Perfect face tone: step by step instructions. Several ways to make the perfect complexion

No makeup can be imagined without foundation. First of all, you need to choose which is more suitable: powder or cream.

If the choice fell on a foundation, this article will be useful to you. Thanks to the face make-up master class, it will not be difficult to make your own make-up, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Basic rules for perfect makeup with foundation (what you should consider)

So that the foundation does not look like an alien unnatural mask on the face, it must be selected not only for the skin tone. You should also focus on those colors that nature has given - in the eyes, in the color of the hair, in the manifestation of a natural blush.

Face makeup using foundation is the basis of a beautiful look

Choosing a shade of foundation to match your eye color

To determine the shade of foundation, you need to pay attention to the color of the eyes. It should be remembered that the shade of the foundation should not be radically different from the color of the eyes. The darker the eyes, the darker the tonal tone should be.

So, for example, girls with brown eyes need to use tonal foundations of peach tones. For blue eyes, an ivory shade is more suitable.

Tint of foundation to match hair color

The color of the curls also affects the choice of foundation.

  • If you have dark hair, use lighter colors.
  • Dark brown hair requires the use of a peach tone.
  • Burning brunettes use tan tints.
  • Light bases, such as ivory, go well with dark blond hair.

Face shapes and makeup

Each type of face requires an individual selection of decorative cosmetics. Makeup is aimed at bringing the shape of the face closer to the ideal. This is considered an oval face shape. Therefore, when toning, you need to try to bring the outlines of your face closer to this geometric figure.

To perform a make-up, it is enough, guided by step-by-step photos, to choose tonal creams, depending on the characteristics of the skin.

Facial correction requires the selection of two shades of cream - light and dark

A dark shade will help hide some flaws, and a light shade focuses on itself and maximizes those areas of the face that will create the necessary highlights. Thus, some sculpting of facial features is performed, accents are placed.

Skin type

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to its components.

  1. Oily skin needs vitamins A and B.
  2. For dry skin, you need to choose a cream with moisturizing ingredients.
  3. Mature skin needs toning products with a lifting effect.
  4. A liquid foundation is ideal for young skin.

Necessary tools and tools

Consider the rules for choosing a foundation, foundation and necessary tools

Tone cream. Which one is better to choose

Foundation creams differ in several parameters: density, conformity to skin type, color scheme, additional effects. Let's consider the main ones.


  • light coating, slightly evening out the tone;
  • medium density - correct color deviations, creating uniformity;
  • high density - create a thick layer, often used by professionals;

The color scheme determines the final make-up result, maybe:

  • pink;
  • beige;
  • yellowish;

Foundation brushes

No face makeup can do without brushes. A step-by-step photo with foundation often demonstrates their use. Brushes can be of two types: natural and synthetic.

Natural ones are used for dry structures (powder, blush). Synthetic ones are more suitable for creamy ones. They do not absorb funds, reducing their consumption. They are often chosen by stylists for applying foundation in an even layer.

Powder, blush, sponge, other

For makeup, you usually need the following:

  • the foundation;
  • concealer;
  • tonal means;
  • powder;
  • pencils (for eyes, eyebrows);
  • shadows;
  • ink;
  • blush, lipstick.

In this case, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. The tonal foundation is applied with a sponge, fingers, and a short brush.
  2. Loose powder has a special brush.
  3. Use a flat brush to apply blush.
  4. To blend the shadows, use short brushes or applicators.
  5. A thin brush is required to apply lipstick.

Base makeup. How to choose

Makeup bases come in several varieties:

  • for face;
  • under the shade (prevent rolling);
  • for lips.

All varieties have a different target orientation, therefore, they do not have interchangeability.

It is most correct to choose a base, focusing on the properties of your own skin - it is dry, sensitive to irritation, or has a high oily content. Since it is the base that is the first layer that holds all the makeup on itself, and is applied under the foundation, it must meet the requirements of the skin - to keep it moist, or dry it out.

It is especially important not to miss when choosing a base for sensitive skin - irritation is dangerous not only by causing discomfort, but also by more severe consequences in the form of an allergic reaction, inflammation, and acne.

Important to remember! When using a sponge, it must be rinsed every 3 days to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Step-by-step instructions for makeup with foundation

Before proceeding to leveling the tone of the face, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin.

Preparing the face for applying foundation

The advantage of a foundation on the face is that it is easy to apply and moisturizes the skin as you apply makeup step by step. Numerous photographs show a positive result. Half the success of makeup application depends on proper preparation.

A clean face is a guarantee of an even tone

It is necessary to cleanse the skin, tone it. After applying the moisturizer, it should take at least 15 minutes. After this time, you can apply the foundation. If during this time the base cream is not absorbed, its excess is removed with a sponge or napkin.

Certain types of leather require special attention during preparation:

  • oily skin must be cleaned with a special gel or foam;
  • skin with acne requires the use of a special deep cleansing mask, it is good if it contains medicinal herbs;
  • on flaky skin, you should apply the usual day cream (but not for children), after 15 minutes you can start applying the base.

Step 1. Applying concealers

After cleansing the face, in the presence of certain skin problems (inflammation, oily skin, scars, moles, pimples), it is necessary to use one of the concealers, which are presented in different forms and composition.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Toning gel

Its use ensures that freckles, acne marks and enlarged pores are hidden. Gives a matting effect. Easy to apply and spread over the face with a sponge;

  • Masking cream

Helps to hide fine wrinkles, blemishes on the face, evens out skin color. A small amount of it should be spread with a sponge, gently shaded.

  • Masking pencil

Has a denser texture, successfully masks inflamed elements. Convenient for its use in certain areas. Its highly pigmented shank requires diligent blending. The contours of the pencil should be hammered into the skin with the pads of your fingers.

Concealer - shades
  • Concealer

It is represented by a free-flowing substance of various shades. A dry concealer will mask irregularities, and mixed with a cream will visually remove small rashes and small wen. It should be applied with a wide powder brush. Do not apply liquid foundation over powdered concealer.

  • Color correctors

Designated as a separate group of corrective agents, where orange concealer hides bruises under the eyes, lilac - removes yellowness, green conceals pink acne marks and allergic rashes. To apply them to the problem area, 2-3 drops are enough.

Step 2. Correction of the face shape (T-zone, chin and neck)

The oval plays an important role in modeling the face. Correct facial makeup is used to correct it. The step-by-step photo reminds: the foundation must be used correctly and have at least two tones. Light use in the center of the face, and darker on areas that need to be hidden.

If the toner matches the skin color, toning the neck is not necessary, but it is necessary to powder it along with the T-shaped zone (forehead, nose and chin area).

Facial correction directly depends on its shape. With the help of dark and light tones, you can visually reduce or enlarge certain parts.

The face shape is represented by the following types:

  • The shape is in the form of a regular oval. Often does not need modeling, in extreme cases, requires a minimum of effort.
  • Round face. It is characterized by the same length and width dimensions. The face itself has a round oval. For correction, it is necessary to apply a darker tone of the product to the submandibular region, as well as to the lateral parts of the face.
  • Square. It has a massive lower jaw, the same proportions in relation to the vertical and horizontal dimensions. To lighten the lower facial part, a darker shade should be distributed on the lower jaw and in the corners of the forehead.

  • Heart-like face. Has a wide forehead and a narrow chin. To balance the lower and upper parts, the dark tone should be applied to the ridges and corners of the forehead, the upper part of the cheekbones and the chin.
  • Trapezoidal face. Against the background of the heavy lower jaw, there is a narrowed upper part. For a visual decrease in the lower part, the sides of the jaw should be darkened obliquely from the beginning of the cheekbone.
  • Rectangle. The prevalence of vertical dimensions. The presence of a high forehead and a long chin. Correct face makeup will help to solve this problem. For a step-by-step application (as in the photos below) of light tones with a foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to the lateral surfaces to visually expand the face. In dark tones, you should correct the area along the hairline on the forehead.

Step 3. Eyebrow shaping

Eyebrows can optically change the shape of the face. Therefore, they also need correction. Beautiful eyebrows should have a clear outline, optimal length and width, and there should be no kinks on them.

The inner end of the eyebrow should not be higher than the outer

The hairs outside of the brow shaping should be plucked out. If the length is not enough, it is completed with a pencil or shadows. For eyebrow tinting, there is a special paint that eliminates daily tinting for at least 2 weeks. As for permanent makeup, it mimics natural hairs as much as possible.

Step 4. Eye makeup

Eye makeup helps to visually change the image. It also starts with the preparation and application of the concealer. This is especially necessary for redness of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes.

There are several eye makeup techniques to hide visible imperfections.

  • Falling eyes effect

It can be removed by drawing a gentle line along the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid with any pencil other than black. Shade dark shadows, directing towards the temples.

  • Bulging eyes

A similar flaw will correct the clear shape of the shaded line above the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. It is necessary to smoothly expand the eyeliner line to the outer edge. Having shaded it with the help of dark shadows, cover the entire eyelid with these shadows, directing the shading to the eyebrows. The lower eyelid should also be brought in about a third, starting from the outer edge.

  • Close-fitting eyes

Dark shadows superimposed on the outer corners with shading to the temples will help to solve the problem. The inner corners should be covered with light shadows, shading them along the wings of the nose.

  • Wide fit of the eyes

Shadows a tone darker than skin should be applied to the bridge of the nose. Cover the outer edges of the eyebrows with neutral shadows. Use a matte lighter eye shadow on the outer corners of the eyes.

Step 5. Cheekbones and lips

Lip makeup involves applying lipstick. But before application, the lips also need to be cleansed with a tonic, applying hygienic lipstick. Lipstick spreads more evenly when using lipstick.

  • The lips are cleaned with a special scrub. A face scrub is not suitable!
  • Using a foundation.
  • Determination of the shape with a contour pencil.

Ideally, if the tone of the pencil matches the tone of the lipstick. Overestimating the natural contour of the lips with a pencil, visually increases the fullness.

You can reshape your lips with a pencil

To make the lips thinner, the contour line should move slightly towards the center.

  • Contour lines do not connect if the corners on the lips are omitted
  • It is necessary to apply a line from the middle of the upper lip, finishing the contour at the corners. Outline the line of the lower lip should be, starting from the left edge with short strokes.
  • Applying the first layer of lipstick from the center to the corners. In this case, you need to cover the entire surface. Lightly blot your lips with a napkin and powder.
  • Applying a second layer of lipstick to enhance the shape.

Applying gloss or light lipstick to the middle of the lower lip will create attractiveness by visually enlarging the thin lips. Plump lips will become smaller if you draw a line 2 mm below the natural contour with a pencil.

Light lipstick in a warm shade visually enlarges the lips

A more rounded contour will correct the flaw in the thin upper lip. In this case, the glare of mother-of-pearl on the upper lip will not interfere.

Age-related makeup involves lifting the highest point of the cheekbone for a lifting effect. This is achieved by applying a reflective emulsion, which visually creates skin tightening and volume.

The image for a lady after 40 years old is different from the options for younger women.

Note! The makeup room should have light walls and good natural light. This will ensure that the product is positioned as evenly as possible on the face.

Step 6. Thermal water or make-up fixer

It is often necessary to maintain makeup for a long time. In this case, make-up fixatives come to the rescue, giving durability, preventing spreading in heat, smudging from touch. These clips are the final touch to create a unique look.

The fixer is applied over the finished makeup... The mouth and eyes must be closed. The can should be kept at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face. Spray the spray on your face and wait a little. Then blot with a dry cloth.

For wet application, you can use this spray to wet the brush.
Many people use fixative as a primer before applying makeup, as this moisturizing layer is a good base.

Let's highlight the main ones.

  • Foundation on dry skin in winter must be used, after applying a greasy cream. Using a moisturizer in winter will exacerbate the problem and cause flaking.
  • For light makeup, thick foundation can be diluted with liquid day cream or moistened with water on a sponge. The tone will be more even, and the face will become more fresh and natural.
  • The foundation must be distributed from the center of the face to the sides. Otherwise, larger pores and wrinkles will be more noticeable as they will absorb more of the product.
  • Do not apply the cream on the face in large portions or use it in large quantities at once. This will make it more difficult to achieve even distribution and the tone on the face will be uneven.

It's important to know! Foundation, in order to avoid streaks and lumps, must be applied to dry, clean skin. The skin can be pretreated with a lotion or tonic appropriate for the skin type.


Bronze tonal shades in creams - bronzers are used in the case of corrective face make-up... There are step-by-step photographs on the internet with instructions on how to apply them correctly.

Bronzers are essential for pale skin tones to simulate a tan for a radiant complexion. But it is undesirable to use them in winter, as the skin can acquire a yellow tint.

Sometimes bronzers include glitter, which provides a unique radiant look, but such products are inappropriate in the daytime or at work. They are designed to create a festive, evening look.


When applying blush, remember that there should not be many of them.... Excess gives the face an unnatural and sloppy look.

For a harmonious make-up, blush must be combined with lipstick tone. They should be approximately uniform in color. In order to accentuate any area, light blush is applied. To hide some defects, blush of darker tones is used.


Highlighter is a relatively new but popular product in cosmetology. By highlighting some areas, thanks to the content of reflective particles, it successfully corrects the relief of the face, hiding fine wrinkles.

Expert advice:

  • golden highlighter will accentuate tanned skin;
  • peach tone is good for yellowish faces;
  • lilac and pinkish pigments are suitable for light skin with redness;
  • silvery tones are indispensable for pale skin.


Lipstick plays an important role in creating a certain look.

It is carefully selected, depending on the color of the hair and eyes:

  1. Bright lipstick is recommended for dark hair.
  2. Brown-eyed girls often choose coffee or bright red.
  3. Light eyes require a cherry or beige shade.

For proper face makeup, before applying lipstick (see step-by-step photo), it is recommended:

  • cleanse the skin with a special scrub;
  • apply balm;
  • use a foundation;

  • powder lips;
  • draw a contour with a pencil;
  • apply lipstick;
  • lightly blot with a soft cloth, apply a second layer.

Makeup plays a colossal role in creating a look. But we must not forget that it should not be vulgar. In creating a style, it is better to focus on compliance with status and age. It should be remembered that beauty largely depends on accuracy and inner peace.

How to choose your ideal tone? We select a foundation. Watch video tips:

Rules for applying foundation from a professional stylist. Learn from the video:

How to choose a foundation by color and texture? Watch a helpful video:

Makeup artists believe that perfect complexion is the foundation of quality makeup.

No matter how interesting the accent on the eyes or lips is, with the wrong face tone, they will lose all their charm and showiness.

We will tell you how to achieve a beautiful complexion depending on the time of year outdoors, as well as what tools and tools you need for this.

A well-groomed and healthy skin is based on many aspects, a person's lifestyle and habits play an important role. It is necessary to compose for yourself the correct diet containing all the vitamins, macronutrients and microelements necessary for our body.

Minimize the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty and sugary foods, include dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish in the diet.

Train yourself to drink plenty of clean water, drink at least a couple of liters of still water daily.

As you know, drinking fluids prevents premature aging of the epidermis.

Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors, after a working day, take a quiet walk home. Your skin will receive the necessary amount of oxygen, in addition, you will relax after the work process.

Try to minimize or avoid alcohol consumption, and do not get carried away with tobacco products. But if for some reason you are not able to comply with these points, cosmetics for the care of the skin on the face will come to your aid.

Skin cleansing

The most obvious pest for an even tone of the face are keratinized particles of the epidermis, due to which the skin looks dull and pale, because they do not reflect light. Every year more and more cells die off, so they must be removed in a timely manner.

For this, there are scrubs and peels, they cleanse the skin of dead cells and give it a pleasant color. The main thing is to choose the right product based on your skin type.

For example, for ladies with sensitive skin scrubs with large particles are not suitable; they are better off choosing a gentle peeling. Also, the cleansing procedure must be abandoned in the presence of rashes and inflammations, since you can spread the infection throughout the face. This is the first step in creating the right tone for your face.

Correct makeup

Today the cosmetic industry offers us a bunch of concealers for perfect makeup, they do not eradicate the problem, but help to hide it from prying eyes for a while.

The most common remedies are:

  • Tone cream;
  • Concealer;
  • Corrector.

Before you start working on your face, moisturize it with your favorite cream, and only then. A good foundation should contain components that protect the epidermis. A concealer or corrector is needed in makeup to mask the most problematic areas.

Watch an interesting video:

They may have dark circles under the eyes and blemishes. Each of the products should suit you as much as possible in shade, so that in the end your face looks natural, and not like a mask.

After using foundation and corrective cosmetics, you will have even skin, but it will lack the natural glow. To create it, you need to use blush, they are applied with a special brush towards the cheekbone area.

Finally, it is necessary to powder those areas of the face that are most prone to the manifestation of an oily sheen. This is usually the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin.

With the right makeup and makeup, you will have a natural-looking face with beautiful, smooth skin. No one will know that your skin is far from ideal, that is exactly the impression it will make on others.

Foundation shade

Correctly selected foundation plays a very important role in the quality of makeup. A tone with a shade of pink is suitable for fair-faced ladies, it gives freshness and a natural blush .. But if you have acne, red spots, it is better to opt for a product from a beige palette, it will help to mask all imperfections.

When applying a large amount of cosmetics, it is important to follow a few useful tips that will save the skin from acquiring new imperfections. Usually the foundation has a very dense texture, it does not allow the skin to breathe fully, so try to apply the tone for a maximum of eight hours a day.

Never freshen up your makeup by applying a new layer of makeup over previously applied products. For a fresh make-up, it is better to cleanse your face of previously applied cosmetics and repeat the procedure again.

Always wash your face before bed, do not sleep with makeup on your face. This is bad for the condition of the skin. Try to use correctors as little as possible. If your skin is clean, it is best not to overload it with a variety of foundations at all, a light mattifying powder will suffice.

If your foundation has an uneven layer on the skin, mix equal amounts with any moisturizer. After that, lightly moisten your fingertips and pat the foundation onto your face using a patting motion. This simple advice will give your face a natural glow.

If you are having difficulty choosing the right shade of cream, mix two colors from the shade palette together, one lighter and the other darker. You will get exactly the shade that will perfectly fit your face.

Here are some more additional tips:

Now you know how you can achieve the desired tone at home. But pay attention to the fact that cosmetics do not eradicate the problem, they are only temporary helpers. Try to solve all the problems associated with the condition of your epidermis, then you do not have to use a bunch of cosmetics!

Uneven skin color, pigmentation and other spots on the face, traces of acne and small scars always spoil the appearance, and you want to quickly give your face a beautiful, even tone, and your skin - radiance. In the publication, we will talk about how to even out the complexion at home and in a beauty salon, consider cosmetics and makeup techniques to create a perfectly even complexion. And let's start with the issue of skin health, because, first of all, the appearance of the skin depends on it.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for a perfect complexion

The perfect complexion is an attainable goal. Today, there is a wide variety of folk recipes for an even complexion, salon procedures, and as an express method, you can use decorative cosmetics and, with the help of makeup, achieve an ideal even complexion. However, all these procedures will have a temporary effect if you do not get rid of the cause of skin irregularities, various spots and rashes. Often the reasons for an uneven face tone are commonplace: bad habits, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, neglect of rest and excessive sun exposure. By changing your lifestyle, you can achieve a healthy, even complexion without resorting to additional procedures to level the tone.

The first condition for beautiful skin is lack of bad habits... As long as there is a regular poisoning of the body with nicotine or alcohol, the skin will not be able to look healthy. In addition, it is worth remembering that there is no instant restoration of the skin immediately after or exclusion from life of alcoholic beverages. It will take time for the body to cleanse itself of accumulated harmful substances and start working fully again. The sooner the intoxication of the body stops, the faster the restoration of the epidermis will begin.

Pay special attention to your nutrition... The condition of the skin depends on the products that we eat. Complexion is no exception. Improper diet affects the gastrointestinal tract, and diseases associated with it affect the complexion. As for specific food products, the tone of the face is negatively affected by the use of smoked meats, sausages, canned food, fatty mayonnaise, hot spices, chips and other fast food, fried food, carbonated drinks. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Junk food" width="450" height="450" data-srcset=" 150w, 504w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

In an effort to achieve a perfect complexion, consume as little sugar and salt as possible, and drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day. Have more vegetables and fruits on the table. The best helper in achieving an even complexion is watermelon. Vitamins are also needed for healthy, even skin, especially A and E. They are found in eggs, pork liver, nuts and oatmeal. Drink natural juices instead of soda. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Natural juices" width="450" height="244" data-srcset=" 768w, 1017w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Another enemy of an even complexion is over-influence. ultraviolet... The sun's rays dry the skin, make it thinner, and in the case of sensitive skin, ultraviolet light penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis and leads to the formation of dark spots, which are not easy to get rid of. When sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium, always use quality and carefully selected for your skin type.

For a healthy complexion, you must also sleep at least 8 hours a day, regularly be outdoors, move and protect your nerves from overload. Exercise has a very beneficial effect on facial skin tone. During the active movement of the body, blood circulation in the body improves, tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients, as a result, the skin acquires a healthy, radiant appearance.

Proper skin care for an even skin tone

To keep your skin healthy and even, you need to take proper care of it. The stage of full-fledged cleansing skin, otherwise you will not be able to get the perfect complexion. Cleansing should be done every day, regardless of the use of cosmetics.

Once or twice a week, additional procedures are needed for a more thorough cleansing of the skin: peeling or deep cleansing with to completely remove dead cells and unclog the pores. Home peeling can be performed using all kinds of scrubs with a whitening effect, so you get a double effect at once: cleanse the skin and even out the complexion.

In addition to cleansing, do not forget about moisturizing and nutrition skin of the face. This should be done regularly. You can use purchased cosmetics, or you can independently prepare formulations for masks, tonics, lotions, creams from natural ingredients. Both finished products and homemade products should include ingredients to even out the tone of the face. We'll talk about them a little later.

Do not leave makeup on your face overnight. High-quality make-up remover will allow the skin to rest during sleep and start its own processes of restoring a healthy complexion.

It is worth taking seriously the choice of decorative cosmetics, they should be suitable for your skin type and not contain harmful components that in themselves can spoil the tone of the face. If you can't choose cosmetics on your own and your face tone continues to upset, visit a beautician who will diagnose the skin and advise what to look for when buying.

Folk remedies for leveling skin color

Folk remedies are the most inexpensive, but very effective option to achieve an even complexion. The choice of home remedies for smoothing the complexion is wide enough, it remains only to choose the right option:

  1. Among the effective ways to improve the complexion, pride of place is badyagi mask... This product is sold in any pharmacy, and is great for cleansing the face and getting an even skin tone. It is recommended to do masks with a badyag before going to bed. They are especially relevant in spring and summer, as they help to eliminate traces of uneven tanning and increased pigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The recipe for the mask is simple: badyagi powder should be mixed with boiling water until you get a mass of thick sour cream consistency. Next, apply the mass to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. The mask improves blood circulation in the epidermis; on sensitive skin, the composition can cause tingling sensations. After the mask, the epidermis will turn red, this effect will disappear after a few hours. After the mask, a moisturizer is applied. Remember to do an allergy test before using new products. .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Badyaga" width="450" height="335" data-srcset=" 573w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  2. Cucumber mask brightens the skin and evens out the complexion. To prepare it, you need to grate a cucumber (if the seeds are large, they must be removed), add potato starch and mix until smooth. Apply the composition to problem areas or the entire face, keep for at least 20 minutes. Then you should remove the mass from the face with a napkin, wash with cool water., And apply a nourishing cream.
  3. The perfect complexion can be obtained with carrot mask... From grated carrots (1 pc.), 1 yolk (preferably quail) and oatmeal (1 tsp), you need to prepare a homogeneous mass, hold it on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.
  4. Toning mask for the face from a mix of watermelon, melon and honey is able to give the skin an even tone. You need to take all 3 ingredients in equal proportions (pre-knead the watermelon and melon and drain the liquid), mix well and apply on your face. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse.
  5. Banana and strawberry mask will refresh the complexion and strengthen the capillaries (suitable for rosacea). Mash half a ripe banana with a fork, add 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without dyes, 1 drop of lemon juice and 3 strawberries (knead or rub on a fine grater). Mix the resulting mass and apply on the face. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
  6. Effective celery mask with a brightening effect. 100 g of leaf celery must be chopped to a puree, add a quarter teaspoon. lemon juice, mix and keep on the face for no more than 15 minutes.
  7. Do not lose popularity and flax seed masks... A gruel of flaxseed broth and a spoonful of oatmeal is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm (not hot!) Water.
  8. For oily skin, you can prepare tincture of pharmaceutical herbs on alcohol. You need to take in equal proportions sage, parsley, linden and oak bark (5 g of each herb in dried form), pour alcohol or vodka (250 ml), place in a glass container and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting composition can be used to wipe your face every day. As a result, inflammation and acne will go away, the complexion will become even, and the color will be fresh.
  9. Well proven use case ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs- calendula, sage, yarrow - to wipe the face. The procedure not only helps to restore a healthy complexion, but also invigorates and tones the skin. .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Herb Ice Cubes" width="450" height="304" data-srcset=" 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  10. Lighten and even out the tone of the face will help whitening scrub... To prepare it, you will need 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. bran, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops of lemon essential oil. All ingredients are mixed, the mass is applied to the face and the skin of the face is massaged with light movements of the fingers. The composition should be held on the skin for a few more minutes and washed off.

Make-up and perfect complexion

You can temporarily even out the complexion with the help of decorative cosmetics. This method will not solve the main problem, but it will allow you to mask defects and look perfect.

Let us remind you that in order to create the perfect complexion with the help of makeup, the skin must be well cleaned of dead particles that are formed during the natural process of skin cell renewal. As a result, the epidermis grows dull and looks painful and tired. Regular exfoliation will remove the layer of keratinized particles from the face and prepare the skin for a complexion-smoothing make-up.

Before applying the makeup base, it is recommended to moisturize the skin and wait 10-20 minutes for the cream to be well absorbed.

If there are defects on the face in the form of age spots, traces of acne, scars and small scars, red spots, dark circles under the eyes, as well as manifestations of rosacea (vascular mesh), it is necessary to mask them with a corrector or concealer, depending on the purpose.

Corrector has a dense structure, it comes in different colors (green, orange, purple, etc.), is used to mask redness, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes, age spots and acne. Currently, they are produced for problem skin, with their help, you can also achieve a therapeutic effect. You need to apply the corrector before the foundation, pointwise, only on problem areas, gently driving it in with your fingertips or a sponge. You cannot rub in the corrector.

If salicylic acid is present in the corrector, it is undesirable to apply it to the area around the eyes.

Concealer apply after applying the foundation. It comes in only flesh tones and allows you to hide the unevenness of the skin, as well as give the desired shade and radiance to the face. It smoothes wrinkled areas, making them less visible. With the help of a concealer, you can lighten or darken certain areas of the face, or even out the complexion as a whole.

As tonal basis you can use different products: creams, mousses, powder, etc. For dry skin, creamy products are suitable, for oily skin it is better to use powder. When choosing a foundation, you need to carefully select the tone, it should ideally match the tone of your face.

You should also apply a thin layer of foundation over your eyelids, even if you don't plan on using eyeshadow. As a result, the blue streaks on the eyelids will disappear and the tone will be the same as on the rest of the face.

After applying the foundation, the complexion becomes uniform, but "flat". To give the face volume and a healthy look, then cream is applied blush or some bronzing powder. You can also use regular blush, but only if you know how to shade them correctly. To apply powder, use a fluffy brush, which you need to go over the forehead, nose and cheeks.

You can fix makeup powdery by applying it all over the face with a thin layer. However, this is not required. Further, if you wish, you can start with eye makeup or simply tint your eyelashes.

To learn how to make a perfectly even complexion using cosmetics from well-known brands, watch the video:

There are also special creams to even out the complexion. They not only moisturize and nourish the skin, but also fight all sorts of spots: freckles, age spots, redness. Among the most popular products are GreenMama and Lumene Arctic Aqua creams.

Salon procedures: aligning the color with a beautician

If you decide to seek professional help and go to a beauty salon, you will be offered the following hardware procedures to even out your complexion:

  1. - hardware method of cosmetology, which allows you to get rid of age spots, small scars, scars, post-acne. The old cells are destroyed by the laser, the division of new ones is activated. As a result, the complexion becomes more even and natural. The advantage of the procedure is that it is almost completely painless.
  2. Cryomassage will help eliminate the problem of post-acne, traces of acne, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the oily skin, narrow the pores on the face. The procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen, during one session the skin is exposed to several times.
  3. will free the skin from keratinized particles, improve blood circulation in the cells, as a result, the dull complexion will revive, the skin will become more elastic.
  4. Microdermabrasion is a type of mechanical peeling. To eliminate age spots and blackheads, 2-3 sessions are enough. If the tone of the face is spoiled by scars, the course will be about 10 procedures.
  5. Oxygen treatment is carried out by introducing a substance into the skin cells that replenishes the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Injections improve metabolic processes in the epidermis, dissolve small scars, enhance tissue regeneration, as a result, the tone of the face is evened out and acne rashes disappear.

The advantage of hardware salon procedures for smoothing the complexion is a deeper effect on the epidermis, as a result of which the very causes of uneven facial tone are eliminated. However, one procedure cannot achieve a result; you will need to go through a whole course.


Thus, it is not so difficult to achieve a beautiful, even complexion, there is a wide variety of folk methods and salon procedures for evening skin tone. In addition, for a temporary effect, you can use high-quality makeup that can give your face the perfect shade. But it is always worth remembering that the diet and many habits often lead to irregularities on the face, dull color, acne and other skin problems, so you need to start with a lifestyle correction, then the rest of the remedies may not be needed.

Many women dream of creating makeup like famous Hollywood stars, but not everyone succeeds. And not because there are not enough cosmetics. The reason is uneven skin color, because age spots, pimples and other imperfections noticeably spoil the appearance, and it is not so easy to eliminate them. This does not mean that it is impossible to solve the problem. There are many ways to help even out the complexion. This can be done both in a beauty salon and on your own at home.

  1. Hardware techniques. After just a few procedures in a beauty salon, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin and its color. In this case, the result will remain for a long time.
  2. Makeup. Correctly applied cosmetic products will help to quickly hide the existing flaws and successfully highlight the advantages. However, this method only solves the problem for a few hours.
  3. Home methods. It is also possible to improve the condition of the facial skin on its own. To do this, you need to provide proper care and use some folk beauty recipes.

Which method to use depends on your particular preference. Here you need to consider how quickly you want to get the desired result.

How to make your complexion even at home

It is quite possible to improve skin color on your own. True, it will take some time to get the result. It is necessary to provide the person with proper care, which consists in the following:

  1. It is important to cleanse the skin of makeup residues daily, as they will clog the pores, provoking the development of blackheads and blackheads.
  2. It is worth using only high-quality decorative cosmetics, you need to select it in accordance with your skin type.
  3. In the morning and in the evening, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  4. At least once a week, it is recommended to peel the skin, use masks prepared by yourself or purchased in a store.
  5. The use of cleansing and toning masks is mandatory. As a good toning mask, you should try a new product, a splash mask from AVON "Energy Charge". The mask is liquid, it does not need to be washed off, and it will take no more than 20 seconds for application and action. The active ingredients of the mask are quickly absorbed, immediately after application, you can continue your usual facial ritual, apply cream and makeup. The mask is applied to a still damp face after cleansing. The composition contains silk proteins, vitamin B and fruit acids. Thanks to the systematic application of the mask, the skin of the face will acquire a healthy look, and the tone is evened out.


Many girls carry out this procedure on their own, however, the tone of the face can be evened out in the same way in the salon. To apply a peel at home, you must first prepare a scrub using one of the recipes below.

Coffee honey scrub

Ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tsp
Grape seed oil - 1 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to mix all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Massage the face with the resulting composition for several minutes, then remove with warm water. This recipe is for oily skin types. To use it for dry, it is worth replacing the grape oil with 1 chicken egg white, beaten into a fluffy foam.

Whitening scrub

Lemon juice - ½ tsp.
Bran - 1 tsp.
Honey - 1 tsp
Lemon oil - a few drops

Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face, massage the skin a little, leave for another 5-7 minutes, then rinse.

Video: Whitening Facial Scrub Mask

Skin tone evening agents

Many do not want to use purchased cosmetics and prefer masks prepared on their own, especially since this is quite simple to do. Time-tested recipes are considered the most effective in terms of improving complexion.

Herbal tincture

Parsley - 5 g
Vodka or alcohol - 250 ml
Oak bark - 5 g
Linden blossom - 5 g
Sage - 5 g

It is necessary to mix the dry components, place them in a glass container and fill with vodka or alcohol. Insist the product for 12 days, then use it to wipe the skin. You can use it daily. As a result, the face becomes lighter and looks smoother and more refreshed.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber - 1 piece
Starch - 1 tsp

It is advisable to use overripe cucumbers for the preparation of the mask. The seeds must be removed, and the pulp must be grated on a fine grater. Add a little starch so that the consistency is not too dense. The amount of starch can vary depending on the amount of cucumber gruel. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and hold for at least a third of an hour. Then remove the remnants with a napkin, and rinse your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Video: Strawberry scrub for cleansing and brightening the skin of the face

Is it possible with the help of makeup to lighten the skin of the face

If the flaws on the face are not too noticeable, but still spoil the mood and give uncertainty, you can hide them with the help of makeup. This method is also suitable when there is no time to use hardware techniques or folk remedies. However, before applying makeup, you should scrub your face.

When applying corrective makeup, it is important to strictly follow the sequence of using cosmetics, otherwise you can only emphasize the existing defects and give the face the effect of a mask:

  1. Moisturizing. It is an important point that should never be neglected. Hydrated skin is visually smoother. In addition, the layer of cream contributes to easier application of cosmetics and protects the face from adverse environmental influences.
  2. Applying foundation. This product evens out the complexion completely and makes it fresher. It is important to choose a shade that is as close to natural as possible in order to prevent the appearance of unwanted stains resulting from poor-quality blending of cosmetics. It is important to apply the cream with a sponge or brush, not with your fingers.
  3. Concealer. If your face has pimples, freckles, dark circles under the eyes, you can get rid of them with a concealer. Its composition resembles a foundation, but it is applied pointwise, directly to problem areas.
  4. Powder. Now you should apply a thin layer of this cosmetic product to your face to make it matte and velvety.
  5. Blush. In conclusion, it is recommended to apply blush in the area of ​​"apples". This will refresh the face and make it look more natural and vibrant. Otherwise, it will look dull.

To achieve the desired result from applying makeup, each cosmetic product should be selected in accordance with your skin type, external features, and also follow the rules of application.

Hardware methods

Almost every beauty salon will tell you how to even out the tone of your face using hardware methods. The advantage of these techniques is that it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and cope with other skin problems, such as acne, blackheads and others. Consequently, the effect of such manipulations will delight for a long time. In order to improve the color and structure of the skin, effective hardware methods are used.


This procedure is suitable for those who have not faced or have already dealt with acne. Cryomassage effectively removes spots on the face left after acne, fights oily sheen, tightens pores, and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

In the process of manipulation, the face is treated with liquid nitrogen several times, as a result of which the metabolism in the cells is normalized. After the procedure, slight hyperemia may occur. As a rule, it disappears on its own after a few hours.

A cryomassage session lasts no more than 10 minutes. 10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin before going outside.

Laser cleaning

This method is quite effective and at the same time absolutely painless. He is able not only to cope with age spots, but also to eliminate small scars, scars. During the manipulation, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.

A thin laser beam destroys pathological areas and simultaneously activates the process of cell division. In addition, collagen production is improved, which contributes to the reduction of wrinkles, rejuvenation.

Oxygen therapy

This method improves the tone of the face and eliminates acne by replenishing the lack of oxygen in the cells. The substance is injected into tissues by injection, while intracellular metabolism improves, and small scars dissolve. Exfoliation of the keratinized epithelium also occurs.


This manipulation is a type of mechanical peeling. First, deep cleansing of the skin is carried out, then an exfoliating cream is applied to it and dead cells are removed. As a rule, the last stage is carried out manually, but it allows you to achieve a good effect.

The number of procedures depends on the complexity of the problem and the desired effect. If there are black dots or age spots, then it will be possible to even out the color in 2-3 sessions. But it will take at least 10 procedures to get rid of scars.

Diamond peeling

Such mechanical face cleansing also helps to remove dead cells, which are often the main cause of an uneven or dull complexion. After the manipulation, the blood flow in the tissues improves, the elasticity of the skin increases, which helps to improve its appearance and tone.

Video: Diamond peeling as a means of evening out complexions

Sometimes, to maintain healthy skin, especially when it is very tired, these techniques should be combined or carried out in courses.

An even complexion will always be an integral part of great makeup, so it is important to learn how to deal with the problem correctly. Which method of aligning the complexion to prefer depends solely on personal choice.

It has long been noticed that an even complexion and smooth skin look much more attractive than a layer of decorative cosmetics. So long ago that this man's remark gradually began to find a response in the female sense, and the fair sex seriously thought about how to make the perfect face tone. Without makeup, to look flawless and fresh at any time of the day and in any circumstances. Or with makeup when you need to make a particularly striking impression. But a perfectly even complexion, one way or another, has become the cornerstone on which the quality of all makeup and the image as a whole depends.

Professional make-up artists can make the perfect tone of any face, even if the skin has noticeable imperfections without makeup. But how often do we find ourselves in the hands of such an experienced specialist? In most cases, day after day, women have to do their own makeup. Even if this is not an evening and not an idle visage, the daytime look requires even more attention in tone. Therefore, we suggest that you make the perfect complexion in two steps: first, tidy up the skin ("prepare the canvas"), and then learn how to select and apply foundation and makeup ("paint the perfect face").

Problem skin: why is it so difficult to get the perfect complexion?
Perfectly even complexion is the goal of all girls without exception. But in reality, we are all more or less far from this ideal. For some, it is enough to even out the complexion, while others are worried about more serious skin problems. The most common causes of uneven facial skin tone are:
In the first four of these cases, you can improve your complexion on your own, even at home. But if there is even the slightest suspicion that a bad complexion is caused by an illness, give up amateur performance and immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist, and then doctors with narrow specialties, to whom he will refer for a detailed examination.

How to make the perfect complexion without makeup?
After carefully reading the above reasons for a bad complexion, you probably already found the answers to most of the questions yourself. Indeed, it will not be possible to create the perfect complexion until you solve these problems. You need to start as soon as possible, and here are the steps:
This information should become your immutable rules for life. Or at least for as long as you want to maintain a perfectly even and beautiful complexion.

How to make a perfectly even complexion?
Let's assume that you follow the rules of skin care in a disciplined manner. But even the most diligent woman is not able to completely change her lifestyle, especially if it includes the need to live in a large dusty city, use public transport and eat food from the supermarket. It is not at all necessary to urgently move to the farm and sunbathe after 9 hours of full sleep in the hayloft. It is enough to take regular care of your face:
How to get the perfect complexion: makeup
Make-up is the easiest way to achieve a perfect complexion. Its main drawback is its temporary effect, which does not solve the real problem of uneven skin tone. But to create a flawless look, you must be able to create the perfect tone with makeup:
To make the perfect complexion is possible only with solid, basic products. Decorative cosmetics can only create the illusion of an even skin tone, and even then not for long. A well-groomed girl should be able to do everything: both maintain a healthy complexion and mask cosmetic imperfections. Love yourself and take care of the freshness of your skin, then you can make the perfect complexion with just a few strokes of the brush.