Conspiracies so that the husband does not walked and did not go left - the strongest rituals. The most powerful conspiracies for good luck and money - learn to read correctly

In the modern world, many enjoy magic, and this applies to both women and men. The most common method of divination is a plot. But not everyone knows how to correctly read conspiracy and how to harm it. After all, the wrong ritual may not just harm, but also provoke the emergence of deaths. Therefore, it is necessary to know a number of rules that will be able to protect you from negative consequences.

The essence of conspiracy

To read the conspiracy, it is necessary to clearly understand what you want to achieve. After all, each of them has its own hidden meaning, which is worth in. If you once performed a similar ritual, they should have noticed that all words and sounds are correctly combined with each other. Therefore, it is necessary to read in proper intonation and clearly understand what you are doing. Before reading, you need to tune in, get rid of extra thoughts and focus on your purpose.

Experienced magic argue that such rituals affect not only the human brain, but also on his body. But this happens only when preparation was carried out. And this allows you to program a person to achieve the goal.

Also, an important role is played by how people believe the rite. The person who decided to spend the ritual is confident that he will work, he really achieves success. Therefore, without faith, nowhere, and if there are doubts, it is not necessary to begin then.

How to correctly read a plot

To correctly read the plot not necessarily do it loud. Any pronunciation may have the same result. So that no trouble arose and your desires were important to clearly understand every read word. If the ritual is not held at himself, then it is necessary that the one conspiracy is read by, was near. He is obliged to hear the words that are present in the ritual and clearly understand what they mean.

It is impossible to read a conspiracy on who is sick. It is necessary to speak to the universe, and not to a person who needs it. After all, she will be able to hear your words. The person you spend the rite is an intermediary between you and the Universe.

If the one is read by a plot, cannot be present, then its name is indicated. After you have finished reading, you need to thank the universe for her help. It is worth a clearly follow these requirements, because then it will not matter what conspiracy you do or love, he will be. The main thing to remember that the success of the ritual is to faith in it.

The main rules for reading a conspiracy

Experienced magicians claim that it is necessary not only to have a concept, how to correctly read the conspiracy, but also to understand that before it needs to be prepared. After all, it will help make a rite as efficient as possible. Before reading a conspiracy, it is necessary to read prayer, preferably "our own" and be sure to end it with the word Amen. This will allow all the highest forces to pay attention to you and help.

The main rules for reading the conspiracy:

  1. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to clearly understand what you want. It does not matter what you are striving for, the main thing is to mentally draw this picture.
  2. Often ask such a question whether the role is played by the time of conspiracy. Experienced magic argue that this ritual is better to spend in the morning or in the evening.
  3. For a better result, we need to become back to the West.
  4. Try to read the plot calmly, and the last words say to the exhalations. After that, delay the air a little and release it.
  5. The conspiracy can be calmly and with a clean heart and soul. Clean thoughts from extra dirt and focus only on your dream.
  6. It is necessary to conduct a ritual in a standing position, with a smooth back and lowered head.
  7. There are many conspiracy on the water, so, after their holding, it is necessary to drink it bitterly. After several sips, it is necessary to apply water on your hand and wipe her face.
  8. Words will act better if you reread at least three times. It is only worth remembering that the quantity must be odd.

If you follow the above requirements, you can achieve the desired result. But it is worth remembering that the conspiracy is required clearly.

How to read the conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Natalia is one of the best healers and prophets. On her account there are a lot of diverse conspiracies, it's for love, water, career growth and much more. For his practice, she managed to create a large base of the most effective rites. Natalia has a lot of experience and a clean soul that was able to do so to help people. She helped a large number of people who really needed help. Therefore, if you can not spend the ritual yourself, please contact her. Stepanova will not refuse a person who really needs help.

If the rite is carried out correctly, it will have strong magical actions. With it, you can get rid of diseases, achieve the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and much more. Do not hope that you will achieve the result instantly and with 100% return, because certain factors affect this. So that the conspiracy was severely tediously read it, clearly and with intonation.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova, like others, require faith in itself. Without it, it is not necessary, because if a person himself does not believe in what makes how the universe can believe it. Moreover, such an attitude can lead to negative consequences. Before the ritual, be sure to talk with the saints and pray. God must hear you and help you, because he is just waiting for you when you ask for help. He does not leave his children in trouble, and you are His kids.

What you should not do with a conspiracy

For all conspiracies there are their requirements, but there are those that are common to all. It must be done to not harm yourself and close people. The ritual by and large radically changes the fate of man. Therefore, we will take this seriously and remember such rules as:

  1. Those who simply want to check the action of the conspiracy make a big mistake. After all, it is used to change in life, and if you do not feel seriously, it is not necessary and start.
  2. When reading a conspiracy, it is necessary to focus, jokes and laughter here is not to the place.
  3. Try to make nothing distract anything during the reading process. You can read when there is no one at home and it is advisable to disable everything that can interfere.
  4. Conspiracies are made only to achieve the good goal. To read them to harm you do not need, it can negatively affect you.
  5. You need to read it in secret from everyone, then there are more chances that he will work.

Before you start reading, set fire to the candle and read these words:

"God's slave call to assist, Satanovo's army of the ravis let go. Help I take only from God and His saints, the devil and Aggelov, I converted it to every day and I do not accept it and help. Amen, Amen, Amen.

  1. Many plots provide for the use of different items. If something is not, then use the other method.
  2. It is important to read the conspiracy in the original form, do not change words in it or complement your own.
  3. For the correctness of the rite you need to clear not only your soul, but also the body, remove the shoes and decorations, clothes you need to wear one color.
  4. A few days before the ritual is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.
  5. Girls are not recommended to make a ritual for menstruation.
  6. Before conducting a ritual, protects against himself and a person who is concerned.
  7. So that the rite was as correct as possible, so that there were two icons.
  8. Be sure to keep at home candles of different colors, water holy and silver items.

To read the conspiracy, you need to know the repentant prayer. She sounds like this:

"Iscess of Christ. Sons of God

And Vestodelo Marie, Mother of God.

Before your crown of gold

Az, sinful slave of God (name), tende

I worship you alone

You are now kyunya.

Forgive me, unreasonable slave Bizzha (name),

How to read prayers

Absolutely all prayers in the original are written in the Old Slavonic language, and not everyone can read them in this form. If you just do this, then hardly the Most High will hear you. In order for him to hear you, you need prayers through the heart and soul. Therefore, you should not try to read them in the language on which they are written. You can simply visit the temple and defend the service or turn to God in your own words.

  1. It is worth noting that prayers will be reported to the Almighty, only in that cases, if you read from the pure heart. If you still decide to use the Divine reading in the original, then first familiarize yourself with its value. To do this, you can contact the Holy Father, which disrupts you the essence of prayer.
  2. If you are reading them for the night or generally constantly at home all day, then create a kind of corner, place where you can do your emotions. There you need to install icons and church candles, and solidly decide: this is my personal world. It is necessary to light them during each appeal to God. If you have not managed to learn prayer, you can read it from the book.
  3. Those who have never read prayers are interested in how to behave during this process. If you came to the church, then focus on the process and follow the behavior of people who pray. There are certain actions, they should be done during prayer. First of all, you always need to bow to God, because he is our father and Savior, thanks to which we live.
  4. Remember that if you read the Orthodox prayer, you can not kneel. This is done very rarely. After you pray necessarily cross three times.

During prayer and reading conspiracies, specific rules must be followed. It is necessary in order for the universe and our father to hear you. If you do everything correctly, no consequences will arise. Therefore, it is seriously taken to any ritual, prayer or conspiracy.

Thanks to this plot, you can force the debtor to pay on the full program. He will not only return to you, but also punishment. And usually, such people are literally literally all - family, health. In general, understand what making this conspiracy

This conspiracy helps to safely get out of the debt abyss. Regardless of the number of your debts, after the conspiracy you come money that will help you pay off with all creditors. Unfortunately, in the past few years, many

A very strong conspiracy, solving the problem of loneliness. After him, as a rule, after a couple of months, women find a man with whom in the future marry. Conspiracy safe, almost no rollback

Sometimes it can appear between you and your beloved man - rival. The one that your beloved will somehow sympathize. That with which he can start meeting. That that can lead it to you. In general, the rival is the main enemy of any woman

Relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is very often tense. The mother-in-law can find fault in the daughter-in-law, and in some cases, in general, in every way to spoil her life and destroy the family. Conventional methods to fight the mother-in-law is almost useless, since your husband is in any case

It is no secret that weight loss is a rather complicated and energy-proof process that is far from all. Multi-month seats on diets, breakdowns, nervous disorders, painful and exhausting workouts

This conspiracy helps to attract customers. It can be done to attract customers to the store, in the hairdresser, as well as any other trade organization or office, where some services offer. Conspiracy is held once and then from customers you will not have a pen.

Powerful ritual with which you can attract wealth to your home and material well-being. Most people who spent this plot are not observed any problems with money. Important moment - conspiracy is suitable only for families with children

This conspiracy should be made on the eve of the entry of young to the new home. Make this conspiracy newlyweds together. The conspiracy is very reliable, if it is done, then the young family will not be terrible, someone else's envy, the evil, curses and other negative impacts. Even love damage

A plot that strengthens relations inside the family and makes his wife desirable for her husband. Conspiracy is recommended if your sex life with my husband has become fresh and you began to notice that he is back from you. After a conspiracy, the husband will always be crazy about you and every evening

This is a very effective conspiracy, thanks to which the chest is quickly increasing. On average, waiting after the conspiracy falls from three to six months. For someone it may seem a long time, but this conspiracy has a very big plus

An easy-to-carry conspiracy that helps to finish the repair quickly, efficiently and without excess costs. Anyone who walked through repair knows what it is. With the help of a conspiracy, you can avoid poorly performed works, deception from builders

To hold a conspiracy you need to buy a broom. And the broom must buy not in the store, but on the market. Usually in all markets are such sellers of brooms, but if you do not find in your city, you have to go to another city, because it is the implementation of this condition

Conspiracies are a kind of magical spells (more Slavic), which should be booked for something or someone.

More precisely, these are such verbal formulas, the structure of the construction and the meaning of which with pronunciation is aimed at achieving some specific goals.

Simply put, it is just a phrase, or a number of phrases, united in one sense, like poems or prayers.

Most of these phrases exist for a very long time, and unchanged. For this reason, for several dozen and hundreds of years, pronouncing conspiracy, in these words a certain energy potential has accumulated, capable of affecting people or the world.

This potential can be called an egregor - a certain energy bunch, tuned to the reception and return of energy to those who have pronounced this egregor Words.

It is always words in a strictly defined order and change them cannot be, otherwise there will be no conspiracy.

It should be understood that each conspiracy is initially created for some specific goals. They select the words and that their order that will be able to influence the mental, or the physical condition of the person in the right way. Therefore, conspiracies cannot be pronounced for the sake of interest and fun.

According to the will of the ancient sorcerers and magicians, conspiracies are similar to the monuments of the material of a magician word, which accommodates terrible power. This force should not be awakened without the need to not attach trouble.

The same applies to any verbal rituals, including to prayers: any prayer is pronounced only when it is necessary and only to achieve some kind of purpose (ask for something from God).

Therefore, resorting to the assistance of conspiracies, always remember that any conspiracy uttered wrong, or not with that purpose, can affect you. And in such cases, conspiracies always act against those who pronounce them.

Without need, do not be a dragon that can eat you. In order for the conspiracy to be activated and earned correctly, it is necessary to comply with at least the main, common rules for all conspiractions. Let's look at them right now.

1. Send magic words needed on the morning or evening dawn. Usually in every particular conspiracy, if it is correct, it is negotiated. That is, either at sunrise or sunset. Universal conspiracies so that they can be and so, and the Edak does not exist.

2. Any conspiracy, if it is morning, read on an empty stomach, in a spun room, becoming, as a rule, face east. All rituals are usually made on an empty stomach. Remember the requirements for confession in the church, or even medical prescriptions: all analyzes are surreated to an empty stomach to get a clean result. Do not go to rituals - this is one of the most important conditions. The absorbed food is usually cloneing to sleep, mental strength and energy weaken. These are the biological features of a person, so do not try to argue with nature.

3. The main thing when reported by conspiracy is a mental representation of those actions and paintings referred to in conspiracy. It happens that much is supplied allegorically through the allegory. Then you still need to represent allegorical images, but at the same time to decipher them, understand the meaning. The visualization of the process is not a major condition in any magical rituals. It allows you to tune in to what you need to get, send all the energy into one channel.

4. When reading conspiracies, they make a calm breath and the same calm exhale.On the residues of air, words utter words in such a way that with the last word (amine) push out all the remnants of air in the lungs. This is the cunning energy - so you invest more energy in your words and thereby strengthen their influence. But you can pump up the energy of the word and consciously, thinking at the same time about the meaning of pronounced words and that in every word you breathe as much as possible.

Thinking about the sense and purpose of words, you send your energy and conspiracy for the purpose of the destination, to the goal. Having reached the goal, the words will start working. After pronouncing the last word, it is for a couple of seconds to hold your breath. It happens that plots are very long and breathing is missing. In this case, you need to take a breath again and continue the conspiracy. So is done until the end.

By and large, the meaning of rituals with the pronouncement of magical words is to control all processes. In this case, respiratory control is needed not least, as well as monitoring thoughts. To control the conspiracy force, you must understand and manage the entire magic process, every thought and action.

5. Despite the need to inhale energy into each word and animate the meaning of the conspiracy, it is very important to remain cold-blooded and as if a little removed from the process. Excessive emotions are capable of shooting down, which means the direction of energy. Conspiracy without nested energy is a dead plot and zero result.

Also the destructive and excessive desire of a result. The latter can cause the effect of the equilibrium forces of nature, which either will reduce all your efforts to no, or will remove the stimulus: they will give an imbalance and calm to the forehead. The last for them is easier and less energy efficiently than to dissolve your energy splashes.

6. Full self-confidence is necessary and its forces, conviction in the correctness and effectiveness of your efforts. Remember the hypnotists: with the external visible tranquility, which power is carrying their word, what a strong and confident voice! Conspiracies somewhere even akin to hypnosis and self-hypanosis.

You must uncomprisely believe that your words will work. It is necessary to feel your strength, believe in them, feel yourself by a magician. Vera is needed to configure, plus it increases self-esteem without any tangible arguments that you always need to get another person and see. And you work with invisible. Faith helps to collect the forces "in a fist".

7. Read out loud more efficiently than whispering. Again, due to energy. All this does not apply to the lead with experience. The magician should be strong so that his whisper had no less power than the word spoken, voiced by a clear voice of thought. Experimental grandmothers-sorcerer are not just so called whispers; Old people are usually leading with leadership experience.

If you do not know how to pump up the words of the energy mentally, read into the voice, confidently and loudly, try to give all the energy of the voice to the spoken word. Ideally, after a conspiracy, you should feel a little tired. This means that you have invested enough forces. The concept of sufficiency in such a matter, of course, relatively, because you are able to make only what you can at this level of development, as far as you are able to and strong today. But the more strength you invest and the more responsible come to the case, the feeling the result will be in the end.

8. Conspiracy needs to say standing, back straight, head slightly lowered forward. The condition to do everything standing calls to show will and strength. Expressions "Resistant Will", "Show Resistance" exist not just like that. But the main value of this condition is in direct energy passing through chakras. The main energy centers in the human biopol are located just vertically, on one straight line.

If conspiracies are sitting, their effect will be significantly lower, because the energy current is refracted. Plus, in a sitting position, many muscle groups are in a relaxed state, which weakens and the overall energy background.

However, excessive tension is also harmful, and with unusual discomfort can be configured completely. To configure something, you need to even relax a little. Therefore, in order to avoid similar troubles, follow your feelings and try to stick to some golden middle. The harmonious state of both internal (spiritual) and external (physical) sensations is the key to a successful conduct of any magical ritual.

9. To strengthen the action of the conspiracy, it is possible to read the "Our Father" before it.. In this case, you simply connect third-party forces. Egregor Main Lord Prayer will provide you with an energy feeding.

10. If you are reading a plot not for yourself, but for someone (for example, to help), come to the needy thoughts, with a sincere desire to help. And not in order to show your strength or prove your skills. No need to play with magic. Well, with the exception of those cases, if you are a powerful sorcerer in the seventh generation, with a rich experience and a bunch of knowledge. But, as a rule, even experienced magicians never squander their precious forces for fun.

11. In cases where the conspiracy is pronounced, it needs to drink small sips. Ideally, three throat with stops for five minutes. To obtain a complete return on the action of the spoken water, it is necessary after each third pharmacy a little liquid pour on the right hand and wipe the face, neck, the patient's hair, or its own.

12. During the ritual with the pronouncement of the conspiracy, it is desirable to led along the body of the patient, without touching the surface. At the same time mentally try to send him warmth, good and love. Remember how the psychics do. After all, they are not just so they wait their hands. The hand in this case is the directional conductor of your energy. This energy is just then will be "attending" if you think about good, you want to recover the patient and set yourself up for love and positive.

13. Conspiracy repeat 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 times (necessarily odd number). This is the magic of numbers and the topic of this article is not included. It is worth only to note that the energy structure of odd numbers is stronger than even, so the alternation of odd and even numbers embodies the rhythm of activity and recession.

This is how the overall picture looks like. These were only the most basic and necessary conditions and requirements for rituals with conspiracies.

For each individual conspiracy, something can change. It all depends on the situation and the specific task. And this is already aware of the experience. Therefore, always learn and recognize the new one. This is the key to the same well-being, magical literacy and competence in handling ancient forces.

Try, but be alert and careful to use what you do not understand. Good luck!

Many believe that white magic is effective only if you turn to a professional lead. We argue that conspiracies for good luck and getting money can be read at home. Use knowledge received from us, and money in the house is poured by the river.

Monetary magic is aimed at rapid enrichment and elimination of factors that prevent you from earning well. Conspuses and prayers for money really act - and in this you will soon make sure. All January 2019, we collected rituals to help solve material problems - before you the result of research.

There are many sources of financial success, so conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money differ in variety. Today, the monetary magic uses objects associated with prosperity:

  • paper bills;
  • coins;
  • precious metals;
  • delicate stones.

The use of these things makes money conspiracies more efficiently, while at the same time increasing the rate of realization of the conceived. An important role in the involvement of wealth is played by the manipulation of the artist. The practitioner collects, sharpening, cleans or decorate magic artifacts - depending on the situation. These actions personify financial prosperity, they are traditionally associated with rapid or instant enrichment.

Is it possible to read monetary conspiracies at home

What is a conspiracy to attract money to the house? This is a magic text that improves the energy of your dwelling in order to attract wealth. Conspuses and rituals are inextricably linked - the spell text is always combined with certain actions. You will achieve a good result provided that you will concentrate and clearly follow the instructions.

Let's say right - conspiracies for money are read at home all over and nearby. Most of the "leaders" do not know what you need to attract financial flows - they simply create a mysterious atmosphere. Contact such people for help is a very stupid step.

Varieties of monetary conspiracy

Many believe that conspiractions for good luck and money, the consequences of which are unpredictable, it is better not to abuse. Spells that are associated with occultism belong to dark magic - we will not consider them. So that money is always found in the wallet, interact with light forces. We list the simplest solutions:

  • spells;
  • conspiracy for good luck and money;
  • neighborhood;
  • special prayers;
  • rituals for attracting good luck;
  • amulets for money.

The monetary magic provides for the classification of spells with which you need to get acquainted before the start of the ritual. This classification depends on the type of witchcraft operations for money and good luck. These are these varieties:

  1. Returning a major amount (if your friend does not want to give your debt).
  2. Urgent mining of money (you need to get funds for the operation or payment of the loan).
  3. Family enrichment (all households work, but there are no big money in wallets).
  4. Wheeling on wallets (these are the strongest plots, they attract income from several sources).
  5. Witch Stepanova (so that finances were in the house, take advantage of the experience of famous evacor).

Handling Rules

Before talking about the money for profit, consider the situation, because magic does not cost without consequences. You should not engage in magical operations "of curiosity" - make sure that the position is completely hopeless. To make money into the house with a continuous stream, observe strict rules:

  • observe items you need without checking and mistakes;
  • luck more often comes to pregnant women (they can be referred to about reading spells);
  • some rites are "tied" for specific days and time of day;
  • if you read the conscription, you asked for another person, thank it;
  • the post and lack of scandals can strengthen the conspiracy to attract money;
  • cooking for rites must be kept secret from others.

The last item is especially important - good luck and money you do not see if someone else's energy will come into business. Keep the results of your activity in the secret - so you will avoid the envy of neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues.

Powerful rituals for wealth

Buy a new wallet and place inside a couple of large cash bills (the denomination must be different). Add a handful of coins to your collection and start attracting wealth. The wallet is impossible to close when it is possible. The text is:

"As a money towards a coin is going, so prosperity and success to me are approaching, gold and silver flows off everywhere. Rights yes rustle my wallet, the golden ring and dear clothes will bring me. All I now have enough money. Amen".

It is an ancient and powerful text, but it can be strengthened, timed to a certain date. Try to act in Christmas, waiting for the sunrise of the first star. The light in the apartment needs to be repayed, and read the prayer to candles in full solitude.


Funds will be found if you read a very powerful spell at the entrance door of your apartment. Wait for Monday and, waking up early in the morning, go to the door. Make sure that the key is inserted into the keyhole. Read the prayer:

"Walked a gray top into a black boron to extract a hare of white. I did not get anyone, but I saw the casket, an urgent hard-gold iron. Locked the casket, do not open. The key is hidden in water, it is impossible to find it. Only I will find the key, out of the stones and his herbs will be cutting down. The casket is designed to me fate. Rent a casket, pick a stone and gems, silver da Zlatto. Spring then the key - let everything come true as I said. "

This is the strongest conspiracy for money, but you will have to wear the key. Disclaimers recommend buying a new castle for a ritual with the previously unused key. This will help attract money into your life without contacting someone else's energy.

Legendary rite from Vanga

Bulgarian Savarkov knew well how to attract good luck and money with a white magic. Finding this ritual on March 3, we immediately decided to include it in the article. That's what you need to do:

  1. Boil 2-3 hours before making a magic action.
  2. Buy black bread and break a little piece.
  3. Night to get in your house - no one should disturb you.
  4. Puting a bread in front of them, say the text of the monetary prayer.

Words need to pronounce clearly, not stuffing and without changing them in places. The ritual is so powerful that it cannot be applied twice - the effect occurs after the first reading. And here is the text itself:

"The Lord, you fed everyone in need and hungry, so that they always felt. Help and me, attracted good luck. Let the long way of joy, wealth and happiness come to my dwelling. I promise every penny to spend with the mind, not to leave in the misfortune. Amen".

Enrichment and apples

As an artifacts, use 20 apples - they must be fresh and torn on their own. If you do not have an apple orchard, buy apples in the store - it does not weaken as a statement. Important moment: when buying a product in the store, the seller's delivery is forbidden.

The first 14 apples are spelled in the day of the rite. The next day, three more apples are distributed. The remaining products are entered into the church, put on a memorial table. Pronounced prayer:

"Mother of God, together with Jesus, is my support. The angels in the sky flew, bags with gold scattered, money from there fell out. I choose gold, I won the angels. Amen".

Growing Moon and Secured Life

Deciding to engage in conspiracies for good luck and money, read them in the right time - with a growing moon. Assemble the same amount of metal coins and paper banknotes (the nominal does not play the roles). Read the following text above your property:

"Wise Moon, let my wealth grow like you on this night. Share the light with your servant, let this money bring up. From the moon track coins drink, joy are carrying me. The power of the moon fills my house. "

This is a real rite, multiplying wealth, but remember: the light in the room cannot be turned on. Money should lie down some time in the moonlight, after which they are transferred to another room. Two hours should be in different rooms with conspiracked money. Further act like this:

  1. Take the means from the dark room.
  2. Place coins and bills in the wallet that you use daily.
  3. Mark bills with a marker so as not to spend their 30 days.
  4. A month later, boldly consign the charged moon artifacts.

Large amount - easy and fast

Spells are read on moss, moon, cream and other exotic attributes. If the deadlines are pressed, and you need a large infusion, use five church candles. Use for a major enrichment such a prayer:

"Jesus Puzzle, the Heavenly Hope and Support, let the bags with gold bear me, will untie and everyone is exhausted. I passed nearby, the money they collected, I was dragged to myself, the candles put out. Light, candles, burn, coins, depart in the house. Amen".

In order for the conspiracy to attract money, it is impossible to extinguish the candles - let them do themselves. The resulting wax hide into the wallet - this mascot will attract large sums. In some cases, it is allowed to replace five yellow candles per green. Then new strokes will be added to the ritual:

  1. Candle is lubricated with sunflower oil.
  2. The required amount is written on the candle and your name.
  3. The dried basil is crushed into the powder - it is necessary to cut a candle.
  4. Over the burning candles it is necessary to read the spell ("Money come and grow, they will certainly fall into my pocket").

Good luck and money - eternal satellites

There is a conspiracy for money, few people think about the consequences. And in vain, because you can combine enrichment with luck in any endeavors. To always be held rubles in the wallet, take a broom, carefully sweep the apartment and say the magic formula. The text is: "My troubles and misfortunes will be curved with this broom."