Playful mood. What men find attractive in a woman

The young man would like to wish in life the strength of the old cognac,

and to the old man - the playfulness and lightness of young wine.

So that teachers do not show excessive severity, in kindergarten

posters hung everywhere: "Without playfulness, life is a prison!"

Playfulness as a personality trait - the tendency to show a playful disposition, mood; frolic, play, show frivolous gaiety, easy playfulness and carelessness, playfulness, flirting and coquetry.

A friend told me. She walked around the city with a friend. Two middle-aged men clung to it. They all sat down on a bench together, chatting. After a while, the girlfriend bent down and a tattoo on her lower back was revealed. Guys playfully say this to my friend: - Girl, do you also have a tattoo? That, sternly: - Yes. - And what is it, - the men ask playfully? - Five domes on the chest. The men got up and left in unison. (The number of domes indicates the number of walkers (convictions), and the period is indicated by the number of windows in the church. There is an explanation that a dome with a cross means a period of "rewound" in full).

Playfulness, like a playful spring stream, is light, pure, transparent, for it draws energy from the sources of the energetically beating keys of the soul. Playfulness is a feminine personality trait, a necessary attribute of femininity. A woman without playfulness, like a stern, non-playful kitten. I have never seen such individuals.

Recently, a toy was invented - Daisy's kitten. So the toy kitten is unusually playful. This adorable playful kitten wants to play with you all day long. Start playing with him, and he will jump, blink, stand on his hind legs, meow like a real kitten.

Playfulness sparkles with a playful, radiant smile, is in a wonderful playful mood, playful thoughts soar in her playful mind, which is reflected in a playful facial expression, playful look, tone, postures and gestures, in a word, everything in her is playful, she is all woven from gaiety, playfulness, playfulness, flirting and coquetry.

Usually, playful women have a delicate taste and love like a mother. When they get married, they give all of themselves to the family. And what is surprising? It seems that she is already settled down by the "title" of his wife, but still a playful girl is in front of her husband. She is both a wife, a girl, a mother, a sister, and a mistress, that is, in playfulness, femininity is manifested as much as possible. Who doesn't like a playful, mischievous wife?

Playfulness does not let the feelings cool down, because the relationship between spouses is built with the help of flirting and playful, cheerful coquetry. The woman skillfully keeps the distance with her husband, not allowing the relationship to develop into a state of saturation, satiety, coldness and alienation, and, at the same time, not opening an absolutely green street in front of them. A man always has to look for ways to remove the last obstacle in order to say to himself: - I have read this book to the end. I know it as a multiplication table. But no matter how hard he tries, playfulness does not allow him to eliminate the last redoubt of resistance. It seems like extreme closeness. An, no. Again, there is some kind of mystery, unpredictability. They are flirting and flirting with you again. Again, you ward off attacks of wit, sense of humor, playfulness and playfulness. In a word, men, as a rule, like playful women, because they make wonderful wives - lovers and wonderful wives - mothers.

The philosopher Osho, having studied the quality of playfulness, wrote: “The moment you begin to see life as frivolity, playfulness, all the burden disappears from your heart. All fears - fear of death, life, love - everything disappears. A person begins to live very easily, almost weightlessly. And if someone becomes weightless, he can fly into the open sky. Zen's greatest contribution is that it creates in you an alternative to the serious person. A serious person created the world, a serious person created all religions. He created all philosophies, all cultures, all morals. Everything that exists around you is the creation of a serious person. Zen has given up the serious world. He created his own world, which is very playful, full of laughter, where even great masters behave like children. "

Often, playfulness is confronted with misunderstanding, lack of sense of humor, inadequate seriousness, and sometimes stupidity and stupidity.

Call. The head of the family opens the door. On the threshold - a mother-in-law who came from afar. Husband (not enthusiastic): - Hello, mom. For a long time to visit us? Mother-in-law (playfully): - Yes, until we get bored. Husband (insincerely upset): - Why, you won't even drink tea?

Boy - girl: - You know, people always cause different feelings in me. Girl, playfully: - And what am I calling? - Humor.

A phone call is heard at the KGB Directorate. The attendant picks up the phone and hears a playful voice: - Hello, oh, is this Naum Yakovlevich? - No, - the duty officer answers, - you got to the wrong place. - Where did I end up? - are just as playfully interested in the phone. - You ended up in the State Security Committee. - In Ke-Ge-Be ?! - a voice stifled in horror came through the receiver. And then there was singing: - The union of the indefensible states of the free was united forever by the great Goose.

Playfulness is an implacable enemy of stress and depression, but it is a friend of optimism and positivism. How to cultivate playfulness in yourself? There are many ways: play more with children, spend more time with them. Children discover the world, look at everything with curiosity, excitement and joy, and you must learn to approach life in an equally more playful manner.

Play with pets, dance, laugh at yourself, tease your friends slightly, play games, participate as much as possible in various sports, tell jokes, make faces in the mirror, watch funny YouTube videos, smile more.

A smelly, shaggy bum is sitting on a bench in the park. A very sexy woman sits on the bench. The homeless man begins to wink at her playfully. The woman jumps up and says with horror: - What are you? I'm a decent woman! - Well, yes, decent. She saw me and immediately jumped into my bunk. Okay, I understand, I can not count on oral sex, - the bum said conciliatoryly and approached the woman with a playful gait ...

Petr Kovalev

We answer the question: how to become feminine in our difficult time? The age-old struggle of women to expand their rights in private and public life has borne fruit. If in Muslim countries, due to religious traditions, the role of women in society is not yet so noticeable, in the rest of the world the situation is different. Women, on an equal basis with men, run business structures and government bodies, earn money and support families. There are undoubtedly positive aspects to this. But a woman who is forced to earn her daily bread herself or even with her husband, to be torn between work and life, to keep up with everything, to keep up with the modern hectic pace of life, often forgets about her nature, about the feminine principle.

And the grandmothers on the benches are surprised: “Why is this such a beauty, clever, successful, accomplished woman still not married or raising a child alone? Probably - walking ... ". But in fact, absorbed in work and problems, this beautiful and clever woman simply cannot attract a man. After all, representatives of the stronger sex want to see in their lady of the heart, first of all, a Woman, whose soft, warm and gentle image caresses the eyes and soul. That is - a man is attracted by femininity.

What is femininity

Femininity- it is far from only biological sex and fertility. This is the ability to maximize your nature, to attract men, while maintaining your strength and independence.

There are several traits that define this true feminine trait:

  • love for oneself, one's appearance, the ability to take care of oneself, it is beneficial to emphasize one's merits and hide flaws;

  • special gait, beautiful posture, good manners;

  • softness and flexibility in communication;

  • the ability to be a playful flirt. However, "portions of coquetry" are dispensed in dosage and always to the point;

  • acceptance of the opposite sex, respect and love for men, the desire to please.

In some, femininity is innate and manifests itself even in childhood. A girl may have a discreet appearance, but they say about her: "She gives off vibes." And if this is not inherent in you at the moment, you should not be upset. More often than not, feminine is not born, but becomes. The main thing is to want.

What to do to become feminine

First you need to accept yourself... To clearly realize that with such an appearance, character, mentality, temperament, you have to live for as many years as you are allowed to. This does not mean that you do not need to engage in self-improvement. But that which cannot be changed in oneself must be accepted and loved.

It is the cultivation of self-love that will be the next step towards the development of femininity. Each time, standing in front of the mirror, mentally say pleasant words to yourself, praise yourself. You can list all your strengths on paper. Rereading them, you will surely be amazed at how beautiful, smart, economic, etc. you are. Emphasize what is better in your appearance than others, what you do better than others. The attitude of those around you depends on your self-esteem.

Love to take care of yourself... Remember that a real woman should look good in any setting, even when she is standing at the stove at home or running around with a mop, even when she takes out the trash can. If you look great at work and in society, in a suit "from a needle", with a spectacular hairstyle, and at home you wander around the apartment in a well-worn terry dressing gown, old slippers and with an unwashed head - you are taking care of yourself not for yourself, but "for window dressing. " This is how many women on maternity leave, spending almost all their time at home with their child, stop taking care of themselves. And then they wonder why their husbands are cheating on them, or even leave.
Do not be lazy to take care of your face and body, be interested in new products in cosmetics and perfumes.

Redefine your wardrobe... What clothes prevails in it? If, apart from a pair of business suits, there are mostly elongated sweaters, shapeless T-shirts and unisex overalls, what kind of femininity can we talk about? Go shopping and treat yourself to graceful dresses, skirts, blouses, and, of course, stiletto heels.
Further, having updated the wardrobe and armed with cosmetics, we create our own image. Finding yourself, creating your own unique image is the task of every woman. Wear clothes that suit you, that flatter your personality. Choose your type of makeup. This, of course, will take some time. Mistakes are also inevitable. But the result will be the harmony of your inner self with your appearance. And femininity implies harmony in everything.

Try to cultivate grace and good manners... This is the key to successful self-presentation. Men believe that the beauty of a woman is shaped not so much by facial features and figure as by gait and posture. If you have hunched shoulders and a "soldier's walk" - if you have a perfect face and a chiseled figure, you will not be attractive.

Get rid of unnecessary movement... Eliminate any unnecessary hand waving, foot tapping on the floor, etc. Any, the most "standard" movement can be performed in different ways. And the opinion about you will depend on how you performed this or that gesture. Movements should be natural, smooth, not fussy, not constrained, but not challenging.

Do not forget pay attention to your self-education and self-development and use the acquired knowledge in communication. At the same time, you should not strain your brain and strive to comprehend what is deeply uninteresting to you. After all, you are not studying in order to impress the opposite sex with your knowledge. Read about what you like. But try to learn something new every day, study, reflect, attend trainings. An interesting person is the one who is constantly developing.

Are of great importance communication skills... In the Middle Ages, it took many years to train courtesans. And one of the important components was teaching the art of communication. These ladies were popular, above all, for their ability to keep the conversation going. And they did it so subtly and tactfully that men felt like real supermen in their company. This allowed courtesans to have famous politicians, writers and artists as their admirers.

Monitor your speech, be able to listen carefully, without interrupting, treat the interlocutor with respect. But at the same time tactfully suppress any attempt to "cry into the vest." Be sociable, but keep your distance. With the arrogant "snow queen" is not very tempting to communicate. But if you are “your friend on the board,” you will be perceived in this way, but not at all as a woman.

And of course, use one of the main female weapons - a smile... But again, remember the relevance. You will smile all the time, or, for example, when you are told about troubles, you will be considered inadequate. Just try to "keep your face" in any situation, it doesn't matter if you are in society or alone. So that this skill is worked out to automatism. After all, if a person has a gloomy expression on his face, knitted eyebrows, a heavy look “to nowhere,” you don't even want to talk to him, let alone communicate. And when the face is open, the look is lively and sparkling, when in all appearance there is an interest in this world and love for it - such a woman becomes magically attractive.

And most importantly - know how to make a man feel his masculine essence. Do not be afraid to show your fragility and defenselessness. Show that you need male help and support.

All this can be achieved through self-discipline, tireless work on yourself. But the effort is worth it! It is not for nothing that psychologists believe: in order for happiness to come to you, you need to create conditions for it. Therefore, change yourself and change the world. And the world will answer you with gratitude.


Be natural and calm. Pretense, sheer falseness that slips in every movement of a woman, can alienate a man and even disgust him. You should not seem too arrogant and arrogant, since the representatives of the stronger sex often do not like this. Use your natural charm to conquer.

Practice facial expressions, gestures and postures in front of the mirror. Decide what style of behavior suits you best. Look for your virtues and learn to emphasize them. If you have beautiful lips and straight white teeth, smile more often. Those with flawless breasts should draw attention to them. For example, you can straighten the necklace or occasionally run your hand along the neckline.

Don't flirt with every man you see. Even if you just want to practice and not get the attention of your secret lover, flirt with only one. Otherwise, you will come across as a frivolous girl.

To get the attention of a man, throw quick glances at him, give him a slight smile. Do not be discouraged if he does not come up to you right away or does not dare to speak to you at all. Maybe your chosen one is not interested in or simply could not understand your signals.

Look a man in the eye, smiling slightly. Your smile should be natural, not forced. From time to time, as if by chance, touch your face, lips with your fingers, correct your hairstyle. Often in such cases, men also want to touch the skin and hair of the girl flirting with them.

If the man speaks to you, keep flirting. Listen carefully to everything that your interlocutor says, demonstrate your interest. Watch his movements and mirror his posture and gestures from time to time. Even if a man does not notice this, his subconscious mind will tell him the meaning of your actions.

To be a real woman, it is not enough to have the appropriate gender. This is an art, mastering which requires considerable effort and knowledge. Many of them are given to a woman from birth, but some are worth finding and developing on their own.


Outgoing inner warmth, softness and - these are qualities that differ from, which, in turn, are aspiring, sharp and focused. A woman who has the warmth of a mother will always be attractive. In order to develop these qualities in yourself, you need to learn to accept everything as it is and with your pride, criticism and categoricalness.

Learn to give thanks. Only that woman who thanks her man for everything he does for her will receive love and generous attention from him. Your loved one bought the wrong products from the store that you wrote to him on the list, you are clearly annoyed, but you need to suppress this negative energy in yourself. A real woman next time will not load her spouse with a detailed list of products, and then check what she has bought with him, but she will say: "Dear, buy everything at your discretion." She will give freedom, and he will gladly use it and bring from the store what you love the most.

Smile. A woman's smile works wonders, and this has been known for a long time. One has only to remember the mysterious Mona Lisa, and you will understand what it is about. The secret is that your smile must come from within, from your heart, and then your whole being will be imbued with a feminine charm that will captivate men's hearts. And in this case, it does not matter if you are a beauty or not, it will be impossible to take your eyes off you.

Love yourself, admire yourself. Without comparing yourself to anyone, admit that you are attractive, beautiful, interesting, that you are full of charm, etc. Most importantly, accept yourself for who you are. Understand that you are unique, and this is your strength.

Energy and strong character are new qualities that were born in the 20th century, and therefore, you should also have them. Your hobbies, goals, dreams, aspirations - all of this should be with you, albeit somewhat on the periphery. Do not forget that the core of your essence should be soft and motherly. The ability to flexibly combine strength and softness is characteristic of precisely those women from whom you need to take an example.

Don't forget about your appearance. The external is a reflection of the internal state, therefore, show all your femininity in your face, figure, outfits, grooming, etc. Take care of yourself, while not losing your naturalness, just emphasize and preserve what nature has given you.

Self-realization in creativity and spiritual practices will reveal true femininity in you. Sign up for dance and yoga classes, paint and try to reflect in your nature. Thanks to these courses, you will discover in yourself that new and unknown, but close and understandable to you, that attracts men so much and makes their hearts beat faster.


  • Individual psychology. How to learn to be a woman. in 2018

In modern life, stress is on our heels. We know that nerve cells do not regenerate, but there is nothing we can do, circumstances often turn out to be superior to us. As a result, we again get nervous, upset, annoyed, explode. We know of some ways to become calmer and more balanced - this is a visit to a psychologist, special diets, meditation and other elements of yoga. All this takes time, patience, and sometimes a lot of money. But there are simple tricks that can be done on the go and you can learn to be calmer.


Breathe correctly. This is the easiest and most affordable way. Have you noticed? - when you are experiencing tension, your breathing becomes rapid, confused, you literally choke. With a strong, even a short-term loss of consciousness is possible. The fact is that at such moments the brain requires more oxygen - give it such an opportunity by changing the nature of breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply. Try to start inhaling from your abdomen, then lift your diaphragm and finally your chest. Count mentally to 3 and exhale in reverse order - first the chest, then the diaphragm and finally the abdomen. Repeat this exercise several times as circumstances permit. The outburst of anger or anxiety will become less acute and painful.

By the way, it is precisely on the breathing exercise that such a method of quick calming, as counting to 10, is based. As long as you count, your breathing evens out. That's the whole secret.

At the moment of the greatest irritation, try to slow down at least half a tone. Psychologists say that the voice comes exclusively from a calm body. A quiet voice is, in fact, a brake that blocks the triggers that lead us to stress and nervous overload. This means that by changing the voice, as well as by changing the breathing, one can also regulate the degree of emotional stress. Everyone knows, for example, how much more obedient children become if they go with them from a soft, quiet voice.

Stop. Slow down your run. Give yourself at least a minute to reflect on life. The one that passes you by while you rotate in the whirlwind of everyday life, full of anxiety, experiences. In a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle, you will see that you are surrounded by a lot of interesting things. Flowers, sky, stars, birdsong and dew on the grass. Anything that cannot be nervous or annoying. Remember that there are many good things in your life - your health, family, loved one, home, dog, your beloved, finally. Instead of getting angry and, calm down and thank fate for what you have.

Limit the amount of information you consume every day. An overabundance of information makes your head a mess, and with it anxiety and irritation. It is necessary to reduce the number of viewed newspapers and websites, television channels. The world will not suffer from this (yours included), but the order in the head will be added. And with him and calm.

Smile. Even when you are pissed off or very agitated. A smile tends to turn from tortured to sincere. It has long been known that a person physically cannot be angry or depressed if his face is wearing a mask of a cheerful person. More positive and optimistic, and no amount of anxiety can break through.

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Any girl owns the art of coquetry to one degree or another. Coquetry is magic with which you can enchant a man, drive him crazy. An enigmatic smile, a casual look and body movements can tell a man much more than ordinary words. But how do you learn to flirt so that it is natural and does not look vulgar?


Be confident, but not arrogant or arrogant. This behavior is unlikely to create a positive impression of you. Shyness is also unlikely to be appropriate in this case. If you are not sure about any of your movements, the expression of your eyes, or, then it is better to rehearse them first at home in front of a mirror.

Be natural. Too simulated movements, excessive cutesiness, excessive talkativeness are more likely to repel than entice. Before you decide to flirt, evaluate yourself from the outside, which behavior suits you best? If you are calm and reasonable in life, then the pretense, giggle, lisp will obviously look stupid. In this case, a slight smile, a mysterious look will be more successful.

You should not flirt with everyone in a row, choose one man and flirt with him. If you pay attention to everyone in a row, you risk earning a not very good reputation. And as a result, you will stay.

Listen carefully to the interlocutor. While communicating with him, you can even copy his head tilt, body position, or you can tilt your head to one side and lean your body forward a little - all these techniques will subconsciously let the other person know that you are interested in him, that you are interested in him.

Respect the personal space of your interlocutor. If you get too close to a young person or, for example, touch his hand, this can cause a negative reaction from him. This behavior, but not in the first minutes. And then you should monitor the reaction in order to correctly determine whether he will like it if you reduce the distance between you. Perhaps he will try to break personal.

Radiate positivity and joy. It is unlikely that a young lady with a gloomy one will arouse interest in the opposite sex. But a sweet smile and perky laughter will help you lure even the most severe representative of the strong half of humanity.


  • Female coquetry
  • how to flirt with men

How to learn to like guys? This question haunts many girls, especially if they cannot boast of dazzling external data. But, adhering to a few simple rules, almost any girl can successfully attract the attention and interest of the stronger sex.


Your overall appearance - makeup, hairstyle, clothes, shoes, accessories - should favorably emphasize the dignity of your face and figure, as well as hide flaws as much as possible. Of course, it is very important to observe the "golden mean", avoiding even a hint of vulgarity! Remember: you need to arouse interest, not scare it away, or (even worse) create an idea of ​​your frivolity, easy accessibility. After all, what is easy to get, as a rule, is not very appreciated.

So, for example, when trying to emphasize the elasticity of the chest or the slimness of the legs, refrain from too deep necklines or miniskirts. Leave room for imagination! Try not to use lipstick or nail polish too saturated, "flashy" colors, avoid too bright makeup. The old wise rule "Everything is good in moderation" should become your motto.

The unisex style must be decisively erased from your life (at least temporarily). Even if you still preferred it.

Learn to engage in conversation with guys and, keep the conversation going. Remember, what you talk about and how you talk is very important. Of course, no one demands that you have an impeccable understanding of purely masculine topics, such as football, technology, cars. But you need to have at least some idea of ​​this. Otherwise, you can easily get embarrassed by blurting out the wrong thing. And in no case try to gossip! "About your own, about" you will talk a lot with your friends.

Try also to refrain from unreasonable laughter during a conversation, alas, this is typical of many who do not even know how ridiculous they look from the outside! Remember: the vast majority hate such chuckles, considering them at best a manifestation of coquetry, and at worst - stupidity.

Remember that any sane guy who is about a serious relationship subconsciously tries to understand: will she be? The concept of "good wife" for the overwhelming majority of men means: "kind", "understanding", "caring". These qualities are more important for them than a bright, spectacular appearance! Behave in such a way that you get the impression that you are just kind, understanding and caring. Then you hardly have to complain about the lack of male attention! And some sleek, capricious beauty, seeing you and your gentleman with an envious glance, will probably wonder in vain over the question: "Well, why is she better than me?"

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Do you often think about what we mean by the concept of "love at first sight"? Meanwhile, this expression is used quite often. So there is some kind of magic after all? Or is it not at all necessary to have witchcraft or love spell abilities in order to conquer a man at first sight, but it is enough to know a few female secrets?


In order for a man you like to choose you, you need to look at him in a special way. And this "magic" of the gaze can be worked out with the help of simple exercises. Relax first. To do this, sit in a position that is comfortable for you in a comfortable place. Try to achieve complete immobility. Before that, eliminate all annoying factors in the form of bright lights and the phone on, which can ring at any minute.

When you are ready for the first exercise, start it. Having found a suitable point in the room, concentrate your gaze on it and hold it for 30 seconds at first. Repeating the exercise, gradually increase the time of "holding" your gaze to 5-7 minutes. Thus, you will learn to focus on the subject of your adoration, and the man will immediately understand that he is interesting to you.

The second exercise will teach you to look your interlocutor in the eyes without being embarrassed or looking away. To do this, take and look into the eyes of your reflection, while trying so that the face does not express emotions, and the look is not superficial, but penetrates into the depths. If it doesn't work right away, do not despair: focus your gaze on the bridge of the nose of your reflection. This way you will achieve a "depth effect". While doing this exercise, open your eyes wider several times, raising your eyebrows. This will teach you how to enlarge your field of vision and give your face the charm of mild surprise.

Do not try to learn to look defiantly and too intently. This is more likely to cause rejection than sympathy. It is always frustrating to be the subject of research. The charm of the first glance lies in its unobtrusiveness and softness, but at the same time your man should feel your attention and even persistence in achieving the goal every minute.

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Many men are naturally polygamous. This is manifested in the fact that a man experiences the same feeling of love for several women. In the east, this problem is solved with the help of polygamy. We don't have that. Therefore, in order to create a long-term relationship with a woman, to start a family, one must learn to be monogamous.


Analyze your behavior. Find reasons why you have equally deep feelings for multiple women. Perhaps the reason for this is not a natural inclination, but a necessity. In other words, one girl can only be liked externally, another - as a wonderful companion and personal psychologist, and in the third, her outstanding personal qualities can admire. In this case, look for a girl who can give everything you need.

Think how strong love feelings are for every woman, are they real? Assess your willingness to sacrifice for one girl your relationship with everyone else. Monogamous people become those who will be able to take possession of a very valuable object for themselves, to experience very strong love feelings for it. If, having fallen in love with one, a person is with others, then relationships and marriage will always be in danger.

From a purely practical point of view, try to assess the benefits of having a relationship with only one girl. This is not only a financial benefit, not only the absence of the need to spend money on several women. This is a savings in personal time that can be spent building strong and sturdy with just one. And she, quite possibly, will be able to replace everyone else. This is a saving of mental strength. When meeting with several girls, lies and lies that will lead to conflicts cannot be avoided. This means that a relationship with only one girl is also a saving of nerves.

Please note that many people who have crossed the bar of social maturity become monogamous. For them, sexual adventures, and in general, sex fades into the background or third place in the system of life values. Together with social maturity come such qualities as moral stability, decency, life wisdom, kindness, reasonably conservative outlook on things. Men with such qualities will not assert themselves, cheating with all the beautiful women around.

There are opinions that they become monogamous because of the uncertainty that they will be able to conquer another woman, except for one. Due to the lack of confidence in their sexual powers: with a wife it is calmer and failures in bed are not so scary. There is an opinion that a real man should "make happy" as many women as possible. These are misconceptions introduced into our society along with the sexual revolution that came to us from the West. The Western countries themselves have already understood the fallacy of these ideas and have embarked on a course of promoting "one partner for life."

Some girls think that as soon as they find the perfect figure, put on a provocative skirt and sexy lingerie, all men will consider them desirable. Maybe it will, but only for one night. To become sexy and desirable for your man for life, you need to know some secrets.

Behind the face and body. You will become much more attractive and enjoy beauty treatments.

Become a great lover. Have fun with sex and share your sexual fantasies with your beloved. Examine your man, find out his erogenous points, touching which causes instant desire. Learn to do erotic massage, perform striptease.

Men are always attracted to variety, so feel free to try on new looks. Become for him a sexy, inaccessible model, playful student, passionate courtesan. Change, and your sexual sensations will be enriched with new colors.

Tip 9: How to learn to combine bright complex colors with each other in clothes

Any girl will undoubtedly say that over time, the classic style of clothing begins to tire. It is difficult to constantly match outfits by color, combining shades and tones. Sometimes you really want your image to look original, bold and quite impressive! In this case, unusual and unpredictable color combinations in clothes will best help you stand out from the crowd.

The most interesting thing is that the combinations of bright shades for the most part successfully fit into the standards of the color wheel. But, unfortunately, they are rarely used to create an image, as they are found too flashy. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a bright outfit, you need to follow five simple rules:

1) do not combine more than five shades in your image;

2) try to break down the colors into basic, complementary and accentuating;

3) combine in your image only related or contrasting colors;

4) it is allowed to combine any pastel colors;

5) do not forget that achromatic colors are universal in this case.

The color combinations in clothes are mostly non-conflicting, rather soft, and therefore rather commonplace and hackneyed. To try not to look like everyone else and at the same time not go against the rules of combinatorics, designers suggest using color combinations in a new way, namely, taking shades of opposite colors.

For example, Christian Dior prefers such a combination of colors as gray and pink. Calm and restrained gray in combination with flirty and catchy pink looks very harmonious, impressive and quite feminine.

A second example would be a combination of purple and bright yellow. This is a very controversial option, but allowed by color wheel standards. This combination looks great when both colors play a major role, or are the main ones, while they must be supplemented with some achromatic shade.

The following example applies to red and orange. This is a rather spectacular and excellent pair, but for their brightness and saturation, many fashionistas bypass such a combination. Therefore, it is proposed to combine these shades in a muted range.

Most of the trends of the new season offer girls moderate, neutral and gentle tones. But this does not mean at all that you should give up bright colors. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to abuse the variety of colors, but to listen to the recommendations and advice of stylists and designers.

Nowadays, the gender issue is perceived so sharply that it is impossible to talk about femininity or masculinity without stepping on someone's sore corn.

But if you are interested in this question, let's try to find out what will help you look more feminine, feel like a girl and a woman.

There is nothing wrong or wrong with being feminine, like a boy, or just looking like a creature of indeterminate gender - the main thing is that you like it.

But if you want to be more feminine, then try to follow these tips.

1. Sit down and think carefully, remember those moments when you felt like a Woman

Remember everything to the smallest detail: how did you feel, what did you do, what was you wearing? This is the first and most important step, as you will understand that you can be feminine, and this is the most important thing. Focus on details, recreate the same atmosphere and the same feeling.

2. Understand the meaning of the expression "to be feminine"

This does not mean looking and acting like a 16 year old girl all the time. You may be 70, but you will wear silk robes and love good perfumes, that is, do those things that make you feel like a Woman.

3. Love every inch of your body

What makes you a woman if not the shape of your body? A woman's body has a higher percentage of body fat than a man's, which explains its roundness and softness. On the other hand, the concept of "loving your body" includes taking care of it: not overloading with cholesterol, keeping it clean, playing sports. You don't have to look like a model, but you have to look healthy.

4. Be graceful

Most women are more graceful and graceful than men by nature. There are always exceptions, but it depends only on you whether gracefulness will become your feature. Women feel more feminine when they move smoothly, rather than abruptly. Also, there are no rules that require you to be graceful around the clock anyway. You can be aggressive in the shooting range or playing basketball, but graceful in the bar and in bed.

5. Dance

Dancing will help you understand your body, and in dancing you can find a way to emphasize your femininity. Belly dancing, for example, will accentuate the curves of your body. Pair dances such as salsa or waltz will also help you feel more feminine, since such dances are traditionally based on the difference between a man and a woman: a man is a leader, a leader, and a woman is extravagant and allows herself to be behaved like a stream of water.

6. Be playful

Let's bury the myth that a woman should be an ethereal being, spiritualized and perfect in everything. The time will come when it seems that fortune has turned away and you will hit your face in the dirt, and this will be a real test of your femininity and only your ability to turn everything into a joke will save her. If you take life too seriously, it’s not very healthy in general, and does not benefit you as a woman. You need to flirt, play, smile, joke and tease! Enjoy life, be merry! You have to be feminine and alone with yourself, and you cannot be so if you are too dark and serious. You have to be playful and cheerful.


  • These steps can also be helpful for a man who wants to get to know his feminine side.
  • Femininity does not mean weakness. Show the world that you can be very strong and still be a real Woman.
  • Each person has something of a woman and something of a man. You can be a Woman on the one hand - with a beautiful manicure and perfect make-up, but like a man to root for the football team. But still, the majority is dominated by one side


  • The concepts of "femininity" and "masculinity" vary in different cultures. In some of them there is even a place even for the "third" floor.

The American psychologist Eric Berne, who discovered that in fact there are three "I" in every person (parent, adult and child), did not at all urge people to always strive for communication at the adult-adult level. He argued that we owe the best in ourselves to the childhood principle. Let it be irresponsible, sometimes touchy, but more often self-sufficient and frivolous-cheerful. The topic of the article is what playful? And how to create it so that it would be easy and fun for others to communicate with you?


If you ask the question what the child is associated with, the majority will answer: "With the game." A synonym for this word can be "entertainment". How is playful mood interpreted in dictionaries? They propose to do this through the selection of similar ones in "funny", "carefree", "enthusiastic".

When people are in such a mood, it is easy to spend time with them, to make contact, to be charged with positive. We are subconsciously drawn to communicate with smiling and open people. If you want to become an attractive person for communication, to create a positive attitude around you, you need to answer the question for yourself: "How to make a playful mood?"

Its features

When parents in childhood advised their daughters to play more, because there will be no time in adulthood, they were cunning. Toys and partners change, but the principle of entertainment and focus not on the result, but on the process remains. Many will recognize themselves when we list some of the most common "games": "the most important thing for me right now is girlfriends"; "I'm not interested in someone else's opinion"; "and in general I'm not going to get married." Fantasizing, the girl inspires herself that in reality she thinks so, so she flirts, looks away, is capricious.

The most amazing thing is that the playful mood at the first stage works and arouses genuine interest in the opposite sex. The main thing here is not to lose real values ​​and understanding of what you really want. So, let's move on to the tips.

Create a playful mood

Let's take a look at a few important ground rules:

  • You need to accept yourself, regardless of imperfections. "Yes, I am overweight, but I am working on losing weight, which is more valuable. Therefore, I am worthy of respect."
  • Stop focusing on problems. If they arise, they should be solved, and not look for the guilty in the environment and initiate everyone into their content.
  • Separate real needs from the selfish "I want." You cannot live without food, water, shelter. But without a call today, a gift for 30 thousand and even without a specific man ... you can live.
  • Accept personal responsibility for what happens in your own life.

These tips are a long-term work on yourself. And what exactly can you do here and now if you have a romantic meeting or pastime with friends?

  • Remembering ideomotor reactions. It is necessary to force the body to make movements, as if our mood already corresponds to the desired one. Not ready to smile sincerely? Stretch the corners of your lips, straighten the wrinkles on your forehead and in a moment joy will come from somewhere from within.
  • Think of the game you want to play. For example, "honey, I love football so much." Get ready, remember at least a couple of the names of the leading players and find out the winning team of the national championship.
  • Equip yourself with accessory toys that will cheer you up. These can be baubles, hairpins, soft toys, key chains.
  • Maintain a playful mood with appropriate music, an anecdote read the night before, or a pre-prepared self-presentation.

But the most important rule to follow is to stop on time. If the situation requires the inclusion of an "adult" within us, we must comply. What if they make an offer to you today?