And the radiance of youth and beauty fills my whole being! " My dear readers

Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Chocolate for the soul, or How to get married in 30 days

My dear readers!

In your hands - a real delicacy for the soul. We have named this series “Chocolate for the soul”. It's no secret that we women love so much to find delight in chocolate! The only problem is that real chocolate isn't doing very well on our slender waists. So the idea came to create an alternative to the favorite “female consolation”.

In this new series, you will find:

Everything you need to create a good mood.

Kind words, positive thoughts.

Luxurious illustrations created especially for you.

Please, get as much pleasure from this "chocolate" as possible. Enjoy your reading and good mood!

Your Natalia Pravdina

Are you ready to change your life?

"Well, how is it on your personal front?", "Soon we will play a wedding?" - such questions can bring any, even the most optimistic girl (temporarily lonely) to white heat. Well, what is it! You are only 22 years old (25, 29, 32 ...) and you still have your whole life ahead of you! But even if you have many fans, and dizzying novels follow one after another; even if you are too busy with your career; even if you are just comfortable alone, in the depths of your soul you still have an unpleasant, itching feeling. Well, when will HE appear ?!

But here's the trouble - your Prince still does not appear on the horizon. Either urgent matters delay him on the way to you, or the snow-white horse limped ... Or you have already met the Prince, but he is timid, mumbles, and does not dare to tell you these magic words: "Marry me!" If you are sure that this particular man you need, if you are sure of his sincere and strong feelings for you, then it is time to take the initiative into your own hands and decisively lead the matter to the wedding. And the fundamentals of positive psychology, Feng Shui advice, the wisdom of yoga, DIY amulets, and your personal charm, which will be incredibly amplified with the help of this book, will help you in this good endeavor. No man can resist such a set of modern "love spells".

Small digression. Ask yourself the question: “Why do I need this? Do I want it myself, or does the pressure of the family affect, and also the married girlfriends do not give rest? " Because the techniques in this book are time-tested and work very well, you can build strong relationships. But first, think very well - are you ready for this yourself? And how much do you love and respect yourself? For nothing more or less depends on it - your happiness.

Of course, you have to work hard for this. Yes, my friends, happiness does not fall on anyone's head just like that. Basically, the harmony of two is the result of constant work on yourself and on your relationship.

Believe me, with the help of new thinking, you are able to achieve everything you dream of! And if a happy marriage is your goal, then you will achieve that too!

I will tell you one important secret: - happiness comes when you, as paradoxical as it may sound, are already happy! This is especially true for girls who have never been married. Dear ones, please do not think that this Prince Charming will come with a bouquet in his hands, you will fall in love, get married - and then a real fairy-tale life will begin. Let me warn you against disappointment: if you didn't learn to be happy and self-sufficient before marriage, then marriage itself may not bring you happiness. Fortunately, more and more young girls are starting to understand this. Marriage is not a cure for loneliness. Marriage is a union of equal, complete, free and loving people who have agreed to live together and support each other.

And one more magic secret - the more you love yourself, the more your chosen one will love you, whoever he is! This is verified! And if you only strive to assert yourself through marriage, then this will lead to just the opposite result. As a result, disappointment and tears. Therefore, my dears, before trying on a white dress, let's get down to a plan to turn our hypothetical Cinderella into a real one hundred percent Queen. Then the real King will catch up! I am not kidding.

And the first step that you have to take on the path to realizing your dream, you need to take right now: start concentrating on the good that you have. Of course, I am not suggesting that you write a list of your dowry. Your best dowry is positive character traits, your dignity, your strengths. We will tell you how to develop them a little later, but for now, thank you for all the good that you have. Whom to thank? It doesn't matter: God, Destiny, the Universe, your own mom. True, go up to her now and just hug and kiss her. Whatever your relationship may be, even difficult - do it.

Like attracts like. The world does not change at our will. We are changing ourselves, and the world is already following us. After all, he has no other choice! This is the foundation of positive thinking. Everyone who has achieved anything in life has always believed in their own strength and that they can achieve whatever they want.

Look at the wives of the most successful people on the planet, included in the lists of Forbes magazine - they are well-groomed, pleasant to talk to, they have class and style, but they certainly do not fit into strict model parameters. The richest man in the world, Bill Gates, is married to an employee of his own company, Melinda French, whom colleagues called "blue stocking" - with a full figure and not too expressive features. Despite this, she was able to achieve the fulfillment of her dream - to marry her beloved man (who also turned out to be a billionaire).

In order to constantly maintain a positive attitude that will attract only good events to you, you will need to make a little effort. Add to your daily and most enjoyable habits (for example, eating ice cream before bed or watching your favorite TV series) one more, but much more useful one - read affirmations... What it is? This beautiful word refers to positive statements that are read aloud or silently.

You can repeat them anytime, anywhere. You can use those affirmations that you find in the book, or you can come up with your own, but just remember two simple rules. In your affirmations there should not be a particle of “not”, because when pronouncing an affirmation, you seem to be sending a request to the Higher powers (subconsciousness, the universe) to fulfill your desire. And the Higher Forces do not take into account the "not" particle. Therefore, your positive statement should sound, for example, like “I found the man of my dreams”, and not “I do not want to be alone” (the Universe will skip “not” and read your wish as “I want to be alone”). In addition, it is necessary to formulate the statement as if your goal has already been achieved, even if this does not yet correspond to the real state of affairs. And do not let this confuse you at all, because if you follow the new thinking, your statements will soon become reality!

Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Chocolate for the soul, or Become loved in 30 days

My dear readers! In your hands - a real delicacy for the soul. That's what we called this series - "Chocolate for the Soul". It's no secret that we women love so much to find delight in chocolate! The only problem is that real chocolate isn't doing very well on our slender waists. So the idea came to create an alternative to the favorite “female consolation”. In this new series, you will find:

Everything you need to create a good mood.

Kind words, positive thoughts.

Statements of great people.

Useful practical advice from any area of ​​life from fitness to cooking.

Luxurious illustrations created especially for you.

Please, get as much pleasure from this "chocolate" as possible. We will be glad if you tell us new topics, ask questions, which we will definitely answer on the pages of the books of the new series "Chocolate for the Soul".

Enjoy your reading and good mood!

Your Natalia Pravdina

The art of joyful living

O love! How much of the strongest energy is contained in this word! Energy that is creative, sensual, captivating us with its boundless power.

Anyone who at least once in his life has not experienced the frantic inspiration, the ecstasy of existence that love gives us, one might say, lived in vain in this world.

Do you want love? So open your heart and go towards your Dream, your Love, towards Yourself!

Remove fear from your heart. Be sure that somewhere in the world lives the person who will become your destiny. And most importantly - believe that you are worthy of the most beautiful love in the world, and a gentle, trusting relationship. Happiness is possible at any age and for everyone. Open up to love!


Let's fill ourselves with love

Every day is the best day to make wonderful changes in your life. Let it be Sunday.

Are you suffering from loneliness? Sorry for the pun, but you are not alone in this! The mistake most people make is that they wait for love to appear, hoping that love will come and shine its light on everything. But the secret is that love does not come from outside, but through you. This means that you do not have to persistently seek love, suffer from its lack and shed bitter tears. By acting in this way, you are declaring that you do not have love, since you are looking for it, is not it? But as soon as you start to truly, seriously love yourself and life, magical changes begin to occur in your life. Love finds you on its own because you begin to be love.

If you want to receive love, you must first give it! The more you give, the more you receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life.

Begin by recognizing the immutable fact that you already have love.

Moreover, you have always had it and always will be, because you are love. You are a part of the huge creative process of the Universe, the basis of which is pure love and creation. All you need to do is realize that you already have love. It was given to you initially, at birth. Once you understand this and accept it as a given, it will become much easier for you to give love, because you can always give what you have, right? Give what you want to receive and you will get it multiplied many times over.

Become love, breathe love, smile with love, look at the world around you with the eyes of love, and then miracles will begin to happen. Day by day, on the pages of this book, you and I will build a new state of your consciousness, which will help you understand that there is a lot of love in your life, but there will be even more!

The fact is that simultaneously with the philosophical laws of love, you begin to comprehend the colorful and mysterious world of feng shui. Feng Shui will also help you balance the energies of your home so that you can attract even more love into your life. And when you learn to use these wonderful forces for your own and common good, then wonderful new people, situations, opportunities, joyful events that you have always strived for will appear in your life.

Your task is only to create the most favorable conditions for life-giving energy in your home. qi, and for this you need to master the language in which you can communicate with her.

This language is Feng Shui.

With the help of feng shui, you can attract into your life not only well-being, but also long-awaited partners, loved ones, whom you have always dreamed of. Feng Shui always helps! Change is bound to happen. Not always immediately, gradually, although sometimes there are results right the next day. All people are different, that's why it turns out differently for everyone.

Feng Shui works, works at all levels of our life. And, perhaps, the most important thing that it brings is joy and hope for a new, happy and harmonious life. Feel free to accept your new feng shui friend's friendly outstretched hand to you! He will definitely help!

In accordance with the basics of feng shui, love and marriage luck can be attracted, it can be controlled. With the help of feng shui, we learn to properly activate and bring the beneficial energy of the Earth - qi - to your home, which has a beneficial effect on romantic relationships, health and harmony of people living there.

Just imagine that you have all the incredible powers of the Earth at your disposal in order to help you finally find a suitable match, find loving, joyful relationships and strengthen the family ties that already exist! Imagine that you are dealing with the living force and energy of the Earth, and you can even use this power in your own home to achieve your noble goals of strengthening family and love! After all, it is the Earth element that is "responsible" for these extremely important aspects of our life.

You will never lose track of strengthening and energizing the energies of the Earth in your home. You will bring an invaluable sense of stability, confidence and gain more complete trust between loved ones.


Most importantly, love yourself

Take it as an axiom that the most important person in your life is you! Yes, we all have our wonderful parents, loved ones, husbands, children. It's fine. However, the main person in your life is yourself! And don't talk about selfishness. Why? Because until you learn to be happy with yourself, your loved ones will not be happy with you! There is nothing more unpleasant than a person who suffers from all kinds of inferiority complexes, is angry, suspicious, jealous and touchy. How can such a person make anyone happy? Unlikely.

A happy person has the rarest ability to pour out his happiness on others. For him, this is a completely natural process, like breathing, and therefore everyone wants to communicate with him. And it doesn't matter how you look or how you are dressed, people love you, adore you, try to touch, keep you close ...

Loving yourself means always asking yourself, your one and only, unique, unique heart before making an important decision: "My soul, do you want this?" And if you have an unpleasant feeling, some tingling sensation, discomfort, then in no case do it! Even if it is very important for some reason.

Be very attentive to your heart's signals because it never, never, never fails, just let it speak!

And start each day with a qigong exercise to fill yourself with cosmic love:

As you inhale, raise your arms up, opening your palms, as if you are a flower. Imagine that the cosmic energy of love begins to pour into the center of your palms. You may even feel a tingling sensation in your palms. Then place your left palm on your right shoulder and your right palm on your left shoulder. Imagine in your mind that you are filling yourself with the energy of love. Place your left hand on the right side of your abdomen below your solar plexus and your right hand on the left side of your abdomen. Hold your hands like this for about 5 seconds, feeling and filling yourself with the energy of love. Move your left hand to your left kidney and your right hand to your right kidney, hold this for 5 seconds. Feel the warmth of your palms. Repeat the entire cycle 2 more times.

Everything I do is very good!

I am perfection itself in all respects!

My love grows in me and brings me happiness and success!

Do it now!

Before you let the long-awaited love into your life, you need to properly clean your house. It sounds rather strange, but this is only at first glance. Good feng shui always starts with clearing away debris, because we are dealing with energies. Since all things have energy, then everything that is stored for years without any movement and use turns into a kind of chains that the owners of these blockages are forced to pull along through their lives.

Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Chocolate for the soul, or Lose weight in 30 days

My dear readers!

In your hands - a real delicacy for the soul. We have named this series “Chocolate for the soul”. It's no secret that we women love so much to find delight in chocolate! The only problem is that real chocolate isn't doing very well on our slender waists. So the idea came to create an alternative to the favorite “female consolation”.

In this new series, you will find:

Everything you need to create a good mood.

Kind words, positive thoughts.

Luxurious illustrations created especially for you.

Please, get as much pleasure from this "chocolate" as possible. Enjoy your reading and good mood!

Your Natalia Pravdina

Saturday Become a Star!

Hello my dears, I am very glad to see you!

Believe me, it was not by chance that you picked up this book, because the guiding thread of your desire leads you to its fulfillment. And I know what you dream so much about. You dream of being beautiful! Believe me, now is the best time for this! You can take responsibility for your physical body and transform it. You are the star that you yourself light up. Your main task is to develop a model of life that will become an example for everyone. To do this, you need to learn to treat your body like a jewel, love yourself and think only in positive categories. Thus, you will not only become attractive and energetic - you will bring tremendous benefits to those around you. Why? Because you will become a symbol of health, beauty and good luck. I hope it's no secret for you that beautiful and slender people tend to trust more? And that they very often become leaders?

Hope I inspired you? Great, then go ahead!

Believe me, you can easily not only lose weight in thirty days, but in a month you can easily take fate into your own hands.

The secret of my technique is available to everyone, without exception, regardless of age. Moreover, you do not have to suffer from bouts of hunger, lustfully glancing at the refrigerator door, behind which all sorts of goodies are hidden. You will not need to strain your will with all your might (after all, you still doubt that you have it at all). You just need to believe in what I will open for you, and follow my advice, listening carefully to your own, I am sure, beautiful and beloved body. And then the path to a slim figure will only be a joy for you! And the first step on the way to realizing your dream you need to take right now: start concentrating on the good things that are already in your life. This does not mean that you should close your eyes to something that seems bad or unworthy to you. This means that, starting from this moment, you will make your choice every time - a choice in favor of only positive and joyful thoughts and experiences.

Tell yourself right now:

I am a healthy and joyful being. Every day, every day my body is getting better and better.

This will be the first step towards the wonderful change that awaits you. After all, you have just declared your intention, and this is worth a lot! Just remember to state this every day!

Like attracts like. Thinking about the good, noticing the wonderful moments of life, highlighting positive qualities in people, you gradually begin to attract success and good people, joy and luck, fun and laughter. Remember, everyone who has achieved anything in life has always believed in their own strength and that they can achieve whatever they want. For example, lose weight by thirty kilograms. Or ten. Or five ...

But for some reason it seems to me that more often than not you, dear women, evaluate yourself much worse than you are worth. Perhaps you exaggerate the scale of the "tragedy" and see the problem where it does not exist. Do you know that there are special formulas for calculating the ideal weight? The simplest formula, Broca's formula, is calculated as follows: in order to accurately determine your normal weight, you need to subtract the number 100 from your height (in cm) (if you are over forty). And for those who are younger, the number 110 should be subtracted from their height in centimeters.

For example, your height is 165 cm, you are 28 years old: 165 - 110 = 55. That is, 55 kilograms, this is the physiological limit for your height. Or another example, you are 45, your height is 178 cm: 178 - 100 = 78, 78 kilograms is your norm.

Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Chocolate for the soul, or How to get married in 30 days

My dear readers!

In your hands - a real delicacy for the soul. We have named this series “Chocolate for the soul”. It's no secret that we women love so much to find delight in chocolate! The only problem is that real chocolate isn't doing very well on our slender waists. So the idea came to create an alternative to the favorite “female consolation”.

In this new series, you will find:

Everything you need to create a good mood.

Kind words, positive thoughts.

Luxurious illustrations created especially for you.

Please, get as much pleasure from this "chocolate" as possible. Enjoy your reading and good mood!

Your Natalia Pravdina

Are you ready to change your life?

"Well, how is it on your personal front?", "Soon we will play a wedding?" - such questions can bring any, even the most optimistic girl (temporarily lonely) to white heat. Well, what is it! You are only 22 years old (25, 29, 32 ...) and you still have your whole life ahead of you! But even if you have many fans, and dizzying novels follow one after another; even if you are too busy with your career; even if you are just comfortable alone, in the depths of your soul you still have an unpleasant, itching feeling. Well, when will HE appear ?!

But here's the trouble - your Prince still does not appear on the horizon. Either urgent matters delay him on the way to you, or the snow-white horse limped ... Or you have already met the Prince, but he is timid, mumbles, and does not dare to tell you these magic words: "Marry me!" If you are sure that this particular man you need, if you are sure of his sincere and strong feelings for you, then it is time to take the initiative into your own hands and decisively lead the matter to the wedding. And the fundamentals of positive psychology, Feng Shui advice, the wisdom of yoga, DIY amulets, and your personal charm, which will be incredibly amplified with the help of this book, will help you in this good endeavor. No man can resist such a set of modern "love spells".

Small digression. Ask yourself the question: “Why do I need this? Do I want it myself, or does the pressure of the family affect, and also the married girlfriends do not give rest? " Because the techniques in this book are time-tested and work very well, you can build strong relationships. But first, think very well - are you ready for this yourself? And how much do you love and respect yourself? For nothing more or less depends on it - your happiness.

Of course, you have to work hard for this. Yes, my friends, happiness does not fall on anyone's head just like that. Basically, the harmony of two is the result of constant work on yourself and on your relationship.

Believe me, with the help of new thinking, you are able to achieve everything you dream of! And if a happy marriage is your goal, then you will achieve that too!

I will tell you one important secret: - happiness comes when you, as paradoxical as it may sound, are already happy! This is especially true for girls who have never been married. Dear ones, please do not think that this Prince Charming will come with a bouquet in his hands, you will fall in love, get married - and then a real fairy-tale life will begin. Let me warn you against disappointment: if you didn't learn to be happy and self-sufficient before marriage, then marriage itself may not bring you happiness. Fortunately, more and more young girls are starting to understand this. Marriage is not a cure for loneliness. Marriage is a union of equal, complete, free and loving people who have agreed to live together and support each other.

And one more magic secret - the more you love yourself, the more your chosen one will love you, whoever he is! This is verified! And if you only strive to assert yourself through marriage, then this will lead to just the opposite result. As a result, disappointment and tears. Therefore, my dears, before trying on a white dress, let's get down to a plan to turn our hypothetical Cinderella into a real one hundred percent Queen. Then the real King will catch up! I am not kidding.

And the first step that you have to take on the path to realizing your dream, you need to take right now: start concentrating on the good that you have. Of course, I am not suggesting that you write a list of your dowry. Your best dowry is positive character traits, your dignity, your strengths. We will tell you how to develop them a little later, but for now, thank you for all the good that you have. Whom to thank? It doesn't matter: God, Destiny, the Universe, your own mom. True, go up to her now and just hug and kiss her. Whatever your relationship may be, even difficult - do it.

Like attracts like. The world does not change at our will. We are changing ourselves, and the world is already following us. After all, he has no other choice! This is the foundation of positive thinking. Everyone who has achieved anything in life has always believed in their own strength and that they can achieve whatever they want.

Look at the wives of the most successful people on the planet, included in the lists of Forbes magazine - they are well-groomed, pleasant to talk to, they have class and style, but they certainly do not fit into strict model parameters. The richest man in the world, Bill Gates, is married to an employee of his own company, Melinda French, whom colleagues called "blue stocking" - with a full figure and not too expressive features. Despite this, she was able to achieve the fulfillment of her dream - to marry her beloved man (who also turned out to be a billionaire).

In order to constantly maintain a positive attitude that will attract only good events to you, you will need to make a little effort. Add to your daily and most enjoyable habits (for example, eating ice cream before bed or watching your favorite TV series) one more, but much more useful one - read affirmations... What it is? This beautiful word refers to positive statements that are read aloud or silently.

You can repeat them anytime, anywhere. You can use those affirmations that you find in the book, or you can come up with your own, but just remember two simple rules. In your affirmations there should not be a particle of “not”, because when pronouncing an affirmation, you seem to be sending a request to the Higher powers (subconsciousness, the universe) to fulfill your desire. And the Higher Forces do not take into account the "not" particle. Therefore, your positive statement should sound, for example, like “I found the man of my dreams”, and not “I do not want to be alone” (the Universe will skip “not” and read your wish as “I want to be alone”). In addition, it is necessary to formulate the statement as if your goal has already been achieved, even if this does not yet correspond to the real state of affairs. And do not let this confuse you at all, because if you follow the new thinking, your statements will soon become reality!

So say right now, confidently and decisively:

I am the center of attraction of love!

I am the Divine embodiment of love and happiness!

I call on all the Higher powers!

Create my new world in accordance with the Divine plan of light!

Did you really say that? Congratulations, you have just taken the first step on the path to happiness, because for the first time you have discovered a new vision of this beautiful world. From this moment on, you seem to be laying a new program in your subconscious, and according to this new program, it begins to form new positive events in your life. And the Higher powers will help you in this.

Are you ready? Then good luck, to the light kingdom of Love (towards a veil and a white wedding dress)!


We make a decision and create a Wish Card

Sunday ... Another wonderful day that you can fully devote to yourself! And the first thing you should do when you open your eyes and smile is to put in the right positive attitude for the whole day. Just do it without witnesses. Reach out and confidently say:

Life is always on my side! The whole world gives me support, joy and love.

I believe in goodness, love and happiness!

I am always ready for joyful events in my life!

Today is a day off, which means that you can meet your girlfriends, order your favorite dessert in a cafe, lie with a book on the couch or take an aromatic bath ... And while no one, mind you, no one will require you to wash your dirty shirt and socks; fight with you for the TV remote control to watch the match "for the European Cup", ask unnecessary questions like: "Who were you with last year at sea?" or whine: "Is there anything edible in this house" ...

Stop, stop ... Are you really sure that you want to change your such a cool life and voluntarily give up your interests and habits, constantly adjusting them to the other person? And then, after all, children can appear, who, in general, will “build” everyone for themselves? ..

Do you really want to get married ?! You yourself?

Not your mom, grandmother, or aunt.

Not your boyfriend.

Not your beloved friend, but you.

Why is it so important that you yourself dream of marriage?

Because it is always the most intimate personal desires that come true in the first place. What you passionately desire is fulfilled, on which all your thoughts are concentrated, what you really want no matter what.

In this case, you should understand what the fulfillment of your desire entails. If this is a dream of marriage, then you need to realize that this decision will radically change your life and limit your freedom, and will require you to devote a lot of time to your husband and family. You will have new responsibilities and new responsibilities. Are you ready for this?

If you are internally ready for change, then start acting right now.

We will create the first instrument for the fulfillment of your cherished dream - we will make a MAP OF WISHES. The history of the origin of the Wish Card is lost in the mists of time, but some Feng Shui experts say that even the greatest people used such Wish Cards (or “treasure cards”, “happiness cards”). It is better to start the ritual of drawing up the Map on the growing moon (like any new business).

You need to arm yourself with a stack of brightly illustrated magazines, a sheet of Whatman paper, glue, scissors and also take your photo in which you like yourself the most. First, we will paste our photo in the center of the sheet. You yourself are like the center of attraction for everything that you want to attract into your life (and there are many places around, how many desires will fit!). Now around, in the order you like, we stick pictures of what you would like to have the most.

If you have a loved one, stick their best photo next to you. If you haven't found the Prince yet, choose the type of man you like in magazines. And in his hand, let's stick a box with two wedding rings. And at the same time we will attach ourselves this elegant veil or wreath of flowers. The wedding bouquet also does not fit. And you can have many, many colors so that you just bathe in them.

What else?

Will we glue a chic apartment for the prince, or is it better to have a country house? And you can add packs of green bills to yourself, because there are so many expenses ahead ...

This, of course, is only the most approximate version of how you will create your own Wish Card. Choose only those images that are the embodiment of your most cherished and craziest desires. The main thing is that you yourself like what you have created!

Do you understand what you are doing? You show yourself and the Universe that your dream has already been achieved. You are there, in the midst of all this luxury! You have already got everything you dream of. That is, work on a subtle level has already begun and it is only a matter of time before all this will manifest itself in reality.

Just do not think that, having made a Wish Card, you can fall on your favorite sofa and eat one cake per evening. You have decided on your desires, called on the energy of the Universe for help, but you will have to take many steps towards a happy fate.

Imagine, for example, that you are dreaming of a wedding with an oligarch, and you yourself live in a small village. What is the likelihood that a lone oligarch will wander there? Zero point five hundredths of a percent. That's the same. You've made a treasure map, but will your dream come true soon if you just sit and wait? It is necessary at least to move to the habitat of these very oligarchs - the capital or a large industrial city.

The card will definitely work for you, but you also need to do something yourself.

In order for new perspectives to appear, you need to get out of the already familiar rut of life and act, act, act! Only constant effort, coupled with knowledge, will lead you to happiness!

By the way, I'll tell you a secret. When you begin to change your mind, thanks to positive thinking, you will be surprised to find that the coveted oligarch is less and less worried about your imagination. Why? Because you yourself become an interesting person worthy of all kinds of benefits. Once you realize this, you will understand that the oligarch is just a mirage, the echo of a childhood dream of Prince Charming.

In fact, there are a lot of interesting and nice young people (but where have they all been before?), Who are happy to join such a charming girl with eyes shining with joy of life, like you! And these positive statements will strengthen you on your beautiful path:

Love is all around me. I accept love.

I believe that all the Light forces of the Universe are now with me and help me.

I become for myself an island of light, joy, love and kindness!

By the way, if at first it is difficult for you to remember all these statements, write them down on a thick piece of cardboard and put them in your wallet or put them in your diary. And then every time you open your wallet or organizer, you will read positive affirmations that change your familiar world.


Portrait of your beloved

Believe that your Prince will definitely show up. And what it will be - only you decide! And do not listen to the "girlfriend" who claims that Prince Charming has long been gone, or that there are not enough of them for all, or that they have been married to princesses for a long time. This is for her, losing faith in the fact that everything is arranged for the best in this best of worlds. And he has long been looking for and waiting for you, who has embarked on the path of a new consciousness. You just need to decide exactly which Prince you really need. What man are you ready to live your whole life with, wake up and fall asleep together, watch TV or walk in the rain.

One of the main conditions in the search for the ideal man (if he is not already with you) is a clear idea of ​​your ideal partner.

So, we need a pen, a ruler and a piece of paper. Take a piece of paper and divide it into three pieces. On the left side, write all the positive traits that you MUST would like to see in your ideal partner. In the second column, write about the qualities that you WANT to have, but which you are willing to come to terms with. In the third part of the sheet, write those qualities that you are not very pleased to see, or, more simply, DISADVANTAGES that you can forgive. This is a very important part of the job, because, after all, we are all human, and we have the right to certain weaknesses. It is much better to "predict" them in advance, according to your taste, than to suffer later from unpredictable consequences.

Start with looks. Tall or short; muscular, lean, or overweight; decide on the color and length of hair (or maybe you like bald ones), eyes, skin, shape of the nose and ears. If you find it difficult to present your ideal in such details, remember the men who aroused your admiration - maybe you melt from the charm of Al Pacino or one of the Krestovsky brothers? Ask your friends which men you fall for right away. Specify how old he should be. Then, having fully presented the visual portrait (fill in all three columns), move on to personal qualities.

What is your ideal: sociable or withdrawn; loves company or a homebody? What does he do - an employee, a businessman or a creative person? How does he relate to children, the elderly, animals? Was he already married? What kind of lover is he? How wealthy is he, does he have a business, housing, a car, etc.? What is his hobby? Does he dream of a serious relationship, marriage? And so on ... Do not hesitate, write whatever comes to your mind, because all your requirements can then be corrected. Most importantly, be honest with yourself.

Correct the list until you feel that in this image you are satisfied with absolutely everything that it evokes in you some quite definite feelings - sympathy, falling in love, daydreaming. I want to warn you that in my experience everything comes true! Therefore, be extremely careful and do not forget such critical details as nationality, age, height and skin color! Otherwise, your chosen one suddenly turns out to be from the Ivory Coast - there have been such cases too!

Have you written? Wonderful! Now, please, rewrite all your work on a beautiful sheet of pink paper and put the folded leaf in a box. Tie the box with a red ribbon and put it in a secluded place. Now ... completely forget what you did. I emphasize that this is a very important point. When you are in a calm, relaxed state, then your desires are realized faster and more efficiently than when you are tensely expecting the result.

Always look like a million dollars! You will never get a second chance to make the first impression on the man of your dreams. Fate sometimes finds funny ways to bring two loving hearts together. Usually, this meeting occurs at the moment when you least expect it. You can meet your Prince when you take out the trash can, or when you are sitting in line at the dentist, when you are stuck in a traffic jam, or when you are shopping for a new bra. A dream can come true at any time, the most important thing is to be absolutely and unshakably sure in a positive result. Many people ask me - how can you be calm if time passes, but it still doesn’t? I answer you - relax. Everything will be ok. Do not even hesitate, take your time and do not fuss. Everything comes in due time. Including true love.

And further. Don't avoid pleasant friendships or romantic relationships with men who you think don't fit your ideal. It is very helpful to have male friends. Moreover, the more men around you, the better! So you will get acquainted with the male nature and it will be easier for you to communicate with those whom fate has prepared for you. Gain experience, get to know people, analyze your own mistakes and accept everything that life gives you. What if your fate is not the president of the company, but a new manager from a neighboring department who treats you to sweets and timidly gives you flowers? Maybe you should take a closer look?

We begin to change for the better

As you begin this day, tell yourself:

My heart is open to love.

My thoughts are thoughts of love.

My words are words of love.

May love and peace be in the entire universe!

This is a great start to the day! Yesterday you took an important step, set a specific goal for yourself, creating a portrait of your ideal man. Do you still want to change the list of the qualities of your loved one that you have compiled? It's not too late, you can do it! Re-read your list and add or remove unnecessary ones. It is very useful. As a demonstration of the seriousness of your intentions.

Next step.

Find some free time for yourself and let's do the exercise "We clarify the direction to the goal."

Focus on yourself now. Or rather, on what you should change and improve in yourself. Write it down in your pretty notebook. Maybe you should tweak your own look? Maybe you need to change outwardly (quite a bit), acquire some new abilities, skills and abilities by the time you meet? Can you impress him with your Oxford pronunciation or athletic figure, your career achievements or your creative talents? If not, how will you conquer him? How do you start preparing for this meeting?

Note that the above does not mean at all that you are not good enough for him, in any case! You accept and love yourself for who you are now, but there is no limit to perfection! And the more assets you have in your invisible bank account of success and prosperity, the better your love life will be. This is a medical fact, as Ostap Bender used to say. Clarify and write down all the details that only come to your mind and from which the overall picture of success will form in the future, your individual strategy aimed at achieving the goal.

So, we are developing an accurate program of action. Of course, for each it will be individual, because we are all so different, we may have completely different needs and dreams, habits and character traits. But you probably won't be able to do without a little clue.

To meet your Prince, you absolutely need:


Positive perception of the world;

Active life position;

Presence of education or profession at the time of the meeting.

You will also need:

Get rid of the burden of the past;

Be financially independent;

Become open to new acquaintances;

Develop your own style;

Reveal your sexuality.

Any great achievements in various areas of life were necessarily embodied in reality in several stages: a dream - a goal - a program - an action - a result.

Your beautiful dream, somewhat vague, you have already formulated in the form of a specific goal - the image of an ideal man who becomes your husband. Now it is necessary to outline the intermediate goals and methods of achieving them. For example, you write “learn to love yourself”, and below you indicate what you need for this (to give yourself useful pleasures, play sports, get rid of bad habits). Or you have set the task “to improve your style” and below you can add, for example, “review your wardrobe on Thursday”, “make an appointment with a stylist on Monday,” and so on. It is advisable to celebrate everything that you have actually DONE to achieve your dream (for example, at the end of each week) and set new tasks.

In order not to think about the burden of worries you have placed on your own fragile shoulders, try to visualize, that is, to visualize the intermediate result. For example, to finally get ready for a beautician or stylist, imagine yourself with a light mysterious smile of a beauty queen passing by handsome men who will look after you. And reminding yourself to apply the appropriate cream in the morning and in the evening, imagine your skin glowing with youth and beauty.

The world around us changes only when we begin to change ourselves. Therefore, start your path to the desired ideal man with the main thing - start becoming an ideal woman for yourself. The most interesting things await you along the way, you'll see! Sometimes even the achieved goal is not as interesting as the process of achieving it. However, this is the whole intrigue ...

Dreaming of your main goal, take a small step towards it every day.

Dreams come true, remember this, my dears! If you dream of an ideal man, prepare yourself for this meeting, then your dream will definitely come true. The main thing is to believe in yourself. Believe that life is preparing a wonderful surprise especially for you. And that's the way it will be, that's the way it is.

Tip: Print the following text on a piece of paper, stick it next to the mirror where you look every day, and read in the morning and evening. The results are amazing!

“My face is a veil of Divine love.

There is not a speck on it.

It's fresher than baby's skin.

And the radiance of youth and beauty fills my whole being! "

The first step to perfection has already been taken!

Love yourself!

Love yourself, and your world will be fabulously transformed! If you only knew how important this is! All happy and successful people love themselves, this is a rule without exception. You can also say this: if you love yourself, then you will certainly achieve success in any business. In any, including love.

"But how can I love myself if I have so many shortcomings?" - I often hear from my listeners and readers. "To love yourself is the most difficult thing!" - reporters echo them. Well, the time has come to change this situation.

What is it to love yourself? It means treating yourself with love. This means accepting yourself today completely and completely as you are. With extra pounds and a small salary, with the "wrong" thighs and too snub nose. You are unique, beautiful and inimitable. Imagine how your dog or cat loves you. They don't care what your makeup or bust size is. They love you with absolute love just for what you are. Why don't you treat yourself the same way? It will pay off with huge dividends. And the sooner you start to change your attitude towards yourself, the better.

The most important condition in order to conquer the man of your dreams, in order to start the mechanism for fulfilling your desires and become happy, is to love yourself. Yes Yes!

You will say: "How is it that I dream of the love of an ideal man, and you say that I should love myself"? Everything is correct. When you start to really love yourself, approve of your actions, and encourage yourself, your life will become much more pleasant and easier to live. This fresh state of mind will fill your heart with love, and your eyes will light up with a new joyful fire. Love for yourself, sooner or later, will begin to overwhelm you and "overflow", that is, you will begin to broadcast love to the world around you. Who do you think your sought after Prince will most likely notice - a sad person, immersed in thinking about her own shortcomings, or cheerful, cheerful and cheerful? The beauty of a woman lies in the radiance of her eyes. Then everything else comes along.

Your body wants, thirsts, asks for love in order to be healthy and beautiful, all its cells instantly respond to the messages of love addressed to them. So give your body love!

Take a few minutes this morning to greet yourself.

I love myself, I love the whole world!

I allow myself to live, I allow myself to love!

I am beautiful and he loves me!

Remember: in order to deserve a happy fate and attract the ideal man into your life, you need to have a developed sense of self-esteem, unshakable self-confidence and, of course, high self-esteem. And for this you just need to love yourself! As soon as we begin to love ourselves, more and more people automatically begin to love us. Isn't that what everyone is striving for? You want it, don't you?

Exercise - relaxation "Pink energy of love".

Let's get comfortable today on a gymnastic rug or in a comfortable chair after an eventful day, let go of all the worries and worries of the past day, disconnect from minor and even major problems, and stop the cycle of thoughts.

Imagine that your thoughts are light clouds in the bottomless space of Divine silence. You just watch them move and notice how they gradually dissolve and melt into the blue depth of silence. Now imagine that a beautiful peony or rose is blooming in your heart. A pink glow spreads from this flower. This radiance fills your entire body with pleasant warmth, scent of flowers and love. Now send this wonderful pink wave to your loved one. Even if he is not yet in reality, he will definitely feel this and will be attracted to you according to the law of the similarity of energies. And if you love a real person, then wrap him in your pink cloud like a blanket. Let him feel warm and comfortable in the center of your love. Imagine how he relaxes and smiles. Begin to mentally connect yourself and him in a pink cloud. You are very good together. Hug your loved one mentally, say something in his ear, preferably something important. Enjoy what you do.

Return to normal gradually. Rest assured that you have taken a very important step towards strengthening your love for yourself, the world and your loved one! Well done!

Do you feel how the feeling of love begins to fill every cell of your body? Fine!

Right now, looking at your reflection in the mirror, smile and say to yourself: “Hello, my dear. I'm very glad to see you. I love you". This will be of great benefit to you.

Make friends ... with yourself

Good morning! Today is Thursday, and I recommend you start your new day with these positive statements:

I open myself to an endless stream of love that fills me.

I love and approve of myself unconditionally.

I deserve all the best in life by right of birth.

I claim my right to love and be loved!

I take care of myself dearly.

I cherish my beautiful body!

I hope this is how you started your day, rather than scowling at yourself in the mirror and wondering why you are still alone. You are not alone, forget about it - you have the most dear companion and friend that can appear in this world - you yourself!

End of free trial snippet.

Message from the author

My dear readers! In your hands - a real delicacy for the soul. That's what we called this series - "Chocolate for the Soul". It's no secret that we women love so much to find delight in chocolate! The only problem is that real chocolate isn't doing very well on our slender waists. So the idea came to create an alternative to the favorite “female consolation”. In this new series, you will find:

Everything you need to create a good mood.

Kind words, positive thoughts.

Statements of great people.

Useful practical advice from any area of ​​life from fitness to cooking.

Luxurious illustrations created especially for you.

Please, get as much pleasure from this "chocolate" as possible. We will be glad if you tell us new topics, ask questions, which we will definitely answer on the pages of the books of the new series "Chocolate for the Soul".

Enjoy your reading and good mood!

Your Natalia Pravdina

The art of joyful living

O love! How much of the strongest energy is contained in this word! Energy that is creative, sensual, captivating us with its boundless power.

Anyone who at least once in his life has not experienced the frantic inspiration, the ecstasy of existence that love gives us, one might say, lived in vain in this world.

Do you want love? So open your heart and go towards your Dream, your Love, towards Yourself!

Remove fear from your heart. Be sure that somewhere in the world lives the person who will become your destiny. And most importantly - believe that you are worthy of the most beautiful love in the world, and a gentle, trusting relationship. Happiness is possible at any age and for everyone. Open up to love!

Let's fill ourselves with love

Every day is the best day to make wonderful changes in your life. Let it be Sunday.

Are you suffering from loneliness? Sorry for the pun, but you are not alone in this! The mistake most people make is that they wait for love to appear, hoping that love will come and shine its light on everything. But the secret is that love does not come from outside, but through you. This means that you do not have to persistently seek love, suffer from its lack and shed bitter tears. By acting in this way, you are declaring that you do not have love, since you are looking for it, is not it? But as soon as you start to truly, seriously love yourself and life, magical changes begin to occur in your life. Love finds you on its own because you begin to be love.

If you want to receive love, you must first give it! The more you give, the more you receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life.

Begin by recognizing the immutable fact that you already have love.

Moreover, you have always had it and always will be, because you are love. You are a part of the huge creative process of the Universe, the basis of which is pure love and creation. All you need to do is realize that you already have love. It was given to you initially, at birth. Once you understand this and accept it as a given, it will become much easier for you to give love, because you can always give what you have, right? Give what you want to receive and you will get it multiplied many times over.

Become love, breathe love, smile with love, look at the world around you with the eyes of love, and then miracles will begin to happen. Day by day, on the pages of this book, you and I will build a new state of your consciousness, which will help you understand that there is a lot of love in your life, but there will be even more!

The fact is that simultaneously with the philosophical laws of love, you begin to comprehend the colorful and mysterious world of feng shui. Feng Shui will also help you balance the energies of your home so that you can attract even more love into your life. And when you learn to use these wonderful forces for your own and common good, then wonderful new people, situations, opportunities, joyful events that you have always strived for will appear in your life.

Your task is only to create the most favorable conditions for life-giving energy in your home. qi, and for this you need to master the language in which you can communicate with her.

This language is Feng Shui.

With the help of feng shui, you can attract into your life not only well-being, but also long-awaited partners, loved ones, whom you have always dreamed of. Feng Shui always helps! Change is bound to happen. Not always immediately, gradually, although sometimes there are results right the next day. All people are different, that's why it turns out differently for everyone.

Feng Shui works, works at all levels of our life. And, perhaps, the most important thing that it brings is joy and hope for a new, happy and harmonious life. Feel free to accept your new feng shui friend's friendly outstretched hand to you! He will definitely help!

In accordance with the basics of feng shui, love and marriage luck can be attracted, it can be controlled. With the help of feng shui, we learn to properly activate and bring the beneficial energy of the Earth - qi - to your home, which has a beneficial effect on romantic relationships, health and harmony of people living there.

Just imagine that you have all the incredible powers of the Earth at your disposal in order to help you finally find a suitable match, find loving, joyful relationships and strengthen the family ties that already exist! Imagine that you are dealing with the living force and energy of the Earth, and you can even use this power in your own home to achieve your noble goals of strengthening family and love! After all, it is the Earth element that is "responsible" for these extremely important aspects of our life.

You will never lose track of strengthening and energizing the energies of the Earth in your home. You will bring an invaluable sense of stability, confidence and gain more complete trust between loved ones.

Most importantly, love yourself

Take it as an axiom that the most important person in your life is you! Yes, we all have our wonderful parents, loved ones, husbands, children. It's fine. However, the main person in your life is yourself! And don't talk about selfishness. Why? Because until you learn to be happy with yourself, your loved ones will not be happy with you! There is nothing more unpleasant than a person who suffers from all kinds of inferiority complexes, is angry, suspicious, jealous and touchy. How can such a person make anyone happy? Unlikely.

A happy person has the rarest ability to pour out his happiness on others. For him, this is a completely natural process, like breathing, and therefore everyone wants to communicate with him. And it doesn't matter how you look or how you are dressed, people love you, adore you, try to touch, keep you close ...

Loving yourself means always asking yourself, your one and only, unique, unique heart before making an important decision: "My soul, do you want this?" And if you have an unpleasant feeling, some tingling sensation, discomfort, then in no case do it! Even if it is very important for some reason.

Be very attentive to your heart's signals because it never, never, never fails, just let it speak!

And start each day with a qigong exercise to fill yourself with cosmic love:

As you inhale, raise your arms up, opening your palms, as if you are a flower. Imagine that the cosmic energy of love begins to pour into the center of your palms. You may even feel a tingling sensation in your palms. Then place your left palm on your right shoulder and your right palm on your left shoulder. Imagine in your mind that you are filling yourself with the energy of love. Place your left hand on the right side of your abdomen below your solar plexus and your right hand on the left side of your abdomen. Hold your hands like this for about 5 seconds, feeling and filling yourself with the energy of love. Move your left hand to your left kidney and your right hand to your right kidney, hold this for 5 seconds. Feel the warmth of your palms. Repeat the entire cycle 2 more times.

Everything I do is very good!

I am perfection itself in all respects!

My love grows in me and brings me happiness and success!

Do it now!

Before you let the long-awaited love into your life, you need to properly clean your house. It sounds rather strange, but this is only at first glance. Good feng shui always starts with clearing away debris, because we are dealing with energies. Since all things have energy, then everything that is stored for years without any movement and use turns into a kind of chains that the owners of these blockages are forced to pull along through their lives.

Remember that all the big and small blockages hinder the progress of beneficial life energy to you! Try to get rid of them as often as possible. I assure you that you will get great satisfaction when you start throwing away your old, obsolete things! Then, when you get a taste, your hands will itch to repeat such procedures more often.

Imagine that at this time the following favorable events take place on the subtle plane. You are sending a signal to the Universe that:

You value and respect yourself extremely highly, because you do not allow yourself to keep old things unworthy of you;

You are a disciplined and responsible being, ready for joyful changes in your life, and preparing these changes;

You trust your beautiful world to bring you whatever you need, as you don't store out-of-fashion clothes in case they ever come in handy.

If you want to see what surprises await you, try to make such a cleansing, but just try to do it with a light heart, not regretting anything, and be sure that you will have everything you need and on time!

By trusting yourself, you trust God!

When you love yourself, you love God in yourself. By denying, not loving yourself, you are denying God in yourself. Once you realize this, your life is transformed. You understand that joy, love and happiness are inherent in you from birth, you just need to remember this. Remember and rejoice that you, it turns out, are very, very important in this amazing mystery of life. Mysteries of Love. The Mysteries of Abundance. They are important because you are part of the Creator, and that part basically encompasses everything. You yourself contain love, joy, bliss, knowledge, and immortality. Believe it!

“The kingdom of God is within you” is a quotation from the Bible. Behind these words lies the deepest wisdom. One has only to open up towards the flow of Divine love, as everything in life begins to change with magical speed. Trust in the power that is within you. This power is love. She is able to lead you to the highest happiness, while you yourself will spread this happiness to others. And it is then that love will come to you in such quantity and in such a form that you will not even believe it. And then the question will come to your mind: "Where was all this love before?" Let's repeat again - love does not come from outside, it is your essence.

And start right now without delaying a quick, easy, and enjoyable self-esteem exercise:

Say these powerful words:

I am a wonderful manifestation of life.

I am the value in the eyes of Divine love.

I bring joy to people.

Trust yourself, trust your heart and you will always win! If you really, really, really want something, then do it no matter what! It means that it was, and is, and will be important for you. Let it look illogical, irrational, indecent, even unprofitable, but be sure to do it! You need it! You want it, which means that your soul, your heart wants it, and it already knows what is best for you!

Everything that happens in our life can be divided into nine main categories, or aspects of life. All these aspects are found in every home and every apartment. Everything that is in the sector of the apartment corresponding to this aspect affects the events of your life. Knowing their exact location, a feng shui practitioner can achieve significant improvements in any of the listed aspects in reality. These are the aspects.


Glory, Success.

Love, Marriage and Relationships.

Children and Creativity.

Assistants, Teachers and Travel.

Career and Life Path.

Wisdom and Knowledge.


Try to come up with some life situation that would not fit into these concepts!

All aspects in life are arranged in strict order in an octagon. Bagua and in accordance with this order can be projected onto your home.

What do you need to do. Take a plan for your apartment, preferably to scale. Draw this outline into 9 rectangles, according to the Bagua outline. Determine the exact compass directions in your apartment and relate them to the Bagua grid.

Pick up a compass. Stand facing the front door. Wait for the arrow to calm down. The red arrow always points north. Align it with the North. The direction in which you are looking with the compass will be the true direction of your front door.

Now carefully write all the compass directions into the plan of your apartment.

Highlight the Southwest sector with a red marker - this is the love sector. Go there, appreciate this real place in the house and start consciously changing your life.

If a toilet or a bathroom gets to the South-West sector, then the romantic luck of this apartment is in dire straits. Hang a mirror on the bathroom door, toilet door, or paint the door red. This will help to weaken, disperse the negative energy sent to this sector.

Next, check if your love sector is in a dark corridor where light rarely hits. If so, try to clear this corridor as much as possible and turn on the lights there for at least three hours a day.

And be sure to add flavors. Smells that can attract the attention of people of the opposite sex have been known for a long time. The name of these fragrances speaks for itself - aphrodisiacs. This is no coincidence, because the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite is a skillful seductress.

Each room has its own scents that will create a suitable atmosphere.

The invigorating aromas of orange, lemon, bergamot, lavender and fir are good for the corridor. The smell should be pleasant here and inviting to pass on. In the bathroom, use aromas of orange, lavender, rose, jasmine, tea tree. You can also scent your towels with your favorite oils.

For aromatization, you can use an aroma lamp, aroma candles or incense sticks.