Manufacturing Sasha - from the aromatic hobby to its own business. Aromatic sachets bags do it yourself

Useful properties and rules for using pillows from herbs. Production and decoration of the product for sleep.

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Herbal pillows for sleep are excellent help with insomnia and many health problems. The era of rapid technical progress is forced to overstrain our brain with a huge amount of information. And the modern man intuitively wants peace of mind and relaxation. All this can be achieved by using pillows from herbs.

Description and purpose of grass pads

Our ancestors knew how to use the gifts of nature, for example, healing herbs and plants. Herbal pillows - an interesting version of their use. This is a new one for us, but in fact just a well-forgotten old way to improve sleep.

What do they imagine? In fact, it made from natural fabrics and herbs stuffed with herbs, beautifully decorated with a removable pillowcase. The shape of the pillow depends on the fantasy, user preferences and the purpose of the product.

Plant flavors have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of sleeping person, providing them with a healing effect or even acting in the case of a mixture of herbs. In addition to the recreation effect, herbal pads have more aromatic and antibacterial. Their smell overnight absorbs in the hair of sleeping, and also saturates the room, cleaning it from unfavorable microorganisms.

The cushion of the traditional shape can be used for the usual sleep of the house, laid down under the head, and in the shape of a roller - to unload the cervical spine. Very good orthopedic pads with long trips for relaxation and unloading the muscles of the neck.

Useful properties of herbal sleep pads

The pillow for sleeping from herbs is deservedly considered a wonderful means to get rid of many problems, because most medicinal plants act comprehensively.

Here are the most common nonlands with health, eliminated with herbal pads:

  1. Insomnia and sleep disorders. Speed \u200b\u200beffect is the main property of herbal pillows. Depending on the plants used, they can simply hang out sleep, and can calm the nervous system, eliminating nightmares.
  2. Fatigue and anxiety. It happens that after sleeping you do not feel rested. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a frequent state for a modern man. On the aromatic pillow, the dream will be strong, and morning - good and vigorous, because the smells of healing herbs, gently acting on the human body, relax and reassure.
  3. Working heart. The smells of herbs are able to speed up or slow down heart abbreviations. Skillfully using this property in the preparation of herbal fees for pillows, you can resist hypertension and heart attack.
  4. Work bronchi and lungs. Even traditional medicine recognizes the benefits of inhalations with plant extracts. The impact of pillows for sleep is akin to this. The aromas of herbs with an antibacterial effect clean the air indoors and make it easier to breathe sleeping. Immunity rises, and recovery from influenza and cold comes faster.
  5. Snore. The smell of hops cones is quite capable of defeating this pressing problem for many, to which official medicine is not yet capable.

Taking into account! Even a one-component herbal pillow (not to mention the filled fee) can help in healing from several diseases.

Contraindications to the use of herbal pillows

Prolonged inhalation of the smells of medicinal plants during sleep on a herbal pad is the most real aromatherapy. Naturally, any medicinal impact has its own contraindications.

Considering the fact that the reaction to plants in many individuals, before doing or your loved ones, make sure that its future host has no allergy and banning the attending physician. Especially careful should be pregnant and nursing women, as well as children.

And even if the use of herbs is allowed, be careful, stacking to sleep. Curious kids are quite capable of breaking the cloth to get to the rustling content and taste it. And this can lead at least to nausea, vomiting and stomach pain.

Another important point: be sure to listen to your feelings, and if you do not like the smell of the plant, do not use it, no matter how incredibly useful therapeutic properties it has it. You should have fun and positive feelings from sleep on herbal pad!

The shelf life of such herbal joy is one year. Then it should be changed, because the fragrance of herbs does not hold forever. And if your pad dropped, do not spare it and throw it immediately, because the mold and fungus, which in it will surely lead in this case, are very dangerous for health.

Important! On any herbal pillow you can sleep no more than seven days in a row.

How to make a pillow of herbs for sleep

Therapeutic properties of herbal pillows are due to what plants they are filled. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully carefully approach the choice and collecting herbs for their manufacture. We will tell about everything in more detail.

Choosing herbs for filling pillows

By filling your herbal pad with certain plants, you thus form its healing properties. But, repeat, seeking to make it most useful, do not forget that the smells should be pleasant to you. If the fragrance of any herb is annoying, it is better to replace it with the other with similar properties.

The selection of herbs for pads is huge:

  • Anise. Saves you from nightmares, undergoing emotions, and also contributes to rejuvenation during sleep.
  • Altea. It has a property to facilitate breathing and cough, so a herbal pad, stuffed with them, is recommended for patients in the offseason.
  • Orange. It has a toning effect on the human body. Ties of pleasant dreams of relatives and loved ones.
  • Birch. The smell of her leaves strengthens immunity, has antibacterial properties, helps with headaches. Contraindicated pregnant women.
  • Bosnina black. The smell of its inflorescences has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helps to relieve pain, relieve breathing and cure from a cold. Not recommended for use of pregnant and those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Valerian. Capably remove the tension and make sleep deep.
  • Basil. In addition, it contributes to memorizing dreams, also protects against mosquitoes, which scares the fragrance of this plant.
  • Heather. It is very effective for combating insomnia and removing increased nervous excitability.
  • Carnation. This plant, like a basil, contributes to the memorization of dreams and distinguishes the mosquitoes with its aroma. And can also restore forgotten in your memory. It has a rather strong smell, so it should be used in small quantities.
  • Geranium meadow. Do not confuse this plant with room pelargonium! It will help calm down, remove the headache and immerses in a calm dream. Strengthens immunity, has an antibacterial and antiviral effect. It is not recommended for children to six years and pregnant women.
  • Angelica. Dreams inspired by this plant are considered prophetic.
  • Owin. This plant has a tonic effect. Slipping calmly all night on herbal pillow from it, waking up, you will be cheerful and ready for great achievements. But be careful, the smell of the souls also reduces the sexual attraction and has an abortive property.
  • Hunther. Removes depression, increases immunity, has bactericidal properties, it can ease the breath, calm and give a healthy sleep. Pregnant and nursing, hypertensive, as well as children under 12 years old, the use of this plant is contraindicated.
  • Hyssop. Boldly use this plant if you do not like the smell of the souls, they have similar tonic properties.
  • Clover. It is able to moderately reduce the pressure, relieve from headaches, has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Can ease breathing when coughing. Not recommended pregnant.
  • Lavender narrow-leaved. Helps with insomnia. Soothes and removes stress, improves the work of the heart and brain, relieves his headache, strengthens immunity. Its smell is also able to drive away from your bed of mosquitoes and mole, pleasant and unobtrusive, and it keeps a very long time - from the sealed urn for the incense in the tomb of Tutankhamon, he felt and after three thousand years! This plant is not contraindicated to children and allergies, but it is better not to use it pregnant and nursing women.
  • LAVR. The dreams brought to them are pleasant and can become prophetic.
  • Marjoram. Soothe, remove the tension and relieve from depression and longing.
  • Melissa or Lemon Mint. In addition to hard sleep, this plant is able to give freshness and tranquility, remove the head, dental and heart pain. Avicenna and Paracelles considered it a "guarding of the heart", in value equating to pure gold. But those who have a low pressure, it is contraindicated.
  • Peppermint. Soothes the nervous system, improves the work of the brain and the heart (working on the prevention of heart attack). Bodriti, relieves fatigue and headache, however, to remove stress not in her power. Pregnant, nursing and children under seven years old are not recommended.
  • Wormwood Ordinary or Chernobor. It has anti-inflammatory and improving immunity properties. It will help to cope with fatigue and depression, accelerates the metabolism, unobtrusively will calm down, bringing bright (and sometimes prophetic!) Dreams. Easy breathing, restores performance, relieve from convulsion. Protects from bloodsowing insects and mice by scaring them with their aroma. But do not overdo it with a dosage, unnecessarily the smell of this grass can cause headaches. Contraindicated to children up to seven years and pregnant women.
  • Cardual lattice. This is a plant as a medicine known for more than 2,000 years in Tibetan and Chinese medicine. It has antibacterial, sedative, anticonvulsant and hemostatic effect. Improves the activity of the heart, strengthens immunity and stimulates the CNS, helping to overcome insomnia. In Russia, buds and stems of the mother-in-law sewed in the pads of restless children. This medicinal grass is contraindicated, who has low pressure and bradycardia.
  • rose flower. He will restore your strength during sleep and make a dream with peaceful and calm, prophetic or romantic.
  • pharmaceutical camomile. Hypoallergenne recommended by children. Calm sleep on such a herbal pillow is provided to everyone, because it is an oldest medicinal plant can heal depression, neurosis, ease their breath, to relieve head and heart pain. But you should be careful when dosage! The overabent can cause the oppression of the central nervous system, cause cough and headaches. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with psyche disorders.
  • Rosemary. The smell of this plant awakens memory and clarifies consciousness, tones, can remove the headache and help avoid nightmarish dreams. Do not overdo the dosage, as the aroma of rosemary is very strong.
  • Yarrow. The smell of this grass stimulates immunity, saves from influenza and respiratory diseases, has bactericidal properties. Contraindicated in those who have increased pressure.
  • Coniferous. The aromas of the needles of such plants, like pine, cedar, fir or juniper, have antiseptic properties, can remove cardiac pain, soften the mood swings, get rid of obsessive thoughts. Fir, for example, relaxes and brings peace of mind, and the cedar saves from unpleasant dreams.
  • Hop Ordinary (bumps). This plant is capable of with its aroma to remove headaches, calm and instantly sleep even with a long and stubborn insomnia. Hop has such a soothing effect that it is even able to reduce potency, so men should use with caution.
  • Citrus. The smells of orange, lemon, grapefruit or mandarin not only tone and refresh, but also act as aphrodisiac.
  • Chabret or thyme. It has a powerful antiseptic and anesthetic effect, has a slight sleeping pills, typing calm and sweet dreams. Strengthens immunity, eliminates depression. With a cold, the smell of this grass will help relieve breathing. Contraindicated pregnant and nursing, yazuvenches and those who have problems with buds and liver.
  • Sage. The smell of this plant also has a tonic and healing effect, strengthens immunity, relieves inflammation, prevents viral and respiratory diseases. May calm down, give strength, make thinking rationally. Pregnant, nursing and epileptic, this plant is better not to use.
Herbal cushions can be both mono- and polycomponent, contain a set of medicinal plants. The healing effect depends on how skillfully selected the components of the collection.

Calculation of raw materials for filling pillows

Where to take herbs to fill the pillow, each decides for itself. You can go easy way and buy everything in the nearest pharmacy (do not forget about the expiration time!). And you can prepare herbs yourself, however, for this you will have to read additional literature, because every grass has its own time collection and features of the workpiece (where and how to dry), spend a lot of time and strength. But you will be confident in the environmental and efficiency of raw materials.

What your herbal pad will be packed, you can divide into two groups: odorless healing and parts of plants odorless to give volume. Herbal collection should not be much, because unnecessarily, the fragrance can harm sleeping. Herbs should be fresh (in order to smell) and well dried (so as not to be charged).

So that the pillow was not microscopic and it could really sleep on it, it is stuffed by the parts of the "neutral" plants (straw, the essay, the fluff of Ivan tea, heather, the fern of Orlyak), which give the shape. The pillow of 20x20 cm will need approximately half a kilogram of dry filler.

You can create a herbal collection yourself, without focusing on the proposed here, and following your preferences and tastes. Such a set of herbs will be truly unique! But the finished recipes are still very comfortable, because they make it easier and save time.

Here is some of them:

  1. From mental overwork: a mixture in equal amounts of sprigs of pyrms, chamomile, black currant and yarrow.
  2. For morning cheerfulness: rose petals, hop bumps, lavender twigs and mayoran.
  3. To relax muscles: loving leafs of laurel, donel and wormwood.
  4. To improve the functions of the bronchi: Rosemary leaves, eucalyptus and birch.
  5. To raise the tone: equally - lemon leaves, dried orange and lemon zest, 2 drops of lemon aromamasla, 1 drop of orange and mandarin.
  6. To gain harmony: rose petals, leaves and lavender stems and melissa, 4 drops of rose essential oil, 1 drop of lavender oil.
  7. For restless kids (age from 1 year and older): a small amount of chamomile and chasty and 1-2 drops of lavender oil.
  8. From excessive sweating: Daisy Doshile Flowers, Calendula Flowers and Sage Leaves.
  9. Royal Herbal Pillow for Sleep: Mint Peppermint, Valerian, Heather, John's wort, Crush, Chamomile Dosage, Sharcorn, Hop, Primrose and Lavender. English King George III loved to sleep, breathing in the aroma of such plants.
To solve such a common problem as insomnia, there are many options for herbal fees:
  • Hop, lavender and verbena - in equal amounts, violet root, flipped in powder - 1/10 on the number of hops;
  • Lavra and fern;
  • Fern, laurel and hop cones;
  • Hop cones, fern, laurel and mint;
  • Immortelle, pine needles, bumps of hops, mint, geranium, oregano, rose petals, laurel leaf;
  • Hop cones, fern, geranium;
  • Pine needles, mint leaves and hazel, oregano;
  • Chabret, mint leaves and sage, lavender twigs;
  • Spreads of wormwood, mint leaves, tolly and melissa, daisy flowers medicinal;
  • Pijma, donon and branches of lavender;
  • Chamomile medicinal, rosemary and yarrow;
  • Nettle, hop, soul man, calendula flowers and birch leaves;
  • Rosemary and chamomile;
  • Bumps of hop, mint leaves, melissa, yarrow, laurel, lavender sprigs, tolody, donel, wormwood, daisy flowers medicinal and pyrhems;
  • Donnik, Lavender and Pijm;
  • Melissa, mint, wormwood, toll and chamomile medicine;
  • Melissa, Timyan and Valerian (in smaller quantity).

Remember! If you add to any soul collection, mimosu, strawberries or jasmine, then their presence will strengthen the action of all other herbs. And be careful using jasmine, since its overdose can provoke nightmares.

Fabric and decor elements for pillow manufacturing

Make a herbal pillow is quite simple. From the tools you will need scissors, ruler, chalk for marking, threads and needle, paper funnel, sewing machine (without it you can do, everything was done in an old manually).

Materials are also a bit: the cloth for the pillowcase and the "napernik" cover, which, by analogy, can be called the "Natravnik", parts of plants to give the volume and actually a healing fragrant collection, decor elements.

Consider some materials Read more:

  1. Fabric for Czech. Naturally, it should only be natural, suitable, for example, flax. It is quite thin, but strong (2 times tightly cotton and 4 times wool), easily erased, hygroscopic, has a bactericidal effect, and therefore the fungus is not delayed on it. Cotton is more common, more practical and cheaper than flax. Wool is the most hygroscopic of all tissues, its ability to remarkably absorb moisture, undoubtedly a big plus, because the dampness for herbal filling of the pillow is strictly contraindicated.
  2. Fabric for pillowcase. Poplin, Caucasus, Batist, Satin, Silk. From what type of fabric to do it, decide for yourself. Each of them is good in its own way. It all depends on the purpose of the pillow. For example, the coarse calico is inexpensive and has good wear resistance. Poplin is more pleasant to the touch, but also its price is relatively low. Such fabrics are suitable for conventional bed linen for their own needs. Batist - light, transparent, but not durable and wear-resistant. From it you can sew a thing for a gift to a special occasion, for example, to the wedding, assuming that it will not be used too often. Satin is a rather durable and more expensive fabric, it is pleasantly glittering and caresses with a touch, not like Silk, but very similar. From such a fabric, as well as from Shelka, a well-sew gift cushion gift.
  3. Thicks. Very strong. You can even synthetic. Such hard to break, and this is very important if the pillow is intended for a child.
  4. Decor. Given the fact that herbal pillow is a followation of folk traditions, then it is logical to find something authentic as a decor. For example, to embroider - and then you will need a needle and threads for embroidery. Moreover, the threads must be high quality, not liny. If you decide to decorate the product by beads, then choose those that do not harm sleeping, for example, by some aggressive components of their lacquer coating. Lace, tapes and tips should also be safe, from natural materials.

Instructions for the manufacture of pillow of herbs

It is necessary to start work in a good mood, in the process to think about something pleasant. All this will strengthen the positive energy of herbal pads. You can, of course, do not believe in a similar one, but our ancestors acted exactly that, starting the favor of the songs and prayers. In any case, the positive attitude of the harm will not bring.

Instructions for making herbal pads:

  • Training. First, decide with the parameters of the product. Based on the number of fabric you have, you define the size of the pillow, and the form is based on its future functions. Those who have problems with the neck, for example, osteochondrosis, suitable pillow in the shape of a roller. And for a gift for Valentine's Day, you can sew as a heart.
  • Cutting. For pattern, use dense wax paper or millimeter. With the help of a pencil and ruler, draw it, cut out, put on the fabric and circle with chalk. Call, leaving the allowances on the seams 1-2 cm.
  • Sewing. Fold parts of the pattern face inside and burst, leaving about 10 cm not covered. Remove the case and with the help of a paper funnel, bring it to the coarse herbs, the hole is manually squeezed. In the same way, silent the pillowcase, however, one side should be left not sewn, handle edges, think over the option of the fastener (very convenient zipper), and then decorate how you wish you.

Features of the decoration of the pillow of herbs

So that the pillow pleased you not only with the healing properties, but also with their appearance, as well as in order for her not to be ashamed to give to someone, it will not be superfluous to do the decor. It should not be difficult, because it is a functional thing, and sleep on a bulk embroidery or a bunch of bunches is very uncomfortable.

Consider ways of decorating pads:

  1. Embroidery. The product filling can be individual intended for a particular family member. Therefore, it will be appropriate to embroider in one of its top corners a beautiful lick of the initials of the owner. The same applies to the pillow intended as a gift. Well, the embroidered bouquet of healing plants will look. You can embroider with threads, beads or ribbons.
  2. Bows, ribbons, lace, braid. Gentle, not prickly, edging the pillow, they will decorate it and do not interfere with sleep during sleep. And in one of the corners you can sew a loop of a tape or braid so that the pad can be switched.
  3. Buttons and beads. With their help, you can make a very interesting modern decor. For example, sewing the embroidered flowers as a middle. And so that they do not presue the sleeping on the face, it is necessary to decorate the top of the pillow.
  4. Patchwork (patchwork sewing). In the old days, the mastic hostesses often did such things, because the whole cut of the tissue was expensive. Now Patchwork is more likely to give a second life with beautiful flaps. The textured fabric is the decor itself, and after all, it can also be condensed in the form of a plot pattern or pick up an abstract pattern in color to the bedroom interior.

How to use the aromatic pad

It is not enough to do a thing, you need to use it to use it, even if it is a simple pillow. And if the herbal! .. Here there are certain rules:
  • Save the smell. Such a pillow use a maximum week, and then take a break. At this time it is put in the bag and tightly tie it, so that the fragrance does not destroy.
  • Shake before use. And you can even remember a little and beat the pillow to enhance the smell of herbs.
  • Periodically change. Do not keep more than one year. Change on a new one with another makeup. Previous collection can repeat in a couple of years.
  • Replace the "sleepy bag". If you still unusually sleep on herbal pillow, but its action is completely satisfied with you, replace it on a small bag with the same herbs, put it in the headboard and enjoy! The most important thing is your comfort!
How to make a herbal pad - Look at the video:

Pillow of herbs with your own hands is a wonderful folk remedy for many health problems. Filled with the healing force of herbs and charged with the positive energy of good thoughts, it will be an excellent gift for your loved ones and you personally.

Aromatic pads are one of the most ancient methods of aromatherapy, which today does not lose its relevance and popularity. Available and lungs in the manufacture of Sasha, allowing to fill the house and favorite things with a magic aroma, once considered the unchanging attribute of the house of each lady and the real host.

Sasha is simple paddles or small bags filled with fragrant eco-friendly materials - branches, petals, herbs, spices, cheese. In order for dry flowers and other vegetable materials to hold longer the smell and created a brighter fragrant background, and essential oils are added to the filler. They allow, besides the overall effect of aromatization of premises, use Sasha to change the emotional background, disease prevention.

Aromatic Sasha will become an excellent personal gift - especially if they are created with their own hands.

How to use Sashe

Most often, the Sasha is used to aromatize the chest of drawers and cabinets with clothing, for the aromatization of bed linen and other things. Of course, you can use the simplest pad as a fragrant, but when the sachet can be cleaned, the sachet can be a real decoration of the room: unfolded on the shelves or in baskets, they will attract the eyes and envelop the room barely with a pleasant aroma.

  • Near the bed (if you use soothing aromas) Sasha will perform an excellent tool to help relax and calm down, get rid of sleep violations and insomnia.
  • Next to the workplace impregnated with suitable essential oils, they will stimulate the performance and concentration of attention.
  • In the living room, Sasha will become an excellent addition to family holidays or romantic meetings.

If you can sew tapes and loops to sachet, they can be swapped on the hangers, shelves, drawer handles and chest sections. And even if many superstitions have already been riveted into non-existence, the Sasha is often still perceived as a kind of homely charm, a means of protecting the house from negative energy and bad intentions.

Sasha can be bought in aromatherapy stores, in pharmacies or souvenir shops, and you can easily make it easier. So, any cotton and mesh fabric can turn into a primitive bag or a pad for a few seconds working with a thread and needle, and the handkerchief can be simply intercepting the ribbon, if it is very too lazy to engage in sewage.

Fillers and essential oils

As for the filling, Lavender, Timyan and Melissa, as well as spices - oregano, basil, dill are considered the most popular materials. You can add any dry flowers, fruits and seasonings that like you and your loved ones.

Some materials are associated with certain sacral properties.

  • It is believed that the best option of romantic sachets is the filling of rose petals, orange sages, as well as sage and gypsophila.
  • A mixture of patchouli, cinnamon and carnations according to legends attracts wealth.
  • Basil, dill, laurel, fennel, rosemary and fern leaves with a handful of salts protect the house from evil spirits.

Essential oils to the filler are added, after dissolving them in a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka. Usually, 10 grams of vegetable materials use 5 drops of aromamasla or a mixture of different essential oils.

Mixed materials are sprayed with a prepared aromatic mixture, stirred thoroughly, leave "soak" for at least half an hour in a closed container and only then fill the bags and pads. So essential oils retain their fragrance longer. You can simply drop a few drops on the finished sachet.

There is another way - not to use the plant basis, but to fill the bag absorbing material - finely chopped by synthesis, foamon, sponge, cotton, knitted cloth. On a small piece, essential oils are just dripping and after the sachet is filled as it were "bury the aromatic ball inside the rest of the material.

The sachet flavor almost completely disappeared at best in 5 days, and most often after 2 days and essential oils will have to "add" to it. If we are talking about natural materials, the essential oils eat on the pad or in the middle, if we are talking about artificial filler - they impregnate part of the filler and again "bury" inside the sachets.

  • The classic combination of essential oils for universal sachets - carnation, lemon and rosemary.
  • For the children's room, a mixture of lavender, lemon and rose oils is suitable.
  • For the bedroom - a mixture of rose oils, ylang-ylang and lavender.
  • For living room - lavender, lemon and roses.
  • If you are planning to use Sasha in the car, try mixing mint, carnation, lemon and rosemary.

A small bag of fabric filled with fragrant herbs is aromasasha. Also, our great-grandmothers made cushions from fragrant herbs to sleep enjoyable and healing. Now they are used to aromatize the cabinet, premises.

Many nations placed dry and fragrant herbs and flowers to give a pleasant aroma room:

  • The Indians had a tradition - to dry the odorless herbs that would remind them of pleasant events.
  • In England, wooden figures impregnated with fragrant aroma were used.
  • The French were the first to put dry herbs and flowers in fabric bags, they gave the name to them - sachet (sachet - bag).

From France, fashion for fragrant pads came to different countries. Now the aromasse is common everywhere, and if they do it with their own hands - this is a wonderful piece of decor for the house and a wonderful gift for loved ones.

How to use aromasasha?

How to use aromasasha

Beautiful pad can be:

  • put, hang in a linen cabinet to refresh clothes;
  • place in the children's room or bedroom - to make your sleep and dream of a child calmer;
  • hang, put on the shelves in the kitchen or bathroom, in order to disguise the unpleasant odors, fill the room with the aroma of herbs and colors.

The advantages of such fragrant bags are that they have only natural composition: picking up a combination of fillers, you will get a hypoallergenic air freshener.

How to make sachet do it yourself

Show fantasy when decorating and then you will not have a bag with herbs, and Sasha

It is not necessary to be a great needlewoman to sew such a sachet alone. It is enough to be able to hold a needle in your hands with a thread. The simplest bag can be sewed from the rectangular flap of the fabric, folding it in half and stitching the sides. The resulting bag is turned on the front side, fill with a pleasant fragrant filler and tie or sewing the last side.

You can create a piece of decor that will decorate the room. To do this, you will have to work hard and make up our bag: sequins, lace, sew an aromatic sachet in the form of a heart, a flower, in one word - there is a large scope for fantasy.

The real needlewoman will come up with, as even from such a small item, create a masterpiece:

  • you can arrange sachet with embroidered patterns (the embroidery must be executed before saving the side of the workpiece);
  • sew sachets in Patchwork technique;
  • sew the aroma of the original shape.

Show fantasy, and interesting and useful item is ready. It remains to fill it with the fragrance of fields and forests.

Than Fill Aromasasha

Fillers for aromasasha serve dried fragrant herbs

Natural components are used as filler:

  • dried flower petals, odorous herbs, bark of trees;
  • sea salt;
  • sawdust;
  • sintepon.

Fragrant herbs and flowers can be collected in the forest, field, dry either purchased in a pharmacy ready. Dried orange and mandarin crusts, vanilla sticks, cinnamon, coniferous needles - everything can be placed in the fragrant bag.

Very original look and fill things with fragrance large ingredients - crusts, pieces, whole flowers placed in a transparent organza bags or lace.

You can simply put in a transparent bag of rose petals

Fragrance Woody sawdust: Having placed them in the bag, you need to drop there a few drops of essential oil - the fragrance spreads throughout the room.

Also flavory synthesis - suturing it into the bag, with the help of the syringe pierce the top layer, several drops of aromatic fluid are introduced.

For a long time, the seashest aromas of the sea salt - it is placed in Sasha, drove the pre-several drops of aromamasla.

Components for fragrant bags

It is very important to choose the right herbs for filling the aromasasha, because the grass and essential oils can have a different action: some tone, beyond, others soothe, contribute to the removal of stress, good sleep.

Fragrances for wardrobe

Lavender, excellent filler for Sasha

Sachet for a melting, lounge cabinet is often filled with dried lavender - it will give things a pleasant smell, protect them from moths. You can create a composition of aromasasha with smells:

  • roses;
  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • ylang-Ilanga;
  • rosemary.

It is nice to get in the morning of the closet of clothes, sourcing gentle flavors of freshness and colors. And for bed linen, choose Melissa - the dream will be calmer.

Video "Wax Sasha with your own hands"

Fragrances for the bedroom

In order for your night's sleep calm, choose herbs that have a soothing effect:

  • oregano;
  • melissa;
  • chamomile.

They are used from insomnia, nightmares - they will make sleep quickly, and your night rest is calm and pleasant.

Help to remove daytime fatigue, forget about problems:

  • rose flower;
  • lavender;
  • oregano;
  • peppermint.

Good antidepressants:

Aromasasha in the shape of a Christmas tree, with the aroma of juniper, will be an excellent gift for the new year

  • cedar;
  • geranium;
  • sage;
  • valerian.

During the exacerbation of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to use coniferous aromas.

Do not use saturated aromas in the bedroom: lilies, daffodils, valley, cherry are capable of bringing headaches, nightmarish dreams.

Fragrances for children

To night sleep's sleep was calm, and the nervous system is strong, you can hang on the baby's bed or on the wall. Beautiful aromaphodes with rose petals, chamomile flowers, lavender, dill seeds, herbs - Melissa, Salfe.

Fragrances for the kitchen

Aroma of coffee and cinnamon, classic combination for kitchen

Spicy and fragrant herbs fill the kitchen by smells, contributing to trying in the morning, set up on the working day, calm the evening, relieve stress, awaken appetite.

A good choice will be:

  • essential oil of coffee - will awaken, cheat after night sleep, raise the mood, and the cooking process will become doubly more pleasant for the hostess;
  • cinnamon, carnation - improve digestion, remove stress, fatigue;
  • mint - eliminates unpleasant thoughts, experiences, soothes and restores forces;
  • citrus (zedra, orange, dried lemon crusts) - relieve eye fatigue, are cheerful and configured on a working day.

Fragrant bathroom pads

In the bathroom, it is impossible to use dried herbs: increased humidity will result in their rot. It is better to use a seaside salt here, placing it in not very dense bags - to be ventilated. Aromatization creates essential oils.

Cheer, refresh flavors:

  • rose flower;
  • carnation;
  • needles;
  • basil;
  • rosemary;
  • sage.

Strengthens the effect of a relaxing bath aromas:

  • lavender;
  • mirra;
  • chamomile.

Aroma for car

Sasha for car

The car often places flavors. Their appointment is not only to refresh the salon, but also create a comfortable atmosphere for the driver, which is especially important when driving have to spend many hours. Sisting the interior toy for the car's salon or place the fragrant herbs into a small pillow in the salon.

To create a proper composition for aromatic sachets, you need to take into account the effect of flavors:

  • will remove the fatigue of a long monotonous driving of the aromas of a tea tree, a laurel, verbena, patchouli;
  • enhance attentiveness, contribute to the concentration of basil, lemgrass;
  • fennel - eliminates the smell of tobacco from the salon;
  • lemon - will save from the tech;
  • grapefruit - will not fall asleep behind the wheel, cheerrites, increase activity.

A beautiful aromatic pad is easy to make with your own hands, filling it with correctly selected components, you can create a relaxing or invigorating atmosphere in the room, improve sleep or tune in to the working way, calm the nervous kid system. Create and enjoy flavors.

If you have tried all existing degraders for the house, but did not find suitable, and you would like something natural, there is a suitable way to correct the situation. It will be about how to make sachet with your own hands in a short time from girlfriend and spices.

What is Sasha and what makes it?

Sachet (FR. Sachet - bag, bag) is a stuffed tissue pad with dry fragrant herbs or berries, flower petals, spices. Use these sacs to aromatize linen, bedrooms, children's and bathrooms, kitchen or car interior. Aromasasha can be in the form of pads, heart, little toys, but most often it is made in the form of a bag whose face is decorated. You can decorate embroidery, stripe, suspension, make a drawing or decoupage on the fabric.

Herbs are classic filler (they can be knocked out or buying in a pharmacy), but also often use sea salt, sawdust, syntheps. Florentine Sasha is made from wax - thin tiles of various forms with the addition of flavors and dried elements.

Fabric for sewing you need to take genuine (cotton, flax, silk) so that the aromas are better filled with the room. By the way, if with the sieve time we will slide, aromatherapy session - add a few drops of any essential oil you like.

Fragrances for Sasha

There are many combinations of smells affecting the human body in a certain way. Consider the influence of individual flavors on the example of our Sasha. As a basis, take coffee beans. It burst, raises the mood, increases appetite, eliminates unpleasant odors. Supplement our composition dried zedre lemonwhich restores the strength and gives the room a fresh fragrance. As final notes and decorations we use cornish wand and star Badyan.. Cinnamon improves the mood and normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, Badyan removes the nervous stress and has a pleasant anise flavor.

How to sew sachet with your own hands - master class

How to sew such a bag that will be the flavor and the original accessory for the kitchen, you will find out in detail from this master class. It does not take much time and will be able to even the person who is far from needlework. In addition, making materials are easy to find in every home and thus save.

We will need the following materials:

  • the rectangle of natural fabric is 32 cm long and 12 cm wide (allowances on the seams 0.7 cm are already included),
  • lace for top edge
  • ribbon, lace or a rainfall for ties,
  • beads and another decor for decoration,
  • needle, threads, scissors.

Time: less than an hour.

Difficulty: Low.


1) We fold the prepared rectangle of fabric for short sides. If you plan to decorate one side of the bag, now it's time to do it.

2) Now saving for long sides. You can do it manually or on a sewing machine. If the fabric is too dry, then additionally need to handle edges.

3) Throw the top edge of the bag inside and root.

4) Send lace over the top edge of the resulting bag.

5) Fill our bag with coffee beans interspersed with lemon sister. You can add a couple - it has a bactericidal action and relieves stress. ()

6) Tie the bag with a cord, a ribbon or a twine. Ends can be decorated with beads. Also at this stage you need to make a loop if you plan to hang sachet.

7) The most exciting stage is decorating. We decorate one of the sides of the bag - we glue cinnamon sticks, dried lemon mug, badyan asterisk.

8) We place aromasasha in the kitchen and enjoy the smell.

In custody

As you can notice, make the aromatic sachet with their own hands is quite simple. For this you do not need a lot of skills and money. And as a result you will delight yourself and a pleasant aroma, and a stylish accessory for the kitchen.

Be sure to visit her group for needlewomen:

Simple and economical way to aromatize the kitchen - sew aromatic sachets less than per hour

To ensure good sleep throughout the night will help not only the right mattress and quality bedding, but also a pleasant fragrance that comes from him. Special air conditioners, which are used in washing and rinsing, give too sharp smell, besides, contain hazardous fragrances, often causing allergies. A more pleasant aroma can be obtained using natural linen flavoring in the closet. It can be dried herbs (lavender), needles, citrus fruits, coffee beans, essential oils. About how to make such a flavor with your own hands, tell us in our article.

How to make sachet - flavoring for linen in the closet?

Sasha, or a small pillow with fragrant filler, has long been used not only to impart a fragrance with linen in the closet, but also to scare the moth. In contrast to flavors from the store, the composition of the filler is selected individually, which makes it possible to eliminate the appearance of allergic reactions, rashes and other troubles. In the cabinets for clothes and linen, sachets are unfolded directly between the stacks of linen or hang for the loop.

What can be used as a filler for a bag? Ideal:

  • dried herbs (lavender, mint, melissa, rose, jasmine);
  • spices (carnation, cinnamon sticks, rosemary);
  • dry citrus fruit zeet (orange, lemon, grapefruit);
  • essential oils pre-applied on cotton.

Bags for Sasha easy to sew their own hands. For this, a small piece of natural tissue in the form of a rectangle will be required. Suitable rude burlap, flax, cotton or silk. The cutting of the tissue is stitched from three sides, filled with flavoring agent, after which it is delayed with a ribbon, braid or stitched with threads from the fourth side. Pleasant, light fragrance will delight you about 3 months. After this time, the filler will have to be replaced.

Uncomplicated soda flavor

To make soda flavors with your own hands, you will need a small empty jar, for example, from under and a few drops of essential oil. Food soda is embanked in the jar, then essential oil is added, after which the container is closed and shakes. Further in the lid, the cans are made by several holes, after which the flavor flavor in the closet can be used for its intended purpose.

If, in the manufacture of flavoring, you use a jar without a lid, instead you can use the foil.

Fragrant stones for the cabinet

Stones made from salt dough with their own hands are simultaneously the flavoring and stylish decor element. They can be decomposed one by one in different parts of the apartment, including in the closet, or to collect all together in a beautiful vase or basket.

Such an aroma for linen in the cabinet can be made in the following way:

  1. To knead the dough from flour (300 g), shallow salt (500 g), starch (2 tbsp. Spoons with a slide) and hot water with dye (100 ml). Depending on how the color of the stones you want to do, you can use water-soluble dyes of different shades.
  2. Separate the dough into pieces of arbitrary size, apply a few drops of essential oil and arms shape stones.
  3. Give the stones to dry well, then put them in a closet for storing bed linen.

When the smell ceases to be so saturated, it will be enough to drop on each stone of 1-2 drops of essential oil, let die and put in the closet again.

Gel flavor for linen in the closet

For gel flavoring agent, gelatin (10 g) poured 120 ml of water and leave half an hour. After a while, the swelling mass is put on fire and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. At this stage, you can add any dye at will. As soon as the gelatin mass becomes warm, glycerol (15 g) and 7-8 drops of essential oil can be added. These ingredients for the flavor can be bought almost in each pharmacy.

It remains only to shift the gel mass in a beautiful transparent bottle. In wardrobes for clothes and linen, it is enough to put one such a flavor. Thanks to the gel-like consistency, the fragrance remains for three months and more.

No time to make a home flavor? Place a few pieces of your favorite toilet soap or an empty bottle from perfume with bed linen. A pleasant aroma for 2-4 weeks will be guaranteed.