How to shrink a large ring. What if the ring is large in size? Ways to reduce the size of the ring

It happens that a beloved ring can grow large. The first thing you can do is try on the jewelry on the finger of your other hand. In nature, there is no perfect symmetry, so the fingers of the right and left hands often have different sizes. If the attempt is unsuccessful, go to a workshop or try to reduce the size of the ring at home. Which option to choose is up to you!

Swarovski engagement ring 5032914 with Swarovski crystals

How are rings reduced in jewelry workshops?

Reduction of a ring is a procedure that requires special care from the master, knowledge of the properties of precious metals and stones. After the jeweler examines the jewelry and assesses the complexity of the work, he will make a verdict whether it is possible to reduce the size of the ring without risking damaging the product.

Which rings can be reduced?

1. Smooth rings without inserts, engraving and openwork elements

Laconic everyday and classic wedding rings are easier to reduce than rings with decor - working with them does not require much effort from the master.

2. Engraved rings

When reducing the engraved rings, it must be borne in mind that the integrity of the inscription may be violated - and then it will have to be applied again.

3. Rings with several large stones

Signet rings, cocktail rings and engagement rings with stones require painstaking work. Before starting the process, the jeweler will have to remove the minerals from the setting and then put them back in place.

Ring in white gold SOKOLOV 1010256_s with diamonds

Which rings cannot be reduced?

1. Bijouterie rings

The reason is that it is not always possible to establish the exact alloy of the product. In the process of reduction, it can crumble, change color or oxidize with the release of harmful substances.

2. Products with rhodium plated

Rhodium-plated rings are also difficult to change: the shiny finish will crack. Only applying a new layer will help to save the situation - whether it is worth doing, the master will decide.

3. Ornaments with rich decor

Rings with openwork filigree, patterns, inlaid with a path of stones are difficult to work with. Reducing the diameter can cause deformation of the structure and damage to individual elements.

Gold ring SOKOLOV 017706_s with cubic zirkonia

Types of jewelry techniques to reduce rings

The jeweler chooses a reduction technology depending on the type of product.

1. Compression (1-2 sizes)

The method is suitable for smooth rings less than 18 cm in diameter. The jeweler uses a punch - a device that is a disc with indentations. The product is heated and put into one of them, after which the metal of the ring is compressed to the desired size.

2. Cutting out a part of the ring (2 or more sizes)

The ring is cut in two places, then the ends are soldered and polished.

3. Inserting the rim inside the ring

This expensive and rare method is used to reduce the inner diameter of vintage rings with openwork filigree.

White gold engagement ring SOKOLOV Megapolis 1011691_s with diamonds

Reducing rings with stones

If the product is encrusted with one or more minerals of medium and large sizes, the stone is removed from the setting before starting work in order to avoid damage to it when the metal is heated. When finished, the master checks whether the stone fixing has been deformed, and, if necessary, removes the defects.

Gold engagement ring SOKOLOV 017582_s with cubic zirkonia

How much does it cost to reduce the size of the ring?

The price depends on the complexity of the item, the alloy and the technology that the jeweler will use to reduce the item. The cheapest work will cost to reduce rings made of gold and silver alloys without dusting, decor and stones - on average, up to 1000 rubles.

Swarovski ring 5286711 with Swarovski crystals

How to reduce ring size at home?

If you do not want to give the ring to the workshop or the jeweler has refused the order, try to reduce the jewelry yourself. To do this, you need to apply a composition to the inner side of the product, which will stick to the metal and will not damage the skin.

- Nail polish

Two to three layers will be enough to reduce the inner diameter by half. But keep in mind that it is not always possible to remove the composition with special means, they can damage the alloy.

- Flesh-colored patch

Cut out a thin strip of tape and stick to the inside of the ring. You will have to wear it carefully - moisture or dust will negate all efforts.

- Silicone seals

There are professional seals available, but they are difficult to find widely available. Instead, you can use a polymer that is filled in hot glue guns used in handicrafts. Apply a small amount in a thin layer to the back of the garment and let dry. Before the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to the material used.

During life, most people have situations when, under the influence of any factors, the body weight fluctuates - it can decrease or increase. This is especially inconvenient for the female sex.

Moreover, problems arise not only of an aesthetic nature - the figure changes, but after all, the beloved ring becomes huge, dangles on a finger and there is a risk of losing it. And here the question arises: how to reduce the wedding ring at home, without resorting to the help of jewelers?

How to reduce the size of your wedding ring

It has long been believed that if you lose your wedding ring, it will certainly lead to the disintegration of the family.

Of course, it is everyone's business - to believe in omens or not, but it is better not to lose a kind of amulet and symbol of a happy family life. And yet this happens, often due to the fact that the ring has become large and sits quite freely on the finger. To avoid annoying trouble, it is better to make the size of the ring smaller.

Most willingly, jewelry experts undertake to reduce jewelry in the form of a gold rim, without engravings, with a minimum of inserts and stones, or without them at all.

If the ring is openwork, with a pattern on the surface and a scattering of pebbles, it is likely that the master refuses to correct the size of the ring downward.

Also, not all jewelry workshops work with titanium and platinum jewelry. This is explained by technical difficulties arising in the process of work and the lack of the necessary equipment.

Sometimes they resort to such a method of reducing the size as altering the ring completely. That is, they give it up for melting, and then they order to make a new one of the required size.

Of course, you can do without a visit to the jewelry workshop, you just need to put on a smaller ring over the jewelry, which has become large.

The need to change the size of the ring up or down occurs for a number of reasons. The most common ones are:

  • presented as a gift - did not guess with the size;
  • the body weight has changed, respectively, the thickness of the fingers has changed;
  • inherited, and the jewelry does not fit in size;
  • I liked it very much in the store, bought it with the hope that the diameter of the ring could be corrected.

And to solve such a problem as reducing the size of the ring, most of the ladies turn to jewelry workshops. This can be done at the nearest service near the house.

And you can monitor on the Internet reviews about which workshop is better - where they do not cheat, is there a permit to engage in jewelry activities, do they give a guarantee for the work done, compare prices for the service.

Such simple tricks will protect you from communication with scammers and outright hack-workers, and will avoid damage to your favorite jewelry. Most often, craftsmen change the diameter of the jewelry by no more than 2 sizes. No longer recommended, otherwise there is a risk of significant damage or deformation of the ring.

The reduction procedure is done using two main technologies:

  1. Compression of the ring diameter. This method is based on the simultaneous exposure to high temperatures and pressure on the metal. As a result, the ring is the desired size.
  2. Cutting out a part of the ring. A small piece of metal is removed from the rim, the edges are soldered and sanded.

Upon completion of the work, with the help of the crossbar, the decoration is given a final look, scuffs and scratches are removed.

In addition to a professional solution to the problem, it is possible to change the diameter of the wedding ring yourself, at home.

It is better if a man does the work to reduce the size of the ring, but the weaker sex is quite capable of carrying out this process. You just need to remove part of the rim of the ring with pliers. Then squeeze and process the edges of the cut with a file or sandpaper with a fine abrasive.

The only drawback of such a budget option is that the jewelry will have to be constantly worn with a cut down, from the back of the hand. But the main thing is that the ring now fits and the probability of its loss is reduced to zero.

Another option to reduce the diameter of the ring at home is to use special silicone pads. "Ring sizers" are hypoallergenic, they do not need to be removed in contact with water, and, most importantly, they are painted in the color of the metal, that is, they are practically invisible in operation.

If in the future it is necessary to increase the size of the jewelry, it will be enough just to remove the trim.

How to increase the size of the ring - easy ways

If you can reduce the size of your favorite jewelry, then increasing the diameter of the ring is not a big problem. The only thing: if there are inserts or stones on the surface of the ring rim, they will have to be temporarily removed. There are several main ways to change the size of the ring up:

  1. Rolling out. The product is rolled out on a special tool to the desired size. But if the shank at the bottom of the ring is initially thin, this method is categorically contraindicated - the bezel may simply burst.
  2. Boring. The thinnest layer of metal is removed from the inner part of the ring, thanks to which it is possible to increase the diameter of the ring by 1 size exactly.
  3. Insert. This method is based on the addition of a small amount of metal of the same fineness and color. The soldering point is processed with a laser or fire.
  4. Stretching. Allows you to expand the decoration by one or more sizes. A tool under the fabulous name "Buratino" is used for work. This is a special cone, on which a preheated ring is put on, and due to an increase in the diameter of the instrument, the jewelry is given the desired size. This method is best suited for stretching wedding and smooth rings without stones.

This video will show you how you can reduce the size of your ring at home:

In principle, it is not so difficult to reduce or increase the small size of the golden ring; you can even do it on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. And yet, it is better to purchase the appropriate size of the jewelry, so that later you do not give yourself unnecessary trouble with adjusting it to the desired parameters.

All girls love to wear jewelry. Very often, men present gold or silver rings to their lovely girls as a gift. Sometimes it happens that men are wrong with the size and can give a too large ring. The situation is unpleasant, but quite solvable. It is enough to contact experienced jewelers, and they will adjust the size of the ring to your finger.

Self-reduction of a gold ring decorated with precious stones can lead to unpleasant consequences for you, since you do not have enough knowledge and skills, you risk simply ruining a beautiful jewelry.

Where can you make a ring reduction in Moscow

Professional reduction of Moscow rings can be done at the Alex Jeweler jewelry workshop. At the moment, this service is in great demand among the specialists of our workshop. Such repairs are not very difficult and will take about 10-20 minutes. Reducing a diamond ring or a ring with an intricate art design can undoubtedly take a little longer to work on.

Advantages of the jewelry workshop "Alex Jeweler"

Real professionals and masters of their craft work in the Alex Jeweler workshop. They have been repairing jewelry of any complexity for several years. You can be sure of the quality of the work performed, because we do not leave seams, adhesions or other traces on the products that indicate the repair of the jewelry.

Ways to reduce the size of the ring

Often, jewelers use two techniques to shrink a ring:

  • cutting out;
  • compression.

Depending on which particular ring needs to be reduced, the master will choose the desired repair method.

Compression is most often used to shrink a wedding ring. To do this, use a special machine (pinocchio), with which the ring is compressed to the desired size. After that, the ring is polished

Carving works best for gold and silver rings decorated with stones. In order to reduce the ring, the jeweler cuts out a part of the metal from the jewelry and then connects it.

The cost of reducing the size of the ring

The cost of such a repair depends on how the ring will be reduced. If the master uses the cutting technique to reduce the size, the repair price will be 400 rubles. If the master believes that ring compression would be a suitable option for repairing your product, then the cost of such a reduction will be only 300 rubles.

As you can see the reduction of the ring, the price of which is more than affordable in the jewelry workshop "Alex Jeweler" and will help solve the problem of a constantly falling and large ring. In addition, our company provides services for.

Applied techniques

Depending on the method that you need to apply, carrying out reduction of rings, price per service may vary slightly. Today, depending on the complexity of the work, 2 main methods are used:

  • Cutting out... To achieve the required ring size the master cuts out a part of the metal from the decoration (while paying attention to the hallmarks) This technique is mainly used for products with stones. The work will cost 400 rubles.

  • What if your favorite ring has become too big for you, but you don't want to say goodbye to it? There are several ways to solve this rather difficult problem. You can wear it on your other finger. So, they all have different sizes. This option is quite affordable for both women and men.

    Jeweler's help

    Also, if a gold ring is important to you, then you can turn to a jeweler for help. This service doesn't cost a lot of money. Everyone can take advantage of it.

    The cost of this service is about 500 rubles. This amount is small. Often, husbands mistakenly choose the wrong ring for their wives. And for a partner, girls manage to wear it on different fingers. You can also reduce the size. This mainly applies to simple products, without engraving and complex composition.

    Three ways

    What if the ring is large? Jewelers are able to reduce size in three ways: add, cut and shrink. Addition is considered the rarest procedure. More expensive. Another thinner is added inside the ring, and because of this, the size becomes smaller. Compression is heat applied. During this procedure, the ring becomes smaller. Cutting takes place as follows: just part of the metal is removed, and the product becomes much smaller.

    Reducing at home

    So what if there is a big ring? What to do at home? Many people ask these questions. Of course, you can correct it yourself, but taking into account if it is ordinary jewelry.

    You should not, of course, squeeze it with great force. You can think of an oval shape for it. Then the product should fit you in size. This work should be taken seriously. Since, with considerable effort, you can simply ruin your favorite ring and, thereby, get upset.

    Great engagement

    What if the engagement ring is large? Yes, sometimes it happens. That is, it happens that a ring purchased for a wedding does not fit in size. There is a sign that if the engagement turned out to be great, then love and happiness go away with it. But still, don't be upset. Since everything can be fixed, it is worth taking action quickly. You can move the jewelry to the middle finger, it is thicker than the ring finger. For a woman and a man, this option is suitable. Perhaps just hang a chain and wear it around your neck. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Since many people prefer to wear it on the ring finger. If you put a ring on your other finger, other people will not perceive it. They will assume that you are not married and may constantly ask questions about this topic. The most correct would be to contact a jeweler. He will measure everything and fit the ring to the desired size, and you will be satisfied with the result. For the price, it is not too expensive, and anyone who has encountered this problem can afford it.

    Indian method

    There is another great method to reduce the ring at home and it was developed in India. It turns out to be quite simple and quick, and there is no need to resort to the help of a jewelry workshop. It is necessary to create a braid of black nylon thread, it must be dense. You need to wind the thread and methodically tie it on the rim. Reducing the ring will only depend on the thickness of the thread.

    The size can be tracked in the process. Further, the ring will take on an unusual look or even a unique look. You can even pick up threads according to the color close to your ring. A versatile black thread is also often chosen. It should be noted that the thread is synthetic, since the natural thread will wipe off, and also absorb not only dirt, but also sweat coming out of the skin. This method is not suitable for everyone. Since the ring takes on a different look and does not look the way it originally would like.

    Transparent enamel

    What if the ring is large? There are situations when jewelers are unable to help and refuse to take up work. These can be rings with multiple stones, which, after alloying, can simply either deteriorate or melt during operation. And then you have to try different methods at home. One of them is buying clear nail enamel.

    You need to paint the inside of the ring of ten layers. Remove the surplus carefully with a linoleum cutting knife or ordinary clerical. This should all freeze. And then the product can be tried on, even if it remains large for you, you can apply several more layers of enamel. Reviews about this method are positive and speak about the popularity of the method. The validity of this method depends on external factors. If the product is often exposed to various chemical influences, then the enamel can quickly fall off. And so it will last for several years.

    In general, there are many ways to fix this problem. In any case, you need to think about everything well, make the right decision. Many immediately seek help from a jewelry workshop. There they will not only prompt, but also help you choose the right option for your ring. And if this is ordinary jewelry, but you have unusual stories associated with it, or you just value it, then you can use different methods at home, which are listed in this article.

    The wedding ring will be more difficult to handle at home. But still, many are wondering what to do if the ring is large? Especially often it happens that a man bought and suggested a possible size. At the same time, the girl's ring turned out to be out of size. At home, it is not recommended to bend it yourself and perform other methods to eliminate this problem. And it is better to seek help from specialists, they themselves will choose a method so that your ring fits in size. If you believe the signs, the ring should be worn on the ring finger. Some people simply hang it around their neck with a chain or another finger. This is not entirely correct and will lead to unnecessary questions that are not entirely pleasant, as we have already mentioned above.

    Therefore, it is better to wear the wedding ring on the right finger, observe the sign and, most importantly, believe in it.


    When buying any jewelry or gold product, you need to make sure that it is of high quality. And in the case of gold, it is necessary to look at the sample of the product. After all, if the purchase is made of low-quality metal, then it will not last very long. Therefore, you need to take into account all the nuances so that in the future there are no problems.

    A little conclusion

    In case you notice that your ring has become large, we have described above what to do in such a situation. At the same time, you do not need to immediately run to the workshop and give the money. It is worth carefully analyzing why this happened. If you lost weight and it happened by accident, you can simply replenish and try to gain it, if you need it, without harming your health. And if you have already bought it, then in some cases there are ways to exchange the item in a jewelry store. Whichever method you choose, the main thing is that it brings results.

    The problem often arises that the donated ring or ring inherited from the grandmother is slightly larger than the required size. In order not to lose the jewelry during everyday wear, it is necessary to slightly reduce the size of the ring.

    To avoid the need to reduce the size of the ring, it is necessary to measure jewelry at a time when your fingers are not swollen, in case you purchase a ring as a gift to another person, it is best to find out the size or ask for a piece of jewelry that fits in size.

    If a ring made of silver or some inexpensive alloy turned out to be great for you, you do not have to go to a jewelry workshop, but will cope with the problem on your own. It is enough to squeeze the ring a little with your fingers or, for example, with pliers, placing a soft cloth between the jewelry and the jaws of the tool. The jewelry will deform a little and take on an oval shape, but after changing the size in this way, you are unlikely to lose the ring.

    In case the gold ring turned out to be large for you, you need to contact a jewelry workshop. The cost of the service for reducing the size of gold jewelry can be different, depending on the complexity of the work. Changing the size of the jewelry will take from 15 minutes to several hours, depending on the type of ring. It is known that gold is a ductile material, and under certain conditions it can stretch into a long wire, reducing the diameter of a jewelry by 1 - 1.5 sizes is not a big problem for an experienced jeweler.

    One of the simplest ways to reduce the size of a ring is to preheat it and then compress it in a specific way. Another way to reduce the size of the ring is to solder, in which a small part of the piece of jewelry is removed, and then the ring is reduced in size using a seam that is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. During this operation, the master also restores the pattern on the rim of the ring.
    In case you want to reduce the ring with precious stones, it is necessary that a specialist first inspects the attachments of diamonds or emeralds that adorn the ring. Most often, it is possible to narrow the ring without removing the gems, but in some cases it is necessary to first remove and then insert the stones into place. Only an experienced craftsman can determine how firmly the stones are fixed.

    When repairing or resizing jewelry, it is best to contact jewelry shops that work with jewelry stores, as their employees have extensive experience in this work.