Beautiful and fabulous ideas of hairstyles for the new year for girls: topical options with photos and step-by-step performance for hair of different lengths. Makeup of the Snow Queen

Dress ready, shoes Princesses, Cinderella, Snow Maiden, Queen are waiting for their exit, there is still one barcode - this is a festive hairstyle for a girl for a girl in school or garden.

The options for creating hairstyles so much that it is difficult to show even the simplest, so it was decided to choose only the most sophisticated and simple for the embodiment.

To make the usual hairstyle festive enough to choose spectacular decorations and add unusual details.

If you have not picked up a hairstyle, do not beware, make your own with flagella, tail, braids, curls.

Let it not be so complicated, the main thing is that your baby felt like a princess!

  1. It is good to comb your hair, several times to find all nodes or confusion and disassemble them.
  2. Treat hair to the styling tool, if you plan to use a catch or other heating devices, then moisturizing and protective hair products.
  3. Look at the photo, video several times so that the algorithm you have deposited in my head, only after that start creating hairstyles.
  4. Try to minimize the use of invisible to have only positive emotions in the child. Rubber who plan to use, take such that they do not cling to the hair.
  5. Be sure to make the training option hairstyles until the holiday so that there are no surprises due to the missing studs, rubber bands or hair length for the design of the conceived hairstyle. Use small studs, choosing, pay attention to it.
  6. .Things, no screams and curses, spoil the baby song or tell the fairy tale. So you set it on positive emotions. Do not attempt to make a very difficult hairstyle, if she does not like when she is weeping braids, or tails.

Let the hair be loose, and the crown will be on top.

Hairstyles for snowflakes

What do you see the hairstyle of your snowflakes? What is the most important thing in it?

  1. Easy performance and sophistication of appearance.
  2. Easily comb and disassemble after the matinee.
  3. Does not require long stacking and can even make a newcomer.
  4. Suitable for any length of hair.
  5. It is appropriate both in kindergarten and school.

What makes the hairstyle festive? Decorations.

Therefore, before selecting hairstyles, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the decorations that will make the chosen hairstyle of the evening and pointing to the snowflake costume.


These are hairpins or screwing hairpins. These small details will literally convert the hairstyle of babies. Screwing decorations are more comfortable and practical than studs.

Secret: Studs will stay and not slip out of the hairstyle if: sprinkle them before inserting them into the hairstyle. Pre-slightly bent and inserted into the hairstyle, as if dialing the hair of the duct.
Creating a hairstyle for a snowflake can be done and the motherwink when the hair is separated into 2 parts and the top is collected in the tail.
A variety of this hairstyle is a plurality of tails in the frontal-dark zone. This hairstyle is better to do if your crown is very light and it is necessary to fix it in this way. If your crown snowflakes looks better with the collected hair, then make a lug from the tail, leave in the tail, but be sure to decorate the head of the braid with the help of a French braid, flashers either rollers.

Hairstyle Snowflake

The real hairstyle of the snowflake will turn out with the average length of hair and long. Mails can take the basis of this hairstyle and for short come up with another option.

Those who love to make decorations do it yourself recommend paying attention to this snowflake in Kanzashi technique. It will remain just glued or sew on a hairpin or other accessory. Details, on creating snowflakes with explanations and instructions in the master class.

Is it necessary for such a hairstyle of the crown?

From the simplest and rapid crown of plastic bottles and foils to a crocheted or made of openwork braid.

Pick up and make the photo and video tutorials are quite simple, it will remain only to supplement rhinestones, beads or other raisins to give special uniqueness to the image, everything will be mammograms.

To the chic hairstyle and the crown, of course you need a snowflake costume, how to do it at home with your own hands is described.

Another popular New Year's Eve Christmas Suit with detailed photos and video instructions are placed on this

Hairstyle for princess

  1. Divide all the hair into 2 parts by a surge, having spent the comb on the frontal part and the occipital. You will have a sample, part of the hair that will serve as the basis for hairstyle to collected in the tail.
  2. On the frontal part we make 3 tails, and the occipital 2, as much on the sides.
  3. The resulting tails are divided into 2 parts, binding adjacent tails. Fix the remaining tails with rubber band and hairpins. So repeat until all parts of the tails of the flavors do not cover the whole head.
  4. We work with a tail. Separate strands and put them in the rollers, fixing with studs. If the hair is very soft, try to freely opt. Leave part of the hair from the middle of the tail, which will be 2 levels hairstyles.
  5. We decorate the resulting hairstyle with the help of the crown or any other prepared decoration.

Hairstyle for Cinderella

  1. Separate 2 strands of hair on the frontal part, then the remaining hair is collected in the tail.
  2. We divide the frontal-dark strands, each in half and make round rings from the hair, laying around hairstyles and fastening the invisible.
  3. Of the remaining parts, we divide each side into 2 parts and twist 2 rollers, binding them among themselves. Fix around hairstyles, effectively placing.

Another option is hairstyles for Cinderella to semistle hair. Step-by-step explanations in the video.

Hairstyle for Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden - this is a beauty girl who seems to many with oblique or braids or 2 tails. If you have a hat, then it is better to tie 2 tails low, and the ends will be released on the shoulders, to make braids.
You can braid spikelets on the whole head if the hair is long and there will still be some part.

Quick hairstyles for crown

For diadems, the motherwinka, rollers twisted from the side strands that will hold it are fit.

If the crown is horizontal, then the tail and its variations - the rod, or several tails are suitable, you will only come up with the front of the hairstyle. For a vertical crown, a hairstyle of the waterfall is suitable, when the upper part is brazed, and the remaining free ends are hanging themselves as desired.

Try to do not tight hairstyle so that the child is comfortable, and if your crown is volumetric, you will limit a simpler hairstyle, as it will be almost not visible for the crown.

And how to make a corona from the hair?

We share with you 2 video lessons that you will teach you in a matter of minutes to make a crown from the hair. The required skill is weaving their 4 and 5 strands, as well as the correct pulling of the links. The first crown is suitable for any character from the princess to snowflakes. It is convenient that it is easy to add it easily as 2 pigtails and flowing hair. Video lesson on weaving crowns from hair for girls

For those who need an option to Kokoshnik, we suggest familiarizing yourself with another video.

We wish you a joyful and fun celebration of the upcoming New Year. And for your bass only smiles and pleasant emotions. Let our options for Christmas hairstyles for girls facilitate your search for the necessary hairstyle.

On the eve of the new year or getting ready to meet Halloween, whose popularity has recently increased significantly, many parents think about what the image to come up for their child.

If an adult is more likely to simply update his own wardrobe before the holidays, it is the fabulous attitude to children and in this sense a carnival costume is considered as one of the main elements that create it.

In our country, among many options for the girl for the new year, the image of the Snow Queen is often choosing. This character is equally combined with the spirit of New Year's holidays and, being undoubtedly negative, is suitable for Halloween.

In addition, this option is interesting because it provides a wide field for experiments and the incarnation of the most radical solutions.

In this article we will tell how to create a snowy queen makeup, to avoid common mistakes and pick up a suitable costume.

Basic principles

It is important, working on the image of the Snow Queen, always remember the charisma of this character Hans Christian Andersen. The storyteller very accurately outlined all its specific features and therefore it is necessary to preserve them as much as possible in the created image.

Children are also familiar with the snowy queen of cartoons and film. There it always shows:

  • very beautiful woman;
  • cold;
  • ironically cruel;
  • indifferent and looped on themselves;
  • infinitely lonely.

For this reason, you need to take care so that not a single flaw on the skin is not visible. The face is cleaned, and the defects mask the corrector.

The main gamma used for makeup is cold. Ideal:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • silver.

However, it will take a small number of bright hot shades for contrast. The main thing is not to overdo it. In particular, juicy allay lipstick will allow in some way to breathe life into the image.

To create a harsh nordic aesthetics, preference is given to vertical lines combined with different patterns and arrows.

It is important to understand that turning a girl with dark skin into the Snow Queen will not be easy. Ideally, this option will suit the owners of the coloring summer and winter.

Brunettes despair should not - dark hair perfectly look in the image.

Makeup Snow Queen Step

For a child, it will be enough to use light tone cream, the most light, or transparent powder. After that, there is a turn of actually makeup. Creating an image is divided into several main stages.

First of all, the cheekbones need to be treated with a dark color corrector, so that they become the most acute - "prickly". However, it is necessary to avoid drawing too sharp boundaries, otherwise the face will be too aggressive. With the help of a sponge, transitions are cut.

The area under eyebrows and eye corners are covered with purely white shadows. With their absence, pale blue are suitable.

Shadows that are in their composition sequins are required to make a nose.

The lower eyelids are covered with a matte means of blue (suitable and bright and dark).

Blue or light gray with sparkles paint:

  • cheeks;
  • whiskey.

Shadows here are imposed with light touch and in small quantities. As a result, it turns out the effect of injected skin. On top of such a background (if there is a desire), the patterns resembling those that appear on frozen windows are painted with a white pencil. This achieves volume.

Lipstick is used or as low as possible, combined with a common color solution, or any other. The lips necessarily drive the pencil so that their line is strict.

Frequent errors

In some cases, when creating this image, a blush is used. However, you need to be very careful. The smaller them - the better. Otherwise, the snow queen will be more like a snow maiden.

Mute the blush is easy to powder. It is necessary to choose a means with light glitter and the most transparent. This will create the illusion of cold and freshness.

Frequently, working on make-up, use an excessive amount of sequins. Of course, many believe that this option is ideal for the Snow Queen, but the whole thing is that their excessive amount turns the face into a flickering spot, behind which the owner is practically not visible. Thus, it will be more correct to treat glitter only individual protruding sites and the limited.

Important nuances

According to the makeup artists, the tone cream should be just light. It is necessary to impose it with a thin layer so that the result is a cold detached face with an aristocratic, and not painful pallor. In the last option, when using brightly lipstick, the perfect image of the vampire from Van Helsing will be released.

Eyebrows should also be properly prepared. The Snow Queen is a character strict, because sticking hairs or not very beautiful form is able to destroy the whole image. They are poured and tinted with a pencil identical in color hair.

If the native eyelashes are long enough, then they are simply tinted. Otherwise, it makes sense to use overhead. It should not be fear that naturalness will lose, because the snow queen is a heroine of a fairy tale, and it is permissible to look fantastic.

How to choose a dress

In the event that a sin-blue gamma was used when creating makeup, then the clothes should be silver or neutral gray. The dress is needed flowing and fairly free. The multilayer organza with a metal glitter is suitable as it is impossible.

However, it is allowed to combine several shades of the cold palette. Speeciously look and small elements of bright red. You need to refuse:

  • golden;
  • green;
  • orange, etc.

Create an image of a snow queen is easier than it seems at first glance. But, of course, you will have to work hard. This article will tell you how to make a snow queen makeup step by step, which cosmetics for this need and to whom this image fits most.

How to create a snow queen image

First of all, carefully think over each element of your appearance - from clothes to hairstyles, I do not miss anything. The slightest negligence, ill-impact or inaccurability can turn you out of the majestic snow queen in a frostbed stribling. It should also be noted that the image of the Snow Queen is most often associated with girls with light skin and hair. Although dark-haired beauties can also try this image on themselves if they correctly select the appropriate colors.

One of the most important elements of the image of the snow queen is the skin. Take care to carefully disguise all the flaws - extended pores, pimples, redness, irritation - everything is not a place on the face. The skin should be bright, clean. It is advisable to use a translucent crumbly powder over the tone. This will help create the effect of thin and shining, translucent skin. All colors used in make-up should be blond, shining, cold shades. The eyes and lips of the Snow Queen can be decorated with cosmetics imitating snow or frost.

How to apply makeup in the style of a snow queen?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin: clean and well moisturize. You can use the appropriate type of makeup or an ordinary moisturizer.
  2. Then we appline a tonal agent on face and carefully rub. It is best to use a special brush for this purpose for a tonal base. It is necessary to apply the tone through massage lines without stretching the skin. Further, on problem areas we use a corrective agent (its color is selected depending on the purpose: Green masks redness, yellow - dark circles under the eyes, lilac - yellowing of the skin, white - freckles).
  3. To fix the tone and ensure the skin of mattiness and translucency, it should be applied to the entire face transparent light scattering crumbly powder. It is better to do with a carp or a mild large brush.
  4. If you wish, you can use very bright, cold tones of blush, but it is not necessary. If you still decide to use them - emphasize the rushs only the protruding areas of the cheekbone, to apply a lot of Rumen.
  5. Alternatively, we apply pearl or matte shadows of cold shades (turquoise, blue, bluish). It is best to use a few shades of shades - the brightest applied to the inner corner of the eye, and the darkest - on the outer corner, which is riding to the temples. You can use a white or light gray eyeliner, artificial oars, rhinestones.
  6. A white or silver pencil should also be applied to the inside of the lower eyelid. This is done in order to select the lower eyelid, make the eye more and avoid the effect of "rabbit" eyes (after all, in contrast with light cold shadows, the inside of the century may seem red, inflamed).
  7. We apply a black mascara on the eyelashes, let dry a couple of minutes, repeat the application. After that, on the tips of the eyelashes we apply another layer of carcasses, but now white. This will create the effect of "snowy" eyelashes. You only need to use a white mascara, applying it in 2-3 layers. Alternatively, you can add false eyelashes of an unusual shape or color (blue, blue, silver).
  8. Combing your eyebrows, emphasize their shape with a bright eyebrow pencil. If you wish, you can add "Inay" (using a white carcass) or artificial snow.
  9. We form the contour of the lips with the help of the contour pencil suitable in color, and we apply a light lipstick. You can use a few shades of lipstick, overlapping them one on the other in such a way that the "Ombre" effect turned out. For example, in the center of the lips is the darkest color, and it gradually lit to the outer border of the lips. Or vice versa.

As you can see, becoming the lord of the ice is not so difficult. All you need is suitable cosmetics, minimal knowledge in the field of visasha, desire and some patience.

For most children, the new year is a real fairy tale, smiles, gifts, funny events, bright images. The choice of costume for a holiday is troublesome, but pleasant. New Year's hairstyle should be harmonized with outfit.

Think in advance who will your girl will be on the matinee - Malvina, snowflake, butterfly or princess? After buying a suit, see interesting options for children's Christmas hairstyles. Photo, description, recommendations of stylists will help create a memorable image.

How to choose a festive hairstyle? What mistakes allow many parents? For you - recommendations of hairdressers and experienced mothers.

How to act:

  • ask the girl who would like to be in the new year - a bee, an eastern beauty or a snowy queen. The unloved image will worsen the mood, overshadows the holiday;
  • jump the costume, see how the outfit will be more interesting - with flushed or selected hair;
  • laying should be cute, original, appropriate age. Ideally look for curls, original weaving, unusual tails;
  • complete hairstyle accessories. It will take: the rim with the New Year decor, the rain, the diadem, white ribbons, hairpins with snowflakes;
  • the New Year's matinee approaches different options for decor - from a beautiful hoop to unusual hats, complementing the image;
  • did you decide to leave long curls, put them together? Look, whether the curls do not interfere, do not cling to the lush collar;
  • put on the crown or rim, think the fastening method. Learn from the girl, does not squeeze the hoop or headband head;
  • if a wig is needed to the costume - buy this accessory. New Year's matinee should not be boring, strict images here need something.

Common mistakes

What should not do:

  • choose a suit yourself. In 5 years, the girl already knows how the image is closer to her - princesses or butterflies;
  • leave the choice of costume and suitable laying "On then";
  • when creating a New Year's hairstyle tightly tighten the hair, use the curb, a large amount of hair lacquer;
  • construction on the head, with which the girl will be uncomfortable to dance, participate in competitions. Be sure to check the fastening of the crown, tiaras, large snowflakes.

New Year's hairstyles for short hair

If the daughter has no long curls, accessories will help to create interesting stacking. Use the rim with New Year's decorations: snowflakes, rain, crystal droplets, rhinestones.

Its option - Make two tails on the top, wrap around them rain, secure invisible. Just and cute.

Short hairs pick in front with beautiful hairpins, on which the rain or snowflakes is fixed.

If the girl has a short square, divide the hair to the lateral sample, turn a few pigs perpendicular to the sample. For a New Year's image to a rubber, attach a small snowflakes or rain.

Options for medium and long hair

If the strands get to the shoulders and below, put them in the original way much easier. A lot of options: pigtails, curls, motherwinka, tails.

Relieve yourself from the outfit, in which young fashionista will go to celebrate the New Year in the kindergarten, school, relatives.

Framed curls

Limply, thin strands Wait on Papillary, make a motherwink. Just assemble your hair, braid two braids from the temples or get two harnesses. Any option looks great.

Decorate the place of connecting strands with a large snowflake, bright ribbons, beautiful colors. For a festive mother, create curls.

Tails and braids

If the girl has thick hair, create curls, assemble a low side tail. To create an original harness, turn strands from one ear to another through the occipital zone, secure the rubber band, invisible, attach the decor.

Have you mastered several original weaving techniques? Create a luxurious French braid on the children's head, an unusual spikelet or a cute basket. Be sure to add "Winter" strokes: ice cream, snowflakes, tinsel.

From long thick hair, make a high horse tail, decorate the rain, other New Year's hair decorations. It looks great to the diadem, the crown, like the Snow Maiden.

An interesting option is a bunch of braids, harnesses, curled strands. It is suitable for a older girl, dreaming to look at the festival, like a real young lady.

Step by step:

  • create a smooth laying, pick up straps back, make the tail;
  • create a bunch of smooth strands, pigs, curled hair;
  • secure invisible, hairpins;
  • pick up the decor, appropriate.

Original Images and Styling

Take a look at the photo. You may stop at one of these options. A bright suit, a gentle dress plus a suitable hairstyle will make your little girl in the New Year holiday.


Look, how these girls are laid. A lung dress with a lush skirt is harmonized with beautiful curls.

Regardless of the length of strands, the elasticity of Kudrey, the image looks gently. New Year's decor complements the hairstyle.

Fabulous princess

This suit is often asked to buy girls for the new year. Long dress, beautiful crown, delighted views of friends will delight the young princess. For such an image, hair can be laid in different ways.

See how cute wonder curled curls collected on the top of the top of the top. For a gentle image, release several side curls, slightly sprinkle with varnish. Optionally, tie a thin ribbon to the tone of the dress.

This option will suit the girls 10-12 years old: the babies do not really like it when something interferes in the forehead area.

Many mothers pick up strands, make the original bundle on the top of the top. Now it is convenient to mount the diadem, the crown, the horses do not fall into the eyes, do not interfere with dancing, participate in various contests.

Make such a laying is easy:

  • collect a high tail, fix with a soft rubber band;
  • make a bundle with a bubble (foam fixture resembling a common ring from a toy pyramid);
  • complete the styling of the diadem or elegant crown.

Tip! Decoration can be bought in the store or make it yourself. On the Internet there are quite a few sites where you can find a description of the work.

If the strands are not very long, put them, also collect in the tail on the top, sprinkle with lacquer design. For reliability, fasten the bunch of curly invisible.

Front necessarily release a couple of thin curled strands. So the hairstyle will be even more gentle.

Butterfly or bee

A suitable image for active, moving girls. Difficult laying should not be done. Slightly put on papilletes or curve-boomerangs strands, pick up a rim on which cute "mustache" is fixed.

You did not have time (forgotten) to buy a hoop with a suitable decor? Will the butterfly "flutter" with a good mood?

Do not despair, do this:

  • divide the strands of direct or side verses, well, sprinkle, slightly sprinkle straight straps;
  • you can attach a small invisibility with the decor at the end or start straining. The image will be no less interesting.

Create cute lugs on the top. With mischievous, brightly beef or butterflies, such a laying will look organically. The collected hairs allow you to forget about strands that interfere with dances and showing scenes.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • divide the scop hair with a smooth survey;
  • makushka make two tails;
  • each divide into three strips, braid a classic pigtail, put on a low slim rubber;
  • wrap braids around the gum, fix with studs, invisible;
  • put the hoop with the mustache, decorate each beam made of bright ribbon or soft rubber band in a tone.

Do you like such a queen butterflies? From this cute creation is difficult to take a look!

Gentle curls and bright butterflies, "intimidated" in the hair "- a great idea for creative mothers and mischievous girls. Offer your daughter such a version of the New Year's hairstyle, refuse the traditional image of the snowflake.

To save the pretty laying, it is important:

  • split the curls well;
  • be sure to sprinkle with varnish;
  • to fully attach butterflies; check whether the wings and mustaches interfere during movement;
  • you can crush thin harnesses from the front strands, to secure invisible above the temples or on the top, and then cast butterflies.

Gulki will fit not only to the image of the butterfly. See how cute looks with a design from a brand with a conventional elegant dress.

Such a festive laying is easy to create on shocks from the blades and below:

  • divide the champper in the middle, make high tails on top;
  • now fantasize - braid one or more braids, get the harnesses, create on one tail and harnesses, and pigtails;
  • next, wrap braided or curled strands around the base of the tail. Try to make the design gets volume;
  • fix the hairstyle with pins and invisible, you can slightly sprinkle with a flickering varnish;
  • if desired, fasten a pair of snowflakes on each lick or wrap the design of a thin thread of white beads.
  • with such stacking, any mom will cope.

How to create a hairstyle without tears

The young princess wants to be beautiful, but calmly stop while her hair will choose her hair or braid pigtails, they can not all girls. What to do?

Here are some tips:

  • buy a ottoman with a soft bristle, not traumating baby hairs. This option is suitable for all 100% if strands are fluid, thin;
  • for more thick hair, an ideal solution is an innovative tanger teaser for children. The brush with original teeth will easily read even the longest, lush curls without pain and tears;
  • buy special cosmetic oil for children's hairs. Apply a little product on the calculation - now it will go faster, strands will be less confused;
  • after removing papillotch or curve-boomerangs, you first read the curls with your hands, only then - a brush;
  • to create tails, use soft gums that do not traummer hair. Another advantage of bright fixtures: they do not cling to strands, they are easy to shoot.

Now you know how to create original, beautiful hairstyles for children for the new year. Focus on the photo, invent your holidays for festive styling. Buy the necessary accessories for decoking strands - rim, hairpins, rain, ribbons, snowflakes, crown or to diadem.

Do not make young fashionable too adult styling: This image looks funny and ridiculous. Consider the wishes of girls, together pick up a suit, hairstyle, accessories. Go to the case creatively, with a soul - and your child will be pleased with its reflection in the mirror.

Another option is a festive hairstyle for the girl in the following video:

Silver gamut in make-up, manicure, outfits, shoes and accessories are the classic beauty trend of New Year holidays. We will tell you how to create an image of a snow queen.

Inspear and attractive, emitting the inner strength and romantic, aristocratic and rewarding ignoring rules, externally impassive, but ready-made in the middle of the Queen - one of the images for meeting the New Year and other winter holidays, which will never come out of Fashion. Perhaps also because this image is universal and easily "adapted" to the dress code of the celebration. For the official evening, you can, having made a bet on elegance, limit ourselves to one or two silver accents: bracelets, a pair of boats or a clutch, and for an informal party, a silver Total look, brave, daring, ookoldy, like a heroine of cinema and coffee photo shoots. For examples, it is not necessary to go far: remember the inimitable Tilda of Suinton in the Narnia Christmas film bar or Heidi Klum in a photo shoot for the December issue of the Italian magazine AMICA.

How to reincarnate in a snowy divide? We will tell you how to use the Classic Winter Beauty Trend - a silver gamut in makeup, manicure, outfits, shoes and accessories - to create a festive image.

Snow Queen Makeup: Accents

A pale or low face without a drop of a brush, dramatic black or twisted eyebrows, colorless lips, arrows in the eyes, silver eye shadows as basic with the addition of blue or blue for accent ... and also - openwork masks and false eyelashes, appliques from Rhinestones, metal leaves, artificial snowflakes and silver-white powder, creating the effect of sneezing face. We spied for you a few ideas of snow makeup in beauty bloggers - do not miss the video under the article and take your favorite ideas!

Snow Queen Manicure: Accents

Log in the image of ice diva will help you with a cold color range: blue, purple, blue, and trend metal shades (there is nowhere without platinum and silver). Gothic black varnish will also be appropriate.

You can experiment with a festive manicure as you like: you can put a lacquer with a degrad effect, when one tone from the well to the edge of the nail goes into another; You can make a colored french or lunar manicure in the colors of the winter night. And there is no borders for Neil Art and at all: draw snowflakes, glue rhinestones and appliques from thin foil, try lacquer with metal sparkles or cracking effect ... perhaps the video under the article will help you to decide what snow beauty you want to see on your marigolds in Is this new year?

Hairstyles in the style of the snow queen: accents

Irina Schapova , fashion-editor site, comments: "Silver - always a winning festive color that will add glitter and radiance into any image. This metal shade in its spectacular properties is not inferior to the gold. If you usually do not allow yourself more than one or two silver jewelry, then in the New Year you can remove all these restrictions and dressed in silver with legs to the head.

We offer to start with a long evening dress in the floor or cocktail dresses from sequins of silver color and add silver sandals on thin straps or lacquer shoes to it. In a tandem with black, silver color will open as a more courageous, cold and impregnable. The opposite sensation will create a combination of silver color and pastel shades - they will soften his lunar glitter and make magic and fabulous. If you have already thought out the main color of your New Year's dress, then add shiny accents to it in the form of accessories in silver color - it can be a clutch with a metal shine, and a necklace in the form of a collar, and a royal tiara with sparkling crystals, and a variety of decorations from Silver. "

Photo: A., promo brands,