bar to straight arms, then bend your arms until your chest touches the bar of the bar, extending your arms to press the bar from the chest. After fixing the bar on straight arms, repeat the next bench press.
The exercise is performed without stopping. Reverse grip is prohibited.
Any change in the starting position is prohibited: separation of the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench and feet from the floor.
It is allowed to rest in the initial position of the bar at the top with straight arms.

Exercise 9 Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the uneven bars (Fig. 11).

Emphasis on straight arms, bending arms, lower to point-blank range on bent arms; unbending your arms, go into focus on straight arms. The position of the stop is fixed, when lowering the arms are bent completely.
Slight bending of the legs, body and leg extension is allowed.
It is forbidden to perform swing movements.

Exercise 10 Angle in emphasis on the bars (Fig. 12).

Emphasis on straight arms, raise straight legs and hold them horizontally above the poles. The time of the exercise is determined from the moment the "corner" position is fixed until the moment the heels of the legs are lowered below the poles.

Exercise 11. Kettlebell snatch (Fig. 13). Kettlebell weight 24 kg.

Leg stand apart, grip from above with one hand on the handle of the kettlebell, sequentially lift the kettlebell up and down, without touching the floor, first with one hand, then without rest after changing hands with the other. The position of the kettlebell at the top is fixed on a straight arm, the change of hands is carried out once on a forward swing.
It is forbidden to press the kettlebell, rest in the position when the kettlebell is lowered down, touch the parts of the body with the free hand.
There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.
The result is determined by the sum of the jerks performed by each hand.

Exercise 12 Push of two weights (Fig. 14). Kettlebell weight 24 kg.

Leg stand apart, with a grip from above on the arms of the weights, tear the weights off the floor, lift them to the chest, while the weights lie on the forearms and shoulders, the arms are pressed to the body; push the weights up and fix on straight arms, then lower the weights to the chest.
It is forbidden to press the weights and put the weights on the shoulders.
There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.

Exercise 13 Push of two weights in a long cycle (Fig. 15). Kettlebell weight 24 kg.

The jerk of the weights consists of three techniques: lifting to the chest, a push from the chest and lowering to the hanging position. Leg stand apart, with a grip from above on the arms of the weights, tear the weights off the floor, lift them to the chest, while the weights lie on the forearms and shoulders, the arms are pressed to the body; push the weights up and fix on straight arms. To repeat the cycle, lower the weights first on the chest, and then down, without touching the floor. When lowering weights on the chest, it is forbidden to rest. It is also forbidden to rest while holding the weights lowered down.
It is allowed to rest with kettlebells on the chest after lifting them from the hanging position, as well as with kettlebells fixed on straight arms after a push from the chest.
It is forbidden to rest while holding the weights in position on the shoulder joints.
There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.

Exercise 14 Jump with legs bent over the horse (goat) in width (Fig. 16). The height of the horse (goat) is 120-135 cm; a bridge with a height of 10-15 cm is installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a take-off, with a push from the bridge, reach out with your hands to the support, put your hands on the horse (goat), bending to bend your legs, push off with your hands until the legs pass the vertical, unbending to land.
It is forbidden to push with one foot, touch the mat with the hand(s) after landing.

Exercise 15 Jump legs apart over the goat in length (Fig. 17). Goat height 120-135 cm; a bridge with a height of 10-15 cm is installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a take-off, with a push from the bridge, they stretch their hands to the support, put their hands on the goat, pushing off to spread their legs, arms up - to the sides, unbending to land.

Rice. 17. Jump legs apart over a goat in length

Exercise 16 Jump legs apart over the horse in length (Fig. 18).
For cadets of military schools. Horse height 120-135 cm; a bridge with a height of 10-15 cm is installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a run, with a push from the bridge, reach out with your hands to the support, put your hands on the far half of the horse, pushing off to spread your legs, arms up - to the sides, unbending to land.
Hand-picking, pushing with one foot, touching the mat with the hand(s) after landing is prohibited.

Exercise 17 Forward roll (fig. 19)

Combat stance, crouching emphasis, put your hands forward, tilting your head to your chest, push off with your feet and, grouping, roll forward into a crouching emphasis position, stand in a combat stance.

Exercise 18 Somersault back (Fig. 20).

Combat stance, crouching emphasis, tilting your head to your chest, take the position of the grouping, perform a roll back, by force unbending your arms, take the crouching emphasis position, stand in a combat stance.

Exercise 19 Flip to the side (Fig. 21).

Combat stance, with a step of the leg, tilt the torso, bending the left leg, put the left hand on the floor, with a wave of the right and a push of the left leg, successively leaning on the hands, go through the handstand, legs apart. Alternately pushing off with your hands and lowering your legs, stand in a leg stance apart, putting your foot to take a combat stance. A side flip is performed in both directions.

Exercise 20 Jump back on the crossbar (Fig. 22).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd courses of military educational institutions: hanging, lifting with a coup, swinging with an arc, dismounting with a swing back.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: hanging, swinging, lifting with a kip, turning back at an emphasis, swinging with an arc, dismounting with a swing back.

Exercise 21 Swing forward dismount on uneven bars (Fig. 23).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd years of military educational institutions: emphasis on the hands, swinging, lifting the swing forward into a gray leg apart, swinging the legs inward and swinging back, swinging forward to jump to the right with a turn to the left, holding on to the pole with both hands.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: emphasis on the hands, swinging, lifting with a swing forward, swing back, swing forward, sitting legs apart, intercepting hands forward, forceful shoulder stand (hold 2 s), somersault forward into a sitting position legs apart, leg swing inward and swing back, swing forward dismount to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands.

Exercise 22. Movement on a narrow support (log) (Fig. 24). Log height 110-125 cm; length 500 cm; width 10 cm.

Lines are marked on both sides 40 cm from the edge of the log.
From the starting position, standing in front of the start line (on the log), move forward, back forward, then left side and finish right side. When moving, it is forbidden to lean on your hands. If you fall, the exercise is not counted. Crossing the line on both sides is mandatory.

Exercise 23 Jumping on a trampoline (Fig. 25).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd years of military educational institutions that train flight personnel: two main jumps, a jump on the stomach, a main jump, a jump in a tuck, a main jump, a jump with a 180 ° turn, a main jump, a jump in sit down, two main jumps.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior courses of military educational institutions that train flight personnel: two main jumps, a jump on the stomach, a main jump, a jump in a tuck, a main jump, a jump with a 360 ° turn, a main jump, a jump in a crouch, main jump, somersault forward (back), two main jumps.

Exercise 24 Revolutions on a stationary gymnastic wheel (Fig. 26).

10 turns to the left and 10 turns to the right. The exercise begins and ends at the moment of passing the vertical head up. Evaluation is based on the total time spent on 20 revolutions, without turning off the stopwatch after the first 10 revolutions. It is allowed to start the exercise in any direction.

Exercise 25 Turns forward and back on loping (Fig. 27).

4 series of 5 revolutions are performed with a change in the direction of rotation after each series. The exercise begins and ends at the moment the frame passes the loping of the upper vertical position. The exercise is performed without stopping. The number of swings and additional turns during the exercise is not limited.
Evaluation is based on the total time spent on the execution of 4 series without turning off the stopwatch between series.

148. In the physical training manuals, it is allowed to include additional exercises that ensure the development of physical qualities in military personnel with the peculiarity of their type and type of activity.

149. Injury prevention in gymnastics and athletic training is ensured by:
- high discipline of military personnel;
- observance of the technique of performing physical exercises and good knowledge of self-insurance techniques;
- compliance with the methods of teaching gymnastic exercises and safety requirements;
- reliable help and insurance when performing vaults and exercises on shells;
- checking the technical condition of projectiles (stretch marks, carbines, locking devices, etc.);
- checking the reliability of fastening arms and legs when performing exercises on apparatus and simulators.

1. Breathe out. With diaphragmatic breathing, fill the lower part of the lungs with air (the stomach expands). Then, without a pause, while continuing to inhale, expand the chest and the air enters the middle part of the lungs. End the breath with clavicular breathing, fill the upper part of the lungs with air. Thus, inhalation during full breathing occurs smoothly, without jerks, in waves. After execution, there may be a short pause and begin a full exhalation in the reverse order, i.e. first, the upper exhalation occurs with the simultaneous lowering of the ribs and collarbones, then the middle and lower ones. The expiratory time for a correct full breath is approximately 2 times the inspiratory time. When performed correctly, there is a feeling of peace, peace, the pulse rate and blood pressure decrease, and working capacity increases.

2. Technique - inhale one nostril, exhale the other, and then vice versa. After the next exhalation, close the left nostril with the middle finger and inhale through the right nostril. A small pause. Then close the right nostril with your thumb and open the left, exhale. Pause. Inhale through the left nostril. A small pause. Close the left nostril with the middle finger and, releasing the right nostril, exhale. Pause. Repeat the described breathing cycle 5 times.

3. Exhale as much as possible, then inhale deeply. Hold the air in for 3-5 seconds. Purse your lips as if you are about to whistle. Then exhale the air sharply, as when coughing. Stop for 2-3 seconds and then exhale again. Repeat until all air is out of your lungs. It must be remembered that you need to exhale air with effort. Otherwise, the exercise will not give the desired effect.

4. Stand as freely as possible, but evenly. Make sure that your shoulders are lowered, your neck is free, do not hold on to the instrument (piano), feel good support in your legs. Breathe evenly and calmly, as a healthy person breathes. Now that you're ready, just smile and push a little bit of air out through the gap between your teeth. You should have made a "C" sound. Now do the same, only with the movement of the abdomen. Pull your stomach in with the sound "S". The stomach is drawn in with a small push, and the air is pushed out through the teeth. This is done at a frequency of approximately once per second. Try to do thirty of these pushes in one breath. Remember that between pushes, in the first stage, you can not take an additional breath. You must fully understand all the sensations that arise during the exercise. What muscles do you feel? That's right, if you especially strongly felt the oblique muscles of the abdomen, or the lower abdomen (on the sides). If you don't have enough air, rest and try to do the exercise again, just remember that the more you inhale, the faster you exhale. Inhale before the exercise as usual, without raising your shoulders and very calmly. Once you have managed to perform this exercise without hindrance, try to expand it by exhaling completely after the thirtieth push. Exhale all the remaining air along with a deep bend. Then, exhaling everything, without taking in air, slowly rise and continue the exercise. So you can expand this exercise to three slopes or more. That is, 30 pushes with the sound “C”, tilt and complete exhalation, slow rise and continuation of pushes, 30 pushes and again tilt with exhalation, and repeat everything again. There is a little secret in this exercise, which will be revealed only after the student has tried to do the exercise at least three times. Revealing the secret right now means depriving the student of his own experience of correct breathing and possibly pushing him onto a falsely easy path. One little hint: have you ever owned a bike or an air mattress?

5. Imagine that you are a big colorful beach ball. After the game, they put you on the grass to rest and pulled out the plug so that the air would slowly come out. You rest and release the air slowly, slowly. Why hurry? This exercise can be done in the company of the same funny balls. I wonder who will last longer. Just before you imagine yourself with a ball, again pay attention to the shoulders. Don't take a big breath to round out. If you don't understand, breathe in a lot and try to jump. I assure you, it will be very difficult for you. To feel light, just relax. So, take a normal breath, slightly support the lower abdomen, and in a thin stream, on the sound "C", begin to release air. Try smiling, as this will help you think of something pleasant. After you have felt your body and abdominal muscles in particular, you can start singing.

6. Inhale at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, at 5, 6 - hold your breath, at the expense of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - exhale.

7. Take a short breath, hold your breath a little, while exhaling, start counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Do not speed up the counting rate, do not get air.

8. Say the counting tongue twister, taking a breath in the place indicated by *, and continue on the exhale, as far as there is enough air: "As on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Egorkas *: one - Egorka, two - Egorka, three - Egorka and so on Further".

9. This is a diaphragm exercise. Say the text below without closing your mouth. You can imagine that you got a filling and you can’t close your mouth: Two hours without eating? Terrible!
I didn't eat breakfast in vain.
I want to eat like never before!
Wait two hours? Nonsense!
There is a character, there is a will,
If I can't, I won't eat!

10. Imagine that your chest and lungs are an accordion. Play it: with a stressed syllable, the arms bent at the elbows bounce off the sides:

Wow, oh you!
We put on sweatshirts
Hands joyfully at the sides
Yes, with the “hopak” guys!
Gop-la! Gop-la! Hop-la-la!
We dance, the heart is cheerful!

- Appendix "Audio materials" (disk), section No. 2.