Henna cream ready-made. From the information on the package

If you go to the site of the company Fito cosmetics, you can find the following information about this dye - henna cream is a natural hair dye (consists of 100% natural ingredients and enriched with oils). And the convenience of the product lies in its ease of use - the buyer receives a bag with a ready-made dye mixture, which does not need to be diluted with water, such as ordinary henna powder. However, the buyer should be aware that the henna cream from Phytocosmetics is not at all the product that we buy in ordinary packs with natural henna. To understand this, just look at the composition of the henna cream indicated on the package:

In the first place are water and henna (lavsonia), then vegetable oils, ginseng extract, glycerin, keratin, panthenol, preservatives and synthetic dyes.

The difference between this composition, from the one you make yourself from ordinary henna powder (henna + water + oil), is the presence of moisturizing additives (panthenol, keratin, glycerin), preservatives and dyes. Moisturizing additives can help make hair softer and smoother, synthetic dyes help to diversify shades, and preservatives help preserve this whole mixture for a certain period of time. It is possible that such a dye is not suitable for people with sensitive scalp, as synthetic pigments can cause irritation. It is also likely to increase the porosity of the hair, which will make it drier and more brittle.

Cream henna Phytocosmetic has the properties of a tint agent. Unlike regular henna, hair color is washed off after a couple of weeks. So the only advantage of this product over ordinary henna powder is the variety of shades, in all other respects this product loses.

If you decide to try one of the shades of this dye on yourself, the palette will come in handy. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not give an exact description of the color, and the buyer can only guess about the color nuances of each of them.

Henna cream Phytocosmetic - palette



Adalind Koss

Henna has been used to change hair color for years. This is one of the most popular dyes donated by nature. The habitat of this plant is Asia and Africa. It is a well-known remedy in North Africa and the Middle East.

Pros of henna hair coloring

Among the advantages of dyeing hair with henna are:

cooling effect. Using henna will make you feel cool, which is why it is especially useful in summer. It has antimicrobial properties;
henna leads. It is a great remedy for itching and irritation. Helps to activate, gives health and strength to hair;
henna. Systematic use will help paint the whole thing. It helps to slow down the aging of the curls.

Henna has many useful features:

green chlorophylls tone curls;
hennotanic acid fights microbes and fungi on the scalp. Hair becomes softer, stronger, fuller, dandruff goes away;
resins regenerate curls without weighing them down. After using henna, the hair is restored, but remains light;
tannin fights hair loss by strengthening the roots;
polysaccharides are a natural conditioner. It moisturizes the skin, fights against;
acids reduce fat content, normalize glandular function;
pectins give extra volume;
essential oils have a positive effect on the skin and curls, strengthening them.

How henna works

The main principle of action of henna on hair is that the plant contains Lawsone tannin molecules. They are not noticeable because they are masked by chlorophyll. When kneading the leaves and mixing them with acidified water, the molecules come out, as the walls of the cellulose cells disappear. Coloring substances pass from the mixture, destroying the epidermis, into the hair shafts, they combine with keratin.

If this is too complicated an explanation, then this process is also described as follows: if a wet tea bag is left on a white fabric, then the tannin will go into the fibers. So stains remain. And the longer the tea lies on the fabric, the darker the color of the stain.

Therefore, before starting the painting procedure, henna must be diluted with citrus juice and allowed to brew overnight. During such a period, the pigments are completely released.

Henna is a herbal substance that has a positive effect on the health of hair in general, as well as its appearance.

The final color directly depends on the shade of the hair, because the dye molecules are mixed with keratin. Therefore, each curl is different in color, and all people will get different shades.

The use of henna gives the curls shine, smoothness, and regenerates them after chemical dyes. But before applying, henna should be tried on one of the strands.

Henna preparation

To prepare henna for painting, it is required to mix the powder with slightly acidified water for several reasons. Cellulose is dissolved in the paint to release the pigment. The hydrogen in the coloring particles must be retained until keratin and henna bind. This will make it possible to darken the shade and keep it. If the hydrogen does not have time to attach to the coloring particles, then the color turns out to be bright orange and fades rapidly.

It is enough to mix paint and lemon juice. If your skin reacts to lemon with irritation, then choose the juice of other citrus fruits. Vinegar and wine are also fine, but they leave an unpleasant odor. Tea with lemon is also suitable.

Remember the rules for mixing henna. This will help avoid unpleasant situations and unwanted hair color.

You shouldn't add yoghurt, because its protein prevents the release of pigment and "eats" the paint. It is not advised to mix henna with coffee. It changes color, and the curls will get an unpleasant odor. If you mix henna and coffee, you get a deeper chestnut shade. Add 2 tablespoons to the composition. to restore depleted curls. Clove powder enhances the color but can irritate the skin. Never use boiling water to dilute henna. This gives the curls a coppery orange hue.

Diluted henna needs to be covered with foil and allowed to stand overnight. During this period, the dye will be released, and it will be ready for manipulation. To speed up the process, place the dishes in a warm (35 degrees). Then the paint will be ready in 2 hours.

So, how much henna is required for staining:

if the curls are short, then 100 g is enough;
for hair reaching the shoulders, 2 times more is required - 200 g;
if the curls are just below the shoulders - 300 g;
for curls to the waist, you need half a kilogram of henna.

One spoon contains 7 g of henna. And in half a glass - 50 grams.

There are some important tips for using henna:

it is a permanent paint. It is not removed from the hair;
hair slowly darkens. If an overly saturated shade came out, do not worry. It will take a couple of days and it will get darker;
with each procedure, more dyes are absorbed into the hair. If the curls have darkened a little, carry out the procedure again;
if you like the shade, you don't need it to darken, then paint only the roots;
henna is allowed to dye hair after usual dyes. Before doing this, make a check on an inconspicuous area of ​​hair;
it is also important to test the henna for an allergic reaction.

Henna application rules

So, consider the rules for applying henna to hair:

Henna is used on clean curls for better results.

It does not matter whether they are dry or wet. But it is better to manipulate wet curls, so the paint is absorbed more. Don't forget about testing.

A cream should be applied along the hairline and on the ears. This will help prevent staining of the skin.
Divide your hair into 3 cm sections.This approach helps to better cover the curls, without skipping.
Wear gloves to protect your hands.
Apply henna along the entire length of the curl.

Take a small strand each time. Manipulations continue until all curls are covered evenly. If paint remains, it needs to be distributed. After application, a slight heaviness is felt.

Leave the henna to work.

For a light shade, it takes 40 minutes under a towel and 60 without it. Dark hair will need at least 50 minutes with a towel and 80 without a towel.

Rinse your curls with warm water.

It takes a long time to rinse off henna. Divide the curls into strands and rinse them in turn.

Then use your usual shampoo.

Root staining with henna

To stain the roots with henna, there are 2 ways. The first is as follows:

paint is required to be applied to the roots with a special tool;
making movements to the right ear, it is required to separate the curls by 1-2 cm;
when you reach the ear, all hair needs to be shifted to the other side and starting from the center of the head, moving to the left;
after painting the front, go to the occipital. You need 2 mirrors. One behind and one in front. Apply in the same way: divide the curls by 2 cm;
after the end of the manipulations, cover the hair with a film and a towel.

For the second method, you will need to purchase a hair dye bottle or piping bag. These accessories help to simplify the staining process and make it more accurate.

How to wash off henna

On the bags they write a warning that henna cannot be washed off. And on the hair that was dyed with it, you can not use chemical dyes. Therefore, it is believed that henna is an overly resistant paint, it cannot be removed in any way. But is it? How to wash off henna yourself?

For this, various ways have been invented. The most effective result is achieved within 14 days after staining, but older stains are washed off. One of the methods is as follows: the hair is smeared with 70% alcohol and left for 5 minutes. Now you need to prepare a mask from vegetable oil or special oil, which is used to remove paint. Apply lengthwise and cover with a towel. The higher the oil temperature is, the better the result will be. Leave the mask for 120 minutes. If you warm it up with a hair dryer, then the interval is reduced to half an hour. Now wash it off. Oils are excellent at removing paint.

There are several ways to remove henna from hair. But experts say that the most effective is with the use of oils.

Another way - . Mix 200 grams with 40 grams of yeast. Apply to hair and let it work. This method removes about 20% of the henna. But the hair needs to be washed with laundry soap. And repeat the manipulations daily for a week.

Another option is to pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into a bowl of water, dip your hair for 10 minutes, then rinse and grease with balm. The bright red color will change to copper.

There is a way to remove henna with the addition of basma. It is brewed, mixed with olive oil. In a heated form, the mixture is rubbed in and left for half an hour. To achieve the result, repeat a couple of times. Another option with basma: brew and lubricate the dried curls for 20 minutes. It will help restore the natural shade.

It is prepared like this: juice and finely chopped lemon are applied to the curls for 3 hours. Repeat three times a week. The effect is achieved after 7 treatments. Coffee also changes hair color: mix 4 tablespoons with 2 tablespoons of henna and dye the curls again.

Sour sour cream grease hair for half an hour, warm hair. This will noticeably lighten the curls.

If you believe the reviews, then the most effective results are achieved by using heated oils. The result depends on the structure of the hair. And if these funds do not help, then you can change the red color by painting with basma.

Express method of staining with henna

For the express method of dyeing with henna, 50 g for short hair and 200 g for long hair will be required:

henna is diluted with heated water until a sour cream consistency is reached (about 1 tablespoon per 1 tablespoon of water). Place to remove lumps. Then refrigerate. Drop a little concentrated oil into the composition. So the shade will turn out richer, and the paint will fall more evenly on the hair;
cover clothes, apply cream along the hairline and on the ears;
henna dye washed hair. The process begins from the back of the head. After that, the curls need to be combed with a comb, massage for uniform distribution;
the hair is covered with a film and fixed. Henna works more strongly in warmth, therefore it is worth winding a towel on top.

The average staining interval reaches 1-1.5 hours. If you need to strengthen the curls, and not change the shade, then keep the henna for 10 minutes. After a while, the hair is thoroughly rinsed with warm water until it becomes transparent. If the gray strands get a pale or yellowish color, then repeat the procedure.

Questions and answers

Consider the popular questions and answers about henna:

Can I use other paints after painting with henna?

The answer is yes. You can apply staining after pure natural henna. But there is a point that is important to know: ordinary dyes behave somewhat differently, compared to using on undyed hair.

Using regular dye will not disturb the structure of your hair, but will give unexpected results, usually, the color is darker than expected. Chemical paint rinses off faster than usual. henna gives hair smoothness and reduces porosity. Because of this, the paint is not able to absorb well.

Often, after henna, a darker color can be achieved by applying unnatural dyes. For better absorption, lighten the curls, and then paint. But hair bleaching will be difficult, because henna prevents the absorption of dyes.

Remember! If henna was used with basma, then the use of ordinary paint will give the hair shades of green.

Is it possible to restore my color after henna?

No, henna is almost impossible to wash off. To regain its shade, the hair will have to be lightened.

How to store henna

It is important to know how to properly store henna in order to preserve its properties. The powder is kept in places without moisture in a sealed package. Henna can retain its properties for a couple of years, and sometimes longer if frozen in a tightly closed container. It is still kept cold or dark in the cool. Henna is allowed to be stored at a temperature of +21 degrees, but not more than 1 year.

When stored properly, henna can retain its properties for several years. Freezing the finished mixture will help speed up the next stain.

The mixture is stored in the freezer for six months. It is important that the henna releases the dye before being sent to the camera. Such a remedy will have a stronger effect. It is allowed to defrost it, then freeze it again a couple of times without losing its strength.

Freezing keeps the dye, but it is used warm, therefore the shelf life is reduced. Try to keep it out of the freezer for the shortest amount of time.

Acidic additives (lemon juice or fruit juice) prolong the life of the substance, so they help to retain the color when defrosting frequently.

April 19, 2014 2:28 pm

Presented in the catalog Phytocosmetic paint cream henna ready-made is a one-of-a-kind natural colorant with a gentle formula. It takes care of your hair, strengthening it and giving it a natural, rich color.

  • Does not contain ammonia!

This toxic substance has a negative effect on the hairstyle, destroys the scales of the rod, making the strands dull and brittle. Moreover, ammonia can enter the body through the pores - this can lead to burns, poisoning and serious allergic reactions. It also has an unpleasant, persistent odor.

  • No hydrogen peroxide

A strong oxidizing agent aggressively affects both the hair follicles and the scalp. In most cases, the hairstyle from it only deteriorates: it becomes lifeless and dull.

  • Contains burdock oil

This component enriches the hair with vitamins, as well as stearic and palmitic acids. Serves as a natural conditioner that makes hair more manageable, shiny and healthy.

Basis of paint care in finished form Cream-henna Phytocosmetic

Of all the means that you can now buy, henna cream has the most powerful beneficial effect. It is made from the leaves of thornless lawsonia, which grows in Egypt and India. There, this outlandish shrub has long been considered a miracle product for the beauty of skin and hair.

Powdered lavsonium is characterized by many useful properties: it makes the curls thick and strong, stimulates their growth, prevents peeling, stratification of the ends.

Due to the fact that the composition also contains useful oils, the “Phytocosmetic” cream-henna paint returns strength and silkiness to even the most problematic curls spoiled by constant dyes and curls.

Unlike buying ordinary henna, you do not have to prepare the material yourself, worrying about the correct proportions - the manufacturer has already taken care of this. Thoughtful packaging and thick consistency makes it possible to quickly and easily color your hair yourself at home. And the result will be grandiose, like from the salon!

Depending on the intensity, it is necessary to keep the mixture from ten minutes to half an hour.

A wealth of shades

Henna Cream not only cares for your hair, harmlessly giving it thickness, expressiveness and shine, but also allows you to change, experiment with tones - each of them reliably paints over gray hair, is durable.

The palette presented on our website is strikingly diverse. Any shade can be ordered here with free shipping within Russia.

  • Natural blond

Natural colors are on trend. In addition, light brown is ideal for every woman of Slavic appearance.

  • Caramel

Combines sensuality and tenderness. The best choice if you do not want to radically change yourself for the sake of fashion. At the same time, give the curls freshness, and the appearance itself - sharpness.

  • Classic henna

It will give you the opportunity to get an attractive reddish shade in just 20 minutes!

  • Coppery

A versatile option that will beautify any skin type, complement the overall image.

  • Copper red

A novelty for those who crave to always be in the spotlight, captivating with the brightness and shine of their hair.

  • Burgundy

Juicy but elegant tone, close to dark ruby.

  • Mocha

A coffee color full of mystery and nobility. With him, enthusiastic looks are provided to you!

  • Chestnut

Possesses natural splendor, fans of the enchanting chestnut are rightfully considered: Jessica Alba and Evangeline Lilly.

  • Dark chestnut

A tonality that can hide the split ends. And also visually soften pointed facial features.

  • Chocolate

Soft and warm color, mesmerizing with its naturalness and beauty.

  • bitter chocolate

Looks especially impressive in combination with dark skin, green and brown eyes.

  • Black

Passionate and deep, this shade will enrich your image with confidence, intelligence. With it, even thin hair looks much more voluminous.

HENNA CREAM is a modern natural hair color that gives a long-lasting, rich and radiant color. Unlike conventional paints, which include ammonia and hydrogen peroxide,
destroying the hair structure, our Henna Cream has a 100% natural composition and is enriched with healing oils.
It is an excellent remedy for strengthening, thickening and improving hair growth. Henna cream combines two salon procedures at home - hair coloring and professional care.
For consumers who do not want to color their hair, but want to pamper them with unrivaled care, we have developed a Colorless Firming Henna Cream.
Ready-made henna cream is very convenient to use, it does not need to be mixed with water, you just need to open the sachet and apply the ready-made composition to the hair. Henna cream has a delicate texture, it is easy to apply and wash off

Ingredients: Water, root oil, burdock oil, sweet almond oil, Panax ginseng root extract, ginseng extract, wheat germ oil, glycerin, cocamidopropyl betaine, propylene glycol, hydrolyzed keratin, dimethicone, xanthan gum, panthenol benzoic acid, sorbic acid, dehydroacetic acid, benzyl alcohol, HC Red 3, Acid Violet 43, N, N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl) -2-nitro-p-phenylenediamine, HC Yellow 2

I periodically dye my hair with henna after long experiments with chemical dyes, and here the new PhytoCosmetic came out - henna cream... Its distinctive feature is that you do not need to breed anything beforehand. But in this case, there are inconveniences.

Phytocosmetics products can be bought both in ordinary hypermarkets and on the official website. The official site has a VKontakte group where you can ask a question in the discussion. You can pay both through Yandex Money and by credit card (with a password by SMS).

Important: one package will not be enough even for short shoulder length hair. It is better to take 3 packs at a length just below the shoulders. Consumption is unrealistically large, unprofitable. Well, it would have been the result.

The top package is in the form of a flat cardboard box with an indication of the hair color and his photo. On the back side, there is a composition in which burdock oil is actually present, as well as ginseng extract.
A total of 12 shades are presented. I like chestnut.

Henna cream is packaged in a sachet that breaks easily on the side. The tear already exists there, no scissors are needed. But it is terribly inconvenient to use, everything flows out. It is necessary to pour and thereby reduce the mass of henna.

You do not need to wear gloves on your hands if you are not going anywhere. She will wash off during the day. So imagine how quickly the dye rinses off your hair.

How to apply henna hair dye:

  • we wet our hair a little, but not much
  • apply the mass from the bag, distributing it over all the hair
It is very difficult to distribute, as it is dry and crumbles a little. One package is enough for you only for the root part.
  • to get a light shade, we wait 10 minutes, for an intense one - half an hour
  • wash off without using shampoo
PHOTO of hair BEFORE(it is generally close to the color on the cover):

PHOTO of hair AFTER:
My camera never wanted to take on a real shade. He moves away in red and burgundy! Horror. Moreover, half of the hair was not dyed. And it does not take roots (its natural) at all.
The specks that are visible in the photo are the remains of henna.

I was scared that I would be walking red for several weeks. BUT: henna cream is washed out very quickly. After just 4 washes, there was nothing left of the staining! For which the money was given ((This is not all. Let's see how she behaved in promising caring properties:

  • no strengthening was noticed
  • no shine
  • turns hair into a loofah!
If I knew that it would be so, I would definitely apply a good mask or balm right after painting. I do not advise you to spend money and time on it.
And yes, it is washed off for a very long time with water after the first staining. I didn't even wait for the water to become clear. A slight pinkish tint remained. Therefore, take an unnecessary towel.