What do we know about age spots? Pigmented spots on the face - causes

Each person strives for his face to be beautiful and well-groomed, but such a defect as age spots on the face, all the reasons and necessary treatment of which will be indicated below, often become a real problem.

In the fight against a skin defect, people use many different methods - these are cosmetic creams or ointments, as well as folk methods.

Pigmentation on the forehead or in another area of ​​the skin of the face is more likely to bother women. A skin defect develops in women after 35 years of age. It happens that pigmentation passes on its own over time, but in most cases such a defect has to be dealt with by appropriate methods.

Dark age spots on the face are presented in the form of an area of ​​the skin where an excessive amount of pigment - melanin - accumulates. It is present in different layers of the skin, but when it concentrates in the upper structure of the epidermis, it produces dark or pale (but distinct from skin tone) patches.

Pigmented spots never cause any pain to a person, they do not hurt, do not itch, do not get inflamed. The only unpleasant skin pigmentation is that it becomes a provocateur of emotional experiences and the cause of the formation of complexes.

The causes and treatment of age spots on the face in men are somewhat different. In men, hyperpigmentation can occur when melanin is deposited deep in the layers of the skin. In this case, the shade of pigmentation is much darker than usual.

A pigmented spot on the face can grow, grow and often rises on the surface of the skin. Hyperpigmentation also occurs in women, while the defect causes them significant discomfort - the stain interferes with the use of cosmetics, taking off or putting on clothes.

In medicine, skin pigmentation is classified into:

  • freckles;
  • lentigo, which you can learn more about in;
  • chloasma;
  • moles or birthmarks.



Let's outline the main reasons for the appearance of age spots on the cheeks, forehead or other areas of the skin.


Pigmentation is often hereditary. At the same time, with such a spot, the baby is already born, with age it can increase in size. The hereditary age spot on the face does not itch, does not itch, does not bring absolutely any painful sensations.

It is almost impossible to get rid of hereditary age spots with popular cosmetic preparations or alternative methods. Only stronger methods, for example, laser peeling, will help to eliminate the defect.

Changes in hormonal balance

The main reason for the appearance of age spots on the face in women is hormonal disorders. This can be a physiological change in hormonal levels (menopause) or hormonal pathology (pituitary gland).

Pigmentation due to hormonal changes is called chloasma. Doctors advise against using cardinal methods to eliminate chloasma. Often, after hormonal stabilization, the skin defect turns pale or disappears on its own.

If the pigmentation is caused by hormonal diseases, then it is important to deal with the therapy of the underlying pathology. After adequate treatment, the pigmentation disappears.

Injuries to the face

A pigmented spot on the face can appear as a bluish speck. The provocateurs of the formation of pigmentation are often burns - chemical or thermal, inflammatory acne, boils, a consequence of squeezing out acne. The intensity of the color spectrum of the spot depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis layer.

Treatment of post-traumatic pigmentation is carried out with cosmetics. If there are no results of conservative treatment, then stronger methods are used (phototherapy).

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

The skin on the face is very thin and vulnerable, therefore, a long stay in the open rays of the sun or abuse of visiting a solarium can lead to a skin defect.

Cosmetics or folk healers help to cope with a skin defect.

Digestive system diseases

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pigmentation is often formed. The red tint of the spots indicates problems with the intestines, brown - a violation of the functionality of the liver or gallbladder, yellow-brown - kidney disease.

This type of pigmentation does not require appropriate treatment. A person is prescribed a therapeutic diet, drug therapy. After the disease is cured, age spots disappear on their own.

Diseases of a nervous nature

Permanent nervous disorders, prolonged stress, anxiety and depression can lead to the formation of pigmentation. Stabilizing the emotional background and using anti-pigmentation cosmetics will help get rid of a skin defect.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

A very common problem. Skin pigmentation can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, as well as copper in the body. After organizing a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, age spots fade and gradually disappear.

The use of low-quality cosmetics

Spots on the skin of the face, allergic rashes and other negative manifestations often appear after using natural cosmetics.

The cause of the defect is an allergic reaction of epidermal cells to natural substances. The reason for the appearance of pigmentation can also be low-quality ingredients that make up cosmetics. Pigmentation treatment requires the rejection of low-quality or allergenic cosmetics.

Physiological aging of the skin

After 45-50 years of age, skin pigmentation (lentigo) is common. The appearance of a skin defect is provoked by the physiological aging of skin cells, the activity of chronic pathologies, and natural hormonal imbalance.

Methods for removing age spots from the face

Pigmentation of the skin on the face is not a dangerous disease for humans, but a skin defect is a signal of changes taking place inside the body. Only a doctor is able to determine the exact causes of pigmentation on a person after receiving the results of the medication prescribed to the patient. survey.

The main principle of adequate pigmentation therapy is the elimination of the provoking factor (cause). If the formation of a skin defect is provoked due to the presence of diseases, then the disease must first be treated, and the skin defect will brighten or disappear after a complete cure on its own.

If the skin defect is provoked by other reasons, then special methods will help get rid of it.

Removal of age spots by cosmetic methods

Removal of age spots on the forehead, cheeks or other areas of the skin is done in beauty salons or a dermatologist. The specialist recommends to the patient a certain method of removing the problem, depending on numerous factors (and especially, on the severity of the problem and the physiological characteristics of the patient). Before the procedure, contraindications and all kinds of side effects must be taken into account.

Laser peeling

In the process of laser treatment of age spots on the face, laser beams are used, the effect of which occurs on the upper layer of the skin. The procedure promotes the renewal of the skin layer. Laser therapy has a beneficial effect on the structure of the epidermis, it helps the skin to become smooth, fresh, healthy and youthful.

Laser therapy is painfully tolerated by patients. After removal of pigmentation, the use of wound healing agents (ointment, cream) is required.

Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic peeling is used to treat skin pigmentation. In the process of treatment, specials are used. equipment that facilitates the penetration of active components into the uppermost skin layers. The result of ultrasonic peeling is smooth, bleached skin, free from external defects.


Dermabrasion is used to remove age spots on the forehead and other parts of the facial skin. The procedure is the elimination of a skin defect by mechanical resurfacing of the epidermis.


To eliminate age spots after acne, phototherapy is actively used. The procedure is the impact on the problem area of ​​a laser beam that produces pulses of light.

Light rays act directly on the pigment spot, contributing to the complete destruction of all cells with accumulation of melanin.


Cryotherapy is capable of permanently getting rid of age spots after acne. The essence of the technique is "freezing" the problem area of ​​the skin with liquid nitrogen. Treatment of age spots with liquid nitrogen is carried out with a cotton swab or a medical spray.

Cryotherapy is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. The process of treating problem areas lasts several minutes (it depends on the activity of pigmentation formation). This procedure can be repeated.

Chemical peeling

If age spots appear after acne, then chemical peeling is recommended. It is carried out using acids (glycolic). The result is chem. peeling - a renewed and even epidermis, elimination of pigmented dark and pale spots.

Whitening salon treatments

Specialists of beauty salons can offer clients a variety of methods for removing pigmentation. One of them is skin whitening.

The safest pigmentation bleach is zinc paste. It can even be used to remove age spots on the lips.

A paste containing zinc is used to treat problem areas on the face. The result is skin whitening, wrinkle smoothing, acne treatment.

Bleach can also be 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember that the use of this active agent often provokes a burn, especially if you remove pigmentation on the lips.

Mercury cream is another whitening product. It can only be used for a short time. Moreover, it is forbidden to use this whitening technique for pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed their newborns.

Cosmetics for age spots

Cosmetic stores and pharmacies offer a wide range of products that whiten the skin and deal with pigmentation.

Effective anti-pigmentation agents are creams and ointments that contain the following active ingredients:

  • any acid - hyaluronic, gluconic, fruit, etc.
  • mineral components - titanium dioxide;
  • extracts of grapes, parsley, cucumber, mulberry, lemon;
  • vitamins - beta-carotene, vitamin C;
  • arbutin;
  • hydroquinone;
  • natural vegetable oils - shea, jojoba, shea.

Traditional medicine recipes for age spots

Folk healers offer effective means of dealing with a skin defect. The recipes are based on natural remedies.

  • Parsley mask. Grind a bunch of green leaves into a soft gruel, add a small amount of honey, stir the mass thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the problem area on the skin, leave for half an hour, then rinse with cool water. An effective tool is able to eliminate even age spots in the eyelid area;
  • Potato mask. Grate a small potato on a small grater, squeeze out excess liquid. In the resulting gruel, drive st. a spoonful of olive oil, whole milk and oat bran. Convert everything into a homogeneous mass and apply to the pigmentation area. Hold for 20 minutes, then rinse;
  • Cucumber juice. Grate 1 medium cucumber, mix the resulting juice with any nutritious cream. Use the product daily for 1 month;
  • Essential natural oils. Mix castor oil and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. With the resulting composition, treat age spots daily.

To eliminate pigmentation, decoctions of herbal herbs (elderberry, dandelion, celandine, lovage) are used. The prepared product is used to wipe problem skin.

Prevention of the appearance of age spots on the face

You can minimize the likelihood of pigmentation if you follow the following principles:

  • Eliminate excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. In the summer, it is imperative to use sunscreen;
  • Do not abuse the visit to the solarium;
  • Limit the use of salty foods and foods;
  • Organize a correct, fortified menu.

- the appearance on the skin of flat, oval areas of a darker color: from light to dark brown as a result of aging, insolation of the skin, hormonal changes in the body, taking certain medications, using cosmetics. Pigmented spots, especially multiple ones, represent a cosmetic defect, often accompanied by dryness, roughness of the skin, wrinkles, and protruding blood vessels. Malignant neoplasms of the skin can be masked under age spots. Before proceeding with discoloration of age spots, it is necessary to find out if they are the result of serious health problems. For this, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist and a therapist, women - a gynecologist.

Pigments are responsible for the color of human skin, in healthy skin there are five of them: melanin, carotene, melanoid, oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin. If their concentration is violated or in the absence of any of the pigments, pigment spots of various sizes are formed on the skin. Melanin plays the main role in the color of the skin; it serves as a barrier to ultraviolet radiation. As a result of the accumulation of melanin in large quantities on the skin, pigment spots are formed, they can be both congenital and acquired.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

The main reason for the appearance of age spots is prolonged and intense exposure to ultraviolet rays, since ultraviolet light activates the production of melanin. Features of metabolic processes, diseases of the digestive system, in particular, pathologies from the liver, quite often lead to the appearance of age spots. Among the diseases of the endocrine system, pituitary tumors, pituitary insufficiency (panhypopituitarism), Graves disease are accompanied by pigment spots with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. Neuropsychiatric disorders, frequent stress, lack of vitamin C, gynecological diseases and mental disorders like hysteroid neuroses can also provoke pigmentation disorders, and, as a result, age spots appear on the skin.

Most of the age spots associated with pregnancy go away after childbirth, but sometimes they remain for a long time.


Freckles - ephelides are widespread in people with fair skin. Their appearance is associated with excessive exposure to the sun, as a result of which melanin accumulates in certain areas of the skin. Depending on the season, the intensity of their color may vary. They are observed on the face, sometimes on the ears, on the skin of the arms and chest. The size of freckles, the degree of coloration and their number are variable: from a few light-colored pigment spots the size of a pinpoint, to large brown freckles in large quantities.

By their nature, age spots in the form of freckles are an uneven distribution of sunburn areas, and therefore in the cold season they can completely disappear. Over time, the intensity of their color also decreases, as the body learns to more evenly accept the sun's rays. Freckles do not pose a threat to health and many owners of such age spots do not consider them a cosmetic problem. However, if freckles are the cause of psychological discomfort, then they should be discolored and sunscreen with a high UV filter should be used. It should be remembered that such creams and lotions should be applied to the entire skin, and not just to the face, since the redistribution of melanin in the skin takes into account the accumulation of melantocytes.

Pigmented spots like ephelides are not deep, and therefore chemical peeling with lactic and fruit acids can permanently get rid of freckles. But it should be remembered that cosmetic procedures do not change photosensitivity, so age spots may reappear if you do not use sunscreen.

Age spots

Lentigo (lentigiles seniles) - are age spots that appear in older people, they are also called "senile ripples". As a rule, age spots appear on places that have been exposed to intense sun exposure. Sometimes age spots of lentigo appear on the site of freckles. Favorite localization - skin of the face, skin of the hands and forearms, décolleté and upper back. Since the first manifestations of lentigo appear after forty years, they are a clear cosmetic defect, because they visually age women. During menopause, due to changes in hormonal levels, the intensity of age spots and their number increase. Lentigines are difficult to disguise with the help of decorative cosmetics, chemical and mechanical cosmetic procedures aimed at the detachment of the epidermis help to reduce their intensity. The use of aromatic retinoids heals skin cells and normalizes their activity.

Large age spots

Large age spots called chloasma or melasma (chloasma) occur on the skin of the face mainly in young women. The spots have irregular outlines and tend to merge, forming one large, bizarre spot. The process can partially pass to the skin of the neck and ears, but the shoulders and décolleté are almost never affected. Insolation aggravates the patient's condition, because after exposure to the sun, there is an increase in age spots. The main reason for the appearance of age spots such as chloasma on the skin is hormonal imbalance (the beginning of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, taking oral contraceptives and taking any hormonal drugs).

Certain cosmetics, long-term topical application of hormone-containing ointments, and the application of aromatic oils directly to the skin can also provoke the appearance of age spots. Usually, after drug withdrawal or after childbirth, chloasmas disappear on their own. Whitening and exfoliating beauty treatments can speed up the process of getting rid of age spots.


Birthmarks - nevi (naevus) look like small, well-defined areas of hyperpigmentation, which in some cases are more a feature than a cosmetic defect. The process of formation of nevi is practically the same as in the formation of any other age spots, based on the uneven distribution of melanin. The accumulation of melantocytes becomes visually noticeable, the color of moles is variable from light beige to dark brown. All people have an insignificant amount of congenital age spots, but if there are too many of them or they tend to grow and increase, then this is one of the factors that speak of the possible degeneration of the age spot into an oncological process of the skin.

Therefore, nevi located in places of friction on the face should be removed. A significant number of such age spots, as well as any changes on their part, are also an indication for their removal. Usually they resort to laser surgery, removal with liquid nitrogen, or diathermocoagulation. There are no scars or cosmetic defects after the removal of age spots.

Hypopigmentation of the skin

Albinism and vitiligo are rare skin pathologies, the causes of which are poorly understood, and therefore age spots of this kind are difficult to treat. People who have a complete or partial absence of melantocytes, or conditions in which melantocytes do not produce melanin, are strictly prohibited from insolation. Discolored pigmented spots should be protected from sunlight. If you have albinism, you should use UV-protected contact lenses. All principles of therapy are aimed at improving the quality of life, since sunburns of hypopigmented age spots are usually quite deep, and constant exposure to sunlight on unprotected skin can provoke oncological processes.

Treatment of age spots

The appearance of age spots, especially those that tend to increase, is not a sign of health. Therefore, before starting their discoloration, it is necessary to consult a therapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. If there are conditions or diseases that could cause age spots, then first of all, their treatment or correction is carried out. Next, you can proceed to discoloration of age spots. Home remedies do not have the desired effect, since the depth of their penetration is small, and therefore they only affect the surface layers of the skin.

Chemical peels are ideal if there are a lot of age spots, but all of them are shallow, such as freckles. As a result of the effect of fruit acids on the accumulations of melantocytes, a uniform discoloration of the skin of the face occurs. Pigmented spots gradually disappear and the skin becomes velvety.

Mechanical action on the skin by dermabrasion is not so effective against age spots. Microminiaturization is similar to chemical peeling, but the active ingredient is applied pointwise under vacuum. Suitable for removing small but deep age spots.

Mesotherapy allows you to inject an active substance deep into the tissues, as a result, pigment spots are lightened and the general condition of the skin is improved. Photo removal and laser removal of age spots are resorted to for deep spots.

After the procedures, the skin condition is normalized, but it is necessary to use sunscreen cosmetics, correct diseases in time in order to prevent the emergence of new areas with altered pigmentation.

Pigmentation on the skin is the body's response to the effects of both external factors and causes lurking inside the body, which consists in a local increase in the production of melanin. This substance gives color to human skin. Skin is darker when melanin is produced in large quantities. If pigment is deposited in the upper layers of the epidermis, pigmentation may take on a yellowish tinge. In the event that accumulations of melanin are located in the dermis, formations on the face appear in the form of brown or dark gray spots.


Who is prone to staining?

Pigmentation can occur at any age.

Nevertheless, the elderly are more susceptible to the occurrence of such cosmetic defects, women of reproductive age, especially - at 30-40 years old as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Causes and risk factors for education

There are many reasons that can affect the violation of melanin production. The main ones are:

Environmental factors and other external stimuli play an important role in the formation of pigmentation on the face.

Most often spots appear due to prolonged insolation of the skin, insufficient oxygen saturation, the use of cosmetics containing sulfur and some metals, the abuse of ointments with corticosteroids, aggressive cosmetic procedures, after injuries or burns, especially chemicals.

Types and symptoms of age spots

The easiest way to notice hyperpigmentation is on the face of fair-skinned people. The spots stand out against the light background of the skin in the form of dark colored areas with clear or blurred borders of various colors (mainly yellow-brown, sometimes with a reddish tint).

The shape of the spots- round, oval.

Localization area- cheekbones, forehead, under the eyes, around the nose, lips. Pigmented spots rarely appear singly, in most cases existing in groups.

The most common types of age spots are ... (see below)

Dense brown spots, often thickened, due to which they rise above the surface of the skin.

Lentigo spots have an elongated-oval shape, small size (up to 2-5 mm.), Clear boundaries.

They come in two forms:

  • age age spots that form due to aging and thinning of the skin, as well as due to excess exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • youthful lentigo (genetically determined). In this case, pigmentation is also observed on other areas of the skin - on the shoulders, chest, limbs.

Freckles, or ephelids

The appearance of such spots is due to the innate characteristics of a person. Some areas of the skin of the face strongly react to the influence of solar radiation, therefore they are more clearly visible in the warm season.

Usually, freckles are formed from childhood, having the following signs - small specks of oval or irregular shape, located around the nose or on the cheeks, light yellow, reddish, reddish shades. Freckles, as a rule, turn pale without "feeding" the sun's rays.

When such spots are formed, the reverse reaction of the skin is observed - a decrease in the production of pigment, so they have a snow-white, milky or light pink hue.

Vitiligo can appear in the form of small or large spots, be of various outlines and shapes, and also be surrounded by a dark rim around the periphery. The spots have a tendency to progress, therefore, with age, their number and size increase.

The disease is difficult to treat.


They are formed in the first years of a child's life or appear from birth. They can exist in the form of light brown, pink, reddish or dark spots of a wide variety of shapes and sizes, often bizarre. Some spots subsequently harden and transform into nevi.

Chloasma, or melasma

It is a brown or brown spot, smooth to the touch, clearly limited, of various sizes, irregular in shape. Most often appear during pregnancy, as well as with other shifts in the hormonal system; can disappear on their own after the birth of a child or correction of hormonal levels.

Pigmented xeroderma

Hereditary disease associated with increased photosensitivity. Xeroderma is characterized by the risk of degeneration into malignant tumors. The main symptoms: age spots, similar to freckles, accompanied by a reddish rash, as well as areas of thinning of the skin.

Meloderma Brocca

Dark hyperpigmented areas are localized around the mouth, sometimes in the nose. The appearance of such spots is associated with the transferred stresses.

Secondary pigmentation

Such spots are formed after some infectious diseases (streptoderma, lichen) and disappear over time. Sometimes the formation of such spots is associated with an allergic reaction of the skin after applying cosmetics and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Beautiful girl with freckles

First of all, excessive pigmentation on the face is a clear cosmetic defect that can significantly spoil the appearance of a person.

Often, a pigmented spot is a sign of a developing fungal, bacterial disease or autoimmune processes (for example, lichen pink).

Pigmented xeroderma can lead to dystrophy of the skin, and also contribute to the development of eczematous manifestations.

Some spots can become malignant over time, therefore they require constant monitoring by an oncologist. In many cases, especially at the initial stage of development, pigmentation can be similar to other skin formations - flat moles, keratomas and even skin melanoma.


In most cases, a dermatologist can establish an accurate diagnosis based on an external examination and taking an anamnesis from the patient's words.

In the absence of apparent reasons for hyperpigmentation, general clinical studies, consultations of narrow specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist) can be prescribed. If the process is suspected of being malignant, a biopsy is performed. If there are signs of mycotic or other infectious skin lesions, the skin is examined under a Wood's lamp or scraped from the surface of the spot.

Treatment of age spots

Often, bleaching of age spots is performed at home. Cosmetics with the following components are well suited for this purpose:

  • substances that reduce the production of melanin (azelaic acid, hydroquinone, zinc, hydrogen peroxide, glabridin, retinoic and glycolic acids);
  • substances that inhibit the production of an enzyme that promotes the synthesis of melanin (kojic acid, arbutin, licorice extract, aloesin).

The best reviews about home whitening products have creams "Achromin", "Guam" with kojic acid, "Skinoren", "Azogel", "Obagi" with hydroquinone, "Differin", "Licorice Cream", "Benokvin".

Cosmetic procedures, carried out in beauty salons, are able to reduce the manifestations of hyperpigmentation in a short time. The most effective ones:

  • laser peeling. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; water by the action of a laser beam peels off a layer of cells, and superficial pigment spots disappear;
  • microdermabrasion. It boils down to a thorough mechanical treatment of the facial skin using small abrasive particles (most often, aluminum);
  • chemical peeling. It can be superficial, middle, deep. It is carried out with the use of glycolic, trichloroacetic acids and requires coursework (at least 3 sessions). Eliminates the top layer of cells, renewing the skin and allowing lightening of pigmentation.

In some cases, you may need drug treatment age spots. Most often it includes:

  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • ointments with glucocorticosteroids;
  • local photosensitizing drugs;
  • systemic glucocorticosteroids (for example, with vitiligo);
  • treatment with long-wave UV rays;
  • laser therapy.


Hardware techniques are used to remove age spots and prevent their reappearance. Modern clinics of aesthetic medicine offer the following solutions:

  1. Fractional thermolysis. The procedure is carried out using a laser device; the main difference from laser peeling is that the treatment of the skin is performed pointwise, without affecting healthy skin. After 1-2 sessions, as a rule, even the most "persistent" age spots disappear. The procedure is painless and does not lead to scarring.
  2. Cryotherapy. Applying liquid nitrogen to the pigmentation area removes stains; The disadvantage of cryotherapy is some soreness and trauma to the skin (the recovery process is 1-2 weeks).
  3. ELOS - pigmentation removal. The procedure combines radio wave and infrared radiation, with the use of which age spots disappear after 2-3 sessions.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes are easy to use and inexpensive to make; sometimes, using homemade masks, creams and lotions is enough to completely eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face:

  • The most popular remedy for age spots is lemon juice. To use, you need to make a lotion - water (120 ml) is mixed with lemon juice (1 spoon). Every morning, in the evening, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in lotion.
  • Take 2 cucumbers, cut into circles and pour a glass of water mixed with 6 tablespoons of alcohol. After a week, the product is ready to use as a tonic. For dry skin, add a couple of drops of olive oil to it.
  • Pineapple juice and strong green tea are good helpers in the fight against facial pigmentation. It would be best to alternate such means: wipe the skin with tea in the morning, and with pineapple juice in the evening.
  • An effective mask against age spots: grated raw potatoes (0.5 pcs.) And 1 spoon of honey are mixed, after which the mask is applied to the face in a thick layer. The holding time is 20 minutes.
  • Grate the apple and horseradish root, combine in a 2: 1 ratio and apply 2 times / week as a mask. The exposure time of the product on the face is 15 minutes.

Lifestyle, care and nutrition

If problems arise in the form of pigmentation on the face, it is necessary to properly organize daily care. Before going outside, especially in summer, you need to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to your skin. If pigmentation appears during pregnancy or lactation, it is better to wait and not use radical hardware procedures: in most cases, pigmentation disappears without a trace after delivery or withdrawal of breastfeeding.

It will be useful to enrich the diet with vitamin products - citrus fruits, berries, cabbage, fresh peas, herbs. In winter, it is recommended to take complexes of vitamins, minerals, especially special ones, for the health of the skin. It is better to refuse strong tea and coffee: these drinks can provoke hyperpigmentation on the face, as well as fatty, fried, high-protein foods.

Prevention of education

Measures to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant cosmetic defect are reduced to the following actions:

  1. Thorough skin care according to its type and age.
  2. Regular use of photoprotective products, wearing sunglasses.
  3. The use of only high-quality, if necessary - hypoallergenic, cosmetics.
  4. Preventive intake of vitamins, antioxidants.
  5. Treatment of all chronic diseases, prevention of infections.
News that helps!

Perfect faces of models and actresses shine from TV screens and glossy magazines, forcing us to strive for this perfection. We are relentlessly fighting for smooth, even and firm skin. We fight wrinkles and acne, dry and oily skin. And if dryness and excessive oiliness can be eliminated, wrinkles can be smoothed out, and acne can be cured, then the situation with pigmentation is a little worse. It is quite difficult to remove age spots, since in this case changes occur on the inner layers of the dermis. Today we'll talk about age spots - how and why they appear, how to deal with them, and most importantly, how to prevent their reappearance.

External causes of the appearance of age spots

Like any other change in the body, pigmentation can occur due to internal and external causes. Internal - these are various changes in a woman's body, which lead to a violation of the uniformity of the pigment on the skin. External causes are associated with the negative impact of the environment. Let's talk about the possible external causes of the appearance of pigmentation in more detail.

  1. Skin trauma. Normally, the skin produces a certain amount of melanin, which is distributed in a thin layer over the entire area. A pigmented spot is an accumulation of melanin closer to the surface of the epidermis. If you treat acne and pimples too aggressively, removing the top layer of the skin, then mechanical damage will remain in their place, leading to pigmentation. This also includes burns, boils, open wounds, aggressive exfoliation, and other procedures that remove the top layer of the skin.
  2. Ultraviolet. Normally, the skin becomes dark under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This is how melanin is produced, which is designed to protect the epidermis from the aggressive rays of the sun. If you stay under the sun for a very long time, melanin is released unevenly, pigmentation spots may appear. Especially if you do not protect the skin from the sun after the peeling procedure - in this case, pigmentation cannot be avoided. Remember, ultraviolet light is very dangerous, you cannot sunbathe in the sun at noon. Age spots are not the worst thing that can happen. Prolonged exposure to the sun is fraught with neoplasms (oncology).

These are the main external causes of the appearance of age spots. And if you can somehow cope with them, then what to do with changes in the body that lead to pigmentation?

Internal causes of age spots

The skin is a reflection of all the internal processes of the body. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, adheres to a proper diet, moves a lot and does not get sick, his skin will be elastic, healthy and uniform. So what changes do pigmentation spots indicate?

In addition, pigment may appear on the face due to an insufficient amount of the necessary vitamins in the body. Pigmented spots can accompany diagnoses such as syphilis, tuberculosis, autoimmune disorders.

To get rid of unpleasant age spots on the face, you need to try to find out why they have arisen. To do this, you need to visit a therapist and, if necessary, doctors of a narrower specialization - a gynecologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, etc. If doctors do not find systemic changes in their part, you need to contact a cosmetologist. The doctor will offer you professional ways to remove age spots.

  1. Phototherapy. This procedure consists in the action of special rays on the skin, which penetrate deep into and destroy the foci of melanin accumulation. The disadvantage of using this method is that you have to fight pointwise, processing only darkened areas. The procedure is absolutely painless.
  2. Mesotherapy. The principle of this procedure is that special bleaching and vitamin compounds are injected under the skin, which prevent the formation of spots and lighten the already existing dark areas on the skin. To achieve a good result, you need to do mesotherapy every week for several months. This procedure is indicated for thin and sensitive skin, since other products cannot be used in this case.
  3. Cryotherapy. This is the treatment of stains with liquid nitrogen. Some time after the procedure, the old skin peels off along with the pigmented area, the face becomes more uniform. The procedure is especially effective against age-related pigment.
  4. Laser peeling. Laser resurfacing involves deep peeling, when the beautician removes the top layer of the epidermis along with tint spots. Since laser resurfacing is quite a painful procedure, it is performed under anesthesia.
  5. Chemical peeling. Chemical peeling is the removal of the same top layer of the skin, however, certain acids are used for this. They corrode the stratum corneum of the epidermis along with pigmentation.
  6. Ultrasound. Ultrasound is performed after peeling - laser or chemical. High-frequency beams are directed to the darkened areas of the skin, which literally destroy the accumulation of melanin. To maintain the result, 10-12 procedures per year are enough.

In addition, the beautician can offer whitening creams based on mercury and zinc pastes. They are quite effective, but they have a number of contraindications - pregnancy and lactation among them. But if there is no time or money to visit a beautician, how to whiten your skin at home?

In the piggy bank of folk recipes there are many magic ingredients that can whiten the face and give it a solid color. Homemade brighteners are only effective with continued use, and the results will be noticeable after 2-3 treatments.

  1. Parsley and kefir. Both of these components have a pronounced whitening effect. A bunch of parsley will need two tablespoons of kefir. The greens should be chopped in a blender until smooth. This is very important, parsley cut with a knife will not give away so much juice and nutrients. Mix the green mass with kefir and apply the product to cleansed skin. You will achieve the best effect if you apply the mask after exfoliation. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.
  2. Orange, sugar, butter and cucumber. A medium-sized cucumber should be chopped and mixed with a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil (you can use olive oil), the same amount of orange juice and sugar. Apply the product to the skin, making light massage movements, as if cleaning the epidermis from the stratum corneum. The resulting scrub perfectly removes the top layer of the skin along with dark spots. Citrus is an acid that eats away dead skin flakes as a chemical peel. Sugar crystals act as mechanical grinding. The oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, while the cucumber has a powerful whitening effect.
  3. Yeast and lemon juice. Mix a packet of yeast with fresh lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. The mask has a good whitening effect. To maintain the result, you need to apply a similar mixture to your face every week.
  4. Coconut oil and cranberries. Chop fresh or frozen berries and mix the pulp with coconut oil. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin and leave for half an hour. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. The mask perfectly whitens the face and relieves not only age spots, but also freckles.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide and oat flour. Mix the peroxide with the ground oatmeal to create a creamy mass. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes. It is a good whitening product for thin and sensitive skin.

Home whitening recipes are really effective if you are willing to do them patiently and regularly every week, if not more often.

In the fight against pigmentation, a lot of attention is paid to prevention. To protect your skin from age spots, you need to cover it from direct sunlight. Wear wide-brimmed hats and high SPR sunscreen. It is better to refuse visiting the solarium. Choose your hormonal medications carefully. Monitor the quality of your food, avoid constipation, because often spots appear against the background of slagging of the intestines. Follow these simple rules, and you will not be afraid of age spots!

Video: Chinese mask for age spots

Every woman strives to have beautiful and healthy skin throughout her life. But on the way to this dream, there are often obstacles such as age spots on the face. It is not so easy to get rid of them, and they annoy the lady with their unaesthetic appearance.

Many naively believe that the appearance of pigmentation on the face is due precisely to the condition of the skin and only cosmetic preparations are used to combat. As a rule, such methods are not enough and the spots either do not disappear, or fade insignificantly, or upset their mistress with steady progression. Such an unsuccessful fight against them is explained by the fact that there are many reasons for their appearance, and almost all of them are associated with disorders in the functioning of the body.

In our article we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face and various methods of getting rid of them and their treatment. Such knowledge will allow you to look at this problem from a different angle and take timely measures to combat it.

Causes and types of pigmentation on the face

Pigmented spots can appear in both young girls and women over 50. As a rule, their appearance is more likely over the age of 35-40 years. In isolated cases, they pass spontaneously, much more often getting rid of them requires a lot of effort.

A pigmented spot is an area of ​​excessive accumulation of melanin: a special pigment found in various layers of the epidermis. When it is deposited in the upper layer, pale spots (for example, freckles or moles) form on the skin. They can be from light yellow to brown in color and, in most cases, do not give their owner a lot of trouble and worries.

Hyperpigmentation, which is deposited in the deeper layers of the epidermis, looks completely different - a dark brown spot appears on the surface of the skin (it may even rise above the surface of the skin). Such pigmentation is more frustrating for women, and in some cases is very disturbing for them (for example, applying makeup, putting on or taking off clothes).

Doctors distinguish the following types of pigmentation:

freckles; chloasma; lentigo; moles and birthmarks.

What can cause an increased level of melanin production? There are many reasons for the appearance of age spots.


This type of pigmentation is due to a genetic predisposition. Usually, age spots are already noticeable in newborns, and they can be eliminated only with the help of stronger techniques (for example, laser resurfacing).

Hormonal diseases and changes

Dark spots of intense color and irregular shape can appear during menstruation, pregnancy, in the first year after childbirth, or due to hormonal imbalances caused by a disease. Doctors call them chloasma and do not recommend doing anything specifically to eliminate them.

In the case of diseases that cause hormonal imbalance, treatment of the underlying ailment is recommended. The causes of endocrine pigmentation can be gynecological diseases, pituitary neoplasms, thyroid dysfunctions, etc. After treatment of the underlying disease and normalization of the woman's hormonal background, they significantly pale and gradually disappear.

Skin trauma

Such pigmentation can be triggered by severe cases of acne, furunculosis, chemical and thermal burns, unsuccessful peeling and other injuries. Their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the depth of the traumatic lesion. In some cases, local remedies to eliminate such age spots are not enough; complex treatment has to be carried out.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

Pigmented spots of this type are provoked by aggressive exposure to sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet radiation. They often appear on the face, since the skin of this part of the body is the thinnest and most vulnerable. Melanin is designed to protect the skin from burns and stains it in a darker color, but if you go to a solarium or stay in the active open sun in the daytime, the layer of pigment can lie unevenly. The spring rays of the sun are especially aggressive, because after winter, the skin of the face is partially depigmented. In some cases, even the use of sunscreen cannot keep it from ugly stains. You should not be in the direct rays of the daytime sun for too much time, morning and evening hours are preferable.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and intestines

Reddish spots appear in women with disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, brown - with pathologies of the liver or gallbladder, yellowish-brown - with kidney disease. No separate treatment is required, they turn pale and disappear when a proper diet is prescribed and the functions of internal organs are normalized.

Nervous disorders, mental illness and frequent stress

Such pigmentation is caused by metabolic and hormonal imbalance. The spots can be of various shapes and sizes.

Lack of vitamins or minerals

A common enough reason! Stains can be caused by inadequate intake of vitamin C or copper foods. After the deficit is eliminated, they gradually disappear.

Taking medications

Sometimes spots on the skin appear after prolonged use of certain medications. Most often they are caused by taking antibiotics. Be sure to contact your doctor and inform about the appearance of pigmentation, you will be replaced or canceled the drug.

Allergic reactions, misuse of skin care products and poor quality cosmetics

Rashes and spots on the skin appear immediately after applying a cosmetic or other product. They can be provoked by essential oils, low-quality ingredients in decorative cosmetics, and unnecessarily frequent skin cleansing.


Alas, often dark spots on the face, as well as on the neck and hands, can appear at the age of over 40-45 years. They are caused by increased production of melanin and its uneven distribution, hormonal changes and aging of the skin layers. Also, their appearance may be associated with the presence of chronic diseases, which increase with age.

The appearance of pigmentation in itself in most cases is not dangerous, but it always signals a malfunction of some of the body systems. When it appears, you should think about your state of health and undergo a diagnostic examination. What it will be - the doctor will determine.

Treatment of age spots on the face

The main principle of pigmentation treatment is to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. To identify it, you may need to consult a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for the underlying disease, after getting rid of which the spots on the skin of the face will either disappear spontaneously or turn pale, and it will be much easier to get rid of them.

Most women want to get rid of age spots that spoil their appearance as soon as possible and use various methods to get rid of these unpleasant cosmetic defects.

whitening; cosmetic procedures; cosmetics; traditional medicine recipes.

Skin whitening for age spots

Various substances can be used as "bleaches" for hyperpigmentation:

    Hydrogen peroxide - a 3% solution can only be applied to the area of ​​the age spot, since this agent can injure the skin. Cream with mercury: can be used for a short time, since prolonged use of this aggressive agent can cause skin irritation. note: it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Zinc paste - gently whitens the skin, helps to eliminate wrinkles and acne.

Cosmetic procedures for age spots

These techniques can only be performed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist and are selected individually depending on the severity of pigmentation, location, indications and contraindications.

Skin whitening is promoted by:

    Ultrasonic or chemical peeling: the type of procedure is determined by the doctor. For chemical peels, glycolic, fruit and other acids can be used. They help exfoliate and renew the upper layers of the skin and eliminate pigmentation. For ultrasonic peeling, special equipment is used, which promotes the introduction into the upper layers of the skin of various drugs that cause skin renewal and whitening. Laser treatment is performed using laser beams that gently remove the upper layer of the skin and promote its renewal. This modern technique is quite traumatic and painful. After its completion, the use of various healing drugs is required. This procedure is best done in winter, because this time of year the sun's rays are the least active. In addition to whitening the skin, laser beams help to improve its condition: it rejuvenates, becomes more elastic, acquires a beautiful and even tone. Photo therapy: this procedure is performed using a laser device that produces intense light pulses. Light waves fall only on the areas of the pigment spot and destroy cells with a high melanin content.

Cosmetics for age spots

Cosmetic whitening creams are most commonly used to remove areas of pigmentation. Dear women, treatment with such means must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since inept use of them can cause the opposite effect - there are more age spots, they contrast more strongly with the main skin tone.

The doctor will determine the type of whitening cream and exclude possible contraindications to its use. Some cosmetics should not be used for kidney or liver disease. They are also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The most commonly used whitening cosmetics are:

    Achromin Alen Mak cream gently removes blemishes and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. Retin-A cream helps to reduce the amount of melanin in the skin. VC-IP solution (based on vitamin C) - it is able to prevent hyperpigmentation of the upper layers of the skin.

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of complex treatment of hyperpigmentation problems. Sun protection and topical application.

Folk recipes for age spots

In some cases, with superficial age spots on the face, time-tested folk recipes for masks and lotions can help.

    Fresh cucumber mask: grate the cucumber on a fine grater, apply the resulting gruel to the face for half an hour. The mask can not be washed off, but simply removed with a napkin. The mask of yeast and lemon juice: 20 g of fresh yeast is mixed with 15 ml of lemon juice. The resulting gruel is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. Parsley lotion: 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley pour 100 ml of water. Let it brew for an hour and strain. Add 100 ml of milk and wipe cleansed face twice a day. Pour the strained parsley infusion into molds for water and place in the freezer. Washing them in the morning quickly removes stains, tones the skin, tightens pores. Mask of rice flour, honey and vinegar: Mix 2 teaspoons of rice flour with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Apply the mixture to your face for half an hour. Remove the mask with a dry cloth and rinse your face. Mask of almonds and lemon juice: twist half a glass of almonds through a meat grinder and mix with lemon juice and a little water. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. A mask of potatoes and egg yolk: boil one potato in a uniform, peel it and mash with a fork. Add the egg yolk to the resulting puree and mix. Apply on face and hold the mask until the potatoes cool completely. Wash off with warm water. Protein mask: mix 1 egg white with 1/4 lemon juice and 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the skin for 10 minutes, rinse with water or milk, apply a nourishing cream. Milk and vodka lotion: mix milk and vodka in a 3: 1 ratio. Wipe your face at night.

Folk recipes have a rather mild effect on the skin of the face, but in order to avoid skin irritation and allergic reactions, it is recommended to try to apply the product to a small area of ​​the skin on the inner surface of the forearm before using them. If redness does not appear after 15-20 minutes, the product can be used.

After removing age spots on your face, do not stop taking care of your health! Use sunscreens, as well as visit a doctor on time to correct the underlying disease, eat right, do not forget about preventive courses of vitamin C and nicotinic acid intake in early spring - all this will help prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin on the face, and your reflection in the mirror will always delight you ... Your beauty is entirely in your hands!

Which doctor to contact

If you develop age spots or other discoloration of the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. In order to find out the cause of the appearance of spots, you may need to consult a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, therapist. A cosmetologist will help to remove spots on the skin.