Difference of husky from Husky. What is the difference in husky from likes: a comparison of breeds, differences and similarities. Who is better, more, stronger: Like or husky? How to distinguish husky from likes: External difference - Photo

The inexperienced man husky and husky seem very similar. First of all, at first glance it is clear that these are northern dogs. In Russia, they are more accustomed to the husks and therefore sometimes so called the husks that appeared pretty recently. However, these dogs are not even relatives and between them have a number of significant differences.

Husky is an independent breed of dogs, and husky is a whole group consisting of several breeds that differ from each other.

First of all, the purpose of Huski and Lakes is different. Husky is riding dogs derived to run in the harness, transport goods and people on endless snowy spaces. An amazing feature of Husky is the ability to control the metabolism of its body. They know how to slow down or accelerate their metabolism depending on the circumstances. This skill allows dogs to be unprecedented endless. For example, husky can run in a heavy harness in the snow all day without stopping. According to legend, in 1925, in the US, Husky's harness saved the whole city from death, quickly delivering a diphtheria vaccine for hundreds of miles. Statue of the head of the balto harness stands in New York at the entrance to the central park.

However, Husks are not able to hunt a man, since any caught game is regarded as their own prey. In addition, initially Husky lived with flocks. He contacted only a certain leader. The man gave teams to the leader, who ruled the rest of the dogs in the harness. Interestingly, the leader had the right to his opinion in choosing a way. It was due to the fact that a person could not see the cracks in the ice, which would be worthwhile to everyone. Most likely, the independence of husky appeared on this, and the priority of their interests over the interests of the owner in everyday life, which can be changed by the right upbringing and competent training. In addition, Husky most likely will not protect its owner or his property, since aggressive individuals are destroyed from generation to generation.

Likes are the most ancient hunting dogs. They accompanied the hunters in the northern forest zones of Europe and Asia, helped people to extract food. They are practically no need to train, so strong their hunting instinct. The huskies are expelled from the thickets of the dying feathers, bring a hunter of beaten birds, drive on the trees of Mahahar and Tetherov. On the trees, the dog detects a sable, squirrel and a cunita, in the Norah - a column, ferret, a raccoon dog, finds ice-treated paths and minks. Also, the husky stops and delays such beasts like lynx, bear, wolverine, elk, boar.

His Russian name was liked thanks to the special art of Laya. During the hunt, Laika silently walks along the trail or looking for a beast, and only seeing him, she serves a signal and either pursue prey, or makes it stop before the hunter's arrival. At the same time, the voice of the husky varies depending on the game. If there is a sable or a cunnant - the dog barks especially viciously. If on the squirrel tree - Lai persistent and smooth. As the wooder is very careful, so as not to sigh it, the dog gets in a low voice, without coming close. If the husky caught up with a deer or moose, she stops in front of his muzzle and gently barks to keep unwitched, but not to scare it. Often the hunters of their dogs teach only one, the beast you need.

Some lips are also used in the harness, but for short distances, since their driving characteristics are rather modest.

Huski is easy to distinguish from likes that they are almost not lit, but prefer to swell peculiar.

In the standardization documents, the country of origin of Husky is the USA. However, there is another version of the appearance of this breed. Russian researchers prove that Siberian Husky is a direct ancestor of the polar dog, which Chukchi was bred. After the October Revolution, these dogs were banned by the Soviet power to breed. Several flocks were purchased and taken out in the USA, where their breeding continued. After 70 years in the former USSR, American husky penetrated the smuggling from Finland. The name of the Husky itself is distorted distorted "Eski", meaning "Eskimo".

It is believed that huskies occurred from a large wicked fossil dog and a smaller jackal-shaped.

Huski from the lakes are distinguished by both appearance. Kobels Husky grow up to 60 cm in the withers and weigh about 28 kg. The shape of their head is quite similar to the wolf. The eyes of the almond-shaped form can be brown, but blue-eyed hacks are especially popular among dog breeders. Husky wool is softer. The hassiness color can be the most different - from the whole snow-white to black. There is not a remarkable difference of this breed on the head - drawing in the form of glasses, asterisks, clovers, strips, protoco, strokes, hearts and others. Unlike husky, the tail of the husky holds, not dropping onto the back. Another feature of the husky is the lack of a characteristic dog smell and wider pillows of paws, which allows them to move through deep snow.

Since several breeds include a group of lacas, they can vary in the exterior. The largest - East Eastosibirsk Lyki. The height in the withers of the males reaches 64 cm. Weight of the rack reaches up to 23 kilograms. Likes are black, black and peg, red, gray and brown color of all shades.

West Siberian Laika reaches a 60 cm growth and can have a color of all colors, both pegs and a monophonic but brown. It is the most calm and balanced among the ramps, successfully hunts to the duck and a large beast, goes well along the coolest trail. The Karelian-Finnish hat is distinguished by a very lively movable temperament, which allows them to be perfectly hunted to the protein and playing the game, but complicates the training of work on the coolest trailer of the beast. There are also the Russian-European, Finnish, Huntish, Mansiysk and other breeds of rapes.

All likes, unlike husky, have a characteristic smell, longer wool and tail in a tight ring lay on the back.

Husky and varnish distinguishes their purpose. First of all, Husky is driving dogs and therefore more enduring, and husky are hunting and well suited as a security guard.
Unlike husky, which is an independent breed, husky is a whole group of breeds.
A distinctive feature of Huska is that it can control the metabolism of its body.
A distinctive feature of the ramp is that they use different techniques and tactics of different production, depending on its size and behavior.
In contrast to the husky, Husky is usually not divided into their prey and are more freedom-loving rock, which can be changed in competent education and training.
Some ridges, like husky, can use in a harness, but not for long distances.
Husky is very different from the ramps and in appearance. The main differences include the color of the eyes and a characteristic pattern in the form of glasses, asterisks, a clover sheet, stripes, protocuine, strokes, hearts and others. Husky's tail holds, not dropping on his back. Another feature of Husky is the lack of a characteristic dog smell.
Likes are more sleeve unlike husky, which are densely shot down. Pillows paws husky are wider.
Usually husky will be treated, and husky is bodied.

A person far from cynology is quite difficult to distinguish between these two very similar appearance. Is there a difference between husky from the ramps? Today we will try to figure it out in this matter.

Russians are more accustomed to husky, so often Husky is also called huskies. Even despite the fact that they appeared in Russia relatively recently. It should be noted that these animals are not even relatives. Despite the external similarity, and hassiness differences are essential. Today we will get acquainted with them.


This is an independent breed. These are driving dogs that are removed for riding in the harness. They are quite successfully transporting goods and people on snowy spaces. And very hardy. For example, they can escape in a loaded sledding in deep snow for a whole day without stopping. According to the existing legend, in 1925, the harness of these dogs saved a major city from an imminent death, having delivered a hundred miles from diphtheria. The statue of the leader of that "team" (his name was balto) is at the entrance to the New York Park.

Features of breed

Husky is completely unsuitable for hunting with man. Every caught game they

They consider their own trophy. These animals have always lived in flocks. Contact man installed only with a leader. He gave him teams, and he, in turn, ruled all dogs in the harness. He could have changed the route on his own initiative. This was explained by the fact that a person could not see the cracked in ice, and it would be worthwhile to all passengers. This is explained by the independence of these dogs and the priority of their own interests over the interests of the owner.

These disadvantages are quite possible to correct competent training and proper education. The main difference of husky from the lacas is that they will never defend her owner, nor his home, because individuals, aggressive in relation to man, are destroyed from generation to generation.


A group of breeds different from each other. These are the most ancient hunting dogs. They accompanied the person in the northern forest zones of Asia and Europe, helped him to mine food. This is an amazing breed, which is practically no need to train - their hunting instinct is strikingly, they are successfully demonstrated in the forest.

Hunting instinct

Likes are driven from the thickets of the birds of the game, bring the owner to the owner, pound on the trees of thermis and deterals. On them, the dog easily detects a cunite, squirrel and a sable, in Norah, she finds ferrets, a column, it is a very bold and strong animal. It fearlessly can stop the bear, lynx, moose, wolverine, boar. The breed was obtained thanks to the unusual art of Laya. On the hunt, she silently walks along the trail, and only seeing prey, she gives the signal to the signal and pursues a sacrifice or forces her to stop until the hunter was suitable.

The voice of the dog varies depending on the pursued game. It can also be used in the harness, but for short distances. The difference between the husky and the husky is also the fact that the first practically do not bother, but they are peculiar.

External differences

That these dogs are very similar, the difference between them is still

exists. What is the difference between husky from the ramps? The first have growth to sixty centimeters and weigh about twenty-eight kilograms. The form of their head is strongly reminded by wolping. Usually brown, but dog breeders prefer blue-eyed individuals. Wool soft, color from snow-white to black. On the head is often the pattern in the form of glasses, a clover sheet, asterisk, a heart.

Many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders ask how to distinguish husky from husky. The first is somewhat smaller than the second. The largest Like Eastosibirskaya does not have more than 64 centimeters in the withers and 23 kilograms weighing.

Husky and Likes: Differences

Likes, unlike husky, have a characteristic dog smell, longer wool. They have a tail rolled the ring that they lay on the back. What other than the husks from the rapes? Their destination. Husky - Dogs rolling, and therefore, more enduring.

Likes are inborn hunters and guards. If husky is an independent breed, then likes are a group of rocks. A distinctive feature of the latter - in their special ability to use the various teaching techniques. Unlike them, the first are not divided into their prey and are considered a more freedom-loving rock. If you want to buy such a dog, you need to know what the husks from the rapes are different.

Even the unprofessional can distinguish them in appearance. This is the color of the eyes, and somewhat dismissed growth and weight, and characteristic drawing on the head. Likes are always more slender, and horses are dense, shot down. The pillows of their paws are wider.


Different dog breeds are good in their own way. If we talk about the habits of the treated species, then when answering the question about what the husks from the rapes are different, such characteristics can be used as attitudes towards people and their ability to learn. The first more good-natured, they rarely show unreasonable aggression to man, so the guards of them are none.

The lacas of Watchman instinct is much stronger, they are not so kind and affectionate with everyone like husky. They are very easy to study, and to subjugate their will enough simply. Huski can also be trained a lot, but to begin with, it must be proved that you are the leader of the flock, and you should obey.

Relationships with others

Likes are very tied to the owner, but the hunting instinct they have so strong that he can prevail. I united with another individual of your species, the pet can "go on the hunt", without warning the owner. Such a dog should start only experienced dog breeders who can prove their own authority, not offended by him. Likes do not welcome the appearance on its territory foreign, including children and other animals. Therefore, if you do not teach a puppy to communicate with pets, when it grows up, it will definitely be hunted on them. It is impossible to keep such a dog in the apartment, and in a private house on the chain too. Almost there may be only Russian-European huskies - they are somewhat more compact and more dear.

Unlike them, husky quite comfortably feel in an urban apartment. They adapt well to any conditions. The only thing they cannot tolerate is the chain. This is not a security dog. She will disk from sitting in one place. These dogs require exercise. If you settled husky in the apartment, then be prepared for long walks in the fresh air.

Husky does not show aggression to relatives, especially if they are properly brought up. But we should not forget that these are art dogs, and each of them seeks to take a worthy position in the flock. Therefore, if two dogs decided to find out the relationship, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to do this "on male".

If you took the house where the cat lives, a puppy, do not worry, she will quickly explain the new tenant, "Who is the owner in the house." Otherwise, there may be a situation if you bring an adult animal into the house.

Generally, husky is very friendly dogs. Eskimos, as well as other peoples, the birth of a child is a big and bright event. In the usual time, Husky lives in them only on the street, but with the advent of the baby, the whole pack admits into the house, and between them put the baby so that they warmed it.


It is a fairly common misconception that the Husky content in the conditions of the city apartment is a complex and time-consuming process. In fact, enough during the molting period (twice a year), comb into animal wool, during the rest of the time they independently cope with this task. If you are active, playing sports, these dogs will make you an excellent company, will help to always be in great shape and raise your mood.

Behind the husky care is more difficult. A healthy dog \u200b\u200bhas a smooth and shiny wool. So that it was always, as well as to avoid skin diseases, it must be combed more often. Bathing a dog only if necessary, with ordinary economic soap. Like should not starve. Otherwise, getting into the forest, the animal is forced to first get meals, and even then the owner. As mentioned earlier, the ramps should not be kept in the apartment, but if it happened, remember that walking with animals should be daily and long (at least two hours).

It is advisable to launch a dog from a leash in the air and give it to shabby. Today you have learned what the husky is different from the husky. We hope that this article will help you choose a pet or companion on the hunt.

Many people confuse lacas and husky, which is associated with their similar appearance. In fact, looking after it is to understand what the husks differ from the husky is quite simple. The exterior of these animals has a lot of differences, in addition, these breeds have a completely different character, the history of appearance and purpose.

Today we will consider in detail the differences in two breeds, we will tell about the main features of Hasok and Lakes, let's talk about the characters of these dogs.

And husky, and husky belong to the northern breeds of dogs, and therefore they seem to be the same unprepared person. It has long been like husky in Russia, and therefore Russian people have husky seem very similar to them, literally by blood relatives, as the breed has become popular quite recently.

In fact, husky is not an independent breed, but a group of rocks, which includes several species different. Huski is a registered and independent breed recognized by the Russian Cynological Federation and the associations of focus in other countries.

Table 1. Breeds included in the group of lakes

West Siberian
East Siberian Lyk
Yakut Naika
Karelian-Finnish husky
Russian-European husky

As it is clear from the illustrations, the first three kinds of husky are similar to the Husky: Yakutskaya, East Siberian and West Siberian. Similarity is due, first of all, colors of dogs and dimensions. Hasok in the standard has more than ten types of colors, some of which are closely echoing with the colors of the wool of the ridges.

Table 2. Husky colors

Pale yellow
Black and white
Bicolor (spots on white)
Wolf (zonar)

Husky and Likes: Breed Stories

Likes and husky differed immediately, not being relatives to each other. The stories of these breeds are completely different, and extremely curious. The way these similar appears appeared, indicates how such dogs needed people. We need to help in a difficult work, in heavy cold conditions. However, the purpose of representatives of these breeds is completely different.


Husky - breed, registered as separate in America of the 30s of the twentieth century, but created and selected in our country's eastern Siberia, local peoples who made dogs under daily needs. These ride dogs derived on the basis of aboriginal wild Far Eastern dogs. The ancestors of Husky are dogs, from ancient times living side by side with a person and are considered one of the first domestic animals.

Dogs hardened in harness are known at the Russian Far East of Russia since the era of the Late Neolithic. Local nationalities, caught fish and fastening on marine inhabitants, diluted dogs capable of moving human and cargo for long distances, despite frosts. With food, driving problems was not - the mined fish and the remains of the carcass of the sea beast (seals, seals) made it possible to easily feed a whole harness.

Later, when gold kits began to arrive in the Far Eastern regions, the value of the riding dogs has increased. Soft gold rates needed reliable transport to carry narts with prey, food, as well as by mail. More spacious nars were created, and to pull them, Russian gold killers needed large harms.

Then the "Golden Fever" reached Alaska, and the Americans began to export so valuable pets oriented pets from the Siberian regions and capable of dragging loads and people without tired. Since the Americans of Russian Far Eastern territories were well mastered (poachers regularly led fishery on the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Chukotka and Kamchatka lands, knocking out whales and seals), the export of "four-legged transport" from these seats did not represent difficulties.

In Alaska, the first harness of Russian riding appeared in 1908. For twenty years, dogs brought in the United States not only to help gold miners, but also to participate in dog racing. At this time, in Russia, the breed of destructive changes: the northern rocks were combined into a single registry, and the riding dogs themselves were recognized as "outdated", since they should have been replaced with real transport - aircraft or motorized sleighs.

In the US, husky was decorated with a separate breed in 1934, a specific description and standard of these dogs was created. The name "Husky", which was given by the breed, in fact the erroneous, incorrectly heard and interpreted "eski" - that is, denoting Eskimos, the word. Thus, the original-Russian breed of dogs received American origin.


As we mentioned, husky is not a separate breed, but a whole group of hunting dogs belonging to Asia, Europe and the Northern regions of America. The breed group was shown simultaneously in several territories to be used on the hunt. So, in the European part of the world, the likes were gradually loomed, since the hunt was a business of aristocracy, often hunted horses, and took representatives of the racing rocks with them.

In Rus to the hunt, the requirements were different: often the fishery brought the hunter with the main money, since the Fooner was highly appreciated. Over the winter season, an experienced hunter, leaving the forest with a husky, was able to feed the whole family for a whole year.

The peoples of Siberia, Tungus and the tribes of the Russian North, laiko-shaped dogs are considered an ancient breed associated with hunting, they used to be called "Crazy from the North". With such dogs in the second half of the 19th century, they tried to conduct breeding work. Russian cynological hunters have hunted with different Licoid dogs, tried to classify them, consolidate the breed signs, and even published in various magazines of the articles, promoting and popularizing the breed.

It is popular scientific articles that caused interest in dogs and secured the name "Likes". It was connected with the ability of animals to serve the voice when the game hit the field of their vision.

RUSSIAN LIKETS Even took a journey in Russia, from Siberia to Far Eastern Territories to see and acquire the best representatives of the ramps. Then it was believed that the varieties of this breed as much as the tribes exist in Russia. The result of the expedition was brought brought puppies and adult individuals, and the kennel researchers made the book "Laika and Hunt her".

The first accurate description and standards of fishery-hunting dogs were installed in 1926. Then it was believed that huskies are divided into several types: Karelian, Ostsatskaya, Zyryanskaya, Vogulskaya and Vyatyatskaya, according to the name of the territories. Two years later, the owners who submitted the jury of their workers were attended at the public-union exhibition of dogs, and the number of animals testified to their unusual popularity.

The development of the breed almost stopped the war of 41-45 years: the existing animals were taken to the front so that they help the sanitation, transported goods and transported mail. Animals worked by demolitions, fought side by side with partisans. Only in 1944, when the country was sharply consumed the Pushnin, nurseries of dogs-hunters were created, who survived the war. The post-war time has become a period of education more than twenty nurseries, in which only legs were grown.

Such the spread and popularity of Lakes demanded the revision of standards, and in 1949 a new classification of animals appeared. So officially appeared four independent, individual breeds: West and East Siberian, Karelian-Finnish and Russian-European, known to us now.

Husky and Likes: Differences of exterior

Looking at the husks of different colors, it is not always possible to understand that these are dogs of one breed group. Therefore, the difficulties arising from people trying to distinguish the pale hassiness and the West Siberian husky are understandable. Consider the features of the exterior of Huski and Lakes.

Table 3. Breed standards

HuskyYakut NaikaWest SiberianEast Siberian LykRussian-European husky
Common parametersGrowth - 55-60 centimeters in the withers, mass - 23-28 kilograms.Growth - 53-59 centimeters, weight - 25-28 kilograms.Growth - 58-62 centimeters in the withers, weight of 25-30 kilograms.Growth - 55-64 centimeters, weight 27-32 kilograms.Growth - 48-56 centimeters, weight - 23-28 kilograms.
HeadMedium size, proportional muzzle, tapering to the nose mirror. The distance from the tip of the nose before moving from the face to the forehead is equal to the length of the forehead to the nape.It has the shape of a pointed wedge, a rounded small skull, a pronounced forehead, the transition from the forehead to the face is very sharp.Dry, in the form of an acute wedge, similar to an equilibried triangle. The skull is moderately wide, the muzzle is long, in the field of fangs is noticeable expansion.With a wide skull, powerful backbone, wedge-shaped form. The face profile looks like a stupid triangle, well-developed jaws, powerful.Dry, in the form of a stupid wedge, with a wide pronounced population. The muzzle is moderately long (shorter than the cranial box).
HousingWide straight back, deep strong breasts glued on the sides of the Rib, a flat line of top, from the blades to the back, elastic selected loin.Muscular, round-shaped ribbol, the shroud is short, the croup is almost horizontal, parallel floor. Chest moderately deep, round.Strong muscular back, short dense loaf, slimmed, moderately long croup, long deep chest.Wide, strong, with a pronounced shoulder line, deep enough breasts. Belly selected, the transition from the chest to the stomach is weakly expressed.A sharply pronounced developed withers, a straight short back, short convex loin. Breast wide, rounded, powerful straight croup.
LimbStraight, parallel, muscular, flexible incl. Five small, well-invented, with wool between fingers.Put parallel, straight, powerful and dry. Elbows firmly adjacent to the chest.Dry, muscular, straight and parallel. The hips of the hind limbs are shorter than the heads, good angles are visible.Muscular, with straight corners, the length of the legs is approximately equal to half the height of the animal.Long (more than half of the height of the dog in the withers), muscle, straight, dry, with good delivery.
TailSickie, throw on the back at the moments of excitement, omitted right in the period of calm. The tail should not form a spiral, Kalachik.Collected in the tight ring concerns the back. Highly planted, covered with fluffy wool.Heat sickle or ring-shaped, necessarily concerns the back in any emotional state of the dog.Wrapped in the form of a ring or sickle. It is permissible that the tail is assigned back and up, but does not touch the back.The ring is lowered in the form of a ring, tight pressed to the back or thigh. In straight form quite long.
WoolMedium length, double - with a good dense undercoil. The straight is a straight, pleasant to the touch, twice the shorter.Thick, rude to the touch, medium length, undercooked tight, rich. The males are characterized by mane from axial wool.Hard straight pitiful hair, lean on the withers, thick lush undercoat.Short, thick and brilliant oratory hair, dense fluffy undercoat. On the neck of the dog formed a thick clutch - collar.Straight rough sued, dense fluffy rich bleeding. For males, a lush collar is characteristic.
MovementSmooth, effortlessly, the dog goes fast trot.Elastic, fast, characterized by energetic gallop.Quick, free. Lynx is mixed with a gallop.Wide lynx, turning into a gallop.It is characterized by a gallop, sometimes turning into a lynx.
EyesThe almond-shaped, sideways delivered, heterochromia (eyes of different shade) is allowed.Almond-shaped, planted wide and straight. May be brown, dark blue. Admissible heterochromia.Oval, deeply sitting, in the form of almonds. The incision of the age of oblique, with any color - brown.Small, oval, dark brown with any color.Oval, small size. Permissible colors are dark brown or brown.
EarsMedium size, triangular, well-founded, thick, without tilt forward.Thick, duty or standing. Triangular shape, dense and thick.In the form of a long triangle, sharp, standing, the ear of the ear is poorly expressed.Standing, put on the eye level, seeking up, with a small collapse.Small, movable, standing, in the form of the right triangle.

External differences are concluded in the following key points:

  1. The shape and position of the tail: Husky's tail is always straight, lowered, like a fox, from any type of husky tail will be twisted into the ring and rests on the cereal or thigh.
  2. Husky has powerful, graceful limbs, smooth beautiful movements. Likes - owners of dry and high legs, moving jerks, preferably a gallop, while Husks are more often lying.
  3. Husks have a unique drawing, turning from the head to the face - "glasses" or "heart". There is no such pattern on the lacas.

Husky and Likes: Physiology and Character

Both of these breed groups were created and selected for the same goal - to help a person. As we have already found out, destiny, or rather - the calling of husky - the riding, full work, likes were needed to effectively produce fur beast and wild forest bird. Accordingly, the tasks and expectations originally imposed on dogs to the dogs, put a significant imprint on the physical and mental data of representatives of these breeds.


The main feature of the Husky is the ability to control their own metabolism, slowing down or accelerating it, depending on the situation. Because of this, husky are amazingly endless dogs that have been able to run for a long time, dragging nars with cargo or skier.

So, a beautiful legend says that in the 1925th, the harness harvested by the eight-hearth husky, which led the leader named Balto, saved the city from death, in which the epidemic of fatal diseases reigned. Dogs were to deliver in the shortest possible time of the ampoule - a vaccine from diphtheria, despite the blizzard and a bite cold. Americans still honor the feat of dogs, and the entrance to the New York Central Park has a statue of Psa Balto.

Since the dogs of the Husky breed should have been to be many days together with a person, this breed was displayed, but friendly and absolutely unlocked. Since Cayur often remained alone with ten-twelve individuals (usually a dog run in harness), as a fight with a person, a person would not have a single chance. Therefore, husky is one of the most good-natured and loyal to the person of domestic animals.

Decades working with several pairs in sledding (usually harnessed two, four, six or eight dogs), husky are artistic dogs, more comfortable in the company of relatives. For this reason, it is recommended to start two husky at once, and if the area allows, more. Animals cope with the hierarchy inside the flock, and most of the time live peacefully and friendly.

Interestingly, in the old days of Cayur did not communicate with all the dogs, but passed the team only the leader, with whom warm and trusting relationships had. The leader regulated the movements of the whole pack, in addition, the dog had the right to independently make decisions regarding the path. This is due to the fact that the animals are sharp feeling danger, and could easily find cracks in ice or a wild beast, for example, a polar bear.

From here there was another trait of the character of dogs of the Husky breed - independence. These animals with great pleasure will prefer the company to themselves like or intensive loads, rather than a person from a person. For the same reason, husky is difficult to classically learn, they are worse and executed commands. Especially difficult Khaskam gives the owner's demand to return to him on a walk.

The key psychological feature of Husky is the complete absence of aggression to man. For this reason, husky are not suitable for the role of the bodyguard, as well as the security guard. Most likely, the animal will miss her even unfamiliar person, and it is unlikely to give a voice as a signal about the appearance of a stranger. By the way, the voice of Huska is very loud, ringing, and "Vocabulary" is peculiar. In addition to other representatives of this breed, they are able to publish howl to different tones, some of which the owners consider "singing".

Friendliness of Husky refers not only to the owner, but also to all people around. Husks at any age adore children's company, perfectly get along with other dogs and cats. As animals lack the hunter's instincts, they can peacefully coexist even with rabbits or marine pigs.

Video - Husky sings


All representatives of this group of breeds are born hunters with centuries-old genes. Alone or small flocks of huskies accompanied hunters in forest areas, helping to fill and even kill the beast, thanks to which the hunter did not return home with empty hands.

It is capable of bringing the owner's shot birds, drive a large game, drive out of the overgrown or norms of medium size. Also likes are able to signal about the appearance of a beast: curtains, ferret, lynx, moose, boar, large birds: TETEREV, Plukhar.

The name itself is "husky" due to the fact that animals of this breed group have a unique ability. Dogs are mastered by several tonalities at once and the variations of the Laya, who informs the hunter, what kind of game came on his way. So, catching a deer of any kind or adult moose, the dog gets quietly, without malice and aggression, in order to delay the animal, but do not scare him - otherwise the major hoofing will simply run away.

Having encountered a cunita or sable, the husky will be stoken and viciously bark, seeing the squirrel - persistently, monotonously and smooth. Careful books or delayed dogs have a distance from afar, barely audibly not hear. Some hunters who are interested only on specific animals are leaked to react only to them, ignoring unnecessary game.

Lakes are extremely acute hearing, eyesight and smell, like any hunter. But the dogs living in the apartments, their extraordinary little, often poison their lives, and the owners themselves - any suspicious rustle they meet loud lament. At the same time, all the husks without exception are intellectual, obedient and well trained. Therefore, if the animal is walking to exhaustion and regularly export in the forest for hunting, the pet will be sweet and silently sleeping.

The whole group of lacas - patient, gambling and persistent dogs, acutely loyal owner. They are combined with freedom and humility, independence, but high-oriented person. For the sake of the host, the dog is ready to even sacrifice life, and if necessary, it will come into an unequal battle with a very large beast, for example, a bear.

Unlike husky, representatives of the breed group of the ramps are able to protect the owner not only from the wild beast, but also from person. Also, the husks are well guarded by the property, and it will have to get difficult enough if the dog has an independent reception. Given this fact, the owners of the ramps, which are available on the territory of the private house, must post warning signs on the fence.

Despite the steep temper, the husks are quite good with the children with whom they live together, loyal to other dogs, especially if the individuals hunt together. But with cats, rabbits, small animals and birds, in the ramps are strained - if the dog from the first days of appearance in the house, still a puppy, did not make friends with other pets, most likely, she will consider them as prey.

Let's sum up

And husky, and husky - northern dogs, many years living next to the person, and help him solve the most pressing questions - with movement and food. Otherwise, these dogs are absolutely different, their history, purpose, character and appearance are different. We hope that after reading the foregoing text, you have no questions left regarding the differences between huskies and husky, and whether they are relatives.

Video - Husks and Likes - is this one and the same?


The inexperienced man husky and husky seem very similar. First of all, at first glance it is clear that these are northern dogs. In Russia, they are more accustomed to the husks and therefore sometimes so called the husks that appeared pretty recently. However, these dogs are not even relatives and between them have a number of significant differences.

Husky is an independent breed of dogs, and husky is a whole group consisting of several breeds that differ from each other.

First of all, the purpose of Huski and Lakes is different. Husky is riding dogs derived to run in the harness, transport goods and people on endless snowy spaces. An amazing feature of Husky is the ability to control the metabolism of its body. They know how to slow down or accelerate their metabolism depending on the circumstances. This skill allows dogs to be unprecedented endless. For example, husky can run in a heavy harness in the snow all day without stopping. According to legend, in 1925, in the US, Husky's harness saved the whole city from death, quickly delivering a diphtheria vaccine for hundreds of miles. Statue of the head of the balto harness stands in New York at the entrance to the central park.

However, Husks are not able to hunt a man, since any caught game is regarded as their own prey. In addition, initially Husky lived with flocks. He contacted only a certain leader. The man gave teams to the leader, who ruled the rest of the dogs in the harness. Interestingly, the leader had the right to his opinion in choosing a way. It was due to the fact that a person could not see the cracks in the ice, which would be worthwhile to everyone. Most likely, the independence of husky appeared on this, and the priority of their interests over the interests of the owner in everyday life, which can be changed by the right upbringing and competent training. In addition, Husky most likely will not protect its owner or his property, since aggressive individuals are destroyed from generation to generation.

Likes are the most ancient hunting dogs. They accompanied the hunters in the northern forest zones of Europe and Asia, helped people to extract food. They are practically no need to train, so strong their hunting instinct. The huskies are expelled from the thickets of the dying feathers, bring a hunter of beaten birds, drive on the trees of Mahahar and Tetherov. On the trees, the dog detects a sable, squirrel and a cunita, in the Norah - a column, ferret, a raccoon dog, finds ice-treated paths and minks. Also, the husky stops and delays such beasts like lynx, bear, wolverine, elk, boar.

His Russian name was liked thanks to the special art of Laya. During the hunt, Laika silently walks along the trail or looking for a beast, and only seeing him, she serves a signal and either pursue prey, or makes it stop before the hunter's arrival. At the same time, the voice of the husky varies depending on the game. If there is a sable or a cunnant - the dog barks especially viciously. If on the squirrel tree - Lai persistent and smooth. As the wooder is very careful, so as not to sigh it, the dog gets in a low voice, without coming close. If the husky caught up with a deer or moose, she stops in front of his muzzle and gently barks to keep unwitched, but not to scare it. Often the hunters of their dogs teach only one, the beast you need.

Some lips are also used in the harness, but for short distances, since their driving characteristics are rather modest.

Huski is easy to distinguish from likes that they are almost not lit, but prefer to swell peculiar.

In the standardization documents, the country of origin of Husky is the USA. However, there is another version of the appearance of this breed. Russian researchers prove that Siberian Husky is a direct ancestor of the polar dog, which Chukchi was bred. After the October Revolution, these dogs were banned by the Soviet power to breed. Several flocks were purchased and taken out in the USA, where their breeding continued. After 70 years in the former USSR, American husky penetrated the smuggling from Finland. The name of the Husky itself is distorted distorted "Eski", meaning "Eskimo".

It is believed that huskies occurred from a large wicked fossil dog and a smaller jackal-shaped.

Huski from the lakes are distinguished by both appearance. Kobels Husky grow up to 60 cm in the withers and weigh about 28 kg. The shape of their head is quite similar to the wolf. The eyes of the almond-shaped form can be brown, but blue-eyed hacks are especially popular among dog breeders. Husky wool is softer. The hassiness color can be the most different - from the whole snow-white to black. There is not a remarkable difference of this breed on the head - drawing in the form of glasses, asterisks, clovers, strips, protoco, strokes, hearts and others. Unlike husky, the tail of the husky holds, not dropping onto the back. Another feature of the husky is the lack of a characteristic dog smell and wider pillows of paws, which allows them to move through deep snow.

Since several breeds include a group of lacas, they can vary in the exterior. The largest - East Eastosibirsk Lyki. The height in the withers of the males reaches 64 cm. Weight of the rack reaches up to 23 kilograms. Likes are black, black and peg, red, gray and brown color of all shades.

West Siberian Laika reaches a 60 cm growth and can have a color of all colors, both pegs and a monophonic but brown. It is the most calm and balanced among the ramps, successfully hunts to the duck and a large beast, goes well along the coolest trail. The Karelian-Finnish hat is distinguished by a very lively movable temperament, which allows them to be perfectly hunted to the protein and playing the game, but complicates the training of work on the coolest trailer of the beast. There are also the Russian-European, Finnish, Huntish, Mansiysk and other breeds of rapes.

All likes, unlike husky, have a characteristic smell, longer wool and tail in a tight ring lay on the back.


Husky and varnish distinguishes their purpose. First of all, Husky is driving dogs and therefore more enduring, and husky are hunting and well suited as a security guard.
Unlike husky, which is an independent breed, husky is a whole group of breeds.
A distinctive feature of Huska is that it can control the metabolism of its body.
A distinctive feature of the ramp is that they use different techniques and tactics of different production, depending on its size and behavior.
In contrast to the husky, Husky is usually not divided into their prey and are more freedom-loving rock, which can be changed in competent education and training.
Some ridges, like husky, can use in a harness, but not for long distances.
Husky is very different from the ramps and in appearance. The main differences include the color of the eyes and a characteristic pattern in the form of glasses, asterisks, a clover sheet, stripes, protocuine, strokes, hearts and others. Husky's tail holds, not dropping on his back. Another feature of Husky is the lack of a characteristic dog smell.
Likes are more sleeve unlike husky, which are densely shot down. Pillows paws husky are wider.
Usually husky will be treated, and husky is bodied.


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The owners who are not well versed well in the breeds of dogs, believe that they are very similar to each other. But there are a number of differences that will help you navigate when choosing a pet. After all, in fact, the difference between the husky and the husky is large enough.

What differences are husky and husky?

First of all, they differ in their destination. The first are exclusively a riding dog - husky is very hardy and energetic pets who love to move insanely. They are able to overcome the snow, the cold and a long way to transport heavy loads or people to the destination.

Some lips are also used for movement, but against the background of their rivals, they will be very listed. After all, overcome long distances, they are practically no teeth. And also the speed of the journey of the ramps will not be too high. But these dogs are excellent hunters that are not husky. Although prey, they caught, but they will consider it their own, and the owner will not receive anything. It is also a response to the question of what the husky is different.

In the appearance of these breeds, some differences are also traced. Eyes at Huski almond-shaped. They are brown, as well as blue. The head of these animals is very similar to the wolf of their shape. Their wool is softer and has the most different color. Animals can be both completely white and black.

The difference between the husky and the husky also lies in the fact that the first does not have a characteristic smell. They also differ in wide paw pads. With their help, the dog can easily move along the endless snowy spaces. The fluffy tail of the husky never go to the back, they keep it lowered.

Like is a group of rocks that may differ from each other. They are more slender than husky. Also dogs have a specific smell. The animal wool is longer, and their tail is lowered onto the back.

There is another way how you can distinguish husky from likes - the first hundreds, and the second bark.

The information provided above may help you correctly characterize two types of dogs. Now you can choose the breed you need. Husky and Siberian Lyk have many differences that immediately rush to the experience of an experienced dog, and in this you were convinced of themselves.