What a surprise you can make a guy to truly surprise him. Surprise beloved with a scope or home: what to choose and how to make

The headache of each woman is what to give a favorite man on the eve of the holidays? And it doesn't matter, the birthday is, an anniversary or New Year, February 23, etc. After all, I want the gift to surprise, pleased and reminded about the donor (your favorite). Let's talk about gifts: how to choose original, can it be done with your own hands, or "Give yourself"? And many other interesting ideas will understand.

The main thing in the article

Generally accepted gifts: What is most often given?

The cycle of gifts is beloved in nature looks like this:

  • he is her flowers, perfume, jewelry;
  • she is a lighter, purse, electronic gadgets.

Generally accepted gifts can be classified by such categories:

  • Useful gifts. Usually it is necessary in the farm things or clothes.
  • Exclusive gifts. This category includes souvenirs "exclusively for you." That is, another similar copy will be very difficult to find.
  • Collectible gifts. It can be brands, pictures, coins, or even inserts from chewing gum.
  • Gift-hobby. Fisherman - Hook, Mushroomnik - Lukoshko, Coffeeman - Unusual coffee.
  • Symbolic - These are small gifts that will remind a certain event or date.

What to give a loved birthday?

Every year the same thing is approaching Birthday A beloved man, and what to give him, did not yet decide? And the options have not yet invented? "Screw up" several ideas, of which something will surely suit.

1. Universal gifts - This is the perfect option when the relationship is only developing and you do not know his hobbies and tastes or not entirely understand its preferences (football, fishing). In such situations, you can present:

  • A bottle of whiskey or brandy. It can be a gift set with a pile.
  • Shaving set.
  • Gift certificate (let us choose a gift myself).
  • Tie or belt.
  • Wallet or purse.
  • A mug or a glass with an inscription (you can under the order).

2. Gifts for passion - If you are already for quite a long time together and know everything about his hobbies, then if he is a fisherman, a hunter or a tourist, you can give:

  • Sleeping bag.
  • Flag.
  • Portable charger.
  • Term underwear.
  • All for cooking kebabs.

If the hobbies of your beloved do not belong to the aforementioned, then give:

  • Aytichnik / programmer - stand under a laptop, speakers, keyboard, flash drive, etc.
  • Driver - video recorder, seats covers, tool kit.
  • Extremalu - parachute jump, climbing, Bunji-jumping.
  • Diving diving - water glasses, flippers, tube.
  • Photographer - camera or "Prnisitive" to it.
  • Athlete - ball, dumbbell, t-shirt, sports bag.

3. Homemade gifts - Here you can attribute slippers, a bathrobe, a warm sweater, a terry towel, underwear.

Ideas of gifts on the anniversary of relationships

If happy birthday everything is clear, and we make a gift based on the need and human preferences, then on the anniversary of the relationship you need to give a gift, full of meaning and romanticism. The usual set of cosmetics or home slippers here will not cost.

On this day, dreams should be fulfilled, however, if they are global, and you are not under power, you can give a wishes for their execution. For example, a model car in the miniature and wishes of its materialization.

You can make a gift with your own hands: Tie, glue origami, make a collage, paint the plate itself, write a hundred replies to the question "Why am I loved you?"

Great idea to spend unforgettable time together. It can be an equestrian walk, a romantic trip, a balloon flying, a romantic dinner on the roof.

Do not forget about yourself as a gift. Candles, dinner, bath with rose petals, erotic massage, and of course, unforgettable sex "On Sweet".

Gifts for loved ones do it yourself

If the money is a little or you want to be romanticized, you can always make a gift with your own hands. The easiest to bake a cake for your beloved, a little more time will take a knitting scarf or sweaters.

You can make the original pillow for the machine.

You can approach the question more romantic and give him a box "with your love", and how to do it look at the video.
If he loves coffee in the morning, then you can treat it to him in bed, and to tie clothes to your favorite mug so that your fingers do not dug. How to tie such clothes, presented on video.
Functional, original and inexpensive soap will be welded personally. Aroma you choose yourself. Such a gift always looks beautiful, also benefits.
Any gift made with your own hands is valued more purchased, since the soul particle is embedded. He will always warm his heart and hang down the memories of the donor.

Unusual gift for your beloved

You can surprise my second half, you can quite easily, for example, give him a checkbook of desires. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a gift is to fulfill his desires, ranging from mini-pleasures to a hike to football with friends.

All wishes are spelled out on the sheets of the checkbook and the young man at its discretion places checks for their execution. You can make this checkbook as follows.

An ordinary notebook or sheets A4 takes (so that there are 10-20 pages) and the desires are prescribed. It can be:

  • day with a TV;
  • billiards;
  • striptease from his beloved wife;
  • football with friends;
  • erotic massage, etc.

In front sign instructions and how to use checks. Look like this checkbook may like this:

Photo ideas of original gifts

Ideas for the original gift to your loved one. There are no restrictions. It all depends on your imagination and the skill of becoming an idea into reality. We picked up the most interesting, original and bold photo ideas for a gift to your beloved person. See and give your favorite happiness and smiles.

Romantic Happy Birthday Congratulations

When was the last time you confessed your second half in love? And on your birthday, such words are still more welcome. Give your love to an dear person so that he remembers all this moment forever.

Originally think about the future romantic congratulations. It should sound at the very celebration or in the circle of relatives, friends. So you emphasize how dear to you and hide your love for him you are not going.

It will be originally and very romantic to give recognition in love at the place of the first date or in a "special" place, which is associated with the beginning of your relationship. There will be a bottle of champagne.

You can prepare the place of recognition in advance. Here the rose petals, small hearts, cards with names, it can be a castle with an oath in eternal love that you hang together and will come to him every year.

Speaking of his love, be sincere, looking into the eyes. After all, he is the best for you, so thank the fate that she brought you together. Take care of the entourage, let his favorite music sound quietly.

Congratulations for your beloved husband in verse

What can express feelings deeper than congratulations in prose and verses? We present you a selection of original poems for romantic congratulations to your loved husband.

Surprise for your beloved: the best ideas

To surprise your loved one, you can use such ideas:

  • Remove the video about it. You will need to imperceptibly shoot your favorite for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to start shooting for a month 2-3 before the event, to which a gift is timed. It is necessary to remove everything: how it cleans the teeth, wakes up in the morning, watching football. After it is enough, download the necessary program on the Internet and fill your work there, while comment on each frame.
  • It is interesting to meet from work. If the celebration falls on a working day and you do not plan to invite guests, you can decorate your bedroom with balloons, candles, burn the aromalamp, turn on relaxing music. Dress the sexy outfit, arm the bottle of wine and surprise your beloved.
  • Give your beloved romantic walk. For this, the surprise will need help friends. You just invite your beloved for a walk, and walking around the park or grove, accidentally stumble on a picnic or a table for a romantic meal. Table you cook yourself (and ask friends to post him) or trust friends at the appointed time to prepare everything.

Romantic dinner: how to surprise your loved one?

  1. Originally take care to no one be at home except you. Children send to grandmothers. It is desirable that the next day is a weekend so that you can enjoy not only dinner with the ensuing consequences, but also a cup of coffee, slowly, in bed with your loved one.
  2. The atmosphere is also of great importance. Romance involves rose petals, live flowers, candles, the right music. There must be beautiful utensils and wine glasses for wine or champagne (you prefer).
  3. You can do dinner with a certain topic. For example, the husband will be a Sultan, and you are his concubine that will fulfill all his wishes. Pick up the appropriate suits and create an eastern atmosphere.
  4. Do not forget about yourself. If you even stood all day at the slab, preparing this dinner, you should meet your beloved as a queen. Hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, makeup, slightly frank, beautiful outfit, and under it erotic lingerie.
  5. Menu. Dishes should not be severe (if you want to continue), but satisfying, so that the man did not stay hungry and did not think all the time about food.

Whatever gift you have chosen for your half, the main thing is that it is presented with the soul and carried in itself a certain essence that will be understandable to your beloved. Give gifts and make men happy!

Gifts for men made by their own hands, these are not just things, but more, because they are invested so much warmth and care. Getting such a gift, you realize that a person who made him spent his time hours, inventing and making something special and unique.

We conventionally shared all ideas in the category gifts for the new year, birthday and the day of lovers or anniversary of relationships, But in fact, they are all completely universal, and fit to any holiday. According to the links you can find detailed master classes how to make them.

Bouquet of bottle

A bouquet of little whiskey bottles is probably the best bouquet for a man. The original way to prevent whiskey as a gift.

Page pillows

Personal inscriptions on pillows - how to make your watching inscriptions can be anyone on behalf of your guy before wishes - a very practical gift!

Keywords: do it yourself

If a man has their housing - a great option to make the key with your own hands - !

Male candle

Here is such a male candle or Master class here! Suitable for Bolcon or summer cottages! Practical option

How to make a gift with your own hands

Even if you bought a gift in the store, you can be presented with a special way. For example, in such a box, covered from the inside by photos and postcards. The value of a gift in such a package without a doubt will increase several times.

Or as an option, you can buy already ready on the site here is such a poster that you can take time

Mug in the form of a camera lens

If your man loves to take pictures, then this creative mug in the form of the camera lens will be an excellent gift for him.

Balloons with photos

Who does not like balloons on birthday?! By themselves, they always cause smile and positive emotions, and here the recipient will be twice as much more reasons for joy.

All thanks to the fact that each ball is tied with a photo that captures a happy moment from your life together.

Personal clock on the wall

Beautiful and unique clock with a personal name of a man, will not leave him indifferent. He can hang them like both at home and at work.

Or such clocks with erotic subtext.

Surprise cards

Make cards for your birthday, on each of which write a desire, the execution of which it guarantees.

  • For example, you prepare your favorite dish for dinner, arrange suggestions with friends, and the like.
  • Agree what to get a card at any time when he wants, and that every card pulls blindly, that is, it will not know in advance what exactly chooses.

An interesting way to diversify your life.

Set of ideas for dates

  • "Order pizza to the house",
  • "Picnic in the park",
  • "Movie campaign", etc.

When you want to go on a date, just pull the paper and do what it is written on it, make a joint pastime unpredictable.

Homemade wallet

Make your own hands an individual wallet for your boyfriend or a husband to show how much you take care of him. Sew it is quite simple, and your care will feel every time, getting it.

Personal Cup

Create a cup with the first letter of your favorite. To do this, you will need:

  • ordinary white cup,
  • and paints for ceramics.

If you are worried about your artistic abilities, you can use the stencil. A wonderful personal gift for daily use.

Charging station

How often do you and your boyfriend stumble about the charging wires of phones or tablets? How many times the phone fell, and you raised him in the hope that the screen did not break? Decide this problem with a homemade station to recharge your gadgets.

Magnetic bracelet.

The magnetic bracelet is a wonderful gift idea for a man who often deals with such things like screws, nails or screws. A simple, very thoughtful and practical gift.

Leather notepad

Create a unique notepad with a leather cover for your native man. Great gift idea for those who like to make records.

Add his personal initials by emphasizing that they did a notebook for him on their own.

Box for beer

Personal beer box - a wonderful gift for lovers of this drink !! Box can be bought ordinary even from under fruit, but how - see here.

Bakery products

And men and women love delicious food. Please make your favorite cupcakes, cookies or pie baked independently in honor of the holiday. Such gift will like it and will not leave indifferent.

Candle with initials

Candles are always associated with romantic dates. So why not arrange the evening with candles made specifically for you and your second half.

Necessary materials:

  • Candle
  • Cutter for candles
  • Handle (helium or ball)
  • Thin marker of golden color
  • Malyan Scotch
  • Stencil

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Weekly drawing

If you do not have experience in drawing, especially on candles, it is better to use stencil. You can make it in Photoshop, or even just make a drawing on paper initially. Now attach the leaf with a stencil on the candle and secure it with painting scotch, so that it does not slip down while you work with him.

Step 2: Translate the contours of the picture on the candle

Swipe the handle (any color, you can not even write) along the contours of the picture to squeeze them a little on the candle. Based on these lines, further carving on the candle will be made, so be careful and neat.

Step 3: Making Threads

Remove the stencil and with the help of a candle on the candle, make a thread on the lines scheduled in the previous paragraph. Lines must be wide and deep enough to make it convenient to paint the golden marker.

Step 4: We carry the line with golden color

Draw a line with a golden marker. In order for the color is saturated, you can walk along the lines several times.

In this way, you can make a variety of geometric patterns and inscriptions, simply pick up the option you enjoy!

Gifts guy on the anniversary of the relationship or day of lovers

Origami box

Make a small origami box, get into the middle of general photos, and decorate the ribbon from above. It turns out a cute romantic gift on the anniversary of the relationship, which will remain in memory for many years.

Frame with kisses

Lovely like it to kiss, but it is impossible to do it all the time. We go to work, we go to business trips, and for some time you have to spend separately from the second half without the possibility of kissing or hug.

Such a frame with kisses will remind a guy about how it is important to you, even if you are at that moment next. Funny way to show your feelings.

"101 way to say that I love you"

Take 101 small paper and write on each of them for one reason why you love your boyfriend. Then, fold each paper into the tube, tie the thread and put in a glass jar. Tell me to get on one paper every morning, and ask a good mood for the whole day.

Gift set "For every hour"

Make a festive day special along with gifts for every hour of this day. For example,

  • at 9.14 give the envelope in which there will be a funny common photo,
  • at 10.14 a box with a favorite fruit (candy, or something delicious what he loves),
  • in 11.14 envelope with cinema tickets, etc.

Gifts must be small and pleasant. Such a kit is wonderful suitable for the day of lovers, because all this day you can hold together.

Heart with small alcohol bottles

Put into a box in the shape of a heart. Little bottles with whiskey and liqueurs. The guy will be pleasantly surprised by opening the box from the candy and seeing the bottles of alcohol there. From the middle, the box can be decorated with a romantic inscription, for example "every minute spent without you is wasted." Simple, but creative and warm gift for your beloved.

Little love message

There are a lot of ways to say "I love you." Here we offer to do it with a small message that becomes visible when pressed on the clothespin. Isn't it nice?!

"52 reasons for which I love you"

You can say "I love you" and with the help of a deck of cards. How? Sign on each map for one reason that you like in a partner. Since inscriptions on the maps, do it in a joking form, for example, "you are hot Hugh Grant."

Romantic Quest

Surprise your soul mate with an original romantic quest. Make a lot of tasks, each of which will be the key to the next, and the last will give a gifted to the place of finding a gift.

Gift Cards

Make a set of converters, and put cards in them, each of which will be written something special. You can remember the most pleasant moments spent together, or describe dreams for the future.

Photo frame with joint photo

Make a photo frame with your own hands, and put your joint photo there. A simple and pleasant gift on the anniversary of the relationship, which will complement the decor of your apartment.

Gifts for the New Year

New Year calendar

Such calendars can be printed in good quality, for example, in the printing house, and the design is made independently on the Canva.com platform by downloading photos of your family or pets. I think this is really a cool idea!

Cuff for glass

Does your boyfriend love to take coffee or tea with me? Then tie for him a cuff for a glass so that it was comfortable to keep and hot drink did not burn hands in the winter in the office!

Gift Cards for every month

The kit consists of 12 cards, one for every month of the year. Each of them is an idea of \u200b\u200ban interesting joint pastime. For example,

  • june - We are chosen on the picnic on bicycles,
  • july - we are going together in any city, where they were not yet, etc.

After all, we often put a lot of things for later, and since at least one day a month you will have a pre-thoughtful joint vacation.

Set for cocktail

Make a set of blanks for cocktails. In glass jars, put core with sweet soda, and tie to each of them a small bottle of alcohol, which suits this soda, and straw. For example, Coca Call and a bottle of whiskey. As soon as a man wants to drink a cocktail, he will instantly be able to mix it in a glass jar.

Bank with sweets

Collect his favorite sweets together in one bank. Reincate the jar with a ribbon, you can also add a card with a cute inscription.

Alternatively, you can make a jar with different types of salted nuts, or dried fish. Or maybe he loves different dried fruits? Choose the option that will mostly enjoy your second half.

Wine Cork Flower Vaca

Make home plants more "courageous" with the help of originally decorated vases. To do this, you will need many wine plugs, which means there are many evenings with the second half. In principle, in this way you can decorate some kind of box or stand.

Keychain "Happy coin"

Use the usual coin to create a unique key chain for your loved one, whether it is a husband, father or grandfather. Such a happy key chain is a wonderful way to show how lucky you are lucky.

Photo Album

Create a unique photo album, with your best joint photos, imprinted happy and funny moments of life. To each photo in the album, pick up an interesting signature, and the gift is ready.

Leather Point Case

Case for glasses will express the care with which you feel about a person. Sew it is completely simple, and you can cope even without a sewing machine.


Many men have dishes that they love to cook, and which only they get so delicious. So that the cooking process has become more pleasant for a man, hesitate to him a personal kitchen apron, which will make it at the time of cooking a real chef.

Tea wreath

A wonderful gift for a real tea connoisseur. With the help of such a tea wreath, you can try all kinds of tea and choose a favorite.

9 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Everyone without exception love surprises, because it always gives life interest, new meaning and bright mood. What is more pleasant - get surprises or do them? Of course, the answer depends on who makes a surprise, and who do, from the mood and the upcoming date. For example, if the birthday of a loved one is nearing, then I really want to make a surprise. And if we are not talking about surprises for holidays and celebrations, but just about cute things that are able to surprise your loved one on a regular day? Are you capable of just like this for a guy an unexpected evening or a whole day, rejoicing together and enjoying new impressions?

How to understand that the guy will be a surprise?
Often, girls ask how to make a surprise guy, but you can answer this question yourself, it is enough just to remember that your loved one loves what prefers what he had long dreamed of and would like to fulfill. For example, if he dreams of a collective edition of all the works of Pushkin, then you can find such a publication from buquins, to buy and give your favorite on a certain period of time (a week or a month). The guy will be very happy, because he dreamed of such a gift.

Try to listen more and watch your beloved - he will definitely say that it will be an interesting and desired gift for him. Upon learning what he dreams about, you can buy this thing and present a guy, he will appreciate this step certainly. Licensed computer game, T-shirt with a picture of a favorite group, a football ticket or a concert, a radio-controlled machine or a helicopter - all this can be a beautiful guy surprise. And if you prevent such a gift not just "in hand", but unexpectedly and interesting, the young man will be very happy.

What surprise make a guy if there is money?
If we are talking about the birthday of a young man or another important date, you can not just give him a gift, but also give it a little and interesting surprise.

  1. Extreme rest. You decided to make a pleasant surprise guy and ordered two tickets to the racing on quad bikes, flying on a balloon or a parachute jump. A gift is already in itself a surprise: interesting, unusual, memorable. But you can present it even more interesting. Order a taxi for your guy, tell us as you need to go, but do not open all the secrets guy. Let it remain unknown to him where he was taken. You can meet him not on the very place of the future action, but a little further from him. Then right in the car tie a guy's eyes and lead him to the waiting for you two gifts. Believe me, such a surprise will remember for a long time!
  2. Box with a surprise. It has already been said that it is necessary to follow the preferences of the guy and, if possible, give him what he wants, and not what they advise on women's forums. However, how to add a highlight as a gift? Very simple: you need a big box, several balls filled with helium and your gift directly. Put a gift to the bottom of the box, you can add a greeting card or a notebook with recognition. Next, fill the box with helium balloons and close. Your young person will open the box, and balls will fly on it - it will be unexpected and fun!
  3. Hike to Turkish bath. If you want to make a surprise guy, then this option will be very successful, because it can also connect a surprise, and a pleasant pastime together, and excellent memories for a long time. The bottom line is that you order the hall in the bath, decorate it with a lot of candles, take a bottle of wine and two glasses with you, his favorite candy. Beloved you deliver to the destination by taxi. And you should meet it naked in a jacuzzi. Well, isn't it a surprise that is able to conquer any man?
How to surprise a guy surprise if you do not have money?
The lack of money on superdrawery jumping with a parachute or rental hall in the bath is not a problem at all. Even without any special investments, you can make a surprise to your beloved guy, which he will remember and wear in the heart for a very long time.
  1. Do it yourself with your own hands. If you do not engage in needlework (knitting, embroidery, macrame and other modern hand-mads), an amazing guy gift will be a thing specifically for him. For example, if you didn't take the knitting needles in your arms, then a knitted scarf or a couple of cute sock will be for the guy something very expensive and unique. You can also embroider for your favorite picture or make a toy from felt.
  2. Quest. Quests are an interesting thing and always fascinating, and your boyfriend is definitely interested, if you make a surprise in the form of a quest. Hide bought or made with your hands a gift in an apartment or on the street (for example, in a park in which you often walk), and place many notes with prompts, how to get to the gift. Doing it on the street, be careful, because someone is not too conscientious can take your gift to the hands, if you are not very good to hide it. However, an interesting pastime is guaranteed!
  3. Give him yourself! No matter how much you have in relationships with a guy, such a surprise always causes a storm of emotions and delight. You can "give yourself" in different ways, here are some options.
    • Your young man loves sweets: fruits, chocolates, cakes? Then it's time to pamper him truly! Buy everything that your boyfriend loves - from your favorite candy to exotic fruits. Before the arrival of her beloved, decorate your body with these sweets and wait for it on the unsetbed bed. Returning home, your boyfriend will truly shocked, because no one expects such a surprise!
    • All times have seen Hollywood films, in which a beautiful and seductive girl appears from a huge cake. And more than once it was possible to hear from the guy: "This is yes! I would like it, but you did not attach these words. It's time to fix it! Without a huge cake, you can do, replace it better than a big box. Decorate the box as you like: ribbons, gift paper, bows. A huge bow through the entire box is required! On the top, place the inscription "Derni for the rope". Before the arrival of a guy, it is necessary to "packed" into the box, and when he pulls over the rope, which should be in your hands, from the box you will appear in the image that you choose for yourself. You can add musical accompaniment to this, for example, take a remote control from the DVD player with you, and turn on the music when the guy is drinned for the rope.
This is not all ideas for surprises that can be implemented, because to make a guy's surprise need inspiration, fantasy and, of course, love! Invent, implement, paint your relationship in bright colors, and long and happy years have been provided with you.

Instead of waiting for surprises from life that can not always be pleasant, it is better to take everything in your hands and cook your mena gift or erotic surprise.

Surprise is first of all attention sign. It doesn't matter how serious your relationship is and at what stage they are: pleasant surprises will delight a person always. The pleasure of them will receive not only gifted, but also gives.

Art choose and give gifts

Gifts are one of their most pleasant aspects of relations in a pair. By making a present, you demonstrate that they were not just spent, and first of all showed awareness.

A fan of expensive alcohol can be given a bottle of whiskey or brandy, on which instead of the label will be your photo or some original inscription, for example, "intoxicated by you", etc.

If your boyfriend has a favorite group, which will perform in the foreseeable future, giving tickets concert. You can go to the concert together, and if he is held in another city, then this is also a small romantic journey.

A young man may like your recognition in love when you connect to this friends or random passersby on the street. Ask them to take pictures with the nameplate "Masha loves Serezhu" and this in the collage format either a small video clip.

Extreme gift for the most bold and risky - flight on parpoil or balloon, a trip on quad bikes, a game of paintball, etc. Top your eyes and bring directly in place of action.

Having decided to make a surprise for his man, remember: even the most modest guy will be twisted if the present will have an erotic subtext.

  • Subscription for sex or blowjob. You do tear-off coupons (the amount can be any) and give them a man, explaining that it can take advantage of them for any minute. But be ready to break from work if he wants sex in the middle of a weekday.
  • Marathon blowjobs. Arrange him a week of blowjob in the most unexpected places of the city. Monday - in the cinema, Tuesday - in the car, etc.
  • Erotic draw. Your acting talents will be required. The situation must be household, you are naked or in defiantly open underwear. Call it, for example, clean potatoes. He will come to the kitchen with disgruntled look, and there are beautiful, but with an expression of a facial type "Well, for a long time I wait for you?" He can start to pester, but you are underprisate and make the view that you do not understand what's the matter. As if only he sees you naked. Further focus on circumstances.
  • New linen will delight not only you, but also it. Magnify a magnificent bow and jumping towards him to bed.
  • Erotic calendar. Recording the photo session and take 12 pictures by the number of months a year. For December, surrounded in the costume of Snow Maiden, bought in sex shop; For July - put on a wreath of meadow flowers and nothing more, etc.

By the way, choosing an erotic surprise, some girls make mistakes, because they rely on their own feelings. That is, if you get when he kisses your nipples, then similar actions may not necessarily like a man.

When the delicate thoughts about the beloved person overwhelm the heart and lack words to fully express their feelings and feelings, or when you just want to please your half a small cozy holiday, you can arrange some kind of pleasant surprise for him, which, as practice shows, Surely turns a small holiday and for you!

What is a surprise? Most often is a gift. But the gift is unexpected, raising the mood, making a person at least a little more happy. It may be not only a gift, but also some unexpected event or adventure planned in advance. If only it was cheerful and enjoyable!

Let's start with the main holiday that never goes without gifts and pleasant preparations, we will tell about how to prepare a surprise for your birthday.

Good morning, love!

Buy a huge postcard in advance. The biggest, which will find, about 5 0x 70 cm. In the morning, while your expensive birthday boy is still sleeping, get sickly bed, take a postcard and, cover my nude body, sacrifices in the middle of the room in some seductive pose. Turn on the hand hidden an alarm clock.

  • piquantly will be, if on the wrist or on the neck you attach a festive bow;
  • you can write an erotic text or his favorite music on the alarm melody;
  • you can cover your eyes the mask. In general, the flight of fantasy do not limit, remember that men love such "surprises" and are ready to wear those women who understand it!

Prepare a festive bath (just after the morning surprise): type water, use the bath foam, rose petals. Put a gift to the bottom of the bath: a festive box, hermetically packed in (for example) cellophane, wrapped in scotch.

Find a gift!

Option 1

In the field of view of your favorite, a small gift with a note attached to him should be hit, where to look for the next, to which, in turn, also attach a note - where to look for another one. Thus, in a game form you can give several pleasant little things hidden throughout the house, for example: socks, linen, tie, lighter, etc.

Option 2.

In the same stacks (without faces and drawings) fold gifts, cover them with paper caps, tie a rubber band and leave them in places, in which your favorite will look exactly: in the closet, in the box with spoons, in the boot, in the glove compartment, etc.

Surprise on Bigboard

Next, by conducting it to work or in the store for festive products, wait for his call when he will see a huge Bigboard with his photo and happy birthday greetings! What he will be surprised is gently told! So devote such a surprise to your beloved necessarily! Caution! Do not place it congratulations in places with intense movement of machines, so as not to expose the danger of your loved one!


Come to work after such a rich morning event, your second half will be ready for further surprises. Do not disappoint him! If in the middle of the working day he will see a messenger with a large convolution, then immediately understand from whom he. But he still does not know what inside the box! And inside - portrait, but portrait unusual. On it (you can order it at the artist) is depicted a birthday book in (fantasize here):

  • form of a favorite racing team;
  • driving "cool car";
  • in the clothes of the pirate with the chest of gold coins, etc.

You can even so that it was a cartoon - cheerful and kind, not necessarily written by oil, can be pencils. But the work should be high quality. Important: The picture should be drawn what he dreams about, and not you!


How to complete this delightful day so that your loved one is looking forward to next? I think you have already appeared a few options ...

So, by the end of the working day, send him an email with the name "Sexual Schedule" by email, in which you write the schedule of sex games for the week: on Monday you are a nurse, on Tuesday - teacher. Well, then compose yourself! Believe me, your favorite after such a message will not stay with friends at the bar, but will remember home, where it will be waiting for a romantic dinner and you are in a short white galatik. And even if guests come on this day, your young man will look forward to the end of the evening and your surprise!

Surprise beloved on the anniversary of relationships do it yourself

Sometimes I want to not just surprise and deliver your chosen one, but also to invest some special meaning as a gift, the soul part, especially if the reason is very romantic.

Most often, pleasant little things are created with their own hands - love collages, embroidered pillows, a knitted sweater or painted handwritten.

Romantic dinner from registered dishes

Buy some white plates (somewhat - for trial attempts) and paints for water-based ceramics. Such paints are sold in Hand-Maid stores, and sometimes in stationery. Pre-process the ceramic surface of any alcohol-containing liquid. Apply the desired drawing or recognition in love with a tassel. Give the paint to dry 24 hours, and place the plate into the cold oven. Turn the oven by 150 degrees, and turn off after 15 minutes. The plate must be cooled in the oven. Ready!