Hair masks from colorless henna. Masks and homemade shampoo made of colorless henna for strengthening and gloss hair. How to make a mask from colorless henna

Everyone knows how perfectly paints Hnna's hair and has a beneficial effect on them.

However, few people know that a colorless Henna, which is used as a remedy for hair, can be an excellent facial skin care agent. An effective mask of Henna for a person has anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties, so it is perfect for problematic and fading skin.

What makes a mask from Henna for a face with such a priceless cosmetic agent? The whole thing in the chemical composition of Henna powder:

  • chrisophanol (crisopanol) has anti-grapple and antimicrobial properties, healing the mouths of the skin;
  • emodin makes masks from henna anti-inflammatory, as it has regenerating properties;
  • carotine provides skin healthy color, improving skin texture;
  • betaine is famous as an excellent natural humidifier, so Henna masks are recommended for dry, cracked skin;
  • zeaksanthin cleans the skin from pollution;
  • rutin strengthens blood vessels, so that the face mask from henna will provide oxygen access to skin cells in sufficient quantity;
  • fisal has a soothing effect on problem skin.

Colorless Henna for the face is sometimes simply indispensable: few of the cosmetics can provide skin as safe and high-quality care.

Henna masks for face: testimony and contraindications

Since the composition of such masks uses colorless henna for the face, without coloring pigment, it is completely harmless and is not an allergen. There are no contraindications to the use of Henna-based masks, but still the optimal option is the test mask on the wrist of the hand to avoid individual skin reactions. Indications to the use of a mask from henna can be:

  • problem skin suffering from acne rams and acne, after such masks will finally be able to rest from constant inflammation;
  • faded, flaky, wrinkled skin under the action of such a mask will gain the second youth and freshness;
  • oily skin will be able to gain a healthy complexion and restore the normal operation of the glands;
  • dry skin will receive maximum moisturizing from the mask from the henna;
  • and for normal skin, such a face mask is suitable: colorless Henna will appreciate it with all the necessary nutritional elements.

Before choosing a recipe and start cooking a mask, it is important to buy a quality product: do not buy a hnu in the gentlemen from trays in people of Caucasian nationality or market. It is better to go to a specialized store that is responsible for the quality of your product, or a pharmacy. If it is a natural product, a colorless person for a face. Reviews collects only the best and grateful.

Miracle face mask from henna.

Best Recipes Henna Masks for Face

Choosing a particular cosmetic recipe with henna, focus primarily on the type of skin and those ingredients that are part of the mask. The time of any of them is up to 20 minutes.

For problem skin

  • 1. Classical

Colorless henna (tablespoon) pour hot water (tablespoon), cool ..

  • 2. Etheric

Heno (tablespoon) pour hot water, add a few drops of fir, tea tree or rosemary essential oil. For the heated skin, this calm and cleansing mask for the face will become a real salvation: the colorless Henna will remove the foci of inflammation in the shortest possible time.

For dry skin

  • 3. Olive

Colorless huhu (tablespoon) pour hot water (as quantity), add olive oil (2 teaspoons) to the mixture.

  • 4. Cream

Heno (tablespoon) pour hot water (tablespoon), mix with fat cream (tablespoon).

For oily skin

  • 5. Sourished

Colorless huhu (tablespoon) pour hot water (as quantity), add a non-large sour cream (tablespoon).

  • 6. With cosmetic clay

Henna powder in equal amounts mix with blue cosmetic clay (on a tablespoon) and pour hot water.

For fading skin

  • 7. Bananova

Huma (tablespoon) to dissolve hot water (tablespoon), mix with the flesh of a banana (2 tablespoons) and whipped egg.

  • 8. fruit

Powder of colorless henna (tablespoon) pour hot water and mix with fruit puree (2 tablespoons) from the pulp of persimmon, banana and melon.

For fading skin

  • 9. Aloe.

Heno (tablespoon), diluted with hot water, mix with juice from aloe leaves (2 tablespoons).

  • 10. On herbs

Henu (tablespoon) pour hot decoction from chamomile (tablespoon).
Having discovered a colorless hu in the composition of unique cosmetic masks for the face, many women refuse further searching for the perfect care of their skin, which acquires a second life under the influence of such masks.

How to always stay beloved and attractive? How to defeat time? How to save natural beauty? ─ Modern cosmetics are able to answer such difficult issues, in the development of which huge money is invested. Naturally, and buy them in front. Unfortunately, modern cosmetics increasingly resorts to the help of chemistry, and side effects from such "beauty" adversely affect health. Meanwhile, Nature has long already gave all the answers to the questions asked by life. Of course, this cosmetics, in the production of which only natural components are used. Yes, natural cosmetics are good, without a doubt, only it is very notice. It is good that we have "Babushkina" recipes in stock.

Henna ─ hair paint or something more?

Henna is known to many as natural hair paint, also strengthening weak hair. It is prepared from dry and well-grained leaves of Lavsoni growing in India, Egypt and some other countries where there are areas with dry and hot climate. From the stalks of Lavsonia, a colorless henna is prepared, which has therapeutic properties. Especially it helps with skin problems. Thanks to the strong antiseptic qualities of Henna, it is used in the processing of wounds, scratches, yasers on the skin, helps in the treatment of bone diseases, has a soothing effect during acute inflammatory processes. As can be seen, the spectrum of its therapeutic effects is quite wide. We are also interested in how Henna carries for the skin of the face.

What effect gives a face mask from henna?

First of all, it should be known that Henna is a powerful antioxidant, and its use for skin care allows you to achieve a significant rejuvenating effect. It helps to clean and moisturize the skin, with its help you can restore the elasticity of the skin, improve its tone, pull the skin, smooth out small wrinkles. The use of this natural tool will help to fight fungus, acne, inflammation, restore the normal operation of the sebaceous glands, "windy" dry and fill the skin of any type of nutrients.

Lovevonia does not cause allergic reactions contained in it active substances harmless to the body. Nevertheless, a small test should be held ─ to prove that the face mask from Henna will not cause unwanted reactions: to put a little cooked casher on the back of the brush and wait a few minutes. In the absence of individual intolerance, it can be safely used to prepare all sorts of masks.

Practical Recipes Masks from Henna

Preventive skin cleansing.

To prepare such a mask we take a white cosmetic clay, purchased in a pharmacy, taking into account the skin type, and a powder of colorless henna. We mix them in equal proportions and hill a mixture with warm boiled water. The resulting Cashitz apply a dense layer on the face, and after 15-20 minutes, wash off warm water. As a result, the skin will be perfectly cleaned.

We do lifting on our own

In the ceramic pile we are dragging with steep boiling water two or three tablespoons of powder of colorless henna before the formation of a homogeneous thick casher. In the resulting mass, you instress a few drops of the oil of the sandalwood, oil of fragrant tea tree or fir. After about 20 minutes, we wash off a slight warm water. The effect of lifting will appear after several such sessions.

We matify normal face

The skin is well purified with a lotion with a lotion, apply a sour creamy cashitz from a mixture of non-fat warm kefir or source and colorless henna. After 20 minutes, the mixture was washed with warm water, after which the nutrient cream is applied to the skin.

Moisturize dry skin

I brew a couple of penette spoons with steep boiling water before receiving homogeneous thick mass, we give it a slightly cool, then add some amount of vitamin A and a pair of thick natural sour cream. The mask is removed with warm water in about 20 minutes, after which the nutritious and moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

Clean the black dots from face

Watering with hot or warm water colorless huhu before the formation of a cashecture, we appline a mixture with a thick layer to the desired places and withstand before the formation of dried peel 15-20 minutes. Carefully washing the mask with warm water, you can moisten the skin and slightly massate it. As a result, the skin is well cleaned and pulls up.

Rejuvenate skin face

One tablespoon of henna is diluted with warm water before the formation of pasty mass. We will add a teaspoon in a mixture of fresh aloe juice, we wash and apply on the face, about 20 minutes. Wash off warm water. This mask is used for any skin type. Several such sessions will enable elasticity, soften the skin of the face, get rid of acne, slow down and pull the skin slightly.

In all cases, before applying the mask from the Henna, the person should be thoroughly wiped with a lotion or a special cleansing tonic. Similar masks can be done daily or courses, and the smoked, the smoking face will delight you with every look at the mirror.

Colorless hen.She is the Obovata Cassia (Cassia Obovata) is a natural healing agent that is used in caring for hair, skin and nail care. This healing powder is obtained from the ground leaves of the cassue plant growing in hot countries.

Most often, colorless henna is used to strengthen and treat hair, but not less colorless Henna for the skin of the face and the whole body effectively carries effectively. Today on the site website We will talk about how to make a face mask from a colorless henna than they are useful for skin and what problems can be eliminated.

Colorless henna, unlike the coloring red, henna does not stain her hair and skin, because It is obtained completely from another plant. It contains in its composition vitamins, biologically active substances, a large amount of anxhappy and crystrophic acid, has an antibacterial, a cumulative effect and, from a long time, is traditionally used to treat eczema and various skin infections.

Colorless Henna is a popular ingredient used in cosmetology. Beneficially affects the condition of the skin, it has a beautiful cleansing and exfoliating effect, whitens the skin. Due to the content in the composition of the crycofanic acid stimulates the update of collagen, which is very important when the skin is rejuvenated and the signs of aging.

Colorless huu cosmetologists advise to use with pimples scored, excessive skin salinity and acne. Masks made of colorless henna are used to feed, cleansing, skin rejuvenation. The skin after such a mask becomes an elastic, velvety to the touch, smooth and clean. For dry and peeling skin, colorless Henna will also be effective if during the application mask on face - sprinkle with warm water to exclude it drying.

Face Masks from Colorless Henna - Recipes

Colorless HHU as a mask for the skin of the face can be used in its pure form or enrich additional components. The paste from the henna must be applied in a warm form to open pores and substances deeper into the skin.

If you need to get rid of the clogged pores, black dots, dry the pimples and narrow the pores - the mask to keep on the skin until completely drying. In rewrings, a sprayer with warm water will be required to spray drying on the skin from time to time so that the mask remains in a wet state.

Pure henna mask

  1. Cook the mask is very easy. Take a small amount of colorless Henna (1 tablespoon) and split boiling water to the consistency of the yogurt, mix thoroughly.
  2. Cover the lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After that, on clean skin, you can apply a mask with a thick layer.
  4. Keep the mask on the skin follows 20-30 minutes. Wash the mask need warm water, gradually swinging and using a sponge or a cotton disk. Also, you can massate the skin, achieving the effect of the scanning.

If necessary, on the face you can apply a mask again. If the scored pores have not been cleared to the end, the re-applying mask will clean them and make the skin smooth. After the mask, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream or gel, because the colorless Henna has a small drying effect.

After the mask, you will notice that the skin has become smooth, matte, velvety, tightened, with a more even color, with clean pores and with a significant decrease in inflammation.

Colorless henna mask with essential oils

  1. The easiest way to enrich colorless huu and strengthen the effect - add a couple of droplets of essential oil. Against the inflammation - the essential oil of the tea tree, clarify and squeeze the skin tone - the lemon essential oil, smooth out the wrinkles - the essential oil of the orange, narrow the pores - the essential oil of mint, for dry skin - the essential oil of the rose tree.
  2. Prepare a mask of colorless henna (1 tablespoon), bay it boiling water. Cover and let it brew 10-15 minutes. After that, add 1-2 drops of essential oil and thoroughly mix the mixture so that the essential oil is evenly distributed in the mask.
  3. Apply a thick layer on cleaned skin and keep 20-30 minutes before drying the mask. Wash warm water.

Colorless henna for dry skin

  1. Colorless henna can also be used for dry skin, it softens and exfoliates and smoothes. Take 1 tablespoon of colorless henna and brew boiling water into a thick paste. Let it breed and cool down a little.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of fatty sour cream and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Apply to the skin of the face (you can also apply on the neck) and leave the mask for 20 minutes. Remove the mask from the face with the help of a sponge and warm water.

Video recipes masks made of colorless henna for face

It is so easy, with the help of 100% of the natural tool, you can take care for your skin, cure the problem skin and make the skin gently, smooth and shining!

Do you have your own face mask recipe from colorless henna? Share in the comments!

Henhu is obtained from Lavsonia, only in the manufacture of the coloring powder, the leaves of the plant are used, and the stalks are used in the mining of colorless henna. The natural composition of the product solves many haired problems. Masks with henna useful to apply in prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in hair care.

  1. Carotine - penetrating the hair rod, "closes" scales, makes hair smooth and shiny.
  2. Rutin is this component, penetrating into the hair onion, nourishes it from the inside.
  3. Fisal - moisturizes the scalp, warning dryness, fights with dandruff.
  4. Zeaksanthtin - has a strengthening effect, warning or stopping loss.
  5. Emodin - stimulates hair growth processes.
  6. Chrisophanol - has a detrimental effect on fungal infections of the scalp, struggling with inflammatory processes.

Hair masks with colorless henna with a systematic and proper use give a good result, carefully care for hair, moisturize the skin of the head, strengthen the hair, thicken strands and improve their structure, fighting with dandruff, make hair smooth and obedient, alleviate laying, and also protect From the negative effect of external factors (drying with a hairdryer, air temperature differences, etc.). Hair masks based on colorless henna are excellent drawing prevention, effective to accelerate hair growth, which is relevant to those who want to quickly repel the "hair". Formulations with colorless henna are ideally suited to the owners of oily hair, but when some components add to them allows them to use them and dry hair.

Video: Useful properties of colorless hair for hair.

You can buy a colorless huna in any pharmacy for the singering penny. To make a classic healthy hair mask, Henna powder must be properly diluted. For this, glassware is ideal for this, to put the henna bag (30 g) and add hot water (temperatures 80 degrees) so that it turns out to be slightly thick cashem. Approximately this takes 100 ml of purified water. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, nettle, buckthorn, sage, etc.). Either one can be added to the powder of a colorless henna pre-crushed specified drug herbs (2-3 cent. L.) And only then breed hot water.

The resulting composition with henna should be applied to clean wet hair by massaging movements. From above, it is necessary to wear a plastic bag or a shower cap, additionally to bite the heated towel. The time of the mask is depends on the purpose of the goal. To speed up the growth and strengthening of hair, you can keep the mask of 1-1.5 hours, to return the shine and smoothness is half an hour. The first time it is recommended to hold the composition on the head no more than half an hour, see the skin reaction. To enhance the effectiveness of the mask with the henna in its composition, you can add various useful components (fruit flesh, cosmetic and essential oils). With dry hair, before applying the compositions with henna hair tips, it is necessarily lubricated with olive or any other vegetable oil.

At the end of the exposure time, the composition should be thoroughly washed with a heated purified (filtered) water without applying a shampoo. If in the mask, in addition to the henna there are oils, it is necessary to wash with the use of a delicate shampoo (the children's delicate) is perfect. After such a cosmetic procedure, the hairdryer is not desirable.

For each mask, you should prepare a new mixture, you should not store the remains until the next procedure. Masks are carried out by therapeutic courses of 1 procedure per week for two months, then as prevention - 1 time per month. Too frequent use of colorless henna can lead to cutting hair and scalp, causing an opposite effect.

Masks with colorless henna for hair, home recipes

Mask to strengthen hair.

Powder of colorless henna - 30 g.
Hot water - 100 ml.
Chicken yolk - 2 pcs.
Olive oil - 1. Art. l.
REPIA oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Liquid honey rustic - 2 h.

Initially breed it with water, and then enter the remaining components. The resulting composition was in warm formation to the head of the head, and the remains of distributing along the entire length of the strands. Keep such a mask under the film and a hot cap for 1-1.5 hours.

Mask for dry hair against dandruff and electrification.


Hot water - 100 ml.
Castor oil - 2 h.
Repel oil - 2 h.
Fresh flesh of ripe avocado - 2 tbsp. l.

After breeding the henna powder in the water, add the rest of the components and thoroughly stir. Let stand the mixture of 10 minutes, after which it is to distribute on the hair, wrapped with a film and a hot towel. Keep half an hour Periodically, it is possible to include 5 drops of vitamins A and.

Mask for oily hair.

Powder of colorless henna - 1 package (30 g).
Hot water - 100 ml.
Blue clay - 2 tbsp. l.
Lemon - 1 pc.

Dilute the cold hot water. In a separate bowl, mix clay with cool water to the consistency of sour cream. Both masses to connect and add lemon juice. Mass are thoroughly stirring, in warm form to apply evenly on the hair and leave for 40-60 minutes. If you wish, you can add 3 drops of any essential oil (tea tree, melissa, mint, ginger, bergamot). If the hair is prone to the section well additionally use chamomile oils, sandalwood, geranium, ylang-yulang.

Mask with henna for growth and strengthening hair.

Colorless Henna Powdered - 30 g.
Hot water - 100 ml.
Kefir - ¼ cup.
Butter Bay - 5 drops.

As usual, first we prepare the basis, stirring the henna powder in water. Next, we introduce the other components into the finished mass. The composition is inserted into the skin of the head and roots of the hair and leave under the film and a hot towel for 40 minutes.

Mask with colorless henna for painted hair.

Colorless Henna in Powder - 30 g.
Daisy hot decoction - 100 ml.
REPIA oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Essential oil any (ylang-ylang, rosemary, jojoba) - 3 drops.

In the water diluted with water, henna add the rest of the components, the essential oils add to the latter mixture last. The resulting mixture is distributed on the hair and leave for an hour, after biting the food polyethylene and a hot towel.

Video: Recipe for hair strengthening masks.

Nourishing mask with henna for weakened, dull hair.

Colorless henna - 30 g
Hot water - 100 ml.
Natural honey - 1 tsp.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.

Divide the powder with water, as soon as the mass becomes warm, add the rest of the ingredients. The composition apply on the hair and leave for 40 minutes under the film and towel.

Useful to apply masks in the period between hair coloring to maintain their health.

Despite the lack of coloring effect, blondes before using masks with henna for hair it is pre-recommended to hold the composition on a small strand to eliminate the appearance of the not desired shade.

Ancient Eastern Medicine used dried leaves of Lavsonia as the main antiseptic. Europeans got acquainted with a healing cosmetic powder only at the beginning of the XIX century. Consider the beneficial properties of the henna for the skin of the face.

The benefits of colorless henna for the skin

  • criesafol;
  • fisal;
  • carotene;
  • betain;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • rutin.

The use of Henna for a face in cosmetology contributes:

  1. Restoration of dry, irritated epidermis;
  2. Acceleration of regeneration;
  3. Improving the structure and colors of the face;
  4. Cleansing, prevention of comedone and acne education;
  5. Removal of oxidants and toxins.

Best homemade face masks recipes with henna

Henna Mask from acne

Result: It has a pronounced antiseptic action mask with a colorless henna. Soothes the inflamed zones, dries purulent formation natural affordable agent.


  • 15 gr. henna;
  • 3 ml of green tea extract;
  • 10 ml of nail oil.

Preparation and method of application: Therapeutic powder Bay of hot decoction, mix thoroughly before receiving the casis. Introduce liquid extract of natural antioxidant and marigold oil. Distribute rubbing circular movements on the skin, leave for seven minutes. Then carefully flush with lemon water, without damaging acne. Effective Henna from acne when used at least two times a week.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Henna Mask from wrinkle

Result: smoothes age wrinkles, blends the photographs recipe with white henna. To restore the properties of elasticity and elasticity, it is recommended to be carried out after the facial massage.


  • 10 gr. white henna;
  • 5 ml of walnut oil;
  • 5 gr. Askorutin.

Preparation and method of applying: Henna Burn hot decoction of nettle, add vitamin C powder, nutrient walnut oil, separately from gelatin to make gel and put into the base. Facial to displeate to a chamomile compress, put a mass on the entire surface, a mini gentle region of the eyelids. After half an hour, deleting the remains of the mask.

Henna Mask from Pigment Spots

Result: Restore the normal concentration of melanin in the tissues, whiten the already available pigment formations recipes for skin with henna. Applying proven home remedies can easily improve the complexion of the face, strengthen the protective properties of the epidermis.


  • 10 gr. henna;
  • 15 ml of kefir;
  • ginger.

Preparation and method of application: Heat the fermented milk product on a water bath to 60 ◦, pour colorless huhu, add a spice. Cleaning the skin with micellar fluid, distribute the whitening mass on the face with a dense layer. The duration of the procedure is no more than eight minutes, wash off the decoction of rosehip. Be sure to moisten the cooling gel with minerals.

Henna mask from black dots

Result: eliminates comedones, improves oxygen respiration and cellular metabolism Cleansing mask with a person's henna.


  • 5 gr. colorless henna;
  • 5 gr. plantain leaves;
  • 5 gr. White coal.

Preparation and method of application: dry leaves turn into flour together with a pharmacy sorbent, enter the junction to dilute the composition with concentrated green tea. Face to pre-displeate over the steam bath, apply a mask, pay special attention to the T-zone. The duration of the procedure is six / eight minutes. After fling off a warm decoction, wipe the surface with grapefruit juice.

Henna and Olive Oil Mask

Result: normalizes pH balance, activates the work of the sebaceous glands, enriches the unsaturated acids mask for dry skin.


  • 5 gr. henna;
  • 10 ml of olive oil;
  • 5 ml of retinol.

Preparation and method of application: unrefined oil to warm, combine with genuine henna and vitamin fluid. After the demaciament, distribute the nutritional composition. Enjoy the mask at least half an hour, after washing up nettle with Nasty.

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Mask from henna and soda

Result: Mask for a colorless henna improves skin structure, prevent the occurrence of infection and the formation of acne. Natural agent is suitable for oily skin and combined.


  • 5 gr. henna;
  • 2 gr. soda;
  • 5 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: In the dry dish, mix the soda and powder of the henna, pour the warm infusion of the voca, add a bone oil. The thermal means to rub the skin cover, distribute the cleansing mask, bypassing the region of the eyelids and lips. After six minutes, wash off with water with butter of Bergamot.

Henna and Möday mask

Result: to activate regeneration processes, reduce wrinkle manifestations, remove traces of insomnia and fatigue easily at home.


  • 5 gr. henna;
  • 10 gr. Honey.

Preparation and method of application: Henna connect with honey, introduce the infusion of linden before the formation of a thick casher. Apply the composition, observing the lines of lymphotok, leave minutes for twenty. After washing, handle the skin with a polyphenol cream.

Video recipe: Home mask for cleansing and nutritional facial skin with checkety henna

Henna and clay mask

Result: Thanks to the natural leather cleansing procedures, you can delete eroded cells, soothe inflammation, give a smooth matte tone.


  • 10 gr. henna;
  • 5 gr. White / yellow clay;
  • 10 ml of peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: mixing the henna and kaolin powder, enriched with iron, in a dry peary, dilute with concentrated influence of sage, introduce nutrient oil. Distribute cleansing mask after demacia, leave for fifteen minutes. Washing Complete the skin moisturizing with fluid with lemongrass extract.

Henna and Lemon Mask

Result: tones and strengthens the vessels, reduces venous meshes mask for a person with henna. Acid action stimulates synthesis in the epidermis, prevents the appearance of acne.


  • 5 gr. henna;
  • 10 gr. lemon zest;
  • 5 ml of jojoba oil.

Preparation and method of application: grate citrus zest, combine with henna powder and oily vegetable oil. The mixture is diluted with distilled water, with the help of herbal compress to unwind skin covers, distribute the mask with a sponge. After ten minutes, wash and apply restoring cream with white clay.

Henna and essential mask

Result: Enhance the protective properties of the epidermis Natural skin care recipes.


  • 10 gr. henna;
  • 5 ml of grape oil;
  • santalous essential oil;
  • rose essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: In the base oil, enter the ethers, combine with a stare henna. Apply a scrub mask along the facial massage lines with rubbing movements. Leaves for five minutes and after washing.

Video recipe: Henna for skin suspenders - face lifting at home