Rules of behavior in the hospital. Postpartum separation

The wide opportunities that are provided to today's women in labor make birth more individual, comfortable and, of course, less painful.

Freedom to a woman!

Every year the popularity of free behavior in childbirth is growing. More and more medical centers and hospitals open the branches of the "soft" or "home" gods, the chambers of the family stay appear. All these novelves help a pregnant woman to feel more comfortable and contribute to the more active participation of the spouse in the family. For 5 years, the premises of the husband or any other family member (if there are individual labor halls in the maternity hospital). There should be no money for this establishment. Certificate of missing infectious diseases in relatives - mandatory.

Once the obstetrices strictly forced the birthdayrs who worry the contractions, lie, not rising from the couch. Today, such repression already, fortunately, do not apply. The fever can simply be like, and lie down, and somewhere to soak in the jacuzzi - water soothes, relaxes and anesthesia. True, the birth to the water in our country is not yet officially practiced.

Allow it to get up!

Vertical childbirth today in fashion. They are considered more physiological and favorable for women and children. Here are their advantages.

1. Improve uterine-placental blood circulation and oxygen provision. After all, with a vertical position of the woman in labor, the pressure of the uterus on large vessels is reduced.

2. Reduce pain and risk of crotch breaks. The kid is protected from the injuries of the cervical spine. After all, moving vertically, the fruit moves down slowly and smoothly.

3. Reduce the risk of postpartum bleeding - a placenta in a woman in a sitting position is separated faster.

4. Lost and facilitate childbirth due to the fact that the woman has the ability to more actively participate in the process.

Transformers are coming

In addition to the classics - Rakhmanov's beds, which from the end of the XIX century and still stands in every maternity hospital, - there are other devices. For vertical delivery, a stool with a hole in the seat or a chair similar to the toilet can be used. Or a transforming bed that allows the Genuine to take any convenient poses. While there are only expensive foreign transformers, but today, on the basis of one of the Moscow hospitals, a similar bed of Russian production is tested. It is based on a classic sample of couch with legs, but with the possibility of transformation of the main part of 90 degrees. Tests will be held until the end of this year. When the experiment is over, the design will receive a patent. And then, perhaps, such models will appear in all hospitals.

It will not be painful

Today, various methods of anesthetics are actively used in childbirth. In the early stages of childbirth - intramuscular and intravenous analgesics with soothing drugs. During the opening of the cervix, a paracervical blockade can be used, that is, an injection of anesthetic in the pouring layer of the vagina. At any stage of childbirth - inhalation anesthesia, the so-called funny gas (nitrogen approach). It is safe for the child, is excreted instantly, but when inhalation blocks the transmission of the pain pulse.

And of course, it is impossible not to mention epidural and spinal anesthesia. "Epiduralka" is used in natural childbirth, the second method - with cesarean sections. When spinal anesthesia make one injection into the lower back, which is about three hours turns off the feeling of the body below the belt. In this case, the patient remains in full consciousness and calmly gives birth with the help of a surgeon.

With epidural anesthesia, an anesthetic drug-in-catheter comes in small doses continuously. At any time, this impact can be suspended. Both types of anesthesia are considered safe for kids, because the drugs are selected the most gentle and are introduced into the combustinal space of the spinal cord, so their concentration in the blood of the mother is small. But there are also disadvantages: for example, "Epiduralka" worsens the cutting of the uterus, so by the time the dyg is disconnected. This type of anesthesia can be made at the request of the patient, and on medical testimony. For example, it is necessary if, despite intensive uterine abbreviations, the neck is not disclosed, which can lead to acute hypoxia by the child. Epidural anesthesia is used and at childbirth in patients with increased arterial pressure, as it reduces pressure.


These innovations are ideal for uncomplicated births. In the event of any complications (signs of chronic hypoxia, premature genera, native anomalies, etc.) requires more thorough control over the state of the guide and the fruit, which can prevent the selected guidance plan. Therefore, unfortunately, it does not always work as planned a woman in advance.

Often, future parents begin to prepare for the emergence of a long-awaited descendant long before its appearance. At this point, the question arises: what can be brought to the hospital? Often, mom takes with him things for newborns, which can not be useful at all, but even interfere. Let's see which items first need to be addressed in the bag in advance, and what to bring after the appearance of the baby.

In fact, a specific list of what can be transmitted to the hospital after childbirth is not, since each institution puts its requirements and permissions. That is why choose in advance where you will give birth, after which do not forget there to ask what you need for a newborn in the first days of life. Collecting a bag, initially put the basic necessities in it. Secondly fucking can be purchased and a little later.

Best bags will be prepared at once. In the first fold good for the child, and in the second what is needed on an extract.

They need to be collected for another 7 month of pregnancy and be sure to notify all family members about the place of location bags. In the case of premature births, loved ones should know what to bring to the hospital.

In addition, this is what you must need mom:

  • Passport and photocopy.
  • Document on medstrashovka and copy.
  • Generic certificate and exchange card.
  • Mobile to maintain communication and charging to it.
  • The contract concluded with the doctor or the hospital itself.
  • Phone number hosting a specialist.
  • Phone number of the institution in which the woman is going to give birth, as well as the address.

All this set of essentials must always have with you, even if you just want to get out for a while in the store. If necessary, you will not spend precious time to return home behind him and you can immediately call a taxi or ambulance. The rest of the things that can be in the maternity hospital, but who remained at home, then they will transmit your trusted people.

Bags set for first bags

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules of the maternity hospital, since each institution has its own characteristics. Doctors can adopt a patient who has only documents and a phone with them, and, for example, clothing for her and a child to issue a disposable. In such a situation, I will tell you the next day after permission and only after the approval of doctors, which should be convinced that everything is in order with the guinea.

In a set for the first bag, which can be brought to the hospital, includes:

  • Shampoo, Toothbrush and Pasta, Towels and other means of personal hygiene. However, it is not scary if there are no longer them there, since if the hospital itself does not provide them, then, at least, they can be purchased in the cobby pharmacy.
  • Free, non-shywear clothing, with the ability to easily get breasts for feeding. Rubber sneakers are ideal for the shoes, and other equipment that does not collect dirt. Seasonal things may be required, such as tights or warm sweaters.
  • Cutlery: spoon, plug, plate.
  • Normal non-carbonated water.
  • If possible, diapers. For a start, it will fit the least volumetric packaging with the smallest size of diapers. Having tried them in the case, you can understand what size will suit your chad.
  • Wet wipes for children who are needed when replacing diapers.
  • 5 cotton and 5 bike pellery, as well as depending on the time of year, hats, socks and overalls.

From what can be conveyed to the hospital, you can highlight a package for dirty linen, secondary clothes, children's hygiene products (soap, cream, powder), and other items. They must be folded into the second bag. In order not to guess whether the funds will be useful, or not, ask the doctor in advance.

What is needed on an extract

It is absolutely necessary to take with you all the necessary items. Especially for the extract you can collect a separate package, especially since, depending on the weather, the state of health and other factors, its contents change. The transfer of such baggage is needed immediately before discharge.

As for the ladder, pay attention to the fact that the selected things do not contain in their composition substances causing allergies. How to choose children's clothing:

  • The composition of things should include exclusively hypoallergenic materials.
  • The composition of the paint in which the thing is painted should not include toxic materials.
  • The outfit itself should be free, from natural components.
  • Avoid a large number of buttons and ties on things. That you would not be on the baby, it should be removed and dress without problems.

Updates need to be washed after you brought them home from the store.

For all the time they put on the store shelves, a lot of dust and dirt accumulated on them. In addition, it is not known who spinning them, and under what conditions the outfit was transported. Therefore, after the purchase, be sure to recover outfits with baby soap, dry them and intend. Such processing will exclude the possibility of any infection in the rapid organism.

Depending on the time of year, the baby needs different types of clothing. Consider what you need to purchase separately for each season.


In winter, the child will be needed:

  • Cotton and woolen cap.
  • Winter hat.
  • Woolen upper and changing overalls.
  • Body for swarenia.
  • Diapers.
  • Woolen pants.
  • Cotton and bike pelleys.
  • A warm blanket.

Autumn and Spring

Spring and autumn are famous for their unpredictable weather. In the fall, it can be still very hot, while in the spring can sharply get cold and even fall out of snow. Therefore, make sure that your crumbs are the following things in your wardrobe:

  • Baika warm, knitted or cotton sprinkle.
  • Slip-kobminizon.
  • Mike.
  • Baika thin and dense pellery.
  • A thin cotton cap is required, the rest of the caps are chosen on the weather.
  • Outerwear, type of jumpsuit, envelope or baby bag.
  • Socks.
  • A blanket or envelope in which the child will go home.


In the summer there is a danger to dress its child either too easy or too warm. Adhere to the following recommendations when choosing a dress:

  • Give preference to slip-overalls, which, if necessary, can be completely unzipped.
  • A good choice will be a blouse and sliders.
  • Be sure to have a cotton cap, because even in a strong heat, the ears must be protected. It will be enough for only one such cap.
  • A good supplement will be simple and bike pelleys.
  • Delicate or lace envelope for karapuse. Note that it should not be very subtle and soar.
  • Other summer things for newborns, such as sprawers, booties, socks.


In most cases, a visit to the hospital after the birth of the women in labor is possible only at a specific time, but there are exceptions, for example, if parents have chosen for themselves the ward of a joint stay. Then the dad child can be near his family around the clock. He can be brought to the hospital his replaceable shoes and things. A good option will be a T-shirt, pants and rubber sneakers. In addition, a certificate is needed that the father of the family is absolutely healthy and can be in the maternity department.

And this applies not only to the head of the family. Anyone who wants to visit a mother with the baby is obliged to remove the upper clothes before entering the ward, as well as rebuild or put on top of the shoes of the boot. It will be good if relatives will take home apparel with them. In another case, you will have to acquire a disposable medical bathrobe.

Unable to visitors want to hold the child on their hands. Remember: You can take a child to hand after you thoroughly washed them with soap. Therefore, it will be excellent if the Mom will be soap and a clean towel.

Other rules for visiting are possible. In some hospitals, for example, it is prohibited in one chamber to be more than three visitors. And others do not let people who have not yet turned 14 years old, as it is believed that adolescents can incorporate any infection that is extremely unsafe for a weakened mother's body and not yet faster than the baby.

It is better to visit the female in labor after the discharge, when the organisms of the mother and her children will rest against stress and fix it slightly. If mom had to stay in the ward, visit the maternity hospital is better to postpone a few days until the woman becomes a little.

Be careful when choosing a dress. Do not drag with yourself to the ward, which may not come in handy there. Take care of yourself and your little descendant.

In February of this year, information appeared that relatives were free to visit young mothers in hospitals' wards. During a week of benevolence in Minsk maternity hospitals, we asked specialists, whether to expect change in the near future.

Source photo:

The document on the admission of relatives in the hospital already "at the exit" -

told chief obstetrician Gynecologist of the Committee for Health of the Minsk City Executive Committee Irina Iconostasova

His project is already familiar with health officials. However, the decision that many future parents are so awaited, is designed to not establish clear rules, but only to regulate the format of visits.

Explain it is simple: all hospitals are different, as well as conditions in them. Therefore, in each maternity hospital, after receiving the regulatory document, it will be established on the basis of the possibilities to organize visits.

What conditions should be respected to allow visits?

With postpartum departments of maternity hospitals, a visiting room must be organized. It will be able to meet with husbands and other close all moms of separation. Those who have paid single chambers will be able to do it in their wards. And those who lies in double, will have to enlist their support and agree to the arrival of her husband's husband's husband.

Another provision of visits will have a wardrobe for visitors where they could change clothes after the street.

Perhaps, of all myths associated with pregnancy or childbirth, it is precisely such "terrible" stories about the hospital. They negatively set up future mothers and in relation to medical personnel, often causing distrust of the actions of doctors, and to the very stay in the hospital. Let's talk about the most common myths on this topic.

Myth number 1. In the maternity hospital, terrible living conditions

In fact, stories about the wards for ten people, not working and one toilet on the whole floor have only historical value. Over the past dozens of years, not only the level of medical services, but also the level of medical comfort has changed significantly. Most modern maternity hospitals correspond to European standards of medical comfort: small chambers for two or three people with a shower and toilet, the possibility of joint stay with children, comfortable relaxation rooms with TV and video equipment, individual chambers-boxes for childbirth. In addition, future parents have the opportunity to enter into contracts for conducting birth, implying especially comfortable conditions for staying in the maternity hospital for mom and baby.

Myth number 2. in the hospital endless queues for medical procedures

This also does not correspond to reality. Modern maternity hospitals are provided with medical equipment, which practically eliminates the queue in front of the cabinets. For example, the device for ultrasound diagnostics is in each compartment of the modern maternity hospital (including the receiving peace), the cardioograph (a device that registers the cutting of the uterus and the palpitation of the fetus) - one for each fever in the maternity block and several devices in the pregnant pathology department. In many hospitals, medical procedures such as a medical examination, a CTG recording (fetal heartbeat), pressure measurement, introduction of medical preparations and processing of seams after delivery, are made directly in the ward.

Myth number 3. In the maternity hospital, you can not take personal belongings

A woman coming to childbirth, in the receiving office, give a nightdress and bathrobe or disposable blue sterile shirts from nonwoven material. Bathrobe and washable slippers can be brought from home. In addition, in Ravlkok, you can take sterile anti-ringing stockings, mobile phone, hygienic lipstick, face spray, wet wipes, toilet paper, water bottle for rinse mouth. Some maternity hospitals are allowed to take phytball (gymnastic ball) and audio player.

In the prenatal office you can take clean home clothes: bathrobe, pajamas or night shirt, underwear, bandage; If walks are provided - comfortable clothes and shoes for the street. In addition, it is allowed to take the necessary objects of care and personal hygiene: toothbrush and pasta, comb, hair dryer, towel, soul, cosmetics. In the department of pathology of pregnant women, there is not such a strict sanitary regime as in Ravlock, and a lot of time free from medical procedures, so you can capture a laptop, books, magazines, embroidery, knitting or board games with you.

For the postpartum separation, you can take bras for feeding and sleeping, gaskets in a bra, breastsos, cream against cracks on nipples, intimate gaskets for the pants and postpartum bandage. Walking in the postpartum department is not provided in connection with a decrease in immunity in the first days after delivery, so the outerwear will only be discharged. Free-time at a young mother is definitely less than a pregnant woman - a laptop and needlework can be left at home. Requirements for other things do not differ from the requirements of the department of pregnant pathology. For a newborn, you can bring one-time diapers and wet wipes, and if they are allowed to use "their" clothes in the maternity hospital - things will be useful: bodies, overalls, hats and socks. Bed linen for mom and baby provides maternity hospital.

Myth number 4. In the maternity hospital, you can only eat hospital food

This is completely wrong: in any modern maternity hospital, transfers with products. At the same time, the content of "grocery orders" employees of the maternity hospital do not control! Although, of course, there is a list of products that are not recommended for use during breastfeeding period, as well as medical restrictions in the diet in some complications of pregnancy.

Myth number 5. In the departments of the maternity hospital do not allow visitors

This is not the case: there are visitors to the future mother, and in some maternity hospitals, in the absence of contraindications from health, daily walks with relatives are allowed. In almost all modern maternity hospitals, partnerships are permitted - and therefore, even in the most "strict" branch of the maternity hospital, the patient can enlist the presence of a loved one. Perhaps, for presence, the partner will need to pass tests and provide a certificate of courses for future parents.

After childbirth, visitors are allowed to mom and baby, however, the restrictions on the number of guests and the time of their stay in the hospital are observed. The limitations are due to the protective regime, the necessary maternity hospital and the newborn to recover after delivery. In the first days after the birth of the mother and the kid are most vulnerable to infections, quickly tires; They need to relax and gain strength. Based on this, the administration of the hospital controls the duration and number of visits to their patients. Another reason for the restriction of visits can be quarantine associated with an ARVI or flu epidemic. Finally, the possibility of visits depends on the domestic conditions of the hospital: if there are many patients in the ward, visits to relatives can cause discontent of neighbors in the Chamber (for religious, national reasons, from superstition or fear of infection).

Myth number 6. If you get to the department of pathology, it will not be released before childbirth

This myth has no real foundation. In order to hospitalize pregnant in the department of pathology, the doctor must put a rather serious diagnosis (not all complications of pregnancy require inpatient treatment). For example, severe gestosis (late toxicosis), fetoplacentage failure or threat of premature labor. For the treatment of each pathology of pregnancy on the terms of the OMS (compulsory medical insurance), the law defined a fixed time in days, the patient could not be in the hospital longer. So, even if we assume that the doctor for some reason specially wants to delay the future mother in the hospital before childbirth, he will not be able to fulfill this intention! In the treatment under the conditions of the DMS (contract form), the patient pays every additional day of stay in the hospital, so the applications are also clearly regulated, as at the OMS, and the extension of hospitalization is possible only with the personal consent of the pregnant.

Myth number 7. If you lie in the maternity hospital in advance, they will artificially cause contractions

Special measures for childbirth ("causing" bruses are taken only in the case of rejunction of the fetus. Moreover, the rejunction is not just a pregnancy, lasting more than 40 weeks, as is customary at the level of the same myths. Recall that pregnancy is considered to be dodged (and the child is ready for birth) from 38 to 42 weeks. 40 weeks - the most likely, but not exact date of childbirth. The term "tooling" denote the inconsistency of the auxiliary bodies of pregnancy - placenta and fetal shells, their "aging" and deterioration of functions. The aging of the placenta and shells gradually leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, a decrease in nutrition and metabolism. Changes and intrauterine "habitat" baby - the amount of water decreases, they become viscous. The fetal shells are compacted and losing elasticity, as a result of the walls of the uterus begin to put pressure on the fruit. The listed changes worsen the forecast for childbirth and represent the danger to the health of the fetus.

Ultrasound, Doppler (control of placental blood flow), KTG (monitoring of the fetal) and amnioscopy (transvaginal optical study of the fruit bubble and water) are used to accurately diagnose. If the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, but there are no signs of rejunction, only observed for the state of mom and baby, without taking any additional interventions.

Myth number 8. If the day before the birth to the hospital, they will introduce drugs to open the cervix

In fact, this is not the case: doctors simply watch the state of mom and baby preparing for childbirth, but do not interfere in this natural process. Special measures for the preparation of the cervix are taken only in the case of the biological immaturity of the genital tract. This term denote the inconsistency of the state of the cervix and the walls of the vagina period of pregnancy. Normally, before childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200bgradually shortened and begins to open, the tissues of the vagina and neck become soft and elastic. Changes on the part of the generic pathways usually occur on the period of 37-39 weeks of pregnancy. If with a dead pregnancy and a mature fruit (these data are confirmed by ultrasound) the cervix remains dense and long, as in the middle of pregnancy, and the cervical canal is closed, it is necessary to prescribe to drug training. None of the drugs that are used for these purposes does not have relatively exciting properties, that is, does not directly lead to the beginning of the bumps. Medical preparation of tissues of tributes is never carried out without indications, and, of course, is not a mandatory element of the planned prenatal hospitalization.

Myth number 9. So that the birth has lasted long, they always stimulate them in the maternity hospital

Rostimulation is called measures to strengthen generic activities, that is, bouts. The only indication for stimulation of kits is the weakness of the generic forces - the complication of childbirth, in which the tape force is not enough to open the cervix and advance the fetus by the generic paths. It is possible to judge the strength of the fights using cardiotokography, as well as on the dynamics of generic activities: the increase in the contamination of the increasing hole in the neck and promotion of the fetus. The duration of labor is individual and is not a direct indicator of weak generic activity. In addition, the routing measures are never applied in advance, in the form of preventing protracted labor - because as a result, another, no less dangerous complication can develop - rapid childbirth.

Myth number 10. In Ravlock, the woman is alone, and it can happen that she will not seek for help

In fact, the hospital staff constantly monitor all the women in labor. The obstetrics of the prenatal is in the ward constantly or enters the ward every 15-20 minutes - depending on the "total" or "boxing" structure of the maternity branch. Its problem includes observation of the common state of the female in labor, the frequency and strength control, the doctor's challenge and the implementation of medical purposes (injection, pressure measurement). The doctor should appear in the chamber once every 40-60 minutes, listen to the fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope, a portable ultrasonic sensor or testimony of the CTG, to evaluate the strength and dynamics of the bout, the location of the fetus head, if necessary, to produce a vaginal study. During the fence, the birth of the fetus and the selection of the doctor and the midwife is constantly near the guinea. If complications arise at any stage of labor, the doctor is incredible to remain with the patient, controlling its condition. At the same time, the rest of the patients of the Ravlock do not remain without medical surveillance: the duty officer consists of several doctors and midwives.

Many modern generic chambers are equipped with an effective communication tool - the personnel call button!

Myth number 11. In the maternity hospital, a child can confuse

This myth is probably the most steady of all listed. It is impossible to confuse the child: even if a woman is in a common prepar ward during battles, the process of the birth of a baby occurs in an individual rhodtle. Immediately after birth, the crumb inspects, weighed, they measure the growth and put on handles individual identification bracelets. On the bracelets are recorded, name, patronymic and medical card mom, gender, weight and child growth, date and time of birth. These bracelets are not removed from the newborn until discharge from the hospital under any circumstances, regardless of the joint or separate Mom's stay with the baby in the postpartum separation.

In order not to be afraid of the maternity hospital, focus on staff requirements and trust the actions of doctors, it is worth more in advance to learn about the device and the work of this medical institution. You can find information in magazines and courses for future parents, on the site and in the insurance company Roadoma. You can also call the help or drive up to the reception office of the maternity hospital and talk with employees. Finally, you can go on a tour of the maternity hospital - such an opportunity is in many modern maternity homes. But you should not believe myths - they are myths!

Each institution has its own traditions and requirements related to appearance and behavior of both employees and visitors. This is especially true of medical institutions - a polyclinic, hospitals, various medical centers. The maternity hospital is no exception; There is also a certain arrangement of the rules of behavior, the health of mothers and babies depends on the observance of which. Medical staff of the maternity hospital is definitely familiar with the requirements of their medical institution. But the future parents sometimes do not really clearly imagine how to behave in various branches of the maternity hospital. Therefore, at the next lesson of our "School for Future Parents" we decided to tell about rules of behavior in the maternity hospital.

Deciding with the choice of maternity hospital, call the receiving department or to reference to clarify special requirementsacting precisely in this medical institution. The fact is that, along with common countries, the requirements in each maternity hospital may be put forward by the specific features of the organization of objects. We give a few examples. The maternity box of some hospitals is allowed to take the phytball - a rubber gymnastic ball, on which it is very convenient to carry the contractions. You can imagine how it will be a shame if you learn about it, being already in Rodbock?! Many hospitals refused to use in the birth of "stateless" shirts and bathrobes, allowing women to take home clothing for childbirth. Requirements for the "style and invoice" of maternity outfits are usually hung in the receiving department. In this case, having arrived on childbirth without a clean night shirt or T-shirts, you will find yourself in a difficult position. No, of course, there will be "stateless" clothes in the maternity hospital, but the mood can spoil.

From the moment of the appearance of regular battles, it is not recommended to sit on a solid surface. This restriction is associated with the likelihood of an increase in pressure on the kid head during the opening of the cervix. From the same moment you should not eat. First, the process of opening the cervix is \u200b\u200boften accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Secondly, sometimes there may be complications in which endotracheal anesthesia is shown. In this case, the absence of food and liquid in the stomach is extremely important; Failure to comply with this restriction may be dangerous to the life of the future mother. It should be noted that the woman does not feel hunger in the process of childbirth, and with a feeling of thirst you can fight, the mouth of the mouth between the fights.

Entering the hall of the reception office, it is necessary to remove the upper clothes and convert into replacement shoes. Then you should reach the documents - passport, exchange card, generic certificate, insurance policy and / or contractual contract. They are needed for registration History of childbirth - Medical card, which will accompany you during your stay in the maternity hospital. Documents are given to the obstetrician of the reception office, it also invites the fever to inspect. After registration of the history of childbirth, measurements of the pulse, blood pressure and body temperature, the woman is asked to go to the viewing room and fully Share. The clothes and underwear of the midwife transmits the victory or places in the dressing room. The passport and insurance policy after the design of the history of childbirth is also returned to the victory or placed in the safe; The exchange card and the generic certificate joins the history of childbirth.

After inspection on the gynecological chair and conversation with a doctor, a future mother is translated into a sanitary room. Here women entering childbirth make the criticism and shave the crotch. For these procedures, the guinea is offered to lie on the couch. During the shaving of the crotch should lie on the back, while the enema is set - on the side of the back to the midwife. After the enema, the fever is carried out in the toilet, where at least 20-30 minutes should be located in order to maximize the intestines. Then the future mother is offered to take a shower and dress (in the "local" or brought with you a shirt and a bathrobe - depending on how accepted in this maternity).

In the receiving department, the guinea may be asked to cut the nails on their hands and remove the manicure. Such a request is quite reasonable: according to the color of nails, the doctor determines the degree of blood saturation with oxygen. At the first signs of hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood) suffer small vessels - capillaries, located including in the nail bed. In this case, the nails acquire a pale blue shade. Thus, the presence of decorative varnish on the nails may prevent the doctor objectively assess the state of the feminine and the fetus. To shorten the length of the nails is necessary because immediately after the birth of the baby put on the belly of mom. During this "merge period" of the mother and baby, the parental holds the kid with his hands. The skin of the newborn is very gentle - almost like the mucous membrane of an adult. Speaking nails on the hands of moms can imperceptibly injure the skin of the crumbs. Formed scratches in the future will serve as an entrance gate for infection.

After the completion of hygienic procedures, Mamuchka is proposed to say goodbye to the accomplices and climb into the roblock, accompanied by midwifery of the receiving department. If the future mother arrived on childbirth, accompanied by a partner (Pope, girlfriend, psychologist, doctor), he is carried out in a special premises, where it is convenient to change clothes for presence in childbirth. In some hospitals, partners offer medical costumes, in others - allowed to take clean homemade cotton home clothing; This should be found in advance. In any case, the partner needs to have replaceable shoes and clean removable socks.

In the prenatal (or male boxing), the guinea is offered to stick to the bed for a medical examination. The doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat with the help of a special obstetric stethoscope (wooden tubule) or cardiotocographer (CTG) - a device that allows you to register not only the operation of the heart of the fetus, but also the contractile activity of the uterus. CTG readings are recorded for 20-40 minutes; At this time it is better to lie on the back. If necessary, the doctor conducts a repeated vaginal study to determine the dynamics of generic activity. Then the feminine is offered to get up and behave freely. Free, or active behavior in childbirth involves walking, the reception of various poses, facilitating the feeling during battles, massage of the sacral and iliac region, special breathing. Active behavior in childbirth is used within the downtown boxing (prenatal chamber). The possibility of movements along the corridor of the maternity block should be inquirying with the staff - by this you can interfere with the work of the department. In some medicinal institutions, the maternity blocks are equipped with small mini-pools, in which the fever under the supervision of staff can dive during battles. Other maternity departments have shower cabins for fencers, where future mothers can also carry the fights accompanied by midwives, a doctor or partner by childbirth. The possibility of visiting the soul should be inquiry to the doctor, the leading childbirth or midwife of the maternity block.

Active behavior in childbirth is always welcomed if childbirth proceeds physiologically, that is, without complications. However, in physiological childbirth there are moments in which the feminine is asked to take a horizontal position. These situations include

  • Vaginal inspection
  • Record CTG or listen to the palpitation of the fetus using a stethoscope
  • Amniotomy - Opening of the Fed Bubble
  • Spontaneous rupture of the fruit bubble. At the moment of inflation, intra-abdominal and general blood pressure changes significantly - the female restaurant may experience dizziness. In addition, when the fetal waters are influenced, it is necessary to make sure that the head (or buttings - with a pelvic presence) of the baby tightly pressed to the entrance to the small pelvis and did not fall out of the cord loops.
  • The moment of complete opening of the cervix. The horizontal position at the end of the first day of the birth gives the opportunity to kid smoothly through the extended cervix. This allows you to maximize your mom from the gaps of the neck.
  • The moment of the birth of the kid and the execution of the post. At the end of the second birth period, a woman is placed on a special device for childbirth - Bed Rachmanova. On the bed Rakhmanov, the future mother is before the end of childbirth.
  • Inspection of the tributes after childbirth. Also produced on the bed Rachmanov or gynecological chair.
  • Early postpartum period. If the childbirth passed without complications, 2 hours from the end of the completion of the mother-in-law Mama with the baby spend in Ravlock under the intensive observation of personnel. In the presence of complications, the period of intensive observation increases.

After birth, methyl ergometrine is administered intravenously - a drug contributing to a reduction in the uterus. This is caused by the need for the prevention of early postpartum bleeding. With the same purpose, at the end of the generic process, a reservoir with ice, which should not be removed within 2 hours after delivery, is placed on the belly of the parent.

In the early postpartum period, the midwife of the maternity block regularly (every 15-20 minutes) visits a young mother, measures the pulse, blood pressure, body temperature and determines the amount, color and nature of sexual tract selection. The pity is asked not to sleep for an objective assessment of its state.

With a prosperous course of the early postpartum period (2 hours from the date of birth), mom and baby are translated into the postpartum separation.

The rules of behavior in the postpartum department differ significantly depending on which the stay is practiced in this maternity hospital. If we are talking about a separate stay, the parental contacts the baby in a strictly defined time - a feeding clock. This usually happens every 3 hours to 30 minutes during the day (first feeding in 6-00, last 0-00) with a night break at 6 o'clock. With a joint stay of Kroch constantly located with mom; Feeding in this case is carried out on demand, that is, not attached to a specific time. Before each feeding, the baby should be thoroughly wash his hands and chest. Bra for feeding must be changed every day. When leaking milk or Mallrow between feedings, it is convenient to use special gaskets for the bra. For all issues related to breastfeeding, it is necessary to contact the duty officer and the attending doctor of the postpartum separation. Questions about the health status of the baby are asked to a neonatologist (children's doctor), who visits a young mother daily. Care problems will help solve the children's sister, also every day visiting the pity.

In case the childbirth was accompanied by tearing or surgical incision of the crotch (episotomy), followed by the imposition of seams, in the postpartum period, the young mother should adhere to certain rules of behavior that contribute to the speedy and prosperous healing of damage to the crotch. Immediately after the departments of the pillar, a significant bleeding discharge from the genital tract appear. Lochias are an ideal nutrient medium for reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria, so the accumulation of such sections in the seams area is extremely undesirable. Within the framework of postpartum hygiene, the woman is recommended regularly (at least 6 times a day) to be flushed with warm water with the addition of manganese (used weak pale pink solution - 2-3 grains for 2 liters of water) or antibacterial soap type SafeGard (you can also use the usual Economic soap). Daily, the young mother is invited to the procedural office for drug processing of the seams. In addition, it is recommended to change the lining sterile pelleys as often as possible or postpartum hygiene gaskets. Instead of ordinary linen while staying in the postpartum compartment, it is convenient to use special disposable panties from nonwoven material. With the presence of seams on the perineum, the first three days after childbirth, a woman will recommend to comply with a special diet, eliminating coarse fiber - vegetables, fruits, baked bakery products. This "dietary correction" will reduce the peristaltics of the intestine and delay the defecation; Such measures are necessary for the healing of seams. During this period, a young mother may have low-fat boiled meat, fish, bird and broths, as well as to use dairy products. With a well-being healing, the seams are removed on the 5th day after childbirth. Within 3 weeks after childbirth, the maternity hospital does not recommend sitting (in the prevention of discrepancies of seams on the crotch).

In postpartum departments that allow visitors to or jointly reside Mom's relatives and baby should also comply with certain rules of conduct. Visitors must remove street clothes and move back to the entrance to the department, and in the ward to change into clean homemade clothing or to wear a medical bathrobe. Before approaching the baby, dad and other visitors need to wash your hands. It must be said that the first days after the birth of the mother and the baby most need rest, so if possible, try to limit the number of visitors - take care of strength and health!

If the mother and the child feel good, for 3-5 days after physiological childbirth, the question about the discharge of a young family home. Before the empty mom, the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs are made, in the presence of removable seams, it is examined with the removal of suture. Before the discharge, the obstetrician-gynecologist clarifies the young mother features of the postpartum hygiene of the genital organs and dairy glasses, and the neonatologist gives recommendations for the care of the kid.

When discharged, a woman gives two filled parts of the exchange card. The first part contains information about the maternity hospital and the peculiarities of the flow of labor; It should be transferred to the attending physician of women's advice. The second part contains information about the newborn; She is given to the children's clinic. The day before the statement of the neonatologist of the maternity hospital telephones in the children's medical institution, in which parents plan to observe the baby.

From the maternity hospital, a young family takes the first crumbs document - a birth certificate, in which day, month, year, time of day, therapeutic institution, city, country, floor and parameters, with whom the baby appeared. It also indicates the name, name, patronymic and year of birth Mom, the number of childbirth history and the name of the doctor who helped the child to be born. Based on this reference, the registry office officers give parents a child's birth certificate.