Experimental activities. Experiments for the second youngest group

I am surprised to all. How? Why and why?

Children of preschool age- Inquisitive researchers of the surrounding world. They know him in the game, walks, classes, in communicating with peers. Thinking the child begins with the question, in surprise or bewilderment, with contradiction. Therefore, in front of me was the task of creating conditions for the independent finding of answers to your questions "Why?" And "How?".
Sophisticated, systemic acquaintance of a child with unknown contributed to the development of the most important operations of thinking:
Analysis (watching the objects the children consider and studying them),
comparison (children find similarities and differences in objects and materials from which they are made),
The ability to establish relationships (children allocate ways of objects of objects in various fields),
Generalization (children learn to unite objects, relating to them in groups to lively or inanimate nature, man-made peace, based on the allocation of essential signs).
Experimentation, as one of the forms of children's activities, encouraged children to the activity of independence, to the opening of new knowledge and ways of knowledge. And I tried to help the child to realize my curiosity, send it to the right direction, to become a child assistant in knowing the world. I concluded that the main advantage of the application of the experimentation method in kindergarten is that in the process of the experiment:
Children receive real ideas about the various sides of the object being studied and its relationships with other objects and with a habitat.
It is going to enrich the memory of the child, its mental processes are activated.
It develops.
The accumulation of the mental skill fund occurs.
An independence is formed, goaling, the ability to convert any items and phenomena to achieve a certain result.
The emotional scope of the child is developing, creative abilities, labor skills are formed, health is strengthened by increasing the overall level of motor activity.
My work with children was aimed at creating conditions for sensory development during a dating with the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. In the course of which I combined the show with the active action of the child for the subject of the subject (feeling, the perception of the taste, smell, etc.).
He learned to compare the objects similar in appearance, compare the facts and conclusions from reasoning.
By organizing games with studied objects and materials, I not only introduced children with properties, but also fastened the elementary ideas about the form, different magnitude, the color of the objects, developing a small motility of the child. Kids love such games.
Studying the section "Water". Water can be overflowing, heated, catch in water of ice and so on. In practice, the children were convinced that water could be washed, to lower items to it and they would become cleaner, if you wash them with water. During the experiment, children receive ideas that water is liquid, therefore, it can be broken from the vessel; that water does not have color, but it can be painted; that water can be warm and cold, that the water is transparent, but it can become muddy; that some substances in water dissolve, and some can transmit their taste to water; That water can turn into ice, and ice can turn into water.
"Sand"Sand can be shipped out of the palm in the palm, from the Sovka in the mold, you can dig various items and refuse them, build slides, tracks, and then destroy and build again
Getting acquainted with this topic, conducted various experiments-game with sand. On the experience of the game "Bake a treat", children try to blind "treat" from dry and wet sand with hands and using molds. In the game "Traces", children are convinced that traces and prints remain on the wet sand. When carrying out experience with the sand, children I propose to skip the wet sand through the corticle, and then dry - the kids see that dry sand can be poured, and there is no wet.

The most important discovery for children on a walk when observed was the conclusion that the sand is a lot of grasses.
Studying "air"children using objective manipulatory activities receive ideas that the air is lighter than water. When holding a didactic game, "catch the air" I offered to "catch" the air into plastic bags and make sure that the air is not visible, but it is. In the game "Storm in a glass" kids blew through the straw in a glass with water and watched as water takes over the air. Playing the game "My Cheerful Ball" The children find out that the ball jumps high, because there is a lot of air. From the experience of "boat swim", the children learned. That items can move with air. And on a walk, watching grass and foliage, observed behind the wind, which is the movement of the air.
Getting acquainted with the section "Stones"
Conducting manipulations with the stones "Easy-heavy" and "What form of a stone?" Was convinced that the stones were heavy and lungs, and that the stones have a different shape. And when they compared two stones taken from the street and from the battery (winter), they came to the conclusion that the stones could be cold and warm. And when they squeezed in the hands of a stone and lump wool - that the stones are solid.
Forming ideas about "paper"
With the help of experiments, the children determined that the paper is light: it can be blown away from the palm, and it does not sink in water in contrast to the stones; That the paper can be thin and thick and it can rush: the napkin is very easy to minimize and break in contrast to dense cardboard.
The content of knowledge about the objects of nature I took in the program "Young Ecologist" S.N. Nikolaova. (As a second partial program)
1. Water is a liquid substance, it flows, flows. Water does not have colors, odor, taste, so it takes the shape of the vessel in which it is nanite. Water can be pure and dirty. Water can be of different temperatures: cold, indoor, hot, boiling water. Water can change its condition: in the cold - ice, when heated - steam. Ice is solid, fragile, transparent, cold, from heat melts. Strong pairs can notice - it happens when water is boiling (white, clubs, when cooling water). When cooled steam turns into snow, frost. Snow - white, soft, cold, melts from heat. Water is needed for life. Cognitive interest is developing, children are happy to participate in experiments and games with water, snow, ice.
2. Air - there is everywhere. It is transparent, easy, imperceptible, it is easy to run and walk in it, it can be smelted (air). Some animals can fly - they are adapted. Man invented different devices for flight. The air is needed to breathe everything. Man needs clean, fresh air. It is in cognitive interest - the desire of children to participate in experiments with air, in different games to detect it.
3. Soil - land, sand, clay and their properties. Earth - dark (black, gray), crumbly, passes water and becomes wet and sticky; Clay - yellow, poorly passes water; Sand - yellow, crumbly, easily passes water. Earth is needed by all plants.
4.Kameni - River, Sea, Squares of coal, chalk, granite. River and sea - solid, strong, different shapes, colors and values.
Coal - black, solid, but fragile, dumping, they draw, well burns and gives a lot of heat. Need to the factories.
Chalk - white, solid, fragile. It is obtained from rock. They can be draw.
Granite is solid, motley, different color. Get mined in the mountains, processed, grind - it becomes smooth, brilliant, beautiful. It is expressed in the cognitive interest of children to practical experiments with different soils, stones, in voluntary participation in collecting stones, in drawing on the plot.
5. Paper - thin, rough. People make paper from wood, at special plants. Paper can be very durable - cardboard. It turns into the water, it can be adjacent (it burns), you can cut. From paper you can do a lot of things (disposable dishes, boats, cardboard boxes, napkins, etc.) manifests itself in cognitive interest - the desire of children to participate in experiments with paper, in different games to detect its properties and qualities.
6. Fabric - it is soft and rough. People make fabric on factories to sew gray clothes. It happens different colors and different quality. From one sew coat - it is very warm, from other light dresses for the summer. The fabric can be erased and nothing will be with her, it can be cut with scissors, or set fire to it. It burns cognitive interest, children are happy to participate in experiments and games with cloth.
7. Glass - transparent, durable, smooth, odorless. Things made of glass are called glass. Glass beats, and the fragment can be broken. It can not be cut, it does not burn. Increases in the cognitive interest of children to practical experiments with glass.
8. The tree is not transparent, durable, you can also drink a hand, rough, smell like a forest. It can be cut off, driven nails. From wood make a lot of items for people. The tree is well carried out heat, burns. Cognitive interest in experiments and playgrounds is developing.
9. Plastics - smooth, light, you can wash, swim with her, can be crushed into small pieces. Manifests itself in cognitive interest in experiments and plastic games
10. Salt - white, crystalline, salty taste, odorless. Well dissolved in water. Used in cooking.
11.Sahar is white, odorless, crystalline, sweet taste. Well dissolved in water. Used in cooking. You can be confused into powder - it turns out sugar powder. Children develop cognitive interest in these materials: they willingly participate in experiments and observations, express different opinions.
12. Metal is solid, cold, smooth, heavy, sink, durable. Make many items made of metal. It is in cognitive interest in experiments and games with metal
13. Light - comes from the sun, it is warm and pleasant, you need all living beings. Solar bunnies happen when the sun shines in the glass. If the beam is directed through the magnifying glass, you can burn paper. Then people use sunglasses. Forming an understanding of that light is very necessary, children show great interest to him.
14. Electric light is a light bulb. Lighting devices in small quantities and rationally placed on the room, illuminate it as needed at any time. Children with interest are investigating day and electric light and its capabilities.
In the group for the development of cognitive activity and maintenance of experimental activities, the Center for Experimentation "Dunno" was created. It occurs in it the development of primary natural science representations, observation, curiosity, the activity of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, observation); Formation of skills comprehensively examine the subject. At the same time, this is a base for the specific game activity of the child (the work in the center involves the transformation of children in "scientists", which conduct experiments, experiments, observations in different subjects). There are various materials for research, appropriate age children:
Natural materials:sand samples, clay, earth, stones, pebbles, shells, chalk, iron, rubber, plastic, wood; Seeds of flowers and vegetables, samples of trees (cones, acorns, chestnuts), bones, shells, water, water and food dyes.
Casting material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur, paper of different textures, wire, corks, beads, ropes, cords, threads, plastic bottles of different size, multicolored clothespins and gum, screws, nuts, screws, etc.
Bulk products: Flour, salt, sugar, a variety of types of croup.
Special equipment: a variety of tubes, funnels, sieve; Cups, plates, spoons; syringes, pipettes; Scales, magnifying glass, magnifiers, magnets, measuring instruments.
Collections: stones, seashells, feathers, paper, fabric, buttons.
In my practice, I widely used the project method as an in-depth study of items and phenomena. So, as project activities implies the interaction of all participants in the educational process: a child, parents, teachers, and the joint collection of materials on the research project reveals the creative abilities of children, involves parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results of the work. Children and parents actively participated in cognitive projects: "Women's winter", "Vegetables and fruits - pleasant products", "Water - Wizard", "Air - Invisible", "Birds", "Spring Krasnaya" and MN.
Using in their work with children, the experimentation method, I made sure that in the process of independent activities, the child carries out multi-level experiment:
Physical: learns to manage their body and individual bodies;
Non-scientific: meets the real world around the world, with the properties of objects and causal relationships operating in the world;
Social: remembers the individual features of each person (peer and adult), the form of people's interaction with each other;
Cognitive: Trains thinking processes, mastering a variety of thought operations;
Linguistic: Engaged in languages, discusses the results of the experiment, playing verbal games, i.e. experiments with words;
Personal: Learn your personal opportunities;
Volve: remembers how he can affect other people;
Behantic: models its behavior in various life situations. Since child experimentation is closely related to other activities - observation, the development of speech (the ability to clearly express his thought makes it easier to carry out experience, while the replenishment of knowledge contributes to the development of speech). For children's experimentation with the visual activity, also bilateral. The deeper the child will explore the object, in the process of familiarization with nature, the more precisely it will give it the details during the visual activities. Does not require special evidence of the connection of experimentation with the formation of elementary mathematical representations. During the experiment, it is constantly the need to count, measure, compare, identify shape and sizes. All this gives mathematical ideas to real significance and contributes to their awareness. Children's experimentation is a good means of intellectual development of preschoolers, has a positive effect on the emotional scope of the child; To the development of creative abilities, to improve health by increasing the overall level of motor activity. In this regard, I will continue to work in this direction. I would like to collect collections: "Iron", "Tree", "Plastics", "Magnets"

In accordance with the requirements of GEF, educators in kindergarten are recommended to organize situations every day provoking the cognitive activity of pupils. One of the forms of such an impact is experimenting in DOU. Your attention is represented by a card file of experiments and experiments for junior preschoolers.



Entertaining experiments and experiments

for children of the second younger group

Search and educational activities in the younger group



Find out what water

Tasks: Reveal the properties of water: transparent, odorless, pouring, some substances dissolve in it, has weight.

Materials and equipment: Three identical containers, covered with covers: one empty; The second with clean water, flooded under the cover, i.e. full; Third - with a painted liquid dye (phytope) with water and with added flavoring (vanilla sugar); Cups for children.

Move: The adult shows three closed containers and offers to guess what they are in them. Children examine them and determine that one of them is lightweight, and two are heavy, in one of the heavy tanks - painted liquid. Then the vessels open, and the children are convinced that there is nothing in the first container, in the second - water, and in the third - tea. Adult asks for children to explain how they guessed that it was in tanks. Together they reveal the properties of water: poured into the cups, sugar are added, observed how sugar was dissolved, sniffing, taste, overflow, compare the weight of an empty and full cup.

Production of colored clocks

Tasks: To introduce the fact that water freezes in the cold that paint dissolves in it.

Materials and equipment: Cups, paint, shelves for accommodation, molds, rope.

Move: Adult shows colored ice and asks for children to think about how they are made. Together with the children, it stirrates paint in the water, pours water into the molds, lowers the ropes in them, puts on the tray, takes out to the street, while walking behind the freezing process. Then the children take ice glances from the molds and decorate the plot.


What in the package?

Tasks: Detect air in the surrounding space.

Materials and equipment: Plastic bags.

Move: Children view an empty plastic bag. Adult asks what is in the package. Having turned away from children, he dials into the package air and twists an open end so that the package becomes elastic. Then shows the closed package filled with air and again asks what in the package. Opens the package and shows that there is nothing in it. Adult draws attention to the fact that when the package was opened, he stopped being elastic. Explains that it was air. Asks why it seems that the package is empty (the air is transparent, invisible, light).

Games with Solominka


Materials and equipment: Cocktail tubes (or chup-chups), water container.

Move: Children view the tubes, the holes in them and find out what the holes are needed (through them something blow and blow). An adult invites children to pour into the tube, substituting his palm under the jet of air, and then asks what they felt when they were talking from where the breeze appeared (the air exhaled, which inhaled before it). An adult tells that the air needs a person for breathing that he gets inside a man when inhaling through her mouth or the nose that it can not only feel it, but also to see. To do this, pour into the tube, the end of which is omitted into the water. He asks that they saw the children from where bubbles came from and where they disappeared (it came out of the tube; it is light, rises through the water up; when it comes out, the bubbles will also stop going out).

Games with balloon and straw

Tasks: To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air, and discover it.

Materials and equipment: Air balloons, water containers, two balloons (one is weak - soft, the other will start much - elastic).

Move: Adult together with children considers two balloons. Children play with the other and find out what it is more convenient to play and why (with those that will be more like, as it is easily fed, "flies", smoothly descends, etc.). Discuss the reason for the differences in the properties: one elastic, because it will be very much, and the other is soft. Adult suggests to think that you need to do with the second ball so that with him too to play (more inflated); which is inside the ball (air); From where the air is taken (it exhales it).

An adult shows how a man inhales and exhales the air, substitting his hand under the jet of air. It turns out where the air is taken inside the person (inhaled it).

Adult organizes games with the second ball: inflates him so that he becomes elastic, lowers the ball with a hole in the water so that the children watched, how the ball is blown away and goes through the air bubbles. At the end of the game, an adult invites children to repeat the experience itself.

Inflation of soap bubbles

Tasks: Teach to let soap bubbles; To introduce the fact that when air from the air is in a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed.

Materials and equipment: Plate (tray), glass funnel, straw, sticks with rings on the end, soap solution in the container (not to use toilet soap).

Move: The adult pours into a plate or on a tray of 0.5 cup of soap solution, puts the item in the middle of the plate (for example, flower) and covers it with a glass funnel. Then blowing the funnel tube and, after the soap bubble is formed, tilts the funnel and frees a bubble from under it. The plate should remain under the soap cap (you can blow up with a straw in a large bubble several small bubbles). The adult explains to children as a bubble it turns out, and invites them to inflate soap bubbles. Together they are considering and discussed; why increased in the size of the bubble (air penetrated there); Where did the air come from (we exhaled him out of ourselves); Why alone bubbles are small and other large (different air).

Wind on the sea walks

Tasks: Detect air.

Materials and equipment: Tase with water, model of the sailboat.

Move: An adult lowers a sailboat on the water blowing on a sail with a different force. Children watch the movement of the sailboat. Find out why the boat is swimming that it pushes her (breeze); Where the wind is taken from (we exhale it). Then the competition "Whose sailboat is faster to surrender to another edge." Adult discusses with children, how to blow, so that the sailboat is faster or longer sailed (score more air and strongly or longer to exhale it). Then the adult asks in children why there are no air bubbles when we blow on the sail (bubbles are formed if "blowing" air into the water, and then it rises from the water to the surface).

Light, color

What's in the box?

Tasks: Introduce the meaning of light, with light sources (sun, lantern, candle, lamp); Show that the light does not pass through opaque items.

Materials and equipment:

Move: An adult invites children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to discover what is in it (look into the slot). Children look into the slot and celebrate that in the box is darker than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done so that the box be lighter (fully open a slot "or remove the lid so that the light falls into the box and illuminated the objects inside it). An adult opens the slot, and after children make sure that the box became light, It tells about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which in turn lights up and puts inside the box so that the children see the light through the slot. Along with the children compares, in which case it is better visible, and makes a conclusion about the meaning of light.

Magic brush

Tasks: To acquaint with the receipt of intermediate colors by mixing two (red and yellow - orange, blue and red - purple, blue and yellow - green).

Materials and equipment: Red, blue and yellow paint; palette; brush; pictograms with the image of two color spots; Sheets with three drawn contours of balloons; A sample for the painting, in which three tops of balloons (in each triple two balls are painted - red and yellow, red and blue, blue and yellow, and one - no).

Move: Adult introduces children with a magic tassel and offers them to paint on sheets with contours of two balls, as on the sample. An adult tells how paints argued about who of them is more beautiful, to whom to paint the remaining ball, and how the magic tassel made friends, offering paints to paint the remaining ball together. Then the adult offers children to mix on the paint palette (according to the pictogram), paint the new paint the third ball and call the resulting color. Children work consistently (mixed, painted) above each color.

Weight, attraction

Light heavy

Tasks: Show that items are light and heavy. Teach to determine the weight of objects and group items by weight (lungs are heavy).

Materials and equipment: Cheburashka and crocodile gene, a variety of items and toys; opaque containers with sand and leaves, pebbles and octo, water and grass; Selection of the symbol ("heavy", "light").

Move: Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka choose toys that each of them wants to take with them to friends. Several options for choosing toys are offered:

Toys from one material, but different in size. An adult asks why the gene will take a larger toy, and checks the answers of children, weighing toys on their hands;

Toys from one material, but one hollow inside, and others are filled with sand. Adult asks what toys will take Cheburashka and why;

Toys of the same size from different materials. An adult finds out who will incur and why.

Then an adult invites children to choose "treats" in buckets that Cheburashka and the gene can be conveyed, and finds out: how to find out which bucket will be able to convey Cheburashka, and what is the gene? An adult checks the assumptions of children by examining the content of buckets with them.

Then it turns out that the crocodile gene and Cheburashka move to a new apartment. Children determine which of them which items will be transferred: Group items on the basis of "light - heavy" taking into account the size and material.


What does it sound?

Tasks: Teach to determine the subject of the sound published.

Materials and equipment: Table, pencil, paper, metal plate, water tank, glass.

Move: Various sounds are heard behind the screen. The adult finds out in children that they heard and what sounds like sounds (rustling of leaves, howling winds, rides a horse, etc.). Then the adult cleans the screen, and the children consider the items that were behind it. Asks what items you need to take and what you need to do with them to hear the rustle of the leaves (inscribe paper). Similar actions are carried out with the rest of the items: items are selected, emitting different sounds (noise of the stream, the centrot of hoofs, a knock of rain, etc.).

Music or noise?

Tasks: Teach to determine the origin of sound and distinguish musical and noise sounds.

Materials and equipment: Metallophone, balalaika, tube, xylophone, wooden spoons, metal plates, cubes, boxes with "sounds" (filled with buttons, peas, peashed, rugs, cotton, paper, etc.).

Move: Children view objects (musical and noise). An adult finds out with children, which of them can publish music. Children call items, remove one or two sounds, listening to them. An adult loses on one of the tools a simple melody and asks what kind of song it is. Then finds out whether the song will be able to simply knock on the tube (no); How to call what happens (noise). Children view boxes with "sounds", peering in them, and determine whether the same sounds will be the same and why (no, since different items are "noisy" in different ways). Then remove the sound from each box, trying to remember the noise of different boxes. Eyes tie to one of the children, the rest take turns extract sounds from the items. The child blindfolded should guess the name of the musical instrument or sounding item.


Hot - cold

Tasks: Teach to determine the temperature qualities of substances and objects.

Materials and equipment: Capacities with water of different temperatures, bath.

Move: Children view water tanks. Adult proposes to choose water for washing the doll, finds out what could be water (hot, cold, warm); What water is needed for washing (cold water is unpleasant, hot - you can burn, you need to choose warm); How to determine what water in buckets (touch not water, and the tank; carefully, without applying your hand for a long time to bucket, so as not to burn). Together with the children, the adult finds out why the tanks have different temperatures (they have different temperatures in them, so they have heard differently). Children pour warm water in the bath and bathe a doll. The adult asks in children where to take a warm water if it is not enough (pour cold water in a basis and add hot). Children bathe dolls, watching water changes. After bathing, the temperature of the tanks in which there was water: it is the same, since without water the containers quickly cooled. Adult discusses it with children.

Wonderful bag

Tasks: Teach to determine the temperature of substances and items.

Materials and equipment: Small objects made of wood, metal, glass (cubes, plates, balls).

Move: Children view small items from a tree, metal, glass (mirror), called them, determine the materials and fold it with objects in a wonderful pouch. Adult offers children to get it from the bag items one by one. "Cold" items are folded together and find out what they are made (from iron). Similarly, children get from the bag of wood objects, glass. An adult invites children to hold metal objects in their hands and determine what it became the items (warm, they walked in their hands). Children change objects, compare them in warmth. Adult clarifies what will happen with objects if they lie on the cold window sill (they will become cold). Then children lay out objects from different materials on the windowsill and check (after 5-10 minutes), as their temperature has changed (steel cool, cooled). An adult invites children to touch the items to determine whether they are equally cold. Children conclude that metal objects are the coldest; Wooden - warmer.


Cheerful little men play

Tasks: To acquaint the structure of a man's body: torso, legs, hands, feet, fingers, neck, head, ears; face - nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth; Hair.

Materials and equipment: A set of toys (doll-naked, fish, any animal, bird), "wonderful bag", a mirror, doubling the body of a person (torso, legs, hands, feet, neck, heads).

Move: An adult invites children to play the game "Wonderful Pouch": Find in the bag to the touch of a little man (Glasha doll). Children take turns perform the task and explain to an adult, as each of them learned that this is a little man (he has a torso, two hands, head, etc.), and why not chose another toy (she has a tail, wings, etc. .d.).

For emotional living and activating body surveys, you can spend a musical game "Where, where are our ..." (the name of the body parts) and "measuring", when children are measured and find out, who has longer or shorten legs, hands who are higher) . You can also offer the game "Show (Make) What I say" (jump on one leg, show your ear, etc.).

Draw your portrait

Tasks: To acquaint the structure of the human body and the spatial location of its parts.

Materials and equipment: Markers, sponges, mirrors (one large, for example in the hall of choreography, and small), napkins, brushes, glue.

Move: An adult invites children to consider themselves in the mirror, remember the color of the eyes, hair, circling the contours of his body and its parts, face and its parts, i.e. Draw your portrait on the mirror.

Wire toy

Tasks: To acquaint the structure of the human body and the spatial location of its parts. To acquaint with signs of sex (hairstyle, clothes, name, etc.), with the fact that the person can reflect the feelings of man (his mood).

Materials and equipment: Samples of human body contour, parts of hand, leg, foot, torso different sizes, neck, head (with ears); images of human emotional states (different facial expressions); Images of hairstyles; Clothes for girls and boy.

Move: Adult invites children to repair toys that broke; At the same time, explains the need to select all parts in size, as on the sample in the form of contour. When all parts are selected and superimposed on the contour, the adult offers children to glue them to the sample. When choosing a head draws the attention of children to the fact that all persons are unequal, and finds out them than they differ (different mood), and how children guessed (along the mouths, eyebrows, etc.). Adult invites children to choose a face, for example, funny or sad; Think, the boy is or a girl; glue a suitable hairstyle; Pick up clothes. Invent them names.

Note : All dolls leave for further games (cut them along the contour and sign offered names on the back side), make two wardrobes (for boys and girls). In the future, for the development of the game, you can add furniture, dishes, etc.

Our assistants

Tasks: To acquaint with the senses and their appointment (eyes - to watch, ears - hear, the nose is to determine the smell, language - to determine the taste, fingers - to determine the form, surface structure), with the protection of the senses.

Materials and equipment: "Wonderful box" (with holes to catch the smell), in which lemon is located; Bubble box; "Wonderful bag" with an apple; Sugar bag; An opaque teapot with water.

Move: An adult invites children to learn objects (lemon, tambourine, apple, etc.) with the help of different senses. Children say that the smell of lemon hidden in the box, they caught the nose; The sound of the tambourine in the box they heard ears; Round apple in the bag rushed with hands; An opaque teapot with water they saw through her eyes. Then children pour water into a transparent container and tastefully taste. Similarly, children come with sugar. An adult brings children to the conclusion that sugar can only be found in taste, suggests putting it into the water, dissolve, and then try water. Children compare the taste of water with sugar and without it. The adult asks how the taste will change if the water add lemon (it will become sour, sour-sweet). Children add lemon, stirred and try.

An adult talks with children that people have assistants who allow a person to find out about everything in the world. Together with the children, it reflects that it would be if the assistants (senses) were not, and how to preserve them (dangerous situations, rules for the protection of senses).


Purpose: Call a desire to draw on a wet sheet, find out what the paints are mixed, and have no clear boundary, new colors are obtained.

Material: Large sheet of paper for watercolor, moistened with water, tower, paint and brushes.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Sun yellow in the sky
Red flowers bloom
In the blue sea splashes fish
Draw all this you.

Unforgettable sensations can give the process of drawing with watercolor paints on the wet sheet. To do this, put the linen on the table, wet a tight paper sheet for watercolor. Pick up a brush into one of the paints and carefully spend on paper. Ask children what happens if we use other colors. Get the opportunity to play with paints. No matter how accidentally can be drawn in the drawing with a brush with one water, without paint - water will create on a sheet of delicate, blurred, light halftone.

Something in the box

Purpose: To acquaint with the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle), show that the light does not pass through transparent items.
Material: A box with a lid in which a slot is made; Flashlight, lamp.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Dad gave a little lantern, bunny liked to play with a flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and looked under the sofa, shone inside the cabinet and in all angles.
- Bunny, where is your ball? Mom asked.
- I go to look! Said said and went to the dark room.
- And I'm not afraid! - having fun bunny and lit a flashlight.
Bunny shine a flashlight and found a ball.

An adult invites children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to discover what is in it (look into the slot). Children look into the slot and celebrate that in the box is darker than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done so that in the box it became lighter (fully open the slot or remove the lid so that the light falls into the box and illuminated objects inside it). The adult opens the slot, and after the children make sure that the box became light, talks about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which in turn lights and puts inside the box so that the children see the light through the slot. Along with children compares, in which case it is better visible, and concludes about the meaning of light

Sunny bunny

Purpose: To acquaint with the natural light source - the sun.

Material: Little Mirrors, Sunlight

Games - Experiment

Having chopped the moment when the sun looks into the window, catch using a ray mirror and try to pay attention to the baby on how the sunny "bunny" jumps along the wall, on the ceiling, from the wall on the sofa, etc. Offer to catch the running "bunny". If the child liked the game, change the roles: give him a mirror, show how to catch a ray, and then stand up at the wall. Try to "catch" the spot of light as emotionally as possible, not forgetting at the same time commenting on your actions: "I will catch-catch! What a smart bunny - quickly runs! Oh, and now he is on the ceiling, not to get. ... well, the hare, let's go down to us! " etc. The baby's laughter will become the best reward.

Who lives in water

Purpose: Develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Material: Blue and Blue Pencils or Watercolor Paints, Listed List

Games - Experiment

Artistic word
Water men
All day splashing in the river.
And then climbed into the basin
Check out again.

In the sandbox, the sandy men live, and in the water (in the sea, in the lake, in the river, as well as in the bath and in a basin), water men live. With water men, it is also very interesting to play. They can be like in the picture. But you can also come up with water men and draw them in the album. Give the baby blue and blue pencils or watercolor paints and ask him to independently draw your water men.

Drink dolls delicious juice

Purpose: To identify the property of water and paints, the ability of the paints will dissolve in water and change its color.
Material: Watercolor paints, tassels, transparent plastic glasses with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Once a bunny decided to show mom focus. He put a transparent cup on the table. Then he poured water in them. Bul-bulb flowed water.
- Mom, close your eyes! Said said.
Mom closed his eyes and began to wait what would be. (And you close eyes).
- Open! - Commanded a bunny.
When Mom opened his eyes, he saw that in cups water is no longer simple, but a multicolored - yellow, red, blue, green and orange. (And you show your finger, where what).
- How beautiful! - Mom admired.

Suggest children to cook for dolls Multicolored juice, try to attract the child's attention to the element of the magic: "And if you lower the glass with a brush with a yellow paint, it is interesting what happens. What is juice? "
Cover on the table, arrange the glasses, put the dolls, treat drinks. Red water will turn into tomato juice, orange - in orange, yellow - in pineapple, blue - in blackberry.

A fairy tale about how the rainbow in the water has bathed

Purpose: To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors when mixed with red and yellow, blue and green.

Material: Seven transparent cups with warm water, seven colors of gouashe colors.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

In the summer, after the rain on the sky, a bright rainbow came out, she looked down on the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. The rainbow looked at him, as in the mirror and thought: "What I'm beautiful!". Then she decided to swim in a warm lake. Like a huge multicolored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake was immediately colored different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Kids came running with tassels and albums, dipped their tassels into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow widdled and flew over the clouds. Water in the lake has become transparent, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.

Rainbow in water is not only in a fairy tale. For example, you can paint with paints, offer a child, dip your finger in red paint, and then lower it into a glass with water. In turn, do the same thing with other paints. It will be seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Melting ice melting

Purpose: To introduce the fact that it freezes in the cold and melts in warm.

Material: Candle, spoon, ice, transparent cups with hot and cold water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Once in the winter, the Belchonok brought home the ice cream, Icicles, he left her in the voupel, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to dinner, and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered the ice buck, ran into the hallway. The ice cream disappeared - there is nowhere, but on the floor glitter a puddle.

We put a piece of ice on a spoon and warm it over the flame of the candle: "Look, here is a lot. Let's get it on fire. Where is the ice? Melted! What is the ice turned? In the driver! "
In the transparent glass mug or a glass pour hot water (you can squeeze it), lower the piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how differently melts ice in water of different temperatures.


Purpose: Reveal the properties of water: can be heated, cool, freeze, melting.

Material: Baths, water of different temperatures, pieces of ice.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Zimushka-Winter came, in rivers and lakes frozen water. Water turned into ice. Following the winter, Spring Krasno flew, ice melted, the driver was a little warmed. You can start boats. Summer roast has come, and a warm water was done. You can swim, splash. And then the cool autumn comes to visit us. And the water in the rivers, in the lakes and in the puddles it became cold. Soon winter will say again. So come to visit us in turn: for the winter - spring, for the spring - summer, in the summer - autumn, in the fall - winter.

Take two wide cups. In one pour cold water, to another - warm. Cold water is "Winter", warm - "Summer". Let the kid robs the water handle. "Where is the cold driver? Where are we "winter"? Here in this cup. Where is a warm driver? Where do we have "summer"? Here". Then take four cups or small basin. In one cup, put a small piece of ice ("winter"), pour a little warm water to another ("Spring", to the third - warm, but not hot water ("summer"), in fourth - cold water ("Autumn"). Teach your baby to determine what water in cups and what time it corresponds to.


Purpose: To acquaint with the properties of water: pour, moves.

Material: Bath with water, toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Cook porridge for kids,
(Turn the handle in water, as if "stirring porridge.")
Dough make for pyshek,
(We place water like dough.)
Sweet tea we treat
(We recruit water in the palm and pour it back to the bath.)
Well, after - rest!
In the bath - boulders!

Offer children to play with water, pay attention that the driver moves towards the movement of their hands, as well as it overflows, pour.

How the water went to walk

Purpose: To give an idea that water can be collected by various objects - sponge, pipette, pear, napkin.

Material: Foam sponge, plastic syringe without a needle, rubber pear, bath with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Poured the clock to the basin and forgot about it. After some time, the driver was bored: "I sit here and I don't see anything, but around, probably, so much interesting!" She wanted to get out of the basin, but it didn't work out - there are no pens and legs of the water. I wanted to call someone, but the voice of the driver in a basin quietly - no one heard her. And then Mom came and thought: "Why is it worth it here?" I took and poured it into the sink. Driving a driver in the pipes and fell into a large river in which there was a lot of other water. And our driver was pulled together with a large river around the city, past beautiful houses and green gardens. "How beautiful, like wonderful! - thought the driver. - And I would sit in my basin and I would not see this beauty! "
Take a foam or other absorbent sponge, rubber pear and plastic syringe (without a needle). Pour water in a small basin, prepare several empty tanks (cups, bowls, etc.). Ask the baby to lower the sponge into the water and show how you need to squeeze it into the cup. Then type the water with a rubber pear and recover it into another container, do the same with the syringe.

Foam castle

Purpose: To introduce the fact that when air intake in a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed, then foam.

Material: Small tank with soapy water, straw, rubber toy.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

We have foam in our eyes
The castle will grow now
We will drink with you into the tube
Will a prince on a pipe.

In a small container, pour a few dishwashing tools, add water and stir. Take a wide cocktail tube, lower the bowl and start blowing. Simultaneously with loud bouffaging in front of the child, cloud of overflowing bubbles will grow.
Give the baby to the tube and offer to the bottom first with you, then yourself. Put the plastic or rubber toy inside the foam is a "prince who lives in a foam castle."

Why boats do not swim

Purpose: Detect air, form wind.

Material: Paper and foam ships, bath with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Stand boats in the blue sea and can not swim. Steel captains Solnychko asking: "Sun! Help our ships swim! " The sun answers them: "I can warm the water in the sea!" Heated the sun, the water was warm, and the boats are still not sailing. Night has come. Appeared in the sky stars. Steel captains ask them: "Stars! Help our boats! " Stars answer them: "We can point you the way, where you need to swim!" Captain offended: "Where to swim, we ourselves know, just can't move from the spot!" Suddenly the wind blew. The captains began to ask him: "The breeze! Help our boats go to the road! " "It's very simple!" Said the wind and began to blow on the boats. And the boats floated.

Invite the children to lower the ships in the bath with water, ask whether the ship sails, why? What needs to be done so that the boats float? Listen to children's offers, bring the wind to the fact that you need a wind. Where to "take" the wind? Children blow on the boats, create wind.


Purpose: Secure the knowledge about the properties of water - pour, you can strain through the sump.

Material: pelvis with water, sin, sietchko, toy colander, small toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Have you caught us for lunch?
He answers with a smile:
- It's not a secret at all!
I managed to catch yet
Two leaky shoes!

Pour into the water basin and give the baby a cincure for catching aquarium fish, a small straw with a handle or toy colander. Throw some small toys into the water. They can swim on the surface or lie on the day. Offer the baby to catch these toys with a sacc. You can ask him to catch any specific toys: "Catch the blue ball, catch a red fish", etc.

Soap bubbles

Purpose: To cause the desire to let soap bubbles, to introduce the fact that when air intake in soap water, a bubble is formed.

Material: Soap water, cocktail tubes, bottles with cut bottom, gel pen body.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word. Voddy does not like spatis and dirty,
Jumps and swears: "Bul-Bul-Bul-Boule!"
But if we wash your hands and faces
The driver is satisfied and is no longer angry.

Machine hands so that it turns out a lush thick foam. Then disconnect the palms so that a thin transparent soap film is formed between them. Purify it - you will have a soap bubble. Let the child rushes on a soap film in your palms, help him make his soap bubble. To induce your child yourself to blow soap bubbles, offer him, in addition to the frame from the bubble bubble, a variety of tubes - a cocktail tube, a plastic bottle with a cut bottom, or roll up and glue a thick pipe from thick paper. To get a solid tube (kids cocktail tubes often eat or bend), you can disassemble the gel pen and take the body from it - a transparent plastic tube.
Water for soap bubbles can be prepared independently using liquid for washing dishes.


Purpose: Give the idea that water can change the direction of movement.

Material: Empty pelvis, bucket with water, funnels, grooves from half plastic bottle, from cardboard curved in the form of a scene.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word. Pour the driver with a big height,
Splashes fly on the grass and flowers.
Kids around lively hal
Loupe guys noise waterfall.

Offer children to play with funnels and grooves. Let them try to pour water into a basin through a funnel, and now on a plastic groove and a cardboard groove bent in the form of a ladder. Combine these items: leut water to grooves through a funnel. Pay attention to children, that water moves. Ask them what happens if we keep the grooves in a different way (the direction of the water movement will change).

Tale of Cameshke

Purpose: On the example of experience, it is easy to show that items can be lightweight.

Material: Bath with water, small heavy and light items, pebbles.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word
On the shore of the lake lay a little pebble. He looked at beautiful lilies and pitchers who swam on the water, and thought: "What are they happy, swim, like a boat. I also want to swim! " The boy came to the shore, took the pebble and threw into the water. Pechers were delighted: "My dream finally came true! I'll swim!" But it turned out that he could not swim, because too heavy. And pebbles dropped to the bottom of the lake. At first he was very upset. And then I saw how many fun fish, other pebbles and beautiful plants. Pebble stopped sad and made friends with fish. What can you do! Heavy pebbles can not swim.
Take some small light items that can stay on the water (for example, Pyryshko, a ball, a paper boat, a thin pinch) and several heavy items that will lie on the bottom (for example, pebbles, a key, coin). Fill the bath or basin with water. Give a child one of the items and ask to omit into the water. At the same time tell him: "Look, a boat is swimming! And the key drowned - he is heavy! Petal floats - he is light! ".

Who woke Kitenka

purpose : To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air and discover it.

Material : Bath with water, straw, soap water in cups.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

The wind blows-blows, "Well, what it looks like!
Waves in the sea raises. My kity can sleep sleep!
Sea Blue Burlit, the wind is very loud -
Unhappy dad-whale: Does not give us peace!
Agrees kitich:
"It is necessary that it became quiet!
Wind, wind, do not go go
Our crumb is not awake! "

Take the capetail straw, lower it into the water and ask the child to pour into the straw so that the water boils. And if you cook a soap solution in the bucket and pour into the tube, the foam will begin to form and the lush soap "beard" will grow from the bucket.

A branch in a vase

purpose : Show water value in the life of plants.

Material: Tree branch, water vase, label "Live water".

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Drove a powerful truck and the twig broke,
Fell a twig on the snow and there would be laying there,
But it raised her hand care and gently
And he delivered it to the heat of the water to drink a snowy.
We put a branch in a vase, we will open all the kidneys,
Green leaflets will appear on the light.

Cut or pick up a broken twig that quickly blooming trees. Take the Vase and get the "Live Water" sticker on it.
Together with children, consider twigs and kidneys on them. After put the branch into the water and explain to children that one of the important properties of water is to give life to everything alive. Put a twig to a prominent place. Ask children what will happen, develop the ability to make assumptions. Every day, observe, the time will pass, the kidneys burst and green leaves will appear.

Oksana Mikhaleva
Experimentation in the second youngest group "Magic Water"

Experimenting in 2 youngest group« Magic water»


1. Development of cognitive activity in the process experimentation.

2. Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of water and the degree of its importance in the life of a person and everything alive on earth.


1. Create conditions for identifying properties and qualities water: transparent, odorless, pouring, some substances dissolve in it, the other substances are painted, water May be cold and warm.

2. To introduce the process of turning the water into ice, ice and snow into the water.

3. Relieve a sense of mutual assistance, accuracy during experiments.


Paint gouache, brushes, transparent glasses with water, sponge, rubber pear, napkins.

Research was conducted in 2 junior group.

In the process experimentation Dictionary of children is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of properties, phenomena or object of nature (color, shape, value: Moves - breaks, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm and so on).

"Multicolored water"

Give an idea that water has no colorBut you can paint it.

Offered children to cook strawberry juice, it was necessary to attract the attention of children to the element magic. Asked a question children: "And if you omit into a glass with a brush with a pink paint, I wonder what happens. What is juice? " (Pink-minic). Water has no colorBut when mixed with paint, the color changes.

Together with the children concluded that when paints hit the water, she takes her color.

"Melting ice"

purpose: To introduce the fact that water Freezes in the cold and turns into ice, and then melts in warm.

A fairy tale for children was proposed. Once in the winter, the Belchonok brought home with ice, he left her in a hollow, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to dinner, and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered the ice buck, ran into the hallway. The ice cream disappeared - there is nowhere, but on the floor glitter a puddle.

After the experience carried out, the conclusion was concluded that when Ice hit in a warm environment (room) He melts. And when removing water to the street, it freezes, turns into a lot.

"Considered - Coupling"

purpose: To introduce properties water: pour, moving.

He offered children to play with water, and pay their attention to that the driver moves towards the movement of their hands, as well as it overflows and pour.

Water game:

Cook porridge for kids,

(Twist the handle in the water, as if "Stirring porridge".)

Dough make for pyshek,

(We place water like dough.)

Sweet tea we treat

(We recruit water in the palm and pour it back to the bath.)

Well, after - rest!

In the bath - boulders!

After the joint game concluded that water has a move.

"How water went walking»

Give an idea that water can be collected by various items - sponge, pear, napkin, water It can change the direction of movement and absorbed into objects.

After the experiments conducted, the children visually saw that water Easily absorbed and has a movement.

purpose: Secure proper breathing, the ability to regulate the power of the exhalation. Glasses and cocktail tubes were taken. Water poured into the glass and offered children to exhale in the tube calmly air. Bubbles on the surface of the water were formed - this is the air that we exhale.

Concluded that when air entered the water, it is boil.

The role is experienced - experimental The activities of children of preschool age are very large. Children's experimentation It is of great importance in the development of intellectual abilities of children. Experimental Activities along with the game is the leading activity of the child of the preschooler.

Outcome: Water is lifeNo matter what lives on Earth does not live without water. People, animals, the plant need water, so it is important to treat the water carefully.

Therefore, from preschool age, it is necessary to raise children, environmentally correct, since the children are our future.

I wanted to finish my research part with the words of Albert Einstein "Who has never committed mistakes, he never tried something new."

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of integrated classes "Magic Water" "Cognitive development", "artistic and aesthetic development" in the preparatory for school Group №12 "Star" topic: "Magic - water".

Form of holding: occupation - experience. Purpose: develop interest in nature. To acquaint children with the basic properties of water.

An abstract of experimentation classes and cognitive development in the younger group "Magic Water" Made up: Educator GDDOU kindergarten №1 SPb., Kolpino Mikhailova E. H Abstract Classes with the use of experimentation and cognitive.

Abstract Experimental Claim in the Preparatory Group "Magic Water, we will find out you" MBDOU №1. Author: Grinco Julia Sergeevna, Dumenova Julia Aleksandrovna, teachers Maikop Purpose: instill interest in research activities.

Abstract Classes "Magic Water, we know you" "Magic water, we will find out you." Objectives: - introduce children with some properties of water; - develop the analyzing perception of objects.

Olga Khasanova
Experimentation in the younger group

Children love very much experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are inherent visual-effective and visual-shaped thinking, and experimentationlike no other method corresponds to these age features. In the first three years of life experimentation It is almost the only way to know the world.

Experimentation It is a special type of child activity, in the process of which their own activity is most pronounced, aimed at obtaining new knowledge, to obtain products of their own creativity, which supports children's initiative and is one of the conditions for the transition of children to a higher level of social and cognitive activity.

The main characteristics of children experimentation:

1. Children's experimentation - A special form of search activity in which the most pronounced processes: Target formation, processes of occurrence and development of new identity motifs underlying self-duration, self-development.

2. Forms experimentation(cognitive and productive). In childhood experimentation The most powerful activity of children aimed at obtaining:

New information, new knowledge (cognitive form experimentation,

To receive creativity products (productive form experimentation) .

3. Children's experimentation - The rod of any process of children's creativity.

4. Activities experimentation Performs all areas of children's life, all types of activity, including game.

Features of organizing work with pupils by experimentation in junior groups.

1 junior group.

Development of vividly effective thinking.

Children alone experiment with objects, their parts, names.

Terms are closely considered.

Short-term observations are responsible for the simplest questions.

Perform the simplest orders.

Pronounce phrase: "I want to do ….".

In the process experimentation Dictionary of children is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of properties, phenomena or object of nature (color, shape, value: Moves - breaks, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm and so on).

Experiments with objects of inanimate nature


Give an idea that the sand is dry and wet.


Give an idea that dry sand can be poured.

"Bake a treat"

Give the idea that wet sand takes any necessary shape.

Part of the class


To give an idea that traces and prints remain on the wet sand.


Give an idea that sand is a lot of grasses.

Walking on a walk

"Catch the air"

Give an idea that the air is not visible.

"Dream air to the glass"

Give an idea that the air does not pass water.

"Let's release the air from the glass"

Give an idea that water can get air.

"Storm in a glass"

"Utopim toys"

Give an idea that the air is lighter than water.

Mode Moments

"My cheerful ringing ball"

Give an idea that the ball jumps high, because there is a lot of air.

"Floating boat"

Give an idea that items can move with air.

Part of the class

"Make a breeze"

Give an idea that the wind is the movement of the air.

Walking on a walk

"Wash pebbles"

"Light heavy"

Give the idea that the stones are heavy and lungs.

Part of the class

"Warm - Cold"

Give the idea that stones can be cold and warm.

"What form of a stone?"

Give the idea that the stones have a different form.

Part of the class

"Wash pebbles"

Give the idea that stones are drowning in water, because they are heavy.

"Solid - soft"

Give the idea that the stones are solid.

"Paper leaflets"

Give an idea that paper is light.

"Thin - fat"

Give an idea that paper can be thin and thick.

"Pormer paper"

Give the idea that the paper can break.


Give an idea that paper is not sinking in water.

Jr preschool age - the period of active experimentation Child with a substantive world. Everything that the baby surrounds is things belonging to adults, toys, animals, plants, water, sand and much more - it is of interest. He likes to explore new items, experiment with a variety of substances and materials: Water, sand, snow, clay, paints. Adults often doubt that small children can seriously learn "Important" things. However, it is not. In the process of such a study, the curiosity of the baby develops, its ideas about the world around the world are expanding, the child acquires a rich sensual experience, gets a powerful impulse for the development of intelligence.

It is important to remember that the formation of the intellectual sphere of the child is carried out not only with the targeted leadership of adults, but also in free, independent practical activities. In the process of free experimentation The child receives a new one, sometimes unexpected information for him, establishes practical ties between its own actions and the phenomena of the surrounding world, makes a kind of discovery. Experimentation Stimulates the child to search for new actions and contributes to the development of thinking flexibility. Self experimentation It makes it possible to test different ways of action by removing the fear of mistaken. The role of teachers in this process is not to immediately show how to do it right, but to stimulate the interest of the baby to the subjects, encourage an independent study, maintain his curiosity.

The pronounced curiosity of the child is the most important indicator of its successful mental development. It manifests itself in that child:

Actively seeks new impressions, loves to observe others;

Quickly detects a new one, seeks to immediately explore it;

With interest is included in the Games offered by adults, sand, experimentation with different substances;

For a long time with passion experiments Sam, imitating adult and inventing new actions;

It should be borne in mind that the full mastering of the child objective activity occurs only in the process of communicating with adults.


1. Organization experimental The activities of preschoolers are ed. L. N. Prokhorova, M.: Arct, 2003.

2. Touveva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. " Experimental Activities of children of secondary and senior preschool age, "St. Petersburg "Childhood - Press", 2007

3. Materials in experimentation of the educator MDOU№2.

Umakhanova S. I.

Experimentation in kindergarten is effective activities aimed at developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers.


In accordance with the requirements of GEF, educators in kindergarten are recommended to organize situations every day provoking the cognitive activity of pupils. One of the forms of such an impact is experimenting in DOU.

Experimentation in kindergarten

How old are to begin experimenting in kindergarten?

From the second group of early age (2-3 years), children begin to take part in the joint with the educator of the inadmissions. While they are the simplest studies that help the kids examine objects, marking their color, magnitude or shape.
In the younger group (3-4 years), cognitive-research activities are complicated. Together with the teacher, children learn to conduct experiments on the example of sensory standards. Thanks to the experiments, previously the hidden properties of the objects studied are understood.
Experimentation in the middle group (4-5 years) has a goal to form in children the skills independently receive information about the new object. All senses are actively used for experiments.
Using experimentation in the senior group (5-6 years), it is necessary to stimulate children to independently conduct experimental actions and identify hidden properties of phenomena and objects.
In the preparatory to school group (6-7 years), cognitive-research activities are improving. Not only independent work is welcomed, but also the choice of the optimal method of its implementation.



Card Sames - Experiments
(Junior Preschool Age)


Purpose: Call a desire to draw on a wet sheet, find out what the paints are mixed, and have no clear boundary, new colors are obtained.

Material: Large sheet of paper for watercolor, moistened with water, tower, paint and brushes.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Sun yellow in the sky
Red flowers bloom
In the blue sea splashes fish
Draw all this you.

Unforgettable sensations can give the process of drawing with watercolor paints on the wet sheet. To do this, put the linen on the table, wet a tight paper sheet for watercolor. Pick up a brush into one of the paints and carefully spend on paper. Ask children what happens if we use other colors. Get the opportunity to play with paints. No matter how accidentally can be drawn in the drawing with a brush with one water, without paint - water will create on a sheet of delicate, blurred, light halftone.

Something in the box

Purpose: To acquaint with the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle), show that the light does not pass through transparent items.
Material: A box with a lid in which a slot is made; Flashlight, lamp.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Dad gave a little lantern, bunny liked to play with a flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and looked under the sofa, shone inside the cabinet and in all angles.
- Bunny, where is your ball? Mom asked.
- I go to look! Said said and went to the dark room.
- And I'm not afraid! - having fun bunny and lit a flashlight.
Bunny shine a flashlight and found a ball.

An adult invites children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to discover what is in it (look into the slot). Children look into the slot and celebrate that in the box is darker than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done so that in the box it became lighter (fully open the slot or remove the lid so that the light falls into the box and illuminated objects inside it). The adult opens the slot, and after the children make sure that the box became light, talks about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which in turn lights and puts inside the box so that the children see the light through the slot. Along with children compares, in which case it is better visible, and makes a conclusion about the meaning of light.

Sunny bunny

Purpose: To acquaint with the natural light source - the sun.

Material: Little Mirrors, Sunlight

Games - Experiment

Having chopped the moment when the sun looks into the window, catch using a ray mirror and try to pay attention to the baby on how the sunny "bunny" jumps along the wall, on the ceiling, from the wall on the sofa, etc. Offer to catch the running "bunny". If the child liked the game, change the roles: give him a mirror, show how to catch a ray, and then stand up at the wall. Try to "catch" the spot of light as emotionally as possible, not forgetting at the same time commenting on your actions: "I will catch-catch! What a smart bunny - quickly runs! Oh, and now he is on the ceiling, not to get. ... well, the hare, let's go down to us! " etc. The baby's laughter will become the best reward.

Who lives in water

Purpose: Develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Material: Blue and Blue Pencils or Watercolor Paints, Listed List

Games - Experiment

Artistic word
Water men
All day splashing in the river.
And then climbed into the basin
Check out again.

In the sandbox, the sandy men live, and in the water (in the sea, in the lake, in the river, as well as in the bath and in a basin), water men live. With water men, it is also very interesting to play. They can be like in the picture. But you can also come up with water men and draw them in the album. Give the baby blue and blue pencils or watercolor paints and ask him to independently draw your water men.

Drink dolls delicious juice

Purpose: To identify the property of water and paints, the ability of the paints will dissolve in water and change its color.
Material: Watercolor paints, tassels, transparent plastic glasses with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Once a bunny decided to show mom focus. He put a transparent cup on the table. Then he poured water in them. Bul-bulb flowed water.
- Mom, close your eyes! Said said.
Mom closed his eyes and began to wait what would be. (And you close eyes).
- Open! - Commanded a bunny.
When Mom opened his eyes, he saw that in cups water is no longer simple, but a multicolored - yellow, red, blue, green and orange. (And you show your finger, where what).
- How beautiful! - Mom admired.

Suggest children to cook for dolls Multicolored juice, try to attract the child's attention to the element of the magic: "And if you lower the glass with a brush with a yellow paint, it is interesting what happens. What is juice? "
Cover on the table, arrange the glasses, put the dolls, treat drinks. Red water will turn into tomato juice, orange - in orange, yellow - in pineapple, blue - in blackberry.

A fairy tale about how the rainbow in the water has bathed

Purpose: To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors when mixed with red and yellow, blue and green.

Material: Seven transparent cups with warm water, seven colors of gouashe colors.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

In the summer, after the rain on the sky, a bright rainbow came out, she looked down on the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. The rainbow looked at him, as in the mirror and thought: "What I'm beautiful!". Then she decided to swim in a warm lake. Like a huge multicolored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake was immediately colored different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Kids came running with tassels and albums, dipped their tassels into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow widdled and flew over the clouds. Water in the lake has become transparent, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.

Rainbow in water is not only in a fairy tale. For example, you can paint with paints, offer a child, dip your finger in red paint, and then lower it into a glass with water. In turn, do the same thing with other paints. It will be seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Melting ice melting

Purpose: To introduce the fact that it freezes in the cold and melts in warm.

Material: Candle, spoon, ice, transparent cups with hot and cold water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Once in the winter, the Belchonok brought home the ice cream, Icicles, he left her in the voupel, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to dinner, and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered the ice buck, ran into the hallway. The ice cream disappeared - there is nowhere, but on the floor glitter a puddle.

We put a piece of ice on a spoon and warm it over the flame of the candle: "Look, here is a lot. Let's get it on fire. Where is the ice? Melted! What is the ice turned? In the driver! "
In the transparent glass mug or a glass pour hot water (you can squeeze it), lower the piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how differently melts ice in water of different temperatures.


Purpose: Reveal the properties of water: can be heated, cool, freeze, melting.

Material: baths, water of different temperatures, pieces of ice.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Zimushka-Winter came, in rivers and lakes frozen water. Water turned into ice. Following the winter, Spring Krasno flew, ice melted, the driver was a little warmed. You can start boats. Summer roast has come, and a warm water was done. You can swim, splash. And then the cool autumn comes to visit us. And the water in the rivers, in the lakes and in the puddles it became cold. Soon winter will say again. So come to visit us in turn: for the winter - spring, for the spring - summer, in the summer - autumn, in the fall - winter.

Take two wide cups. In one pour cold water, to another - warm. Cold water is "Winter", warm - "Summer". Let the kid robs the water handle. "Where is the cold driver? Where are we "winter"? Here in this cup. Where is a warm driver? Where do we have "summer"? Here". Then take four cups or small basin. In one cup, put a small piece of ice ("winter"), pour a little warm water to another ("Spring", to the third - warm, but not hot water ("summer"), in fourth - cold water ("Autumn"). Teach your baby to determine what water in cups and what time it corresponds to.


Purpose: To acquaint with the properties of water: pour, moves.

Material: Bath with water, toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Cook porridge for kids,
(Turn the handle in water, as if "stirring porridge.")
Dough make for pyshek,
(We place water like dough.)
Sweet tea we treat
(We recruit water in the palm and pour it back to the bath.)
Well, after - rest!
In the bath - boulders!

Offer children to play with water, pay attention that the driver moves towards the movement of their hands, as well as it overflows, pour.

How the water went to walk

Purpose: To give an idea that water can be collected by various objects - sponge, pipette, pear, napkin.

Material: foam sponge, plastic syringe without a needle, rubber pear, bath with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Poured the clock to the basin and forgot about it. After some time, the driver was bored: "I sit here and I don't see anything, but around, probably, so much interesting!" She wanted to get out of the basin, but it didn't work out - there are no pens and legs of the water. I wanted to call someone, but the voice of the driver in a basin quietly - no one heard her. And then Mom came and thought: "Why is it worth it here?" I took and poured it into the sink. Driving a driver in the pipes and fell into a large river in which there was a lot of other water. And our driver was pulled together with a large river around the city, past beautiful houses and green gardens. "How beautiful, like wonderful! - thought the driver. - And I would sit in my basin and I would not see this beauty! "
Take a foam or other absorbent sponge, rubber pear and plastic syringe (without a needle). Pour water in a small basin, prepare several empty tanks (cups, bowls, etc.). Ask the baby to lower the sponge into the water and show how you need to squeeze it into the cup. Then type the water with a rubber pear and recover it into another container, do the same with the syringe.

Foam castle

Purpose: To introduce the fact that when air intake in a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed, then foam.

Material: small tank with soapy water, straw, rubber toy.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

We have foam in our eyes
The castle will grow now
We will drink with you into the tube
Will a prince on a pipe.

In a small container, pour a few dishwashing tools, add water and stir. Take a wide cocktail tube, lower the bowl and start blowing. Simultaneously with loud bouffaging in front of the child, cloud of overflowing bubbles will grow.
Give the baby to the tube and offer to the bottom first with you, then yourself. Put the plastic or rubber toy inside the foam is a "prince who lives in a foam castle."

Why boats do not swim

Purpose: Detect air, form wind.

Material: Paper and foam ships, bath with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Stand boats in the blue sea and can not swim. Steel captains Solnychko asking: "Sun! Help our ships swim! " The sun answers them: "I can warm the water in the sea!" Heated the sun, the water was warm, and the boats are still not sailing. Night has come. Appeared in the sky stars. Steel captains ask them: "Stars! Help our boats! " Stars answer them: "We can point you the way, where you need to swim!" Captain offended: "Where to swim, we ourselves know, just can't move from the spot!" Suddenly the wind blew. The captains began to ask him: "The breeze! Help our boats go to the road! " "It's very simple!" Said the wind and began to blow on the boats. And the boats floated.

Invite the children to lower the ships in the bath with water, ask whether the ship sails, why? What needs to be done so that the boats float? Listen to children's offers, bring the wind to the fact that you need a wind. Where to "take" the wind? Children blow on the boats, create wind.


Purpose: Secure the knowledge about the properties of water - pour, you can strain through the sump.

Material: pelvis with water, sin, sietchko, toy colander, small toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Have you caught us for lunch?
He answers with a smile:
- It's not a secret at all!
I managed to catch yet
Two leaky shoes!

Pour into the water basin and give the baby a cincure for catching aquarium fish, a small straw with a handle or toy colander. Throw some small toys into the water. They can swim on the surface or lie on the day. Offer the baby to catch these toys with a sacc. You can ask him to catch any specific toys: "Catch the blue ball, catch a red fish", etc.

Soap bubbles

Purpose: To cause the desire to let soap bubbles, to introduce the fact that when air intake in soap water, a bubble is formed.

Material: soap water, cocktail tubes, bottles with cut bottom, gel pen body.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Voddy does not like spatis and dirty,
Jumps and swears: "Bul-Bul-Bul-Boule!"
But if we wash your hands and faces
The driver is satisfied and is no longer angry.

Machine hands so that it turns out a lush thick foam. Then disconnect the palms so that a thin transparent soap film is formed between them. Purify it - you will have a soap bubble. Let the child rushes on a soap film in your palms, help him make his soap bubble. To induce your child yourself to blow soap bubbles, offer him, in addition to the frame from the bubble bubble, a variety of tubes - a cocktail tube, a plastic bottle with a cut bottom, or roll up and glue a thick pipe from thick paper. To get a solid tube (kids cocktail tubes often eat or bend), you can disassemble the gel pen and take the body from it - a transparent plastic tube.
Water for soap bubbles can be prepared independently using liquid for washing dishes.


Purpose: Give the idea that water can change the direction of movement.

Material: Empty pelvis, bucket with water, funnels, grooves from half plastic bottle, from cardboard curved in the form of a scene.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word
Pour the driver with a big height,
Splashes fly on the grass and flowers.
Kids around lively hal
Loupe guys noise waterfall.

Offer children to play with funnels and grooves. Let them try to pour water into a basin through a funnel, and now on a plastic groove and a cardboard groove bent in the form of a ladder. Combine these items: leut water to grooves through a funnel. Pay attention to children, that water moves. Ask them what happens if we keep the grooves in a different way (the direction of the water movement will change).

Tale of Cameshke

Purpose: on the example of experience, it is easy to show that items can be lightweight.

Material: Bath with water, small heavy and light items, pebbles.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word
On the shore of the lake lay a little pebble. He looked at beautiful lilies and pitchers who swam on the water, and thought: "What are they happy, swim, like a boat. I also want to swim! " The boy came to the shore, took the pebble and threw into the water. Pechers were delighted: "My dream finally came true! I'll swim!" But it turned out that he could not swim, because too heavy. And pebbles dropped to the bottom of the lake. At first he was very upset. And then I saw how many fun fish, other pebbles and beautiful plants. Pebble stopped sad and made friends with fish. What can you do! Heavy pebbles can not swim.
Take some small light items that can stay on the water (for example, Pyryshko, a ball, a paper boat, a thin pinch) and several heavy items that will lie on the bottom (for example, pebbles, a key, coin). Fill the bath or basin with water. Give a child one of the items and ask to omit into the water. At the same time tell him: "Look, a boat is swimming! And the key drowned - he is heavy! Petal floats - he is light! ".

Who woke Kitenka

Purpose : To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air and discover it.

Material: Bath with water, straw, soap water in cups.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

The wind blows-blows, "Well, what it looks like!
Waves in the sea raises. My kity can sleep sleep!
Sea Blue Burlit, the wind is very loud -
Unhappy dad-whale: Does not give us peace!
Agrees kitich:
"It is necessary that it became quiet!
Wind, wind, do not go go
Our crumb is not awake! "

Take the capetail straw, lower it into the water and ask the child to pour into the straw so that the water boils. And if you cook a soap solution in the bucket and pour into the tube, the foam will begin to form and the lush soap "beard" will grow from the bucket.

A branch in a vase

Purpose : Show water in the life of plants.

Material: tree branch, water vase, label "Live water".

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Drove a powerful truck and the twig broke,
Fell a twig on the snow and there would be laying there,
But it raised her hand care and gently
And he delivered it to the heat of the water to drink a snowy.
We put a branch in a vase, we will open all the kidneys,
Green leaflets will appear on the light.

Cut or pick up a broken twig that quickly blooming trees. Take the Vase and get the "Live Water" sticker on it.
Together with children, consider twigs and kidneys on them. After put the branch into the water and explain to children that one of the important properties of water is to give life to everything alive. Put a twig to a prominent place. Ask children what will happen, develop the ability to make assumptions. Every day, observe, the time will pass, the kidneys burst and green leaves will appear.