Congratulatory letter to the soldier on February 23rd. On a frosty February day

84 congratulations in verse that can be used to congratulate the military, officers, soldiers, sailors and colleagues on February 23.

1. Congratulations on February 23

Men, your courage and strength,
They bring restful sleep to every home.
You protect children and loved ones,
Taking care of yourself with difficulty.

May your nobility not run dry
Giving hope for salvation.
I am in a hurry today of all the men of Russia,
Congratulations on February 23.

2. Congratulations on February 23 to the war-motorized rifle

Who does not want to fly or swim,
To whom the swamps and sands are shallow,
The army infantry is kin to him,
That is a mile in the troops - motorized riflemen!

We are glad to congratulate you today:
Happy Army Day, our dear defender!
You do not serve for honors, awards -
You burn with love for the Motherland alone!

Learn: always, everywhere prepare for battle,
Then the enemy will be the last to fight.
Good luck may be friends with you!
Live with the people all by one destiny !!!

To rush into the fray, the man

And the first is protection of the native country,
Whose border is closed to the enemy.

The second is the debt bequeathed by the ancestors,
He commands all men:
Risking yourself, protect women,
As in the duels of Pushkin's times.

To sing a song, forever for a man
There are only two good reasons.
And the first is love for the native land,
Which entered our flesh and blood
And she became an inextinguishable star.
The second is love for a woman.

3. Congratulations on February 23

I am on this winter, bright day
I want to congratulate you man.
Defender of heaven and earth
The defender will give her loved ones.

May the sun always shine on you
More better days in life
Let the star always burn
And beer to make it colder!

4. Congratulations on February 23 to recruits

They escorted the guys to the army,
Like in forty-one to the war,
And again, how many years in a row,
The boys tear the silence with songs.

And again, as many years ago,
Mothers cannot be kept from crying:
After all, these future soldiers,
So many mortal thunderstorms await!

That is why it is louder than the alarm,
Drowning out the song and footsteps
Mother's lips say:
"Help them, God, help!"

5. Congratulations on February 23

All men give commands:
"Rise!", "Hang up!" and "Pour!"
There are definitely reasons for this -
Today is the twenty-third of February!

Congratulations to the men today,
And we follow all orders!
For us, you are our generals,
There will be no refusals from us!

6. Congratulations on February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you:
Smiles, happiness, laughter, inspiration!
Let there be an excuse for the words
By which you betray the meaning.

I hasten to wish you good luck,
Without her, no luck in love,
And even if bad luck
Will only be left behind.

7. Congratulations on February 23

From February 23rd,
You are my dear Defender!
Happy men's holiday!
Let the enemy be defeated;
Happiness, health, luck, success,
Let difficulties be not a hindrance for you;
I wish you love for centuries
And may these words come true soon!

8. Congratulations on February 23

Only he is a strong intercessor
The strongest man
Defender of our Motherland
And the Fatherland's Testament.

Hail the name of the person
About which all the verses.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
We all adore.

Happy great holiday
Congratulations, accept.
To defend the rise of the Fatherland
Be kind, don't let me down!

Drink a glass, eat a cucumber
For the health of those fighters
That the Fatherland is preserved
Keeping the boundaries of the bolt.

You are a man, a fighter, a protector,
You are the hope of fragile ladies.
Happy holiday to you, serving,
I will repay a toast for you.

9. Congratulations on February 23

Defender's Day has arrived.
A proud holiday.
Who served, who fought
In different battalions.

For the Fatherland of sons
The front table, glasses.
Let the motto "Always ready"
It will also be for the kitchen.

Pour and put
In glasses and plates.
On this strong nourishing day
There will be gatherings.

10. Congratulations on February 23

Defender of my homeland, -
With all my heart, I congratulate you!
On a snowy February day -
Warmth and happiness, I wish you.

I wish you peace and love,
May the Lord protect you.
And may luck smile -
On the day of February 23!

11. Congratulations on February 23

It's an honor to be a man
Be who you are
Let there be success in everything
Be always happier than everyone!

12. Congratulations on February 23

To protect the house, shelter
The homeland will suddenly call
And the defenders of the armada
Immediately go boldly into battle.

All the guys are daring
We will congratulate them,
About their past exploits
Sing songs, compose poems.

On the day of the defender of the Fatherland
It is a sin to wish you courage.
We wish that there were
Always one hundred grams at hand.

To please the wives
Daughters and sons,
And so that instead of the battlefield -
Peaceful dreams you dreamed.

13. Congratulations on February 23

Today a holiday is knocking at our door!
We must congratulate you today.
The one who swam in a violent sea,
The one who guarded our lives at the border!

You served, guarding
Loved ones and relatives a restful sleep.
And they waited for you, praying and dying,
It seemed that my heart was beating in unison with yours.

We don’t need awards, and we don’t need heroic deeds!
We love not honor and glory in you!
We just love. Isn't that enough?
And we will love you - such is the decree of fate.

14. Congratulations on February 23

There is a special day in February
And try to highlight it brightly.
We will congratulate all men
This is our grateful feminine initiative.

With you we are warm, very calm,
You protect our days and nights.
You are called defenders of the Motherland,
You are always there, where you are already expected.

We wish you an easy service,
And the road to happiness is not far away.
Let your muscles grow very strong,
Let your eyes "go blind" from love.

15. Congratulations on February 23

Men are our pride and love
Let's fill our glasses
We give millions of kind words,
Forgetting about failures and scandals.

Today is February 23rd.
You deserve this holiday for sure.
Let the earth spin under your feet
And the connection with happiness will become very strong!

16. Congratulations on February 23

Serious and slightly ironic
Strong, always young
Our excellent defenders,
The men of our dearest

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
We will give smiles and joy,
Most importantly, be near
Fifty centuries in a row!

17. Congratulations on February 23

This holiday has gone beyond the boundaries
He's not just a holiday for the soldiers
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they are in the service of the Motherland.

This holiday is a holiday for men
We can rightfully call.
Congratulations in honor of men today
From their life companions will be heard.

18. Congratulations on February 23

We washed Russia with sweat and blood,
They protected us with their backs.
In the battle with the enemy, you do not spare your strength,
Into the battle until victory is not worth speeches!

Every man, youth in the heart is a warrior,
Raise a shovel for his Earth.
And respect, of course, is worthy.
Let the angel protect the family!

19. Congratulations on February 23

We congratulate all men
And we wish you health
Serve our Motherland
And be defenders!

On this feast of February
We will congratulate everyone, loving,
All colleagues and all fathers,
Sons and old people!

All men, defenders of the country,
Congratulations on the holiday sincerely!
Worthy sons of the motherland,
We are infinitely grateful to you!

For peace, for what we live
Under a high, light, peaceful sky,
For the fields that spike with bread
To you men, our bow to the earth!

20. Congratulations on February 23

I dedicate my congratulations
People with a wide and strong soul.
To those who are ready to help us without a doubt
And protect anyone from misfortune.

Thank you for the calm nights
And for fun, good days!
Be you worthy of peace and happiness
And all-embracing bright love!

21. Congratulations on February 23

Happy this big holiday
Congratulations to all men!
On this day, both old and young
Congratulations will be glad!

After all, the protection of the Fatherland is
A case for the cool and brave.
Your business is not forgotten
And there is no limit to courage!

22. Congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender's Day today
Congratulations to all men
To make you sad in this life
There were no more reasons!

Forces of spirit and health
We wish you this day,
And so that to new horizons
The door in life has opened for you!

23. Congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender's Day today
Congratulations, friends,
Happiness, joy, health,
We can't live without you!

Love our homeland
Like your second mother,
Serve with honor in the army,
To have the power!

24. Congratulations on February 23

For peace on earth, for clear skies
Thanks to the defenders of our country!
Because the fields are filled with bread,
For the fact that we live in Russia without war!

For the fact that oak forests turn green in spring,
That you can work in peace, love,
Men of Russia, you are worthy of glory,
We will not forget about the heroic deeds of the warriors!

So hit the fireworks! Thunder fanfare!
Glorify the Fatherland of glorious sons!
After all, our soldiers are generals in their souls,
And the guys grow as one - all are fathers!

25. Congratulations on February 23

Oh men, our defenders,
We will entrust you with love and deeds.
Forget about marches today -
Life without them is full of pleasure.

Let the weather not please something -
You don't give a damn about her
After all, the soul asks for flight,
The body wants to rest with might and main ...

We, like fighting friends,
We will help you, men, in everything -
We will relieve any ailment
Let's dance and sing together!

26. Congratulations on February 23

Without false pathos, we congratulate
Our defenders, beautiful men!
We wish them a lot of things now,
But we'd better hug to get closer to them!

A man needs so much and so little
A little caress, a pinch of warmth,
Then he will move mountains and reach the stars,
(Well, she will promise - for sure).

We wish you to keep your word masculine,
Never turn away from your goal!
May women love you ardently and tenderly,
They don't give you peace of mind!

27. Congratulations on February 23

From February 23rd,
This day is beautiful
I congratulate you -
Make it cool.

And I want to wish -
Joy and happiness.
You are used to protecting us
From trouble, bad weather.

And for this we are for you
We are very grateful.
You are a soldier of my destiny
Marshal is elegant!

28. Congratulations on February 23

February 23,
The day is special, not easy.
Red calendar day.
This holiday is for men.

Men are the best in the world:
Guys, adults and children,
How good you are today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish you happiness and health,
Huge victories and love,
Wealth in life and of course
Dreams come true!

29. Congratulations on February 23

Our dear men,
Congratulations on Defender's Day!
Do not get angry so that you are without a reason
When we open our mouths at you.

So that you are our support
And protection at any time
So that with a smile always and enthusiasm
You have borne this heavy burden.

We wish you happiness, health,
Only good luck on your way.
Let the road lead you through life
Where love can be found.

30. Congratulations on February 23

Best day on the calendar
For a man in February:
Women are pouring gifts
And the bosses - with awards,
Mom is looking for a sweater to match
Mother-in-law sets the table
The wife has a ticket to the match
My sister has a very fashionable clutch ...
Because on this day
An important holiday for men -
From the twenty third of February
Congratulations, friends!

31. Congratulations on February 23

We have one such fatherland,
Every man must protect!
Give your army duty with interest,
Do not shy away, learn difficulties!

For this we love our men:
For valor, honor, dignity in everything!
And on February 23 again, congratulations
And we'll have a sip of the "veselin" for that!

Gifts will be on request only:
(Down with socks and ties for a long time!)
For a gift to delight the eye,
After all, what to give is not all the same for us!

32. Congratulations on February 23

Defend the Fatherland on call,
(Better - by calling to protect!)
It so happened for a long time,
Congratulate all men on this day!

Your shoulders are support for women,
And a vest to comfort them!
To be not just a gentleman in life,
Today the demand for brutals is great!

But it doesn't matter if you are a bot or you are a macho,
The main thing is to have a soul!
And they could give the bully back,
Protect, if the country calls!

33. Congratulations on February 23

Any Russian woman knows -
It's so important to be on the lookout on a holiday
To indulge the peasant in everything
And please him morning and evening!

We must repeat to him all the time:
"Oh, my bravest defender of the Fatherland,
You are the best friend and crown of humanity
Only you can I trust! "

After a little temper your ardor
And cook about ten salads ...
In March, a man will face an evil payback,
At least he forgot about it a little.

34. Congratulations on February 23

Twenty third of February,
Happy day for men
Congratulations fly
And there is no reason for sadness!

Defender's Day has come:
An urgent need to congratulate
All who served in the army,
And he learned to defend.

Let the table be set
Many beautiful ladies
Songs of joy sound
And not soon to go home!

35. Congratulations on February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Congratulations again to the men
We are protected
There is no reason to worry!

If next to us today,
Russian bogatyrs,
And it doesn't matter that you drank a little,
In general, they are cool!

May the faithful be around you
Women, girlfriends again,
To have enough money
And mutual love!

36. Congratulations on February 23

Established this way for a long time:
That the twenty-third,
Congratulate amicably in February,
It's time for all the defenders!

Thank you for being,
Protecting our world
In honor of your great valor,
We'll have a feast tonight!

And let the fierce enemy tremble,
Thinking nothing!
After all, he will not be happy again
After all, we were lucky with protection!

37. Congratulations on February 23

Men are held in high esteem on this day!
With a hint to give an answer in March!
Men congratulate us on our care,
So that the light rejoices!

We are weak and weak without you,
However, they are not strong with you,
Put responsibility in your hands,
We are ready to trust!

We wish you courage in deeds,
Always success in business,
In love of reciprocity and happiness,
And life is not just to live!

38. Congratulations on February 23

This is not the first year,
That in February we congratulate men,
With a hint, in a few days
We expect congratulations too!

And that's why we went to the store
We decided not to skimp on gifts,
We wish you sincerely to receive all that
That you will be sorry to transfer!

We wish you the happiest minutes
Beautiful years and courage in deeds,
So that your wives and girlfriends send you
On the necessary (no tricks) concessions.

39. Congratulations on February 23

Men! Our defenders, Fatherland!
I bow to you and a huge hello!
I want to congratulate you on the holiday today,
And this tradition of the past years!

Calm and balance to your face,
Harmony, happiness and adventurism!
It's not enough to be born as a man
“To defend the country” is your motto in life!

Let them surround you with care and joy,
And the goals will always be achieved
Love, respect, only the right decisions,
And the will to win will be strong!

40. Congratulations on February 23

You are the ones who protect our families,
From all bad weather and "evil fate."
You are the ones who bring us happiness,
The enemies of the country are all in spite of.

You are given a special honor,
We wish you health and love.
You are the ones who will not tolerate flattery
And who, with all the difficulties, only, on you.

41. Congratulations on February 23

All men, without exception,
Congratulations at this hour!
After all, you are our defenders!
We can't do it without you!

In difficult times, you are always there,
Your strong shoulder!
Your courage is a reward!
We love you dearly!

42. Congratulations on February 23

We wish you happiness
Courage, strength and love.
Happy Defender's Day,
Take care of our Motherland!

Know how to appreciate the given by fate,
Do not lose hope in your heart
Heroic deeds, long-awaited love,
Know success and recognition in life!

43. Congratulations on February 23

This holiday will come in February,
This is the day of all men on Earth.
Besides them, who will keep peace,
And will he defend his Motherland?

Congratulations to both adults and young people,
Our loyal, gentle and intelligent!
Let your star burn brightly
And the trouble goes further!

44. Congratulations on February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations again to the men
After all, without you we have for the holiday
No weighty reasons!

We want to wish you courage,
Strong core, solid spirit,
And let life be changeable
You will kill two hares!

On the love front - feats,
And the reciprocity of love,
Fulfillment of wishes!
And harmony inside!

45. Congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We congratulate you,
And great happiness in life
We sincerely wish you!

To keep you safe
Completely unharmed
So that your girls
You were loved!

To take you to your native land
Waited very hard
To get into a real fight
You missed!

46. ​​Congratulations on February 23

Your, man, today is the day -
Defender of the Fatherland!
Congratulate all and sundry
And it will become more joyful from the meeting!

You stand guard over the Motherland,
Nothing is scary!
You can easily drive away any "mouse"
It has been clear to the enemies for a long time!

47. Congratulations on February 23

You're a guy just a sight for sore eyes
You give us a mood with your openness.
Every day is a holiday with you
You are not always boring, different.

And today is no exception
We wish we could find the same adventure.
To plunge you into a whirlpool with your head,
It's always easy, warm with you.

We wish the girl to find her dream
I wanted every day to give her flowers.
Congratulations on February 23,
We send wishes to you warmly, loving.

48. Congratulations on February 23

Yes, women have a thousand reasons
In order not to imagine life without men.
Us, their strong hands will be able to save everyone,
I’ll take any trouble away from Russia.

In all positions of responsibility, they stand
And they will solve all problems, even complex ones.
We must now confess our love to you.

A man lacks warmth without you.
Let many years pass, but we will repeat again,
Thank you, thank you we say.

49. Congratulations on February 23

Eh, men are daring,
Our defenders are golden!
Congratulations on your day,
We wish you to be courageous!

So that love for the Fatherland
You did not fade away,
To be always courageous
Drink vodka with bacon today!

50. Congratulations on February 23

You yourself won this holiday,
Unselfishly defended the homeland!
You can't exaggerate the role of a soldier!
So on a holiday let me wish you:
Success in any of the chosen paths,
Reliable and trusted friends,
Equalization to the best, happiness, strength!
Hurray to all those who served the Motherland!

51. Congratulations on February 23

I write to you solemnly
Brave defender of the Fatherland!
With your fighting courage
You will be an example for others!

Success in your good deeds
Forever in the hearts of those who appreciate!
To defend the native land -
The lot of the holy men of priceless!

Tanks, bullets, planes
Stopped in an instant.
Riflemen, infantry and pilots,
So even the commander quieted down.

We have a holiday today
Our beautiful defenders
It's not too lazy to love your homeland,
We are having such a wonderful day!

52. Congratulations on February 23

So that the Fatherland is powerful,
Protected citizens from trouble,
You have to serve so faithfully,
Keep the border from enemies.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Will congratulate all of humanity today.
For faithfully doing your duty,
And in the world we live, so let's summarize.

53. Congratulations on February 23

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
The man is the protector, the man is the support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.

And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated warmth, stirring our blood ... -
And together we would defend love!

54. Congratulations on February 23

Congratulations today
Sound only for you!
You are the defender of our Motherland,
Congratulations to all of you!

You are a brave, brave guy
You are not afraid of obstacles
And proudly, decorously stomp
You're in your night outfit.

Let there be meaning in life
And a place for beauty
For your beloved to write
Poems are always for you!

55. Congratulations on February 23

Today is a holiday - anywhere!
Twenty third of February!
Defender of Russia Day
Celebrated by the whole country!

We say "thank you" to you,
We pour compliments
You boys, well done,
We'll fill you with treats!

May courage with courage
You will not be let down
So that in difficult times
You were right there!

56. Congratulations on February 23

Red date calendar
He meets us in the morning,
Day of defenders he is with us
Together notes
All husbands, fathers and brothers,
Sons, grandfathers and uncles
Happy Holidays,
We wish you strength, courage,
Our people are strong with you,
Every home is protected
We love you men very much
The most gentle, dear!

57. Congratulations on February 23

Happy February 23, men!
There are reasons to congratulate you!
You are brave, smart, courageous.
And they are very important for us.
You are beautiful - no doubt!
And hello from us love.
We wish you happiness, joy,
Congratulations, hugs.
So that there is a lot of everything,
Lived would be very violent.

58. Congratulations on February 23

On this February winter day
I am not too lazy to congratulate you.
Today is your holiday, man,
I wish you wisdom and strength
What would the sun shine for you
A beautiful wife idolized,
That would be a lot of health,
They'll have enough money for everything.
And may dreams come true
The defender of the country is you!

59. Congratulations on February 23

Men's holiday is a class, -
Congratulations ladies
Defender of the Fatherland Day
We will note without drama.
Well done, sons of Russia,
Protect, if anything,
Hit the enemy in the neck
Or even right on the scoreboard!
Let health not fail
And fortune does not go away!

60. Congratulations on February 23

Cannons are shooting, machine guns,
Rockets with bombs fly
And brave pilots in the sky
They are masterfully knocking each other down.

The flame is burning, the mines are bursting,
The corpses of the mountains lie everywhere,
And tanks with a deadly wedge
Peaceful fences are being crushed.

And the commander, taking an eraser,
Bent over the military map.
I understand this - a holiday
Not like March 8!

61. Congratulations on February 23

There is such a profession
Responsible, difficult -
Serve your homeland
And be defenders

Wives, children, people, countries -
Strong men, sons
Ready to give your life
And stand up like a strong wall

With a shield or on a shield
Loyalty will be saved to the country,
They will glorify their people
Courage, courage!

62. Congratulations on February 23

For the defenders for our
In the morning we will cook porridge
So that they do not suffer from health,
So that everyone smiles in the morning,
To know - we always
We are waiting for them, sitting by the window,
And we worry about them
About loved ones, about your own,
Be courageous, brave,
Noble in every matter
Happy holiday, sons, fathers,
We love you with all our hearts!

63. Congratulations on February 23

We know and the country knows
Who guards her sleep
Who is ready without delay
Fight for liberation
Give your life without regrets
And for the land without a doubt
With faith and fire in our eyes
Become armor from the enemy
Not for laurels, not for glory -
For my country, joy
Rise to death like a rock
So that the earth bloomed, lived,
To make children smile
To make women laugh!

64. Congratulations on February 23

It's not easy to be a Man in our century
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
A strategist between peace and war.

To be strong, but ... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but ... to spare no money.
Be slim, elegant and ... casual.
Know everything, keep up with everything and be able to do everything.

On a holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
I wish you creative success and every success!

65. Congratulations on February 23

There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
Just because you are a man:
We are proud of our defender!

Cover it with your chest, if necessary,
Girlfriends, children, sister and mother
And you will not miss the enemy herd
To our house - to beat, rob, kill!

You will pay for freedom with blood.
And - life ... The enemy will be defeated!
Fatherland all with great love
Thanks you for that !!!

66. Congratulations on February 23

Who would give us names with tender names?
And the coast of us, when would they not?
Who would sing? Who would kindle a flame in us,
In which we burn with love?

Who would shield with strong shoulders?
Who paid with his blood in battles,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rains, to the whispers of the branches ?!

The hearths are warmer with them,
On the dostarkhans, the dishes are countless!
They delight us and our children!
How good it is, men, that you are !!!

67. Congratulations on February 23

O dear valiant Man!
Your holiday is knocking on the door.
Rather open the doors,
After all, they will praise you, Man.

Today you are a hero and a knight
For female souls - the King.
Irresistible, strong, brave
And maybe in something unearthly.

All praises to you today.
And your valor and courage.
But don't forget that, Man:
Without a woman, you would hardly be like that.

68. Congratulations on February 23

We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time,
We bought brandy and wine.
We bought fruit for sweets
Other delicious foods.

In the morning we came running in a hurry
And everything was gracefully shredded
And now, right here, now
Together we congratulate you.

69. Congratulations on February 23 to the soldier-sailor

Congratulations to you sailor
Happy bright day - Defender of the Motherland Day!
Sometimes your service is not easy
Many miles have been traveled in the oceans!

Let it be seven feet under the keel always,
Let the watch go to corns and sweat,
Let the trouble pass by the side!
We believe in your strength and fleet !!!

70. Congratulations on February 23

We congratulate you warmly,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
May there be joy
That someone honors and loves.

And let a smile flicker
And let the wrinkles be smoothed out
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men!

71. Congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Our dear, all men!
This is a holiday for all mankind
Be happy, family!

May the love of the heart warm everything
A smile will brighten everyone.
In the future, in yours, we believe
You will successfully complete your business.

72. Congratulations on February 23

I wish you success, we wish you good luck,
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy in fate
I met yours more often
So that everything works out and everything works out.

73. Congratulations on February 23

The gender is female, gentle and beautiful,
He hurries to congratulate men passionately,
Smiles, giving them joy
On a wonderful feast in February!

74. Congratulations on February 23

You looked very formidable
And unapproachable and angry
My soldier son was afraid of you
And somehow he confessed to me.

After all, the commander is father and mother,
And maybe even dearer
After all, execute all commands
A soldier is running a hundred times stronger!

Now the whole family loves you
And all my relatives know.
And your regimental jokes
In our family, like jokes!

I will never forget you
You have become more dear to me than my brother
I have always been a support
Save the soldier son!

May your home be joyful
May thunder never strike
Let your house be full of the cup
And our meetings will be more frequent!

75. Congratulations on February 23

Congratulations on February 23,
I wish you good health
Long years of life, peace and quiet,
You deserve it honestly, dear!

76. Congratulations on February 23

May today in your name
February 23rd,
All the words of congratulations sound
Closer to night - fireworks thunder.

You are a man, albeit not a warrior,
Worthy of congratulations today:
You will stand up to defend the Fatherland
In a dashing hour, you can't get away from trouble.

You can live everyday life without war,
But he can always protect
Not a country, so at least a family -
Old people, and children, and a wife.

February 23rd
Congratulations to the man for good reason:
So reliable is the man's shoulder.
Congratulations warmly!

77. Congratulations on February 23

Cold winds make a strained noise
Lights shine in the warm windows.
A soldier in the ranks. He is always where you need it,
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.

The soldier is on the march. Oath to the motherland
He lives unshakably in his soul,
Like the eternal light of the only banner,
Leading forward, always forward.

The soldier is in business. Let it not be sugar service,
Above other feelings is a duty to the Fatherland,
In addition, in difficult times, male friendship
It will help and come to the rescue.

The soldier is in his studies. You need to comprehend everything
To defend the country if thunder breaks out
And for him the cherished reward
Be the first in a complex combat case.

78. Congratulations on February 23

Look at the guys
They are at the post.
They hold the machine gun tightly
To checkmate the enemy.

We are ready to defend the country,
Without a single word there.
And to master military affairs,
Succeed in military skill.

You, defenders of relatives,
And loved ones, dear to the heart,
Congratulations on Defender's Day,
Happy military honors holiday.

Be happy, satisfied
And live a very, very long time.
Go into love with your head,
You always come home.

79. Congratulations on February 23

In a beautiful name Man
Courage formed and become,
The ability to think and dream,
Be inspired for no reason.

To be able to love, to be able to give.
Then leave, then return.
To be so fickle
To seem like such a support.

Protect his fate
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be supportive
Give life full, without flaw.

And let the words intertwine
About that one, beloved,
Whom nature called
A beautiful name - MAN.

80. Congratulations on February 23

We are gathered here today
To congratulate you men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We want to wish you all
Always good health
After all, the years flow like water.

Let them not be carried away by the current
All your loyal aspirations.
We also wish you good luck
And it means a lot in life!
So that your friends take care of you,
May God grant you happiness and love!

81. Congratulations on February 23

How often we are unfair to men
Though they themselves are capricious, jealous, talkative
And only once a year we are kind,
Forgetting grievances, we wish men:
Unconquered mountains, impassable forests,
Friends, so that worthy, trouble-free girlfriends
Clever bosses, all kinds of enemies,
But, better, weakened and safe.
Cars - foreign cars, normal neighbors,
Powerful computers, virtual dating,
Problems only conditional, real successes.
The tasks are simple, but completely relevant.
Love is of different sexes, love is very different
Calm, funny and even dangerous
Ideas brilliant, friends, with beer,
And he himself, so that he always remains beautiful.
Non-jealous wives, long-legged friends
Heads to light, and better hornless!

82. Congratulations on February 23

We congratulate all men!
And we wish them love.
Let them be hot in heart
And in their souls the fire burns.

Blossom, please our eyes.
And soar like a bird over fate.
(But just don't singe the feathers
Give all women happiness,
Carrying smiles and enthusiasm.

You are our pride and love!
You are our passion and weakness!
The world would be lonely without you
Let the sun shine over the earth
And let the warrior not be.
And strength, our glorious hero,
It will only be for the good!

83. Congratulations on February 23

We congratulate you warmly
Happy Army and Navy Day!
May there be joy
What remembers someone loves.

And let a smile flicker
Wrinkles will be smoothed
And let spring sing in my soul.
Your holiday, about men!

February, the last step of winter
She strives for the end
But let the heart continue
As in youth, to beat.

84. Congratulations on February 23

Today is a holiday for all men
With which I also want to congratulate.
I wish you expensive cars
And to lead the company.

I wish you a woman's affection
Care and warmth.
I wish you without fear
Start all your business.

To you peacekeeping soldiers
We wish you happiness
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day

And we wish the strength
Only increased
So that beautiful girls
Smiled tenderly!

To demobilize, rather
You came home,
So that in civilian life with pleasure,
Plunged again!

Good service, brave soldier!

Good service, brave soldier!
You proudly repay your debt to your homeland!
And it is very important that fearless,
Although you are sad about the house and sing about that at night.

On this February holiday,
Will you get your guitar
And you make your friends happy with a new song!
About those who are waiting for you: beloved and mother,
Father and brothers have become lovelier again.

Of course, you dream of a heroic deed in your soul,
And every day is aimed only at
To strengthen your spirit, and we wish you
To be lucky in your aspirations!

On a frosty February day

On a frosty February day
Congratulations to all the guys.
After all, there is a serious reason -
Today is the day of the soldiers.

The day of those who serve proudly
Who fought a lot for the country,
And who has a strong character:
"I'm going to serve!" - said.

Today is a holiday - February 23!

Today is a holiday - February 23!
And I want to congratulate you on this holiday.
After all, you, a soldier, have erected the trigger on the machine,
You lock our border.

And you are not afraid of cold and snow.
So may you always be successful!
And we sleep soundly in our beds, calmly,
Knowing that your title, you will bear with dignity!

Defender of the Motherland stands

The Defender of the Motherland stands,
At his post.
And in the rain and in the fierce cold,
And an eerie heat.

He protects the Motherland,
From a fierce enemy.
There is a Soldier of the Fatherland -
At his post!

He believes in strength, in courage,
He knows mom is waiting for him home
And he loves her with all his soul,
And his homeland.

Soldier - you are our pride! May the years of military service

Soldier - you are our pride! Let the years of military service fly by. Let the strong shoulder of a comrade in arms be near. Team spirit - pushes to heroic deeds. Let your heart beat to the rhythm of the marching march. You have no easy task - to stand guard over the Motherland, guarding every piece of land, protecting the sky from the whistle of lead bullets and the air from the smell of gunpowder. Protect all of humanity from the terrible word War. You took the oath and now it is your vital duty. We wish you, dear soldiers, on February 23: strong endurance, patience and masculine strength. Happy holiday, our defenders!

Today your profession is protecting your native country.

Today your profession is to protect your native country, and on this holiday let me wish you less work: let there be no war and conflicts, the borders and interests of our state are not violated, and hot spots will remain in the past. Let your family be waiting for you at home, and your beloved will not lose her feelings even during separation.

Darling, how I wait for you.

Darling, how I wait for you.
Don't worry, I'm only yours.
I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday,
And in congratulations I write a confession:

“I want to return from service,
Our friendship has grown into something more.
What would you be my man
In exchange for this, I will give you a son. "

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, soldier

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, soldier,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you today.
Let there be no obstacles in life
May the Lord protect you.

We wish you peaceful bright days
To make the service run smoothly and easily.
May fate save you from losses
May things always go well.

We wish you happiness and love
So that everything is as you want.
The whole country thanks you
And we wish you a peaceful day and night.

Your job is to protect

Your job is to protect
Take care of your native country, mother.
Do you remember your grandfather's testament
To stand guard for many years.

Protect the boundaries of the Motherland,
Protect the peace of children, fathers.
From the word "courage" of a soldier,
An example is for the guys!

In honor of the holiday, fireworks sound
He hastens to congratulate the soldier.
We wish you savvy, courage,
Congratulations to the fighters for endurance!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, first of all, you should congratulate those who are currently in the service, the soldiers and the military. It is they who protect the borders of the state, guard our peace. If among your acquaintances there are those who are at the service, then you will be obliged to congratulate them on this wonderful holiday. Imagine how your friend, a soldier, would be pleased to receive such a congratulation or to hear it while on duty, far from his family and from his home. You can find congratulations in honor of February twenty-third that are suitable for soldiers and military men directly on our page. We created each of them for a certain time, so that each has its own uniqueness. Rest assured that any of our options will please your soldier friend. We wish you pleasant viewing, dear guest!

My congratulations - not an empty sound!
My congratulations are holy!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our defender is in the form of a soldier!
And may the conquered world keep
Your holy serenity
And may all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

For you, soldier, all congratulations,
We are proud of you, no doubt
You give the Fatherland for a long time,
You carry out your service in good faith.
We wish you a long and beautiful life,
Fate amazing, beautiful,
May the service be a joy for you
All the best to you, good luck, luck always.

You are the defender of the Fatherland, soldier,
Worthy of praise and awards,
Congratulations on February 23,
We sincerely wish you peace and prosperity.
Holy service, carry out conscientiously,
May all your dreams come true
May luck always go with you
Let fate keep and lead through life.

We are glad to congratulate you, soldier,
Since February 23, our dear defender,
You do not serve for honors and rewards,
Honestly, you give your debt to the Fatherland.
Let the flow not carry away the years
Souls of high aspiration,
We sincerely wish you joy, good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot.

Soldier, oath to the Motherland,
It always lives in your soul
Congratulations on February 23,
We wish you happiness, joy, goodness.
Comprehend everything, learn
To defend the country when thunder breaks out
Try to climb up
Always be the first in the battle.

You are the reliable shield of the country
Soldier, today we dedicate poems to you,
Congratulations on February 23,
We wish you endurance, patience, good luck.
Be brave, always brave
May a kind angel keep you
We wish you joy and happiness,
Let all bad weather forget your address.

It's its own turn
As they say,
-It is not for nothing that the glasses are ringing:
To shine brightly in gold
New lieutenant epaulettes!
So that from now on in life, as on the march,
Everyone kept the alignment,
So that a marshal comes out of the lieutenant,
Or at least a general!
Gaining dignified manners,
Having made a choice once and for all,
Take good luck prisoner - you are an officer!
Hold tight to life's reason

On a peaceful day, like in a war,
But not for rank, awards ...
And on Army Day we are doubly
We are glad to congratulate you!
Here's the service that stood out:
Every year in all seasons
You protect the peace of the country
Rulers and zones!
Light to you and friendship
Don't waste your days:
Become a general at forty
And raise your grandchildren!

There is so much honor in any rank,
Simple courage and valor,
Even if the feat is unknown,
Each of the defenders is a hero.
So that there is love and friendship,
To make the world happy for everyone
Let every day in your service
There will be luck and success.

What do we drink for and where do we drink?
Not at a friend's apartment,
Not in an ironed uniform,
And there, by the stone pillars ...
For a march, blank walls,
For the years that have passed there.
And for military shoulder straps,
That fall on our shoulders.
For those at sea, at the border,
For those who freeze at their posts,
And, as the people say:
"For those who wear boots!"

Until recently I was just a boy,
And now you are in the army, soldier.
And now you're not carrying a book in your hands, -
Heavy, real machine gun.
You don't play "Tanks" on the computer,
You teach military skill.
My dear, congratulations on the twenty-third!
I wish you the best!

You were drafted into the army, beloved,
I will wait for you, do not be sad.
Understand what men need
Everyone should go through such a school of life.
You will become strong, courageous and reliable
Like your father and also an older brother.
Now you can rightfully say:
"Well, happy men's holiday, soldier!"

Today is February 23rd, my beloved.
I congratulate you on this date, my hero!
I wish you to serve for the good of the Motherland,
And so that a soldier, my dear, was always a good one.
So that you have reliable friends
So that you all live in the barracks, well, like one family.
May everything be fine with you, my dear
And so that you come home as soon as possible from the army!

February 23 is a holiday for all men.
And I congratulate you - 1000 reasons.
You are a man - this time, there is no dispute with this,
Well, and if, secondly, there is another point:
You have been serving in the army for a long time, my beloved,
Well, this means that this day is definitely your holiday.
I congratulate you, dear, on this day.
Come back soon. We are all waiting for you.

So it came on February 23rd.
This date is celebrated by men.
Sleeping in the barracks? Maybe you're in the fields for training?
Where are you? I don’t know my darling!
I want to congratulate you, dear, I want you on the holiday,
And I wish it to be served easily.
Do not be bored! I fly to you in my thoughts every day,
I am with you, no matter what happens.

I want to congratulate you, my beloved,
And send you a message from home
So that you wait impatiently for a date
Despite the time and distance.
Every day and every hour you serve
Never forget how much I need you.
Since February 23, my dear soldier,
Know: I am waiting for you, I love you and have not forgotten!

My beloved boy is serving in the army,
He will come home very soon.
He has already become a real man,
He matured and pumped up his muscles.
He became responsible, he is serious in business,
And he knows everything about the service not just in words.
Since February 23, my friend, you!
I wait, I love, I kiss! Take care of yourself!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

1. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Our beloved son and son-in-law!

You have served urgent service,
I was able to help my native country ...
And he took a juicy girl as his wife -
Our sunny daughter.

2. Congratulations on February 23rd to your son

Here came the 23rd of February,
It's a beautiful day, it's a straight day - a hero,
And in honor of him, I want to wish
You are stronger, more beautiful to become.

As well as good health and good luck.
Let your cherished dream come true.
And the best of all qualities,
All that remains is kindness.

3. Congratulations on February 23 to son

And if necessary - to protect
And he can give his life.
But don't be in a hurry with that, son.
Understand a lot in military affairs.

And on the day of the defender of the country
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Serve by faith and righteousness,

4. Congratulations on February 23 to your son

You are a real man with us!
We say, proud and loving,
What to congratulate your beloved son
Happy February 23rd!

You son is our hope
Congratulations, dear!
I hope that we will be the same
Very soon we will be with you!

5. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Beloved son on a solemn day,
Congratulations. Let in your dear house
Many friends always gather
Know how to rest. And be able to work,

Be strong in health, son, always,
Nothing will ever lead you astray.
Luck, joy, sea of ​​love,
Let your plans come true!

6. Congratulations on February 23 to your son

If you are standing in the ranks
Remember your homeland,
Remember: you are a son and a soldier.

They always look at you
Our keen eyes
Our kind hearts.

And the answer to everything is -
More expensive than our Motherland
Not in the world !!!

7. Congratulations on February 23 to your son

Even if you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious,
The eye is sharp-sighted and firm is the hand,
Defender of the future Motherland!

After all, if there is a war
Introduce fire, devastation to our house,
You will not stand aside -
You will protect your mother, sister, friend!

And to win again
Be healthy, smart, cheerful:
Study diligently - by "five"
And do more sports !!!

8. Congratulations on February 23 to son

I decided to go the military path,
Son, we are proud of you
Tankman, infantry or landing,
Always to the shore of honor, cadet!

How to love the Motherland,
It is true to her, to serve to the end,
We believe that night and day
You will protect your dear home!

9. Congratulations on February 23rd to your son

Which of us is healthy, not treated?
Who can take the enemy prisoner ?!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Our beloved son and son-in-law!

You have served urgent service,
I was able to help my native country ...
And he took a juicy girl as his wife -
Our sunny daughter.

Yes, we know: the sacred hour will come, -
You will protect your wife, children and us !!!
Sonny, today is your holiday!
We wish you with all our soul

So that you can achieve everything
So that you are happy, son!
You are smart, brave, it means
You will achieve good luck in everything!

10. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son, be happy dear
Let success be everywhere!
And with joy and warmth
May every day come to you.
To make luck smile
And every dream came true!

11. Congratulations on February 23 to son

How crowded it was on the platform,
Sounded "Slavyanka" brave march,
We saw off your train
Mom has tears in her eyes!

Son, congratulations,
Soldier's holiday in February
The Fatherland glorifies the sons of the faithful,
In the name of peace on earth!

12. Congratulations on February 23 to son

I know it's not easy in the army
But this is a school for men.
But you, son, have already become an adult,
You are the only one I have.

To you, defender of the Fatherland,
I'm on February 23rd,
I want to wish you a decent life
After all, your land is behind you!

I wish you, son,
So that he is not alone in life.
And on the 23rd of February
May your dream come true.

Take gifts from life
And enjoy for the time being.
Know how to work, rest -
I wish you do not know sorrows.

13. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Be noble, strong, courageous.
My son, on the path of life,
Be friends with a good honest deed -
This is how happiness can be found.
Always be ready to defend
But don't let grief touch you.
May trouble pass you by
I bless the warrior
But all the same - as a mother - I wish:
"Let the wars disappear forever!"

14. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son, protector, our pride!
We congratulate you!
We wish to achieve in life
Anything you want without melting!

May the day bring good luck
And maybe love will find!
Such a man after all
Will never be lost!

15. Congratulations on February 23 to son

On this holiday for men -
I congratulate you son!
So that you are healthy and strong
And of course full of energy.
So that you too one day
He served our Motherland.
And even if you don't want to
And let it be "well maaam" ...
I wish to be strong for you
As well as to all men!

16. Congratulations on February 23 to son

I want a representation of the war
You didn't have it from my own experience.
I want your wife not to have to
Dream that your children eat their fill.

But still know, son, that you are a protector,
That it is sometimes impossible in another way!
If you need to, stay strong
And remember - this is your path!

17. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations, my son.
I wish to infinity
Conquering new peaks,
Be a brave and strong man
Protect us from all adversity
Our homeland will be happy
After all, my son is guarding her!

18. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Be noble
Stay calm,
My best son in the world.

I wish you were worthy
You are a warrior of the title of saint.
And you will get to the top.

19. Congratulations on 23 February to your son

A man is in this gentle word
There is strength, intelligence, reliability, to become.
My baby son also wanted
Faster than adults, become wise.

He grew out of his diapers,
From school, long, weekdays.
They roared freely on the wires
And he went to the army sooner.

I will be proud of you -
The defender grew up with me.
Let me sonny you
Happy February 23rd!

20. Congratulations on February 23 to son

You grew up a long time ago, son,
Growing up to the ceiling
There is a chamber in the head of the mind,
The wallet has its own salary!

There are many more reasons
To congratulate you on the Day of Men!
After all, on a piece of calendar
February 23rd!

There are still many wishes
Love, health, happiness, knowledge!
And most importantly, do not forget
Take care of your mother, protect the Fatherland!

21. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Always be high above evil.
And reach for good, son.
All adversity on the way
Subdue by the will of the spirit.

Remember, we are almost with you,
You are our youth, our hero.
Together - grief does not matter,
Always contact us.

22. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son, we went through this -
The eyes were afraid, we served.
A tarpaulin boot is not terrible,
You can - I did.

You are an adult, son (when did you have time?),
And he is quite ripe for the TRP.
Do you know what it is?
Ready for work and defense!

We wish you victories and good luck.
We congratulate you junior.
Son, you will go to the army
To defend the Fatherland!

And nurture your strong spirit
For the benefit of humanity!
Good health to you
Physical activity!

But to be on the mind
No overload!
Don't quit school yet
After all, knowledge is power!
And find yourself a girl
With a soul so beautiful!

23. Congratulations on February 23 to son

So my son grew up, matured ...
Became a real man.
On this holiday in February
Congratulations, my boy, you!

Be funny and mischievous
Strong, bold, a little funny.
May the days be successful
If you are there, always come in.

I'll bake pies for you
I will amuse my conversation.
Well, and if again - business ...
I'll come to you myself!

24. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Sonny, I congratulate you!
And on this feast of February
To you, my boy, I wish
Do not become a hostage of the ruble.

As a warrior, you are your victories
Write down quietly in your notebook
Keep your secrets there
And in life, be modestly silent.

The key to success and prosperity -
A beautiful wife and a home
And then everything will go so smoothly
You will achieve everything with work.

25. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Sonny, today is a holiday for men.
And I congratulate you in advance.
Even though you are so small and without wrinkles
I wish you to mature later.

And remember, the twenty-third of February -
Not just an excuse for loud festivities.
This holiday on the red day of the calendar
We brought in through the years, distances.

So have fun, but know discipline.
Must be ready at any time
Although small, but to protect the Fatherland
And tie an elastic band from your pants.

26. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son, be brave, honest, proud.
Always look forward.
Defender of his people
Protect him from adversity.

Remember to always learn
Do not sit silently with folded hands.
May you sleep peacefully at night
And the disease will bypass you.

27. Congratulations on February 23 to son

You are the best of men!
My dear, wonderful son.
And from February 23rd
I hasten to congratulate you
Be strong, brave, don't be proud.
Always fight for your life.
Be persistent in any work
And take a closer look at me.

28. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Sonny, congratulations, grow up and husband,
And the time will come - you defend the country,
Be brave, brave, know how to keep quiet,
Without this, it is difficult to become a man!

Today are gifts and a festive table,
Covered for men, I tried not in vain
I want you to walk the right path,
And I remembered that the main thing in life is family!

29. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Come to me son
Come, don't be afraid, honey.
So that I could congratulate you,
With his own paternal strength.

Happy Defender's Day
It's all the same, even though you are a child!
I congratulate, loving.
I see it grew out of a diaper.

30. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Sonny, on the twenty-third of February,
To make life very easy for you!
So that time flew headlong in the army,
You tempered your spirit, you were always right in the dispute!

Only true friends and beautiful love,
Optimism and joy, cheerfulness in the chest!
And health, so that yours was strong,
And now life has become meaningful.

Be truthful, reliable, know how to defend
Your point of view, do not dare to retreat!
Don't give up on obstacles, push it to the end!
And always know how to punish the scoundrel!

31. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Our dear son, happy holiday,
You defended the Fatherland!
We were of course worried
But you paid the debt to the end!

I got endurance in the army,
And tempered the character with interest,
We wish you a lot of joy
Be swift, we will not win!

Achieve your goal
And sometimes go ahead!
You better act without regret
About something so incomprehensible: "later."

32. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Now I can't remember how many times
Gave me a reason to worry
Covering your black eye with your hand,
He whispered: "You need to fight for the cause!"

And how many scars - so many troubles
I had to go through with my father,
While you grew up and got stronger
And I learned to be strong.

But I know if trouble happens -
A dashing enemy will come to earth,
How the lion will fight for the cause
My son is my warrior, my hero!

33. Congratulations on February 23 to son

For me you are always a baby
Even if you shoot accurately from a bow.
Two-meter fellow,
And on the face three days of stubble.

Baby, you're mom's protector
Let the ladies be silent for now.
After all, if the son did not protect his mother,
That will forward any lady!

Happy Defender's Day
My beloved baby.
Stand guard over all the ladies
Loyal defender, my beloved son.

On the holiday of all real men
I congratulate today, son!
My dear son serves in the army,
Well, I wish you the best of luck.

Be able to temper your character,
To achieve any goals in life,
And it is always only joyful to be -
And worthy to fight for happiness!

34. Congratulations on February 23 to son

You are my very best man
I, son, will love you forever.
Let your strength grow
And luck only comes quickly.

February 23rd today has come,
And this morning gave you presents.
Take happiness with you on the road,
With the right path, son, you do not go away.

35. Congratulations on February 23 to son

February is this cold month,
Severe as a true man
And the holiday of all men in the world
We celebrate for a reason.

Today I wish my son
To make your dreams come true
To live, loving and prosperous,
And in my heart - a ray of kindness!

36. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son on the twenty-third of February
From the bottom of my heart I will say today -
You really deserve the praise
You have always been worthy, son.

Keep staying like this -
Let the sadness go like smoke.
I want to wish you health
A girl worthy to meet!

37. Congratulations on February 23 to son

I wish you, son,
So that he is not alone in life.
And on the 23rd of February
May your dream come true.

Take gifts from life
And enjoy for the time being.
Know how to work, rest -
I wish you do not know sorrows.

I raised you from an early age
And I wanted you to be
Brave, strong and healthy
And to serve the Motherland.

You grew up the way you should
That's why I congratulate!
I wish you happiness and victories,
And the brightest, longest years!

38. Congratulations on February 23 to son

In Russia there are always heroes
The land was protected from raids.
On peaceful days, as on dashing days,
Mothers and wives were protected.

Be a hope and a stronghold son.
Defend your homeland with honor.
Go against adversity with courage.
Find your charisma in strength.

39. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Son, my dear, dear,
Happy all men day to you, servant!
What is not so cheerful as an outcast?
Was your friend deceitful?

Throw away all sorrows, sing songs,
Let happiness settle in your soul.
Be loved, and you and I
Let's disperse all your bad weather.

40. Congratulations on February 23 to son

My son, my warrior, my hero,
How proud I am of you!
You are my protector, here without a dispute,
My hope and support.
So be bold and fearless
Unquestioning, smart, important.
Let everything that you have in mind be
And let grief forget you
Let bad luck pass
And happiness will come with joy!

41. Congratulations on February 23 to son

Today is your holiday, beloved son, -
Day of strong men, noble and courageous.
Save your luck for future use
And do not know the limits of great happiness!

May women adore you
To love unselfishly, beautifully and passionately,
And you will not offend them in anything,
After all, you are not called a protector in vain!

42. Congratulations on February 23 to son

You will become big and strong
Yes, and now there is already strength -
You can in one sitting
Break the toy mobile
And eat a plate of porridge.

Even if you are not very to the rank
Serve on the front of adult forces,
But if someone asked me -
Then I will answer - you are a man
And it's time to wear a medal!

43. Congratulations on February 23 to son

My son! How quickly you grow up!
Still so young, but the look is masculine, with charisma ...
You will become a strong support, no doubt
Family, loved ones and their Fatherland!

Let me congratulate you on men's day!
After all, this holiday is yours without reservations!
Be happy, be strong and be loved!
And believe that everything will come, but only on time!

44. Congratulations on February 23 to son

I rocked you in the cradle,
I washed diapers every day
And I didn't notice at all
That a man grew out of a child!

Now you can protect me
And no worse than dad ... even better!
You will help him in everything,
You will teach Mom to protect him.

You can cope with any difficulty
You will soon be driving a car
You will meet real love
After all, my son is already a man.

I congratulate you today
Happy holiday of defenders, men!
I wish you happiness, son,
Know that you are the only one!

45. Congratulations on February 23 to son

My dear son,
I will say loving
I congratulate you,
Men's day to you!

You are my outlet
You are my joy ...
But when you get married -
I will be very glad!

There will be that bride
Nice to me, beautifull ...
If it is a face
She looks like me.

46. ​​Congratulations on February 23 to son

Our son was born,
And the world lit up with love,
You are our joy and support
For all relatives and for strangers.

And every day you are more and more mature
More courageous and stronger!
Now you are far from us
It's not easy for you in the barracks,

You are not just serving -
You take care of your Motherland!
We miss and love you dear
Hurry back home defender!

47. Congratulations on February 23 to son

My dear son
I congratulate you dear.
There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
There is a holiday, only for men.

And this day is always beautiful
Let the women stand in front of you.
Let me surround with gentle caress
Love will give a whole pood.

Do not forget, too, son,
About duty, about his masculine.
You protect your mother
Stand guard over your homeland!

48. Congratulations on February 23 to son

You wished to become a military man
We were worried. You dreamed:
“What if I’m a general!”
Well, I've already become a cadet.

We are proud of you, son.
You gave your parents a lesson:
To love the homeland in words -
Nothing, she needs to be served.

And if necessary - to protect
And even give your life.
But don't be in a hurry with that, son.
Understand a lot in military affairs.

And on the day of the defender of the country
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Serve by faith and righteousness,
So that everyone could sleep peacefully!