The name of the project is about the hometown. A short-term project for a senior group. Project theme: "My hometown". stage - final

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 6 "Solnyshko"

Project activities in the senior group.

Project theme: "My native city".

Completed by: A.I Lapshtanova

Lukoyanov 2015-2016

Moral and patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings, a sense of the Motherland. It begins with a child's relationship to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions have not yet been deeply comprehended by him, but passed through childhood perception, they play a huge role in the formation of personality patriot.

The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children should be considered the accumulation of social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of accepted norms of behavior, relationships, and familiarization with the world of its culture. Love for the Motherland begins with love for your small homeland, the place where a person was born.

In this regard, it is of great importance to familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural and ecological originality of their native Lukoyanovskiy region.

Getting acquainted with the hometown, its sights, the child learns to realize himself as living in a certain time period, in certain ethnocultural conditions. In this regard, the success of the development of a 5-6 year old child when meeting his hometown will become possible only if they actively interact with the outside world in an emotional and practical way, that is, through play, substantive activity, communication, work, training, various types of activity. characteristic of preschool age.

Relevance of the topic

Every happy person has a favorite city (village)... Most often, the beloved city, village, region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time, where a person's childhood rushed by, because it is with childhood, if it, of course, was not difficult, that most people have the kindest memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they happened, that is, in his beloved city. Moreover, this city does not have to be a capital or a millionaire city. It can be a quiet, abandoned town and at the same time be the most beloved city, as many pleasant impressions are associated with it. Everyone's love for the city manifests itself in different ways. For example, poets write poems about their beloved city, composers write music, artists draw pictures, thereby glorifying the city and perpetuating its memory for many years. I want the guys, the city in which they live, would become their favorite! This project is dedicated to Lukoyanov - the city that is the homeland of my pupils.

This project will focus on the significance of the history of the hometown and its impact on the patriotic education of preschoolers.


Of great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of preschool children is acquaintance with their hometown, its attractions, the street where the child lives, with famous people who built our city.

Parents themselves do not have enough knowledge about their city, do not pay attention to this problem, considering it unimportant, children do not have enough information about their hometown. Without a sufficient amount of knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards a small homeland.

Therefore, I consider this problem to be relevant not only for our kindergarten, but also for society as a whole.

Conceptual foundations of the project.

"To know is to love" says a Russian proverb. Therefore, we begin to acquaint children with our small homeland - the city of Lukoyanovo at preschool age. This knowledge, and hence the feeling of pride in their city, the people will help the child to properly manage, own, preserve and increase the heritage received from previous generations.

The mastering of this knowledge is possible with the purposeful systematic participation of teachers, preschool educational institutions, and parents of pupils in the educational process.

Thus, based on the above, I formulated the goal, objectives, expected result, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project.

Objective of the project:

  • Implementation of an integrated approach to education in the spirit of patriotism, familiarizing preschoolers with the history and culture of their hometown, local attractions, fostering love and affection for their native land.

Project objectives:

  • Create conditions for the perception of information about the historical past and cultural appearance of the native land
  • To familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and ecological originality of their native region
  • Develop respect for the city, its attractions, cultural values, nature
  • Develop coherent speech of children; enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, teach to think freely, to fantasize
  • To foster a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the region.

Project participants

Children 5-6 years old (senior group)

The project provides for the active participation of parents, children and educators.

Project implementation period: 1 year

Predicted result.

  • Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the history of the city and its cultural values. An interest in studying this problem has been generated.
  • Increasing parental competence on the presented problem.
  • Participation of families of pupils in the educational process.
  • Developed methodological and didactic support for this section.
  • The implementation of the project will increase children's, parental and pedagogical competence in matters of history and culture of Lukoyanov, and will help to form a caring attitude towards his hometown.

Consequently, this project contributes to the formation of not only cognitive interest, but also has social significance.

Implementation of the project

The project is being implemented in 3 stages.

Stage I - preparatory, includes:

1. Statement of the problem: What do we know about our hometown? What do we want to know?
2. Definition of the upcoming activity: How do we find the answers to the questions?
3. Planning of joint adult - children's activities, determination of means and methods of project implementation.

Stage II - the main one, includes:

1. Classes with children in accordance with a long-term plan and a plan for self-education.

2. Joint activities with families of pupils (photo exhibitions, drawings)

3. Replenishment of the developing environment,

4. Show presentations,

5. Project implementation by children and adults.

Stage III - final, includes:

1. The discussion of the results

2. Excursion to the local history museum.

Conclusion: This project can be implemented in a preschool environment. The project does not require significant material costs; the parents of the pupils are actively involved in its implementation. Information about the city, famous residents is accessible and interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Perspective work plan for the project "My native city" in the senior group

Viewing paintings, books and photographs about the hometown:

o Working with the book-album "Lukoyanov";
o Working with photographs to familiarize children with their favorite places and corners of our area.

Search and gathering work:

o Acquaintance with the history of the city based on the material of parent projects.
o Collection of photographs, both ordinary citizens and famous people, participants in the war.

Target walks:

o To the clinic.
o Go to school
o To the square
o To the park.

Conversations on the topic "Lukoyanov is a Part of Russia":
o "Our parents work in different organizations in the city."
o “Streets we walk on”.
o "Famous Lukoyanovites"
o "Magnitsky Grove"


o Cognitive lesson "Our city".
o Musical lesson "Songs about our city."

Didactic games:
o "What's in the photo"
o "What's where"


o City celebration.
o Holiday of the driver.
o Railwayman's Day.
o Holiday "We have fun" (birthday of the kindergarten)

Reading fiction:

o V. Stepanov. What we call the Motherland ..
o V. Stepanov. Our house.
"Poems of Lukoyanov's poets"

Album design:

o "City of Lukoyanov".
o "My family"
o "Our favorite kindergarten";

Independent artistic activity of children:

o Drawing "Our street".
o Making a collage "My city"
o Drawing "What did we see in the museum?"

Competitions, exhibitions:

o Photo exhibition “Favorite places of my city”
o Exhibition "Coat of arms of my family" (artistic activity).
o Exhibition "City of My Dreams" (family drawings).

Private preschool educational institution Kindergarten number 000

Stage 3. Project implementation.

Organization of project activities.

Play activities.

1. Role-playing game "Go to kindergarten", "Family", "Excursion

in the city".

Purpose: to develop patriotic feelings in children, to teach them to imitate adults: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather; to cultivate love for one's home, city; continue to teach everyone to play together, friendly relationships with peers.

2. Verbal games "The way home", "Say a word", "On the contrary", "My address ...", "Say with the word" city "".

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the streets of the city, teach them to pronounce correctly, continue to develop the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, develop speech, memory, imaginative thinking.

Artistic and speech activity.

Purpose: to form in children the concept of "small homeland", to expand vocabulary, to foster love for their native land, to foster respect for the surrounding nature, to teach to observe and listen, to develop speech and memory.

1. Reading poetry and short stories about the Motherland.

2. Reading proverbs and sayings about the homeland, riddles.

3. Conversations: “Who lives where?”, “How can I help my hometown?”, “My hometown Liski”, “My family”.

Productive activity.

1. Drawing: "My home", "My family", "On the streets of our city."

2. Construction of a steam locomotive

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to instill accuracy in work, to foster a love of work.

Interaction with parents.

Consultation on the topic "Raising love for the hometown in preschool children."

Organization of the photo exhibition "At Work".

Purpose: to foster patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in their native land, to teach to see the beauty in simple things.

Photo exhibition "At work".

City trip game (with slide show).


Game "On the contrary".
There are many streets in our city and they are all different. I will throw the ball to you in turn, and say what is the street, and you catch the ball, throw it back and say the other way around:
Long street - ... short street
Narrow street - ... wide street
Dirty street - ... clean street
Near street - ... far street
Light street - ... dark street
Noisy street - ... quiet street
Old street - ... new, modern street
A winding street - ... a straight street
Big street - ... small street

Finger game "Building a house".
We build, we build, we build a house / palms are superimposed on each other
High ceiling house / arms up
With a triangular roof. With this one? / make a triangle out of fingers
No, higher! / arms in a triangle above the head
Windows in the house 3 and 3 / show 3 fingers on one and the other hand
Take a quick look at them.
There you will see a stove, / squeeze - unclench their fists
There is a little man on the stove.

Game "Tell me a word".
What a wonderful city we have. There are schools, kindergartens, a green park, libraries, a cinema and beautiful monuments. You can walk around your favorite city all day and admire its beauty. I will go to the museum to admire the exhibits. And you?
I'll go to the park ... .. to get some air
I will go to the cinema …….
I will go to the library …… ..
I will go to music school ... ...
I'll go to school…..
I will go to kindergarten ... ...
I'll go to the pharmacy ... ..
I'll go to the store…..
I will go to the river ... ..
I'll go to the square ... ..
I will go to the stadium ... ..

"Who needs what for work?"

On the blackboard there are pictures of professions: janitor, doctor, salesman, teacher, driver, cook. Children tell what tool they need, what they will do.

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

In a foreign land and the dog yearns.

The foreigner does not believe in tears.

Foolish is the bird that loves its nest.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

Those who have not been to a foreign land did not know the price of their homeland.

When you protect your homeland, you grow up yourself

There is nothing like leather.

Conversation on the topic "My family".

Who lives in houses, apartments?

What is family?

How should people live in order for a family to be friendly and strong?

What do you know about your family?

Conversation on the topic "My city".

What city do you live in?

State your home address.

What monuments of our city do you know?

What kind of transport is there in our city?

What is the name of the bus stop near your house?

What are your favorite places in town?

Where do you like to be?

Conversation on the topic "My street".

What is the name of the street? (Has it been renamed why?)

What is this street like? (Quiet, noisy, wide, green, etc.)

What's on this street? (Shops, hospital, bank, school, hairdresser, etc.)

Where is this street?

Problematic situations.

If there were no addresses on the houses?

If the houses had the same addresses?

Ask adults:

How many people live in our city;

How old is our city;

Riddles about the city.

The house looks quite ordinary,

For athletes, he is familiar,

In this house all year round

The people are splashing in the water.


Here's a cold arena

Ice skates cut boldly

Fast, agile hockey player

And the handsome man is a skater.

(Ice Palace)

What is this house

You will hear music in it

Dances, songs and laughter

Cartoons, movies for everyone.


The halls are quiet here comfort

Books live here together,

Come kids

We will always be glad to see you.

(Children's Library)

A preschool educational institution is called upon to provide a comprehensive and full-fledged upbringing, training and creative development of every child.

In order to achieve high results in the development of children, it is necessary to teach them to think independently, to find and solve problems, attracting knowledge from different areas for this purpose, to develop the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of different solutions, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. The teacher can suggest new sources of information or simply direct the children's thoughts in the right direction for an independent search. But as a result, children must independently and jointly solve the problem, applying the necessary knowledge.

One of the promising methods that contribute to solving this problem at the present stage is the method of project activity. Based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing, he develops a cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge, forms cooperation skills.

A project is understood as an independent and collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result. The project is based on a problem, to solve it requires a research search in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into one whole.

A project is literally "thrown" forward, that is, a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, and design turns into the process of creating a project.

Observing the children, I saw that they were curiously examining postcards, photographs about their hometown, sharing their impressions. But, talking with children, I became convinced that children have superficial ideas about the history of their hometown. Parents tell their children little about the history of the city, about its sights.

On this basis, we have developed a short-term project "My city, Komsomolsk".

Project participants: children of the older group, parents of children of the older group, educator Taskina Inna Nikolaevna.
Project duration: 2 months.

Stage 1 - goal setting.

Objective of the project: the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with the past and present of their hometown.
1) To give children, accessible to children's perception, information about the history of the birth of the city.
2) Expand children's ideas about the sights of their city and its historical monuments.
3) Foster love for your hometown.

Expected Result:
Children should know and name their city, hometown enterprises; symbolism of the city, its attractions.

Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Stage 2 - project development.

To implement the project, the following activities were planned:

  • Examination of photographs and a conversation on the topic "Old and new city".
  • View slides and videos.
  • Conversation "Enterprises of the city".
  • Conversation on the topic "We are proud of you, our native city."
  • Drawing up creative stories "How I like to relax", "My street", "The city in which I live."
  • Excursion to school number 51 (library).
  • A cycle of classes ("The history of the birth of the native city", "Memorable places of Komsomolsk-on-Amur", "Our favorite city").
  • Listening and memorizing poems about Komsomolsk.
  • Musical entertainment "My favorite city".
  • Joint and independent activity (graphic activity "My city", "City sights"; construction of "Our city", "Our favorite kindergarten").
  • Game activities (role-playing: "Hospital", "Shop", "City tour"; didactic games: "Tell about your city", "Collect the coat of arms and tell about it", "City enterprises", "City attractions") ...

Stage 3 - project implementation.

During the implementation of the project, all the points of the plan were implemented in stages.

Stage 4 - presentation.

The game "Journey along the river of time".

Perspective: study of the cultural heritage, flora and fauna of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The result our project is a joint activity with children, the outline of which is presented by me.

Synopsis of direct educational activities with children of the older group.

Theme: "Travel along the river of time".
Program tasks:
To deepen children's ideas about their hometown, its history and sights through the game "Journey along the river of time".
Continue learning to build phrases - proofs.
Develop imagination, constructive skills through the game "Dreamers".
To foster love for the hometown, interest in its past and present.

Course of the lesson

Musical accompaniment.
Children go into the hall, greet each other, stand up in a half-circle.

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.
I smile at you, and you smile at me, so that you and I have a good mood.
Envelope with a letter, with a picture of Cheburashka, and a disc (multimedia) in the envelope.

Educator: Guys, look, someone sent us a letter. You guessed who?
Children: Yes, Cheburashka.
Educator: Let's open it up (disc insertion).
Educator: (points to screen) What do you think it is? (river on the screen)
River, stream. (Option - water)
Educator: What rivers do you know?
Children: Cupid, Dnieper, Lena and other options.
Educator: How can you name the river along which you can go from the past to the future?
Children: River travel, time and other options.
Educator: Let's call it the river of time. Our friend Cheburashka invites us on a journey along this mysterious river. Do you agree?
Children : Yes!
Educator: Guys, look at the board, what is this?
Children: This is the coat of arms of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Educator: And what does this coat of arms mean?
Children: This is a symbol of the city, it denotes the beauty of nature, youth, dreams, wealth of our region. In the center is a young man dressed as a builder, he pushes the taiga with his hands, below the Amur River. The sun rises over the river.
Educator: Yes, right. Komsomolsk was built by young people, they dreamed of a beautiful city among the mountains in the deep taiga. This is how our Komsomolsk became.
Educator: Let's go on a journey. Here comes the first stop

(on the screen the village of Permskoe)

Educator: Guys, probably Cheburashka was wrong. Is this a city?
Children: No, he was not mistaken!
Educator: Why do you think so?
Children: Because at first there was the village of Permskoye. The builders of our city came to this village.
Educators: And how did they arrive?
Children: The builders sailed on two steamers (Columbus, Comintern).
The builders of our city lived in huts and dugouts. It was very difficult for them, it was cold. There was not enough food. They cooked food for themselves on fires. We worked hard. Trees were cut down and sawn, roads were built. But they did it because they really wanted to build a beautiful city.
Educator: Guys, why is our city called Komsomolsk-on-Amur?
Children: Because the first builders of our city were members of the Komsomol. And also because the city was built on the banks of the Amur River.
Educator: It took a long time to build the city. First, they built low wooden houses, streets - glades in the middle of the taiga. And what has our city become now?
Children: Our city is glorious, youthful, modern, bright, cozy, beautiful, green. It has wide avenues, tall houses, beautiful parks, streets, monuments. There are many schools, kindergartens, museums, theaters.
Educator: And also our city is called the city of Youth. Why?
Children: Because many young people and children live in it.
Educator: Our city has a birthday soon. How old is our city?
Children: Our city is 82 years old.
Educator: When will we celebrate this holiday?
Children: June 12 is the day of the city.
Educator: We leave for the next stop "Secrets". They will tell us about our city. These are the secrets (I open the box).
Children: This is a submarine (ship)... It was built at a shipyard. Submarines guard our homeland at sea. The shipyard also builds vessels for fishermen. Other countries buy them. The plant was awarded orders for good work.
This is a plane. It is made at the Gagarin Aviation Plant. For this work, the plant was awarded orders.
This is milk. It is produced in a dairy plant. Sour cream, yoghurts, cottage cheese, butter, kefir are also made at this plant. These are very tasty and healthy products.
Educator: We set off further along our magic river. Here comes the next stop (there is a monument on the blackboard)... Did you find out what it is?
Children: Monument.
Educator: Now divide into three groups, collect cut pictures and recognize the monument of our city.
Children: We have a monument to cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. He came to our city. The city has a Gagarin street and a factory.
We have a monument to the first builders. Here they landed and built our city.
This is a monument to the Komsomol members who died in the war. They defended our homeland from the Nazis.
Educator: Guys, where do you like to relax with your parents?
Children: In the park … (I like the park because it has a fast carousel, a ferris wheel and a lot of rides)
Educator: Guys, look, what is this?
Children: This is a map. Our city is on the map.
Educator: Show the street where you live on the map.
Children: (children show, put the flags).
Educator: What street is our kindergarten located on?
Children: On Lenin Street (we mark our kindergarten with a flag on the map).
Educator: So we got to the last stop. I suggest you play the game "Dreamers" and build a city of the future, a city in which you would like to live ...

(Analysis of the products of children's activities)

- Danil, tell me, what city did you build?
-In my city there will be houses-ships on which people will be able to sail along the Amur.
-Artem, what houses will be in your city?
-In my city there will be robotic houses, they will be able to walk along large streets ...
(and other options).

Invite children to play with buildings
(independent activity of children)

Target: To intensify the thinking and search activity of children, to systematize and deepen the knowledge of children about Moscow. Form a positive, respectful attitude towards Moscow. To expand the idea of ​​children that the main city of Russia is famous for its history, traditions, sights.

To form an active civic position of a young Muscovite


To update, systematize and expand children's knowledge about their hometown, its history and sights, to expand their understanding of Moscow as the capital of Russia.

To foster moral and patriotic feelings: pride, love, humanism, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the city.

To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, the desire for productive activities, the desire to create beautiful things with our own hands.

Form the research skills of children (search for information in different sources)

Project type

Long term

Creative, information-oriented.

Stages of project implementation.

Stage 1 - preparatory

Target: development of software teaching material for the development of children's activity.

Drawing up a project plan

Creation of a subject-developing environment

Diagnostics of children's competence

Selection of didactic material

Drawing up notes of classes, conversations

Collection of literature, selection of videos, selection of children's literature

Stage 2 - main

Target: introduction of material on the topic of the project into the educational process

Conducting classes

Reading cognitive messages, conducting conversations

Watching educational films

Work in the corner of the book

Conducting didactic games

Reading fiction

Development of productive activities

Working with parents

Stage 3 - final

Target: project efficiency assessment

Diagnostics of children's competencies within the framework of the project theme

Conversation about the prospects for the implementation of this project with children, parents, teachers

Product presentation of project activities

Educational area

"Cognitive development"

Examination of reproductions, illustrated books, postcards

... "Attractions of Moscow"

... "About the Moscow Kremlin"

... "About museums and exhibitions in Moscow"

... "For children about Moscow"

Conducting thematic conversations:

... "Moscow is the capital of Russia"

... "Our Motherland - Russia"

... "City transport in Moscow"

Viewing videos

Listening to songs about Moscow

Listening to folk music

Learning the words of the anthem of Moscow

Clip on the words of O. Gazmanov's song "Moscow - the bells are ringing"

Presentation "Russia is my Motherland"

Constructive activity

Sand building

"We are builders"

Paper construction

... "The city is a fortress"

Constructing fromLego-material

... "City of the future"

"Social and communicative development"

Campaign "Let's make our city cleaner" (labor force)

Conversation "Safety rules in the city"

"Speech development"

Drawing up a story on a topic

... "My day off in the city"

... "Make a story from pictures"

Organization of an exhibition in the book corner

« Moscow is the capital of our Motherland »

Conducting a quiz"I am a young Muscovite."

Reading works about Moscow:

S. Mikhalkov "Kremlin stars"

P. Voronko "There is no homeland better"

L. Kassil "Moscow"

E. Osetrov "Your Kremlin"

A. Mityaev "Red Square"

M. Ilyin "Underground City"

V. Stepanov “What We Call Homeland”.

Reading and memorizing proverbs about Moscow:

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


... "Spasskaya Tower" (watercolor)

... "St. Basil's Cathedral" (pencil)

... "Russian sarafan"

... "My Moscow"


... "Wooden house, chopped walls"

... "Sundress for a doll"

Applique in iris folding technique

Working with coloring pages

Play activity

Verbal didactic games:

... "Continue the offer"

... "Which word doesn't fit?"

... "What is superfluous and why?"

... "Who knows more the streets in our city?"

Desktop-printed games:

... "Walk around the city"

... "Travel around Moscow"

Lotto "Moscow"


... "Which road is better: cobblestone or asphalt?"

Working with parents

Competition of children's creativity "Carousel" in the framework of the City Festival "Relay of Arts - 2016".

Nomination "Artistic reading" poetry about Moscow.


Thanks to purposeful work, in the course of project activities, children have expanded their ideas about their hometown, its historical past, sights. The knowledge gained by children during educational activities was consolidated in the creative works of preschoolers, didactic and plot games.

Working with the project had a great influence on the education of moral and patriotic feelings in children.

Theme: My town

Type of the project: open, exploratory, short-term. It is carried out inside the preschool educational institution in contact with the families of the pupils.

Participants the project: children senior group, educators, parents.

Implementation period: short term (two weeks)

Relevance the project:

An integral part of any education system is the upbringing of patriotism. Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its good, to preserve and increase wealth.

Love for the Motherland begins with love for your small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children is the accumulation of social experience of life in their own the city, assimilation of accepted norms of behavior, relationships, introduction to the world of his culture.

Preschool childhood can sometimes be called daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism. Expanding the horizons of what children can learn, we plant in their hearts a spark of love for their native land, for the Motherland.

Target the project:

The development of the cognitive activity of children, an increase in interest in the history and culture of our cities, the formation of a sense of patriotism;

Raising love for the Fatherland, to the city in which we live, pride in her culture,

Formation of the social position of the participant and creator of public life;

Formation of interest in collective, play, productive, creative activities.

Resource provision:

Postcards, brochures, photographs about family the city, edge

Photos of the streets of the native cities

Albums with views of streets on which there are familiar buildings, architectural ensembles, monuments.

Slides, films about memorable places "Small homeland"

Works of art and literary materials

Didactic games

Didactic card index games:

"My town»

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about their native the city, sights, favorite places to relax

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to navigate the terrain, choose the right route to the right place, develop memory, attention.


Target Lytkarino city; develop attention, memory, coherent speech.

"Paired pictures"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of attractions cities, the ability to choose the right pair for your picture. (drawing up a picture from several parts by the type of puzzles)

Target: reinforce children's knowledge that every street should have a name; to consolidate the knowledge of children about which street they live on; develop attention; memory.

Lotto "My favorite town»

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of attractions cities, memorable places, places of rest, favorite streets; to form the ability to work in a team; develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, attention.

Preparatory stage:

Reveal the level of knowledge of children about their native the city with the help of questions, conversations;

Compilation of lists of information sources, reference books, methodological literature, fiction;

. preparation necessary printed materials;

Informing parents about children's participation in project, involving them in project;

Determining the time to work on project;

Selection of Internet resources, saving links;

Action plan:

... Formulation of the problem: What do we know about native the city? What do we want to know?

Determination of the forthcoming activities: How can we find answers to questions?

Planning activities by children together with adults, determining the means and methods of implementation the project.

Performance project by children and adults.

The discussion of the results.

Defining perspectives designing.

Activity stage

Areas Objectives Contents

Cognition To form a lasting interest and caring attitude towards the family the city, a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in being a citizen Lytkarino city... Expand children's ideas about the sights of their loved ones cities To form the perception of a holistic picture of the world, expand the horizons of children; introduce the names of people who glorified their native town... didactic games:

"My town»

"Who will get to the river faster?" (to the station, to the library, to the school, theater)

"The sights of the native cities» , "My address", "Residential, non-residential",

"Paired pictures"

"What would happen if all streets are untitled"

Lotto "My favorite town» , examining illustrations of buildings for various purposes, photographs of buildings in the immediate vicinity. Proverbs and sayings about friendship, riddles about city ​​buildings.

Speech development To develop all the components of the oral speech of children in various forms and types of children's activities

Conversations: "Interesting nearby", "Our street", "There are different houses", “What is in our city ​​for children»

Social and communicative development Foster love for one's family the city, a sense of respect for their people, respect for what has been done by their work. C / r game "Traveling down the street", Conversations: "All the guys need to know how to walk down the street", “What is produced in our the city» , Excursions to memorable places associated with the life of the heroes of labor. Consideration of labor awards

Artistic and aesthetic development To develop the productive activities of children and children's creativity

"Our street", Different houses ", "My town» , "My favorite corner of Kolpino",

Physical development Promote the development of children's motor activity, coordination. Outdoor games at the request of children

Methods the project:


1. Creation of a developing environment that ensures the development of interest and curiosity.

2. Excursions and observations that broaden the horizons of the child.

3. Work in the mini-museum "My town» with the aim of forming knowledge about the native the city.

4. Didactic games.

5. Outdoor games.

6. Simulation.


1. Conversations.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Memorizing poems.

4. Story 5. Entertainment.


1. Organization of exhibitions.

2. Collection of photographic materials.

3. Examination of illustrations.

4. Information stands.

5. Personal example of adults.

6. Simulation.

The intended result:

Ability to express their own opinion, analyze, react vividly to what is happening, provide all possible help.

Mastering the available knowledge about the history of the native cities.

Acquisition of social communication skills by preschool children.

Show of attention and respect to veterans, elderly people, rendering all possible assistance.

Preliminary work:

... With teachers:

-to prepare details of project with goals description, tasks and progress of implementation the project;

... With parents:

Informing parents about project, its goals, tasks, forms and methods of working with children.

-to prepare consultations on the topic the project.

... With kids:

Conversations with children about their relatives the city;

Examining the album and illustrations;

Working with parents

Consultations for parents on the topic the project;

Photo - exhibition "My favorite corner of Lytkarino"

Parents replenishment of the corner about Lytkarino.