What is interesting to do for the day of the teacher. School self-government on teacher's day (finds who will make this day bright and unforgettable). Teacher's Day - Self-Government Day

To celebrate the teacher's day bright and fun, you need to abandon banal festive concerts, and to show a little imagination.

star way

Almost every school has red carpets. They are often spread for graduates. Why not use them? Locate, for example, such a carpet at the entrance to the assembly hall, so that teachers, having passed on them, were able to feel like real stars of this day. Let each teacher appears in the hall under incendiary music, applause, outbreaks of cameras and joyful greetings.

Original script

So that the concert is not boring, you can write the entire script for one unusual situation. For example, a plane with students falls into the ocean, and all children find themselves on a small uninhabited island without food and water. They need to choose who will be the main on the island and therefore boys and girls begin to show their talents to each other to determine which of them is the best. Plus, you can come up with an original ending. It will be fun and interesting.


Teachers accepted to give flowers and sweets, and most likely they are already pretty tired. You can choose an unusual gift for each teacher, pushing out the subject, which is taught by the teacher, or from the interests of the teacher himself. For example, chemistry can be presented to a vase for colors in the form of a flask, on which various chemical elements will be written, and the literature teacher is one of the books of modern authors, far from the school program.


Usually the concert lasts 1.5 or 2 hours. During this time, you can have time to get hungry. But instead of conventional sandwiches or buns from the dining room, you can present home delicious teachers. From each class to cook at one meal, whether it is a pizza or a pie. In addition, you can even ask the students on their own to prepare something at home. In this case, the variety of treats will delight favorite teachers. This option of the buffet will be the most appropriate, firstly, it is much more tastier than familiar snacks, and secondly, it is immediately seen that students with love relate to their senior mentors.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday. No school life do without him. And he must memorize for the whole year. The main thing is that teachers feel necessary not only on this day, but also throughout the years of their work, because the teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge, this is a person who opens the doors to the new, completely unfamiliar world.

The day of the teacher is an international holiday, so in most schools it is noted widely and with a scope. The concert is a well-established tradition in almost all secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.

Preparation often begins with the first days of September, as in order to show a really worthwhile, it is necessary to make a lot of time and effort. The concert involved the most talented school students: Some directly take part in the presentation, others are engaged in the preparation of costumes, decorations, decorations, etc.

As a rule, each class congratulates only his class teacher. But, nevertheless, it is better to make it nice to all teachers. You can read about this on our website in the article "How to originally congratulate your favorite teacher."

Unfortunately, a teacher for educational work (which is the organizer of this event) often operates on a completely standard scenario: indicative numbers that include dancing and songs, congratulations "from all all", flowers to teachers, poems. Actually, this is the whole set. But where is the guarantee that such a representation will be really successful, and teachers will not come to him only from a sense of respect for their disciples or because "so accepted"?

Success in holding a standard concert, as a rule, have only schools with a theatrical bias. But what then make students from ordinary general educational institutions? Here you will come to the rescue with the original ideas that we with you today and share.

There is nothing better jokes and laughter

As you know, laughter and smiles prolong life. That is why we suggest a concert for the day of the teacher in a comic form. You can come up with or download funny rhymes from the Internet about teachers of different items (only without offense and sarcasm), remake the famous songs in which you sing about your favorite teachers, put humorous sketches from school life. Very bright mood of the holiday specially prepared costumes. You can, for example, wear boys in women's costumes, and girls in men. This technique is always successful.

If you choose this type of script, then be sure to make sure that the presenter is cheerful and relaxed. This is important, since it is he who will mostly ask the mood.

This type of script is more suitable for high school studentsSo students of junior classes with high probability will not be able to fully reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe production.

And how would we get into a fairy tale

We all love fairy tales, and teachers also believe in magic. So why not create a fairy tale for them for a couple of hours. For example, you can make a "Forest School". For this, it will be necessary to prepare suits of animals, create school scenery in the forest, appoint animal teachers and come up with different situations on school themes. You can also copy the behavior of teachers to some extent or to take their "branded phrases" - they will be very interested to look at themselves from the outside.

This type of script is perfect for pupils of junior classesbecause high school students, most likely, do not want to change clothes in costumes beast, and they already believe less in a fairy tale 🙂 But they will be great to help in the preparation of costumes and scenery, and it would also be very good for the role of the lead to choose a student who is senior or middle classes.

TV channel "School life"

As a concert, you can show one day from the life of the TV channel. Scenario Build in the form of original gears and broadcasts on school themes.

Make a few columns, such as "news" in which you will talk about the latest events that have happened in your school; "Interesting people" are stories about school teachers (it is possible in comic shape to everyone fun); "Quiz", in which teachers will take part, etc. You can make small musical and dance pauses between gears or cheerful advertising in the form of small scenes.

School starley

Teacher's Day is an excellent reason to show their teachers, what talented children they brought up. The concert can be made in the form of a talent show.

To do this, select students who would like to dance, sing, tell the verse, show works made by your own hands, prepare various dishes or sweets, etc. Based on this, make several nominations, such as "Best Dance Number", "Best Singer", "Best Needlewoman", "Best Culinary", etc., as a jury, invite school teachers - so they will be doubly interesting. Just do not give such a competition too much seriousness, it is better to do everything in a comic form so that the "loser" was not offended.

The holiday in such a style is the opportunity to praise your teachers for talented children they have brought up.

Long live the theater

If your school has many children with acting abilities, you can prepare an interesting theatrical production. The scripts can be easily found on the Internet.

But if you have enough time and rich fantasy, then everything can be done more original. Find some interesting play (you can see something from the classics) and remake it on school themes. It turns out such an interesting symbiosis of the creativity of famous playwrights and your own fantasy. Believe me, the literature teacher will be very nice!

Of course, this option will require a lot of efforts to prepare and rehearsal, but your festive concert will be the most original and unforgettable.

When you decide how you congratulate your favorite teachers at a festive concert, you will need to think about the design of the hall, invitations for teachers and other organizational moments.

Now you know how to surprise your teachers at a concert. And we wish you a great holiday and limitless inspiration 🙂

On the teacher's day, every school takes a real coup: instead of strict and punctual teachers, cheerful men and women appear, the quiet classes turn into noisy floral greenhouses, schoolchildren are massively starting to self-governing, replacing teachers, teachers and even the director himself. In addition to everything, instead of solving strict tasks and grammatical exercises, elementary school students and high schools are actively rehearsing new interesting numbers of a congratulatory concert program for teachers. After all, on the day of the teacher, the scenario of the holiday should be the most unusual - funny, humorous, incendiary ... but carefully thoughtful. Some pranks are allowed to schoolchildren in the professional holiday of teachers, but they should not move the permissible borders. After the day of the teacher, the new school day and all scenes, parodies and comedic numbers of the script can turn into joker with small troubles ...

Keep in mind by creating a cool scenario of the holiday, concert, a feast, corporate party or congratulations on the teacher's day, one cannot forget about the rules of decency and moral stuff of teachers. Any offensive "nicknames", insulting parodies, vulgar jokes and stupid contests with incomprehensible subtext are categorically prohibited! Only scripts with cheerful scenes, beautiful songs and dancing, fun lottery, draws, handing honorary titles, etc.

Concert Scenario for Teacher's Day at school - Interesting ideas

The classic scenario for the teacher's day at school begins with the exit of the elegant leading and sounds of fun festive greetings. The main part of the script can be organized as:

  • competition of talents (vocal, acting, choreographic);
  • round-the-world travel with numbers of representatives of different countries (English humor, Spanish Flamenco, Japanese dance with verses, etc.);
  • developing quiz for the culprits of the celebration.

The unusual idea of \u200b\u200bthe scenario of the school concert for the day of the teacher is the "travel on the sciences". So schoolchildren will have the opportunity to separately congratulate teachers of different items and pay due attention to them, timed to their sciences of different concert numbers. For example, magic experiments on the stage for teachers of chemistry and physics, humorous scenes about mathematics teachers, power exercises and gymnastic tricks for fizruks and, of course, a lyrical song for the director as a "nail" scenario.

Prior to the beginning of the festive concert, the text should be perfectly learned, the assembly hall and the scene are decorated with flowers, balls, posters, and all the actors on the scenario of disguise in elegant suits and are uploaded to the desired images. Only subject to all the conditions of the concert on the day of the teacher will turn out really unforgettable.

New interesting and funny holiday scenarios for teacher's day

If the classic scenarios for the teacher's day for school and college you have already come, we offer to use fantasy and creative thinking. A new interesting holiday scenario for teachers for teacher's day is easy to compose himself, paying a little time. But it is even easier to view our prompts and take advantage of one of the proposed script options.

- Awards "Oscar"

Such an unusual holiday will allow teachers not only to have fun on glory, but also to feel like real stars of Hollywood. An integral part of the scenario is: prize figurines, solemn music for the exit of nominees, a lot of nominations on the type "Mission Darwin", "Cybermaster", "Accuracy - the politeness of kings", "caravan stories", etc. The main rule - the award should get all the teachers without exception. In a professional holiday, no teacher, teacher, director, methodologist, and the social staff should not be offended.

New I. crank scenario for the day of the teacher -Traveling on the planet of knowledge

This is an unusual and very useful holiday scenario. The main valid characters are 2 curious first grader and leading - guide on the planet of knowledge. He will tell the little heromo importance of every school subject. All culprits of the celebration will feel necessary, and their work is complex and indispensable. At the end of the holiday, teachers can be congratulated with beautiful bouquets and color diplomas "for hard work and endless patience."

Funny Scenario for the Day of the teacher -KVN

In order for the scenario of the holiday for the day of the teacher, it is truly humor, you can make it in the form of a game in KVN. Teacher's Day is an excellent topic for such an event. Teachers will probably laugh at funny jokes and scenes and, of course, be happy to the talents of their wards.

New unusual Scenario for the Day of the teacher -Theatrical evening

The main idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a scenario is a virtual tour of theatrical corridors in the company with an experienced guide. Instead of portraits of celebrities on the walls, you can use a slideshow with portraits of teachers. And instead of the biographies of great actors - positive characteristics for each teacher. Mandatory attributes - theater calls, decorative wardrobe and decoration of theatrical wall (with a monitor instead of portraits), lyrical musical accompaniment and muted lighting.

Funny Scenario Congratulations on Teacher's Day from Primary School students

A funny scenario of the teacher's congratulations on a teacher's day from elementary school will have to prepare high school students or parents. Kids are unlikely to cope with such an important task. After all, it is necessary to make so much important and necessary:

  • buy Flowers and Gift
  • tell the kids greeting poems and help them learn
  • draw a bright wallpaper
  • choose and rehearse a short cheerful scene
  • put funny dance
  • organize entourage and musical accompaniment

If the chosen organizer has too much time and inspiration, the scenario of congratulations on the teacher's day from elementary school students can be put on the plot of the old-good Soviet fairy tale. For example, a gold key, a thumb, Bremen musicians, etc. So the plot of a small holiday will be even more saturated with bright impressions for the perpetrator of the celebration.

Funny corporate scenario and feast on Teacher's Day 2016

Corporate about the day of the teacher - hardly the only reason for strict and highly powerful teachers relax in the working team. Therefore, the scenario for such an event should be as saturated as possible, cheerful, humorous. In such a situation, all sorts of draws, lotteries, contests, interviews, games are welcome.

  1. Gypsy fortune tells. A comic attraction will help cheer up a team, discharge the atmosphere and learn a funny forecast for the entire next academic year. Gypsy can play according to the script one of the teachers, if the horoscopes and horoscopes for each present will prepare in advance.
  2. New interpretation of old ballad. For such a number of high school students or teacher of literature, can in advance to alter one of the famous ballads, replacing the traditional text of a funny story from school life, and characters - teachers.
  3. Distribution of titles. Each of the guests of the corporate parties can be prepared in advance to prepare a curious title and register him on a letter, diploma or medal, so that after presenting the script for rapid applause. Examples of titles: "Strict, but fair", "The most patient teacher", "harmful, but favorite teacher", "Russian Bogatyr", "Lord of equations", "Mr. Penalty".
  4. Flashmob for teachers. One of the types of entertainment for a professional holiday for the whole team. Flashmob will not only raise the mood, but will allow you to save an unusual and very fun video into the school archive.

Preparing the holiday scenario for teacher's day for school or college - a long and time-consuming occupation. Do not postpone it at the last moment. Choose the script for the teacher's day in advance to have time to organize everything in a timely manner, prepare, learn and rehearse. Otherwise, a new interesting concert, a cheerful corporate corporate or feast on the day of the teacher risks fails, and without starting ...

Scenario of the Teacher's Day.

Leading: Oksana Fedorova and Nikolai Baskov.

(come out against the background of the music "Saturday evening")

N: Good evening! Good evening! Entertainment program "Saturday evening"

A: Nikolai You, that I forgot not Saturday, and Friday. (Speaks with a stretched smile)

N: Oh yes, I completely forgot on the air Friday evening, (whisper) Oksana, but why am I not aware of this? And why is our Saturday evening suddenly became Friday?

A: And because the day today is unusual, the day today is a pretty, most festive one. Teacher's Day!

(Nikolai scratches the head. Oksana explains him) Teacher's Day is a nationwide holiday. After all, all people, when they studied at school and they also had teachers.

H: Oh yes, Oksana, school years are wonderful. (dreamily)

A: So let Nicholas will not hide. Getting started!

N: Good evening! Good evening! On the air Friday evening. And with you his leading Oksana Fedorova. (Shows Oksana)

A: And Nikolay Baskov. (Shows Nicholas)

N: autumn is beautiful, and the world is wonderful!
Recall a lot of poems and songs,
To congratulate teachers
School concert open bold!

A: Our holiday begins,
"Teacher's Day" is celebrated!

N: here at the school threshold
Recall friends, about the "teacher's day"

A: Victory Day, discoveries, success!

N: day of celebrations, and awards, and laughter!

A: Let the joy in school life blooms,
May everyone know the best teachers!

N: put everyone today "five"
To continue the holiday.
We invited artists and dancers and soloists.

A: Who is this, here is the question?

N: here a detachment of Russian stars
Leshchenko and Pugacheva,
Two granny from Rostov,
"Tutsi", "arrows", "Balagan"
Congratulations send you!

A: No, no, no! I objection
And I invite you to the scene
Stars from our school -
Our cute first grades!

N: For teachers who give their little pupils with their little pupils and heart. (Advanced. Nache. Schools)

A: Watch "Pugacheva"
With a song is ready.
We will merge all
Waiting for us success!

Performed song "Wizard - Defending" (dress a wig, dress, like the artist and sing under the phonogram).

H: Oh and I love the Allochka.

A: Nikolai let's closer to business.

N: Sergey Zverev arrived to us(comes out student)
Suggest he wants you

How to dress for lesson

Everyone here is a teacher.


For a teacher, the most fashionable trend in fashion is a pointer. She must be bright
expressed in your silhouette. It should be slimming, pulling the figure to a certain height, which the Ministry of Enlightenment cannot financially decide on this height.

Each of the teachers in this solemn year of fashion dictates to reduce the size of a class magazine and reporting, it is better to replace them with a fashionable larger and hat, which gives the image a romance and mystery.

All models are a joke!

To us at least for a minute

It became joyful to live.

You need to be friends with fashion!

A: Two old women - ears on top
About the "Teacher's Day" found out

On the rocket at the school

Gossip collected.

N: New Russian grandmas come for you

Comic scene "Two old women" (executables high school students)

- Do you know Matrius
- Did you hear, barking?
- Yes, let me say first, and then I will remember the year?
- And what to remember - the day "teachers" is called.
- How? How to call?
- "Teacher's Day", and why do you need? You don't seem to go to school, first-graders have long scored.
- What did they say?
- Yes, "scored" say.
- Yes, I see "altered", and then they tell all teachers a prize on this day gave: you want to take the currency or a cottage in Spain!
- Do not Donimimai, not Donimimai!
- Whom "Donimimai"? You better listen to yes, you understand.
- I understand, I understand. And what do you have to teachers, well, tell me soon!
- Yes, they offered me this year to teach school.
- What to give?
- Do not give, but teach. Oh, I'm the order of the order: in the corner of peas I smell on the knees of mischievous. I will make them listen to them. The strap will bring more, I will discuss the entire school! Immediately learn to learn and get the award to me.
- Yes, you will be awarded, in a mental hospital, for sure, we will fit.
- Yes, leave! Let me dream, teachers at least once become.
- So grief - teachers are blocked all the ways! It is necessary to go ca and patient to the hearts of schoolchildren.
- And the belt in the hand carry!

Remove glasses, scarves and say both:
Hard to bring us up all
Yes, and knowledge to give us.
So give the strap ...
And since seriously - teachers all a bow (bow to teachers)

(Nikolai comes out and sings)

Boy walks near the school and does not know how to enter,
Because in our school door all samples.
And who knows it, which makes it plotting.
What makes it plotting and who knows it.

A: And Kolya knows about everything Pavel Globa. And today, for you a cute teacher, he will speak with his astrological forecast.

Globa: Store the constellation of creativity hours.

And who is our first in the zodiac?

On the day of the holiday, the scales are dominated,

Today we are all in your sign.

You are waiting for a happy time

Pupils will give fame,

You all will be right.

You are waiting for duty in the morning,

You are waiting for bouquets, understanding

And nationwide recognition!

But weigh everything everywhere, always

You say your star!

Our zodiac continues

Neat strict virgin.

This branch is a special sign,

By birth, our branch - Virgo.

This is logic, thoughts of slimness,

And tranquility, thoughts of slimness,

And calm, and perseverance.

Devs year of change will give

(And the lessons will give too).

Virgin Success will calculate

We will be successful to share!

Adventure, bright scorpion!

And who unites him?

On the screen our scorpions,

But they do not get tagged at all!

Love everyone and help everyone.

Waiting for you travel, rewards,

And victories in contests are waiting for you.

You will all be infinitely happy

And for the work you will be rejected by the stars!

Sagittarius shoot exactly, deftly, Male,

We very quickly understand them.

And clearly write everything in the airtal cells

For all Favorites, dear.

You teach us a goal setting.

Thank you very much! Indeed,

It is so important to detect the goal in life!

And you will give the stars onions and arrows,

So, a new big deal!

Capricorn - people are the most stubborn

And always strive only up.

Waiting for them soon new expanses,

Waiting for fun, joy, happiness, laughter.

On weekends is waiting for a legal rest,

Well, the branches are waiting for students -

New knowledge new sprouts

And reward by the end of the year!

And we note you, friends

To remember always

Our director is Capricorn,

Therefore, there is a strict.

Humorifying Aquarius,

With you difficulty we will easily overcome.

You are attentive and you wise

Ignite bonfires in souls!

Despite the fact that you are aquatic

You do not pour out extra water!

Let it be pouring life to you not

And will give a wonderful year.

Calm fish, funny fish,

You can certainly be birds

After all, your creativity is a flight!

You teach us expanding consciousness,

How can one other use knowledge.

And what is you in the coming advancing?

Of course, love is undoubtedly success,

Lack of disassembly interference .

Aries - adventurers,

Restless, bright, fast.

Life will give you a bouquet of entertainment,

Life fireworks festive shoot.

Your stubbornness is our diligence,

Be stubborn, be persistent.

We are in your thoughts and in your heart

We are grateful for it very much.

Romantic dreamers Tales

You teach us fantasy, and by the way,

All Tales - Beautiful Fathers

And beautiful, of course, mother.

Let harmony go to your house

Let dream of dreams, desire,

And when we enter into classes to you,

You give us your knowledge!

Gemini - great actors,

You change so deft, soon

You are an example, how to live in Ladu with yourself!

Waiting for you all doubly:

Control, classes

And extracurricular activities!

(Prizes are doubly waiting for spring).

Your birthday, crayfish, in summer.

What can we say about this?

You do not carry the work of the cakes

And pies to colleagues are not baked.

It is a pity that you do not give flowers ...

So, it should be especially congratulated!

We are very glad that you are with us,

Happiness - to be your disciples!

Tsar Beast, Zlatogryvy Lion!

This intelligent, proud cat

Charming everyone

It can pour a little paw.

But behind him, for the king, everywhere:

In the lesson, on the road, in the fun -

Unavailable in any trouble

We are definitely all doubts.

Lions! You are waiting for golden days,

They will soon come!

Dear all lions and all lionesses,

Congratulations, want to bow!

N: how our teachers are not aging, who, despite their age, continue their pedagogical watch. Not knowing fatigue, they flutter on schools, teach children, giving them the warmth of their hearts.

A: still wings, like these birds,
And with ease to rise in the pinema.
But how much do not drink good songs!
You missed children's fate
Through yourself, experiencing flour,
Mobilizing yourself to fight
Drain of chalk labor hands ...
And how many roads have passed!
Obrarates invisible how much was taken!
And how much tears is shed ... God knows,
In addition, the minimum salary.
You like a hero - comparing I'm not afraid
Do not stop your way on the road ...
I worship you low today
This can only make gods!

N: God in our school can be called any teacher, but among them I would like to allocate pedagogical veterans. This is first FULL NAME (congratulations to the anniversaries)

A: On the eve of any holiday, each of us believes in miracles. We are not wizards, we just learn and try to fulfill your desires.

(teachers' desires)

H: With great pleasure, we fulfill the desire of every teacher of our team.

(Hood. number)

A: And I go so all in Dolce Gabbana. I go so all on the heart of the wound.

N: (surprised) Oksana, what's wrong with you? People look at you. Why there are teacher people there.

A: Yes, I am now behind the scenes with Verka Serdyuchka met. But, by the way, she.

Verka Serduchka: Hello everyone! Happy holiday of you expensive teachers. I wish you all, everything, everything and let everything you feel.

(the phonogram of the song "Everything will be fine")

N: But how to congratulate all teachers,

So that everyone felt love, attention?

So that everything is warm and cheerful,

How to express your confession?

A: We are grateful to you, we are true to you,

We know: the teacher is not easy!

About students all your dreams,

And they are spying the stars in the window.

Homoring "Speech by Prime Minister"

Good evening!

I want to congratulate all the teachers with a professional holiday! And tell the fairy tale. A fairy tale for adults .. "Red Hood".

He lived - there was a red hat. Once he sent a red hat to her grandmother to take her pies. A red cap is running along a path. By the way, the paths in Ulan - Ude and in its surroundings, as in other dense regions of Russia, do not correspond to state road standards, which cannot be said about the ideal German paths.

There is a red hat in the forest - to meet her gray wolf.

"Where are you going?" - He asks the girl.

In accordance with the law, the gray wolf should first introduce themselves, to present a certificate. A red hat had a complete right not to answer the question, but she entered into a conversation with him, as a result of which the gray wolf learned about her intentions.

Dear adults! In order to secure your children, remind them of the inadmissibility of communicating with strangers.

A wolf came running to the grandmother's house, ate my grandmother and poured.

Red cap, carelessly singing, knocked on the door.

"Jerny for the rope" - answered the head of the gray wolf.

Comrades! In the yard of the 21st century. The system "Rope - Door" is hopelessly outdated. I appeal to Anatoly Borisovich Chubais: "To how long?" In Germany, photo-elements have long been installed. By the way, I do not know about them.

Red hat, going, did not recognize the grandmother.

"Why do you have such big teeth?" She asked.

The answer is obvious. There is a successfully conducted reform in medicine. First of all, it spreads on persons of retirement age.

"Why do you have such big eyes?" - The red hat continues to be surprised.

But then the answer is predictable. Great surprised eyes as a reaction to the fact that the reform really works.

A gray wolf attacked on a red hat and ate her.

At this time, the woodcutters were passed by, then you mean inconspicuous former students. The question of idle rowers, I mean students, rose to the Ministry of Education. A certain work was carried out, in particular the introduction of a rather rating system significantly reduced their ranks.

Fortunately, the hunters passed by the grandmother and her granddaughter.

For all this fun we forgot about our pies. It should be noted that lately, on the path of transit of pies in the hungry student stomachs, it is observed that someone eats filling or just overlooking. We must take care that the delicious nutritious calorie food in time, safe and preservation, has fallen not only to European grandmothers, but also to our children.

Happy holiday!

(All artists come out)

A: You congratulate you on the teacher's Day!
We wish you health, a lot of strength.
Do not smoke in children with "tormenting",
From them to every good one.

N: more so that of your school
The children stepped into the world of science.
Let them pass on the registry
More knowledge, golden hands.

Pugacheva: Let's carry in life, as if banner,
Valued in school,
They will apply them in cases skillfully
So that you were proud of them boldly.

Verka Serduchka: Live for a long time, do not spare forces,
So that every student from school worked
A ticket to life and memory is better about you,
About how he became his own class ...

Matryon: Let the failures do not break you
More will be the gifts of fate.
You wish you smile more often
And your all adversity forget.

Flowers: Long years and success in work
Wish you all the children want
Let successful many years
Together with the birds of happiness fly!

(All together sing the song "We wish you happiness")

We will tell you how to organize a teacher's day at school and offer to your attention the scenario of the festive program for the day of the teacher.

The organization of the holiday, of course, is entirely entrusted to students and their parents.

First of all, they produce a wall newspaper: on the sheet of Watman, children are walked by flomuses, they put their palms, inside their photos at the most gentle age (1-2 years) and they write short congratulations to wishes. If your palms make multicolored, the newspaper will be elegant and festive. You can declare a competition for the most unusual title.

Next, children come up with questions for interviews and questions about school and class for the game "Merry Exam". In addition, they tried to find out imperceptibly to know what songs, poems like them to the teacher (meaning a class teacher), and prepare a concert surprise.

The holiday begins with a school bell. Elegant children standing behind their own parties, welcome teachers. Everyone in the hands of a flower (live or made with their own hands). They are in turn approach to the teacher, give the flower and give their congratulations in the usual or poetic form. Then the lessons start, on which everyone is trying to be active, attentive, neat to emphasize the festivity of the moment. After lessons in the class, parents come, and perhaps graduates of past years. The festive program begins.

Children summarize the teacher to the newspaper and ask for photos to learn their students and read their wishes and congratulations.

Then the teacher sit in the center of the class and take interviews. After the interview, it should call the most interesting, in her opinion, the question.

Questions may be such:

When did you want to become a teacher? Where did you study?

How did you study at school? What do you remember from school life?

What subjects were loved?

How old are you working at school?

Do you worry before the first meeting with the class?

What did you think going on the first lesson?

What do you like and what do not like in your work?

Your favorite writer, film, color, music, season of year ...

What do you think going to school? And from school?

You have long been working at school and class. Check if you know them well.

How many floors at school? How many windows in the classroom? How many steps should be overcome to get to school?

Where is the table in the director's office? WEAP? What is the name of a school buffet?

Who in our class is interested in sports, music ... IT. d.

At the end of this interview, children wish their teacher of all the most kind, light, joyful, so that work brings less chagrins, and more good luck, new discoveries and that the children pleased with their efforts, creativity, desire to learn!

After that, all together are sent to the assembly hall, where they will be held activity Dedicated to the teacher's day.

The program for the day of the teacher "Big Question"

Guests and invited occupy places behind the tables under the melody of school songs. Sound fanfares. Leading (young man and girl) come to the scene.

Junior . Good afternoon, dear teachers!

Girl. Talented and wise!

Young man. Young and creative!

Girl. With the rustling of gold foliage, the October sunny day comes to you a professional holiday.

Young man. We cordially congratulate you, our dear teachers, Happy Teacher's Day!

Girl . We are glad to welcome you in this beautiful hall, where the atmosphere of something magical and extraordinary reigns!

Young man. You, whose proud name teacher, accept this program as a gift!

Girl. All teachers in their lessons ask us every day, disciples, questions and teach us to find answers.

Young man. And today we will change roles, asking you tricky, about very complex questions!

Girl. The scene is invited ... (name of the patronymic of the teacher).

Young man. Will (and. Oh.) Perhaps to stand on one leg for one minute?

Girl. This is our big question. Who considers that can, raise the red card, and who does not agree with that - blue.

(The presenter causes a table near the coupling of two opponents: with a blue card and red.)

Junior (referring to opponents). And now justify your point of view.

(Answers sound.)

Girl. Attention, time went!

(Participant for a minute stands on one leg.)

Girl. In this dispute won (a) ... Our winner receives a prize, and the loser must enter the image of the school cleaner and to portray this role throughout the holiday. In this you will help props: bathrobe, bucket with water, mop. Dress up and proceed to your duties.

Junior . Our program continues, and on the scene is invited (name for the patronymic of the teacher).

Girl. Will (and. Oh.), Chew a chocolateer, at the same time expressively read the poem?

Young man. This is the next big question.

Who agrees? Who is against? Raise cards. (Two are invited to the scene.) Justify your choice.

(The participant eats chocolate, at the same time reading any poem.)

Girl . The winner receives a prize, and the loser will be at the time school call, noting all the subsequent questions and the most interesting moments of the program with a sliding Trell! Start!

Young man.

Can he repeat dance movements that our presenter will show?

Girl. Who thinks he can, raises a red card who believes that there is no, blue. (Two are invited to the scene.) Justify your choice.

(The girl shows dance movements, the teacher repeats.)

Junior . Our winner gets a prize, and the loser on the stage inflates balloons - the more, the better.

Girl. The scene is invited (name for the patronymic of the teacher).

Can ... inflate a bubble from chewing gum?

Young man.

(The participant is trying to inflate a bubble of chewing gum.)

Girl. The winner is a prize, and the loser will perform a raid "Clean - a guarantee of health!". Your task is throughout the holiday to bypass those present with the verification of the cleanliness of shoes, hands, clothes, necks, ears, etc. and at the request of the leading periodically report on the results of the work done.

Junior . The scene is invited (name for the patronymic of the teacher).

Will the participant of our contest for 10 seconds to say 10 compliments to itself?

Girl. Who agrees? Who is against? (Two are invited to the scene.) Justify your choice.

(Member pronounces complements within 10 seconds.)

Young man. The winner is a prize, and the loser is such a task. On the street autumn, slush, we are not enough solar heat. On our holiday you will be a sun. Every two minutes you must report that you warm us with your warmth, so that we really felt it warm. Key phrase: "I am the sun!"

Girl. The scene is invited (name for the patronymic of the teacher).

Can our next participant with blindfolding to attach elephant (plane image on the easel) tail to the appropriate place?

Young man. Who agrees? Who is against? (Two are invited to the scene.) Justify your choice.

(The participant with blindfolders tries to attach elephant tail.)

Girl. The winner receives a prize, and the loser on the stage folds from the paper of the airplane and let them in the hall throughout the holiday.

Junior . Let us summarize and check our participants with our tasks, and thank them with applause! And now we want to show you a small musical on the topic of the teacher's conversation and the student performed by our students.

Teacher. (sings on the motive of the song "I can't otherwise").

There is no alarms nor sleep, no day.

Much work means ...

You for three twins forgive me,

I could not otherwise ...

I'm not afraid of the offense and quarrels,

In the river offense kanet ...

And in the diary such a space,

And on the top five.

You get sick - I will come,

Personally put the mustarder.

I can do everything, everything can

You will have an excellent student.

Student (sings on the motive "Marsham Installer").

Not good, not excellent,

But there are no bitter, as not!

We are healthy and without mustard pieces,

Teachers - big hello!

Teacher. (sings on the motive of the song "Letter" from the repertoire of Deter).

I want to ask you now

I want to figure out what's the matter,

Help me, help me.

I want my soul too.

A student (sings on the motive of the song "Those necessary").

Do not look at me, oh no need, no need,

And your brains are my not alarming.

You tell me how to me - what are it necessary, what are it necessary

Maybe I will say, what do you like.

Teacher. (sings on the motive of the song "Winter in the heart" from the repertoire of the group "Guests from the Future").

From your bobs,

From your spine

The whole school is crying

And we are heading both.

I will calm

From this word you

When suddenly you decide

Smart to become again.

Take the spur

From her desk -

I'm already very strict.

From his party

Remove the spur!

You hear me, yes?

Student (sings on the motive of the song "What did you mean?" From the repertoire of the group "Accident").

I visited the library for a last winter,

The next day I did not consider myself a bald.

I learned two formulas, the definition is one,

And having listened to me, for some reason you said: "Nothing!"

I understood it is a hint! I'm still catching on the fly,

But it is not clear what exactly did you mean?

So I did not understand what you meant

So I did not understand what you meant!

No, it is not clear what you meant!

Well, exactly what did you mean?

What did you mean, what did you mean, what did you have? ..

Teacher. (sings on the motive of the song "Without me" from the repertoire A. Pugacheva).

I know, cute, I know that with you:

You again did not learn lesson.

And hopefully maybe in vain

Yet I will ask you, my friend.

(Selects the cheat sheet at the student.)


Without a crib to answer you

At all, it is not easy.

Without a crib of sickly bird i

I am flying with one wing.


Do not look for her, my darling,

Now too late.

You will find her, beautiful my

And we are then singing.

Student (sings on the motive of the song "Oh, full, full of battle").

(Cribs from pockets and sleeves!)

Oh, full of full bat

Rent that you need, do not teach.

Oh why so cruelly you

Two put a spur.

Teacher. (sings on the motive of the song "Investment" from the repertoire of the group "Beetles").

I had an opinion: without any doubt,

Full all inability and ignorance nothing, but!

Based on behavior, an impression is created:

Remove into the corridor to you, oh, it's time for a long time!

Together. Oh, wider than the Universe Mount My

Ohh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh.

Student (sings on the motive of the song "Sorry, believe me" from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva).

It happened, it can be seen, it is fate

Without a diploma - neither there or here.

It can be seen, knowledge come only once,

I understand only now!

What in the light of all is more expensive to you?

I will answer, nothing is melting:

School and teacher.

Sorry, believe me - I apologize now.

Sorry, believe me - smarter and better I will become now!


And I will not let go anywhere!

Girl and young man (together). We love you, teachers! Happy holiday to new meetings!