Unrequited love like. Untreated love

Each of our time in life is experiencing a feeling of unrequited love, but everyone perceives it in his own way.

If you managed to make the right lesson from this, then you are just well done. Well, if you are still experiencing unrequited love right now, or you can't survive it, this article will help cope with your pain and experiences!

No matter how strangely sounded, but unrequited love has its advantages. They are expressed in the fact that when you are unrequited in love, you are not exposed to dangerous trials. Your one-sided love warms you for a long time, does not cause pain and experience. You just love, no matter what!

Unrequited love for a man

Women fall in love much more often than men, so they are more susceptible to the feeling of unrequited love.

If you have become the woman, the love of which is one-sided and you are tired of these feelings, you need to follow several rules to get rid of such love:

  • throw out things that remind you of your unrequited love;
  • change the usual circle of friends;
  • find many flaws in your sweetheart.

It is not necessary to develop yourself by hopes, because if the man initially did not show interest to you, then you can be together only the case if he is just comfortable with you.

Of course, a man, satisfied with women, can come to you, but not with his love, but because there is nowhere to go.

It already depends on you! If you are ready to love, but not to be a loved one and stay all my life to this person, love him unrequited and giving all myself - then take it! But if you think that you are worthy of the best, you are worthy that love is mutual - go to search for the best for yourself!

Happiness is to love, and not all your life be unrequited in love with a man.

Unrequited love for a guy

Untreated love for the guy survive much easier than unrequited love for a man!

You and need to remember this. Know yourself the price, because you are not born in order to kill, and sob in the pillow at night. You are a girl, and born to give your beauty around.

It is worth remembering that your unrequited love brings you pain, then there will be the one who will take this love and appreciate.

At a young age, every girl believes that her boyfriend is the last chance. Oh, how she is badly mistaken!

Life is just beginning, and to root your young years in the suffering on unrequited love, will bring you only the spent years of life, but also undoubtedly some experience.

I advise girls who are unrequited in love with the guy, believe in yourself! He is not the last hero of your novel and make it be with you, it seems to be better, to change myself for the one who does not need it - a big mistake.

You will definitely find your love and he will love you as you are!

To quickly survive unrequited love of the guy, you need:

  • accept yourself that your chosen one is not your fate;
  • offer a guy friendship;
  • do not waste time on;
  • do not listen to dull songs;
  • have fun;
  • get new pages on social networks;
  • use a shock therapy method.

The method of shock therapy from unrequited love is expressed in the fact that you yourself are aware of your insignificant presence in his life.

For example, write it 100 sms about my love, call him and do not let the passage - I assure it quickly you get bored! You will very soon disappoint and realize that it is not for you, especially since it will not work so all life.

Unrequited love for a married man

Maybe many will coordinate me, but a woman who takes the burden of responsibility and should not be waiting for a big, light, and the main thing is mutual feeling.

Will the husband from the family simply simply, but do you need such a man?!

Having left my spouse, he will not give you guarantees that one day will not leave you?!

I advise women and girls who spend time with married men to think about their lives. After all, he will ever take away from that woman who chose. After all, I would like, I have left for a long time, but if it does not go, it means he loves.

Many women treasure themselves the thought that men in the family keep children and other "excuses". Do not be naive if a man, as he tells you, does not like - he will not hold anything, and you will stay at the "broken trough" with your unrequited love.

If you yourself not wanting, they pierced a married man, I advise you to immediately believe it and give up unrequited love.

Meet other fans, agree on dates, have fun and think about the existence of many not married men who are ready to love you!

Enjoy life and remember that you can not build happiness on the misfortune!

Great way to survive unrequited will be writing your mini-book. You can get all the pain and experiences to paper, you will be easier. In addition, after a while, when you re-read this book, you will laugh at yourself for a long time.

Do not let unrequited love deprive you with bright life! You must clearly understand that you are killed by love only you, and your chosen one has a pleasant time and uses the moment. Do you really deserve it?!

Unrequited love men to a woman

A man is more difficult to survive unrequited love. As a rule, they fall in love once and forever. And it is very difficult to overcome this unrequited feeling.

Men, disintegrated with unrequited love, become not confident in themselves, closed and not interesting. The main mistake of the man is that he is trying to the whole life like that he loved unrequited. He carries the image of that woman, and constantly redo you under it, so you need to be careful with such men, do not forget that you are you, and not she!

To make a man easier to survive unrequited love, there are several options:

  • fully go to work;
  • start playing computer games;
  • start going to the gym;
  • open your business.

How easy to survive unrequited love

To overcome the flour of unrequited love, you need to learn to control thoughts. If you constantly think about your chosen one, you will never forget it.

We will give you a few tips, how to survive unrequited love!

1 Do not live hopes

Often women treated themselves hopes that everything will be fine. If I appear in a short dress, I am angry with anything interesting, intrigue or seduction. This is not the case, it's just your illusion.

If it interests it, it is not for, and it is even more painful.

Say loud out loud "it's not my man"! Of course, you will not feel any changes right away, but if you repeat it every day, the result will be.

In order not to indulge yourself with hopes, ask for loved ones and girlfriends not to remind you of unrequited love.

2 You should not wonder why you do not like you?

I am not beautiful, no one loves her, I can no longer, for what I have it?! Such questions arise from many women who are experiencing unrequited love.

We are an amateur to suffer and spend half a day for it, and not better to do useful things?!

Make a schedule for a whole day, so that there is no moment of sadness. Yes, during the day you can still somehow forget about unrequited, but what night?!

And at night, think, not about him, but about myself. What did you do for yourself your beloved and what else to do!

Your thoughts will only benefit you. You will increase your level of knowledge, promote the career ladder and find out a lot of new things!

3 It is important to have a close one who is not tired of listening to your unrequited love

That's right, but you should not forget about the face! It is better not to build a sacrifice from yourself, but to tell two-three friends and write a story.

4 Find the flaws in a man

We love to idealize your chosen one and look at it through pink glasses, constantly justifying all his words and actions.

Look at things really, it's not so good! Try to find as many drawbacks as possible and think if you need such a satellite.

You can write on the leaf in one column positive, and in the other - negative qualities. As soon as you remember again about your beloved, immediately read this leaflet!

5 Wedge wedge does not knock out

Do not rush in all serious. You are a woman and should take care of their female dignity.

You do not need to try to plunge into new feelings faster, wait at least half a year. Let the time, because without having survived until the end of the former unrequited love, you will transfer all the cargo and pain in new relationships.

6 Love yourself every day

Every day become near the mirror and say what you are beautiful. Love yourself!

Start care for yourself, go to the gym, update your wardrobe and make a new hairstyle. All this will not only give positive emotions, but will help it easier to survive and forget unrequited love.

After a while, if you suddenly meet your former one, you look at him with other eyes! He will not be so attractive, not as smart and you really do not need!

If you did not help the advice about unrequited love, then do not consider something toxic. Just, this is the person who hearse will help find another meaning of life and get out of the stressful depressive state!

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Untreated love is a dangerous feeling. The weak spirit of man can be driven into the angle and bring to suicide. Depression, constant thoughts about the object of adoration, the desire to call, write, meet, although you know exactly that it is absolutely not mutual - this is what unrequited love causes.

Drive negative thoughts away and listen to the advice of psychologists if you suffer from unrequited love .

How to get rid of unrequited love for 12 steps - instructions for gaining happiness

  • Get rid of the internal conflict with yourself : Realize that the future with your adoration facility can not be, you can never be there.

    Understand that your feeling is not mutually and mentally release your beloved person.
  • Immerse yourself in study, work . Consider a new passion: dancing, cycling, yoga, English, French or Chinese courses. Try to make that you simply have no time for sad thoughts.
  • Try to change the circle of communication. If possible, take less often with friends who even remind you of your loved one.
  • Change your image. Make a new haircut, take some new fashionable things.
  • Help to solve your loved ones and acquaintances. Can be enrolled by a volunteer to some charitable fund or help workers in an animal shelter.
  • Do not accumulate negative emotions and thoughts in yourself, let them go out. The best remedy for negative is sport.

    Visit the gym and lose all the load of your pessimistic thoughts on simulators and boxing pears.
  • Put your inner world in order. Broken heart need to be healing, reading the developing literature on self-knowledge and self-improvement. This will help take a look at the world around the world, makes rethink life values \u200b\u200band put the priorities correctly. See also:
  • Mentally put the point on the past and start building plans for the future. Put in front of you new goals and strive for their implementation.
  • Increase your self-esteem. There are many affirmations and meditations on this subject. Do not focus on one single person who did not appreciate you. Do not forget that you are a man created by God for joy and love. There are many positive qualities in you that you do without much effort into yourself, and the flaws will have each. Work on yourself, get rid of bad habits, Improve yourself.
  • Probably, do you remember the proverb "Wedge Wedge embrozed"? Do not sit at home! Visit exhibitions, movies, theaters.

    Who knows, maybe your fate is already very close and, perhaps, soon you will meet a real mutual love that will bring not suffering, but a sea of \u200b\u200bhappy days. See also:
  • If it seems to you that you yourself can not cope, then better consult with experts . Contact a psychologist who can individually help solve this problem.
  • Appreciate yourself And know that your mutual love and fate will surely find you soon!

Tips of psychologists how to survive unrelated love and never come back to it

Unrequited love is familiar to many. Here are the appeals and questions to receive specialists, and what psychologists advise :

Marina: Hello, I am 13 years old. For two years, I like one guy from my school, which is now 15 years old. I see with him at school every day, but I do not decide to approach. What to do? I suffer from unrequited love.

In this situation Psychologists advise Find this person on social networks and chat with him. From this virtual dialogue can be understood what actions can be taken in real life.

Vladimir: Help! I seem to be starting to go crazy! I love the girl who simply does not pay me any attention. I am tormented by nightmares at night, died appetite, I threw it at all. How to cope with unrequited love?

Psychologists recommend to do the following: Imagine that look at the current situation from the future, with a period of two years. After this time, this problem will not have the slightest value.

You can travel in your fantasies to the future, for several years, months ahead and the past. Speak yourself that this time was not too successful, but next time I will surely be lucky. Moving mentally in time, you can discover and develop a productive attitude towards the situation.

Even these negative situations will bring positive to the future: experiencing not very good events now, you can better assess the components of the future life, will gain experience.

Svetlana: I study in the 10th grade and love an unrequited 17-year-old guy from grade 11 of our school. We saw four times in the total company. Then he began to meet with a girl from his class, and I continued to wait, hope and believe that he will soon be mine. But recently he broke up with a former girl and began to put attention signs to me. I have to be happy, but for some reason I have even been hard for my soul than before. And if he suggests me to meet, then I will most likely refuse - I'm not going to be a spare airfield. But I also really want to be near this guy. What to do how to forget unrequited love? I do lessons, I go to bed - I think about him and torment myself. Please give advice!

The Council of the psychologist: Svetlana, if the guy you are sympathy, could not take a step to meet you, then take the initiative to your hands. Perhaps he is shy, or thinks he is not in your taste.

Try the first to start the dialogue. Find it on social networks, and write him the first. So you can install the primary contact and find common points of contact in the interests and other topics.

Act. Otherwise, you will experience unrequited love. Who knows - Maybe he is also in love with you?

Sofia: How to get rid of undivided love? I love without reciprocity and I understand that there is no perspective, no hope for a joint future, but there are only mental experiences and suffering. They say that it is necessary to thank the life for giving the opportunity to love. After all, if you love, then you live. But why is it very difficult to let go of a person and forget unrequited love?

The Council of the psychologist: Unrequited love - Mirage. A person draws an image in his imagination and falls in love with this ideal, and not in a really existing person with its disadvantages and advantages. If love is unrequited, then the relationship, as such, no. Love is always two, and if one of them does not want to take complicity in a relationship, then this is not a love relationship.

I advise everyone who suffers from unrequited love, analyze their feelings and decide what exactly attracts you in the object of adoration, and for what reasons or factors you cannot be together.

And what can you tell us about ways to get rid of unrequited love? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

A huge number of poems and songs is devoted to the unfortunate unrequited love ... Many for some reason believe that such a phenomenon is more characteristic of adolescents. Maybe. But at any other age, such a nuisance can happen. Otherwise, as a nuisance, this is obsession and you will not call.

Most likely, such a phenomenon as an unrequited love in one of the moments of life experienced each of us. But is it possible to consider it normal? Is it true if it is unrequited, unrequited and unhappy? There is only one answer to this question. And he is negative - no, love without an answer is not even love at all, but rather a love and addiction. And what if love is unrequited? Like what? Treat! There are several ways as it can be done. Remember one thing: you can only help you or yourself, reading a suitable case with literature, or contacting the psychologist, or just relocate suffering.

You yourself disengaged a love fire, which means that you need to stew it. It must be designed to burst out, get rid of unfortunate, unrequited love.

How to get rid of

If you do not know what to do if love is unrequited and how to get rid of it, follow simple advice.

    To determine whether it was generally love. Take a sheet of paper in your hands and write all you know about your loved one. What a positive feature it has, only "beautiful eyes" does not need to consider here. Write specific facts that you likely like you, which once attracted your attention. Is he worthy of your love? What nice actions does he make? If your list is quite small, and after the third point you woven and do not know what to write - maybe it was not love at all, but a simple sympathy, no more. Maybe all your torments are only the fruit of imagination. In this case, everything is simple enough: since you felt this love yourself, it means that you can also throw out from the head too.

    Do so that you do not have to accumulate things and places related to your beloved.

    Do not allow depression to capture you. Try to get angry from the lover: do not communicate, do not look at his photos and do not go to his pages on social networks, do not try to find out that it happened new to him and most importantly - do not discuss a man with relatives and girlfriends.

    Love should bring pleasure and happiness, if it is not so feeling only you exhaust you, you need to learn how to cope with emotions. At least just in order to appear to the soul. After all, experiences, sleepless nights, constant tears, have not yet brought any benefits.

    Find a cons. Remember the list on which you recorded the positive features of your beloved? Now on the back of his side you need to write all the qualities that you do not like to you in this man. Just look at it not through pink glasses, which are so typically dressed in love, but critically. For example, he smokes, but you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle - why do you need such a man? Or around him is constantly a huge number of girls - most likely he is windy and not quite reliable.

    Woose more to the "other wave". If you notice that often in your thoughts return to your beloved and beloved - switch! Turn on the TV, read interesting books, make a shopping (the main thing is not too dripping, otherwise you will not notice how to spend too much), follow up with your friends, and even better friends. In general, having fun! And prohibit yourself even thinking about your failed man. You are strong!

    Learn to something new. Of course, you can say that it is hard not to think about a loved one when the head is clogged only by them alone. But believe me, this is what you need to try to do.

    In this not the easiest period of life, every woman should try to be busy as much as possible, it is better at all. Never read the interviews of Hollywood stars? All of them say that the best medicine from unhappy love is the work. Your of course may be not as interesting as they have, then you need to find a hobby, in which you will dive with your head.

    You can ask for girlfriends as often as possible pulled you out of home. Who knows, maybe in one of these "babble" you will meet the one who instantly sees the thoughts about your unfortunate love.

    In general, make your head constantly clogged with something interesting, better even complicated and new. So you do not have to be alone with your thoughts.

    Do not see melodramas and do not read the novels. In this period, it is best to remove away disks with romantic films and all books of such subjects. How about honing historical literature? Or view all parts of "Harry Potter"? It will be much easier for you to cope with a sense of undivided love if you are surrounding as few romance and lyrics.

    Look around! Everywhere after all, there are a lot of decent men. And we, as it often happens, fall in love with those who are difficult to call. Try a pretty looking around, maybe the love of your life goes very close, and maybe you even familiar with it, but have never been seriously examined before because of unrequited love that shouted your eyes. Look at your male friends differently.

    Take yourself. Do you know that in unrequited love in addition to minuses, there are also the pros? Such a feeling makes every woman better and stronger. After all, so you want to become for your beloved best and perfect ...

    Take a look critically: if everything is present all - do sports (and even better oriental dances: they pull up the figure and give just incredible self-confidence) and begin to eat right if the appearance has become a little slurry - dedicate yourself more time than usual. And not for someone. Just for the sake of itself.

    And when you become beautiful and well-groomed, and more importantly, confident in our irresistibility - all men will be with your feet. And there will only be left to choose the best ... and with him already start a new story of beautiful and not unrequited love!

    Unrequited love - So much in this phrase: here and hope for reciprocity, and pain from an undivided feeling , and the desire to be with the object of your love.

    Unrequited love - What is practically everyone is experiencing in youth. Maximalism, diffidence, Increased emotionality, a tendency to suffer "from scratch" - all this creates a favorable ground for the development of one-sided feeling.

    But the older the person becomes, the better he begins to understand himself - his true desires and goals. And learn to implement them. Thanks to this process, most teenage complexes and fears are gradually leaving. And with them - and unconscious desire for disappointment in love.

    But meanwhile, people remain, who even over time continue to be in the vice of an unrequited feeling. They can not be freed from him for years. At the same time, they openly declare the willingness to get out of one-sided coupling and even take active actions in this direction.

    But in fact - it is not significantly advanced in this matter, remaining embarrassed and in love with unrequited. Such behavior has its own special reasons that I propose to disassemble in this article.

    Navigation under the article: "Unrequited love - how to survive and move on?"

    So what is the reason that a person can experience for years one-sided feeling And not be able to exit this state?

    The reason is that there is a kind of tendency to an unrequited feeling.

    There is such a tendency more often in not quite confident in itself, in their forces and capabilities of people, namely:

    • Those who failed to go to a new stage of relationship with them and surrounding. Who could not survive some kind of painful memory, event and therefore "stuck" in one of the life periods. And unrequited love is a natural consequence of such jams.
    • People with a rather low level of self-relief and self-esteem. For those who did not speak in childhood, that the very fact of their stay in this world is already a joyful event that they love them and appreciate what they are, and therefore they have every reason for self-esteem.
    • People who are afraid of real life with its danger and unpredictability, and therefore prefer to worry about the opposite sex in thoughts and words than in practice.
    • Also, people who did not receive the models of the happy family are also prone to unrequited love. Those who have the parents have not shown a personal example of close and trusting relationships. And therefore, even if such people can imagine that there is a reciprocity, to try on it is quite difficult for them. As a result, they do not allow themselves to real relations and either completely close from love, or "choose" an unrequited feeling.
    • The experience of unrequited love is inclined by people who scare any fundamental changes. This is a kind of conservatives ready to go anything, just not to break the usual way of life and not change your decision once. Including, the solution to love unilaterally. For them, one-sided feeling is one way to maintain the existing position of things and loyalty to yourself as they represent it.
    • People who poorly understand themselves, their desires, feelings And your role in life. Not determined with themselves, cannot choose a partner. And if you choose, then such a person who is not ready to answer reciprocity for various reasons.

    Summarizing, once again emphasize: to fall in love and continue to experience an unrequited feeling over the years, there is a tendency. This tendency is not congenital. Quite the opposite - it is purchased in the process of upbringing and socialization.

    And if so, with targeted psychological work, there are all chances to change the current perception of oneself and the world. Through what to start building relationships with partners who will be ready to answer reciprocity.

    In addition to the tendency described above, there are advantages that a person in most cases is not aware of. He negatively assesses this situation, suffers, and often does not even realize that it receives certain benefits in unrequited love.

    These benefits can be realized, get an answer to the question " why is love not mutual? "and to understand what exactly you hold on, continuing to stay unrequited in love. There are several such benefits:

    • First of all, with a unilateral feeling, you do not need to live with a living person, and therefore - with all his habits and features. With everything that can annoy, annoy, scare and disgust. The virtual partner is deprived of all these flaws than attractive.

    Moreover, some qualities can be "drawing" to such a partner, thanks to which you get a person committed in every sense. Loving this will be much easier and more pleasant than the earthly - from "flesh and blood."

    • One-sided love It is a way to hide not only from life, but also from himself. Avoid meeting with their doubts, complexes and fears. In the "living" relationship, when people are in a constant dialogue, there is no such possibility. Partner, sometimes not wanting, comes on painful and vulnerable points, speaking and making what you are not ready for.

    But in the case of unrequited love, the risk of getting such feedback is minimal. If a person is afraid of meetings with him more than loneliness, it will unconsciously choose an unrequited feeling.

    • It happens that for personal reasons a person has no desire to be in relationships as such. Either a person was not matured so far before living with a partner, either afraid of something that could not figure it out, or simply does not understand what he wants in general from himself and from life.

    Causes can be different, and one: the real relationship does not want to such a person. But since it is difficult to live hard without love, a person chooses such a form: Love unrequited. In this case one-sided love Serves the role of shirma for which you can hide and from relationships.

    • Another benefit is that unrequited love helps attract the attention of others to their situation. Loving unresponsive man always shares with someone with his story. Talking about experiences, sincerely trying to get the Council on how to do he, even takes some actions.

    But in fact - it remains in place, without changing the situation and not revising the experienced feelings. And makes this one simple reason: so he satisfies his main need for attention. In the fact that the advice, sympathy, empathy, which is shared with him are relatives.

    • Unrequited love creates the illusion of emotional-filled life. The world in which loving, filled with internal events, hopes, bright emotions, feeling that this is about everything will happen.

    Thanks to this, a person experiencing one-sided feeling It is quite confident that he lives a rich emotional life. And go out into the "dry" reality, where there is no place for such hopes and experiences, he does not want at all .

    The above benefits "help" do not think about what is happening, not to change anything in their own life, not to see the problem, but to continue to love for a long time and languidly, sincerely hoping for the reciprocity that will come some "magical way."

    What if you captured an unrequited feeling? How to be? What to pay attention to? Try to see a powerful resource, and with it - the ability to change and develop that one-sided love brings with them.

    The resource is as follows: unrequited love teaches to love without requiring a response. That is, it is not to suffer, do not regret yourself, not to call for universal justice, but to learn to live with it, staying at the same time open to a new feeling.

    It is quite difficult, as you just want one thing - to be with those who have chosen and even thoughts do not allow that reciprocity will not happen.

    And yet, if you go a little further and try to see the lesson offered by life, you will be able to get the invaluable experience of love, alike one-sided. Love without expectations, demands and doubts in the correctness of what is happening, in which you can learn how to desire happiness to someone who wants him not with you.

    At the same time, it makes sense to try to live a full-fledged and rich life. Do not close from potential partners: those who are willing to choose you and try to build relationships with them.

    Over time, this will lead to what you can fill your life, to make it interesting for yourself and for others, thanks to which there will be more likelihood to meet with whom you can share a common feeling and life.

    What does a loving man want? What will be for him the most desirable gift? Answer - mutual love. One way to implement the desired is to find courage and confess in your feelings.

    Namely - ask your beloved person about what your chances of reciprocity and how interesting are you as a partner in relationships. Open recognition is an opportunity to get out of a closed circle of thoughts and feelings into the space of reciprocity. Everything that needs to be needed is to tell someone who love about how much he means for you.

    Of course, the recognition scares. First of all, the fact that there is a possibility to get a failure. And yet, to admit and hear "no" - it is better than the years to cherish the dream of reciprocity and not take a single attempt to be together.

    Ultimately, the experience of recognition can help take an internal decision that you are "fell in love" unrequited, and that it is time to go to a new level of relationship with the opposite sex on which mutual love will be a reality, not a dream.

    Unrequited love - what is important to understand first?

    First of all, it will be worthwhile to know that unrequited love is your choice, albeit an unconscious. The choice to remain alone, do not risk, do not try to build relationships, close in your suffering, frozen in one state, from which there is no exit. And as long as this choice is renowned, a person continues to love and suffer.

    But as soon as the realization that you are not a victim of unrequited love, and her main partner will begin to open opportunities to create a real living relationship.

    I will help you understand the true reasons for an unrequited feeling and deal with what keeps you on the rails of one-sided love.

    Also you can purchase a webinar ""

    Together we will be able to revise your perception of yourself and relationships with the opposite sex, thanks to which - to go to a qualitative and new level, in which the mutual desire to be in loved ones and trusting relationships will be determining when choosing a partner.

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    « Unrequited love»

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    Unrequited love - How to survive and move on?: https: // Website / Bezotvetnaya-Lubov /

    So, you are inevitably and very persistently entails a certain person, without any response manifestations of gentle feelings. What to do if you are out of unrequited love? It will not be superfluous to notice that such things regularly happen with emotional, temperamental people, however, inexperienced young individuals are more often susceptible to this.

    How to get rid of unrequited love - this obsessive hobby, how to overcome suffering and in what cases do you need to do this? After all, it happens that positive moments are still more than minuses.

    For example, for people of creative professions, such a feeling can serve as a source of internal force and inspiration, and an unrequited love object is. Perhaps such an illusion is simply necessary for a while to distract from other, more serious trouble. Nevertheless, it should be distinguished, in which case is part of your personality, helping to find a kind of highlight in everyday, routine life, and when it is a burden that prevents adequately to perceive reality and lead a normal lifestyle.

    What signs should be awesome unrequited in love and his loved ones?

    • Understanding the hopelessness of the current situation leads to long depression and sustainable emotional recession: a person forgets or does not want to eat, it is experiencing unwillingness to engage in habitual affairs, for a long time "goes to himself."
    • Obsession with the subject of their passion and obsessive thoughts make the nervous system constantly strain, which can negatively affect the general condition of the body. Weakness, irritability, headache, decrease in immunity may appear.
    • The manifestation of aggression, irresponsibility to criticism. Sometimes hostility is directed towards himself, which is very dangerous, as it can lead to the destruction of the person and even attempts to suicide. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the specialists in psychiatry.

    If everything is not so bad, and it did not reach extremes, you can try to cope with negative moments yourself. Professional psychologists give several useful tips to which it is worth listening if love without an answer hurts you suffering and pain.

    How to overcome suffering on unrequited love

    • At some point, just "enjoy the flow", let go of the situation, leaving the time and the ability to understand and survive everything that happens.
    • Think that the subject of your feelings and experiences is absolutely not guilty in the current situation, no one asked his consent. And to answer the reciprocity of love, your hero is simply not capable of certain reasons, for example, the beloved is connected by any obligations, or at the moment there is no relation to his plans in general.
    • Learn to see in all positive parties: in such trials, the character and strength of the Spirit is brought up. And it is not necessary to consider your favorite as a hunting trophy, which simply needs to be produced in spite of everything, the right personality should be respected.
    • Systematize Your Life: Find the lesson for you and causing positive emotions - go on sports, boost more chat with friends. Perhaps you should try to meet a new person. But it is not necessary to rush to new dating head, thinking that this will help you forget your unrequited love faster. This is not true.

    Unrequited love - no more than illusion, mirage. You do not fall in love with a terrestrial person, but in a certain image, inaccessible ideal, invented by your imagination and "convenient" for suffering. Two always participate in love, and if the object of frosting does not want to enter into relationships, it means that it is not your half and the love relationship, which you dream will come with someone else, they are ahead.
    To overcome suffering and get rid of unrequited love, you need to carefully analyze your feelings and find out why you are entitled to this person, and what objective reasons prevent you from being together.

    Imagine two options for the development of your future with the subject of passion. Perspective to live all my life with a person who does not love you, it can hardly be delighted, isn't it? As soon as you understand it, it will become easier. The pain will gradually leaving the place of pleasant memories that do not bring suffering may be with a shade of bright bears. Only feeling yourself a free, realized personality, you can enjoy life by making happy and surrounding. There will be no more flour of undivided love and be sure to be the only one who wants to be next to you!

    Video on the topic Unrequited love. Psychologist Natalia Tolstoy will tell how to do the one who loves and cannot take himself in hand.