Healthy saving in the second youngest group. An abstract of public health engagement in the second youngest group. An abstract of classes based on the use of health-saving technologies on the fairy tale "Kolobok" in the second youngest group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the Ontressive Type No. 29"


with children younger group

on this topic"Where does the vitamin live?".

Ershova Galina Evgenievna,



directly educational activities

with children younger group

on this topic"Where does the vitamin live?"

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of a value attitude towards their health, education of a health-saving worldview.
1.Thow and expand the knowledge of children about what needs to be done to be healthy.
2. Expand the ideas of children about how much many products are useful and how important it is to eat.
3. Create the ideas of children about the harvesting of vegetables for the winter.
4. Form the ability to stick ready-made vegetables.
5. Through the children ability to keep a dialogue with the teacher.
6. Create a friendly situation during collective work.

7. Ride the cognitive and creative abilities of children.

8. Recompret the valeological culture to form a conscious attitude to health.

Type Node: Improving knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
Material: Photos on the topic: "We are growing healthy", baskets 2 pcs., Tray, duly fruits and vegetables; Dogs of harmful products, natural products - Apple, Pear, Tomato, Cucumber; Costume "Vitamins", blanks for appliqués: patterns of cans for canning, vegetables and fruits from cardboard, PVA glue and glue brushes, napkins, garbage basket.
Preliminary work:
1. Conversation with children about harmful and useful products
2. Work with parents: Exhibition "We grow healthy"
Travel course:
I part
Children enter the group with the educator.
Pedagogue: Guys, look at how many guests came to us, let's say hello to us. Hello!
To raise the mood, we will perform our exercise - greeting "Solar races".
Entry into the game situation (group cohesion).
The first ray, a gentle ray,
He looked at us in the window
And brought in his palms
Warm, sun particle.
The tutor and children stretch their arms and connect them together, like the rays of the sun.
Pedagogue: Feel yourself with a warm sunlight, despite the frosty cold day, share warm with friends, smile at each other.
And now the guys, I invite you to see photos.
II Part
Pedagogue: Guys, what are you here you cheerful, vigorous, bold, happy. How do you think you need to do to always stay in such a form? To be healthy or become a healthy person?
Kids Answers: You need to do a charging, you need to brush your teeth, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, you have to walk in the fresh air and so on.
Teacher: And when a person will fulfill all these rules, he will become one person?
Children: cheerful, beautiful, etc.
Pedagogue: Well done! To be healthy, you need to eat useful products. What do you think - useful products, what are these? Name them!
Children: apples, bananas, lemons, pears, carrots, etc.
Pedagogue: These are fruits and vegetables, right.
Guys, what do you know about harmful products?
Answers children: they hurt the teeth, tummy, etc.
Pedagogue: These are such products that do not benefit a person. These include chups - Chupp, chewing gum, sweets, teeth will deteriorate from such products; Sweet carbonated water - the stomach and the tummy hurts from it. It is very harmful to nibble chips, and crackers - since they have a lot of salt, and contains many harmful substances, such as various flavors and dyes. Guys, remember! These products can be equipped just a little bit, and better and completely abandon their use.
And now I suggest playing the game "Spread products for useful and not useful."
The game "Split products" (useful and not useful).
The teacher chooses one boy and one girl. At the signal, they run to the tray with the products and pull out only the uniforms of not useful products and throw in the trash. Children perform a task for merry music.
Pedagogue: Well done guys! You coped with the task and not allowed a single error. Remember guys, products are useful only those in which there are vitamins.
Knock on the door. Girl in a beautiful dress and dancing.
Vitamin: Hello everyone, I am a vitamin, my dress in mandarins. I heard my name and so I'm here, I am very glad that there are many guests here today. I really want to tell all people about the benefits of vitamins, about what products they encounter and still want to teach everyone to eat right. I came with delicious gifts - vitamins. But first you will play with me in the game.
The game is "correct-wrong":
Listen carefully,
Do diligently.
If my advice is good,

You praise in your hands.

On the wrong advice

You will sweep - no, no!

1. You always need to eat

For health, it is important:

Fruits, vegetables, omelet,

Cottage cheese, Prostokvasha (children clap).

2. Do not get a cabbage sheet

He is completely completely tasteful.

Better Eat chocolate,

Wafers, sugar, marmalade (they have no, no).

3. Your teeth have cleaned

And go to sleep.

Capture a bun

Sweet in bed (toggle - no, no).

Oh, guys, of course, well done, but answer another one favorite question. Do you know where I am, vitamin, I live?

Children's responses: in a pharmacy; They are given for children who are sick, etc.; in apples, in oranges, mandarins, in carrots, etc.

Vitamin: right, but so that they grow tasty and fresh behind them should be careful, regularly water, pull out weeds. Let's remember how we worked in the summer in the country, in the garden. Our physical attachment is called "Garden".

Fizminutka "Garden".

Our garden is fine,

We in the spring sunk the beds (imitation of work shovel)

We are pololie vegetable garden (slopes, to get to the floor)

Watered the garden (show how watered)

In the pits of small not thick

We planted with a cabbage (squatting, clap his knees)

Summer she all thick

Sew and swell (slowly climb)

And now she is closely poor

Says: "strangers! "(Dilm hands on the sides at the end of the phrase)

Pedagogue: fruits and vegetables are grown. Now what needs to be done?

Answers children: collect harvest.

Didactic game "Collect the harvest in baskets"

Pedagogue: And let's play the game "Collect the harvest in baskets."

We need to collect harvest! Only you need to decompose the vegetables in one basket, and fruit to another. Make it need as quickly as possible.

(The fun melody sounds).

The teacher chooses one boy and one girl, which from a tray with useful products choose and sort vegetables and fruits. Boy chooses vegetables, girl - fruit. The teacher then counts the number of selected vegetables and fruits. The winner is applause.

Pedagogue: Do you want our vegetables and fruits in winter? To do this, we can make them in banks. Go back to the tables to fill the banks with vegetables and fruits.

Self-massage finchikov(Fingering, starting with the little fingers, in the palm of the ball, the ball should not be dropped). Children are connected by one pair of fingers to each poetic string, while palms do not touch each other.
We went to the bazaar,
Many pears there and persimmon,
(Unnamed fingers)
There are lemons, oranges,
(middle fingers)
Melons, plums, tangerines,
(Indexing fingers)
But we bought watermelon -
(thumbs up)
This is the most delicious cargo.
(fingers are compressed in a fist, clamping the ball, the big take up) .

Collective work - Applique "Let's help mom harvest vegetables"

Vitamin: Guys, and what vegetables and fruits will we preserve?

Children's responses: vegetables-tomatoes and cucumbers, fruits - apples and pears.

Vitamin: And what is the tomato? (Round, juicy, red)

And what cucumber? (green, long, fresh)

And what apple? (Round, Sweet, Red)

And what is a pear? (big, sweet, green)

Vitamination when conversation shows natural products.

So, proceed to the performance of work.

The children then consider their work, Vitaminka takes pictures of children with work for parents, so that they do not forget to eat useful products.

III part

Pedagogue: Wonderful vegetables and fruits in banks you have got!

Vitamin: You are real helpers from our moms! Well done!

Pedagogue: And we can also replenish our "store" canned vegetables and fruits in banks!

Vitaminka: Guys, I think you have learned today a lot of interesting things about vitamins, about useful products. Be sure to tell about this moms and dads. And I want to give you health in the basket - My vitamins are Mandarin. Let vitamins always help you cope with difficulties, do not hurt, always smile and be happy. Eat vitamins every day !!!

Goodbye! Until next time!

Abstract Node in the junior dow group

Purpose: Acquisition of children to a healthy lifestyle by using health-saving technologies.
- Ensure in children motor skills and physical qualities;
- in children's ideas about the characteristics of the lifestyle of proteins in the fall;
- Ride the shallow motility of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing;
- Love love and careful attitude towards nature, cause an emotional response from the actions committed.
Methods: art therapy, problematic issues,
Heating technologies: Finger games, Self-massage, Respiratory game, Psychohymics,
Funds: Belchonok toy, artificial Christmas trees, bumps in a basket, hazelnuts, buckets with a picture of proteins, pictograms of emotions, model of the sun, clothespins, umbrella, metalphone,
Non-standard physical education equipment: mushrooms, skid, bumps;
Light table, yellow-colored manka, plastic bottles.
Vocabulary Work: Belchonok, cloudy, rainy weather, massage, metallophone, gentle, radiant sun.
Travel course:
Organizing time:
All gathered?
All healthy?
Run and play ready?
Well, then pull up
Do not yaw and not be lazy.

-Big what time of the year has come? (fall)
-What weather on the street? (Cold, overcast, blows the wind, raining)
- Do you want to walk today? (Yes)
- Guard, let's call the sun, to be warmer and more fun.
Sunshko Vödryshko
Looking in the window
Sogray, heating
Calves, lambs
More young guys.

- Don't hear the sun. Let's call it again. Again no result.
-Do you want to go to visit the sun? (Yes)
- It is behind the forest, behind the swamp. On the way we will perform different exercises that will help us strengthen health. Agree? (Yes)
- Go along the path. See guys, mushrooms, how much! Let's step them up (step over mushrooms)
-Weide the bridge over the river. Go cautious to not stumble. Hands to the side, the back is kept smooth (walking along the track)
-And now on the swamp on the bodies (jumping from the bump on the bump)
- That we got to the forest. In our autumn forest leavefall. Leafs fall and spin. Let's help the breeze to play with leaves.
Breathing exercises "Bake on the autumn leaves"
"Watch, guys, someone attached under the Christmas tree. Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
-Then let's go see
/ guys meet a bobcon /
- Guys, did you find out what kind of animal? (Belchonok)
- let's say hello to him and find out why the bobcon is so sad
/ Hello /
-What happened, the bobcon? Why are you sad?
-I and my brothers are waiting for mom. Very frozen and hungry.
- Guys, what to do, how to help your bakery? (Play with them, so that he was heated, feed them)
-Need to come up with something. Look under the Christmas tree lies with a bump. How to teach the Belchonka to warm the paws with a cones? (Making a massage)
Self-massage using cones
/ Children take a shishke and start moving forward-back to move it between the palms, then rotate the circular movements and last one hand take a bump and begin to touch the rhythmic movements to another palm /
-Well, the handles warm himself, and the belchon's paws? Touch the palms to the browsing. What palms? (warm)
- know, order.
- Guys, now it is necessary to feed the damn. What do they eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
- Tell me fucked with nuts.
The game of the development of shallow motors of the hands "Poor Belchat"
/ on the table buckets with the image of the embossing, hazelnuts. Children take nuts one by one and put in the mouth of the Lachats /

-Thanks guys. And where are you going? (We are looking for the sun)
-What is it for you? (Sun is needed to be warm and light)
- Guard, and let's draw a sun for a bobcon.
Drawing with a mankey on the light table "Sun rays"
-What is the color of the sun? (Yellow)
-What shape? (Round)
/ Children sigase the semolina with the edge of the palms in a pile, giving a round shape

River with palms /

Who should be? (straight and long)
- Each of you draws on the ray
/ As a tool for drawing rays, plastic bottles with a hole in a tube filled with semi-cord /

-Well, Belchonok, what a radiant sun turned out.

- Guys, while we walked through the forest, the sun looked out in the sky. It turns out to be hiding behind the clouds
/ Educator shows children the sun without rakes /
- Guys, but something with a sun is wrong? Have you noticed a mistake? (it is without rays)
-What do we fix it? (Make rays)
- What can we be able to make rays? (from clothespins)
-What are the color of the clothespins? (Yellow)
/ Children attach clothespins /

- consumers and sunshine. Let's make the Gymnastics for the Eye along with the Sunny. And the Belchonka will teach.
Gymnastics for the eyes: "Sunny"
The sun rose, Tuchci's sun believed.
Looked up, looked down,
Right, left, Pomorgalo's eyes
And closed eyes, I don't want to wake up a sun!
But it is necessary to wake up.
The sun woke up, touched the jackets.
(Children stroke themselves on the cheeks).
I spent the rays and stroked, and stroked.
(Children stroke themselves on the head).

- How do you play with the sun? (Yes)
Movable game "Sun and rain" (2 times)
Looking at the sun in the window,
Shines in our room
/ Children go in a circle, holding hands /
We shook in the palm,
Very happy Sunny
/ clap your hands /

/ The child on the metal organophone hammering on the plate, children hear rain sounds, run away under the umbrella /
- Guys, we need to return from the walk. Let's say goodbye to the Belchonka (goodbye)
-I like a walk? (Yes)
- Let us remember who we went to visit today (to the Sun)
- What helped on the way? (Lachats)
-What did we help them? (fed and helped to warm up)
-What mood we had, when the sun was not in the sky? (sad)
/ Children raise up pictogram with the emotion of sadness /
-What when the sun shone in the sky, how has our mood changed? (we have become fun)
/ Children show the joy pictogram /
-What did you remember most? / Children share impressions /
-Well done boys. During the walk, we received a charge of cheerfulness, a good mood and even strengthened our health.

Purpose: preserving and promoting the health of children through the use of health-saving technologies, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities.


1. Education in children of health culture, awareness of the need for care for their health

2. Formation of knowledge, skills and skills that are needed to preserve and promoting health

3. Formation of habits for zozh, i.e. desire to lead a zhoz and be healthy

4. Creating a health-saving medium in a group

5. Organization of a rational motor regime for the development of motor skills of children and increasing the body's working capacity

6. Improving the protective forces of the body and resistance to various diseases through the hardening system

7. Creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive full-fledged psychophysical development of children and strengthening their health.

8. Monitoring the health status of children in the group and analysis of its results

Expected results:

· Improving physical development indicators, emotional state;

· Favorable dynamics in the health state of preschoolers (reducing the number of cases of diseases during the year);

· Optimal functioning of the body;

· The formation of the need to take care of your health, desires and desire to conduct a healthy lifestyle;

· The formation of the foundations of the head, the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, useful habits;

· Improving adaptability to adverse environmental factors

One of the means to solve the designated tasks becomes heating technology, Without which the pedagogical process of the modern kindergarten is unthinkable. But what are the health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process? Let's try to figure out the concepts.

Health - the state of the physical and social well-being of a person (according to the WHO Charter).

Health-saving technologies in preschool education technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern pre-school education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the childproviding a high level of real health to the pupil of kindergarten and raising valeological culture as a set of a conscious child's relationship towards the health and life of a person, knowledge of health and skills to protect, maintain and guard him.

Types of health-saving technologies

Health Saving and Health Education Pedagogical Education

Valeologic education parents

Health-saving educational technologies in Dow

Providing social-psychological well-being of a child

Physical and wellness


Heating technology in 2 younger group:

Gymnastic exercises for children 3-4 years are improving the functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, neuromuscular apparatus, improve the metabolism. Help the functional development of the central nervous system.

1. Long gymnastics

Since the day in children begins with morning gymnastics, it is one of the most important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. The daily performance of physical exercises contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, produces a useful habit of children to start a day with morning gymnastics. Morning gymnastics gradually involves the entire body's body into an active state, deepens his breathing, enhances blood circulation, promotes the exchange of substances. Morning gymnastics carried out after night sleep, displays the child's body from the state of infringement of physiological processes, strengthening the activities of all organs and systems.

In the process of morning gymnastics, it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional load.

I use various forms of Morning Gymnastics:

- traditional form using overall exercises;

- plot gymnastics;

Using psycho-emotional voltage removal methods;

- using elements of rhythmic gymnastics, dance;

- Using elements of corrective gymnastics.

Morning gymnastics is held daily before breakfast in the physical assembly hall or in the group.

2. Respiratory gymnastics.

I adhere to the opinions of many physiologists who claim to breathe correctly need to teach! To do this, you need to teach the child to deep exhalation for good cleaning of lungs and improve their supply of oxygen. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the fact that it is necessary to breathe through the nose. Proper nasal breathing - a child's health condition, a preventive agent against respiratory diseases. No less important in teaching proper breathing, it is to teach a child to blow the nose through both nostrils, but alternately. During walks, it is useful to teach a child slowly inhaling and still slow down to the nose, as well as with a quick walking and slow run.

Respiratory gymnastics plays a significant role in the process of recovery and hardening preschoolers.

For successful mastering this gym must be observed fundamental rules:

 It is necessary to breathe with pleasure, since positive emotions themselves have a significant wellness effect.

 It is necessary to concentrate attention on the respiratory exercise, which increases its positive impact.

 breathe slowly, it is necessary to saturate the organism with oxygen

 Each exercise is not longer than it gives pleasure

 breathe need to nose

 All exercises do naturally, effortless and voltage

 Bring your body into a state of deep relaxation

 The air must enter and leave the lungs of one continuous jet

3. Gymnastics for eyes

Studies show that 90% of all information about the world around the world is obtained by eye. The load on the eyes of a modern child is huge, and they only rest during sleep. Gymnastics for eyes is useful to everyone, and children especially.

Eye exercises include the movement of the eyeball in all directions. Eye exercises are carried out to strengthen the muscles of the eyeball, eye stress removal and for preventing myopia.

The gymnastics for the eyes is carried out by me daily for 3-5 minutes at any free time, depending on the load intensity.

4. Fingering gymnastics

The development of the child is associated with the development of the movements of the fingers. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex occupies the projection of the hand brush. Therefore, the training of fine movements of the fingers has a big impact on the development of the active speech of the child. Driving on the tone of the child's hand, using a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct impact on the tone of the speech apparatus.

I spend my finger gymnastics daily individually or with a subgroup, at any convenient length of time during the day: during the morning gymnastics, physical attacks, in your free time in the morning and after sleep for 2-3 minutes. It is especially important to carry out gymnastics with children having speech problems.

Most often I use finching gymnastics of a poem rhythm, which helps to put the correct breathing, develop speech rumors. The best children like the exercises called "Family", "Capacity Salad", "We divided the orange", "Finger-Finger Where have you been? " And so on. Like for children and the fact that they have the opportunity to spend finching gymnastics, acting as a lead, he feels responsibility and values \u200b\u200bthe fact that it was him I instructed this role. It is a kind of, motivation of children.

5. Gaming massage and self-massage.

In modern conditions, it was necessary to search for non-traditional ways to organize a correctional educational process already in early preschool age. One of these directions is massage and self-massage. As the therapeutic agent, they were still known in ancient times. With a systematic massage, reflex bonds of the cerebral cortex with muscles and vessels increase, muscle tone is normalized, the tactile sensations are stimulated. Massage allows you to activate and synchronize the work of both brain hemispheres.

With children, we carry out massage movements on palms, brushes and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, plugging, patting. Different exercises: Skating oneCHARIK, riding a ribbed pencil, imitation of a rolling of a kolobka, sticks, like in the modeling, compressing rubber toys of different density, etc.

I use the game massage on the technique A. Umansky and K. Deneki.Massage and self-massage I spend 2-3 times a day in classrooms, fidewrites, walks, independent activities of children.

After each UPR. We should do relaxing strokes or shaking hands. Selectable exercises can comprehensively influence the development of speech and intellectual abilities of children. Since preschoolers prevailing specifically-shaped thinking, poetic texts are invented for many massages. Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself so that the child has a concrete image. It should be started with the warming movements that make the muscles more appropriate, and the movement is painless.

Articular massage - massage of ear-sinks is shown to children from early age. It helps to develop all organism systems, improves intellectual abilities.

Self-massage face

F.R. Auglin (Switzerland) developed and applied a self-massage person in practice, which aims to develop and improve memory, abstract thinking, intelligence, speech development.

Regular application of this massage helps to increase the intellect of the child by 75%.

Harding breathing

This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence is to perform a set of gaming exercises with a nose. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Massage hands

Intensive impact on fingertips stimulates the tide of blood to the hands. This favors psycho-emotional sustainability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the whole organism.

Massage of magic dots

This type of hardening is based on stimulating biologically active points located on the ear shell and related reflexively with almost all body bodies. The massage of these points is useful, in particular, to improve the work of the respiratory organs and to protect the body from colds.

It is carried out in a game form 2-3 times a day.

The exercise complex is presented in Appendix No. 5.

6. Gymnastics after sleep.

One of the main features of the nervous system of preschool children is slow switching from one state to another, which contributes to non-formation of nerve processes. That is why after day sleep I spend special exercises with children, allowing them to gradually move to the cheer of the state.

The gymnastics after day sleep in combination with contrasting baths, hardening helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, and also contributes to the prevention of posture and stop disorders.

The gymnastics of the awakening is carried out lying in beds. First, children stretch out: bend the back, pull up the hands, roll over with the side on the side. After that, doing exercises. After gymnastics, children pass barefoot through massage paths, which enhances the health effect and is the prevention of flatfoot.

It is important to remember that the pace of awakening in children is different, the different and degree of expression of the emotional response. Therefore, I caught the mood of children, encourage those who have a background of mood after sleeping is reduced. The words of the exercise are pronouncing in a calm pace, with joyful intonations.

The importance of gymnastics of awakening cannot be underestimated. It develops the respiratory muscles, increases the mobility of the chest and the diaphragm, improves blood circulation in the lungs, the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the back, foot, increases the concentration of attention.

Dynamic pause

Dynamic pause and physical investigation are preventing fatigue and help maintain performance during the day. Complexes of exercises here are selected depending on the load intensity and consist of 2-3 exercises (physical education hours) or 6-8 exercises (dynamic pause). We use simple, most accessible exercises, I spend at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson, as children are fatigue.

It must be remembered that the intensity of the exercises should not be high, their main task is to allow the child to change the pose, relax. And short, but intensive load will only lead to the opposite effect. I spend for children as the prevention of fatigue smooth "stretching" movements, which remove muscle tension, increase the level of health, which is why at the beginning of the workout pay great attention to respiratory exercises in combination with various body movements. This contributes to the overall improvement and improvement of well-being.

In the exercise, I include elements of gymnastics for eyes, respiratory gymnastics, finger gymnastics, depending on the type of occupation.

In practical classes I use fizminutki in the poetic text, but pay attention to the following rules when selecting poems to a specific lesson:

 Poems should be with a clear rhythm, since they are easier to perform a variety of movements

 The teacher himself pronounces the text, since when pronuncified with children, breathing can be hampered.

8. Games, exercise complexes, gymnastics for the prevention of posture disorders and flatfoot.

Posture- This is a familiar, casual position of the body during the growth of the familiar, relaxed position of the body during peace and in motion. Crasusing the direct spin is the external appeal, and internal health.

In children of preschool lake, small back muscles, which are of great importance for keeping the right position of the spinal column, are usually developed weakly. Therefore, if you do not teach a child to maintain the right posture in everyday life to school, the wrong forced posture during school sessions will contribute to the progression of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

As in all other cases, warn posture defects are easier than to treat them.

Prevention of posture disorders must be carried out in two directions:

 Creating optimal hygienic conditions

 Conduct educational work aimed at conscious consolidation of the right position of its body.

Games that I spend in my group are aimed at the overall rehabilitation of weak children, strengthening their musculoskeletal system, muscle corset of the spine, improving the operation of respiratory and blood circulation. When performing games, it is important to achieve the correct statement of the head and the body in the "standing" provisions, "sitting" and in the movements. Child hardening system.

Under harding Understand the increase in the body's resistance mainly to low temperatures, since in the occurrence of a number of diseases an important role is played by cooling the body (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the lungs, jade, rheumatism, etc.).

Purpose of hardening - develop the ability of the body to quickly change the work of organs and systems in connection with the ever-changing external environment. The body's ability to adapt to certain conditions of the external environment is generated by repeated repetition of the impact of a factor (cold, heat, etc.) and gradually increase its dosage.

As a result of the hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to sharp changes in temperature and colds, but also to infectious diseases. The tempered children have good health and appetite, calm, balanced, distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, high performance. These results can be achieved only with the proper execution of hardening procedures.

Charging requirements

1) Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child

2) Positive child reactions to hardening

3) order continuity

4) observation of medical staff for responses, permanent advice with pediatrician

5) parents' consent

Heating Wednesday.

The objective environment helps to ensure the harmonious development of the child, as well as create an emotionally positive atmosphere. It not only allows you to play games and classes, but also teach children to independent games.

The health-saving medium in our group includes:

1) Corner of the motor activity of children (corner of fizo)

The following benefits are placed in this corner:


Massage rugs and tracks (for preventing flat-painting and walking with palms and feet at the same time),

Plastic dumbbells and dumbbells made from undergraduate material,

Massage balls,


Lestenka for climbing and stepping,

Arc for subjects

Simulator for the formation of equilibrium,

Rostomers who also serve to prevent posture disorders,

Target on the wall in the form of matryoshki to enter the ball in the goal,


Kegi for knocking down the ball

Simulator for agility and speed development (sticks with ropes of different colors for twisting),

Manuals for the development of the chammerator (on the wall).

Also in the group there are benefits:

For the development of small motility hands: a variety of "lacing", "beads",

Complexes in the morning gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, eye gym, gymnastics after sleep, finger gymnastics,

Colored soft modules for jumping, climbing, games (for example, you like the kids module "Catering").

The corner of health has visual advice for parents on the topic "Health": "The prevention of influenza", "vitamins", "about the benefits of walks", "Proper nutrition", "physical development of preschoolers", etc.

Education in children of health culture, weapons knowledge, skills and skills to form a habit of healthy lifestyle

The need to upbringing valeological culture emphasize research confirming that human health is only 7-8% depends on the success of health care and more than 60% from his lifestyle. In this regard, relevant education of health culture is already in preschool childhood. The formation of a human culture is due primarily to the process of upbringing, pedagogical interaction of an adult with a child, a wide range of pedagogical means and techniques.

Health culture The preschooler consists of three components:

1. Curriculous attitude to human health and life;

2. Invasses about health and skills to protect, maintain and maintain it;

3. Competence allowing the preschooler independently and effectively solve the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, the tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical care.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Preservation and health promotion are impossible without complying with the rules of personal hygiene - a complex of measures to care for skin skin, hair, oral mouth, clothing and shoes.

The big focus in personal hygiene is done on the washing of hands in front of the food, after any work, walks, at the morning and evening toilet, because it is through hands to the oral cavity that the vast majority of pathogenic microorganisms fall.

After each meal, we with children riding the mouth with boiled water temperature.

To implement this task, it is planned to continue targeted work to educate the culture of health, the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Comprehensive and thematic plan for the valeological education of children in 2 youngest group


1. Theme: "This is me and my friends."

O.TS.: Give ideas about a person: About me, boys and girls close to relatives. Introduce with parts of the body of a person (head, torso, hands, legs)

2.Mae: "Teddy bear becomes like guys."

O.TS.: To form the ability to call peers by name; Act agreed in the game; promote rapprochement of children, establishing friendly relations, manifestation of interest in adults, their actions; Develop interest in children to each other, the need for communicating with adults, goodwill to them

3. Game of therapy. To know with each other. Combining children in groups.


1.The: "Voddy, Voddy".

O.TS.: To accustom to children to wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth after eating, brushing your teeth, collapse, use the nose handkerchief

2. Umo doll didactic game

O.TS.: transfer the resulting wash skills to game actions; maintain positive feelings for washing

3.tem: "In the morning, cleaning teeth, remember to yourself that the toothbrush is only for you ..." Reading fiction O.TS.: Fasten the knowledge of children about the subjects of personal hygiene


1.The: "Visiting Dr. Aibolita" excursion to the medical office.

O.TS.: To acquaint the doctor's professions, nurses; Show as a doctor cares about children; expand the gaming experience of children; Educate respect for the work of adults

2. Game - the stage of "Olya and Aibolit"

O.TS.: Allocate and call parts of the body, clothing items dolls, teach correlate with the word game actions with a doll

3. Puppet Theater "Bear fell ill"

O.TS.: Secure the knowledge gained on the work of medical equipment; cause feelings of compassion to the patient; raise a caring attitude to close


1. "O. Tanya's doll for a walk" Didactic game O.TS.: to acquaint with seasonal clothes and her appointment for the seasons; develop the need to handle questions and requests to adult; Play game actions; consolidate the name of the clothes

2. "How Masha with Waiana was going to visit" Puppet Theater. O.TS.: Secure previously obtained knowledge (skills of consistent wear of the outerwear on the doll); deliver joy to children

3. "Sun, air and water our best friends." The cycle of walks O.TS.: Tell children about the benefits of walking, about the need to dress correctly for a walk. Tie a concept about the time of year with a variety of seasonal clothes of people


1. "Bai, Bayushki, Bay ..." with \\ r game.

O.TS.: To acquaint with a new game chain of action (put the mattress on the bed, put out the sheet, put the pillow, lay a doll, cover it with a blanket); Teach affectionately to handle the doll

2. "Masha's doll woke up" Didactic game

O.TS.: Learning to wear clothes on a doll - a girl, observing a sequence with a little help of adults; Secure clothes titles

3.tem: "Sleepy fairy tales" reading fiction. Reading fairy tales, poems, flies on the topic "Healthy Sleep".

O.The: Learn the children calmly and quietly go to bed, without interfering with other children. Forming the rules of culture of behavior during regime processes


Vitamins 1. "On the benefits of vitamins" conversation

Consider visual benefits.

O.The: to give children the concept of vitamins, as well as health benefits.

2. "Where Vitamins live" didactic game

O.TS.: Secure in the game form of knowledge earlier in class and in conversations

3. "Vitamins for irinics." Comprehensive occupation - Game O.The: Secure in the game form of knowledge gained earlier


1. "How Katya is preparing lunch" didactic game. Conversation.

O.TS.: Teach to call the quality of the product and the actions performed with it (cut, salt, mix); enrich and intensify the dictionary due to the names of dining dishes (soup, pasta, cutlets, compote, etc.); Reflect in speech rules of behavior (before cooking food - wash your hands, wash the products and others)

2. "Fruits or vegetables" didactic game. Conversation.

O.TS.: Learning to distinguish fruits and vegetables in appearance and at the place of growth. Secure children's knowledge about useful products.

3. "Drink, children, milk will be healthy" the story of the educator. O.TS.: Tell children about the benefits of dairy products

4. "What should I eat to go healthy?" Summarizing conversation.Os.: To summarize the knowledge of children about useful products


Sport is our friend. 1. "How to become strong healthy? »Testa O.The: to pay special attention to the preparation for morning gymnastics and physical education, tell children about the need to play sports

3. "Why do you need to play sports? »Puppet Theater O.The: The mediation of the puppet theater continue to tell children about the benefits of sports activities. Educate interest in sports

3. "Morning gymnastics" conversation.

O.TS.: Tell children about the benefits of charging.

1. "Once, two, three, four, five - going to walk ..." Conversations.

O.TS.: Creating interest in Walking, the use of game techniques, motivation of children's activities for a walk

2. "What is good, what is bad ..." Puppet Theater O.TS.: Through the puppet theater, tell children about the rules of behavior on a walk (not to be in the sun, do not forget to wear a headdress and others.

AbstractNode in health

in the second younger group.

"Let's help Mishke"

Developed and spent:

educator MBDOU Kindergarten "Snowflake" Wshivkov L.M.

Purpose: Formation of skills to use personal hygiene objects.
1. Teach children to take care of their health; To form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
2. Cross the children to answer questions, develop thinking, memory.
3. Relieve careful attitude towards your health.

Activities: Cognitive activity, respiratory and motor exercises, game, research actions.

Surprise moment: Bear, backpack.

Equipment: ICT Projector, Presentation, Backpack, Soap, Toothbrush, Combs, Coloring Pictures "Hygiene Items".

Node's move.

Hello with guests.

Guys get into a circle, smile with each other rather


And today, our day will be more fun. We will define the nose and cheeks

(smooth nose and cheeks)

We will be beautiful as in the garden flowers

(do springs)


Stronger, stronger

(rubble palms)

Now praise

Brew, bolder

(clap in the palm)

Ears we sweat

(rubbish ears)

And your health will save.

(sit on the rug)

The educator in the group finds a backpack.

Guys, whose he is?

Maybe someone came to visit us and left him?

Let's look.

(Children with the educator pass on the group and find - a toy bear.)

Bear: Hello guys! I am my mother's mother, here she ( Slide1) I put some things in the backpack and said that I really need them.

And I don't need them, maybe they will be useful to you?

And we, a bear now let's see, and tell you, you need these things or not needed. Sit on chairs.

Guys, what is a bear in a backpack a beautiful bag. He is wonderful. Let's take a bag and define what it is: Heavy or Easy?

Now let's take turns in turn, we sweat and determine, solid or soft lies in the bag.

What smells the bag?

What do you think I put my mother in a bear bag? (soap)

Slide 3. (soap)

Guys, what do you think, why do we need soap? (children's responses: wash your hands and face, wash).

Of course, we need soap to wash off the dirt, wash your hands, wash, wash with the use of soap. Soap helps us to fight with microbes, the one who washes hands with soap rarely sick.

And tell me, please, do you wash the handles today?
Children: Yes.
Educator: And we will check now. I have a familiar scientist and he gave me one device, with the help of this device you can see pure handles or not. If the handles are not clean - then we will see microbes! Please show me my hands - I'll book on them now and take a picture. The picture can be seen by the microbes if the knobs are dirty. (With a flashlight, a candle on the hands of children). Well, we got a photo.

Slide 4. (hand with microbes)

Oh oh oh. Look, what microbes you have on the handles. Probably, you poorly werehed the handles. And let's wash your handle and a bear together with you, we show how to wash your hands.

"My handles are correct."
We opened a crane with a water (I simulate the unscrewing of the crane)
And the palms wet down (put the palms under the water)
Soap all laundered together
Look at the palms (look at the palm)
And Purity, Fuck, Fuck (three palms)
Foam a lot? Okay! And now in her castle (fingers in the castle)
Up-down, up-down, dirt on the handles beware.
Source then water (handles under water)
Handles together we will be squeezing (squeeze palms)
Excessive Wirca will remove (shake water)
Crane with a driver we will close.
Towel with cliff (wipe).

Educator: Here we and I washed the handles. And let's now see - there are still microbes, or we were so well washed the handles that they were washed off (again the candle with a flashlight on the handles of the guys). Now include a snapshot.

Slide 5. (Clean Hand)

See what pure handles, no microbes remained at all.
Bear: That's why you need soap, I will leave well, I will wash my paws.

What else do you have in a backpack? But to wipe the handles when we werehed them to be needed? (Towel).

Slide 6 (Towel)

Mishka Mom still put in a backpack towel.

Towel Why is it me?

The towel fluffy and soft, take the guys and you are a bear, it wipes everything.

Bear: Well leave myself and towel.

Guess the mystery that my mother put a bear in a backpack.

All lochmatic combing
Curls in braids
Make a fashionable hairstyle
Helps us ... ( hairbrush).

Slide 7 (Comb)

And this is a bear comb

And why do you need a comb, do you know?

To comb, be beautiful and neat. Combs are different. Take the comb, what do you like and let's hurt a bear.

Bear:Well leave myself and comb .

Here is one more thing, what is it who knows?

Slide 8. (Toothbrush)

Misha is the same toothbrush

Why is she me?

(You will brush your teeth)

Why do I need to clean your teeth?

(Teeth need to be cleaned every morning and every evening to keep your teeth healthy and white).

In order to clean your teeth need a toothpaste and brush.
And here are our unclean teeth (baby with teeth picture). Now ... will show us how to correct your teeth correctly. And if she corrects correctly, then these teeth will become clean and without microbes. A child with a toothbrush, moving up and down, considers microbes.

Well, and we also know how to clean your teeth. Not a single microbe left.
Articulating gymnastics "Clean the teeth" (spending tongue language)

Here is a bear that you mother put in a backpack. If you wash your paws with soap, brush teeth with a toothbrush, you will never get root, you will be healthy.

Guys, and let's still teach a bacheaker to do charging.

Slide 9 (Charging the Cookists)

Thank you guys who told me about such necessary things, played with me, but it's time for me to go back to mom-miswilddice.

Mishka Let's see, did you forget anything?

Slide 10. (The game of attention) "What happened?" (Close your eyes)

Slide 11.


Slide 13.

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Slide 16.

Mama Medveditsa prepared for you pictures she wants you to choose a picture with hygiene objects, painted them and left themselves for memory.

Bear: I have to go! For my memory I prepared a surprise - treat. But first wash your hands. (Guys and educators escort a bear).

Bear be attentive, come back to visit us, we will teach you a lot.

Publication Date: 01/25/17

An abstract classes in the second youngest group of health-saving technologies used in the educational process "Health Tips for a Bear".

purpose: Formation of ideas about the foundations of health savings in preschool children.

Tasks: Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ways to strengthen and preserve health (morning charge, walk, drinking fruit).

Material for the lesson: Character "Bear", a cup with a saucer, a cup with jam, scene pictures "The boy makes charging", "Children on a walk", clear-demonstration material "Fruits".

Travel course.

Organizing time.

On a roving track,

On a roving track.

Our legs are walking.

On pebbles, on the bumps, in the hole of boo,

Main part.


Guys, you hear the sound who can be (a bear came in scarf and with a thermometer).


Guys, look at the same bear! Hello, Bear! Why are you in a scarf and with a thermometer?


Hello guys! (pass).


Guys, it seems to me that with a bear, something happened, what do you think?


He is ill.


I think the same. I suggest invite a bear to our kindergarten and drink it with jam.


Thank you, I really love tea with jam.


Guys, what do you think, why are the bear sick? (children's responses).

Bear, and you know how to take care of your health? (Bear swings heads).

Then we will tell you and show you and show what you need to do so as not to hurt.

The tutor shows the children of the climb.


Look at the picture, what does the boy do? (The boy does exercises).

Do you charge with you?


Yes. In the morning, when we come to kindergarten.


We will show the bear with our exercises (children along with a bear perform the exercises).


Topney Teddy

Slane bear.

Sat a brother with me.

Hands up, forward and down.

Smile and sit down.


What are you great, I really liked the exercises with you.


Guys, so that you and the bear are better remembered, what to do for health, I will show pictures-tips. Agree?


Yes, agree.

The tutor shows pictures of the prompts.


To be healthy, you need to do charging (show the picture).


Who is in this picture?


What are they doing? (Picture Tip Children are walking).


Walk. Breathe air.


That's right, we also go for a walk and breathe fresh air. How do we breathe? (Nose).



Let's show the bear, how to breathe correctly: the mouth is closed, breathing through the nose, exhale. (Bear performs breathing gymnastics with children). Molders, all coped!

The educator shows a visual demonstration material "Fruits".


Guys, what is it? (Fruit)



That's right, fruit. They have a lot of vitamins and therefore they are useful for health.

Analysis of classes.


Thank you guys! You helped me a lot, and I will definitely take care of my health.

I remembered all your advice to do not hurt and tell all my friends to forests.

It's time for me to leave, goodbye guys!


We are very glad that you could help you!


Goodbye, bear!


Be healthy and you guys. You are all well done! Pry in your hands, praise yourself.