Raising the child in various activities. The need to take into account individual, age and sex features when raising children raising a child in different activities

Preschool age lasts from 3 to 7 years and can be divided into several periods:

  • · Junior preschool age (3 - 4 years);
  • · Middle preschool age (4 - 5 years);
  • · Senior preschool age (5 - 7 years old).

Begins pre-school age with the crisis of three years old , in a different way, it is called "I myself!". Crisis 3 years - One of the brightest crisis periods of our life. It is characterized by a surge of an increased independence of the child. In this regard, an internal psychological conflict arises between the needs of the child to be independent, to do everything and its physical possibilities (or rather the impossibility). In addition, since this age, the requirements for the child from adults increase. He is told "You're already big", "look at your behavior", "You must", etc. This crisis is allowed due to the fact that adult reveals new activities for the child, thanks to which the child can show its independence and initiative, express himself.

For the preschool childhood, the child is physically developing quite quickly. The child becomes physically stronger to the preschool age, the coordination of movements is improved, children can not only walk and run, for three years they can already jump, climb the stairs, crawl, etc. Muscles and bone system are strengthened. In the future, all these movements are improved.

At this age it is very important . It lies in the fact that the child needs to be taught to take care of their health, enjoy physical exercise. One of the most effective methods of education of preschoolers will be your personal example of behavior. What kind of physical education can we talk about if a mother with dad is all the day off on the sofa and watch TV?! Or spend time sitting at the computer?! If a child visits a kindergarten, then on weekdays there it will do the morning gymnastics. At the output - you must show a personal example. Judge for yourself: if in kindergarten they say that charging is needed, that it is useful for health, the child sees there, how everyone comes to this useful habit, and at home? Parents do not want to do this at all and ... do not do! The child arises a contradiction: "What is the right thing? Someone deceives? Need to check!". And ... checks ... children's cereals for which inconsistentpunishment! Therefore, try to stick to the usual child, do exercises with him, at least 5 minutes. And the child will be fine, and for you benefit. Come up with your own complex Morning Gymnastics.

Good ones funds for physical education of children At this age, communication with nature, familiarity with various sports, mobile games.

Physical development of the child of the preschooler Directly connected with mental. Due to its physical activity, developed movements, coordination children are able to better exercise their curiosity, to know the world, watch, study, experiment, etc. In this and manifests itself and the development of preschool children . The age of 4 years is rightly called the "age of integrity". The child is constantly asking for adults various questions. By the nature of the issues, you can judge at what level of development is your child. The first questions of the preschooler denote the world around him ("What is it?", "Who is it?", "What is it called?", Etc.). Next, questions appear that help to establish causals and causal relationships, the keyword in them "How?" and why?" ("How is it done?", "How is it arranged?", "Why does the wind blowing?", "Why does the butterfly fly?", Etc.).

Exercising child preschool children , the adult must respond to all the questions of the child, no matter how tired of them. If you all the time will hide from the questions of your child, there will be a decrease in cognitive interest, which will continue to change indifference. Of course, an adult for this you need to "try" very much, because Curiousness in preschoolers is sufficiently stable, but some it is possible. If you will satisfy the need for knowledge, then cognitive interest of the preschooler will be at a sufficiently high level that in the future it will help with preparation of a child to school .

In addition to the world, preschoolers begins to interest his inner world, i.e. Preschool children begin to show cognitive interest to ourselves, to their own body, to their feelings and experiences - this is called development of self-consciousness of preschool children. Development of identity of children There are a number of stages: First, children separate themselves from the world; Then begin to realize their name; then they are formed self-satisfaction that in preschool age depends entirely and completely from an adult estimate; Three years old, children are aware of their gender and try to behave in accordance with their floors; to 5. for years, children are aware of themselves in time, for example, they can say "when I was quite small, my mother gave me a bottle milk"; And by 7 years begin to realize their rights and obligations, which is very important for preparation of children to school .

Also, the developed self-consciousness of preschoolers helps manifestation of arbitrariness of behavior, i.e. the child by 7 years already knows how to manage his behavior, feelings, emotions, which is also an indicator of the readiness of the child to school learning.

Mental education is closely connected development of the imagination of preschool children. Development of imagination in preschool age Promotes the accumulated supply of knowledge about the world around the world, precisely thanks to him, preschoolers are building new images in their imagination. On the level development of the imagination of preschool children You can judge their game. If a child comes up with a variety of interesting stories, inventy new images (characters or roles), uses substituent items, then we can talk about well-developed imagination. Sometimes it seems that the fantasies of preschoolers have no limit, they are constantly in the world attracting them images. You can also determine where the child gets from draws these images for games or artistic creativity: from movies, cartoons, book illustrations, fairy tales, stories, etc. Some adults are mistaken, thinking that the imagination of children is better developed than adults. This is not true. Imagination of preschooler Significantly poor adult imagination. For a developing personality, this is the foundation, a foundation for the development of intelligence and the emotional sphere of children.

With the mental and physical development of preschoolers, the most important achievement of preschool age is closely connected - development of various types of pre-school activities: Game, Labor and Artistic. From here you can consider the types of upbringing - labor, aesthetic and

It is the involvement of children to self-service, household labor, public and mental. Labor education of preschool children It begins with the admission of the child to self-service. Three years old, the child tries to do everything: it's clothes himself, he himself, he himself, and so on. And it is these aspirations that should grow into a desire to work. the main thing means of labor education of preschoolers - This is the attitude of adults to the manifestation of the independence of children. Adults should not suppress the independence of preschoolers, but it is important to create a "Success situation" for the child, to encourage the child's desire to independence. For example, if a child still does not know how to tie a lace, you should shove the shoes on velcro. The child will feel joy, not a chagrin, when he can not only go on his own, but also to cope with the clasm. From two years, children are capable of independently, but it does not always work. Small motility and coordination of kids movements are still imperfect and therefore they do not always have a spoon in the mouth. Take patience, do not scold the child for the evaporated blouse or table. When the baby gets everything, he rejoices and seeks to do even better. Create conditions for independence. Let the child with clothes that he can dress independently (pants, tights, sneakers, socks, etc.), encourage your baby, tell him that everything will turn out that he is already an adult, and all adults dress and eat themselves and t. d. Do not worry and do not scold the child if he did not work out something, on the contrary, tell me that "now it didn't work out, do not worry, it will turn out tomorrow."

From 3 years, children love to help adults - water flowers, wipe the dust, wash the dishes, wash, iron, etc. And here, also the main thing is not to suppress these aspirations. Do not scold the child, if he pulls out of your hands of a broom and asks the flooring the floor. Let him do it. Alte the later, but when the baby does not see. During washing, put it a separate basin with handkerchiefs - allow you to help you wash. Or let you wash the puppet clothes, believe your child will be on the seventh heaven from happiness that he was allowed. And when you wash dishes, and the baby asks you to help you, what do you say?! "Get away, and then all overcome!" Or something like that. Let your baby help you, give him a towel, let it wipes the dishes wash you. And when the child is growing, and you allow you to wash the dishes on your own under the crane - it will be a great honor for him, and will continue to go to the honorable duty. By 7 years, you can start some kind of pet, so that the child felt all the responsibility of labor actions. But provided that you with the child distribute the duties to care for animals. And, of course, it will be necessary to study the conditions of pet content.

Aesthetic education of preschool children It is also associated primarily with the development of different types of activities of children. Main means of aesthetic education of preschoolers - This is, firstly, the environment (scientific name is a developing environment). All things must lie in their place, which means that every thing should be a place. A developing environment should be organized in such a way that the toys lay in the place available to children, and it is also very important that the child can also remove these toys with ease. Do not allow to take the baby toy until he removed the one in which he just played.

Secondly - personal example of behavior. The child should see neat parents: hairstyle, in clean clothes, dressed with taste, etc.

Thirdly - artistic activities of preschool children, More precisely, the admission to it. To do this, adults must show interest in creative activity themselves: sculpt, draw, make appliques along with children. Now there are quite a lot of new directions in artistic creativity.

Fourth - the hygienic skills of the child. The attraction of the baby to the tidy, accuracy, the upbringing of the feeling of taste.

In preschool age, moral norms of behavior are actively learned. In connection with this is carried out moral education of preschool children. The most effective means of moral education of preschoolers will imitation. The child imites adults in everything: both appearance, and in behavior, and even the standards for assessing the surrounding. Parents discuss the situations every day that occurred in the day, applying certain estimated words: "Good", "bad", "not right", "respects", etc. Children should see the kindness, tenderness, generosity and other moral qualities around themselves. In addition, it is very important to praise and encourage children for your own kindness and generosity. Then these qualities will develop. AT moral education of preschool children It is very important to teach the child to put yourself in place of another person.

It should also be noted the development of relations of preschoolers with peers. Preschool children begin to appreciate each other's society. Begin to share feelings, thoughts, retells of seen films, cartoons, events from life. There is friendship. At this age, it is necessary to maintain friendly and friendly relations with other children - it is very important for the social development of children.

In conclusion I would like to consider education mechanism :

Knowledge - feelings - motives - beliefs - Acts - habits - behavior - result (personality quality).

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Topic 1.

1.1 What are the types of children's activities in a preschool educational institution?

The main activities of children in Dow are:





Educational research;

Musical and artistic;

Reading (perception) of fiction.

1.2 What activity is leading in preschool age?

In preschool age, the leading activity is the game. In the game activity for the first time, the child's need to influence the world is formed. All games usually reproduce certain in the most responsible child needs to take part in the life and activities of adults.

Gaming activities by the end of preschool age is differentiated to such forms as plot role-playing games, dramatization games, games with rules. The game develops not only cognitive processes, speech, communication, behavior, but also the identity of the child. The game in preschool age is a universal form of development, it creates the zone of nearest development, serves as the basis for the formation of future educational activities.

1 .3 What is communication? What is the essence of pedagogical communication?

Communication The most important component of human being present in all kinds of human activity.

Communication is a way of interaction between people, due to socio-economic and cultural relations in society.

In communication, mutual understanding and consistency of actions, actions, behavior are achieved, the qualities of a person as a subject of culture, knowledge, labor are being formed. Communication is the most important professional tool of pedagogical activity, as it acts as a factor in the formation of a person's personality, a means of education.

Currently, it should be borne in mind that not only public relations, family, school, but also a child himself: has changed the level of his awareness, the degree of claims and requirements, the form of communication. All this involves making changes to the organization of the educational process, choosing a different form of pedagogical communication. Today, there is no educational impact on the fore, when the child acts as a passive object of exposure to the teacher, and the interaction.

Pedagogical communication involves respect for the identity of the child, his opinions. Not every tutor is interested in the opinion of his pupils, can "join" to the opinion of the baby, to calculate his opinion correct and interesting. Well, ask for forgiveness for, for example, I mistakenly considered him the conflict for the conflict, can units. Although this not only does not reduce the authority of the teacher in the eyes of his students, but, on the contrary, brings them closer. However, if you offer to children, for example, think about how to better spend the New Year tree or a holiday of fairy tales, then offers and ideas born to children's fantasy, there will be many. Therefore, the expressions "What do you think?", "How do you think?", "Where is better?" etc. Must be an integral part in the communion of the teacher with their pupils. Pedagogical communication is characterized by targetedness, the desire of the educator to solve certain developing and educational tasks.

Creating a situation of success is an important point in pedagogical communication. Not so much the words as interested in the life of children is determining in the communication of the child and the educator, the focus on the development of the personality of the baby, creating an atmosphere of good and mutual trust.

Pedagogical communication can be expressed through an assessment.

Pedagogical assessment is part of the communication of the educator with the child. Evaluation of the teacher's teacher's response in the classroom, help a comrade or participation in the festival, the care of flowers or the speed of self-taped lace - everything for a child is significant, everything needs a positive assessment: in a word, a look, gesture, prosperity. Positive assessment is a kind of stimulus of active activity, good appetite, due behavior and success of children.

The higher the assessment, the more desire the child to learn, work, play, create. This naturally does not mean that estimates should only be positive, and negative should be as small as possible. Even the lack of a positive assessment in itself is a certain punishment for the baby. That is why it is so important in each case, giving an assessment of the activities of the child, to be extremely neat, because the ability and opportunities in children are different.

Communication must wear a relaxed free character. Of particular importance should be given to the formation of the skills of proper communication in kindergarten, helping the kids to learn the necessary norms and rules of conduct: in the team, in the game, in joint activities, at the table, on the festival, etc.

If a child from the first years of life sees around himself kindness and care (and not only towards him), he perceives it as a norm and himself should be. This is the main and decisive in the life and behavior of the child today and adult - tomorrow.

1.4 How can I assess the culture of adult and child communication?

Culture of communication provides for the fulfillment by the child the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers based on respect and goodwill, using the relevant vocabulary and forms of treatment, as well as polite behavior in public places, everyday life.

The culture of communication implies the ability not only to act in the desired way, but also refrain from inappropriate in this situation actions, words, gestures. Child need to teach notice the state of other people. From the first years of life, the child should understand when you can run, and when you need to slow down, because at a certain point, in a certain setting, this behavior becomes invalid, i.e. To do, guided by a sense of respect for others. It is respect for those surrounding in combination with simplicity, naturalness in the manner to speak and show their feelings characterizes such important quality of the child as sociability.

Culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. A.M. Gorky considered the care of speech purity by an important tool of the struggle for the total human culture. One aspect of this widespread question is to educate the culture of speech communication. Culture of speech suggests the presence of a sufficient state of words from the preschooler, the ability to speak is concise, while maintaining a calm tone.

Already in the younger, and especially in the middle preschool age, when the child is developing the grammar system of speech, learns to correctly build simple phrases, it is involved to call adults by name and patronymic, on "you", adjust the pronunciation, teach children to speak at a normal pace, without a spear Or stretching words. No less important at the same time to teach the child carefully listen to the interlocutor. Calmly stand during a conversation, look in the face of the speaking.

When organized by the teacher of educational - educational events, behavior, questions and responses of children are largely regulated by the tasks, material content and forms of children's organization. It is clear that the culture of communicating them in such processes is formed faster and easier, but it is equally important to educate the culture of communication in everyday life.

Directly with the upbringing of culture of communication in children, the educator brings up such moral qualities as politeness, delicacy, preventability, modesty, sociability and also not unavailable collectivism skills. It is important to instill a child an elementary communication culture that helps it to establish contacts with peers: the ability without screaming and quarrels to negotiate, politely call as a request; if necessary, then give and wait; Share toys, calmly talk, do not break the games with a noisy invasion.

1.5 What are the forms of advent of child preschool age with peers?

Communication with peers plays an important role in the mental development of the preschooler. It is a prerequisite for the formation of public qualities, manifestation and development of elements of collectivist relations in the preschool group.

During preschool childhood, they develop and replace each other Emotional-practical, situationally business, incoming-business, incoming personality forms of communicationpreschooler with peers

Each form of communication affects the mental development of children in its own way: emotionally practical encourages them to identify the initiative, expands the spectrum of emotional experiences; Situational and business contributes to the development of in person, self-consciousness, curiosity, courage, optimism, creativity; The incoming and promotional and incoming personality form the ability to see the self-reliable personality in the partner, take into account his thoughts and experiences. Each of them helps the child to specify, clarify, deepen the idea of \u200b\u200boneself.

1.6 What factors determine the activities of communication?

For each participant in the interaction of the motive of communication serves another person, his partner for communication. In the case of communication with an adult motive of communication, which encourages the child to appeal to an adult, making an initiative act of communication, or respond to him by performing a reactive effect, is the adult itself. With communications with a peer, the motive of communication is another child.

Factors encouraging a child to communicate with adults are related to the three main needs:

) the need for impressions;

) the need for active activities;

) The need for recognition and support.

Communication with adults is only part of the wider interaction of the child and an adult, which is based on the specified needs of children.

The need for active activities inherent in children is just as obvious as the need for impressions. Anyone who watched the child is affected by his irrepressible activity. Functions of children, the transition of them during the day from one activity to another speaks about the severity of the hunger experienced by them. The lethargy of the child, his passivity serve as an unmistakable sign of his painful state or development defects. Perhaps the need for children in active activity is a special occasion of that phenomenon that is denoted as "the need for an organ in operation."

During the first seven years, the activity manifested by children reaches a high level of development and in its form, and in content. But to achieve maximum efficiency, children are always required to participate and help adults. This leads to the fact that in the activities of children there is interaction with adults, and among different types of interaction, the permanent place is sustainedly occupied by the one that we call communication. Thus, the need for children in active activity becomes a source of motives for applying to an adult and generates a special group of communication motives that we called business, thereby emphasizing the main role of the case who is busy child, and the official, subordinate role of communication in which the child comes with The purpose of the speedy achievement of some practical result (subject or gaming). According to developed ideas, the business motive of communication is an adult in its special quality - as a partner of joint practical activity, an assistant and a sample of the right actions.

The need for children in recognition and support is emphasized by many researchers. About the presence of such a need for school age children writes D.B. Elkonin, T.V. Dragunova, L.I. Indicates Bozovic. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the need for children in recognition and support is their aspiration for communication, because only as a result of this activity they can receive from the evaluation of their personality and implement the desire for community with other people.

This communication is not a "official" part of the wider activity of the child - cognitive or productive, and is isolated from other types of interaction and closes. A characteristic feature of the described genus of communication should be recognized by its concentration on the personality of people - on the identity of the child himself, who is looking for support; At the identity of an adult, who acts as a carrier of rules of moral behavior, and other people whose knowledge is ultimately the case of the self-knowledge of children and the knowledge of them of the social world. Therefore, we called the motifs of the Third Personal Group. Unlike cognitive and business communication motives, which play a service role and mediate more distant, end motives that are born from needs in impressions and in active activities, personal motives are obtained in the activities of communication their final satisfaction. As this last motive, an adult person as a special person, as a member of society, a representative of a particular group appears in front of a child.

The described groups of the motives listed above were allocated in relation to the contacts of the child with adults. It can be assumed that when communicating peers listed motifs also matter, although, apparently, differ in some uniqueness. So, some work makes thinking that small children, communicating with the peers, see them little themselves, but they are very closely peering into their own reflection in their "mirror". L.N. Galiguzova (1980) established, for example, that young children often can't find out among the three comrades of that 15 times (!) There were alone together and played for a long time. Even preschoolers after 3-5 joint classes do not always say how their friend's name is; Almost never ask the peers about their lives (R.A. Smirnova, 1981). If the child of this age is found with adults, his personal interest in it turns out to be immeasurably deeper.

Cognitive, business and personal motives appear in the period of the formation of communicative activities almost simultaneously. In real life practices, all three groups of motifs coexist and closely intertwined. But at different periods of childhood, their relative role varies: then some, then the other of them occupy the position of the leading. Moreover, it is not about the individual characteristics of the relationship of different motives, but about the peculiarities of precisely age, typical for the majority or for many children of relevant age. The nomination of a certain group of motifs is associated with a change in communication content, and the latter reflects the features of the overall life of the child: the nature of its leading activity, the degree of independence.

Topic 2.

2.1 What pedagogical conditions of the organization of the game do you consider necessary?

Pedagogical conditions - depend on the age group. ML. G.:

didactic game as part of the class (plot roles. On the themes of the surrounding life, based on literary works)

theatrical games - to acquaint with the receptions of driving desktop dolls, accompanying the movements of dolls with a simple song;

Moving games - to learn to follow the rules;

the game is organized by children, but the guiding role belongs to the educator

(plot role-role - encourage buildings of different constructive difficulties;

theatrical - develop interest in theatrical and game activity).

Average gr.:

movable - teach to independent compliance with the rules, the use of readers;

didactic - consolidate the knowledge and skills obtained in class;

design-printed - to master the rules of the game, "walk" in turn, etc.

games are organized by children, caregiver as a consultant.

Senior gr.:

Create a developing glass environment for organizing all kinds of games in classes and in independent activities, to form cooperation skills.

2.2 What are the general foundations of guiding children's preschoolers?

The game in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as the collaborative game of the teacher with children, in which the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator hosting any children's plans guarantees the freedom and ease, the pleasure of a child from the game, contributes to the emergence of the children of the desire to master the gaming methods. Secondly, at all age stages, the game should be maintained as free independent activities of children in which they use all the game agents available to them, freely combine and interact with each other, where it is ensured, to a certain extent independent of the adult world of childhood.

Game guide techniques can be straight and indirect. Direct Guide implies the immediate adult intervention in the game of children. It can be expressed in role participation in the game, in participating in collaboration of children, in clarification, in assistance, advice in the course of the game or in the proposal of the new game topic. First, the adult is involved on top roles in the game (doctor, seller, etc.) and gives instructions to children in different forms. It can be direct directions (the teacher's teacher says to the child: "Go to the cashier. Pay for a purchase and bring me a check", etc.), instructions in the form of specific or general issues, for example: "Your daughter wants to sleep? What need to do?" etc. Later, the teacher takes secondary roles (buyer, patient, shop director, etc.).

As a participant in the game, an adult, depending on the situation that created, always has the opportunity to clarify the desires of children, their individual inconsistencies, show the various ways to organize the game, solve controversial issues.

Indirect game management is especially fruitful in working with preschool children. The teacher expresses its judgments in the process of playing with children with children, without requiring hard subordination.

An adult must give children samples of communication with various people, the standards of emotional manifestations, carefully follow the reactions of children, try to send their communications, to help adequate and emotional communication in the game process. During the learning, the game adult performs the functions of the organizer and head of the game activity.

In pre-school pedagogy there are many methods and techniques for the influence of children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Sometimes caregivers acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while viewing open classes, games) are revealing new techniques of manuals, the methods of designing game zones and mechanically transfer them to their work without receiving the desired result. And methodological techniques are effective only in cases where the educator applies them systemically, takes into account the general trends in the mental development of children, the patterns of emerging activities, when the teacher knows well and feels every child.

Mastering with the help of adult main methods of action characteristic of this or that activity, children can use them in the same or several modified conditions. To do this, it is necessary that the conditions for a variety of independent activities of kids will be created in the group room. Each type of toys and benefits should be stored in a specific order. This will allow children to find the right thing themselves, and after the game to remove it in place. It is important to consider how the most rational distribute the gaming material so that children can do a variety of activities without interfering with each other.

A quiet place in the group is given for independent games with didactic toys, viewing pictures, games. Didactic toys, books are stored in an outdoor cabinet, next to the tables, followed by children play and consider books. More complex didactic toys, fun toys should be visible to children. Better, if they lie on the shelf above the child's growth, so that the adult can not only help take a toy, but also trace the game of the child.

With didactic benefits and toys (pyramids, matryoshki, inserts), children play independently under the supervision of an educator or with a small help of an adult. So kids are fixed in the knowledge gained in class, and the ability to independently use didactic toys.

Materials for visual activities (pencils, paper, chalk) It is advisable to store in a closed closet, as the kids still do not know how to independently use these items on the purpose for drawing, modeling, but already freely draw in chalk on the board, a stick on the snow, sand.

Kids need and live objects for observation (fish, birds), and natural material (cones, acorns, chestnuts). For the development of walking, beta and moving games in the group room should be enough free space. Furniture, large toys and benefits are placed so that children can easily pass between them, approach them from different sides. A clear distribution of toys and a manuals in the room and on the plot, their placement, decoration create order and comfort. But this does not mean that every kind of toys and. The benefits should be used isolated. Many of them can be used in plot games. So, in the "house" children can get through the "doors" in the form of a hoop or arc, and in the "store" - on the ladder or board in front of the entrance to the house. Short cords, sticks, natural material - amazing items for playing, not replaced by the most perfect toys.

After completing the game, the children together with the educator remove all the toys in the place allotted for them. Even in the midst of the game there should be no such picture: under the chair, someone's forgotten hare is lying, on the floor - scattered cubes and other toys. If the children launched an interesting game, building the construction and placing toys in unusual places, it is advisable not to disassemble it to continue the game after sleep or walk.

Planning a system of pedagogical measures, on the one hand, should send children to the mapping in the game of various, new phenomena for them, on the other hand, complicates ways and means of reproducing this reality. Knowledge of children about the surrounding life, obtained from different sources, determine the content of gaming tasks, the subject of the plot. The formation of the game itself depends on the skillful complication of methods and means of solving game tasks.

The accumulation of knowledge of knowledge is fixed in classes or during special observations. At the same time, the relationship between the past experience of children and new knowledge is established. The acquired information and impressions of children are taken into account when planning educational work on playing the game.

2.3 List the structural components of the plot role-playing game

Structural components of the plot role-playing game: role, rules, plot, content, game action, role and real relationships, game objects and substituable items.

2 .4 List which creative games are played by the children of your age group, in the game with rules

Creative games of children of the middle group:

Theatrical - Teremok, Kolobok.

Scene - role - Household (family games, kindergarten), production, reflecting professional work of people (hospital games, shop), public (in the library, flying to the moon).

Construction Material Games - Outdoor, Desktop Building Material, Young Architect Type Sets, Natural (Sand, Snow, Clay, Stones).

Games with the rules of children of the middle group:

Didactic - games with objects (for example, take away all toys made of wood), wall-printed games (for example, selection of pictures one sign (classification), verbal games (for example, a game - where we were, we do not say, and what they did, Let's show).

Movable - "Cats-Mouses", "Cause Wand", "What has changed?" and etc.

2.5 What place is the game in the mode of the age group on which you work?

The game as the bulk of the activities of preschoolers in kindergarten is given a lot of time: before breakfast and after it, in breaks between classes, after day sleep, on a daily and evening walk.

By organizing and directing children's games, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of the previous and follow-up activities in the day. For example, moving games associated with the large intensity of movements should not be carried out in front of the daily or night beds, as well as after eating. During a walk on which various games can be organized, we need to take into account weather conditions. In hot summer weather, preference gives games with small and medium mobility, and the games associated with running, jumping, requiring intensive movements, is better to spend in the afternoon.

In the morning hours, before breakfast, it is advisable to give children the opportunity to play on their own. A more mobile game organized with the whole group of children can replace the morning gymnastics. Such a game form of real gymnastics can be used at the beginning of the year, when there are many new children in the team who first come to kindergarten. The game attracts them with its emotionality, the opportunity to actively act, perform movements to the measure of their abilities. Over time, when children are accustomed to acting in the team, the morning gymnastics is introduced, consisting of separate exercises.

Before classes are appropriate to the game of medium mobility, for children these games most often of the individual order.

Topic 3.

3.1 List the tasks of the labor education of preschool children?

Objectives of labor education of preschool children:. Education of a positive attitude towards adult labor, the desire to provide them with full assistance.

The formation of labor skills and skills and their further improvement, gradually expanding the content of labor activities.

Education in children of positive personal qualities: habits for labor effort, responsibility, caringness, leaning,

readiness to take part in labor.

Formation of the skills of organizing their own and shared work.

Education of positive relationships between children in the process of labor - the ability to work coordinated and friendly in the team, to help each other, to goodly evaluate the work of peers, in the correct form to make comments and give advice.

3.2 In which forms does Child labor be carried out in a preschool educational institution?

Child labor in a preschool educational institution is carried out in training activities, gaming activities and in everyday life.

3.3 Name the types of child labor and the content of each type

Self-service - This is a child's labor aimed at servicing themselves (dressing-undressing, food, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The quality and awareness of actions from different children are different, therefore the task of forming self-service skills is relevant at all age phases of preschool childhood.

Self-service work is changed at different age stages and as labor skills are mastered. If the child mastered the ability to dress on their own, it needs to take care of doing it neatly, beautiful, quickly, follow your appearance, hairstyle. In children, they raise the habit of carefully treat things, do not soak, do not tear clothes, carefully fold it.

preparation of the workplace before the start of drawing;

cleaning and even washing (at home) cups, spoons after eating, stinging bed, cleaning toys, books.

Having learned self-service, the child acquires certain independence from an adult, he has a sense of confidence. Of course, even in the senior preschool age, children sometimes need an adult help, but still before entering school they should be able to largely do their own.

Household work - This is the second type of labor that a child in preschool age is able to master. The content of this type of labor is:

labor cleaning work;

washing dishes, washing, etc.

If the work on self-service is initially intended for life support, to care for oneself, then household labor has a public orientation. The child learns to create and maintain its environmental environment in the appropriate form. Domestic work skills The child can use both self-service, and in labor for general benefits.

The household labor of children of junior maintenance groups is assistance to an adult in wiping furniture, laying up toys, washing small objects, cleaning snow on the site, decoration of the site, etc. In the process of such labor, the educator forms the ability to focus on one lesson, bring to the end with the help of an adult. A positive assessment is very important, praise.

Children of medium and older preschool age are capable of more diverse household labor and less need to help adults. They can do:

cleaning the group room (wipe the dust, wash toys, arrange light furniture);

cleaning the plot (raking snow, clean the leaves);

take part in cooking (salads, vinegar, test products);

in labor repair books, toys, clothes.

Labor in nature- The content of such labor is the care of plants and animals, growing vegetables on the garden, planting a plot, participation in the cleaning of aquarium and others. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also to raising moral feelings, lays the foundations of environmental education.

Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: sowed seeds and only after some time they were able to observe the result in the form of germs, and then fruits. This feature helps to bring up an exposure, patience.

Hand and artistic work - in its appointment is a difficulty to meet the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of crafts from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of fantasy, creative abilities; Develops the small muscles of the hands, contributes to the upset of excerpts, perseverance, the ability to bring started to the end. The results of their labor are children pleasing to other people, creating gifts for them. Artistic work in a preschool institution is represented in two directions: children are made of crafts and learn to decorate their products to the holidays to holidays, draw exhibitions, etc.

3.4 What forms of organizing child labor do you use in your work with children?

Orders - This is a request for an adult to fulfill any employment action. Labor orders can be:

The instructions are used individual, subgroups and general. Duration - short-term or long, permanent or disposable.

Duty - suggests the work of one or more children in the interests of the whole group. In duty to a greater extent than on behalf, the public orientation of labor, real, practical concern of several (one) children about others, is distinguished, so this form contributes to the development of responsibility, humane, caring attitude towards people and nature.

A duty dining rooms are used, on training for classes, in a live corner.

General, joint, collective work - Creates favorable conditions for the formation of abilities in children to coordinate their actions, help each other, to establish a single pace of work.

This form is used when you hit the order after the Games of the Group, work in nature.

3.5 What are the means of labor education

Labor education of preschoolers is carried out using a number of funds:

Own work of children;

Familiarization with the work of adults;

Artistic agents.

3.6 What methods of leadership of various types of child labor are you using in your age group?

The main methods and techniques used to lead different types of child labor:

identify the purpose of labor (if the child himself puts the goal - that he wants to do, what should be the result, you can clarify it or make another offer);

help the child motivate your work, discuss with him, for which it needs this work to be in what its value;

learn planning elements;

awaken interest in the upcoming business, maintain and develop it during the work;

find out what has already been done and what else can be done to achieve a better result;

remembering with the child the main "labor rules" (everyone must work hard, it is necessary to help senior, younger, etc.);

encourage diligence, interest in business, the desire to overcome the difficulties, achieving the intended purpose;

we systematically check with the child, the results of work and evaluate it, paying special attention to the child's patience, independence and initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal;

connect the child to your work, submit an example of a conscientious attitude to the case, helping the Council or the case in case of difficulty (but not to do work for it);

awaken the initiative and resourcefulness (asking questions that you can do, how best to do, come out for independent decision-making);

put a child before need to make a choice and help take the right decision;

Topic 4.

4.1 What distinguishes training from cognitive, what is common between them?

The result of cognitive activity, regardless of which form of knowledge, it was carried out (with the help of thinking or perception) and the result of the educational activity of the preschooler are knowledge.

The difference between educational tasks from practical is that the main purpose of the activities of children is to master the general ways to allocate the properties of concepts or solve some class of specific practical tasks.

The work of children in educational situations is implemented in educational actions through which they "assign samples of general ways to solve problems and general techniques for determining the conditions of their application." Full activity in the situation of the educational task implies the fulfillment of another action - control. The child should relate his academic actions and their results with specified samples, to relate the quality of these results with the level and completeness of the accomplished training actions. The assessment is closely related to the assessment, fixing the compliance or non-compliance with the results of the learning requirements.

The process of knowledge of the child is due to its cognitive interests, needs, abilities. Training methods are also aimed at the implementation of three areas of cognitive activity of children.

The cognitive sphere is seen as a complex education in which three components can be distinguished - mental (cognitive) processes; information; Attitude to information.

One source of development of the cognitive activity of senior preschoolers, as valid in their studies V.V. Davydov and N.E. Verascas, acts creative began in the personality of a creative person.

An important means of developing the cognitive activity of senior preschoolers is the occupation. In class, an entertaining material must be present, since one of the means of developing cognitive activity is inability. Elements of entertainment, game, all unusual, unexpected cause a sense of surprise, a living interest in the process of knowledge, help them assimilate any educational material. The development of the cognitive activity of the child's personality during classes is manifested most fully, and visible in all educational activities.

In the older preschool age on the basis of the experience gained training, gaming and labor activity, the prerequisites for the development of cognitive activity.

4.2 What pedagogical conditions need to be created for the organization of educational and educational activities in a preschool educational institution?

Developing the educational and educational activities of the child, the teacher must remember that the child begins to know the world not from theoretical consideration, but with practical actions. A.V. Zaporozhets found that approximate actions play a central role in mental development. The teacher creates such conditions in DW, which specifically "build" the indicative part of the activity.

Pedagogical conditions ensuring the development of educational and educational activities in the DOU is a gradual filling of an objective development environment; Widespread use of game exercises for the development of mental processes (such as "Find Description", "Composition by Description", etc.), didactic games, excursions, tutor's stories; The use of informative fairy tales, realistic stories from the experience of the educator, the introduction of fabulous characters (gnomes, forestry, etc.), "thought" real objects, objects, the phenomena of our world, visual experimentation - all this gives cognitive activity a training character, allows you to form various Types of motivation (gaming, personal, public, cognitive, etc.), "stay" to children the content of certain classes. In general, pedagogical conditions allow you to develop in children cognitive, aesthetically careful, emotional, converting relation to the world. In an objective environment ("Library of Smart Books", the manufacture of collections, materials for speech games) Conditions are created for an active, concerned attitude towards the subjects of living and inanimate nature, to the phenomena of social life. Organized by the educator artistic and productive work (the manufacture of individual toys of long-term use, crafts from paper, brazing material, the manufacture of postcards, invitation tickets, etc.) contributes to the consolidation of various ways to perform their implementation, forms elements of motivation of cooperation with adults, emotional and sensual experience of perception World.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of educational prerequisites in children will be:

application of various types of motivation (gaming, practical, cognitive, educational, personal, comparative, etc.);

the use of game trainings for the development of arbitrariness of behavior, games and etudes for the psycho-homing workout and to train children's self-radiation techniques;

expanding the types of evaluation of children's results (educational assessment, evaluation of children, self-esteem, game form of evaluation, relaxation, etc.);

introduction of diverse teaching methods (problematic issues, modeling, experimentation, etc.);

involvement of various means of mental development and training (the organization of active child activity, educational games, design, visual, theatrical activities, practical activities, training, etc., modern technical means); - The presence of a certain position at the teacher.

In training activities, conditions in which they would have the possibility of broad experimentation with just learned material should be created. It is important that the child experimenting with educational material before learning or at the very beginning of the learning process.

4.3 What are the forms of organizing education for children in a preschool educational institution

The training form is a way to organize learning, which is carried out in a certain order and mode. Forms differ in the quantitative composition of participants, the nature of the interaction between them, ways of activity, place of conduct, etc. The kindergarten uses front, group and individual forms of organized training.

Excursion - a special form of learning, which makes it possible in a natural environment to acquaint children with natural, cultural objects and adult activities;

The main form of organizing the training of children in kindergarten is classes. They are organized and held by a teacher in accordance with the "Program of Education and Training in the Children's Garden".

4.4 Why are the classes are the main form of teaching children in a preschool educational institution?

The leading form of organizing training students of the DWA is a lesson.

The use of classes as the main form of education of children substantiated Ya.A. Komensei.

Yang Amos Komensky in the pedagogical work "Great Didacontika" really described a cool-up system as "universal art of training all everything," developed the rules of the school organization (concepts - school year, quarter, vacation), a clear distribution and content of all types of work, justified didactic Principles of teaching children in lessons. In addition, he one of the first put forward the idea that the beginning of the systematic education and training lies in the preschool age, he developed the content of the training of children of preschool age and outlined them in the pedagogical labor "Maternal School".

K.D. Ushinsky psychologically substantiated and developed didactic principles of learning children in classes, emphasized that in preschool age it is necessary to separate the serious teachings from the game "You can not teach children playing, doctrine is a work." Therefore, the tasks of pre-school learning, according to K.D. Ushinsky, is the development of mental forces (the development of active attention and conscious memory) and the gift of the words of children, preparation for school. However, at the same time, the scientist has advanced the thesis of duties of learning and education of preschool children. Thus, the problem of the existence of differences between the training of children in classroom in kindergarten and in elementary schools was raised.

A.P. Usova developed the basics of children's preschool children in kindergarten and family, revealed the essence of learning in kindergarten; justified the situation of two levels of knowledge that children can master.

To the first level, she attributed elementary knowledge that children acquire in the process of games, livelihoods, observations and communicating with the surrounding people; To the second, more complex level, attributed knowledge and skills, the assimilation of which is possible only in the process of targeted learning. At the same time A.P. Usova allocated three levels of training activities depending on the cognitive motives of children, the ability to listen and guide the instructions of an adult, to evaluate the accounted for, consciously achieve the goals. At the same time, she emphasized that the first level, children do not reach immediately, but only by the end of preschool childhood, under the influence of targeted and systematic learning.

Systematic training in classes is an important means of educational work with children of preschool age.

Over a number of decades of the twentieth century. All leading researchers and practice of pre-school education following A.P. Ushov paid great attention to classes as the leading form of frontal learning children.

Modern pre-school pedagogy also attaches great importance to classes: undoubtedly, they have a positive impact on children, contribute to their intensive intellectual and personal development, systemally prepare them for school training.

Currently, the improvement of classes in various aspects continues: the content of training is expanding and becoming more complicated, the search for the integration of different activities, the methods of bringing the game in the learning process, the search for new (non-traditional) forms of children's organization. Increasingly, you can observe the transition from front classes with the entire group of children to classes with subgroups, small groups. This trend ensures the quality of learning: an individual approach to children, accounting for the peculiarities of their promotion in the assimilation of knowledge and practical skills.

Another important trend is visible - building training systems in each area with whom preschoolers. The chain of gradually becoming more complicated occupations organically related to events of everyday life is the best way to ensure the necessary intellectual and personal development of preschoolers.

The form of training is the joint activity of the learning and trainees, which is carried out in a certain order and the established mode.

Traditionally, the following training forms are allocated:

individual, group, frontal

You can use these forms of learning organization both in class and in everyday life. In addition, special time can be allocated in the process of conducting mode, individual work with children is organized. The content of training in this case is the following activities: subject-gaming, labor, sports, productive, communication, plot role-playing and other games that can be a source and learning means.

4.5 When planning classes with children of preschool age, what tasks should the educator be in front of them?

When planning the tasks of occupation, it is necessary to set tasks with the age-related features of children, their academic preparedness, educational, development.

Traditionally, three tasks are put to classes: educational, educational and educational.

4.6 What are the types of classes and what kind of structure can they have?

Types of classes with children in kindergarten - classical lesson; Comprehensive (combined occupation); Thematic occupation; Final or check occupation; Excursion; Collective creative business; Work-work; Occupation game; Creativity; Occupation-gathering; Tale lesson; Occupation press conference; Lesson-landing; Commented training; Traveling; Opening exercise

(problem occupation); Experiment experience; Writing occupations; Occupation contest; Group classes (contest option); "Game school".

Structure of classical classes

Structural componentClocked the employment of the organization of children: switching the attention of children to the upcoming activities, stimulation of interest in it, creating emotional attitudes, accurate and clear installations for upcoming activities (sequence of assignment, intended results) Stroy (process) set training tasks. In the course of this part of the classes, individualization of training (minimum assistance, tips, reminders, leading questions, show, additional explanation) are carried out. The teacher creates the conditions for each child that each child has achieved the result. Survise occupying the results of summarizing and evaluating the results of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to perform work, activates positive emotions. In the middle group, it is differentially suitable for assessing the results of children's activities. In the senior and preparatory school groups, children are attracted to the assessment and self-assessment of the results. In the dependence on the section of the training, on the purpose of occupation of the method of each part of the lesson may be different. Private techniques give more specific recommendations for carrying out each part of the classes. After the classroom, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the development of the children's tasks, conducts reflexion of activity and outlines the prospect of activities.

4.7 What place occupy classes in the mode of the day of the pre-school educational institution?

Before the introduction of the State Standard of Preschool Education, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends the following.

When building an educational process, set the learning load, guided by the following reference points:

the maximum allowable number of training sessions in the first half of the day in the younger and secondary groups should not exceed two classes, and in high and preparatory groups - three;

their duration in the younger and secondary groups - no more than 10-15 minutes, in the elders - no more than 20-25 minutes, and in the preparatory - 25-30 minutes;

in the middle of classes it is necessary to carry out physical attachment;

breaks between classes must be at least 10 minutes;

classes of senior preschool children in the afternoon can be carried out after day sleep, but no more than two or three times a week;

the duration of these classes is not more than 30 minutes and, if they are static, in the middle of the occupation should be carried out by Fizkultminutku. It is recommended to conduct such classes on days with the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday);

classes for additional education (studios, mugs, sections) are unacceptable due to the time reserved for a walk and daytime sleep; Their number per week should not exceed two. The duration of these classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes, the participation of the child in more than two additional classes is inappropriate.

4.8 List the methods of teaching children of preschool age

In modern daughter. Pedagogy was widespread the classification of teaching methods for the nature of cognitive activity proposed by Lerner and Rodhatyn, which includes:

Explainingly - illustrative, or informational - recipe;


Problemal presentation of the material;

Partially search;


In dazhek. Pedagogy For many years, methods are widely used by the source of obtaining knowledge that are divided into visual, verbal, practical, gaming.

Topic 5.

5.1 What is the difference between artistic education from aesthetic?

In preschool pedagogy, under aesthetic education, the process of forming a creative personality, capable of perceiving, feeling, evaluating, creating a beautiful one. Artistic education The concept is already, as it is used here in solving the same tasks only tools for art. In aesthetic education, a complex of all means is used.

The tasks of the artistic education, undoubtedly, already tasks of aesthetic education: the formation of educated love for art, interest and needs in art, the development of artistic education skills and visual skills, artistic senses, tastes, abilities to evaluate artistic works. Artistic education serves the objectives of the formation of high culture of the personality, the admission to the whole wealth of artistic values \u200b\u200baccumulated by a person for the entire period of social development.

5.2 Give the definition of the concept of "aesthetic education" and "Art Education"

Aesthetic education is the most important side of the upbringing of the child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensual experience, the emotional sphere of personality, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, increases both cognitive activity, even affects physical development.

Art education - the formation of the ability to feel, understand, evaluate, love art and enjoy it; Artistic education is inseparable from prompting to artistic and creative activities, to the accurate creation of aesthetic, including artistic values.

5.3 What are the features of the pedagogical conditions for the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age?

For the implementation of the tasks of artistic - aesthetic, pedagogical conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200bWednesday (aesthetics of life), the availability of a program of the artistic and aesthetic development of children; Organizing a child's own artistic activity, the use of various forms, means, methods, various types of arts.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is carried out with the help of equipment such as a game and toy, art, aesthetics of life, nature, work, independent artistic and creative activities, holidays and entertainment.

The game always includes a creative start. If the presentations of preschoolers about the people around the poor, there are no bright emotional experiences, then their games are poor and monotonous in content. Expansion of impressions is carried out in the process of reading artistic works, with the help of a tale of the educator, observations. Material game are toys. All toys must be attractive, colorfully decorated, cause interest in children, wake up imagination.

Using all kinds of art - fairy tales, stories, riddles, songs, dancing, paintings and others, the educator forms the responsiveness for all the good and beautiful, enriches their spiritual world.

The basic requirements for the design of the preschool institution are the feasibility of the situation, its practical justification, purity, simplicity, beauty, the correct combination of color and light, the presence of a single composition. Of course, little to surround the children with beautiful things, you need to teach them to see the beauty, take it away. Therefore, the teacher should pay the attention of children to the purity of the room, on the beauty that flowers make, paintings, and most importantly - to encourage the attempts of the preschoolers themselves to decorate the room.

From the small years, children should be accustomed to the aesthetics of the appearance in combination with the culture of behavior. A large role in this respect is played by a personal example of adults, the unity of their external and internal culture of behavior.

From the smallest years it is necessary to teach children not only to admire the beauty of flowers, trees, sky, etc., but also to make their own contribution to its multiplication. Already in the younger group, children with a small help adults can feed fish, water flowers on the garden and in the group, etc. With age, the amount of work for preschoolers increases. Children more independently and responsibly belong to the fulfillment of a particular case.

Labor activity is one of the means of aesthetic education of preschoolers. In the younger aged, the teacher introduces children with the difficulty of pre-school workers, emphasizing that both the nanny, and the cook, and the janitor work diligently, beautifully. A gradually, the teacher brings children to understand that the work of all people of the city and the village makes it possible to live joyfully. At the same time, it is important that the preschoolers not only contemplated the beauty of adults, but they themselves accepted at it to participate. Therefore, in kindergarten, all forms of labor activity are used.

Holidays and entertainment enrich children with new bright impressions related to significant dates, educate emotional responsiveness and interest in different types of artistic activities. Since small years, children are interested in singing songs, reading poems, dancing, drawing. This is the first creative manifestations.

5.4 List the tasks of the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age

The first group of tasks is aimed at the development of aesthetic perception, thinking, imagination, aesthetic relationship. Teacher solves the task of developing the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature and the man-made peace; Raises aesthetic taste, the need for knowledge of the beautiful.

The second group of tasks is aimed at the formation of creative-art abilities in the field of different arts: children's learning drawing, modeling, artistic design, singing, expressive movements, the development of verbal creativity. Teachers decide the challenges to support the creative self-expression of children: the desire for improvisation, experimentation with color, inventing the composition, mastering various artistic techniques, materials and means, creating artistic images with plastic products, rhythm, tempo, height and sound forces.

5.5 What funds are necessary to solve the tasks of the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age?

The means necessary to address the tasks of the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age are the developing environment, nature, art, artistic activity.

5.6 What is the originality of the content of artistic and aesthetic education?

Throughout the preschool period, there are changes in perception, from simple attempts to consider and feel, without answering the question, what is the subject, to the desire to more samplely and consistently examine and describe the subject, allocating the most noticeable features.

The assimilation of the kids of the sensory standards system significantly rebuilds their perception, raising it to a higher level. In the process of cognitive activity, children are inserted by the systematic knowledge of the sensual qualities of objects, at the same time the formation of the generalized methods of subjects is played a special role. The structure of the formable images depends on the methods of the survey.

Sensory culture is of great importance for artistic and aesthetic education. The ability to distinguish between colors, shades, shapes, combinations of forms and colors opens the opportunity to better understand the works of art, getting pleasure later. The child learns to create an image, mastering the ability to transmit property properties, shape, structure, color, position in space, their impressions, assimilates knowledge of the materials used to transmit the image, creating an artistic image. Mastering by fine-expressive skills entrances children to elementary creative activity, passing a difficult path from the simplest action to the processes of figurative reproduction of forms.

The following feature of artistic and aesthetic education in preschool age is associated with changes occurring in the field of cognitive processes of a schoolboy. The formation of artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their worldview, is a complex and long process. This is noted by all teachers and psychologists mentioned above. During the upbringing of life relations, ideals undergo changes. In certain conditions, under the influence of comrades, adults, works of art, vital shocks, ideals can undergo indigenous changes. "The pedagogical essence of the process of forming artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is that from the very beginning, from early childhood, to form sustainable meaningful ideal ideas about the beautiful, about society, about a person, about relations between people, making it In a variety of, changing at each stage, a new and fascinating form, "says E.M. Torshilova.

By the end of predoskyst age, the child can experience elementary aesthetic feelings and conditions. The child rejoices a beautiful bow on his head, admires the toy, craft, etc. In these experiences, it first clearly acts directly imitate an adult, in the form of empathy. The child repeats at mom: "How beautiful!" Therefore, communicating with a small child, adults must emphasize the aesthetic side of the items, phenomena and their qualities with the words: "What a beautiful handicraft", "how the doll is elegantly" and so on.

The behavior of adults, their attitude towards the world around the world, becomes the child for the kid by the program of his behavior, so it is very important that the children see around themselves as much as possible and beautiful.

Greater, the child falls into the new team - a kindergarten, which takes on the function of organized training for children to adult life. The issues of artistic and aesthetic education in kindergarten begin with a carefully thought-out design of the premises. Everything that the guys surrounds: Human parties, Tables, benefits - should educate their artistic and aesthetic education should cause an active activity of the preschooler. It is important not only to feel, but also create something beautiful. Training, which is purposefully carried out in kindergarten, is also aimed at the development of artistic and aesthetic feelings, therefore such systematic classes, like musical, familiarization with fiction, drawing, modeling and appliqué, especially if the educator teaches children to pick up forms, colors , make beautiful ornaments, patterns, set proportions, etc. Ready and accurate. Artistic and aesthetic feelings, as well as moral, are not congenital. They require special training and upbringing.

Preschool age is a period characterized by the formation of aesthetic development that improves under the influence of education, which is aimed at solving specific tasks arising from the purpose of aesthetic education and its importance in the development of personality.

Work on aesthetic education in kindergarten is closely related to all parties to the educational process, the form of organization is very diverse, and the results are manifested in various activities. Education of aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding contributes to the formation of many qualities of the child's personality. This is a complex and long process. In order to learn to understand the beautiful in art and in life, it is necessary to go through the long way of accumulating elementary aesthetic impressions, visual and auditory sensations, it is necessary to determine the development of emotional and cognitive processes.

Full mental and physical development, moral cleanliness and active attitude to life and art are characterized by a holistic, harmonically developed personality, the moral improvement of which largely depends on the aesthetic education.

5.7 List the types of artistic and aesthetic activities in a preschool educational institution

Types of artistic - aesthetic activity -

fine activity - modeling, appliqués, artistic design, albums in familiarization with the species and genres of art, "Beauty Exhibitions" in groups;

theatrical activity is the creation of theatrical circles, conducting theatrical classes, organizing the speech of children of senior groups to kids, acquaintance of children with theatrical alphabet, an introduction to theatrical culture, visiting the children of playing the players of touring theaters - city guests;

- musical activity - singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, games on musical instruments, musical and didactic games.

familiarization of children with fiction literature.

List of used literature

pedagogical education educational preschool

1.TA Litvinchik preschoolers about natural communities: Abstracts of classes in familiarization with the outside world. - Assistance, 2010

2.O.V. Distina classes in familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

.Gorkyova L.G., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios of classes on the integrated development of preschoolers. Medium group

.Timofeeva L.A. Moving games with children of junior preschool age. M.: Enlightenment, 1979.

Tags: Organization of a variety of activities as a condition for the development, training and education of preschoolers

The book is given with some abbreviations.

The process of the formation of the child's personality is carried out in the context of education and training by assigning publicly historical experience of mankind. This occurs in different activities. As a result, the child is included in the system of social relations of the society in which he lives.
Mastering social experience by a child is a long and complex process. Difficulties are that, on the one hand, the child must master the complexity of the content, the volume and degree of generalization of human experience, on the other - it does not own ways to develop this experience, which are formed only in the process of its development.
The selection of an affordable child content, the management of its development is carried out by adults in the process of upbringing and learning. This is determined by the leading role of education in the development of the child's personality. At the same time, the psychophysiological capabilities of the child are taken into account, their dynamics. In this regard, the process of education itself does not remain constant. It changes: it is enriched and its content is complicated, its forms change, they become more diverse ways to affect the identity of a growing person.
The change in the education is connected with the "Nearest Development Zones" of the child (L. S. Vygotsky), which are characterized by the emergence of psychophysiological capabilities for the development of a more complex content of knowledge, skills, activities, etc. (for example, the development of walking after crawling, After laying, the development of knowledge at the level of concepts after the accumulation of a significant range of representations, the occurrence of gaming, labor activity based on the subject, etc.). Education and training, focusing on the "zone of the nearest development," goes ahead of today's level of development and promotes the development of the child.
The personality development of a person passes a number of stages. Each subsequent stage is closely related to the previous one, previously achieved organically turns on to education higher. The development that is formed on an early age step has not temporary, but a constant value for a person. The continuity of the content, methods, forms of the organization is a characteristic feature of education from its first stage to the last.
The decisive role of education in the development of the child's personality is particularly clearly revealed in public institutions for children deprived of important prerequisites of comprehensive development. The educational system developed for such children ensures their preparation for life and work.
However, education should not force the development of the child, should not cause artificial acceleration of mental development, some one part of it. Therefore, in preschool pedagogy, the goal of the comprehensive and harmonious development of the identity of the child, enriching its development (A. V. Zaporozhets) is put forward.
The leading role of upbringing in the development of the child's personality approves the leading role of the teacher, his responsibility for the formation of the personality of each child. Famous Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko, emphasizing the role and responsibility of the teacher, wrote: "I am confident in a completely impossible power of educational impact. I am sure that if a person is poorly brought up, the teachers are solely to blame. If the child is good, then he also is obliged to upbringing his childhood. "
The development of social and historical experience occurs in the process of active activity. Activity inherent in a child. Based on activity in the education process, various types of activity are formed. The main activities of communication, cognitive, subject, game, elementary labor and training activities are the main.
Activities themselves are part of social and historical experience. Mastering this or that activity, showing activity, the child simultaneously develops knowledge, skills, skills associated with this activity. On this basis, it has a variety of abilities and personality properties. The active position of the child in the activity makes it not only the object, but also the subject of upbringing. This determines the leading role of activities in the upbringing and development of a child. In different periods of development and education of children, different types of activity coexist and interact, but their role in the education and development of the child Nonodynakov: at each stage there is a leading activity in which the main achievements of development are displayed. Different types of activity, forming in the conditions of education and training, are not immediately mastered by the child: only children under the leadership of educators are gradually seized. Each activity includes such elements: the need, motifs, goal, object of activity, means, actions carried out with the subject, and finally, the result of activities. Scientific evidence suggests that the child does not immediately master all these elements, and gradually, and only with the help of the adult leadership. The diversity and wealth of the child's activities, success in its mastering deeds in a large extent from the conditions of education and training in the family, kindergarten (A. N. Leontyev, etc.)
From the first years of life, elementary activities are the basis for the formation of personal abilities, properties and attitudes towards the surrounding. Thus, already in elementary types of communication (emotional and emotional-subject) adults with an early child, he develops the initial social needs in impressions, the formation of actions and ideas. As the new ways are mastered, the activity of children is increasing. However, the degree of activity, its dynamics depend on organic, hereditary prerequisites, from imitation. In the first years of life, communication with adults and action with objects are becoming the main activities of children. In the course of communication, caregivers introduce children to the world of objects. In this way, the children are seen by specific objective activities. At the same time, communication itself becomes necessary for the child.
The organization of subject activity is one of the tasks of raising children of the first two years of life and in the family, and in preschool institutions, since it develops all cognitive processes, goals and motives of behavior. In this activity, under the guidance of educators, children assimilate the initial knowledge of the features of the items, ways of action with them, elementary operations of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalizations.
To the second half of the third year of the child's life, objective activities and communication reaches a sufficiently high level of development, the basis is created for the transition to gaming and visual activities. In communication and activities organized by adults, children are formed by the very first forms of self-awareness. The child begins to allocate himself from the people around others, to realize its capabilities. At this stage of the development of independence, children strive to partially limit adult custody. The first forms of self-consciousness become the beginning of the formation and consciousness, motives of behavior, their coenses.
If the activity and independence of young children's children are caused by direct presence and influence of adults, then children are 4-6 years old on their own, on their own motive, are included in a variety of activities. It increases the role of consciousness, it takes a reproductive, and sometimes creative character.
On the role of the activities of the preschooler in his upbringing N. K. Krupskaya wrote: "Let nobody suspect me in the fact that I am talking about free upbringing ... We must influence the guys, and influence very much, but to give a known development Forces, do not drive them for the handle, do not regulate each word, but to give a full development on the game, communication, on the observation of the surrounding ... ".
Scientific studies have shown how the social, cognitive activity of preschoolers in gaming activities is developing, which in preschool age becomes leading. In PAX, under the leadership of educators, children assimilate various ways of action, knowledge of objects, their properties and signs. Children also comprehend spatial, temporary relations, relations in similarity, identity, master the concepts. Moving games contribute to the development of movements, their qualities, spatial orientation. In joint games, children are aware and assimilate the relationship between people, the importance of approval of actions, expand the ideas about the environment.
In children of senior preschool age, the content of gaming activity becomes diverse and the possibility of comprehensive development of children is expanding. The game contributes to the development of imagination, deepening knowledge about the surrounding reality, about the work of people, the formation of collectivist personality traits.
Along with the game at this age, productive activities are developing: drawing, modeling, design. They are sources of development of imagination, constructive thinking, artistic abilities, creativity.
Regular labor tasks raise and develop the ability to subordinate their activities to public interests, guided by public benefits, rejoice in general labor results.
Elementary training activities in classes contribute to the assimilation of knowledge of the circumstances, public life, and people, as well as the formation of mental and practical skills. If in 3-4 years the attention of children in the learning process is fixed on concrete facts and phenomena from the life of nature, people, then the training of children 5-6 years is aimed at the assimilation of significant relationships and relations, to the generalization of these connections and the formation of the simplest concepts, which fails to Development in children's conceptual thinking. Assigned knowledge and developed mental abilities are used by children in a variety of games and work. All this affects the development of the child's personality, forms his interest in his new content.
The upbringing and development of needs, feelings, motives, goals and other parties of the individual during the preschool age reaches such a level that allows the child to switch to a level of systematic learning in school.
In the younger school age, the main thing becomes, and it is aware of children as socially significant activities. The new position of the child in society determines the assessment of their behavior and the behavior of peers now from other positions - the position of the student. The child seeks to fulfill the complicating demands of adults to his behavior and activity, showing activity, creativity. These qualities will mostly characterize a teenager and not only in relation to his individual activity, but also in relation to a variety of collective affairs.
In adolescence, along with learning, labor and social activities are becoming increasingly important. Successes in these activities, a diverse communication with peers and adults form consciousness of adolescents, attitudes towards moral and spiritual values, which is implemented in behavior, relationships, needs.
The socio-historical nature of the content and structure of each type of activity is objectively set to each younger generation. The results of the productive activities of people embodied in the instruments of production, knowledge, art, morality, etc., are transmitted by the older generation younger in the process of joint activities and communication through education and training. So the social nature of the personality of man is formed.
A. S. Makarenko wrote: "From the first year, you need to raise it up so that it (child. - Ed.) Could be active, strive for something, to demand something, seek ...". Education reaches the desired results only when it causes an active need for a pupil, contributes to the formation of new behaviors.
Based on the provision on the leading role of activities in the upbringing and development of the child, it is necessary to organize the life of a child in educational institutions and in the family in such a way that it is saturated with a variety of activities. This should be ensured by the management of them, aimed at enriching the content, the assimilation of new skills, the development of independence, etc.

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Age features relate not only to the mental, but also emotional, volitional, motivational spheres: In the first years of life, the behavior of children is regulated mainly by direct feelings, but at this age it is necessary to bring up to the will, teach them to obey the generally accepted standards and rules.

Knowledge of age and individual characteristics is necessary for the timely and comprehensive development of children, for complex education starting from an early age.

Influence of different types of activities for the mental development of a child

Activities themselves are part of social and historical experience. Mastering this or that activity, showing activity, the child simultaneously develops knowledge, skills, skills associated with this activity. On this basis, it has a variety of abilities and personality properties. The active position of the child in the activity makes it not only the object, but also the subject of upbringing. This determines the leading role of activities in the upbringing and development of the child. In different periods of development and education of children, different types of activity coexist and interact, but their role in education and development 0Benchka Nonodynakov: at each stage there is a leading activity in which the main achievements of development are displayed. Different types of activity, forming in the conditions of education and training, are not immediately mastered by the child: only children under the leadership of educators are gradually seized. Each activity includes such elements: the need, motifs, goal, object of activity, means, actions carried out with the subject, and finally, the result of activities.

In the first years of life, communication with adults and action with objects are becoming the main activities of children. In the course of communication, caregivers introduce children to the world of objects. In this way, the children are seen by specific objective activities. At the same time, communication itself becomes necessary for the child.

The organization of objective activities is one of the tasks of raising children of the first two years of life and in the family, and in preschool institutions, since it takes the development of all cognitive processes, goals and motives of behavior.

To the second half of the third year of the child's life, objective activities and communication reaches a sufficiently high level of development, the basis is created for the transition to gaming and visual activities. In communication and activities organized by adults, children are formed by the very first forms of self-awareness. The child begins to allocate himself from the people around others, to realize its capabilities. At this stage of the development of independence, children strive to partially limit adult custody.

If the activity and independence of young children's children are caused by direct presence and influence of adults, then children 4--6 years old on their own, on their own motives are included in a variety of activities.

Scientific studies have shown how the social, cognitive activity of preschoolers in gaming activities is developing, which in preschool age becomes leading. In games under the guidance of educators, children assimilate various ways of action, knowledge of objects, their properties and signs. Children also comprehend spatial, temporary relations, relations in similarity, identity, master the concepts. Moving games contribute to the development of movements, their qualities, spatial orientation. In joint games, children are aware and assimilate the relationship between people, the importance of approval of actions, expand the ideas about the environment. In the gaming situation, in the process of learning in classes, the preschooler shows volitional qualities of character. The formation of moral consciousness is characterized by the emergence of a sense of duty and other social feelings.

In children of senior preschool age, the content of gaming activity becomes diverse and the possibility of comprehensive development of children is expanding. The game contributes to the development of imagination, deepening knowledge about the surrounding reality, about the work of people, the formation of collectivist personality traits.

Along with the game at this age, productive activities are developing: drawing, modeling, design. They are sources of development of imagination, constructive thinking, artistic abilities, creativity.

Regular labor tasks raise and develop the ability to subordinate their activities to public interests, guided by public benefits, rejoice in general labor results.

Elementary training activities in classes contribute to the assimilation of knowledge of the circumstances, public life, and people, as well as the formation of mental and practical skills. If at 3--4, the attention of children in the learning process is fixed on concrete facts and phenomena from the life of nature, people, then the training of children 5--6 is aimed at mastering significant relationships and relations, to the generalization of these ties and the formation of the simplest concepts that He brings to development in children of conceptual thinking. Assigned knowledge and developed mental abilities are used by children in a variety of games and work. All this affects the development of the child's personality, forms his interest in his new content.

Early children are characterized by weakness, helplessness, vulnerability. At the same time, this age of the highest rates of growth and development. Therefore, to ensure full-fledged development, it is necessary to protect and strengthen the health of children, take care of the right organization of their lives, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the emotional and positive state of each child.

In the younger school age, the main thing becomes, and it is aware of children as socially significant activities. The new position of the child in society determines the assessment of their behavior and the behavior of peers now from other positions - the position of the student.

Based on the studied literature, give the characteristics of the stages of the socialization of the child in early and preschool age

Today's rapid pace of life, the development of means of information, means of communication and movement give rise to difficulties in the field of "the only luxury luxury - luxury human communication", according to the exact expression of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. People are rarely seen with their neighbors, there are few people with friends, lose their loves with their loved ones. The combination of these conditions creates difficulties for the younger generation, especially in the process of entering the social life of society.

In childhood, a person is being formed by self-awareness and the first ideas about themselves are being taken together. Sustainable forms of social interaction are gradually arising. The norms of their culture, both social and moral nature, are absorbed by giving the opportunity to independently construct behavior.

Compare two statements of great people and formulate their position. "Education can all" (Gelving). "From upbringing, my friend, save on all sails" (Voltaire)

Gelving statement is not entirely true, because There are those human life areas where education will not take the main position and will not be able to become a guarantee of a successful solution to the problem. Voltaire's statement is not suitable for each person, because Someone is just one word in order to understand, and someone needs non-impressive control and educational impact, otherwise he is discharged.

Education can all. I fully agree with the author's statement. Imagine if there were no upbringing. What would happen? People would not be brought up by the villain, chaos would rear in the world. Education can make a person with a full-fledged personality, and poor education is a bad person.

From every upbringing, my friend, save on all sails (Voltaire). I do not agree with this statement. Good upbringing will never give a bad result.

The man depends entirely on education. He is as she made it a medium and upbringing. He emphasizes that there are no such desired features of a person who could not be obtained by upbringing. That is, everything is bad or ingenious, this is a product of education. Gelving is absoluticized upbringing.

Gelving emphasizes that the education of man continues all his life. A man is born ignorant, but he is not born stupid. And only the upbringing can make a person stupid and even drown out natural abilities in it. Education, approves Helvetia, unique, because there are no two people receiving the same upbringing. It is subordinate to the case, to anyone unknown adhesion of the reasons. In terms of gelving, education and its rules will always be uncertain if they are not associated with some united purpose. And such a goal should be the greatest public benefit, the greatest happiness of the greatest number of citizens. Therefore, Gelving Unlike Rousseau and defends the advantage of public education (Rousseau is mostly homemade education). Only public education and training can roigate the solid discipline, the spirit of competition. Also, the advantage of public education is the professionalism of the educator and hardness of education. By the way, Helvetia believes that it is necessary for courageous education, because under the influence of the exhaustion, the nation is descended. He opposes unilateral education, as physical health, and the mind, and virtue are needed for full-fledged development. And therefore, education should be carried out in three directions. This is intellectual learning, moral and physical training. By the way, it was Gelving that the first suggested that with schools it is necessary to build special arena, where courage could be raised.

Helvetia stated that "the upbringing of us makes what we are," and even more: "Education can all." As the role of upbringing and the environment he overestimated, believing that a person is a pupil of all the subjects around him, the provisions in which he puts the case, and even all the accidents with him. Such a interpretation leads to the revaluation of natural factors and the underestimation of organized education in the formation of a person.

Helvetia believed that a scholastic school, where the children were fascinated by the children, could not bring up not only real people, but in general a sensible person. It is necessary to continuously rebuild school, to make it secular and state and destroy the monopoly of the privileged caste of the nobles on education. There is a wide education of the people, it is necessary to re-educate people. Helvetia hoped that as a result of enlightenment and education, a person free from prejudice would be created, from superstition, a real atheist patriot, a person who knows how to combine personal happiness with the "Bent of Nations".