What does beryl look like? Beryl in ancient times

Beryl varieties. Less famous than its precious brethren, the magical wisdom-keeper is interesting and noteworthy in its own way. There are references to him in ancient manuscripts. Talismans and amulets, rings and beads made of stone are found in ancient treasures. It lends itself well to jewelry processing, cutting. Precious transparent varieties fascinate with their beauty and uniqueness. In the best museums in the world, regalia of royalty, luxury items, and works of ancient art are kept. They are decorated with precious and ornamental stones, among which beryl occupies a worthy place.

History and origins

Beryl has been known for a long time. The name was given about 300 BC. Greeks, and, perhaps, in that era had a different meaning.

Back in the II century. BC NS. the ancient Egyptians mined beryl in the Namibian desert. The extracted raw materials for jewelry were transported to different countries: India, Persia. Traces of workings were discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. French scientist Coyle and received the name "Cleopatra's mine".

In the Book of Books, the mention of beryl is found in the list of twelve biblical stones. They are used to decorate the "confidant" - the linen bag of the High Priest. Ancient engraving on the stone made it possible to read the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

In nature, beryls are born in pegmatite veins - narrow cavities in the middle of monolithic rocks. Or in places where the mountains have already collapsed, in a rounded form - in placers. The sizes of interesting objects during mining can be different: from miniature to gigantic. An 18-meter crystal was found in Madagascar, it weighs 380 tons. Brazil is famous for its large finds. In 1983, a beryl crystal weighing 32 kg was discovered at the Tenenti Ozoriu deposit. In Russia, since the time of Peter the Great, the Urals have been serving as a storehouse of gems. In 1828, a rare yellow crystal weighing 2.5 kg was found there. The find is kept in the mineralogical museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg.

Properties of beryl stone and deposits

Physical properties

According to its composition, beryl stone is beryllium aluminosilicate. Plain, colorless and translucent, has no jewelry value. Beryllium, an important chemical element for industry, is extracted from it.
The structure of the crystal lattice is island (ring).

The crystals are hexagonal. Regular hexagonal prisms.

Single crystals, less often parallel or radially-radiated aggregates.

Glass luster.

Mohs hardness 7.5 - 8.

Density 2.75.

Refractive index 1, 566 - 1, 600.

Cleavage (the ability to split into fragments along planes) is absent.

Impurities Na, Cs, Rb, Li, Fe2 +, Fe3 +, Mg, Mn, H2O, He; rarely Cr3 +, Sc, Ca.

Varieties: green emerald, blue aquamarine, red bixbit, pink sparrow (), yellow, colorless or white goshenite. All are part of the beryl group.

Optical effects: asterism (star effect), iridescence.

Place of Birth

Beryl deposits are known in Brazil, USA, Canada, Argentina, India, and other countries. In Russia, production has declined dramatically over the past decade. The deposits are located in the Urals, Siberia, Transbaikalia.

Beryl stone properties - magic, healing

Gems, as if by nature itself, were created to bring harmony and beauty. But this is not the only reason they are attractive. An appeal to ancient, albeit not entirely reliable, sources allows us to talk about the effect of precious stones on health. Ancient astrologers knew about the magical properties of beryl.

The healing properties of beryl

Ailments that the magic of beryl and morganite will relieve:

  • Cold.
  • Runny nose.
  • Backache.
  • Gynecological diseases.

Ailments that the magic of heliodor will relieve:

  • Diseases of the liver, spleen, pancreas.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.

Ailments that the magic of the emerald will relieve:

  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • Eye strain.
  • Insomnia.
  • Infections.
  • Inflammation.
  • Diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heartache.
  • Psoriasis.

Ailments that the magic of aquamarine will relieve:

  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Toothache.
  • Diseases of the lungs.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Seasickness.
  • Fears, stress.

The magical properties of beryl

  • Beryl and its varieties symbolize friendship.
  • Helps to overcome difficulties in love relationships.
  • Makes the owner irresistible and invincible.
  • Helps its owner to become sociable and cheerful.
  • Heals laziness.
  • Sharpens the mind.

Talismans and amulets

From the point of view of astrology, beryl is the stone of the Moon, Venus, Pluto.

Amulets from a hard but workable material, in ancient times, were carved in the form of figurines of animals and birds. People believed that stone figures had supernatural powers.

The scarab gave the owner the ability of a divination. The frog reconciled enemies, strengthened friendly ties.

As a talisman, set in gold, beryl has a magical connection with thinking. He helps philosophers, scientists, politicians and anyone who wants to find useful connections.

Aquamarines serve as talismans for sailors. Heliodor as a talisman instills joy, calms and pacifies. Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure, it is believed that it attracts wealth.

Natural color and beauty, jewelry care

Beryl color

The colors of the stones in the group cover almost the entire spectrum, from red to blue.

Green: emerald

According to jewelry classifications, it is included in the first row of precious stones. It owes its magnificent color to the admixtures of chromium and vanadium. Emeralds, especially rare in beauty and quality, are valued more expensive than diamonds. Zonal color is often found in emeralds. Its intensity varies along the crystal axis, or from the center to the periphery. Refractive indices, as well as the presence of inclusions in emeralds from deposits of different genetic types, differ.

Blue: aquamarine

The stone of the first jewelry row. Aquamarines, like seawater, can range in hue from sky blue to deep blue. This range is created by the presence of iron ions Fe2 +, Fe3 + in crystals. Aquamarines are evenly colored, but sometimes zoning occurs. All beryls are characterized by gas-liquid inclusions, while aquamarines have solid ones. They are called "snow signs", "chrysanthemums".

Pink: vorobievite (morganite)

The color is provided by the presence of Mn2 +, Mn3 +, Li, Cs, Rb. Mineral with soft luster, beautiful color. Transparent crystals without inclusions and cracks are rare. But large finds are known. The gorgeous pink beryl comes from Madagascar.

Yellow: heliodor

Helios in Greek means sun. The name says "solar gift". In the composition of heliodor, the smallest admixture of iron, less often uranium, is responsible for orange, yellow, golden shades. Even the smallest heliodor crystals are able to radiate, play with light.

White, colorless: goshenite

This variety is made colorless by Na, Li in impurities. After cutting, goshenite is similar to, only its luster is weaker. But even without unnecessary comparisons, the discreet beauty of this stone can attract subtle connoisseurs of pure color.

How to distinguish a fake

For gemologists, specialists in precious stones, it is not difficult to distinguish a fake from an original. Natural beryl has unique features in the form of inclusions characteristic of this type. Absolutely clean (under a microscope) stones are unlikely to be natural.

Naturally occurring minerals, which are more abundant on earth, can imitate the emerald. The so-called "Siberian emerald" is very similar to the real one. This is an imitation of diopside. The difference is in hardness. In diopside it is not more than 6, in emerald it is 7.5.

There is a way to counterfeit emeralds by applying a deep green plastic or non-metallic film to the surface of substandard real stones. This fake can be visually recognized using a magnifying glass.

It is often simply unprofitable to imitate inexpensive stones.

Artificial beryl

Scientists have been trying for a long time to get artificial beryl and find the key to its precious differences. The first fairly successful experiments date back to the end of the 19th century. In the 1930s, the first synthetic beryl called Igmerald appeared on the market in Germany. Refractive indices, birefringence and specific gravity of Igmerald are lower than those of natural stone. Counterfeiting under a microscope through filters gives a red coloration, and a fiery color in UV rays.

In 1963, two artificial emeralds appeared on the European jewelry market at once, in Germany and in France. The production technology was kept secret. The shortcomings remained the same and were easily detected by specialists. Formations are visible in such products under a microscope. These are inclusions of flux, often with gas bubbles.

In 1960, J. Lechtleitner (Austria) for the first time obtained complex beryls with a synthetic coating by the hydrothermal method. Later they became known as "Simerald". A shell made of synthetic emerald was built up on a colorless or slightly colored natural beryl. Indicators are close to those of a natural mineral.

In the late 1980s, an Australian company introduced a fusion product, calling it the Pool Emerald. Low-quality natural stones were used for the production, which fed the solution.

In 1990, artificial beryl of pink color was obtained, but it differs from the natural chemical composition, since it contains titanium.

Synthetic beryl (emerald) is obtained with varying degrees of success in Australia, Japan, America. So far, these experiments have no practical significance.

Beryl Care

Jewelry is not considered a utilitarian item. They are dear as memory, are inherited, serve as talismans. The desire of the owners to keep the jewelry in its best condition as long as possible is understandable. To do this, it is enough to adhere to simple rules. Like most transparent minerals, beryl stone is fragile. Do not hit or drop it.

If your jewelry is set in gold, but it has lost its luster, you can wash the item with a neutral solution. A composition of water, ammonia (1:10) and dye-free soap is best suited for this.

It is better not to leave light transparent stones of the beryl group for a long time in bright light: they can fade.

Beryl and the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers assure that beryls will not harm anyone, and we believe with pleasure. Especially these amazing gems are intended for Gemini and Scorpions. To preserve yourself, gain wisdom, patiently waiting for the finest hour, jewelry with beryl must be worn for a long time. This will become the protection of your material level, will lead to patrons.

Beryl - modest and attractive, worthy of attention

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Today beryl stone is one of the most famous crystals. But its history goes back to ancient times. Already in the 6th millennium BC. the inhabitants of Egypt did not deny themselves wearing beryl beads, because Queen Cleopatra herself was not indifferent to the mineral, especially highlighting the stones of green shades. Beryl was no less well known in Ancient Greece.

The Greeks called it berillos, as all the precious blue-green minerals of that time bore this name.

The clear crystal was used by artisans to make optical lenses. This is evidenced by the German word "brille", which translates as "glasses". The benefits of the mineral were also appreciated by the Roman emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus, better known as Nero. The ruler chose this crystal to make lenses for his monocles.

We must not forget about the twelve biblical stones that adorned the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem. Mineral beryl is the eighth in a row and bears the name of the Apostle Thomas. The number of sacred gems is associated with 12 months of the year, each stone is a talisman for a person born in the corresponding period. Virill (the ancient name for beryl) is the talisman of people born in October.

One of the most important elements of the periodic table - beryllium - is closely related to the mineral. After all, the structure of the mineral includes aluminum and beryllium, more precisely beryllium silicate.

The very name “beryl” comes from the Indian city of Belur, near which deposits of emerald were discovered, which is one of the varieties of stone. A little later, the Latin word berillus was shortened to brill, which gave rise to the Italian word brilliare ("to shine"). From here comes the French brilliant. See an interesting video about the properties of this mineral:

The first mineral was found in the Otavi area in Namibia. Several deposits are located in Madagascar and in Zimbabwe, Russia and Kazakhstan. Golden beryl is widespread in Brazil, is of high quality and is most often used in jewelry. France, Bavaria, Greenland, USA and Sweden also have known deposits.

Some beryl crystals can be very large and weigh tens of kilograms.

Fine beige beryl weighing 43.5 carats is kept at the Smithsonian Institution. Never confuse the element beryllium with the gem beryl.

Crystal varieties

Natural natural mineral has the shape of a hexagon and has a transparent (in some cases translucent) structure. On the hardness scale, beryl is only slightly inferior to topaz and diamond, one of the most durable minerals on the planet.

The properties of the stone, such as strength and durability, set it apart from many jewelry. It is impossible to indicate even an approximate average size of the beryl finds. After all, there were stones only 4 - 5 cm in size, but large specimens also delighted geologists more than once.

The largest crystal was found in the United States. The weight of the stone is 61 tons, and its length is 8.5 m.

The 2054-carat gold crystal, stored at the Smithsonian Institution, is also striking in its beauty. Small minerals over 5 cm in size are found in India. But the main interest is Ukrainian beryls of small size, which are ideal for jewelry making. Common white beryl is widespread in nature, used as an ore for the extraction of an element such as beryllium. But the color scale of the mineral includes many shades.

The best beryls are Ukrainian

Depending on the color, the following types of crystal are distinguished:

  1. Augustite is a blue beryl with a bright and rich hue.
  2. Aquamarine is a blue mineral with an admixture of a greenish tint, very different from the rich blue augustite.
  3. Bazzite - has a pale blue, heavenly hue.
  4. Bixbit is red beryl.
  5. Noble beryl - has an apple-green color, similar to the famous Dresden green diamond. The color of greens can mix a little with a brown or even blue tint.
  6. Vorobievit - has an unusual purple-pink hue, the color of fresh lilac. Red beryl is very similar to regular beryl, with the result that the 2 types are often confused.
  7. Heliodor, or davidsonite, is a bright yellow beryl with a sunny orange tint. It was first discovered in Namibia in 1913. Often found in Brazilian deposits.
  8. Goshenite is an ordinary colorless mineral used to imitate diamonds.
  9. Morganite - has a delicate peach hue, but under the influence of ultraviolet light it becomes lilac.
  10. Pezzottaite is a pink beryl with a delicate purple hue. The very first field was discovered in Madagascar in 2003.
  11. Black beryl is the rarest species. The center of the mineral is colored black and the edges have a bluish tint.

Special properties of the mineral

The magical properties of beryl have been known to people since ancient times. It is a stone of painters, poets and sculptors. Beryl rings were worn by such famous personalities as Rubens, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael.

The stone not only gives rise to a creative principle in a person, but also supports it, does not allow imagination to fade away, and maintains good spirits. The mineral, especially white beryl, also affects thinking, logic.

Wearing jewelry with this crystal, you are sure to meet important and necessary people on your life path. Absolutely all types of minerals symbolize friendship, be it red beryl or ordinary transparent. A woman, on whose finger a ring with beryl will sparkle, will definitely attract the opposite sex, because the stone helps to establish a personal life. And for those who have already started a family, the crystal will help keep love for many years to come.

Mineral will help young girls to improve their personal life

It is not for nothing that beryl is considered a family amulet: it does not let negative energy brought by ill-wishers into the house, protects family values ​​and protects relations between family members. There is magic in this stone, but beryl does not change fate, but only helps to better understand what is happening and not lose heart in any life situation.

If you have a difficult trial or important negotiations, trust the mineral: it will bring good luck and success.

Beige beryl will help with this. Protects from all kinds of losses and dangers, is a talisman of wanderers and travelers, helps to stay on track with red beryl. The magical properties of the crystal can be enhanced by applying various animals to the stone. Eastern warriors carved a dragon on their amulets, believing that it will bring good luck in battle and give courage and fearlessness. For more information on one of the varieties of beryl - aquamarine, see this video:

The image of a frog on the talisman helps to achieve the location of any person. It helps in reconciliation.

For philosophers, the ideal amulet is green beryl. After all, legends say that it is the green shade of the mineral that helps to find the truth, to understand all the secrets of the universe.

Fortunetellers and fortune-tellers often use beryl, as the crystal helps to better understand the signs of fate. And the ancient shamans used the mineral to communicate with animals and birds and in various sacred rituals. Beryl shows its magical properties only to those people who really need help.

Beryl and astrology

The properties of the stone are fully revealed to the signs of the zodiac of the water element, it brings them good luck and success. But beryl does not deprive other signs of attention: Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius. Modest and indecisive Taurus can make the necessary acquaintances with the help of this crystal. The stone will teach active Gemini not to give up unfinished business, but to go to the end, to move up the career ladder.

This stone will bring great luck to Gemini.

Sagittarius and Scorpios will forever forget about unexpected outbursts of anger and irritation. Never wear beryl with other precious stones: agate, malachite, jasper, ruby, garnet.

The healing properties of beryl

The healing properties of the mineral contribute to the revival of the body, obtaining fresh and powerful vital energy. Lithotherapists use beryl to treat ailments such as colds and severe chronic stomach diseases.

The mineral has a particularly beneficial effect on women, eliminating gynecological diseases (effective in the fight against infertility).

Minerals with a pink tint treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, and red beryl has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Ancient healers and healers let the sun's rays pass through the crystal. The beam fell on the damaged area and healed it. In ancient Babylon, the stone effectively fought liver disease and back pain. Beryl ointments are very effective.

The most interesting types of stone

Augustite is of particular value. Minerals of deep blue color are mined in some states of America, in South Africa and Madagascar. The color of the crystal can often appear even bluish-black. Effective in the fight against colds, runny nose, back pain.

Jewelry with augustite helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nervous system.

The mineral relieves fatigue and laziness, giving the owner positive energy. Augustite is the talisman of wanderers and travelers. The second name of the crystal is maxis (in honor of the first deposit).

Madagascar is rich in Augustites

Morganite is an amazing crystal of red-violet or pink hue. The price of the mineral is quite high, but does not exceed the cost of a diamond of the same size. One carat is estimated at $ 50-200. Beryl owes its magical hue to the manganese and lithium contained in the stone. When heated, the gem will fade.

The name of the crystal is associated with the name of the American banker John Pierpont Morgan, who was fond of studying minerals. Large stones are found in Madagascar and Afghanistan.

The pink shade of the mineral heals female diseases, relieves severe conditions of patients.

Morganite is also effective in healing mental wounds and injuries. Most of all, the pink crystal is supportive of Libra, is the inspirer of this zodiac sign, gives confidence and determination. The warm color of the stone warms up and helps to see the good in any situation.


Aquamarine is a blue-tinted beryl. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, helps to cope with stressful situations and fears. Aquamarine is a symbol of love and friendship, marital happiness and family well-being. According to ancient legends, a mineral acquires a pure heavenly shade only when there is peace and tranquility in the soul of the owner.

The crystal helps to reduce toothache, overcome motion sickness, and improve vision.

Heliodor is a sunny beryl, the beige shade of which will not leave anyone indifferent. The name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek god Helios (sun god). This crystal is a good amulet for children, and also provides inner harmony and peace of mind. The sunny shade of heliodor fills the life of the wearer with new colors.

World of precious stones

A well-known beryl deposit is the state of Maine in America. Columnar crystals were found there, the length of which was 5.5 m, and the weight was 16 tons. This is a unique beryl, the properties of which are necessary and useful in obtaining such an element as beryllium, which is used in various alloys.

One of the most famous crystals is beryl, mined in the Urals in 1828.

The price of the stone was about 50,000 rubles. A transparent mineral of amazing beauty was presented to Emperor Nicholas the First.

Beryl has incredible strength and hardness, as a result of which it does not need careful maintenance. But at the same time, do not allow direct sunlight to hit jewelry with this crystal. It is advisable to wrap the jewelry in a soft cloth or store it in a case.

The stone should be cleaned no more than once a month using a soft brush and warm water.

After cleaning, be sure to wipe the gem. It is quite difficult to distinguish an original from a fake, but keep in mind that all varieties of real beryl are resistant to acid and salt solutions.

Beryl stone is a well-known gem among jewelers, distinguished by a variety of shades that can satisfy the most sophisticated collector. Having got acquainted with the bright and noble mineral, you will understand that “girls' best friends” are not only diamonds. Moreover, the stones belonging to the beryl family differ not only in rich colors, but also in price. Among the assortment of gems mined in different parts of our planet, there are expensive options, for example, emeralds, as well as affordable and equally attractive solutions.

What is it - a unique gem?

Beryl is an aluminum and beryllium silicate. Its main characteristics are as follows:

  • Chemical composition - Be3Al2 (Be 5.1%);
  • The system is hexagonal;
  • Hardness - 7.5 - 8.0;
  • Density - 2.7;
  • Transparency - translucent, transparent;
  • Refractive index of light - 1.568 - 1.602;
  • Cleavage is imperfect;
  • Luster - glass;
  • Crystals - columnar, hexagonal prismatic shape.

Ordinary beryl is transparent and completely colorless. However, all kinds of impurities paint the nuggets in all the colors of the rainbow. As a result of this merger, unique blue, red, green, pink, beige, yellow stones are formed, each of which has its own value in the stone market. For example, chromium and vanadium turn a gem into an amazingly beautiful emerald, manganese colors in spectacular berry tones, and the popular aquamarine contains iron oxide.

Advice! Looking to invest in a piece of jewelry? Choose earrings with emerald or augustite. Today, the cost of these minerals is quite high and is constantly growing. The most affordable stone from the beryl family is goshenite, which is characterized by a complete lack of color.

Geographical reference

Nuggets, which belong to the beryl group, are mined in almost all corners of our amazing planet. Large deposits are located in the USA, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, India, Afghanistan, Italy, Australia, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and South Africa. Famous for their gems, highly valued by jewelers all over the world, and Russian deposits located in Transbaikalia and the Urals. Mozambique, France, Sweden and Bavaria are also areas where these minerals are mined.

Most often, crystals, the weight of which can reach several tons, are found in pegmanite veins formed as a result of crystallization of acid magma. They are often found in rocks of a metamorphic nature, as well as in quartz gold-bearing veins, beryl-bearing greisens, and rhyolite lava cavities.

Advice! Under Peter I, the main storeroom, in which the best nuggets were kept, was the Urals. It was on its territory that yellow beryl was found, the weight of which is 2.5 kg. You can admire the gem even now by visiting the Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg.

Historical facts

The first mentions of beryl are found in ancient manuscripts. And today archaeologists continue to find amulets and jewelry with gems during excavations. Want to know the most interesting facts from the history of the mineral?

  • Not only beautiful ladies became the cause of wars. Precious minerals have also provoked serious controversy. Thus, beryl deposits became the cause of the "Emerald War" between the Spaniards and Indians.
  • In the old days, people believed in the unique properties of stones and products made from them. The wearing of all kinds of amulets and talismans was almost ubiquitous. The beryl scarab endowed its owner with the gift of foresight, the crab gave peace of mind in family relationships, and the frog - helped to strengthen friendships.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, excavations of ancient workings were carried out on the territory of Egypt, called by French scientists "Cleopatra's mines". During the research, beryl beads were discovered, the age of which is about 6 thousand years.

Advice! Is your loved one a sailor? Present him with an aquamarine talisman that protects him from any adversity associated with water.

The most popular varieties of the mineral

Crystals with a pronounced color should be noted among the most popular and especially valuable varieties of beryl. They are often used in jewelry, regularly replenish the collections of true connoisseurs of "stone" beauty.

The palm is dominated by rich and unique in its purity emeralds... Shades can range from yellow-green and grassy to green-blue. Stones are distinguished by dichroism, in which the color changes when changing the angle of illumination, and zoned color density.

Highly appreciated and morganites(vorobyevites). They can be painted in pale pink or dark burgundy. The cost directly depends on the brightness of the shade. The richer it is, the more you have to pay for each carat.

Aquamarines, steadily associated with the salty sea breeze, are valued slightly less than emerald solely due to the high level of production. Luxurious and attractive, the nugget can be uniformly colored, or it can be a crystal with a golden core and rich turquoise outer layers.

Light green crystal with pronounced golden honey undertone - heliodor... Gained popularity at a time when the demand for blue aquamarines around the world was especially high. This is due to the fact that when heated to 400C, the stone turns from green-golden into blue.

Advice! Do you want to buy a laconic and stylish piece of jewelry, but you think the diamond shine is excessive and not always appropriate? Pay attention to the discreet goshenite. An original silver necklace or gold bracelet with colorless beryl is inexpensive and looks really impressive.

Little known and beautiful

Less known to the general public, but no less beautiful, and other varieties. It:

  • Blue augustite- an expensive nugget, but unstable to solar radiation;
  • Blue bazzite, characterized by a high content of scandium in the composition;
  • Mesmerizing bixbit, called by connoisseurs the red emerald and is the rarest gemstone in existence;
  • Berry pezzotite characterized by richness of color and increased concentration of cesium;
  • Mashish beryl blue, the price of which is low due to its ability to lose its natural attractiveness under the influence of the merciless energy of the sun.

The interest of gemologists in beryls, which are of serious value in the jewelry market, is not limited to

The interest of gemologists is not limited to beryls, which are of serious value in the jewelry market. Extraction is also carried out for industrial purposes. The mineral is a source of beryllium, an ultra-light metal used as a neutron reflector or moderator.

Advice! Before buying, you should pay attention not only to its external characteristics of the stone, but also to the place of its extraction. By examining which deposits are the most valuable, you can make a good investment in jewelry.

Gem magic

Each stone has its own unique energy that can influence the people who wear it. Beryl is no exception. For example:

  • The gem endows its owner with determination and self-confidence. That is why it is recommended to be worn by people seeking to climb the career ladder and strengthen their positions in the professional field.

Advice! Astrologers consider beryl to be universal - equally well suited to all signs of the zodiac, without exception. But he has the most active influence on Scorpios, Gemini and Libra. Talismans and charms with a gem will help the representatives of these zodiac signs to become more confident and purposeful.

Why do lithotherapists appreciate it?

Complain about quick fatigue? Have your usual chores turned into a heavy routine? Jewelry with stones of emotional red color will give you a charge of additional energy. It has long been believed that they improve well-being after an illness, strengthen the health of the elderly.

Do you suffer from insomnia? Is it stressful at work? Gems in all shades of blue will be able to calm and balance the state of mind. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve anxiety and give inspiration to representatives of the creative profession.

Green is the color of health. Therefore, when you get sick, do not forget to wear a pendant or ring with an exquisite green nugget, which will cope with ailments no worse than many medicines. Lithotherapists advise wearing earrings with pink gems for toothache, a pendant with a blue stone for cardiovascular diseases and lung problems, and a bracelet for disorders in the genitourinary system.

Advice! Beryl has a positive effect on women's health. A ring with a charming stone will help protect the uterus from disease, and a ring will make pregnancy easy.

Isn't it a fake?

Got a ring with a spectacular turquoise aquamarine and want to make sure it is natural? There are several ways to independently distinguish a true jewel from a banal and inexpensive glass. For example:

  • The second method requires good vision or the use of a magnifying glass. The fact is that a gem, by its nature, cannot be perfect. You will surely find small blotches and "defects".
  • Another effective authentication method is plain water. It is enough to drop a drop on the surface of beryl and observe it, slightly moving the stone. Natural gem will not allow liquid to change shape and spread.
  • You can check the authenticity of an expensive emerald by illuminating it with an ultraviolet lamp. Real - under the influence of a light beam, it will acquire a reddish tint.

Advice! It is impossible to check the degree of hardness of beryl using the same method as the hardness of diamond. If you hold it over the surface of the glass, then unaesthetic scratches and chips may remain on the gem. However, this hardness is enough to leave a mark on the rock crystal.

Hello dear readers! Today we have the next story about the noble stone beryl. The name of this mineral is not known to everyone, but we have all heard about its one of the most expensive varieties - emerald. In this material, we will tell you in detail what kind of beryl stone is, we will present its other types and, of course, we will share with you the secrets of what magical and healing properties it has.

What is beryl

Beryl is an extremely curious mineral. In its pure form, it is colorless, translucent, it is highly respected in the metallurgical industry as a raw material for the extraction of beryllium metal, which is included in the composition of light alloys, but it bears jewelry value. However, as soon as an impurity appears in the stone, thanks to which it acquires color, it is immediately recorded in precious minerals.

Pure beryl consists of 67% silicon oxide, 19% alumina and 14% beryllium oxide. When other elements are mixed, the chemical formula, like the color of the gem, changes, albeit slightly.

Beryl is found in nature in almost all shades in the form of single crystals or so-called druses - "clusters" of several intergrown crystals, the weight of which can reach many tons! The mineral lends itself well to cutting, although even in its raw form, the collection of gems of different tones is amazing. The rare and most beautiful shades are highly prized in the jewelry industry.

The mineral is used to make all kinds of jewelry - for women and men, as well as medium-sized souvenirs for interior decoration. Individual copies of crystals and jewelry made from them cost thousands of dollars, they are kept in museums and private collections of very wealthy people.

No less curious, experienced stone experts will find a bright garnet with a thousand-year history.

From time immemorial

At the moment, it is already difficult to establish why the stone was given the name that it has, it is only known that the ancient Greeks named the mineral. It boasts a rich history that demonstrates that the stone has been respected at all times and throughout the world.

  • So, in Ancient Egypt, the pharaohs used beryl to decorate their clothes, wore stones in the form of jewelry and, of course, decorated their future tombs with it in every possible way. The last fact is vividly evidenced by archaeological studies of the pyramids.
  • However, it is noteworthy that the stone was valued not only as a decoration. The legendary ruler Nero, for example, owned a monocle with beryl lenses.
  • The gem was surrounded by mystical attention during the Middle Ages; it was used by sorcerers for their magical rites. It was believed that he was especially good at helping to catch thieves and fraudsters.
  • Interestingly, at the same time, the mineral could be found in churches, however, in them it did not play the role of a mystical object, but acted in its classical incarnation - it was used to decorate church utensils, ancient valuable books, and seals. Perhaps, the fact that it belongs to one of the 12 biblical stones played an important role in the presence of this gem in temples. The Bible mentions that the linen bag of the High Priest was decorated with beryl.
  • The gem was also treated with great respect in Russia in the tsarist era, many royal regalia were decorated with this mineral. Some of them can still be seen in museums of precious stones today and, of course, they amaze with their luxury.

Where the valuable mineral is mined

There are many beryl deposits in the world, they are found in almost all large countries - the USA, Canada, India, Brazil, Argentina, etc. The mineral is also mined in Russia, the largest developed deposits are based today in the Urals, Siberia and Transbaikalia.

If we talk about the deposits of beryl with impurities, valuable in jewelry, it is worth mentioning in a special way the Ilmensky mountains in the Urals. Large places of extraction of noble beryl abroad are the Indian city of Coimbatore, Minas Giras in Brazil and all of Colombia.

However, the record-breaking stone was found in Madagascar, it is an 18-meter crystal that weighs 380 tons! The largest mineral mined in Russia weighs 2.5 kilograms, it seriously loses to the record holder, but it is still honorably stored in the mineralogical museum of the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg.

What colors are beryls?

There are many varieties of the mineral. The main differentiation feature is the color of the stone, which is determined by the type of impurity. Most often, sodium, lithium, iron, cesium, rubidium, magnesium, manganese are mixed with beryl.

Let's take a look at the most popular beryl stones:

  • Emerald- the most famous and most expensive beryl of the existing (some specimens are estimated even higher than diamonds), has a deep green color, which it owes to the impurities of chromium and vanadium.
  • Aquamarine is another widely known beryl. Its tones range from light blue to deep blue, and are caused by iron impurities.
  • Morganite- this stone is colored in a delicate pink shade due to the presence of magnesium in its composition. It has a characteristic soft glow. The best examples of morganite are found in Madagascar.
  • Heliodor- yellow beryl, the name of which is translated as "solar gift". Such a beautiful name was given to him for a reason. Even the smallest heliodor crystals sparkle fantastically and play with light.
  • Goshenite- a white or colorless stone with impurities of sodium and lithium, which, after appropriate processing and cutting, is hardly distinguishable from a diamond, except that it shines not so brightly.

  • Augustite- of amazing beauty, very expensive (the cost can reach $ 150 per carat) and a rather rare mineral. This type of beryllium is most often counterfeited.
  • Mashish- a stone very similar in color and other properties to augustite, but quickly fading, and therefore much less valuable. They often try to pass off this mineral as their more persistent brother.
  • Rosterite is a gem whose shades range from pale pink (almost transparent) to bright fuchsia. This stone contains much more impurities, mainly alkali metals, than in other types of crystals.
  • Pezzottaite- another gem of the pink scale, which was singled out in a separate category only due to the content in its composition of an exceptionally high concentration of cesium impurities.
  • Bazzite- a pale blue mineral, which again was awarded a separate group due to its high impurity content, only this time in the form of scandium.
  • Bixbit- the rarest red crystal, the cost of a carat reaches $ 250. Bixbit is sometimes called "red emerald", although it is much less common in nature. At the moment, it is mined in just one place, which is periodically flooded with groundwater, and work in the field becomes impossible.

It is very noteworthy that with general features and a similar chemical formula, all berryls look and stand completely differently. Some minerals - for example, bazzite - are not even used in jewelry, but emerald products, on the contrary, are endowed with great value.

Beryl stone: magical properties

Since ancient times, beryl has been treated not only as a decorative stone, but also as a mystical one. Various amulets were made from it, and the type of talisman corrected its purpose. For example, figurines of frogs helped to find true friends and gain the favor of enemies.

They believe in the magical properties of the mineral even today, and no matter how much the stone costs on the market, each gem of this rock has amazing magic.

  • It is believed that a mineral in any shade, if used as an element of decor in the house, keeps family ties. And it's not only about the respect and unquenchable passion of spouses for each other, but also about mutual understanding between generations - children, parents, grandparents. The mineral also removes any negativity that they try to bring into the house.
  • If we consider the mineral as a personal talisman, first of all, it should be said that the stone protects the well-being of the representatives of the strong half of humanity and promotes career advancement. Present your chosen one with a man's ring with beryl and, rest assured, layoffs and financial failures will bypass him.
  • However, this stone also favors women. Earrings or a ring with beryl will give a husband's loyalty, respect for children and sincerity of girlfriends.

  • Finally, regardless of gender, jewelry made of a mineral in silver or gold will help you find peace of mind, realize your desires and find the right path in life. Also, the stone accompanies travelers and those who are preparing to enter into legal proceedings.

Of course, color plays a certain role in the magical purpose of the stone, it multiplies its magical properties. Thus, earrings with beryl or any other jewelry will grant you all of the above benefits, however, some special features due to the type of gem will be added to them.

Zodiac sign and beryl

The magic of stones is closely intertwined with astrology and each mineral is especially supportive of one or another sign of the zodiac. What signs of the zodiac is beryl suitable? Most astrologers agree that it is worth wearing amulets made of gold and silver with this gem. Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius... For the rest, it is better to choose a more suitable stone for themselves.

  • Mineral promises great success Gemini... Typical representatives of this zodiac sign have a very unpleasant trait - the inability to bring the work started to the end. By doing this, they annoy their loved ones, and even spoil their own lives. Earrings with beryl gold or silver, as well as any other jewelry will help Gemini correct this flaw. In addition, the mineral will make them less contentious and inclined to compromise.
  • Taurus the mineral will help expand the circle of connections - find new acquaintances, including influential ones, and strengthen relationships with friends. True, this zodiac sign is recommended to wear a gem in silver.
  • The same recommendation applies to Streltsov and Scorpions... How will beryl help these signs? He will make them softer, relieve excess irritability, help avoid outbursts of anger and scandals.
  • Libra the gem will save you from fatigue, both physical and mental, will help to cope with a bad mood and find vigor.

  • Aquarians with the help of a talisman made of beryl, they will be able to get rid of many negative character traits, in particular from the desire to do only what they want, not paying attention to the feelings of loved ones.

The value of the mineral for health

Beryl is able not only to complement your brilliant image and give all kinds of mental benefits, he will also take care of your health. The mineral will help to avoid the development of certain ailments and heal existing ones.

First of all, it should be said that the gem as a whole strengthens the human immune system, stimulates the body's defenses. The stone is of particular importance for the health of the digestive system, it improves metabolic processes and even helps to lose weight. And in ancient times, such a terrible disease as cancer was treated with a mineral.

It is important in what form a person wears beryl.

  • Earrings decorated with a stone will also help to heal headaches and toothaches.
  • A bracelet or ring will help establish a healthy reproductive system.
  • The pendant will save you from even advanced respiratory tract diseases, including helping to quit smoking.
  • Beryl charms will improve men's health.

Lithotherapists (doctors who use natural stones for treatment) use minerals as a remedy for back pain and colds. The technique of therapy is as follows: the gem is placed on a painful organ and a beam of light is directed at it.

How to distinguish a fake

Beryl, emerald, aquamarine, bixbit, augustite and other most valuable and / or rare species are most often counterfeited. Moreover, in today's market there are many truly high-quality fakes, which an inexperienced person will not exactly distinguish from the original - a comparison with a photo of a natural gem and other dubious experiments will hardly help to get a definite answer.

That is why, if you have already decided to buy an expensive piece of jewelry, it makes sense to pay extra to a professional to help you unmistakably acquire a real stone. A gemologist - as specialists in precious minerals are called - knows exactly what a genuine gem looks like, understands the smallest features of a particular type and is able, as they say, to distinguish a fake by eye.

Well, now you know which stones are beryls, and you probably wanted to buy yourself one of them. This desire is commendable, because, as we found out, this mineral is able to give a truly blissful life - to improve family relationships, cope with negative traits, gain financial well-being and even improve health.

Be sure to share this article on social networks with your friends, let them also learn about such a wonderful stone! We will try to continue to delight you with useful information about stones, but you will subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be among the first to know about its appearance by e-mail. Goodbye, our dear readers!

Team LubiStones

Beryl is a mineral that belongs to the silicate class. Today, no one can say for sure where the name of the stone came from. However, it is known for certain that beryl is a Greek word, but in former times all transparent minerals that had a green tint were called so.

Mineralogists distinguish many types of this stone. The most popular of these are emerald, aquamarine and heliodor. Beryl is both a precious stone, a semi-precious and an ordinary mineral. It all depends on its variety.

Regardless of the species, beryl has magical properties, so it can be used as a talisman. The properties and significance of the stone have been fully studied and are now no secret to anyone.

Mineralogists count many shades of beryl. In this regard, they identified, respectively, several types of this stone. They have a common chemical formula, but different content of impurities. It is they who determine the shade of the stone. So, here are the types of beryl:

    It is a green-colored gemstone and a variety of beryl. It is the most expensive mineral of its kind. It is in the same price range with.

    It is a mineral that has a sea-green color. It is a gem that has a fairly high value. However, there are also minerals of a deep blue color. Blue beryl is also found. The shade of the stone depends on the amount of iron, vanadium and chromium in the composition.

  • Goshenite.
  • It is a colorless mineral. We can say that this is beryl "in its pure" form. It has no particular value in terms of jewelry, but nevertheless, it provides certain benefits. For example, earlier this type of beryl was used to make magnifying glasses.

  • Green beryl.
  • It is a mineral that naturally has a green hue, but does not belong to emeralds or aquamarines. However, it is a noble beryl that is highly prized by jewelers.

  • (Golden beryl).
  • It is a yellow variety of beryl. It got its name in honor of the sun god. The fact is that it has a yellow tint and a golden sheen that really resembles the sun's rays. There are completely transparent stones. Despite this, the yellow color of the mineral is clearly visible. If the heliodor is heated to a temperature of 400 degrees, then its shade will turn blue. Gold beryl has a lemon hue that uranium provides. However, despite the content of this element, this material is not radioactive.

  • Bixibit.
  • This is red beryl. Outwardly, it resembles a gooseberry berry. Red beryl is one of the rarest minerals of this type. In this regard, the cost of one carat sometimes reaches 15,000 rubles. Red beryl is also called red emerald. However, it is much less common than emerald. Red beryl is mined in only one place, which is regularly flooded with groundwater, which greatly complicates the extraction of stone.

  • Morganite.
  • It is a mineral that contains manganese. It is he who determines the shade of the stone. There are pink beryl, purple, orange and beige beryl. In fact, mineralogists distinguish many shades of this type of mineral.

  • Rosterite.
  • It is a mineral that ranges in hue from colorless to bright pink. It contains alkali metals, which are responsible for the color of the mineral.

  • Masheshe is beryl.
  • This is the most unusual mineral of this type. It has a deep blue hue. However, it looks like this only for the time being. The fact is that it immediately discolors the moment the sun's rays fall on it or it warms up a little. After that, its color will be restored only by X-ray radiation.

These are the main types of beryl. However, there are other varieties of this mineral, but they are less popular than those described above.

The magical properties of Beryl

As already mentioned, beryl, a photo of which is presented on our website, has magical properties. In this case, neither its type nor its composition matters. Colors also do not play any role in terms of magic.

Beryl provides reliable protection. At the same time, the stone protects not only the owner, but also his entire family. It protects from the evil eye, corruption, envious people, intriguers, natural disasters and thefts. In addition, esotericists claim that beryl protects the wearer from insanity.

The use of these stones is relevant for those who want to get the attention of the opposite sex. They increase charm and attractiveness. With the help of beryls, you can meet your soul mate, as well as create a strong family.

In addition, the stone keeps the family hearth. It protects against separation and adultery. The stone helps to establish relationships in the family: between husband and wife, brother and sister, parents and children.

The magic of beryl is so strong that the stone can help a person find a way out even in the most difficult situation. He will tell you the answer to your questions and help you make the right decision.

Beryl has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. It strengthens the mind and helps to make scientific discoveries. Beryl promotes the development of intuition and helps a person to better understand all the signs that fate has in store for him. Therefore, this mineral is very popular with fortune-tellers.

As already mentioned, stones of any color can be chosen as a talisman, but green minerals are recommended to be worn only by people of mature age.

The healing properties of Beryl

Beryl is a stone that has not only magical, but also healing properties. It doesn't matter what shade it has. In ancient times, healers recommended using this mineral for toothache. In ancient Babylon, beryl was believed to cure liver pathologies and female diseases. Nowadays, stone healing specialists also recommend using the mineral as a therapy for certain pathologies.

The healing properties of beryl are manifested in the following: it helps relieve toothache or headache. To do this, the stone should be held near the problem area. It is also recommended to wear beryl earrings in these cases.

The characteristics of the mineral allow it to be used by women with gynecological pathologies. In this case, the stone must be worn as a bracelet.

Beryl helps to cope with bronchial pathologies. For this, the stone should be worn as a pendant. In addition, beryl is used to treat colds and rhinitis. Stone treatment specialists carry out a special procedure using this mineral to treat these diseases.

In addition, beryl is believed to improve metabolism, which can contribute to weight loss.

Who is Beryl suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Astrologers claim that beryl can not be used as a talisman for all signs of the zodiac. Who the mineral is suitable for and who is not will be indicated in the table below.

Beryl compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

Zodiac sign Cancer can use beryl as a talisman, it bestows success in all endeavors.

In addition, beryl is suitable for Pisces as a talisman. The mineral will bring them happiness and good luck.

Suitable for beryl and Scorpions. The stone will make sure that the representatives of this zodiac sign will always be lucky.

Taurus can use beryl as a talisman, but the stone is best worn in a silver setting. This amulet will help build relationships with others and make loyal and reliable friends.

Beryl suits Gemini. The mineral will help the representatives of this zodiacal sign to complete the business that they have started, without switching to another occupation and without abandoning it. Beryl will prevent conflicts with others. The stone will help them make a good career.

Sagittarius should wear beryl in a silver setting. Such a talisman will give them peace of mind, relieve aggression and "extinguish" outbursts of anger.

Aquarius and Libra can use the mineral as a talisman, it grants wisdom and protection. In addition, the mineral will help them achieve their goal.

Beryl is contraindicated for Aries, Leo, Virgo and Capricorn.

Beryl does not need much care. The only thing he doesn't like is direct sunlight. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the stone in the sun. In addition, if he treats beryl with love and care, he will definitely respond in kind.