How to get rid of love for a man? How to free yourself from feelings for a loved one? Love addiction - how to overcome love addiction to a man

Every person at least once in his life has experienced or is experiencing a feeling of falling in love. This feeling is multifaceted, sometimes it develops into passion or obsession, into all-consuming love, or it can simply fade away. Falling in love is a whole complex of emotions that one person experiences in relation to another. At this moment, the object of lust appears to be a kind of creature devoid of flaws. But falling in love does not always bring happiness, in some cases it is better to get rid of this feeling once and for all. A striking example is love for a boss, a colleague, and a married man.

  • First of all, you need to recognize the feeling of falling in love in yourself as unacceptable and unnecessary. Once you understand that you need to get rid of this addiction, you will have a clear goal.
  • Analyze how you can avoid unnecessary memories of your beloved.
  • Plunge headlong into the workflow. You can set yourself deliberately high goals and try to achieve them. The more difficult the work is, the more satisfaction the result will bring.

If the goal of how to get rid of the feeling of falling in love is set, it is necessary to move only in the right direction, without deviating from the set course. You cannot give yourself slack, find excuses and excuses, look for casual meetings and dates. Overcoming the feeling of falling in love is a long and laborious process that requires constant control and self-control.

When to get rid of falling in love

Not always experienced love emotions have a beneficial effect on a person's life, sometimes they only do harm. When and how to stop this destructive process:

  • Relationships with a man give a sense of their own inferiority;
  • In moments of quarrels, thoughts of suicide arise;
  • Instead of a good mood, a woman experiences sadness and longing;
  • Nervous breakdowns, depression often occur;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

If during the period of love you experience similar sensations, run away from such a relationship, and the faster the better. You need to suppress emotions in yourself, they will not bring anything but unhappiness. In pursuit of a ghostly ideal, you can miss the really real feelings. You can't lose your mind - if the object of adoration is prone to aggression and violence, you urgently need to stop all communication.

How to survive parting with a loved one, how to cope with falling in love and continue to live on? These and many other questions are most often asked by women at the reception of a psychologist. There are several standard solutions to the problem.

Take care of yourself

A well-groomed woman always attracts attention and is self-confident. Take care of yourself, and the result will not be long in coming. A wardrobe change, a new hairstyle and make-up, a solarium, a gym - all these actions will allow you to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

New way of life

Make new acquaintances, visit museums, exhibitions, go to the cinema and theater. The less free time you have, the less you will think about your beloved. Perhaps the principle of substitution will work and you will have a real relationship.

Change place of work

Office romances are not so rare, and there are only two ways to fight the feeling of falling in love at work: quit or learn to cope with your emotions. If the first option does not suit you, then you need to wait until everything goes away by itself. Try to overlap less at work, the fewer meetings, the faster feelings will fade away.

Get over the breakup

A break in relations is always a tragedy that is hard on both sides. Do not hold back your emotions, give vent to feelings. Break a couple of plates, cry, scream, and then there will be noticeable relief. Emotions suppressed in themselves must find a way out, otherwise a depressive state may come, which is more difficult to get out of than it seems.

Make a list of pros and cons

Every person has flaws, and the subject of your adoration is no exception. Take a closer look at the man from the outside: he, like everyone else, has advantages and disadvantages. IN this moment pay attention to negative qualities. After making a list, think about whether this is your person? Is it possible to connect your life with him, to experience all the difficulties and hardships on the path of life? If there are plenty of items on your list, most likely it's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and soberly assess the situation.

Out of sight

All gifts, photographs, cute knick-knacks, in a word, everything that interferes with starting the fight against falling in love should be removed to hell. If the gaze does not constantly bump into things related to a loved one, emotions will become less intense, and soon they will go away altogether.

Live your life

If your feelings are not mutual, do not try to adjust "casual" meetings with the object of love. Such actions are clearly visible to others and can only cause ridicule in your address. Live your life free time spend not on sad thoughts, but on traveling, looking for new exciting activities. Positive and open people rarely wonder how to get rid of falling in love that has not found an answer.

Find support from friends or family

If you find that you cannot cope with your feelings on your own, seek outside help. A close friend will be able to objectively look at your difficult situation and give advice on how to suppress your emotions.

"Fight fire with fire"

This statement is one hundred percent suitable for your problem - how to overcome the feeling of falling in love with the "inaccessible" ideal. Have a new romance, albeit a short one, but exciting. Even if a new relationship definitely has no future, a short-term affair will allow you to oust the object of adoration from your thoughts.

Talk about your feelings

If you do not leave the feeling that there is still a chance to develop further relationships, just talk to your beloved. As long as this “if” exists, you cannot feel at ease. The main task of how to survive falling in love is to get rid of the hope of a successful relationship. Either he will reciprocate, or reject, there is no third way. If you find it difficult to decide on a frank conversation, write a letter.

It is not necessary to strictly follow these instructions, perhaps some points are not even needed. A person falls in love with lightning speed, but falling in love also passes quickly, developing into a deeper feeling or disappearing forever. There are several ways to kill in yourself the feeling of being in love, and if you set a goal for yourself, it will certainly be achieved.

Only an adult can have a calm and harmonious love relationship with a soul. Adult love is bright and practically does not cause any anxiety. But there are other, wrong, unhealthy relationships.

Is a disease that is treated in special groups in America. If you do not live in the United States, then you will have to deal with the problem yourself. It is not even customary for us to address such questions to a psychologist, since the population is not used to entrusting their difficulties to a complete stranger, and even paying a lot of money for it. Only a few people use the advice of a qualified specialist, while the rest are trying to figure out themselves on their own.

Love addiction in modern conditions of life occurs quite often. For some, extreme strength attachment is, on the contrary, a good thing. But such an attitude as a result just leads to a break in relations.

It will be interesting for you to immediately familiarize yourself with:

Signs of love addiction

There are such common symptoms that indicate the presence of love addiction:

1. The occurrence of anxiety due to the long absence of a loved one;

2. Love addiction creates an unwarranted feeling of jealousy. Negative feelings appear even when a partner is just talking to a member of the opposite sex;

3. The constant need for confirmation of love for your person;

4. Expectations from a companion of complete submission to your will;

5. The fear of being alone and the fear of being abandoned. The desire to completely possess a person.

6. Habitual behavior, thoughts and feelings are distorted beyond recognition.

Often, love dependence manifests itself when a person no longer perceives his soul mate as an independent and free person, considering him just a continuation and addition of himself. At the same time phrases sound like: "We are one whole", "You are the meaning of my life", "I cannot live without you." It is with these words that people who are addicted to love clearly demonstrate their fear of being abandoned.

What can be done to overcome love addiction? First of all, learn to trust yourself and be more confident. For this, psychologists recommend conducting auto-training. If done regularly, these exercises can work wonders. And you will be sure of this! You can independently come up with phrases for self-hypnosis. These can be statements about a happy life, a good job, beloved friends, good health, proof that you are happy and loved, etc. Repeat the selected phrases 20 times before going to bed and after waking up. Techniques from the same series will be effective:

- every time you turn on the water, mentally imagine how your love for a person leaves with the water;

- Imagine him at everyday, not the most biased physiological affairs - this perfectly eradicates the unhealthy adoration of the second half.

All of the above is more related to working on your own psychological state and is very useful in raising self-esteem. But after all, many are interested in how to get rid of love addiction by radical methods. This is a logical desire. Do not sit idly by, you need to be active!

See also: - the answer is in the zodiac sign

1. Forbid yourself from any thoughts about the object of your addiction. After all, if passion has become destructive, decisive measures must be taken. Prepare for a painful breakup. Your main goal is to try to keep the trauma to a minimum. To do this, translate emotions into a rational sphere and learn how to control them. Mentally isolate yourself from the object of your unhappy love with the help of an imaginary wall. Remember: you are an independent and strong person and will be able to overcome your weaknesses.

2. If you understand that you cannot change your attitude towards your partner, it is better to disperse. Find strength in yourself and destroy everything that is connected with your loved one: photos, gifts, records on the Internet about your soul mate, a diary dedicated to your relationship. Don't look for casual encounters with your former love and get rid of all contacts through which you can contact. Avoid any kind of communication. Remember: a feeling that is not supported by personal meetings and communication passes much faster and more painlessly.

3. Make a list of all the worst and most offensive that a loved one in the owl managed to say or do to you. Put it in front of the phone and, if your hand reaches for the receiver to call your former love, re-read what you have written and your desire will immediately disappear.

4. In order for the relationship to end successfully, express everything you think about the culprit of the love affliction on paper or orally, and there will be no reservations between you. If you do not have this opportunity, do the following: put a chair in front of you and imagine that your object of unhealthy adoration is sitting in front of you. Tell him how he tortured you, how shameless and callous he is. And then forgive everyone and forget the grievances once and for all.

The ability to bring a state of inspiration and magic to a relationship is very useful and can bring a fresh breeze to calm everyday lifeby re-filling the sails of your love boat.


Each person at one time or another of his life experienced, is experiencing now or will still experience it the delightful state of being in love... Falling in love changes, it makes you look at the world better, see everything in completely different colors.

Sometimes the feeling of falling in love can grow into an all-consuming PASSION, and even OBVIEW on the object of these feelings. The feeling of being in love is more likely not just one sensation, but a whole COMPLEX OF FEELINGS that one person experiences in relation to another.

Psychologists believe that during this period HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS CONFIGURES, and the object of their strong feelings is distorted. All the shortcomings of the object are erased from memory, all contradictions are forgotten, but any POSITIVE experience finds a response in the heart and is kept in memory for a long time.

The feeling of falling in love absorbs a person completely, and also covers the object COMPLETELY.The breather LIKES not only the body or the mind, but everything completely: how he or she turns his head, how he speaks, how he smiles, how he throws his head back when laughing, how the timbre of his voice sounds, how he treats other people, in general, literally everything.

The period of love is light and clean. Usually during this period, the lover feels a huge range of feelings. He is proud that his object is so beautiful, he admires his beauty, he is touched by his grace and so on and so forth. The period of falling in love can WALK OUT, and then the feeling can be revived again with the same force, if not with more.

Falling in love is accompanied by an acute thirst to constantly be near your object. To begin with, I just WANT TO SEE him MUCH more often, then catch his eyes on myself, then FEEL his skin under my fingers and CATCH his touch. Over time, requests and desires only increase and can grow into burning PASSION and PHYSICAL DESIRE.

Often, falling in love is purely platonic, that is, feelings at a distance. The object of such love may not even suspect that for someone he is the whole world.This UNRESPONDING FEELING of being in love is accompanied by sadness or longing. However, this is a kind of light SILENT SADNESS, described in famous poems, lyrical longing for something that never happened.

When a person is in love, he feels such inspiration and energy. He seems to have WINGS GROWING, and he soars over the whole world, looking down on those who are not in love and do not feel this exciting feeling.

The image of a beloved person is infallible, he seems to be illuminated with a bright light, unusual and brightly stands out from others, HE IS UNUSUAL. It seems as if a lover fell into a fairy tale, and all his dreams come true.

These deepest feelings, in fact, are not directed at a real person, but at that PERFECT IMAGE that the lover created in his mind. It was he who endowed his object with those qualities that, most likely, he never had. He gave him a kind of OREOL, which is difficult to get rid of.

During the period of these stormy feelings, a person reveals his best sides. He sees life as beautiful and wants others to see it the same way. He is acutely aware of all the beauty of the world around him: landscapes, paintings, songs. It seems that the whole world around him is singing some kind of love ballad.

End it wonderful feeling falling in love can in three ways: either simply subside and forget, or find another object, or grow into LOVE.In any case, the development of events, it is the feeling of falling in love that will forever remain in memory as the MOST BEAUTIFUL and ADMITTING FEELING IN THE WORLD, when you want to sing, dance and smile for no reason, and so that the whole world also smiles, sings and dances, as if responding to this great feeling.


A thousand times the man was right when he sang about the sudden appearance of love; but "when you don't expect her at all" is not so bad. Sometimes it happens that falling in love arises with the boss, the spouse of a close friend, or a colleague!

No matter how it accompanies falling in love euphoria and the sensation of wings behind the back, in the cases described above, she is still not happy: by all indications it is clear that except for unhappiness and grief, personality destruction, jealousy and resentment such a feeling is unlikely to bring anything good. And we must somehow fight this!

So how to get rid of falling in love if it is completely inappropriate? This business is possible, within the power of almost any person, but for success you will have to make a lot of effort and constant control over yourself, over your actions and thoughts.

The process is really quite difficult and painful for the psyche., but one must firmly realize that it will be much more harmful and harder if you leave your feelings as they are, and even give them free rein.

And the last "happy thought" sooner or later comes to mind of any person in love, if he does not try to get rid of his obsession and ceases to control himself. As a result, EVERYONE SUFFERS: the lover himself, the object of his feelings, and everyone around him, initiated into the "secret", and observing her from the side.

Psychologists know how to overcome falling in love.This lesson is difficult, but effective. The main thing is to perceive your state of love not as happiness given from above., but as inappropriate and inappropriate, but still training of their human qualities, strength of character and his endurance.

So the first stage is confessing your crush as unsuitable, painful, hopeless DEPENDENCE, which in the future will only weigh on and will not bring joy andwhich is best to get rid of. Having defined your feeling in such categories, it will be much easier to set the inner task of eradicating it in your life.

The second action is to identify those LIFE OBJECTS that one way or another provoke thoughts of a loved one inappropriately - and careful avoidance of such objects.

Of course, the hardest thing to do is iffavorite - DIRECT HEAD or COLLEGE. But having clearly set a goal, it can be achieved - let this thought give strength and strengthen the mind when it gives weakness.

A wonderful, well-proven way - to go headlong into work or scientific (creative) activity.In scientific terms, sublimate your feeling (that is, using this energy, direct it in a more productive channel), set yourself deliberately HIGHER creative and scientific (or professional) TASKS and fulfill them in the shortest possible time.

Here the PRINCIPLE OF SUBSTITUTION works, displacing thoughts about one with other thoughts from the head.... In fact, when the intellect is working to its fullest on solving some difficult but feasible task, it is very difficult for the mind to soar in the clouds, looking at the world around us through PINK GLASSES... If possible, it would be good to ask for a business trip.

Getting rid of feelings is a long process, it will require several months of continuous self-control.

It is necessary put the love object in a deliberate area of \u200b\u200bdisregard and to act according to the principle "by contradiction": if you want to LOOK WITHOUT STOPPING - it means you should not look in that direction at all; you want to SPEAK pleasant, affectionate words - you will have to be silent, communicating in a strictly metered manner, and exclusively on business topics. It's difficult, but it will work out!


Without a close and warm relationship with a person of the opposite sex, life becomes gray, monotonous and joyless.Paradoxically, all those conflicts and troubles that fate suits a person fill his existence with different colors.
No wonder psychologists say that WITHOUT CONFLICT, THERE IS NO DEVELOPMENT... The point is how a person treats him.

After parting, inevitably comes a period of analyzing the situation: why it happened. Reflection usually occurs in one of two possible ways: the person blames himself for everything or ACCUSES the partner for the break.

The analysis of the reasons is always inclined to varying degrees in one direction or another, which prevents the possibility of finding the true reason and understanding the essence of the situation that has occurred, the MEANING OF THE LESSON that life presents to a person. And, as you know, if the LESSON IS NOT LEARNED, fate suits its REPEAT, but with a different partner and in a different life scenery.

Any person is at a certain stage of his development, and as a condition for this process he is GIVEN CERTAIN TASKS. For instance, learning to FORGIVE and UNDERSTAND a loved one is one of the most important.

Thinking about forgiveness, you need to accept one thought for yourself: forgiveness does not exclude tough measures to educate a person. This is how a loving parent does when he punishes his child for wrongdoing. And the measure of punishment is chosen by him corresponding to the scale of the violation by the offspring of any rules. It is the feeling of love that prompts you to find the right way of punishment, often on an intuitive level.

Since all people are children to some extent, understanding this will help. remove accusations of breaking up relations with yourself and your partner... This will be the first step towards overcoming love addiction, and the correct passage of a conflict situation.

It is important to understand here that the stage of absolute inner forgiveness can change the situation so much that the question of HOW TO FAST LOVE A PERSON simply does not arise. Relationships can change dramatically and feelings flare up with renewed vigor., moving, thereby, to a higher level of their development.

However, if this did not happen, and PAIR RECOVERY IS IMPOSSIBLE , this should be taken as a lesson and a sign that the attachment to this person was unnecessarily strong. Thus, life teaches us not to dwell on someone to the detriment of our own inner development.

It is known that many girls "cling to" the chosen one so much, constantly soliciting in one way or another his attention and manifestation of a feeling of love, that the latter is increasingly there is a desire to RUN away from such importunity.

A woman should not forget that if a man in a relationship with her feels like an OBJECT OF LOOKING, he will certainly try to break such a connection, because according to nature, the earner, he should be the catcher... Exactly this excessive pressure on him creates dissonance in a pair, and turns everything upside down: the man begins to feel WEAK and HELP. This is contrary to his nature, therefore, a conflict is brewing inside him with all that it implies. ... ...

If you cannot reanimate the relationship, you need to understand that love addiction is not quickly overcome. The process of getting rid of it is facilitated by SINCERE FORGIVENESS of both the partner and yourself. It is important to draw conclusions about what caused the situation. Often this role swapping in a pair, which was mentioned above. In the event that personal changes have occurred in the process of thinking, then the MENTAL PAIN will certainly recede.

The feeling of complete and unconditional forgiveness of oneself has a very positive effect on both the emotional state of a person and his life in general. And its meaning is to change so much as not to repeat the mistakes made in the past in the future, otherwise the occurrence of a similar situation is inevitable.

Considering the question of how to stop loving, it is important not to stoop to DISPOSE this wonderful FEELING OF HATE towards your partner... Undoubtedly, renouncing it will provide temporary relief from mental pain. But will not life give an even worse person in the future, as a sign of the degree of assimilation of the lesson it has taught?

The author of words and music - Konstantin Meladze

Someday this too will pass.
And the snow will cover the tracks.
And it seems to me that somewhere there.
In the shower, you are no longer you.
But you don't turn off the light in the window.
And I don’t know how to live.
Thank you for what.
Taught me to love.
Time is fleeting.
And nothing lasts forever.
Forgive me my friend.

I was just looking for happiness.
And I found it in you.

But your sorrow is in vain.
Goodbye, that was great.
Goodbye, that was great.

Someday this too will pass.
But no matter how many years have passed.
You are the only one in the world.
And you are not loved.

This is unchanging, and therefore probably.
There are no tears in my eyes.

I was just looking for happiness.
And I found it in you.
Let not everything, but only partly.
But your sorrow is in vain.
Goodbye, that was great.
Goodbye, that was great.

Romantic falling in love sometimes turns into addiction. When it comes to unrequited feelings, you can depend on a man for a long time and secretly, thinking that you cannot change anything. How to get rid of illusory love? Why do women carry a feeling of sick passion in themselves for years and cannot free themselves from its chains?

The problem is that despite the objective reality, you fantasize that only this one man can satisfy your need for love and happiness. You may be saying to yourself, “ If only we were together, everything would be fine, nothing else would matter».

But if the desire to shake off the fetters of illusion has reached its climax, start acting! We have prepared 10 effective tips for you on how to get rid of unnecessary love.

Step 1

End the relationship now, if you have not already left it, do it first. Whether you're feeling exhausted or still enthusiastic, give up the destructive idea that persistence (and, frankly, obsession) can win his love. The technique of the conqueror, in your case, will bear bitter fruit. In fact, chasing a man right now will only exacerbate your suffering.

Step 2

Throw away his photographs. You need to get rid of any sentimental memories or letters that remind you of him. You must part with the things that fuel your obsessions. It is also the best way to stop suffering from first love. If you spend time nurturing thoughts of her - guess what? You will feel miserable for a very, very long time.

That is why, once you realize that a certain thing, by its very appearance, causes a surge of emotions and returns you to the past, you must do your best to remove this source of trouble from yourself. Whatever it seems to you, these objects will always be just a hook, sitting on which, you plunge into your love more and more.

Instead, when the memory floods in, catch that signal and remove the thing from your surroundings - IMMEDIATELY! Delete phone number, delete photos and gifts. It's not about destroying them, just hide them where they won't be seen every day. However, if you feel the need to break, rip, burn, or throw them in the bin, do that too.

Step 3

Stop reading his Facebook page, classmates, or Twitter. Viewing his photos or reading new statuses will only prolong your obsession. Do not drive past his house, do not call him, hanging up silently. Stop this behavior. No matter how hard it seems at first glance, it gets easier each time you do it.

Step 4

Ask yourself if fantasizing about him interferes with your daily life and responsibilities. Daydreaming and daydreaming are dangerous if you are busy driving, on the way on a busy street, or if it interferes with your other relationships or work.

To quickly get rid of sick love, concentrate on what you are doing at this very moment. Do it as if you are listening carefully to your actions - this is concentration in its purest form.

Step 5

Distract yourself as soon as you feel that thoughts rush in his direction. Walk out of the house and go for a walk, call a friend, or watch a movie. Do something right away to change the course of the obsessive thought as soon as you feel like a victim of it.

Step 6

See a psychologist. A feeling dependent woman desperately seeks approval and emotional support from a man, and this can often be the result of childhood trauma or some negative past event.

You crave a relationship with someone who you think can heal these mental wounds and make you happy. And you become addicted because you believe that such a relationship will give you security and long-awaited peace. Talking to a psychologist will help set the right direction for this desire and cope with the problem.

Step 7

Build your self-esteem. In women, after a difficult relationship, self-esteem suffers greatly. Take some time to fix this and find your positive qualities.

Use affirmations to form a new attitude towards yourself in a healthy and intelligent way. Below is a list of positive statements - use it as a tool.

10 self-esteem affirmations

  • I am an attractive woman and a whole person;
  • I accept and love myself completely;
  • I am a talented and worthy person;
  • I have enough inner happiness;
  • I am worthy of true love, abundance and peace;
  • I will allow myself to find joy and peace in life;
  • I can think for myself;
  • I trust my intuition, reason and conscience;
  • I deserve to have a happy marriage and family;
  • I act for the benefit of those close to me.

Repeat these statements 10-20 times a day calmly and aloud (voice works better than reading). You can also add or replace affirmations in your personal list.

Use all the ways you know to raise your self-esteem. Grow, discover unexpected talent and do something creative. Focus on caring for yourself with proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep patterns. End sleep deprivation.

Step 8

Urgently learn to control the course of your thoughts. Getting rid of compulsive love takes a heartbreaking period of withdrawal, but you can do it!

Allow yourself 10 to 15 minutes to play the phrases you were about to say to him in your head, but then force yourself to stop. Violently. Tell yourself that you will have time to think about it later, and now find something that will distract you right now.

Step 9

Ask a friend or relative to be with you while you need support. Ideally, this should be someone who knows that you are in the throes of giving up unnecessary love. Tell us why you are having these difficulties and ask for an honest opinion in return. Expect this response to humiliate your feelings, but it is the most rewarding part of support in dealing with compulsive love.

Be careful not to get addicted to this kind of support, and don't turn it into a daily shower of soul.

Step 10

Register with a charity. There are non-profit organizations in each district that provide assistance to those in need. Give it one day a week, or just an hour after work when you're especially lonely. If your pain point is a lonely weekend, instead of dwelling on your suffering, get out of the house and go do real good to people.

It is difficult to start working in the field of charity - one must overcome inertia, disbelief in the usefulness of such work and simple awkwardness. But by getting involved in the process and settling in, you will fill your life with a meaning that will magically heal loneliness, a broken heart, and depression.

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Love is a wonderful feeling that everyone dreams of. But when love is not reciprocal, the phrase "pain from a broken heart" becomes by no means a figurative expression. Scientists have shown that emotional pain activates the same neurons as physical pain. And if not taken care of, the rejected lover can become depressed or seriously ill.

website will show you how to deal with unrequited love so that this feeling does not ruin your life.

To erase unrequited love from the heart, first of all, you need to realize that you and the one you love cannot be together. Your beloved has rejected you, he does not need your feelings, and by achieving reciprocity, you put yourself in an awkward position and cause a lot of inconvenience to another person. It doesn't matter if you were once in a relationship or your lover was never romantically interested in you, for any type of unhappy love, these tips will help you get rid of the destructive feeling.

1. Limit communication with the object of your passion

The wisdom "Out of sight, out of mind" did not arise from scratch. The less often you meet with a person, the faster your feelings for him will cool down. Calls and messages on social networks that create the illusion of friendship should also be ruled out. If you cannot completely stop communication, for example, you are in love with a colleague and it is impossible to resolve work issues without his participation, distance yourself as much as possible: conversations exclusively on professional topics, strictly formal meetings.

2. Stop idealizing your beloved and looking for flaws in yourself

Through the prism of falling in love, the world seems different, and the beloved is the center of this world. He is perceived as the best and ideal, and the fact that he does not reciprocate forms an inferiority complex. It should be remembered that in fact he is an ordinary person with his own shortcomings. And the best thing is to make a list of its negative qualities. If you find the trait of his character that annoys you the most, remember all the unseemly actions and grievances, the ideal will gradually collapse.

3. Get rid of things that remind you of your beloved

Photos, gifts, joint purchases, clothes in which you went on the first date with him, an accessory that he praised ... Anything that evokes associations with the person who rejected you must be removed from your field of vision: thrown away, sold, donate to a homeless shelter or just hide for a while. The same category includes: a melody to which you dreamed of an unfulfilled love, a book that he recommended, a movie that you watched together. New things - new emotions. And this is a great reason to update your wardrobe, library and change your playlist.

4. Find new places to walk, which will only be yours

Your favorite restaurant, where you often visited together, should also be forgotten for a while, as well as the park alley, walking along which you indulge in dreams of unfulfilled love. Explore new areas, visit new cafes and cinemas, change your usual route to work, and if there is such an opportunity, change your place of residence. Plus, the move is a great distraction.

5. Do not beg sympathy from friends and acquaintances.

Of course, the rejected lover wants to be pitied, but in most cases, empathy only exacerbates the situation. The more often you tell the story of your unhappy love, the more chances you have to convince yourself that the tragedy is on a much larger scale than it really is. In addition, the more people you know are aware of your emotional drama, the higher the chance of becoming the subject of gossip.

Friendly support, of course, is necessary, but it is better to choose for the role of "vest" someone from family members or one close friend who will listen carefully and support. The rest is most reasonable to ask not to remind you of what happened, but to ignore other people's curiosity yourself.

6. Take all your free time

To think as little as possible about the person you cannot be with, try to schedule your day every minute: work, household chores, meeting with family and friends, time for hobbies, reading books, watching movies. There should be no time left in the schedule to feel sorry for yourself.

7. Fill life with new experiences

Love is, of course, wonderful, but there are many other important and interesting things in life. Set yourself a goal to be the best employee of the month, sign up for a sports section or course, join a team of volunteers to help others, take a vacation to a country with a completely new culture. If life around is rich in events, new acquaintances and emotions, mental suffering will recede.

8. Try yourself in creativity

Unhappy love for many creators has become a catalyst for the creation of brilliant works of art. The best way is to channel your feelings into a creative direction: write a book, painting or song. Emotion expressed through creativity becomes more positive.