Harmony relationships in the family. Why no harmony or where does she leave the family? Harmony of married couple

When people come into long-term relationships, they have even if there are passionate feelings in a pair - a joint "trigger" begins. Save the initial feelings are possible only to those couples who have learned to create a relationship in their cell, equally comfortable for both. It is in such a relationship and is the harmony of family life.

Both partners are interested in continuing joint accommodation, do not create situations in which one side feels flawlessly.

So how to achieve harmony in family life, increase the degree of comfort of relationships?

Woman - a custodian of a family hearth

Although they say that the word of the man is the law, the harmony of life in the family depends on the woman. It should create such conditions so that the man tries to ensure reliable rear, became a minider.

It depends on a woman whether a household will be respected, it develops a strategy of relations.

In modern families, economic relations are in different ways. Sometimes basic finances contribute to the house just a weak half. And it depends on how the relationships will be built, how comfortable microclimate will be.

The distribution of roles should occur in such a way that the parties will be equal. Responsibilities will share that both parties understand, their contribution to the family hearth is the same, no one needs anything to anyone, none of each other infringe on, voluntary concessions.

Personal separation

Harmony in the family life of a person appears only when the level of personality of both partners is approximately equal. If there is a person next to this, which is above this level or below, is hard with him.

Above - trying to achieve this plank, you can not relax, below - it becomes just uninteresting. Thoughts come to mind constantly: " I am worthy (yna) the best share, why am I murder with so much? " If we consciously try not to notice the imbalance in the relationship, it will lead to a nervous breakdown.

Yes, and a strong person, without holding the conventions that herself creates herself, it periodically tries to press the weak, to neglect its interests.

To find "Golden middle"The family does not work, and from the outside you can see the following:

  • The weak side, despite the constant discomfort, to strive to keep the connection with strong, trying to make him love himself, breaking the character and by raping his own personality;
  • This leads to the fact that strong, having fun of what is happening, tries to increase the pressure, but it decreases interest in her partner.

Of course, life in harmony with the world around both parties does not work. And they endure their mood to outward, creating problems around others, especially close to them. In the end, the family collapses, and both disadvantaged and dismissed.

Distribution of role

How does it turn out that people find themselves in different personal levels? Interest in the initial stage is possible only in equal in the meaning of personalities, with a similar life position?

Personal separation is manifested in the development stage of relations. Human reveals strong and weak, the second side begins to use their knowledge. Only feeling a harmonious personality, can withstand pressure. Unfortunately, it is not understood immediately, inferior in trifles, and then you have to take positions and with significant conflicts. By the way, they can consciously provoke one of the parties, trying to dominate.

The best example is when a woman sick a career for the sake of a child, and then trying to save the family. A man who felt herself with the only minider, begins to neglect its interests. At the same time, he tries to forget that the initial decision was reasonable, and was taken together.

How to find harmony in family life if you feel pressure?

At that moment, when you understand that it becomes uncomfortable that I give up, you feel psychological pressure, you need to simulate the situation so that the second side take a step back. It is important to show power, remind about the circumstances that put in unequal conditions.

If at this stage it is to give up, in the future or will have to obey, or lose your second half: morally or real.

Close relations

Achieve mutual understanding in the family helps harmony of intimate life. It depends very much. Intimate proximity contributes to strengthening psychological and physical health, the family is splitting.

One belonging to each other is not enough. In this area, as in no other, it is important that partners have listened to the desires of the second party, did not take the dominant position. Intimate proximity should delight both partners. And this is possible only when the joint existence is comfortable.

A paradox arises: with intimate dissatisfaction with harmony in family life, especially the woman will not. But with disharmony in the family, sex is perceived as violence.

So what to do? No insults, especially those relating to the delicate side of relations, should not be allowed from the first day. To find out the relationship, find out some truth, if no one is going to resort to any actions, it is required as little as possible. It is necessary to know in advance that the partner may not justify expectations in something, demonstrate not understanding. It is impossible to punish it hard, you should correct the mistakes made together.

And be sure to maintain the culture of feelings in the intimate sphere, take each other, do not let in their intimate life of third parties.

To achieve harmonious relations in family life, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • For family life, you need to choose a person close in spirit and similar in nature. When it was not immediately able to deal with the partner's spiritual world, then in the future it will be necessary to adapt to it, if it is still dear to you;
  • If the situation does not pronounce, then this leads to misunderstanding. The earlier the partner learns about what is happening, the sooner the right joint strategy for overcoming the conflict will be developed;
  • Large spending, separate meetings, communication - all this is negotiated at the preliminary stage. Why create conflict situations?
  • Life is distributed in equal shares. If one partner has something better or it has more time and opportunities at this stage, then he must perform some kind of work. The other party should help him, creating comfortable opportunities, providing household conditions;
  • It is very important to realize that the partner will not quit in difficult circumstances, will support in a difficult situation. Mutual - warranty of harmony in the family;
  • Very important ability to forgive. There is no partner in the world, neither major conflicts or small quarrels will end. No - maybe love and respect too? And why keep such a union?
  • In advance, the partner's attitude to the fact that the future offspring will appear. When children are born, it is very important that mom and dad dear each other. Without this condition it is impossible to give children worthy upbringing;
  • Never refuse a partner in intimate proximity without serious reasons. Intimate life is unacceptable to manipulate. If people experience a desire to relate to each other, it is difficult to separate them. Let the passion fade over time, but mutual attraction, the ability to fulfill the desires of the partner is tightened stronger than the first instinctive feelings;
  • You need to try to understand the partner, learn to trust him. Do not point to failures, help correct errors;
  • In family life, tactfulness should be tacty, not to forcing events, learn how to take a person as it is. Candle what is, remember that once he liked this. Why does discontent arise now? Mildly directing, it is possible to achieve a lot, and, on the contrary, dominating and breaking - to lose everything.

Improving the relationship in marriage is everyday work. Having triggered each other, partners must take into account mutual interests and remain themselves, without breaking the character. The lack of negative in family life is the key to a comfortable existence.

Marriage and ideal relationship between spouses are often incompatible concepts. Different misunderstandings arising in the family are considered normal phenomena. A man and a woman, insanely lovers in each other, still different with each other. The discrepancy of points of view is a source of conflict. Some couples meet these blows with dignity and wise, solving everything peacefully, while others incite the scandals to the limit, the fire of which is quenched by divorce.

Family disintegration is seriously perceived by children. Parents who have pulled the path leading to the divorce may not understand this. They do nothing to save relationships and do not make concrete actions for their destruction. But such an inaction leads to the collapse, because for a long time the fundamental basis of the happy relationship of the married couple collapses.

Foundation of strong marriage relationships

The birth of relations is distinguished by ferventness and passion. Over time, feelings cease to be so bright, but this does not mean that they are buried in marriage. People do not harm each other, they will develop a candy-bought period and begin to feel something more important, strengthening the family.

The stem of a happy family is truly sincere and clean feelings - these are respect and mutual understanding. Also, the family fortress is unshakable if there is trust between the spouses.

What does family idyll look like and how to create it?

Family idyll every person represents and feels in its own way. For someone, this is joint trips outside the city, evening walks, watching a home video or photo. But the basis of harmony in the family does not lies only in the classroom. People in the house can do anything, creating happiness around the atmosphere.

Any family harmony unites the goodwill and positive attitude of all family members. And if there are more and less situations in which unity is with each other, it should be independently replenished with bright events emitting positive. This will help to avoid the oppressive setting and become good soil for the growth of harmony. But when it is not and unknown, what to do if there is no mutual understanding in the family, then first of all you need to try to achieve sincere intimacy with partner.

How to achieve family idyll?

  1. Treat all family members is benevolently and with understanding.
  2. Take care of the mood of the chapter of the semb and its other members.
  3. Give your heat surrounding in the house.
  4. Do not be an egoist.
  5. Learn to trust.
  6. Be able to forgive.
  7. Go to a common goal.
  8. Immediately distribute duties.
  9. Do not put household problems on the pedestal.

Why no harmony or where does she leave the family?

The guy and the girl, begin to build a serious relationship, do not think about the future difficulties of family life. Dating, walking, wedding and other events give joy, causing positive emotions. Happiness and sensuality there are no borders, but at some point it becomes noticeable that the realities of family life were painted in gray paints. There are different problems, quarrels are rapidly, the duration of the offense increases, tears and hysterics arise. Couples can live in disagreement for a long time, until some minor difficulties do not achieve relationships to the end, pushing young to treason or divorce.

Some men and women can live all their lives and not feeling harmony in the family, to periodically argue, do not communicate with each other week, sleep in different beds. And this is all in order not to injure children by parting. But such an artificial visibility of relations primarily adversely affects the child.

Those who wish to establish their family relations must familiarize themselves with the roots of conflicts and analyze their situation in order to understand what kind of family life there was a split. It is so easier to take steps to return mutual understanding and warm feelings in relation.

The emergence of disagreements and their causes

Young people who have married, dream of creating a happy and strong family. But family life is complicated by constant clarification of relations, coldness and angrily to each other. In life, filling conflicts, becomes less and less space for peace and harmony. Two loving hearts are moving away from each other, and the emptiness between them fill the negative feelings. Pleasant life moments make their way in dull light in memory when watching family photo album, and there are no speech about family idyll. Harmony leaves without a trace, taking with me warmth, joy, love. And the first to disappear by respect, trust and understanding of each other.

Causes of conflicts that make damage to family harmony

  1. Different ideas about family life and other things.
  2. Non-evidence of spouses.
  3. Individual characteristics of the nature, the presence of zones of uncertainty, fears, compacts that impede normal interaction with each other.
  4. Complete lack of common interests.
  5. Audid accumulation.
  6. Changes in family mistake.
  7. Mutual or one-sided alienation.
  8. Difficulties with the upbringing of children.
  9. Problems in the sexual sphere.

Men and women brought up by different families, one situation is considered from different sides. Each family has traditions, and they may not coincide with family customs of halves. Each of the spouses trying to impose his own opinion and set its order. Instead of agreeing to agree and find a compromise solution, they prevent various claims to each other. And any reproaches are seeds of offensive and misunderstandings that develop in irritation that destroys harmony.

Due to the upbringing and environment in which a person has matured, his character acquires its features. Quiliency, desire to criticize, teach, educate, lead, the presence of complexes, fears and other nuances, which at the beginning of relations are eclipsed by immeasurable love and practically invisible. In family life, when passion fades, unacceptable features become visible and begin to annoy spouses. Miscellaneous disadvantage leads to their accumulation. They are filled both in a balloon, ousting out of it all good. The ball, filled with anger, always bursts, bringing a scandal to the family.

Husband and wife having common hobbies are soulful. But every person should have their own personal affairs with which he is engaged without the participation of others. And when in the family a complete discrepancy between interests, it only causes a sharp antipathy to each other.

Sources of parties in the family often become various important events that influence negatively on all participants: the disease, the death of loved ones, moving, the change of residence or work and so on. The birth of children and their upbringing can become a huge problem. Parents who do not have a common language with children swear among themselves instead of becoming one whole and start correcting the child. Disputes often appear due to differences in the approach to raising children, because everyone has its own truth, its "so it is necessary" and "so impossible." In children at this time, another opinion: "I want" - and they do not understand why it is necessary differently and why it is impossible. Husband and wife undermine their authority in the eyes of the baby, swearing with it, and at the same time they are moving away from each other and from the child.

The wife is very sad for the feeling that the husband does not see the woman more in her. Then the woman is completely disappointed in his man and marriage. Coldness is born, as well as the reluctance to go to bed with him. This also applies to male. Disadvantaged intimate life or its complete absence adversely affects the relationship between spouses.

Return and save harmony in the family

The tense relationship of spouses negatively affect the entire house, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in it. In such a place I do not want to go back, my wives are in no hurry home from work, husbands are delayed in the garage or with friends. After all, the less often they see each other, the less new disputes.

Harmonious relationship cannot be achieved with a sense of discomfort in relations. And to restore the way in the family alone will not come out, you can not force a person to respect myself, to teach and poke the nose into his flaws, with the goal to be corrected. It is necessary to find an approach to a partner and, talking about the current situation, take the right measures without infringe upon each other in the right of choice and voices.

When the couple was able to return lost mutual understanding, it is important to understand how to keep this harmony in the family. If you lose it again, it is very difficult to start all over again. Many do not even try to resume the former passion, lowering hands and the launch of everything on a self-shot.

Guide to preserve harmonious family life

  • always discuss the complex situations in the family;
  • immediately distribute homework;
  • report not only problems and expenses, but also positive: future trips, rest, meetings with friends;
  • speak in advance about possible long departures to learn about the attitude of their partner;
  • tell each other about the plans for changing the work or place of residence, about large purchases and other important things;
  • speak less about the guilt in someone's half, and more about the problem itself and methods for correcting an unpleasant situation;
  • check each other, do not throw alone with problems, try to solve everything together;
  • there are no children yet, discuss the topics of their appearance. Decide together when and how much you want to have children, because by the birth of a child both parents must be prepared;
  • do not refuse no reason for sex, it's hard to get love without it. Intimate life updates relationships, linking them stronger and raising the highest level;
  • grow spiritually together, learn something new, helping each other. Do not dare about failures, if something does not work, advise and prompt, but not a scandal and do not humiliate each other;
  • do not break the personality of a partner, presenting Him high demands or forcing him to do what he does not know how;
  • try to meet your partner;
  • when conflicts do not pay attention to intonation and tone, react only to information. Listen to all that is said without winding yourself and clinging for individual phrases;
  • do not press the partner with emotional actions;
  • exclude from the head of thought, bearing fear and doubt, be confident;
  • improve yourself, learn to love, appreciate and respect yourself. Remember yourself so that the partner also does not forget about you, loved and respected. Therefore, do not download the entire work, find the time to put yourself in order.

The basis of each family is interpersonal relationships. It is the relationship in the family that determine its future, events, harmony in the family, which will be in it and other things. In this article, I would like to consider the basic principles for the development of harmonious relationships between members of one family.

1. Understanding that our life is a continuation of the line of ancestors. There must be devotion and loyalty to the blood-generic lines of the father and mother. Each family member is working to strengthen the traditions and achievements of all previous generations. Generic relationship is a wealth that must be strengthened and multiply in every family.

2. Readiness to keep your promises in front of each other. Obligations form confidence and demanding to themselves, they bring a sense of security, create durability in family relations, lead to spiritual development. Open and sincere communication in the family, which should be frequent and intense.

4. An open expression of all feelings, both positive and negative. The empathy, sympathy, compassion is formed under the influence of the relevant emotions, which strengthens the relationship between family members. Harmony in relationships allows you to see the beauty of the human soul.

5. Unacceptably hide offenses. If something is saddened, it is necessary to discuss without screaming and pressure. In family communication, it is necessary to be sincere in the assessment of their own feelings. Not to give an assessment of actions and words of loved ones; It is only necessary to talk about what you yourself feel under the influence of the act of another.

6. Goodwill, that is, being on the side of the partner. We should not doubt the good intentions of the partner, pay attention to positive features, tall gratitude, trust and respect.

7. There must be active in relationships. Do not wait when everything in the family will work out by itself. It is necessary to continue to work on the field of intra-day relationship.

8. Freedom of choice by each family member of his rhythm of life. Do not impose your own worldview and behavior style to another.

9. The independence of each family member in providing itself materially, everyone has its own professional and creative interests, is engaged in self-development. The personal boundaries of each other, the freedom and the right of everyone on their own business and finances respect each other, respect each other's personalities and finance. The personal time of each is distributed so that it is enough for both work and rest, and for communication.

10. Recognition and acceptance by the person of himself, its uniqueness and uniqueness. There is an opportunity and the desire to improve yourself. The manifestation of their authentic individualities, which man is endowed by the Divine Plan from Nature.

11. Love for life. Each mig life is considered the most important and most significant. Where the love of love reigns, you can always see joyful faces, positive and optimistic mood. The manifestation of love for life in harmonious families are holidays, joyful expectation of an evening meeting with each other to exchange news and impressions.

12. Readiness and ability to take blame for the conflict for yourself and apologize. Avoid talking on elevated colors, not reciprocate on reproaches and charges. Be able to constructively resolve conflicts.

A strong and harmonious family is primarily a family, which is based on love, mutual understanding, respect, knowledge and desire for the disclosure of themselves in every close and native human.

Relationships in the family must be not only harmonious, but also mutual. It is impossible to invest everything yourself without getting anything in return. If you feel that you do everything in full, then it is possible to figure out what you do wrong, and with the man you live. In this article we will give you 10 tips, how to make your family life harmonious.

1. Choose a person close to you in spirit and character, then it will be easier for you to endure the infancy of fate. Suppose you are a strong person, and your partner driven, which is constantly hiding from adversity, whines and wants to decide anything. But many commands and requires you, and you are catching up in a habit of unnecessary WHO more problems. Arrange points above and. If it is not difficult for you, take part of the problems, but demand from your partner so that he also participates in family or working moments. It is not necessary to constantly do it yourself, you will not only get the ones, but also be disappointed in a partner. The one who is used to doing everything himself is no longer listened to the Soviets of the Others, and is distinguished spiritually. So the internal connection is lost. Discuss any problem on the Family Council, mark the problem and solutions, and then who will do it and why.
2. Never silent any difficult situations that have happened, always discuss them, Ask for help or advice. The longer you are silent about the problem, the more difficult it is to solve it. The partner sees that you hide something, and, begins to invent, God knows what, it leads to misunderstanding and quarrels, which means to alienation.

3. About large purchases and cardinal changes in life always decide together No need to be informed after you did it. You are not only abandoning conflict, but your partner can go to the principle. For example, you bought a ticket and want to go on vacation, and the partner is so tired that he is not at all romance. Or you were offered a dream of dreams in another city or abroad, discuss it immediately, is it ready to wait for you to wait or ride, all throwing with you.
4. Domestic affairs do not go anywhere from family life, so decide right away who and what can offer to do at home. If you all do together or in turn, it is harmony, but it is not worth it to get everything on one thing, because patience can come to the end. You can not help themselves, secure partners with household appliances, money so that it can solve problems without referring to you.
5. Do not speak not only spending from the family budget, but and how you will rest, meet with friends, and how do you feel about the long departure of your partner. The family does not happen in the family, so that the quarrels and scandals do not arise, it is also better to find out right away. Even if you are a dictator, keep your sacks, be softer, you are at home, not at work. Otherwise, the struggle of strong characters will turn into a permanent war.

6. A very important point is your personal qualities, for example, you can forgive. And also, as you feel about the fact that the partner can get sick, throw you. If you are confident in it in yourself, then these are very reliable and harmonious relationships, so you can not worry, he will not quit you, and you too. Very often in the family, a lot of mutual execution solves, so looking for a partner who is ready to share with you all the burden and deprivation, otherwise your marriage will not be long. The one who runs away after the launcher, the disease of his halves, just a traitor.
7. Of course, the basis of any family is children. It is children who make family full and harmonious. If the partner does not want children, then you should alert. In addition, always discover how much you want children and when you plan them. Do not put before the fact when it is too late to change something. If a man is not ready for the emergence of a child, he will not love him. Both spouses should be engaged in children, if they want children to be respected and mom and dad.
8. Do not forget that any relationships are based on sex, After all, without him, the family will not receive the most important, love. It is the sex that the binding thread that helps to update the relationship, raise them to a higher level, to bind the bonds of marriage stronger. Failure to sex can generate a bunch of problems that can lead to the discretion and alienation of partners. If you are always desirable for your partner, and it is for you, no one can tell you. Love, jested through the year, the strongest and sure.

9. Learn your half, try to match her, grow to her level. You do not need to laugh at some kind of faders or desires, since you fell in love with him or her, which is, it means that this is your person. The greater the pick-up and ridicule, the less trust and love. You should not heal at home, you will get the opposite effect. If the requirements are overestimated, you can also get something expected. Your partner is the same person as you with your advantages and disadvantages, learn to forgive him and take with them.
10. Much depends on the education of a person, so try to grow spiritually together, Do not stop on the way. You can learn with something new, help each other. Do not constantly mock the person that he does not know how he can, take and teach him, otherwise he will just go to the one who has not so high demands. No need to drive a partner over his strength, maybe he does not want it. You need a garden, it's a pleasant to live in the city, it is not necessary to break the person who knows, it can be the calling here. Much depends on pupils and tact, tactful person and will give you, then the feeling of harmony, which you dreamed about.

Listening to the partner, and going towards his desires, you will get a strong family, relationship based on trust and love. This is the harmony of family relationships, which can be saved for life.

Anna Base

Festive days stayed behind: Cheerful feast, wedding trip, browsing gifts from friends and relatives. You are immersed in the bustle of the joint life, and a new stage begins: building relationships between husband and wife. Each of us wants to create long-term relationships, but not everyone gets to embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba strong cell of society. What is harmony in the family: how to install and maintain this fragile atmosphere?

History of the concept of "harmony in the family"?

The concepts of "harmony" and "compatibility in psychotic" took several decades ago. In the 16-17 century, marriage and love were incompatible terms. It was believed that marrying his beloved man is a recklessness. Bourgeois came to replace medieval ideals when the woman began to demand attention and care. The man had new responsibilities, including the upbringing of children. The woman was able to learn, work, express an opinion.

In the 19th century, marriage from patriarchal relations switched to partner when the spouses pull one strap for two. It has already become inappropriate to demand completeness and humility from a woman. Women began to actively show their credibility and position. As Engels said, the family turned into a cell of society. Together with the sexual revolution in the 20th century, the opinion appears that the life of spouses should be harmonious, based on equality and mutual understanding of two.

What are the family relationships?

Family relationships proceed according to the scenario, where everyone has their own role. Depending on the one who will be husband and wife in relationships, family life takes place one of four scenarios.

Patriarchal with a despotism bias;
Matriarchal, where the wife is an obvious leader;
Healthy matriarchy;
Healthy patriarchy.

The first scenario suggests that dad is a continued authority to which no one has the right to argue. Mom silently fulfills his duties and languishes in the role of a drunk mouse. And mom-shadow moving along the wall. What harmony you can talk about here! Install and achieve mutual understanding is simply impossible.

The second scenario offers a mirror reflection of the main characters: a wife-head and a suburban man. The spouse keeps the briefs in the hands of the Brazda, and the man completely shifted his duties for women's shoulders. Is it possible to maintain harmony in such a family and is there any happiness? The wife has all rights, but at the same time must be responsible, including for her husband who is not able to substitute his shoulder in a difficult moment. Such a marriage exists as much as a man will withstand.

The third scenario fully admits the creation of a harmonious family. Wife earns more spouse, solves the problem, but asks the Council of her husband and listens to him. The spouse found the second "mother" on which part of the problems can be taken and which will endure whims. In such a family is possible. Problems arise when children grow up. They adopt the behavior of parents and transfer to their lives.

The fourth option is common and most correct. Male minider, head of responsible decisions. Woman - a wizard creates and maintains harmony in the family. At the same time, she is the neck, which correctly guides his spouse, giving faithful tips.

How to install harmony?

In the system of S.I. Ozhegov, harmony - harmony and consistency with something. If we talk about harmony within the framework of family life, it means mutual understanding and respect, coherence of spouses and children. Many understand that establishing harmony is a paramount task, but they make it units. Young spouses make a disorder in a friendly atmosphere, guided by the installations and stereotypes of the behavior that are laid by the parent family.

Since the creation of a marriage, they put on the shoulders of young people, preventing the development of harmonious relationships. They bring suffering until the husband and wife are decided to live on a new scenario. Another obstacle is internal complexes that do not give partners to meet each other. A vicious, a vicious circle of mutual reproaches can last for years and dozens of years.

Stop the thread of the offense and reproaches can mature personalities. After all, to establish and maintain harmony in the family are capable of actions of both spouses. The mutual decision: "I want to live next to a person to joy myself and him" can restore the destroyed relationship and create a harmonious atmosphere.

Taking these rules, it should be confidential about each other, allow the partner to express his positive and negative opinion, to conduct a dialogue. Maintaining harmony begins with us yourself, so each partner needs to strive for harmony and calm in his soul.

Harmony and love in marriage

The main sense in the family is love. Love is easy to take care of the spouse, children. It is easy to be true and defend the relationship. Feeling love a person is able to divide the suffering of his second half and compassion him. Mutual love allows you to protect relations so that nothing prevents them. Love is that the wife and husband feel the value of each other, see the development potential. Over the years, passion passes into a deeper feeling on which harmony is supported.

In love it is easy to appreciate your companion, respect, take it with disadvantages and give freedom. An obstacle to harmony arise distrust, misunderstanding, manipulation with feelings and substitution of concepts. From here leak: jealousy, the fear of loneliness and loss. A happy family is based on love and respect for values, providing personal space and freedom. If a person lives in harmony with him, it is easy for him to bring peace to his life.

How to maintain harmony in family relationships?

Family life is difficult to maintain from conflicts and misunderstanding. But if you set out the goal, act. Start with respect to your husband, wife, children. Respect the desires, the needs of others. Children, seeing relations between parents, will understand how important it is to maintain peace and mutual understanding.

Learn to talk, share joyful and sad experiences. Listen to other family members without irritation. Learn to listen to without prejudice and condemnation. Do not rush to manifest anger or malice. Keep the fragile world and harmony so that the built order does not break. After all, conflicts, misunderstanding, covered offenses destroy a person from the inside, destroy his relationship and lead to mutual irritation.

Maybe it will be easier if you discuss the accumulated problems with loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere? After all, pronouncing problems, you get rid of the oppressive feeling and find a solution. If misunderstanding arises between family members, express what you feel.

The charges should not consist of only one reproaches. Explain why you think so, not otherwise. Open communication and discussion is a step towards meeting. Learn to understand the opponent, and then require an understanding of yourself. After all, our vision of the world is not always similar to the vision and perception of the other. Strive to discuss conflicts, and not prove the right thing. After all, your victory in the dispute is able to destroy the relationship. Find compromises and do not attend the created harmony.

Everyone has the right to remain, respect it. Praise and maintain each other. Do not hide sincere feelings. It is important to consult that there is a place where you will be listened and will understand. Keep it and appreciate the actions of loved ones.

Pay more time to my husband (wife), children. Memories of the joint holiday, Sunday Day, a bright holiday strengthen the marriage and become a conductor among family life. Communication makes it possible to assess the role of loved ones in life, to understand their importance.

Learn to maintain your individuality, being an element of the family. Be a person to stand up for marriage at the right moment. Support harmony in the family and intimidate links will be strengthened.

There is no single solution for family problems for each task. Each couple should look for his own way out based on his own feelings. Remember that it should be struggling not with external conflict rates, but from its true causes. Look for a source of misunderstanding in yourself and discuss the problems immediately.

Psychologists say that the basis for a happy marital life is love and patience. Listen to a loved one, and feel free to compromise. Conflicts are each, but this is not a reason for divorce. On the way to a happy life and long marriage there can be no misunderstanding and egoism. If you love each other and want to be together, you will seek to correct the behavior and go to meet.

February 19, 2014.