How to make flowers from balloons. Flowers from balloons with their own hands

An unpredictable surprise for any child can be a bouquet. But it should be made not from ordinary colors, but from balloons. Such a gift can be done on some holiday or just please the baby on a regular day. But a bouquet of balloons can be a pleasant presentation and an adult man.

Selection of daisies

Before finding out how to make a flower from the ball, you need to deal with what you need for this. So, there are several options for the manufacture of bouquets. Flowers made from "sausages" are most common.

When using long balls it is desirable to immediately purchase a pump that can be inflated. With their production, a sufficiently dense tires is used, so it will be difficult to fill them without special devices. By the way, if you have an ordinary cycling pump, then you can safely use it. It is also important to plan how many flowers you will do. Based on this, the required number of balls is calculated. So, to create one flower 2 "sausages", one of which should be green - for the stem, and the second one - any other (you can stop your attention on pink, red, yellow or even blue versions).

Materials for colors from round balls

But to create a festive mood, it is not necessary to run to the store and seek special long inflatable "sausages". If you have ordinary small rounds at home, you can safely use them. In order to get a flower from a balloon, you need to make the following. Take 5 pieces of one color for petals and 2 more - the other to create the heart. You can inflate them with mouth or ordinary cycling pump. In addition, to create such colors it will be necessary to still stock cardboard and scissors. True, if you have small balls with a diameter of a little more than 10 cm, then you will not need additional devices.

Production of daisies

If you have a long "sausage", then you can start to deal with how the flower is made from the ball. Fully inflate a pre-purchased product that is intended for the manufacture of petals. After that, for 1-2 seconds, turn out air from it so that it becomes softer. Now you can proceed to work.

Chamomile is made as follows. From an inflated ball, who had to stay with a length of about 3 centimeters, a circle was made by binding two of its ends. It is also necessary to bend it in half and twice twice. Visually divide two halves into three parts and fasten each of them. To do this, you twice the ball twice at the same distance. Now you have a blank from sausages for petals.

It remains quite a bit in order to finally figure out how to make a flower from the ball. The scheme of further work looks like this. Take a blank from two edges and compress so that it is harmonic. The place of the joints twist. Consider if you inflated the ball too much, then at that moment he can just burst. If everything went smoothly, you can feel free to straighten the petals, you have already ready.

Floor for chamomile

Having made the pretty flower petals, you can begin further work. To do this, you need to inflate the ball for the stem. It is desirable that it be green. In order to make a flower from the balls - "sausages", it is necessary to figure out how the tulip is created for the core of the chamomile. For this, the neck is pressed into the finger. The other hand the ball is compressed and twisted in such a way that the concave part is fixed inside.

After that, the green sausage is squocated between the petals of the chamomile, the tulip made should become its core. The next step is to create a leaf on the stem. To do this, on the free part of it is made a clamp of about 7-10 centimeters long and twisted with the lock. The second symmetric leaf is also created.

With such non-speed manipulations, one flower is made. Similarly, you can create a whole bouquet. But note that daisies can be made not only from the "sausages".

Flowers of small round balls

Those who want to be more original, it is not necessary to go to the store for long "sausages". You can take ordinary balls and blanks from the cardboard, in which you need to cut two holes with a diameter of 15 and 10 cm. They are necessary to create products of the same diameter, the sizes of petals will be reconciled.

In order to make flowers from balloons, to start them must be inflated. After that, they need to twist. Five inflated balls are connected so. At the beginning there are 2 pairs. One of them is screwed another additional ball. As a result, you will have 2 twists, in one of which two, and in another three petals. They must be combined with each other, overloading the base several times. But this is not a ready-made option, but only petals. Now you need to do the core.

For this you need to inflate two balls, the diameter of them should be less than that of the lobes. To check their size, use the cut-out ring in the cardboard smaller diameter. Inflatable two small balls, the color of which is different, you need to connect them to the petals so that they are located in the center of the created colors.

After that, it is necessary to straighten the balls so that the created flowers have become double-sided. That is, the lobes should go in a circle, and in the center - the core is located. Two middle balls need to be located opposite each other.

But on this, finding out how from the ball make a flower, does not end. If necessary, it is necessary to attach a leg. The technology of its manufacture is almost the same as for chamomile. The only difference is that she does not need to make a core tulip. Such a stem is screwed by a free end to the petals, the leaves are made from the long part of it according to the technology described above. By the way, if you make a chamomile on the leg, then the core must be alone.

Products from "sausages"

If you figured out how to make a flower in the form of chamomile from the ball, then you can begin to more complex options. Professionals make spectacular tulips from them. For this, two balls are used at once - red and green. They bind together and twisted alternately.

More experienced twisters can even make roses or lilies. This gift will appreciate not only children, but also adult women. If men belong to the beautiful half of such a bouquet made by hand, they will not like their ladies.

It has long been on various celebrations. It is customary to give bouquets. Traditionally, they are made of alive colors and plants. That's just such a composition, unfortunately, briefly pleases the eye. Excellent replacement and original gift - bouquet of balls. It is appropriate to prevent him with an adult woman and a small child.

Today, almost every corner there are firms engaged in the manufacture of inflatable colors. And for your work, they take considerable money. And why should someone pay when you can make a gift with your own hands? In fact, flowers from balloons are not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. It suffices to understand the principle of uncomplicated actions.

Where to start a newcomer?

The first thing to do is to decide which flowers to do and how many will be in the composition. There are also two ways to make a bouquet of balls. A little later will be described in more detail about each of them.

According to the first technology, flowers are made from ordinary balls, which simply contact each other. Using the second method, you can make more original compositions. But here all the difficulty lies in the correct twist of special balls. It is not necessary to use some one of the ways, they are perfectly combined with each other.

As soon as the technology is selected, you can already count the amount of the desired material and go to the store.

What do you need to make a bouquet of flowers from the balls?

  • Balloons are, of course, the most important element. Depending on the selected shades, you can simulate a variety of colors. For example, from white balls you can make chamomile, from blue or blue - cornflowers, from purple - irises, and from red - tulips or roses.

For the manufacture of one flower, you will need two balls if they are long. One green - for the stem, and the other - for petals, but another color. If you want to make a flower without a twist from ordinary balls, then they are already needed from six pieces.

  • Very help in the work manual or automatic pump, especially if you want to make a huge bouquet of balloon balls. But you can completely do without it, inflation to the material in the traditional way - mouth. Just spend more time.
  • Use a balloon with helium if you want the flowers to keep in the air.
  • Threads will be useful when drawing up a bouquet of ordinary balls.
  • Decorative elements (butterflies, satin ribbons, beads) will not be superfluous. Use them to your liking. Although traditionally inflatable compositions are only from balloons.

When all the materials are chosen, you can begin to the most interesting. Several useful tips can be useful in the work.

Bouquets of balloons are actually fragile, so in the process of their manufacture you need to be very careful. One inaccurate movement - and the composition will burst, and all the works will go to the pump:

  • Do not hold the balls close to the face.
  • It is desirable to squeeze the nails and rounded them with a sawn.
  • Pour and twist the balls without fanaticism.
  • Remember that even experienced masters fail and the material bursts.
  • Only special long balls are suitable for flexing and twisting.
  • If you want to make drawings or inscriptions, use water-based wovers. Alcohol markers corrode balls, and they are bursting.

Cooking materials for a flower from ordinary balls

Ordinary balls are good in that even children will be able to make a crawl. Yes, and find such a material is much easier. So, what do you need to make a bouquet of the balls with your own hands?

  • One ball for core. It is better to take light color: white or yellow.
  • Five to six balls other than the shade from the core.
  • Threads for binding.
  • Scissors.
  • A pump or a balloon with helium (optional).

Making a bouquet composition of round balls

First, they influence the balls that are flower petals. Try to make them the same size. In order for the bouquet in the process from the balls, the tail is better tightening into the nodule, and not to tie a thread. Take five pieces. Usually, such a number looks more attractive.

We connect with each other only two balls. Now we fasten three. There should be two bundles. One insert into the other and fasten the thread. It turned out a blank of five petals. If you want to use six balls, then bind them two. First, cover the thread among yourself two pairs, placing them diagonally with each other. Then do the same with the third bundle.

Moving to the middle of the flower. Inflate the ball so that it turns out less than the rest. Insert it into the center of the petals and tie a thread well. Usually it is to this ball bind a ribbon when they want to decorate the walls or ceiling. The remaining flowers for the bouquet are going through the same scheme. When they are ready, assemble them into the composition, engaged in the thread among themselves.

You can make multi-layer flowers, laying out several rows of petals. It looks very spectacularly such bouquets from the balls. The photo above shows the entire process of their manufacture. As can be seen, he does not differ from the compilation of a flower with one near the petals.

What materials are needed for a flower from long balls

For such technology, only special long balloons will be needed. They are perfectly bend and twisted. The remaining materials and tools are optional.

To make a simple flower, you need a green ball and one more color. For example, we want to make Herbera. Then you will need green and pink balls. Depending on how many colors will be in a bouquet, you need to multiply.

We make bouquets of balloons for modeling

Work will start with petals. Therefore, first influence the pink ball. Now it takes a little to release the air so that it does not burst and easily twisted. Tips tightly communicate with each other. Opposite the resulting node we make a twist. We fold half the ball together, visually divide it into three equal parts and make two twists. Crafts must remind a bunch of six sacks.

We connect together the seats of folds and twist. It is better to help yourself with two hands. This is the most difficult stage in the flower assembly. If it is filled with air, it can burst. Therefore, it is better to take a material with a margin in order not to run to the store once again and to have time to make bouquets from the balls. Photo instructions above visually shows how to make petals for a flower.

Now let's go to the manufacture of the stem. To do this, influence the green ball. At his tip, it is necessary to leave a little tail. This is done so that the ball in the work was pliable and did not burst. From the end, we retreat several centimeters and make a clench. To her bind the tail of the ball.

Through the center of the petals, we drag the workpiece of the stalk. Its convex part leave over the flower. The middle of the stem (about 10 centimeters) is twisted several times and form leaves. According to the same scheme, we make the remaining flowers and collect them in the composition. Now you can safely give a bouquet of balloon balls!

Mastery stand for a bouquet

Flowers align in height. The ends of the stems typ in the node. If necessary, blew balls slightly. Bouquet while postponing.

Inflation five small balls. We collect them how it was done with petals for simple flowers. Make the same thing with five balls more. We make a ship. To do this, in a separate ball need to pour some water.

Start assembling a stand. Take a bouquet again from the balls again. We bind the ship to him. To the tip of the stems, fasten the big balls first, and then small. Now a bouquet can stand on the floor or table.

How to decorate an inflatable bouquet

If you want to surprise with unusual bakery compositions, then additionally make a bow or beads from the balls. Also very beautifully look at flowers in inflatable baskets. But accurately, the ball will help the ball in the ball! It is unlikely that someone will remain indifferent to such a work of art.

Greet your loved ones, give them bouquets from the balls on the day of the mother, the name day, the eighth of March, the New Year and other holidays!

Bright and spectacular flowers from the balls with their own hands - an indispensable attribute of a children's holiday, an excellent version of the decor and an excellent alternative to an ordinary bouquet. With the help of multi-colored balls-sausages, you can create real floral compositions, and detailed instructions will give everyone the opportunity to do it with your own hands.

Seeing intricate colorful compositions from long balls, you can wonder how to make flowers from balls with your own hands. This task is on your shoulder. Before you start creating an unusual bouquet, you should master the basic modeling rules from the balls-sausages: perform twists in one direction by one hand, using the second to support ready-made bubbles. It is necessary to start work on the side of the neck, as it simulates moving towards the tail. Modeling from sausage balls is called twusing. In order to make a simple flower from the sausage balls, you will have to master only its basics.

From several flowers, you can make a real bouquet in, add it a figure, a digit or other decorative element. Bouquets of seven, nine, eleven flowers, and a bouquet can be both monochrome and a bottle, seek effectively. To flowers from the balls from the balls, grab them with a contrasting ball or make a lot of basket.

Necessary materials

The flower of the sausage balls will require you at least material costs and efforts. Prepare several multicolored sausage balls: orange, red, purple, blue for petals; Green or Salads - for stems. With the help of white balls, you can make a bouquet of daisies, blue and blue will remind you of cornflowers. It is convenient to inflate them with a manual pump, but do not despair if it is not at hand: it is quite possible to inflate the ball mouth. For the manufacture of one simple flower, you must prepare two balls. A newcomer who first creates an unusual bouquet with her own hands, a detailed instruction is useful, and you can draw inspiration, looking at the finished works of sophisticated tweeting lovers.

Step-by-step instruction of creating

Having decided to create a "air" bouquet with your own hands, take yourself a detailed action plan. Do not give up if the modeling of the first flower will seem difficult to you: Snorzka comes with experience.

  • Using a manual pump, inflate several sausage balls. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the ball is not very dense: otherwise it will burst when modeling.

  • Balloon for petals Bend, connecting it ends by a node.

  • Opposite the connection site, make a twist, resulting in two symmetrical halves. Tip: The junction is formed with the oncoming movement of the hands.

  • Make two twists at an equal distance and fold the harmonica. At this stage, the ball will remind a bundle of six sausages.

  • Two hands connect the seats of folds and lock them, twisting the lock. Make it with both hands. You will have a flower with six petals.

  • At the end of the ball-stem, make a "bubble" that will become a middle of a flower. To do this, make a twist and align with it the end of the ball, then grip in the middle between the petals.

  • Make two symmetric sheets on the stem by simple twists.

Flower of balls-sausages is ready!

By making a colorful flower with your own hands, you will certainly want to continue to create and improve in tweetting. Completed with love will have to do not only like children, but also adults, because sophistication and some childhood are bugged in it. Having mastered the simple chamomile flowers with six petals, you will certainly want to learn how to twist intricate "roses" and "tulips" from the balls. Having mastered the technique of modeling colors, you can transform and fill in bright colors any holiday.

Want to surprise guests and relatives on the holiday, but do not know what you can come up with? This simple master class on the manufacture of a flower from balloons will inspire you.

Flower of balls

To make a simple balloon flower, you need to prepare:

  • long balls: yellow, red or pink (for petals) - 1 pc.;
  • ball for stem and leaves - green or yellow - 2 pcs.;
  • pump for pumping air balls.

Making a flower:

  • First you need to inflate the balls. For petals need one long ball.
  • I need to pump up the pump first completely, and then you need to free up the tip, so that a small no inflated "tail" (up to 7 cm long) remains at the end.
  • The inflated ball takes the shape of sausages, it must be soft to work more convenient.
  • We connect the tips of the inflated ball, it turns out an oval.
  • In the middle you need to divide the resulting figure and twice twice. You always need to twist only one way. For example, clockwise.
  • Twisted first once, then measure the same distance and twist the second time. There should be 3 equal parts - these are future flower petals. Each part must be the same, otherwise the flower can be curves.
  • Now the most difficult thing: you need to fold the resulting figure zigzagochny, turn on the right 3 sausages to the three left. You have to get petals. And in the place of the twist is formed a dense ring-lock.
  • Petals are ready, now it is necessary to make stem and leaves. To do this, we pump the yellow ball from the pump with air, leaving a free tip (the same 7 cm), tie an inflated ball.
  • And here is a little secret: carefully pushing your finger inside the inflated ball tip, intercepting his fingers with my fingers, twist so that the tail does not jump.
  • Now you can connect the stalk with a beautiful middle of the petals.
  • From the remaining ball make leaves. I inflate, twist in half, twist once again the figure in half to get the same twisted segments on each side.
  • Then you need to connect these segments together to get the petal: on the one hand and on the other hand.
  • You need to fold a little under the corner so that the leaves are the same.

Flower from balls is ready. Total 3 long balls will need to make such beauty. And you, when you catch, you can make a whole bouquet of bright colors from balloons.

How to make tulip from balls

The tulip is also made simply as a chamomile, and you need to cook such materials:

  • long balls: yellow and green 1 pcs.;
  • pump.

How to make a tulip of balloons:

  • Inflation using a pump one yellow and green ball. Just leave free tails, length 7-9 cm.
  • We divide the yellow ball on the 5 parts, but still twist only 2 parts, the length of each - as your palm. We fasten the resulting figure in the loop, spinning.
  • I still measure the same length of the segment and reinforce, screwing into two petals.
  • Slightly knead the remaining tip of the ball and make 2 more petals in the same way. Total will get 5 petals.
  • As a result, a figure of 5 petals and a small residue of an inflated ball should be turned out.
  • This residue needs to be entered into the middle of the ball, the bouton from it will work out a little more.
  • We screw the tip to the tip inflated green ball (you can nodule).
  • Twisting 3 loops of the same size. They should evenly distribute around the leg and just close the place of connecting the balls.
  • Tulip ready. This can also be stopped or a few of the same beautiful floweries.

Balloons can be not only an ornament of premises for the holiday, but also excellent entertainment for both children and adults. Of these, you can make various figures to surprise your loved ones, besides, such a decor at the celebration will look much more interesting. Some of the simplest products are flowers from the balls that can be collected in a bouquet and present as a gift.

Before you begin the manufacture of balloons figurines, you should familiarize yourself with some rules of working with them so that the task has become simpler. Those who are first engaged in such modeling, first should be done sitting at the table. He must have a smooth surface so that nothing rolled out with it, and be absolutely clean, otherwise the inflated balls can burst from dust.

Long balls for modeling is quite difficult to inflate the mouth, so it is better to work with them a pump. You can use the usual manual option for a bike.

It should be remembered that the balls can burst at any time and cause injury, so they must be kept further from the face. With their inflating, you should not cry, otherwise, when twisting, the material can crack. In addition, you do not need to try to twist round balls, because they are not intended for this.

Before working with such a capricious material, it is necessary to wash well and degrease your hands. In addition, before making flowers from the balls, all the jewelry, having sharp edges, should be accidentally damaged by the craft. Nails preferably crash, and if there are long hair, they should be removed back.

It is better to wear bright and non-profit things, because inside the shdm (balls for modeling) is a talc that can blur a dark dress or pants. Clothes must be comfortable, because sometimes products need to be clamping between the knees.

It is desirable not to lay the inflated balls on some surfaces, otherwise they can be damaged. It is better to put them on your own knees or hold in your hands. During twisting shdm, all manipulations are more convenient to perform with one hand, as the second need to hold the design so that it does not fall apart.

So that the finished figure looked neatly, all twisting is desirable to perform in one direction - or to yourself, or from ourselves. If the ball turned out to be strongly inflated, it is possible to release a little air from it, but with excessive filling with oxygen, you will have to take a new material. Repeated shdm is not recommended, because after the release of the air it loses its properties.

If the drawings are scheduled, it is worth using a water-based marker. Alcohol markers can erod the surface of an inflatable flower.

Simple flower

The easiest variant of the chamomile can be made from ordinary round balls. This requires 5 pieces of white balls and 2 yellow, 2 sheets of cardboard, thread or wire for bonding design. The simplicity of such a craft is that it is not necessary to twist something for it, as in the case of modeling other colors from the balls with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction:

You can attach a ribbon to the finished flower to keep it in your hands. It is also possible to make a stem from a wooden stick, wrapped by a green cloth or painted in the appropriate color.

Chamomile from a long ball

No less spectacular flower will be able to make it from the shdm. Before you familiarize yourself with the instructions of the Figurines from Ball-sausages for beginners, the necessary materials should be prepared. To simulate 1 chamomile, you will need a long ball of green and another shade (white, blue, red) at its discretion, from which the petals will be formed, as well as the thread for the tying of the ends. Flower is done according to the following scheme:

From such colors you can make a bouquet. If only 1 chamomile is needed, it is better to form leaves on her stem. To do this, in the middle part of the green ball, a ring is formed, which is twisted several times, and another 1 leaf is made on the same principle.

Making roses

Rose is considered a more complex figurine, but it looks more spectacular than previous options. For its manufacture, it will take green shdm for the stem, red for bud, a stick for balls and scissors. Such an exercise will be an excellent gift on March 8 or February 14.

To make a flower, the red color ball is inflated to a length of 50 cm (such must be part of the shdm filled with air). Its tip is tied, after which the 8-centimeter bubble twists it. Next, you need to make 4 such elements. Then they twist in the ring. The resulting design is 2 times folded in half, after which it is fastened.

Next to this element on the free part of the ball, 3 bubbles with a length of about 3 cm, which are placed horizontally relative to the first design. Then the remaining end of the ball turns so that he watched the lobby, being over one of the hollows formed by the 4 bubble element.

Further, a bubble of 9-10 cm long is made from the free end of the ball, which turns around the design of 3 bubbles. Then there are 2 more of the same items, and they need to have a slightly lower, whileking the bud. The remainder of the ball is connected to the lower part of the flower formed by 4 "sausages", and is fixed with them with the tip.

For the manufacture of the stem, the end of the green ball is 10 cm long. It should be inflated, then lower the air and put on the wand, completely closing it, then tie his tail.

The remaining part of the green ball should be tied with a cut side and inflate about a third of the length. Then it curves 3 small bubbles on it, after which they are fixed on the stick so that these elements form a nearby leaves. It is not necessary to place them at the very end of the "stem" - it is necessary to retreat about 5 cm. Part of the ball, free from the air, is cut off again, and the stick is connected to the flower, for which its upper part is encouraged in the middle of the design of 5 bubbles.

From the remaining segment of green shdm leaflets are made. You need to tie one of its ends, then inflate the ball by 20 cm and divide it into 2 equal bubble. They should be twisted several times so that between them the distance is 3-4 cm. After that, bubbles are binding to the ends, the resulting ring is put on the "stem", and then each element is folded in half and fixes, for which it is folded several times.

The result is a rose with 3 small leaves near the bud and 2 leaves on the stem.

Modeling tulip

Another option that can be made from the shdm are tulips. These flowers from long balls simulate a little more difficult than chamomile, but the result is worth it. To do this, you will need 1 ball of yellow and green. To make a tulip step by step, you need to act according to the following scheme:

The result is a tulip. If a bouquet is not planned from such colors, the leaves that are made as well as the chamomile leaves can be collapsed on its stem.

Iris do it yourself

Not less beautiful from the shdm is the iris. By complexity, it is about the same as tulip. For its manufacture, we need 2 balls - lilac (or violet) color and green shade. To simulate this flower, you need to perform the following steps:

The resulting leaves need to be dissolved that the stem is located exactly in the middle. After that, it is necessary to combine the flower leg with its bud, tightening the design of a green ball to the bottom of the iris.

If the first time did not work out, do not be upset, because it is a little straightened to understand this technique.

So that the result pleased, to work with the balls it is worth starting in a good mood and with a large margin of patience.