What does blood mean during pregnancy. Bleeding with mechanical damage to the cervix. What to do with bleeding

We all feel a surge of anxiety and anxiety at the sight of blood, some even start to panic in this case. Needless to say about a woman when she notices blood during pregnancy. Here and panic, and anxiety, and worries, everything is inherent and this is quite natural, because first of all she worries about her child. Fortunately, not all bleeding is a scary sign, but such phenomena should not be ignored either.

Causes of bleeding in pregnant women and their consequences.

In the short term, in the first trimester, minor bleeding may be normal. While the egg is taking root, it prepares a place for itself, as if scraping it, as a result of this, small spotting may appear. They should not be profuse, sometimes they can be accompanied by small cramps, but this should not scare you. Although, in order to calm yourself and not create an atmosphere of anxiety, go to the doctor in order to fully find out the cause of the bleeding and exclude possible pathologies.

If you have previously experienced cervical erosion, then during pregnancy it may well begin to bleed due to increased blood flow to the uterus. Also, benign polyps can form in the cervix, which can provoke minor bleeding. During pregnancy, they may disappear, but this does not harm you or your baby in any way.

But there are situations in which you need to be wary, because blood during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, may appear as a warning. This can be with the threat of miscarriage, in which case the bleeding is quite long, often accompanied by aching and pulling pains in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. But in some cases, they can be painless, and only a medical examination, which is done in a timely manner, is able to establish a threat and prevent a sad outcome of pregnancy, if you turn to specialists in time.

Ectopic pregnancy and oncological problems, as well as a severe form of cervical pathology, varicose blood vessels of the external genital organs, can begin with bleeding. All these unpleasant factors can be detected only by contacting a doctor in time.

An especially dangerous cause of bleeding during pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when the functions of the fallopian tubes are impaired or too weak to push the fertilized egg into the uterus, and it is quite capable of taking root "along the way", in the cervix, for example.

If this pregnancy is not detected in time, it can cause great harm to the woman's health, as well as carry a potential threat to her life. After all, a developing embryo, if not removed in time, can damage or rupture the cervix, which can lead to both large blood loss and the risk of infection. Therefore, for any symptoms, even if it is a simple, non-painful bleeding or ailments during bleeding, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor without wasting time. You will be sure to carry out all the necessary examinations and tests to determine how dangerous this situation is, how the pregnancy proceeds, whether there is a threat of miscarriage and other related factors. If any of the above is confirmed, you will be provided with medical assistance and supervision in order to protect you and your baby from threats to the maximum, so do not be afraid, almost any situation can be corrected if you do not delay the trip to the hospital and contact in time to doctors, and not try to find out the cause yourself.

Any discharge from the genital tract of any intensity is called bleeding. They can be very slight (smearing), medium or strong. The color of the discharge can be bright red, pink, brown, or nearly black. In addition to blood, clots and pieces of tissue can be released.

The severity of the condition does not always correspond to the severity of the bleeding. Sometimes it can happen that blood is retained inside the uterus or between its wall and the placenta, and very little discharge comes out. With large blood loss, symptoms such as severe weakness, dizziness, and nausea appear.

The possible causes of bleeding are very diverse and depend on the length of the pregnancy. In the first trimester (1-3 months), they are completely different than in later periods.

Since any bleeding during pregnancy can be dangerous, you should see your doctor right away if you have any bloody vaginal discharge.

Early pregnancy bleeding

This is any spotting in the first three months of pregnancy. Their strength can be different - from smearing to plentiful, with blood clots. Quite a common problem in early pregnancy, occurs in 20-30% of cases.

Possible reasons:

  • Implantation bleeding is a small release of blood droplets at the time of implantation (attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall). It is absolutely normal, but it is often confused with menstruation, since it occurs around the time they were supposed to come. Often this leads to embarrassment and incorrect setting of the gestational age.
  • The threat of miscarriage (miscarriage) is the most common cause of bleeding in the first trimester, accounting for up to 50% of all bleeding in the early stages. It is manifested by the discharge of blood from the vagina or cramping pain in the abdomen. The embryo still remains in the uterus, which can be determined on, but the outcome of pregnancy is in question. The threat of miscarriage can be the result of infection (most often genitourinary infections), the use of certain medications, dehydration, physical injury, as well as a consequence of abnormalities in the development of the embryo.
  • Full - if a miscarriage has already occurred, then the abdominal pain gradually subsides, the discharge stops, the cervix is ​​closed, and its cavity looks empty on ultrasound. The reasons for this are the same as the threat of miscarriage. With a complete spontaneous miscarriage, there is usually no need to cure the uterus.
  • Incomplete miscarriage (abortion in progress) - the ongoing release of blood, clots and pieces of tissue from the genital tract. At the same time, on examination, the doctor can determine that the cervix is ​​still open, while with a complete miscarriage, it closes. Chances of maintaining pregnancy during abortion are no longer in use, tk. the embryo has already died. It is often necessary to scrap the uterus to avoid infection or heavy bleeding.
  • - may not give any symptoms, but more often there are scanty spotting, abdominal pain, breast reduction and softening. The causes of a frozen pregnancy are most often in genetic abnormalities of the embryo. An ultrasound scan and a blood test will help confirm the diagnosis. In this case, the management tactics can be different: to wait for a spontaneous miscarriage or to carry out curettage.
  • Bubble drift is an abnormal development of pregnancy, when unformed tissue grows instead of an embryo, it can also manifest itself as bleeding in the first trimester. The reasons for this deviation are not fully understood. In most cases, cystic drift is not dangerous for the mother. Sometimes its cells can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, but in this case, the disease responds well to treatment.

Bleeding in late pregnancy

In late pregnancy, bleeding is always a sign of some kind of problem, and after 28 weeks it is already an emergency.

The causes of bleeding in the second and third trimesters are different than in the early stages. Most often this is a problem with the placenta. The main ones are:

  • Placenta previa is an abnormal position of the placenta in the uterus close to the entrance to it (uterine pharynx). As a result of prenatal changes in the muscle layer of the uterus, the thin wall of the lower part cannot hold the placenta, and its small detachments occur. In 70% of cases, this manifests itself as painless bleeding, in 20% it is accompanied by cramping abdominal pain. In 10% of cases, there are no manifestations, and blood accumulates between the placenta and the wall of the uterus.
  • Abruption of the placenta - with this rare complication (probability 1: 200), the normal placenta suddenly begins to get rid of the walls of the uterus even before the onset of labor or at the very beginning. The reasons are unknown, may accompany a severe course of gestosis and preeclampsia. The most common manifestation is dark vaginal discharge with blood clots, abdominal pain, increased uterine tone. Fortunately, complete abruption is rare and generally affects only a small part of the placenta. At the same time, the condition of the fetus can be different, it must be constantly monitored in order to carry it out on time, if necessary.
  • Bleeding from the vessels of the fetus. Occurs in 1: 1000–1: 5000 cases. It can be caused by a tear in the umbilical cord or vessels of the membranes of the fetus. The baby's heartbeat first increases, and then its frequency drops as blood is lost. The doctor decides how to continue the pregnancy and childbirth, depending on the situation.

Causes of bleeding not related to pregnancy

In addition to these reasons, the appearance of bloody discharge can be caused by reasons not directly related to pregnancy:

  • Injuries to the genital tract, such as cracks after intercourse;
  • Bleeding from varicose veins in the vagina;
  • Diseases of the cervix and vagina: erosion, polyps, cracks, etc.;
  • Genital tract infections - most often genital infections, as well as fungal infections;
  • Hereditary diseases such as hemophilia are very rare, in one case in 10,000. Usually they manifest themselves long before pregnancy and the expectant mother already knows about them.

Prevention of bleeding

Unfortunately, in the first trimester, the developing embryo is affected by a lot of negative factors, each of which can cause developmental disruption. In addition, do not forget that very often miscarriages occur due to genetic abnormalities in the fetus, and this does not depend on you.

If you do all of the above, as well as maintain close contact with your doctor, you will do everything that depends on you for your baby, and you will definitely be fine.

Bloody vaginal discharge during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is always very troubling for women. And this is, in general, correct. Bleeding in such a situation can be a symptom of quite serious diseases and pathologies. However, is bleeding in early pregnancy always dangerous?

Of course not. Bloody discharge can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which are not at all dangerous. Below is a detailed explanation of all the causes that can cause bleeding during pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding is considered by some specialists to be one of the first signs of pregnancy. In any case, before implantation occurs, there can be no other signs, since the fertilized egg does not come into contact with the mother's body before and is, as it were, suspended in the uterus.

During implantation, the ovum that penetrates into the lining of the uterus can damage a small blood vessel, resulting in minor bleeding in the first month of pregnancy.

Usually, implantation occurs about 25-28 days of the cycle, that is, approximately when the next menstruation should begin. It is with menstrual bleeding that implantation is most often confused, because usually a woman simply does not know about pregnancy during this period.

However, the nature of the discharge during this period differs significantly from the monthly one. The discharge is much less abundant, and usually lasts 1-2 days. There is no increase in bleeding, as with menstruation.

Breakthrough bleeding

Breakthrough bleeding is the bleeding that occurs as a result of the hormonal breakthrough of the menstrual cycle. Due to a sharp change in hormonal levels at the beginning of pregnancy, in conjunction with minor hormonal disorders, in some cases bleeding occurs, coinciding in terms with menstruation, but much less abundant than menstrual bleeding.

Such bleeding can be repeated not only in the first month, but also several more times. Because of this, some women do not even know about their pregnancy until 3-4 months. Actually, this explains why it is impossible to navigate in the diagnosis of pregnancy only on the delay in menstruation, you always need to pay attention to several signs.

Breakthrough bleeding also does not pose a particular danger, and is not a symptom of the disease.

Infections and erosion as causes of early bleeding

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the cervix and cervical canal can also cause bleeding in early pregnancy. In this case, smearing discharge will appear after any traumatic action: sex, examination by a gynecologist, physical exertion, and so on.

This group of causes of bloody discharge during pregnancy can include, for example, erosion of the cervix. This phrase hides damage to the mucous membrane of the neck, which can be both congenital and acquired as a result of various diseases of injuries.

In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. However, in some cases, bleeding and pain also occur.

Erosion does not affect pregnancy, fetal development or childbirth in any way. Therefore, some doctors argue that there is no need to treat it during pregnancy. Other experts insist that it is still worth treating erosion. The decision, of course, will still be the woman herself. Study the information, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision: whether to treat erosion immediately, or wait until the end of pregnancy.

With an infection, there is no choice. If the bleeding is caused by an infectious disease, it must be treated. Moreover, as quickly as possible. Almost all infections have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. In the most unpleasant cases, changes can make the fetus unviable and cause a miscarriage.

Usually, infections are advised to be treated before pregnancy, but this is not always done. And no one is immune from infection after conception.

Risk of miscarriage

The most serious and unpleasant cause of bleeding, and at the same time, unfortunately, not the rarest one is. Behind this phrase lies a whole galaxy of causes and diagnoses, some of which leave future parents at least a ghostly hope of preserving the pregnancy, some of which are a verdict.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, it depends on which side you look at: most early miscarriages occur in the first 4 weeks, when a woman simply does not know about her pregnancy. On the one hand, in this case, the hope for the preservation of pregnancy falls, and on the other, the woman has not yet got used to, and has not even begun to get used to, the idea that she will become a mother.

The chances of fetal survival are also minimal if genetic abnormalities are the cause of the miscarriage. In such a situation, the mother's body rejects the non-viable fetus. Often the miscarriage begins after the death of the fetus.

Various chronic and infectious diseases of the mother, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, hormonal disruptions, Rh-conflict and so on can also become the cause of the threat of miscarriage. The risk of facing the threat of miscarriage increases with age, as well as with multiple pregnancies. Women who smoke, drink and use drugs are also at risk.

What to do with bleeding?

As you can see, bleeding does not always indicate any serious threats and diseases. However, this does not mean that when bloody discharge appears, you can afford to relax and not worry.

A doctor must be consulted in any case. It is unlikely that a woman will be able to diagnose herself without making a mistake. Is it worth risking your child, and your health, and not rarely your life.

If, nevertheless, it turns out that we are talking about the threat of miscarriage, then it depends on how quickly the woman gets to the doctor whether it will be possible to maintain the pregnancy. In addition, if the bleeding is not stopped in time, not only the embryo, but also the pregnant woman may suffer.

When bloody discharge appears, it is necessary call an ambulance and lie down... Peace is the most important recommendation, which should not be violated in any case.

Getting to the hospital on your own is also not recommended. Walking and traveling on public transport is a very serious burden when you suspect a threat of miscarriage.

When the woman is taken to the hospital, the first step is to take steps to stop the bleeding. Then they will do tests and conduct the necessary research to identify the cause of the threat of miscarriage. Based on the data received, treatment will be prescribed.

Depending on the severity of the woman's condition, she may be allowed to go home for treatment, or she may be offered to stay in the hospital. You shouldn't refuse. Few people manage to truly maintain peace at home. And not all procedures can be done at home.

The main thing in this situation is not to be nervous. Excessive nervousness can aggravate the situation. As a rule, if a woman consults a doctor in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be maintained.


The first and also the last trimester of pregnancy is probably the most dangerous periods when a variety of complications can actually develop, including both vaginal and vaginal. I must say that the normal reaction of any sane woman to the sight of blood is, of course, alertness and anxiety. However, believe me, not at all any bleeding that occurred at the beginning of pregnancy points directly to abnormalities and often does not even require medical intervention. Moreover, it is precisely in minor bleeding that this is quite normal, and they, of course, should not cause serious concern to the expectant mother.

The reasons for this bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy may well be very different: so small fragments of the uterine wall itself may well simply be rejected, causing small, usually brown, brown or even red. In the normal, that is, normal state, these discharge, of course, should not be abundant, but sometimes they can also be accompanied by small spasms. One way or another, you would still want to see a doctor and make sure that the fetus is developing absolutely normally.

And also another fairly common and frequent cause of such bleeding in the early stages may also be: because of the increased blood flow directly to the uterus, its cervix may well begin to bleed a little. And besides erosion, bleeding can also be caused by some completely harmless tumors that grow directly in the uterus or in the cervix. However, it must be said that bleeding in this case is quite insignificant and is never accompanied by strong pain. Such unambiguously benign polyps can either simply be removed, or even fall off on their own, but their removal itself, as a rule, does not harm the course of this pregnancy.

There are also cases when bleeding in the first trimester must necessarily bother the expectant mother. Sometimes, with a slight discharge, serious serious complications begin, for example, spontaneous miscarriage or even, and sometimes even oncological neoplasms. Even the bleeding itself may also indicate the development of some rather severe pathology of the cervix itself, or varicose blood vessels of the external genital organs, or vaginal infection.

But the most difficult complication of pregnancy itself is, of course, spontaneous. And here it just begins with minor bleeding, which at first may be insignificant and even painless, but when it lasts for a long time, then, in the end, it will be accompanied by some unpleasant sensations.

Another cause of bleeding in pregnant women themselves may also be an ectopic pregnancy. For example, not being noticed in time can even lead to a rupture of the cervix and then even death. Remember that all these complications are very dangerous, and therefore, with literally the slightest signs of such ailment with bleeding, it will be necessary to immediately contact your doctor. And already on the basis of the examination, as well as the necessary and ultrasound, it will be possible to immediately determine if there is some inflammation that could initially cause such bleeding, and, of course, how the pregnancy proceeds, and if there is a real threat of miscarriage.

Bleeding during pregnancy is a serious threat to the health and life of both the fetus and the mother. Therefore, such a condition cannot be ignored, and when bleeding of any nature appears, seek medical help. It is a discharge of various colors (red, pink, brown) and consistency emerging from the vagina.

According to statistics, bleeding in pregnant women is quite common. This problem affects up to 20% of expectant mothers. In Russia, up to 100 women die every year from bleeding during pregnancy, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can have a number of reasons, these include the following:

    Ectopic pregnancy. It is characterized by the fact that pregnancy occurs and begins to develop outside the uterus.

    A frozen pregnancy in which the fetus dies in the womb.

    Inflammation of the cervix.

    Placental abruption.

    Multiple pregnancy.

    Abdominal trauma.

    Egg implantation to the walls of the uterus.

    Cervical erosion.

    Polyps of the cervical canal.

    Myoma of the uterus.

    Sexual intercourse while carrying a child. It occurs due to irritation of the cervix and vaginal lining.

    Miscarriage. A concomitant symptom of the smearing discharge that has appeared is severe paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen.

    Bubble drift. This is a condition in which tissue overgrowth of the placenta occurs. With it, bleeding is profuse, but there is no pain.

    Fetal malformations.

    Low progesterone levels.

    Bladder infections.

    Placental abruption.

    Premature birth.

    Varicose veins of the vagina.

    A ruptured uterus that occurs late in pregnancy. At risk are women who have undergone a cesarean section, with multiple pregnancies, with scars left after operations.

    Cervical cancer.

Sometimes, invasive gynecological examinations, such as taking blood from the umbilical cord, examining the amniotic fluid (amniocytosis), and fetal chorionic biopsy, can sometimes cause bleeding in a pregnant woman.

Bleeding during early pregnancy

Bleeding in early pregnancy does not always indicate the presence of any pathology, however, such a condition should not be ignored. There are both natural bleeding and those that can pose a serious threat.

Sometimes, at an early stage, when a woman does not yet know that she has become pregnant, a small amount of blood may be released from the vagina. This is due to the fact that the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. During this process, there is a natural rejection of minor elements of the mucous membrane lining it. In connection with such changes occurring in the body, a woman may observe small discharge of brown-brown or red color, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and short-term pain.

Sometimes a little bleeding can occur at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. It does not always indicate a problem. This may happen due to the fact that the woman at this time should have started another menstruation. The hormones that regulate the course of pregnancy naturally interrupt this process. That is why sometimes some blood is released. Such bleeding can sometimes continue up to the 2nd trimester, and therefore, a woman sometimes does not know about her position.

Sometimes early bleeding can result from increased blood supply to the growing uterus. In this case, varicose veins can be observed, polyps can form in the cervical canal. At the same time, the pregnant woman does not feel any discomfort, and doctors do not prescribe treatment.

However, one should not be silent at the next visit to the doctor that bleeding occurred during early pregnancy, since in some cases they are a symptom of serious processes. In this case, both the fetus and the woman herself can suffer.

Sometimes bleeding can occur at 5 weeks of gestation. This may be due to the Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus. It is at this time that the embryo's hematopoietic system is laid, and if an immuno-conflict occurs, this can provoke a miscarriage. If, with smearing secretions and accompanying pains, a woman does not go to the doctor, then most often the pregnancy cannot be prolonged. If the bleeding increases, clots and severe pain appear, this indicates that the miscarriage is already in the process.

At about 6 weeks, sometimes a little earlier or later, bleeding may occur, indicating an ectopic pregnancy, when the ovum is located outside the uterus.

It is impossible to recognize the cause of bleeding on your own, so you need to see a doctor. Moreover, in the early stages, they can indicate both pathological and natural processes.

Ectopic pregnancy bleeding

Ectopic pregnancy refers to a pathological condition and is a complication of pregnancy. It is characterized by the fact that the fertilized egg is attached outside the walls of the uterus. This condition requires urgent hospitalization, as it causes internal bleeding and can be fatal for a woman.

The danger of an ectopic pregnancy is that at the beginning of the birth of life, it is no different from the uterine one. A woman may experience nausea, weakness, breast tenderness.

Typical symptoms begin to appear at a period of 5 to 8 weeks, they are expressed as follows:

    Bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity, since this is where the vessels are damaged. But uterine bleeding can often be observed, which is caused by a sharp drop in progesterone levels. Discharge is usually only slight, sometimes it can resemble menstrual discharge. Profuse bleeding occurs, but is extremely rare.

    The pain is of a different nature, it can be cutting, paroxysmal and aching, localized in the lower abdomen, with subsequent irradiation to the side and the anus.

    If the blood loss is significant, the woman may develop shock. It is characterized by loss of consciousness, pallor, and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

In case of bleeding, a surgical method is always used to remove the ovum. Either only the egg is removed, or the fallopian tube, in case of rupture.

Implantation bleeding is the natural discharge of blood during the early stages of pregnancy. It is due to the fact that the fertilized egg is trying to invade the walls of the uterus. This type of bleeding is not pathological and is not observed in every woman.

The name of this type of bleeding is due to the fact that the introduction of an egg into the walls of the endometrium of the uterus is called implantation. Damaging tissues and blood vessels, the egg hardens inside the body of women, causing bloody discharge. This process takes place on average for 8 days, after the sexual intercourse that has happened, sometimes the process can take up to 12 days. The discharge does not last long, the discharge is observed for 2 hours, no more.

It is important to be able to recognize the signs of implantation bleeding and distinguish it from the onset of menstruation or another type of blood loss.

The fact that the woman began implantation bleeding is indicated by the following:

    The presence of unpleasant, but not too painful sensations in the lower abdomen. They are pulling in nature. Caused by muscle spasms of the uterine muscles.

    A short-term decrease in basal temperature. But this sign is very difficult to track, since the decrease is insignificant and short-lived.

    The bleeding itself is weak, the discharge is more often a light, creamy shade.

    A woman may feel mildly unwell, accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and lethargy. They arise after the implantation of the egg is completed.

    Unlike menstruation, this bleeding is short-lived.

    The color of the discharge will not be as intense.

    The number of such secretions is equivalent to a few drops.

When an ectopic pregnancy occurs, implantation bleeding is slightly different. The woman experiences pain, sharp and paroxysmal. Most often, ectopic implantation is immediately accompanied by dizziness and nausea. During the passage through the fallopian tube, the blood will become dark, therefore, the discharge will acquire a corresponding character.

If the discharge occurred earlier or later than the specified period. Are intense, this may indicate the presence of any other disease. In this case, you need to go to the doctor for advice.

It is problematic to independently determine implantation bleeding using a pregnancy test. As a rule, at such early stages of pregnancy, it does not give a reliable result and it must be done only after the first day of delay in menstruation.

There is a more reliable method for determining the presence of pregnancy - this is blood sampling and an analysis for a specific hormone hCG. When fertilization occurs, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's blood rises. Its release is actively carried out by the membrane of the ovum. This method of determining pregnancy is very reliable and can be carried out as early as 6 days after intercourse. However, it will be more reliable after implantation bleeding has occurred.

If a woman experiences bleeding while carrying a child, it is necessary to act in accordance with the following instructions:

    Profuse blood loss during pregnancy rarely begins abruptly and unexpectedly. Most often, it is preceded by pain and tension in the lower abdomen.

    If a woman finds bloody discharge, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, and before she arrives, lie in bed with a roller under her feet.

    If the arrival of the doctor is delayed for any reason, you need to drink two tablets of No-shpa and valerian extract.

    You should put something cold on your lower abdomen, it can be an ice heater or a bottle of water. But first you need to wrap it with a cloth.

    It is forbidden to use solutions for douching and even wash away so that the doctor can determine the cause of blood loss by the color and nature of the discharge.

    You cannot use a tampon to stop bleeding; in order not to stain your clothes, you should use a sanitary napkin or a clean cloth.

    You cannot use progesterone-based hormones to stop bleeding on your own, without a doctor's prescription. In some cases, they help, but the doctor must determine the cause of the bleeding.

    After the arrival of the ambulance team, the woman will be taken to the hospital and transferred to a specialist for observation.

Depending on what caused the blood loss, the pregnant woman will either be left in the hospital or sent home for treatment. Most often, hemostatic agents (Dicinon, Vikasol, etc.) are used for therapy, which reduce the uterine muscles (oxytocin), and raise the hemoglobin level of funds. Pregnant women are prescribed vitamins and drugs that help strengthen blood vessels - Askorutin.