Renal epithelium in the urine in the dog. Bacteriological analysis of urine. Video about dog urine analysis

Materials posted in this section are solely cognitive, and in no form can not serve as a basis for independent formulation of the diagnosis and treatment of an animal.

If your animal fell ill, first of all, you need to turn to a veterinary doctor. Remember - to put the correct diagnosis and cure the animal solely with the help of the Internet it is impossible. Any self-identity from the owner of an animal can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal!

Indicators of blood research and urine in dogs (with explanations)

Blood and urine tests

Normal hematological indicators of dogs









Neutrophils are stickyeric

Neutrophils segmenteerny







The diameter of the erythrocyte


Possible causes of deviations from normal hematological indicators.

Hemoglobin. Raising: Some forms of hemoblastosis, in particular eritremia, dehydration of the body. Lower (anemia): various types of anemia, incl. Due to blood loss.

Erythrocytes. Raising: Eritremia, heart failure, chronic lung diseases, dehydration of the body. Lower: various types of anemia, incl. Hemolytic and due to blood loss.

Hematokritis. Raising: Eritremia, cardiac and pulmonary failure, dehydration of the body. Lower: various types of anemia, incl. Hemolytic.

Soe. Increased: inflammatory processes, poisoning, infection, invasion, tumors, hemoblastosis, bloodstures, injuries, operational interventions.

Leukocytes. Increased: inflammatory processes, poisoning, viral infections, invasions, bloodstures, injuries, allergic reactions, tumors, myelolomicosis, lympholoicosis. Lower: acute and chronic infections (rarely), liver disease, autoimmune diseases, the effects of certain antibiotics, toxic substances and cytostatics, radiation disease, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis.

Neutrophils. Raising: inflammatory processes, poisoning, shock, blood loss, hemolytic anemia. Lower: virus infections, the effects of certain antibiotics, toxic substances and cytostatics, radiation disease, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis. Increasing the number of rodic-core neutrophils, the appearance of myelocytes: sepsis, malignant tumors, myelolomicosis.

Eosinophils. Increased: allergic reactions, sensitization, invasion, tumors, hemoblastosis.

Basophiles. Increase: hemoblastosis.

Lymphocytes. Increased: infection, neutropenia (relative increase), lympholoicosis.

Monocytes. Raising: chronic infections, tumors, chronic monocystary leukemia.

Melocytes. Detection: chronic myelolomicosis, sharp and chronic inflammatory processes, sepsis, bleeding, shock.

Reticulocytes. Increased: blood loss, hemolytic anemia Lower: hypoplastic anemia.

The diameter of red blood cells. Raising: B12 and folioformic anemia, liver disease. Lower: iron deficiency and hemolytic anemia.

Platelets. Increased: myeloproliferative diseases. Lower: acute and chronic leukemia, liver cirrhosis, aplastic anemia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purple, red system, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, intoxication, chronic infections.

Normal urinary indicators

Indicator Units Norm
numberml / kg / day24-41
Color yellow
Transparency transparent
Densityg / ml1.015-1.050
Proteinmg / L.0-30
Glucose 0
Ketone bodies 0
Creatinineg / l1-3
Amylaseunits. Somogi50-150
Bilirubin traces
Urobilinogen. traces
Hemoglobin 0
Erythrocytes 0-units
Leukocytes 0-units
Cylinders 0-units

Possible causes of deviations from normal urine indicators

Color. Norma urine painted in yellow. Reducing or disappearance of yellow painting indicates a decrease in urine concentration as a result of increased water excretion (polyuria). Intense yellow painting indicates an increase in urine concentration, for example due to dehydration (oliguria). Green painting urine acquires as a result of the selection of bilirubin. The urine color changes after the reception of individual vitamins.

Transparency. Narocrous. The muddy urine occurs when the isolation of bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells, salts, fat and mucus. The turbidity disappearing when urine heating in the tube may be caused by uratys. If the torment after heating does not disappear, then several drops of acetic acid are added to the tube. The disappearance of Muti testifies to the presence of phosphates. If the torment disappeared after adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid, it may mean the presence of calcium oxalate. A torment caused by fat droplets disappears after stripping urine with a mixture of alcohol and ether.

Density. Increased: Oliguria, glucosuria, proteinuria. Lower: polyuria.

Protein. Increased: kidney disease, hemolysis, meat diet, cystitis.

Glucose. Detection: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hyperadrenoxorticism, kidney disease, the introduction of glucocorticoids, cystitis.

Ketone bodies (acetone, beta-hydroxymalaic acid, acetoacetic acid). Detection: diabetic ketonuria, fever, starvation, low-carbon diet.

Creatine. Lower: renal failure.

Amylase. Increased: acute pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, hepatitis.

Bilirubin. Detection in significant quantity: hemolysis (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis), liver disease, violation of the outflow of bile in the intestine, fever, starvation.

Urobilinogen. Detection in significant quantity: hemolysis, liver disease, increasing the activity of intestinal microflora. Lack: Violation of the outflow of bile in the intestines.

pH. Normally, the urine of dogs has a weakly acidic or neutral reaction. The alkalinity of urine may indicate a vegetable diet, the country of alkaline preparations, chronic urinary tract infection, metabolic and respiratory alkalosis. The acidity of urine increases with a meat diet, reinforced protein decay, the dacha of acidic preparations, metabolic and respiratory acidosis.

Hemoglobin. Detection (hemoglobinuria): autoimmune hemolytic anemia, sepsis, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis, hemolytic poisoning (phenothiazine, methylene blue, copper and lead preparations), incompatible blood infusion. Hemoglobinuria is distinguished from hematuria by microscopy of urine precipitate. In hematuria, a large number of red blood cells are detected in the urine sediment. False hemoglobinuria may occur during erythrocyte hemolysis in a weakly concentrated and old urine.

Erythrocytes. Detection in significant quantity (hematuria): pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia, anticoagulant poisoning, kidney infarction, inflammatory diseases, injury and tumors of urinary organs, urolithiasis, dioctocoma.

Leukocytes. Detection in significant quantity: inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Cylinders. Detection in significant quantity: kidney parenchyma damage, proteinuria (hyaline cylinders), hematuria (erythrocyte cylinders), hemoglobinuria (pigment cylinders), pyelonephritis (leukocyte cylinders).

Normal biochemical blood indicators

Indicator An object Units Values
Glucoseserumg / l0.6-1.2
Common proteinserumg / l54-78
Albuminserumg / l23-34
Globulinsserumg / l27-44
Lipidsplasmag / l0.47-07.25
Cholesterolserumg / l1.25-2.50
Creatinineserummg / L.10-22
Nitrogen ureaserummg / L.100-200
Bilirubin commonserummg / L.0.7-6.1
Bilirubin directserummg / L.0-1.4
Bilirubin indirectserummg / L.0.7-6.1
Amylaseserumunits. Somogi< 800
Calciumserummg / L.70-116
Phosphor inorganicserummg / L.25-63
Magnesiumserummg / L.18-24
Ironserummg / L.0.94-1.22

Possible causes of deviations from normal biochemical indicators.

Glucose. Increased: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hyperadrenoxorticism, glucocorticoid administration, stress, pancasenecosis. Lower: Insulinoma, insulin overdose, hypoadrenocorticism.

Total protein. Increase: chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, paraproteinemic hemoblastosis, dehydration. Lower: nephrotic syndrome, enteritis, pancreatitis, burns, bloodstures, starvation, hypovitaminosis, heart failure, swelling, malignant neoplasms.

Albumin: See the overall protein.

Globulins. Increased: acute and chronic inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms, autoimmune diseases, injuries, myocardial infarction. Lower: malignant neoplasms, chronic inflammatory processes, allergies.

pH. It matters not only the pH of blood, but also alkaline reserve. The increase in blood pH and an increase in the alkali reserve indicate an alkalemia and metabolic alkalosis, for example, due to the loss of chlorides during vomiting and diarrhea. Hyperventillating of the lungs, due to the accelerated removal of CO2, causes respiratory alkalosis. Reducing the pH of blood and a decrease in the alkaline reserve indicate an acdemia and metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis may occur due to diarrhea, renal failure, accumulation of ketone bodies (acetonemia), the introduction of certain medicines (calcium chloride, methionine, salicylates), the formation of an excess of lactic acid during severe and long-term physical exertion. Respiratory acidosis causes lung hypotencement, as a result of increments in the blood concentration of CO2.

Lipids. Raising: hypothyroidism, hyperadrenoxorticism, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, hypoprteinemia as a result of renal failure and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the introduction of glucocorticoids, liver disease, a high-clipid diet.

Cholesterol. See lipids.

Creatine. Increase: impaired kidney function.

Urea nitrogen. Increased: Kidney Disorder, urine disorders, digestion and suction in the intestine of a large amount of protein, fever, dehydration, acute liver dystrophy. Lower: liver cirrhosis.

Bilirubin direct (passed through the liver). Raising: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver tumors, liver dystrophy.

Bilirubin indirect (who has not passed through the liver, unrelated). Raising: hemolysis, B12 hypovitaminosis.

Amylase. Raising: pancreatitis, renal failure, hyperadrenoxorticism.

Calcium.Increased: hyperparathyroidism, increased flow of calcium into the body, hypoadrenocorticism, disruption of the functions of the thyroid gland, renal failure, tumor, periodite, overdose of vitamin D and some diuretics. Lower: hypoparatyosis, azotemia

Update: April 2019

According to blood tests, it is possible not only to clarify or refute the diagnosis made on the basis of clinical inspection, but also to identify hidden pathologies in various organs. It is not recommended to neglect this type of diagnosis.

What blood tests do in dogs

Dogs spend basic two blood tests:

  • biochemical;
  • clinical (or general).

Clinical blood test (or total hemogram)

The most important indicators:

  • hematokritis;
  • hemoglobin levels;
  • erythrocytes;
  • color indicator;
  • platelets;
  • leukocytes and leukocyte formula (deployed).

Material for research

Blood for studies is taken by a venous volume of up to 2 ml. It is necessarily placed in a sterile test tube treated with anticoagulants (sodium citrate or heparin), which do not give blood to curl (actually glue uniform elements).

Blood chemistry

Helps to reveal in the body of a dog hidden pathological processes. In case of comprehensive analysis and, comparing with the obtained clinical signs on the inspection, it is possible to accurately determine the place of lesion - a system or a specific organ. The meaning of the analysis of blood biochemistry is to reflect the work of the enzymatic system of the body at the state of blood.

Main factors:

  • glucose level;
  • common protein and albumin;
  • urea nitrogen;
  • Alt and Ast (Allat and Asat);
  • bilirubin (general and straight);
  • creatinine;
  • lipids with separate cholesterol;
  • free fatty acids;
  • triglycerides;
  • lipase level;
  • alpha amylase;
  • creatinecinase;
  • alkaline and acid phosphotase;
  • GGT (gamma-glovedransferase);
  • lactate dehydrogenase;
  • electrolytes (potassium, calcium shared, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, chlorine).

Material for analysis

For the analysis, venous blood is taken, an empty stomach and before the start of any medical or physiotherapy procedures. Required volume - up to 2 ml. For determining the pH, solid blood goes, to determine the lipids - blood plasma, for all other indicators - blood serum. Fences: Ear, Vienna or Paw Pad. Sample selection is kept in sterile test tubes.

How to pass blood test?

Characteristics of the main physiological indicators of blood analysis in dogs

Clinical blood test in dogs

  • Hematokritis. Shows the total volume of all blood cells in the weight of blood (easier to leave). Usually take into account only red blood cells. Blood ability indicator to transfer oxygen to cells and tissues.
  • Hemoglobin (HbHGB). Complex blood protein, the main function of which is the transport of oxygen molecules and carbon dioxide between the cells of the body. Regulates the acid-main level.
  • Erythrocytes. Red blood cells containing gem protein (hemoglobin) and representing the basic cellular weight of the blood. One of the most informative indicators.
  • Color. In the literal sense, expresses the average intensity of the color of red blood cells by the content of hemoglobin in them.
  • Average indicators of the concentration and content of hemoglobin in red blood cells Indicate how tightly erythrocytes are saturated with hemoglobin. According to indicators, the type of anemia is determined.
  • Soe (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Shows in the body the presence of a pathological process. It does not indicate the path of pathology, but always deviates or during illness or after (during the recovery period).
  • Leukocytes. White blood cells that are responsible for the body's immune response and for its protection against all sorts of pathological agents. Different types of leukocytes are the leukocyte formula - the ratio of various types of leukocytes to their total number in percent. Decoding all indicators has a diagnostic value when analyzing all names. According to this formula, it is convenient to diagnose pathologies in the process of blood formation (leukemia). Include:
    • neutrophils: Direct task - protection against potential infections. There are two types in the blood - young cells (stickyuclear) and matured (segmental). Depending on the number of these all cells, the leukocyte formula can be moved to the right (mature greater than immature) or left (when the harsh cells prevail). In dogs for diagnosis, it is precisely the amount of immature cells.
    • eosinophila responsible for the manifestation of allergic reactions;
    • basophiles recognize alien agents in the blood, helping to "be determined with work" to other leukocytes;
    • lymphocytes - the main link in the general immunological response of the body for any disease;
    • monocytes. They are conclusted from the body of already dead alien cells.
  • Myelocytesthey are located in the blood formation organs and are separate leukocytes, which in normal state in the blood should not appear.
  • Reticulocytes - Young or not matured red blood cells. Blood is a maximum of 2 days, and then transformed into ordinary red blood cells. Bad when they are not found at all.
  • Plasmocytes They are a structural cell of lymphoid tissue responsible for the production of immunoglobulins (proteins responsible for a specific immune response). In the peripheral blood in the body of a healthy dog \u200b\u200bshould not be observed.
  • Platelets. These cells are responsible for the hemostascing process (blood stop during bleeding). It is equally bad when their excess or disadvantage is found.

Blood Biochemistry Dogs

  • pH - One of the most strictly constant indicators of blood, a minor deviation of which in any of the parties indicates severe pathologies in the body. With oscillations, only 0.2-0.3 units of the dog may come comatose and death.
  • Level glucose Speaks about the state of carbohydrate exchange. Also, glucose can be judged about the work of the pancreas of the dog.
  • Common protein with albumin. These indicators reflect the level of protein metabolism, as well as the work of the liver, because Albumin is produced in the liver and participate in the transportation of various nutrients, maintaining oncotic pressure in the internal environment.
  • Urea - Product of protein decay produced by the liver and highlighted by the kidneys. The results are talking about the work of hepatobiliary and excretory systems.
  • Alt and Ast (Allat and Asat) - intracellular enzymes involved in the exchange of amino acids in the body. Most of all AST is in skeletal muscles and heart, Alt still in the brain and red blood cells. Detected in large quantities with muscle or hepatic pathologies. Increase and decrease in inverse proportionality to each other, depending on violations.
  • Bilirubin (direct and general). This is a by-product formed after the decay of hemoglobin. Direct - which passed through the liver, indirect or common - did not pass. According to indicators, it is possible to judge pathologies accompanied by the active collapse of the red blood cells.
  • Creatinine- Substance that is fully excreted by the kidneys. Together with Creatinine clearance (urine study parameter) represents an explicit picture of the work of the kidneys.
  • Common lipids and direct cholesterol - Fat metabolism in the body of the dog.
  • By level triglycerides Judge about the work of fat processing enzymes.
  • Level lipases. This enzyme is involved in the processing of higher fatty acids, there are many bodies (lungs, liver, stomach and intestines, pancreas). According to essential deviations, one can judge the presence of obvious pathologies.
  • Alfa Amilaza Slisses sacraphic sugar, produced in salivary glands and pancreas. Diagnoses diseases of the relevant authorities.
  • Alkaline and acid phosphatase. The alkaline enzyme is located in the placenta, intestines, liver and bones, sour - in the prostate gland in males, and in the bitches in the liver, erythrocytes and platelets. Increased level helps to determine the diseases of bones, liver, prostate tumors, active decay of red blood cells.
  • Gamma-GlutamilTransferase - Very sensitive indicator on liver disease. It is always decoded in a complex with alkaline phosphatase to determine the pathologies of the liver (SOP. GGT).
  • Creatinkinaseit consists of three different components, each of which is contained in myocardium, brain and skeletal muscles. In pathologies in these areas there is an increase in its level.
  • Lactate dehydrogenase Widespread in all cells and tissues of the body, its number grows with mass injuries of tissues.
  • Electrolytes (Potassium, Calcium Common, Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Chlorine) They are responsible for the properties of membranes based on electrical conductivity. Thanks to the electrolyte balance, the nerve impulses reach the brain.

Regulatory blood indicators (Table of results of analyzes) in dogs

Clinical blood indicators

The name of indicators


Norma at Puchnkov

(up to 12 months)

Norm in adult dogs
Hematokritis (%) 23-52 37-55
HB (g / l) 70-180 115-185
Erythrocytes (mln / μl) 3,2-7,5 5,3-8,6
Colorful indicator -* 0,73-1,06
Average hemoglobin content in red blood cell (PG) - 21-27
The average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocyte (%) - 33-38
Soe (mm / h) - 2-8
Leukocytes (thousand / μl) 7,2-18,6 6-17
Neutrophis young (% or units / μl) - 0-4
0-400 0-300
Mature neutrophils (% or units / μl) 63-73 60-78
1350-11000 3100-11600
Eosinophils (% or units / μl) 2-12 2-11
0-2000 100-1200
Basophiles (% or units / μl) - 0-3
0-100 0-55
Lymphocytes (% or units / μl) - 12-30
1650-6450 1100-4800
Monocytes (% or units / μl) 1-10 3-12
0-400 160-1400
Reticulocytes (%) 0-7,4 0,3-1,6
Plasmocytes (%)
Platelets (thousand / μl) - 250-550

* Not determined, since it does not have a diagnostic value.

Biochemical norms of blood

Name of the indicator Units Norm
glucose level mmol / L. 4,2-7,3
pH 7,35-7,45
protein g / l 38-73
albumin g / l 22-40
urea mmol / L. 3,2-9,3
Alt (Alat) A piece of chalk 9-52
AST (Asat) 11-42
bilirubin common mmol / L. 3,1-13,5
bilirubin direct 0-5,5
creatinine mmol / L. 26-120
lipids common g / l 6-15
cholesterol mmol / L. 2,4-7,4
triglycerides mmol / L. 0,23-0,98
lipasa A piece of chalk 30-250
ɑ-amylaza A piece of chalk 685-2155
alkaline phosphatase A piece of chalk 19-90
phosphatase sour A piece of chalk 1-6
GGT A piece of chalk 0-8,5
creatine phosfokineza A piece of chalk 32-157
lactate dehydrogenase A piece of chalk 23-164
phosphorus mmol / L. 0,8-3
calcium common 2,26-3,3
sodium 138-164
magnesium 0,8-1,5
potassium 4,2-6,3
chlorida 103-122

Blood tests in dogs (decoding)

The read of blood indicators should be exclusively a specialist, because All obtained data is considered in the complex in relation to each other, and not separately each. Probable pathologies are shown below in the tables.

* Does not have a diagnostic value.

Biochemistry of blood

The name of indicators Raising Lower
  • alkallia (pathological increase in alkalishes in the bloodstream);
  • long-term diarrhea and vomiting;
  • alkalosis on respiratory type (excessive separation of carbon dioxide).
  • acetonemia (blood acetone);
  • renal failure;
  • respiratory acidosis (growth of carbon dioxide in blood);
glucose level
  • kidney disease;
  • pathology in pancreas and liver;
  • cushing syndrome (growth of glucocorticoid levels);
  • diabetes;
  • long hunger;
  • strong poisoning;
  • overdose insulin preparations.
  • myeloma disease;
  • dehydration state.
  • hunger;
  • violation of the suction function in the intestinal gastrointestinal department;
  • burns;
  • bleeding;
  • renal disorders.
albumin dehydration.
  • obstruction of urinary tract and kidney pathology;
  • excessive protein intake with feeds.
  • unbalanced by the diet;
  • pregnancy;
  • incomplete suction of proteins in the intestine.
Alt (Alat)
  • active disintegration of hepatic and muscle cells;
  • big burns;
  • medicine toxicosis liver.
AST (Asat)
  • heatstroke;
  • damage to hepatic cells;
  • burns;
  • signs of developing heart failure.
  • traumatic leap tissue;
  • hypovitaminosis B6;
  • running necrosis.
bilirubin common
  • disintegration of liver cells;
  • blocking of biliary ducts.
bilirubin direct
  • bile stagnation with a narrowing of biliary ducts;
  • purulent liver damage;
  • leptospirosis dogs (babesia);
  • chronic liver pathologies.
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • problems in the work of the kidneys.
  • reduction of muscle with age;
  • .
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • glucocorticoid therapy;
  • hepatic diseases.
  • heart Ischemia;
  • hepatic pathology.
  • unbalanced feeding;
  • malignant tumors;
  • liver disease.
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease, accompanied by its decomposition;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased admission to the body of fats and carbohydrates.
  • long hunger;
  • infections in acute form;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • introduction heparin
  • an overdose of ascorbic acid;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease.
lipasa heavy pancreatic pathology, up to cancer. pancreatic cancer or stomach without metastases.
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the peritoness;
  • the defeat of the salivary glands.
  • reduce the secretory of the pancreas;
  • thyrotoxicosis.
alkaline phosphatase
  • ;
  • liver disease;
  • bone pathology;
  • acceleration of bone metabolism.
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamins C and B 12;
  • anemia.
phosphatase sour
  • malignant tumors of the prostate gland (in dogs);
  • bone tumors;
  • hemolytic anemia (at SC).
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pancreatic pathology;
  • violation of the liver (especially with a simultaneous increase in alkaline phosphatase).
creatine phosfokineza
  • the first day after the myocardial infarction;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • disintegration of brain fabrics during oncology;
  • arthritis;
  • strokes;
  • after anesthesia;
  • intoxication;
  • heart failure.
lactate dehydrogenase
  • week after heart attacks in myocardium;
  • liver pathology;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • cancer tumors;
  • skeletal muscles injuries;
  • long necrosis.
  • disintegration of bones;
  • bone fractures;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • hypervitaminosis vitamin D;
  • renal failure.
  • shortage in the body of vitamin D;
  • excess calcium in the body;
  • phosphorus absorption disappearance;
  • lack of growth hormone.
calcium common
  • hyperfunction of parathyroid glands;
  • water exhaustion;
  • hypervitaminosis d;
  • oncology.
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • lack of magnesium;
  • disorder of the kidneys;
  • hypothyroidism.
  • excessive use of salt with feeds;
  • violation of salt balance;
  • loss of intracellular water molecules.
  • diabetes;
  • obvious pathology in the kidneys;
  • heart failure.
  • diabetic acidosis (acetone in the blood due to diabetes mellitus);
  • renal failure.
  • aldosteroneism (coat in the blood of aldosterone - adrenal hormones);
  • chronic enteritis.
  • active cellular decay;
  • water exhaustion;
  • renal failure.
  • long hunger;
  • problems in the work of the kidneys;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong vomiting.
  • dehydration;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • acidosis;
  • - respiratory alkalosis.
  • ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity);
  • continued vomiting;
  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • the effect of diuretics and corticosteroids.

* It does not matter in diagnostics.

Any blood tests conducted by dogs not only specify the set clinical diagnoses, but also identify hidden chronic pathologies, as well as pathologies at the beginning of development that do not have other symptoms.

see also


- Veterinarian therapist IVTS MVA

Proteinuria (Proteinuria; Protein + Greek. Uron urine)- It is the release of protein with urine in an amount exceeding normal value.

Albuminuria - Albumin's presence in the urine is one of the main causes of pronounced proteinuria.

Renal proteinuria arises mainly as a result of the damage to the wall of the glomerular capillaries or less often of the diseases of the tubules.

Detection of protein in the urine

To detect proteinuria, it is necessary to conduct a number of diagnostic studies. The main method of determining protein in the urine is a general clinical analysis of urine.

Test for the definition of proteinuria is usually a test strip. This test is welcoming and depends on the ability of the amino groups of proteins to connect with the indicator dye of the strip, which, when changing the color.

The result can be false positive in the presence of an active sediment of urine (Piurai, bacteriuria, urine with a sharply alkaline reaction, hematuria).

If the test gives a positive reaction and proteinuria is confirmed, it is necessary to quantify the excretion of protein with urine. It helps to determine the severity of the kidney disease, as the dynamics of the treatment.

A method for determining the relationship of protein is used: urine creatinine (Urine Protein: Creatinine Ratio).

Creatinine synthesis is a permanent process, since muscle mass is not subject to daily changes. At the same time, it is freely filtered in the glomers without meaningful secretion or reabsorption in the renal tubules. The concentration of creatinine in the urine correlates with the volume and concentration of urine.

The method consists in determining the protein concentration in the urine (in mg / dl) to the concentration of creatinine in the urine (in mg / dl), thereby it is possible to make the effect of urine volume and the urine concentration on the protein concentration in the urine is significantly small. The laboratory determine the content of creatinine and protein in the urine, express the concentrations of both substances (in mg / for) and count the ratio.

Ethiology of the process

After determining and confirming the proteinuria, it is necessary to identify the place of occurrence of pathology in the urinary system from which the pathological process is received.

Fig.1 - Ultrasound kidney dog \u200b\u200bbreed German. Shepherd 8 years, an example of the cause of the started proteinuria. Picture of Piilyectasia, the beginning of the kidney hydronephrosis due to the obstruction of the ureter tumor

Proteinuria is classified for:

  • Physiological proteinuria.
  • Prier proteinuria.
  • Milk proteinuria.
  • Renal (renal) proteinuria.

1. Physiological proteinuria- It may occur due to increased physical exertion, fever, stress, exposure to excessive heat and cold. This is a benign proteinuria, often disappears after the correction of its cause.

2. Preenal proteinuria - This is the flow of the pathological concentration of protein into kidneys from blood plasma. Low molecular weight proteins with low molecular weight through the glomerural filtration barrier and increase the absorbing ability of the proximal kidney tubules.

3. Strengtic proteinuria

The transition of a protein in the urinary pathways below the kidneys (bladder, urethra, ureters). Increased due to inflammation of these parts of the urinary tract, is most often due to bacterial infection.

Also, the launched proteinuria can cause nephronic and tumors (Fig. 1); Both of these diseases may be accompanied by infection.

4.Pemending proteinuriacaused by abnormal processes in the kidneys. The reason for the appearance of a protein in the urine is a violation of the kidney function or inflammation of parenchymal tissue.

It can be functional and pathological.

  • Functional: response to a temporary phenomenon.
  • Pathological: violation of the structure or function of the kidneys.

Divided by:

  1. Clushing: Damage to the Wall of Capillary Club.
  2. Vanalis: violation of the tubing reabsorption.
  3. Cluster and canal at the same time.
  4. Interstitial: proteins come to urine from peritabular capillaries (acute or chronic jade).


Proteinuria is a frequent pathology in dogs, at least cats. This pathological process indicates the presence of a kidney disease and is a disease marker. With early diagnosis, it is possible to avoid the onset of the first symptoms of the clinical picture of kidney disease. Proteinuria is often associated with diseases with primary leaning of glomers; The loss of renal auto regulation arising secondly to the loss of nephrons for any reason.

Proteinuria leads to inside the glomerular hypertension.

Treatment consists of the following aspects:

1. Device of proteinuria

2. Determination of the etiology of the process (the place of the pathology in the urinary system.

In suspected of the presence of a launched proteinuria: cystitis, urethritis prostatitis, tumors of the genitourinary system, nephrolite (Fig. 2) - It is necessary to test additional diagnostics: ultrasound, bacteriological sowing of urine, urine cytology, urinary cystoscopy.

The treatment of the laundered proteinuria is based on the relief of the original pathological process.

3. In the exception of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, physiological proteinuria, prescribe antiproteinuric therapy (IAPF, angiotensin II antagonists receptor blockers of the first type angiotensin II).

Also prescribe specialized diets with low protein content, including omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids.


  • Nephro and uroloia Jonathan Elliott, Gregory F. GReer
  • General urine analysis in veterinary medicine Carolyn A.Sink, MS, MT (ASCVP)
  • Nicole M. Wenstein, DVM, DACVP
  • Magazine "Modern Veterinary Medicine" Special Release Nephrology
Does your pet made blood test or urine? Or even removed the ECG? And here you received the results of the tests. On the blanket of the veterinary clinic, all indicators are painted. You are reading the names unusual for you, consider the column of mysterious numbers - and ... do not understand anything! Familiar situation? I do not know what thoughts did you have, but when I first got such a piece of leafle, I had a feeling that I was trying to disassemble the clinox letter of the ancient Egyptians! No, of course, the doctor, looking at the results of the tests, told me then that with my puppy everything is in order, there are no special reasons for concern, that's just the level of hemoglobin is slightly reduced, it would be necessary to walk more with him in the fresh air ...

Maybe just curiosity overcame me, but most likely anxiety about the state of my four friend made me then sort out this "Egyptian clinopy". So, what about the owner of the dog can tell the results of analyzing his pet? I would like to emphasize that the whole note is cognitive and can not be used to form a diagnosis. To diagnose your favorite and cure him only a veterinarian!

And it should also be remembered that the values \u200b\u200bof indicators that are considered "norm" are averaged. Normal values \u200b\u200bmay differ significantly depending on the floor, age, the size of the animal. In addition, the individual features of the dog should also be taken into account: the diseases transferred to it by it medical preparations, its diet, etc. - All this also has a significant impact on the results of the tests. In other words, only a qualified specialist can correctly interpret analyzes. And we will try to simply figure out which indicators are measured when conducting analyzes, what are the norms for these indicators, and what can indicate the deviation of values \u200b\u200bfrom the norm in one direction or another.

General urine analysis in dogs

When conducting overall analysis of urine, such indicators as color, transparency, urine reaction and its relative density (specific weight) are estimated.

Fine urinary color Yellow, it is determined by the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. If urine acquires a lighter color (polyuria), this indicates a decrease in the concentration of solutes, if the concentration increases, then urine acquires a saturated yellow shade (diuresis). The urine color can be changed under the influence of some drugs.

A significant change in urine color may indicate serious diseases such as, for example, hematuria (urine color red-brown), bilirubinemia (urine of beer color), myoglobinuria (urine of black color), leukocyturia (dairy color of urine).

Urine absolutely a healthy dog \u200b\u200bin normal transparent. If the conclusion says that the urine is muddy, this may indicate the presence of a large amount of salts, bacteria or epithelium.

Urine reaction - It is its level of acidity. The oscillations of this indicator are due to the diet of the animal: the meat diet gives the acidic reaction of urine, and plant is alkaline. If the nutrition is mixed, then predominantly acidic exchange products are formed, therefore the norm is considered a weakly acidic urine reaction. It should be borne in mind that the urine reaction must be determined immediately when it is delivered to the laboratory, since urine is quite quickly decomposed and its pH is shifted to the alkaline side due to the selection of ammonia.

Specific gravity The urine is determined by comparing the urine density with water density. This indicator reflects the functional ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, the renal function in the animal is estimated on the basis of it. The norm is considered to be the value of urine density in the range of 1.02-1.035.

Chemical analysis of urine

When conducting a chemical analysis, the level of content in the urine of protein, glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin and urobinogen is estimated.


The norm is considered to be the content of protein in the urine in an amount of up to 0.3 g / l. Increased protein content in the urine is called proteinuria. Causes of proteinuria can be chronic infections or destructive processes in the kidneys, urinary tract infections or urolithiasis, as well as hemolytic anemia.


In the urine of a healthy dog \u200b\u200bin the norm of glucose should not be. Glucosuria (the presence of glucose in the urine) may be due to either a high concentration of glucose in the blood or a violation of the glucose filtering processes and its reabsorption in the kidneys. This may indicate such diseases such as diabetes mellitus and acute renal failure.

Ketone bodies

Ketone bodies are acetoacetic acid, acetone, beta-hydroxyma salted. On average, the day with the urine adult dog is distinguished from 20 to 50 mg of ketone bodies, which in one-time analyzes are not detected, therefore the norm is considered the absence of ketone bodies in the urine. When detecting ketone bodies in the urine it is necessary to determine the presence of sugar in the urine. If the sugar is discovered, then they are usually diagnosed with diabetic acidosis (or even coma, depending on the symptoms and the status of the animal).

If ketton bodies are found in the urine, but there is no sugar, the reason may be acidosis associated with starvation or gastrointestinal disorders or heavy toxicosis.

Bilirubin and Urobilinogen - These are bile pigments that can appear in the urine.

Watering healthy dogs contains a minimum amount of bilirubin, it is not detected by conventional high-quality samples, most often applied in practice. Therefore, the norm is considered the absence in the urine of biliary pigments. The presence of bilirubin in the urine testifies to the lesions of the liver or disorders of the outflow of bile, while the straight (bound) bilirubin increases in the blood.

Urobilinogen is formed in the small intestine from bilirubin, highlighted with bile. A positive reaction to urobilinogen is little informative for differential diagnosis, because It is observed not only at various lesions of the liver, but also for diseases of the gallbladder, as well as enteritis, constipation, etc.

Microscopy of urinary precipitate

In the sediment of urine may be present as elements of organic origin (leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelial cells and cylinders) is the so-called organized precipitate and elements of inorganic origin (salt) is an unorganized urine precipitate.

Presence in the urine of red blood cells are called hematuria. If the urine color change is observed, then we are talking about macrohematuria; If the urine color remains normal, and the red blood cells are detected only under the microscope - about microhematuria. The presence in the urine of unchanged erythrocytes is characteristic of the injury of urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).

Hemoglobinuria The presence in the urine of hemoglobin is called, which is due to intravascular hemolysis. Watering changes color to coffee. Erythrocytes are not in the sediment of urine.

Leukocytes in the urine of a healthy animal are contained in a minimum amount - no more than 1-2 in the field of view of the microscope. Increased leukocyte content in the urine ( pyuria) Indicates inflammatory processes or in kidney (pyelonephritis), or in urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).

Epithelium cells Practically always present in urine sediment. The norm is considered if in the field of view of the microscope their number does not exceed 5 pieces. The origin of the epithelial cells is different. The cells of the flat epithelium entering urine, for example, from the vagina, do not have a diagnostic value. But the appearance of a large number of transient epithelium cells in the urine (they linen the mucous membrane of the bladder, ureters, prostate ducts) may indicate inflammation of these bodies, and even on possible neoplasms of urinary tract.

The cylinder is called a protein that rolled into the renal tubules, as a result of which it takes the shape of the channel itself (the "cast" of the cylindrical shape is obtained). The norm is considered the absence of cylinders in the urine sediment, since single cylinders per day can be detected in the urine of a healthy animal. Cylindria(The presence of cylinders in urine sediment) is a symptom of kidney damage.

A unorganized urine precipitate consists of salts, which fall into the sediment or in the form of crystals, or as amorphous masses. The composition of the salts is largely depends on the pH of the urine. For example, urinary acid, urates, oxalates are detected at the acidic reaction of urine. If the urine reaction is alkaline, calcium, phosphates may be present in it.

Normally in the bladder urine sterile. However, when using the microbes from the lower section, the urethra fall into the urine, a healthy dog, their number does not exceed 10,000 per 1 ml. Under bacteriuria It is understood to identify bacteria in an amount exceeding the norm, which indicates the presence of an infection of the urinary system.

Common blood test in dogs

Hemoglobin is a blood pygment of erythrocytes, carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. Improving the hemoglobin level can occur due to an increase in the number of erythrocytes ( policytemy) may be a consequence of excessive physical exertion. Also, increasing the level of hemoglobin is characteristic of dehydration and thickening of blood. Reducing the level of hemoglobin indicates anemia.

Erythrocytes are nuclear-free elements of blood containing hemoglobin. They constitute the bulk of blood shaped blood elements. Elevated amount of red blood cells ( erythrocytosis) It may be due to bronchopulmonary pathology, heart defects, polycystic or renal neoplasms or liver, as well as dehydration. Reducing the number of erythrocytes can be caused by anemia, large blood loss, chronic inflammatory processes, hypershydration.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (SE) In the form of a column, under the upper order depends on their quantity, "weight" and forms, as well as on the properties of the plasma - the number of proteins and viscosity in it. The increased value of ESO is characteristic of various infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, tumors. The increased value of EE is also observed during pregnancy.

Thrombocytes - It is blood records formed from bone marrow cells. They are responsible for blood clotting. Increased blood platelet content may be caused by diseases such as polycythemia, myelolomicosis, inflammatory processes. Also, platelet content may increase after some surgical operations. Reducing the number of blood platelets is characteristic of systemic autoimmune diseases (red lupus), aplastic and hemolytic anemia.

Leukocytes - It is the white blood tales formed in the red bone marrow. They perform a very important immune function: protect the body from alien substances and microbes. Distinguish different types of leukocytes. For each species, some specific function is characteristic. The diagnostic value has a change in the number of individual types of leukocytes, and not all leukocytes in the amount.

Increasing the number of leukocytes ( leukocytosis) It may be caused by leukemia, infection and inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, long-term use of some medical drugs.

Reducing the number of leukocytes ( lakeing ) It may be due to the infectious pathologies of the bone marrow, the hyperfunction of the spleen, genetic anomalies, anaphylactic shock.

Leukocyte formula - This is the percentage in the blood of leukocytes of different types.

1. Neutrophils - These are leukocytes responsible for the fight against inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, as well as for the removal of their own dead and dead cells. Young neutrophils have a rolling core, the core of mature neutrophils - segmented. In the diagnosis of inflammation, it is precisely an increase in the number of stickyeric neutrophils (pulmonary shift). Normally, they make up 60-75% of the total number of leukocytes, rods - up to 6%. Increasing the content of neutrophils in the blood (neutrophil) indicates the presence of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body, intoxication of the body or psycho-emotional excitation. Reducing the number of neutrophils (neutropenia) can be caused by some infectious diseases (most often with viral or chronic), bone marrow pathology, as well as genetic disorders.

3. Basophiles - leukocytes, are involved in the reactions of the hypersensitivity of the immediate type. Normally, their number is no more than 1% of the total number of leukocytes. The increase in the number of basophils (basophilia) may indicate the presence of an allergic reaction to the introduction of alien protein (including it may be allergic to feed), about chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, about blood diseases.

4. Lymphocytes - These are the main cells of the immune system, fighting with viral infections. They destroy alien cells and modified organism's own cells. Lymphocytes provide so-called specific immunity: they recognize alien proteins - antigens, and selectively destroy their cells. The lymphocytes are isolated into the blood of the antibody (immunoglobulins) - these are substances that can block antigen molecules and output them from the body. Lymphocytes are 18-25% of the total number of leukocytes.

Lymphocytosis (improving the level of lymphocytes) can be due to viral infections or lymphole. The reduction in the level of lymphocytes (lymphopenia) can be caused by the use of corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, as well as malignant neoplasms, or renal failure, or chronic liver diseases, or immunodeficiency states.

5. Monocytes- These are the largest leukocytes, so-called fabric macrophages. Their function is the final destruction of alien cells and proteins, foci of inflammation, destroyed tissues. Monocytes are essential cells of the immune system, which are the first to meet the antigen. Monocytes represent antigen lymphocytes for the development of a full-fledged immune response. Their number is 0-2% of the total number of leukocytes.

The average values \u200b\u200bof the norm of indicators defined with the general blood test of dogs are shown in the table.



Up to 12 months

1-7 years old

7 years and older







erythrocytes (ml / μl)



hemoglobin (g / dl)



leukocytes (thousand μl)



mature neutrophils (%)



lymphocytes (%)



monocytes (%)



eosinophils (%)



platelets x 109 / l

Biochemical Dog Blood Analysis

In the biochemical analysis of the blood of dogs, the content of some substances in the blood is determined. The table below shows the list of these substances, the average rates of the content of these substances in blood for dogs and the possible causes of increasing and lowering the amount of these substances in the blood.

Substance unit of measurement Norm Possible causes of increasingPossible causes of decline
Glucose mmol / L. 4.3-7.3 Diabetes
Exercise stress
Cushing syndrome
Diseases of the pancreas
Liver or kidney disease
Overdose insulin
Hypofunction of endocrine glands
Heavy poisoning
Diseases of the pancreas
Common protein g / l 59-73 Dehydration
Myeloma disease
Intestinal diseases
Renal failure
Increased consumption (blood loss, burn, inflammation)
Albumen g / l 22-39 Dehydration The same as for a common protein
Bilirubin common ichmol / l 0-7,5 Damage to hepatic cells
The obstruction of bile ducts
Urea mmol / L. 3-8.5 Violation of kidney function
Multipability of urinary tract
Increased protein content in food
Protein starvation
Impaired suction
Creatinine ichmol / l 30-170 Violation of kidney function

Often, when visiting a veterinary clinic, a veterinary doctor recommends handing out the urine of an animal for general analysis. This study is necessary for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis or evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment.

When conducting a general analysis of urine, such indicators are taken into account as color, transparency, urine reaction and its share (relative density).

Normally urine in dogs has a yellow color. The urine color is determined by the concentration of substances dissolved in it. The brightest color of urine indicates a decrease in the concentration of substances dissolved in it. When the concentration increases, the urine acquires a saturated yellow shade. Under the influence of some drugs, urine color can change.

The urine color may vary significantly, which indicates serious diseases. Hematuria (urine color red-brown), bilirubiney (urine of the color of beer), mioglobinuria (urine of black color) leukocyturia (Milk-white color of urine).

Absolutely healthy dog \u200b\u200bin the norm of urine transparent. If the laboratory is said that the urine is muddy, then this may indicate the presence of a large amount of salts, bacteria or epithelium.

Urine reaction - It is its level of acidity. Changes in this indicator due to the diet of the animal. With meat nutrition, urine has a sour reaction, and with floral - alkaline. If the power is mixed, then the norm is considered a weakly acidic urine reaction.

Specific gravity The urine is determined by comparing the urine density with water density. This indicator indicates the functional ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. In dogs, urine density is normal 1.02-1.035.

Chemical analysis of urine

When conducting a chemical analysis, the level of content in the urine of protein, glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin and urobinogen is estimated.


Normally, the protein content in the urine in the amount of up to 0.3 g / l is considered. Increased protein content in the urine is called proteinuria. Proteinuria occurs in chronic infections, destructive kidney processes, with urolithiasis.


There is no healthy dog \u200b\u200bin the urine of the Glucose. The presence of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria. This may be with a high blood glucose concentration or with a violation of glucose filtering processes and its reabsorption in the kidneys. This happens with diseases such as diabetes mellitus and acute renal failure.

Ketone bodies - This is acetoacetic acid, acetone, beta-hydroxyma salted acid. Normally there is no ketone in the urine. When detecting ketone bodies in the urine, it is necessary to determine the presence of glucose in the urine. If the sugar is detected, then the diagnosis of diabetic acidosis is made.

If in the urine, the dog detected ketone bodies, but there is no sugar, then the reason may be acidosis associated with starvation, with gastrointestinal disorders or with severe toxicosis.

Bilirubin and urobilinogen. - These are bile pigments that can appear in the urine.

In the urine of healthy dogs in the norm, bile pigments are absent. The presence of bilirubin in the urine indicates the lesions of the liver or disorders of the outflow of bile.

Urobilinegen is formed in the subtle intestinal department of bilirubin, highlighted with bile. The appearance of urobinogen in the urine testifies to various lesions of the liver and diseases of the gallbladder, with enteritis, constipation, etc.

Microscopy of urinary precipitate

The precipitate of urine is examined after its centrifugation. In the sediment of urine, both elements of organic origin (leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelial cells and cylinders) are organized precipitate and elements of inorganic origin (salt) is an unorganized urine precipitate.

The presence in the urine of erythrocytes is called hematuria. Hematuria occurs when the urinary tract was defeated, with cystitis and urethritis.

Leukocytes in the urine of a healthy animal contain no more than 1-2 in the field of view of the microscope. The increased content of leukocytes in the urine (Piura) indicates inflammatory processes or in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), or in urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).

Epithelium cells are always present in urine sediment. The norm is considered to be in the field of view of a microscope not more than 5 cells. The origin of the epithelial cells is different. The cells of the flat epithelium entering urine, for example, from the vagina, do not have a diagnostic value. The appearance of a large number of cell epithelium cells in the urine may indicate the inflammation of the bladder, ureterals or prostate glands from males.

The cylinder is called a protein that has rolled into the renal tubules, as a result, it takes the shape of the channels themselves. Normally there are no cylinders in the urine sediment. Cylindria (The presence of cylinders in urine sediment) is a symptom of kidney damage.

A unorganized urine precipitate consists of salts, which fall into the sediment or in the form of crystals, or as amorphous masses. The composition of the salts is largely depends on the acidity (pH) of urine. For example, urinary acid, urates, oxalates are detected at the acidic reaction of urine. If the urine reaction is alkaline, calcium and phosphates can be present in it.

Normally in the bladder urine sterile. However, when using the microbes from the lower section, the urethra fall into the urine, a healthy dog, their number does not exceed 10,000 per 1 ml. Under the bacteriuria is understood to identify bacteria in an amount exceeding the norm, which indicates the presence of an infection of the urinary system.