New Year's Eve Wedding: Advantages and Disadvantages. Ah, this three with bells…. Printed and hand-made products

And two loving hearts have a great opportunity to start a family life with the chimes! You can make a cherished wish for a happy married couple and make your wedding a New Year's fairy tale !!

Your wedding will become a real sensation, and the idea of ​​a New Year's wedding will be discussed for a long time in your circles.

New Years Eve Wedding Colors

When choosing one or another color for the decoration of a wedding celebration, it is best to opt for those that we associate with winter and the upcoming winter holidays. We suggest using a special winter decor in decorating your wedding.

Three of a kind with bells as a wedding procession

The wedding three will be a real highlight of your wedding. One has only to imagine a picture of how your merry troika with bells rushes through the snow-covered streets!

Dress up the toastmaster with Santa Claus / Snow Maiden

A good toastmaster will be able to combine the celebration of the wedding and the New Year so harmoniously that the celebration will be remembered by you and your guests for many years.

Arrange a real carnival

Arrange a real carnival! You can even enter a dress code or give guests different Santa masks and hats. Do not forget about the direct participation of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and other New Year's characters.

Ice sculptures

Such decoration as ice sculptures can harmoniously decorate your wedding celebration.

Bengal lights

Guests can light them up during the first dance of the newlyweds.

Festive tree

The main symbol of such a celebration will certainly be the tree. The main thing here is to combine Christmas tree decorations with the general style of the celebration.

Gifts for guests under the tree

You can put wedding gifts for guests under the tree. It is desirable to match your celebration and decorated in the New Year's style (if you order them in bulk, it will not come out very expensive).

Honeymoon in hot countries

Plan your honeymoon in hot, tropical countries for great contrast.

Wedding decoration on New Year's Eve

Start with your wedding invitations: try making them in the style of New Year's greeting cards. Take red or blue colors as a basis (it all depends on the general color scheme of the celebration you have chosen) and proceed: boldly combine them or use them separately.

It is also necessary to use a Christmas tree or its branches in the design. As an option - spruce wreaths or even whole garlands decorated with toys that can be used to decorate the front door, the entrance or the bride's apartment, as well as the entrance to the banquet hall.

An unusual arch decorated with Christmas tree branches, New Year's toys, ribbons and balls will become a real New Year's attribute for an off-site wedding ceremony!

Burning candles can be a highlight of your decor, they will create romance and warmth. Candles will look especially great in combination with ice sculptures. Also use garlands of light bulbs, which, for example, can be laid out in the shape of a herringbone on the wall.

Do not forget about champagne - the key drink of the New Year's wedding celebration, as well as an entertaining show program and fireworks.

At the New Year's wedding celebration, you can think of an unusual process of giving gifts to the newlyweds. For example, the host at the wedding can be dressed up in a Santa Claus costume, who will get gifts from a traditional bag. Or you can put gifts prepared by guests under the Christmas tree installed in the banquet hall.

Ideas for a photo shoot for the New Year

Snow-covered fields, an ice skating rink - will be an excellent background for a winter photo session. You can draw a heart in the snow or write your initials. Great spaces for imagination open up here!

The wedding celebration on New Year's Eve will be the brightest and most memorable event in your life. The reigning atmosphere of a magical winter fairy tale and a premonition of a miracle are ideal for creating a new strong family, and the toast itself is "Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!" will sound very useful for loving newlyweds.

A wedding is a unique celebration, it is the day you create your family, so it should reflect your personality. A photo session with a New Year's decorated city in the background is magical. A Christmas tree in the middle of the banquet hall is too much.

Many restaurants decorate for the holidays, so do not forget to clarify this point when booking your site. Decorating an empty space is easier than correcting other people's mistakes. But at the same time it will be possible to save on some decor details that the hall already has.

Don't overuse the red-green color scheme. These shades, combined with the traditional snow white, will create a New Year's atmosphere. There are many other winter details that will perfectly fit into the wedding concept without creating the feeling of the New Year: candles, rowan berries, cinnamon, pine cones, etc.

Book everything in advance

The earlier the better. In winter, the demand for wedding services falls noticeably, and future newlyweds relax, forgetting that at this time another "problem" appears - New Year's holidays and corporate parties. A time when prices and interest in restaurant rentals skyrocket.

It is important to book in advance not only the wedding venue, but also the contractors. After all, the schedule of decorators and photographers during the New Year holidays is quite tight, and the desired professional may already be busy on the required date. If you solve these issues at the very beginning of the preparation, you can immediately relax and devote more time to developing the style and concept.

Choose the right date

It's really better not to mix these holidays. You risk confusing yourself and your guests. Therefore, arranging a celebration on December 31st is not the best idea. The wedding celebration can be delayed until late, and you are unlikely to like the fact that closer to the night your personal holiday will turn into a New Year's Eve.

An avalanche of congratulations will fall on you and the guests for a completely different reason, and the wedding will completely fade into the background. In addition, your wedding anniversary automatically becomes a national event and deprives you of an additional holiday day. And, of course, gifts.

Remember that by the New Year holidays, prices for many necessary services increase significantly, and a wonderful plus of a winter wedding is lost - savings.

Respect the interests of your guests

You might think, "Whoever really wants to be at my wedding will." But most people prefer to celebrate the New Year with family and close friends, or to leave for other cities and countries during the winter holidays. Therefore, they will be forced to refuse you, having received an invitation. If you are planning a wedding in late December or early January, inform your guests as early as possible so that they can adjust their plans.

New year's eve- this is a magical time when all people become more fun and expect something unusual. This is a time of new hopes and expectation of a miracle. therefore New Year's wedding- this is a great opportunity to give yourself a holiday on the most extraordinary and solemn day. However, such a celebration has its pros and cons that you should pay attention to:

Cons of a New Year's wedding:

1. The banquet hall will need to be booked in advance, preferably at least six months before the wedding, so that the restaurant administration does not plan this day for the New Year's celebrations.

2. The cost of renting a banquet hall than if you were celebrating a wedding on a normal day.

3. Many guests will not be able to come to your wedding due to the fact that they have their own plans for New Year's Eve.

4. You will need to buy gifts for your guests. Moreover, think over them so that they symbolize both your wedding day and the New Year's day.

5. You will be given gifts only for the wedding, of course, no one will remember about New Year's gifts.

6. Combining two holidays is not always a good idea. After the chimes strike, your guests will start calling everyone they know to congratulate them on the occasion, forgetting about the wedding celebration.

Pros of a New Year's wedding:

1. Your wedding will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time.

2. Many guests will be happy to attend such a wedding, because for them it is a chance to have a great New Year in a cheerful company.

3. You will not need to think about where you will celebrate this New Year, what outfit you will wear and where you will go after 12 o'clock.

4. Can already be done in New Year's style in advance, so you will not need to spend money on decorations.

5. You can save on champagne as it is cheaper before the new year.

6. The script for a New Year's wedding can be very original and magical. You can arrange a New Year's carnival. You can also invite actors who will play Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. This means that the wedding will take place in an amazing atmosphere.

Of course, whether it's worth holding a wedding on New Year's Eve or not is up to you. Start by asking your guests if they are ready for a double celebration. If many people refuse the invitation, but you really want to play a wedding in New Year's style, then perhaps you should pay attention to other days during the New Year holidays. Many advantages of such a celebration will remain the same, but it will be a completely different atmosphere, because what could be more beautiful than the kiss of the newlyweds to the chimes ?!

The main advantage of a New Year's Eve wedding is the unusual organization of the entertainment program, it is possible to combine it with New Year's and Christmas entertainments. For example, original gift giving can be combined with a traditional holiday menu. The situation is simpler with the design of banquet halls. On the occasion of the New Year's holiday, the halls in many restaurants are beautifully decorated, which will eliminate the need to come up with an original design. It's easier to choose invitation cards, the New Year theme is quite suitable for them. All you have to do is add your own text and an unusual wedding invitation is already ready.

Combining two holidays into one

Combining two holidays into one, there will be no problems with the choice of dishes and their storage. You can choose a special menu. However, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to order a restaurant two months before the celebration, and in the pre-New Year's frenzy, restaurants often raise prices.

There is also an opportunity to save money on a wedding dress. Usually, before the New Year, many stores hold promotions on sale of bridesmaid dresses and decor items. But you have to take into account that there can be a lot of New Year's weddings, therefore, there will be more than one order of yours, and in order to be in time for everything, it is necessary to appoint and discuss the day of fitting the dress in advance.

No problem with New Year's wedding accessories. The stems of the glasses go well with traditional Christmas bells. Instead of cards for guests at the table, you can use New Year's masks or Santa Claus hats. Don't forget about pyrotechnics. It is for the New Year holidays that crackers and firecrackers are most sold.

To these you can add the New Year's fireworks in honor of the wedding. If you wish, you can also add various contests, games on the street, for example, build a snow fortress, make a snowman, throw snowballs. You can leave an impression for guests about your significant date with the help of calendars with the coming year and themed pictures showing your couple. They are presented to each invited guest.

Disadvantages of a New Year's wedding

As for the disadvantages of a New Year's wedding, its main disadvantage is the high cost of flowers. In addition, it is very difficult to maintain their original appearance. And such weddings are not welcomed by believers, because at this time fasting begins, therefore, it is not advisable to play weddings.

It should also be borne in mind that New Year's weddings can be much more expensive than at other times of the year due to high prices for food and makeup artist services. And accessories such as a fur coat and boots can also be expensive. And the banquet hall must be ordered in the fall.

Preparation for a New Year's wedding does not tolerate fuss, you will have to take into account a lot of details and nuances, so as not to spoil the holiday for yourself and your guests in the end. After all, the celebration should turn out to be extraordinary and memorable for a lifetime.

Are you planning a wedding for the New Year? Surely you are thinking about the correctness of your decision. After all, a New Year's wedding has both pros and cons.

Benefits of a New Year's wedding

A New Year's wedding is an interesting solution. This is unusual, in other words, not like everyone else. Non-standard outfits, non-standard festive program, non-standard decorations, creative photos, an interesting menu. Unlike a regular wedding, such a celebration can last all night. Merry contests and songs, dances and quizzes, shine of New Year's garlands and sparklers, festive Christmas trees and fairy-tale characters. This is exactly what your New Year's wedding will be like. An indisputable plus is the holiday atmosphere. ... The advantages include the cost of outfits for young people. Winter is not the season for weddings, and as a rule, the cost of a wedding dress can be lower during this period. Good mood and magic will be in the air. Absolutely everyone present will be filled with positive emotions

Cons of a New Year's wedding

But there are also negative aspects to the wedding planned for the New Year. Firstly, not all guests will be ready to break their plans and traditions to attend your celebration. Secondly, it is necessary to order a wedding banquet in advance, because all cafes and restaurants can be booked before the new year. The third disadvantage of a New Year's wedding is prices. Before the New Year holidays, the cost of a festive table can cost a lot more. Weather conditions can disrupt plans for a wedding walk and photo session.

If you are planning to have a wedding on New Years, weigh the pros and cons. May your happy day be an unforgettable one for you.