How to make rose petal water. The healing properties of rose petals, how to make rose water and rose oil. Mask for oily skin

Olesya Kolesnik

Rose water is a universal cosmetic product that has been used for a long time to maintain beauty and has a positive effect on all skin types. It is used to make a refreshing, lightweight toner perfect for dry or very sensitive skin.

Such liquids are on sale, but you need to read the composition very carefully in order to buy a product that does not contain alcohol.

But if you decide to make rose water for your face at home, you can be sure that it is as natural and environmentally friendly as possible. This product can then be added to drinks, desserts and pastries.

Now there are many different options on how to make rose water at home, and they are all quite simple to perform. Indian Ayurvedic rose water recipes guarantee an excellent anti-aging effect, help preserve beauty for as long as possible and provide hydration and care for all types of facial skin.

The myths about the origin of roses are present in many folk tales and religions. And in almost all such legends, the rose is identified with the deity and the power of the feelings of love.

The oldest of all the tales is an Indian legend. It says that from the most beautiful rose flower, the most beautiful woman in the world was born. This rose had 108 large leaves and petals and 1008 small petals. The beauty was brought to life by the kiss of God Vishnu, who kept the universe. Then she became the goddess of beauty Lakshmi and the wife of Vishnu, and the rose was proclaimed a sacred flower, symbolizing the divine secret. And in ancient Rome, this remedy was considered a cure for 23 ailments.

What is rose petal water for?

  • Often used for cosmetic purposes. Mainly for making lotions and toners. Also as a basis for masks and steaming;
  • One of the best ways to moisturize your skin. In addition, it envelops with a light floral scent;
  • Controls the activity of the sebaceous glands. An excellent solution for those with oily skin;
  • Cools and removes inflammation;
  • Moisturizes dry skin;
  • It is a natural antiseptic. It can be used for diseases of the throat, in the treatment of wounds and inflammations;
  • Quickly removes puffiness and bags around the eyes;
  • Can be used as a hair rinse for extra shine.

The use of rose water for face, hair and body is quite widespread in cosmetology and in traditional medicine recipes. It suits almost all types of skin, hair and women of all ages.

If you want to try making rose water with your own hands, please note that only flowers with a pronounced smell should be used. It is best to prepare freshly harvested petals from garden varieties of red or maroon roses that are grown without the addition of chemicals. For the same reason, roses sold in stores should not be used in lotions. Flowers picked early in the morning, when they are still in the morning dew and moist, are ideal.

2 best recipes for how to easily make rose water from fresh rose petals:

  1. Cover the bottom of a small saucepan with rose petals in 2-3 layers, fill them with water so that it covers them a little, put on a small heat and bring the broth to a boil, cover and continue to boil over low heat until the leaves completely lose their color. You will spend about 30-60 minutes on this. Then leave the broth to cool, strain and pour into a glass beam or bottle;
  2. Pour a handful of petals with boiling water and leave to brew for a couple of hours. Better to take mineral water. It contains much more useful minerals. Pour into a container convenient for you and you're done!

Sometimes, during the manufacture, a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of mint are added, or two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice are added to the already prepared water. Then the tonic will not only get a new aroma, but also acquire a lot of other useful properties.

Such a product does not contain alcohol, it is a natural substance, and accordingly, its shelf life is not so long. You do not need to strive to make more water at once, it is better to let it turn out quite a bit, because making fresh is not difficult.

Homemade rose water can be used for more than just a lotion or tonic.

There are many ways to use it.

  • If you are used to applying oil, first spray the decoction with a spray bottle on your face, and then apply the oil. So it will be absorbed faster, but if after a few minutes you still feel too oily, wipe your face with a napkin;
  • If you suffer from puffiness, then moisten 2 cotton pads and dab your eyes. Relax for a couple of minutes. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate, so for your first attempts it is best to try thinning first. To do this, add rose water to mineral or filtered water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • You can prepare a pore-tightening product. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of ground hazelnut branches with 200 milliliters of boiled chilled water and heat in a steam bath for about 30 minutes. Leave to cool and then strain. Mix the nut broth with the pink broth in a 1: 3 ratio. This lotion has refreshing, cleansing and toning properties for the skin of the face and décolleté;
  • Option for aroma bath. 2 spoons of rose broth and 2 teaspoons of cosmetic almond oil or any other oil. Or a cup of milk and a couple of spoons of broth. Such a bath will perfectly moisturize and nourish the body with useful substances;
  • Excellent remedy for sunburn. Mix equal proportions of rose water, cosmetic oil, witch hazel, or glycerin. Cool and apply to sun-damaged skin. The product will quickly relieve itching and reduce redness.

Top 3 masks based on rose water

  1. 1 teaspoon of broth + 2 teaspoons of ground almonds + half a spoon of melted honey. Mix the ingredients to a single consistency, apply on face, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. The skin will become more elastic;
  2. Recipe for combination skin. A couple of tablespoons of vodka, a handful of rose petals, 50-80 g of oatmeal or oatmeal, 250 g of rose water. Dip the petals in mineral water and vodka, let stand for half an hour. After this, strain the tincture and dilute the flour in it, so that the mixture has the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face and décolleté. After rinsing, apply your favorite cream;
  3. To even out the complexion, you will need: several rosebuds, a glass of alcohol, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey, well-beaten yolk. Mix rose petals with alcohol and leave in a dark place for a couple of days. Strain this tincture and mix with liquid warm honey and the yolk prepared earlier. Apply to skin for 20 to 30 minutes, then remove residues with warm water. Repeat this procedure at least several times a week.

Any self-made cosmetic product is much healthier than a purchased one. It retains its natural properties, and you can be sure that it certainly does not contain chemical additives, nitrates or harmful substances. There are many more useful recipes based on this wonderful flower. You can choose any that suits you or come up with your own.

Rose is a favorite flower of many women, and poets at all times have compared the tenderness of the skin of ladies with rose petals. Well, after such reviews, it is quite natural to try to find an application for this beauty in cosmetology. As it turned out, nothing could be easier - a wonderful cosmetic product for the care of any face skin is rose water. It can be bought or made at home. This procedure is quite simple, so if you have fresh rose petals and some free time, then you can safely take up the preparation of rose water.

How to make rose water at home?

  1. There are several ways to make rose water, here is the simplest recipe. Three tablespoons of fresh rose petals should be poured with two glasses of boiling water. You need to insist in an airtight container for at least twelve hours.
  2. Fresh rose petals should be placed in a wide saucepan so that the bottom is covered with several layers of petals. Next, pour in clean (filtered or boiled) water so that it slightly covers the petals. Now put the lid on the pot and put it on gas. When the water begins to boil, reduce the heat and hold until the rose petals fade. Then drain the water, and squeeze the petals, if necessary, strain the rose water.
  3. Place rose petals in a saucepan and pour water in the same way as in the previous case. Place a small jar or bowl at the bottom of the pan, its edges should be a couple of centimeters above the water level. Cover the pot with an inverted lid. Bring water to a boil and reduce the gas. Place ice cubes on an inverted lid and let the petals simmer for an hour. Add ice and water to the pot from time to time if it comes to a boil. The finished rose water will condense on the lid of the pot, and from there drain into a bowl.

You need to prepare rose water only from the petals of those roses that were grown without the use of various chemicals. That is, roses bought in a store will not work for this purpose. It is best if you are growing roses to collect the petals in the morning and immediately start making rose water from them.

Storing natural rose water

Store rose water in a refrigerator in a tightly sealed glass container. Glass bottles are good for this purpose. Just before pouring water into them, the bottles must be protracted. Ready rose water immediately, without waiting until it cools down, must be poured into prepared bottles and tightly closed. Leave to cool in a cool, dark place, and then move to the refrigerator.

Application of rose water

Rose water is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. For example, for a sore throat, toothache, and gum disease, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with rose water. And at high temperatures, it is advised to wipe the body with infusion of rose water. Compresses with rose water placed on the eyelids will help against eye fatigue, bags and bruises under the eyes, and a cold compress on the forehead will remove the headache.

And of course, rose water will help us become more beautiful. Here are some cosmetic recipes.

Rose water perfectly moisturizes the skin, fights wrinkles and makes the face velvety. The fragrance is usually brought from the Crimea, where it is made in perfume factories. Tourists also buy rose water in Bulgaria, which is famous for its rose plantations. But if you have water left in the bottle at the bottom, and you cannot buy it, then prepare it yourself.

Raw materials for rose water

Only fresh rose petals, which contain a lot of essential oils, are suitable for making water. Do not use roses purchased from flower shops. Growing in greenhouses, these roses do not receive their portion of the sun's rays, which contribute to the formation of rose oil. Also, greenhouse roses are often treated with chemicals for all sorts of diseases - these agents accumulate in the petals and can damage the skin in the future. For water, it is advisable to collect the petals of your own grown plants. Hybrid tea varieties with fragrant pink buds are best suited. Petals from blooming rosehip bushes are also suitable.

How to make water

To make water at home, you will need:

  • freshly picked rose petals;
  • pure water;
  • container for infusion.

Place a large handful of rose petals in a jar and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Cover the container on top with a piece of gauze or a linen napkin. Insist the petals until the water in the jar has completely cooled down. Strain the water through a strainer and squeeze the petals with your hands. Pour rose water into a bottle with a ground-in lid and keep it in the refrigerator. Household water has a short shelf life, because it does not contain preservatives that are used in factories. To keep the water beneficial for your skin, make a fresh dose every third day.

How to increase shelf life

The shelf life of rose water can only be increased by freezing it. But then you will take care of your face not with water, but with cosmetic ice. It also works very well on problem skin, so you can stock up on ice for future use.

Making ice is very easy:

  1. Make an infusion of rose water.
  2. Fill ice cube trays with scented liquid.
  3. Place a pair of fresh rose petals in each beauty cell.
  4. Freeze ice in the freezer.

Rose water lotion

Rose water can be used to make a lotion that instantly tightens tired skin and gives it a radiant glow.

Do this express remedy just before you use it:

  1. In a glass, combine 20 grams of liquid light chalk and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. Add 50 ml of rose water to the mixture - stir everything well.
  3. Pour so much pink infusion into the glass so that the vessel is full.
  4. Pour the lotion into a bottle, close it with a stopper and shake well.

One glass of lotion is enough for you to tidy up your face, neck and décolleté. Treat your hands with the remains of the lotion, which also need protection and nutrition. If you have not used the product at one time, then drop a few drops of olive oil into it and moisturize your face at night.

Cosmetics with rose petals

In addition to water, you can also prepare other healthy grooming products.

Anti-aging mask

Chop a handful of rose petals with a knife until gruel and fill it with two tablespoons of warm water. Place the mass in a water bath and keep it for 10 minutes. Cool the pink mass and apply to cleansed face in the evening.

Brightening tincture

If the face after summer has become very dark, then roses will give it a lighter and healthier shade. Pick off the petals from two large roses. Fill them with alcohol (0.5 cups). After two days of infusion in a dark place, strain the tincture and mix it with honey (1 tablespoon) and raw whipped yolk (1 piece). Store in the refrigerator and use it once a day.

Having a rose garden in your country house, do not miss the opportunity to make homemade rose water. It will not cost a penny, but it will bring great benefits.

Summer is not only a time for fruit and vegetable preparations. Other plants also cannot be ignored, especially since almost every one can be used for health and beauty. Roses are the queens of the garden. Their wonderful, incomparable aroma, I want to preserve for the whole winter. One of the ways to preserve the aroma and benefits is to make a hydrolat - flower water. Hydrolate is called an extract from plants. It is made by steam distillation, and the process is somewhat similar to the production of essential oils. Hydrolat is prepared in industrial conditions in rather large volumes, especially since absolutely all plants are suitable for this. It is used as a basis for most cosmetic products, including shampoos, lotions, masks and creams for the face and body.

The hydrolat obtained from rose petals is called "rose water" and it has been mentioned since the time of Cleopatra. A beautiful ruler who carefully took care of her body and left her followers with many proven recipes. This article will show you how to make rose water at home.

Beneficial features

A few years ago, it was believed that water from rose petals had no benefit and was just a by-product from the preparation of essential oils. And its only advantage is a pleasant aroma. To date, it has been proven that there is much more benefit in it. And even made at home, it has a lot of undeniable advantages. First of all, these are properties such as:

  • complete safety;
  • sterility;
  • the possibility of self-production;
  • versatility of application.

If in terms of benefits, many other flowers and herbs benefit, then in terms of aroma, the rose has no rivals.

Raw material requirements

Note! Store flowers are not suitable for the production of rose hydrolat. In industrial cultivation in flower farms, a large amount of fertilizers and pesticides are used. Cut flowers are usually chemically treated for long-term storage. So here, instead of benefit, you can harm yourself.

Also, for obvious environmental reasons, it is not recommended to use roses grown in the city and along busy roads.

A bush that has grown in the depths of the park, or on a personal plot is the best option.

A lot of raw materials are needed, so it is best to use bush rose varieties with a large number of flowers. It is quite appropriate to make rose water at home from wild rose (dog rose), wild (multi-flowered) or climbing rose.

The harvesting of flowers must be done on the day the rose water is prepared. It is best to do this in the morning, before the onset of the heat. Picking flowers in wet weather is not recommended.

Tear off the petals carefully. If there are leaves, that's okay. When collecting, pay attention to the quality of the product, the presence of aphids and other worms is unacceptable.

Making rose water

There are several ways to make rose water at home.


The first recipe is the simplest.

To prepare rose water, you must fold

collected petals in a saucepan. Fill with distilled, bottled or filtered water. The water should just cover the petals.
Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over the slowest heat until the petals are completely discolored. Then the solution is filtered.

Rose water is ready. But it would be wrong to call it a hydrolate. There was no steam distillation here. The second recipe will just tell you how to make a hydrolat with your own hands.

Steam distillation

The petals must be folded into a saucepan and filled with water. How much to take, decide for yourself. Pour more - get more hydrolat, but only it will be low-concentrated. If there is a minimum amount of liquid, then the resulting rose water will be as natural as possible. In our case, 0.7 liters of water went to 2 tightly packed liter cans of petals.

Cover the pot with an inverted lid, and place a heat-resistant container right in the center inside.

Turn on the fire and wait. Vapor droplets deposited on the inner surface of the lid will drain into the substituted container. This is hydrolat. To speed up evaporation, you can put some ice cubes on top of the lid.

Note! If the handle on the lid is not metal, it must be unscrewed, otherwise it will melt.

The process takes from 1.5 to 5 hours. Make sure that the liquid with which the petals are poured does not evaporate.

Climbing rose hydrolat has a subtle rich aroma


It is necessary to prepare a glass container for storing rose water in advance - to sterilize bottles or jars and lids / corks for them.

As soon as the water is ready, it must be poured into prepared containers and sealed to minimize contact with air. Store in refrigerator after cooling.

Useful properties and aroma, subject to the conditions of preparation and storage, are preserved for 1 year.

Water is suitable for use instead of a tonic, for moisturizing the skin, for flavoring home creams, for nourishing hair.

Be sure to prepare rose water. It was not in vain that Cleopatra herself used it.

The Romans believed that pink water helps from 32 ailments, and one of the secrets of Cleopatra's beauty consisted precisely in washing rose water.

Good to apply natural rose and floral eau de toilette for skin care(as part of lotions, creams and as a tonic for the skin of the face). Rose water added to conditioners and hair rinses that leave on hair. Rose water moisturizes, nourishes and cares for skin and hair. Pink water especially good for dry skin.

In cooking pink and other floral waters added to the composition of sweet pastries, desserts (ice cream and sorbet, meringue), as well as light refreshing drinks.

How to make rose water at home

Collect the petals of garden roses or rose hips in the early morning of the day you are going to do rose water. Roses must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and other hazardous chemicals... According to my observations, it is best for rose water the most scented spray roses and rose hips with myrrh or fruity citrus aromas are suitable (I use Austin English roses from my garden).

Place rose petals to the bottom of a wide saucepan so that it is covered in several layers. Fill in rose petals water so that the water only covers the petals. Then you can cook rose water two ways:

Pink water. Recipe 1

Place an empty bowl or low glass jar in the center of the pot at the bottom so that its top is a couple of centimeters above the water level. Cover the pot with the upside-down lid so that steam collects on the lid and rolls down, and condensation ( pink water) will drip from the handle of the upturned pot lid directly into the bowl.

Heat up water with rose petals before boiling. When the water boils, turn off the gas and fill the upturned lid of a saucepan with ice cubes. Let be rose petals simmer for about an hour or longer. Add ice periodically and make sure that the water rose petals does not boil off completely (more water can be added if necessary). Finished pink water collected in a bowl at the end of the process.

Pink water. Recipe 2

Cover the pot with the lid (not upside down, but as usual) and turn on the gas. Without bringing a little rose petals until boiling, turn off the gas and maintain water in this state until the petals roses will not lose color (it may take half an hour or an hour). Then separate the water from the petals, squeeze the petals, if necessary, strain the resulting rose water.

Prepared for these recipes rose water pour immediately into a pre-prepared sterilized bottle, close tightly and store in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place. When stored properly homemade natural rose water, perfectly retains smell, color and taste for up to a year or even longer.

Nourishing moisturizing cream with rose water. Recipe

To prepare homemade rose water nourishing cream, you will need some kind of inexpensive thick high-quality cream without fragrances and other unnecessary weighting components. I used the popular SeraVi cream ( CeraVe) with a good formula and ceramides of the company Coria(see photo). You can prepare a cream completely "from scratch", but then you will need to buy emulsifiers so that the cream turns out to be elastic and all the components are evenly mixed, while the finished industrial cream already has everything you need and its recipe can only be enriched rose water and oil.

Add some of the best natural oil to the cream (I used the best quality olive oil), then, stirring constantly, dilute rose water cream to the desired density. I like more liquid creams, but you can do it however you like. Pink water will give the cream an amazing smell roses and a nice beige shade. If you want a stronger scent, add a drop of natural rose essential oil and mix thoroughly. Ready cream with rose water I poured it into a bottle with a dispenser. Rose water cream it is always pleasant to use both for the body and for the face: it lays down well, absorbs quickly, leaving no residue. The skin after it is soft, smooth, firm and well hydrated.

Try to make a cream like this! It is simple and does not take long, and the result will delight you.