Nerves and pregnancy: what unnecessary worries can lead to. Abundant periods during early pregnancy

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during pregnancy seems obvious. It would seem that conception has already come and cannot be repeated. However, in recent decades, serious discoveries have been made in the field of gynecology and cases have become known when pregnancy occurred in a pregnant woman.

In order for conception to take place, the fusion of the female reproductive cell with the sperm is necessary. This natural process takes place in a woman's pelvic cavity. The follicle matures within a few weeks. When the egg is ready for fertilization, it leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube.

Unprotected sexual intercourse performed within a week before ovulation or on the following day leads to the fact that the sperm penetrates the vagina. From there, it is transported through the cervix and cervical canal into the uterus and then into the fallopian tube.

Sometimes two eggs mature in a woman's body. This leads to the onset of multiple pregnancies. In such a situation, embryos develop separately from each other in an individual fetal egg. If, during fertilization, the egg is divided into two identical parts, then you can get pregnant with identical twins, but this happens less often.

What Happens to the Female Reproductive System During Pregnancy

After conception, the fertilized egg is sent to the cavity of the genital organ. After about 3-7 days, it is implanted. At this point, the uterus should be as ready as possible for this process and have a sufficient thickness of the endometrium - a functional mucous layer.

After the release of the female gamete from the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed at this place. It is the source of progesterone. This hormone is necessary to maintain the uterus in a normal tone, which prevents the rejection of the ovum. Progesterone is a phase II hormone.

If it is secreted throughout the entire cycle, it will suppress the activity of estrogens - the substances necessary for the maturation of the egg. Based on the work of the hormonal background, it has been scientifically proven that re-conception cannot occur during pregnancy.

By the beginning of the second trimester, the corpus luteum undergoes regression, and the placenta begins to play its role. The baby seat reliably protects the baby from the influence of negative factors, and also carries out the transportation of nutrients and blood circulation. The likelihood of getting pregnant in this case is not even considered. New eggs do not mature, and the uterus is not in a position to receive an embryo.

Despite scientific experiments and the available evidence base, some women were able to become pregnant again during pregnancy. By 2011, the medical practice has recorded at least 10 such cases. Conception in women occurred naturally in the middle of the cycle, as expected.

However, over the next two weeks it was carried out. Unprotected intercourse led the pregnant woman to relive everything that had already happened a few weeks ago.

The second fertilization can only occur in the same cycle as the first. That is, when a woman does not yet know about her new state. In the second, third and subsequent months of pregnancy, a new conception is impossible.

An interesting fact is that superfecundation is a normal process in animals (cats and dogs). In humans, this condition occurs extremely rarely and becomes an exception to the generally accepted rules of the reproductive system.

Why doctors sometimes advise using a condom during pregnancy

Throughout the gestational period, doctors advise using a barrier method of contraception. The purpose of protection is not to protect against new conception. Condoms are essential to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Most of them negatively affect the condition of the fetus, they are especially dangerous in the early and late stages of pregnancy. Sexual contact with a condom will be safer for the woman and her unborn baby.

In late pregnancy, sperm can affect the condition of the cervix, soften it and bring the birth process closer. With the threat of premature birth, experts do not allow intercourse without a condom.

The test showed two stripes - clear, bright, convincing. They confirm that a miracle happened and now you will have a child. This news causes a state of euphoria, which, however, is soon replaced by anxiety: what to do next? How to behave correctly in a new status, do you need to go to the doctor, when and where to register for pregnancy, what tests and examinations do you need to undergo? Do I need to collect any documents for maternity leave, until what time do I need to work, what is a generic certificate, when and how to choose a maternity hospital, should I conclude a contract? In general, you need a clear guide on further actions, so to speak, step-by-step instructions for pregnancy. This is exactly the instruction we decided to bring to your attention.

Visit to the gynecologist and the first ultrasound.

You need to go to the doctor's appointment without delay as soon as you find out about the onset of pregnancy. The first appointment with a gynecologist will include an external examination, examination on a gynecological chair, ultrasound and a blood test for hCG.

According to the results of this express examination, the doctor will be able to accurately confirm the fact of pregnancy (or deny it, because the tests are sometimes "wrong"), determine the term and exclude the ectopic localization of the embryo. In addition, at the first appointment, you will receive information about further medical measures: visiting other doctors - this may be needed in the presence of chronic diseases, additional tests, the date of the next visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound.

We adjust the lifestyle

Now it is necessary to revise the daily routine, work schedule and physical activity. The first weeks of pregnancy are a critical period in the development of the fetus: any overload, stress and illness of the expectant mother during this period can adversely affect the health of the baby and the course of pregnancy. Night walks, clubs and noisy parties will have to be postponed until better times. In the first weeks of pregnancy, you should try to visit less crowded places to avoid the risk of infection and injury. Try to get plenty of rest, sleep, and walk in the fresh air.

It is necessary to immediately abandon overtime work, business trips; if possible, shift the start and end times of the working day in order to avoid traffic congestion during rush hour. You have every right to all these pleasant changes in your work schedule in accordance with labor laws.

In the first weeks, you should temporarily stop playing sports; subsequently, during the normal course of pregnancy, it will be possible to return to sports - of course, adjusted for the "interesting position".

It is useful for a newly minted expectant mother to walk and swim; but from cycling, running, skating and skiing should be abandoned as soon as it becomes known about pregnancy. Try not to make sudden movements or lift weights: the maximum recommended weight is 3 kg, evenly distributed in both hands.

You should also adjust your diet: it is important for a pregnant woman to eat right. It is necessary to give up canned food, synthetic drinks and products with artificial food additives, do not abuse spicy, fatty and fried foods.

We take vitamins

From the first days of pregnancy, expectant mothers are recommended to take folic acid - vitamin B9. This vitamin provides the necessary rate of growth and development of the baby in the early stages, is the main means of preventing missed pregnancies and the formation of malformations of the nervous system and heart of the fetus. In addition, folic acid provides better absorption of iron, which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B9 tablets is 800 mcg.

Another "vitamin of the first days of pregnancy" - E; it is necessary for the body of the expectant mother for the synthesis of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, which ensures normal tone and blood supply to the uterus.

Second ultrasound

The second time ultrasound is performed for a period of 8-12 weeks. Objective of the study: to confirm the prolongation - the successful course and development of pregnancy, to determine the correspondence of the size and development of the fetus to the expected gestational age, to exclude the formation of malformations. Based on the results of the second ultrasound, the expectant mother is recommended to start regular visits to the gynecologist to monitor the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy accounting

It is advisable to start systematic medical monitoring of the development of pregnancy no later than 12 weeks; it is better to register early - simultaneously with the second ultrasound examination.
Early registration for pregnancy and the beginning of regular medical supervision can significantly reduce the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases and complications of pregnancy. Women who are registered no later than 12 weeks receive a one-time allowance of half the minimum wage when they go on maternity leave. When registering with the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother should present a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy and the results of medical examinations for the last year, including the conclusion of the first ultrasound scan and test data. In the future, the expectant mother is recommended to visit the doctor at least 12 times during pregnancy. For periods up to 28 weeks, it is worth going to the doctor at least 1 time per month, from 28 to 37 weeks - at least 2 times a month, and starting from 38 weeks - every 7–10 days. In the presence of special indications, for example, if there is a need for an additional examination based on test results or health conditions, the doctor may recommend unscheduled visits at any of the listed periods.

We hand over analyzes

The referral for the necessary laboratory tests is issued by the doctor at the first visit, i.e. when registering for pregnancy. A standard set of studies conducted at week 12 includes:

  • clinical (general) blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram - blood clotting test;
  • determination of the group and Rh-belonging of blood;
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis;
  • research for the presence of torch infections: rubella, toxoplasmosis, coxsackie, herpes, cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis. These diseases are latent and can pathologically affect the development of the fetus;
  • a smear of flora from the vagina;
  • at the discretion of the doctor, a screening examination for congenital diseases may be recommended - a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein and hCG.

Despite the frightening size of the list, all tests can be taken in one go - for this you need to know the days of blood collection and the necessary preparation measures. For example, a biochemical blood test should be taken on an empty stomach, and on the eve of a test for RW (syphilis) you should not eat a lot of sweets: non-compliance with these rules can lead to incorrect test results. In the presence of chronic diseases or as prescribed by other doctors, for example, a therapist or endocrinologist, the list may expand. In the future, many tests will have to be repeated: for example, a urine test - at each visit to the gynecologist; general blood test - at least twice per trimester; analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis - once in the second and third trimester; a smear on flora - at least once per trimester. Repeated studies for the same infections are necessary, since theoretically the expectant mother can get sick during pregnancy.

Related specialists

Physicians of other specialties are called allied in obstetrics, whose examination helps the gynecologist to choose the correct tactics for managing pregnancy. To monitor the course of pregnancy, examinations by a therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and ENT are most relevant, however, if you have health problems, you may need to consult other doctors, for example, a nephrologist - a specialist in kidney diseases, a neurologist, a phlebologist - a specialist in venous diseases - or a cardiologist ... Bypassing related specialists should start no later than 12 weeks and complete by 16 weeks of pregnancy. As part of the examination, an electrocardiogram should be done by a therapist. If necessary, doctors can invite the expectant mother to an appointment again in the second and third trimester of pregnancy or prescribe additional diagnostic tests.

Screening research

At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to undergo the so-called "triple test", which allows to identify a risk group for the formation of fetal malformations. For this, the venous blood of the pregnant woman is examined for the amount of alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and estriol. Changes in the amount of these substances produced by the tissues of the fetus and placenta may indicate the presence of a serious fetal abnormality, such as Down's syndrome. If the test results are positive, the expectant mother is referred for genetic counseling.

Third ultrasound

The next ultrasound examination is recommended for a period of 18–20 weeks; by this time, the formation of the placenta is completed, as well as the laying of the main organs and systems of the fetus. Echography at this time allows you to assess the degree of development of the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems of the fetus, the correspondence of the development and size of the baby to the gestational age, determine the place of attachment of the placenta and the level of blood flow in its vessels, and assess the structure of the placenta and umbilical cord. The third ultrasound is included in the recommended volume of screening studies to identify genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations.

Physical exercise

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, when the main "critical" periods have already passed, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of sports that are permissible for this period. Recall that active expectant mothers who played sports before pregnancy need to discuss the correction of habitual physical activity at the very first visit to the gynecologist. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, dosed physical activity is not only allowed, but also strongly recommended: good muscle tone and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus makes it easier to tolerate weight gain during pregnancy and the discomfort of labor pains. Stretching exercises such as yoga for pregnant women, Pilates and body flex are best. Pregnant women can practice swimming, special aqua aerobics for expectant mothers, and even belly dancing. A necessary condition is the complete elimination of sudden movements, load on the press and lifting weights; all of the above exercises are best performed under the supervision of a trainer who is competent in the selection of loads for pregnant women. In the absence of special recommendations of the doctor, you can engage in "permitted" sports for 40-60 minutes 2-3 times a week until the very birth.

Exchange card

This document can be considered a "pregnancy passport": it contains all the necessary medical information about the health of the expectant mother, the characteristics of this and previous pregnancies, the results of analyzes and examinations, the drugs received and the opinions of specialists.

"Exchange" consists of three parts; the first is filled in by the doctor in consultation, the second - by the obstetrician-gynecologist, who took delivery, the third - by the neonatologist who observed the baby in the hospital after birth. With the help of this important document, continuity is carried out in the transfer of information about the health of the mother and the baby between the antenatal clinic, the maternity hospital and the children's clinic. According to Order No. 30 of 10.02.2003, the exchange card is issued to the expectant mother in the hands of the supervising doctor of the antenatal clinic no later than the 23rd week of pregnancy. From the moment of receipt, the "pregnancy passport" must constantly be in the purse of the expectant mother, along with a general civil passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy: they may be needed in case of unforeseen emergency hospitalization.

Courses for future parents

The choice of courses should be decided by the 25th week of pregnancy: the most complete and interesting lecture cycles are designed for an average of two months of visits in the regime of 1-2 lessons per week. You can start attending courses earlier: most topics will be informative and relevant even in the first weeks of pregnancy, and many classes include useful physical exercises in addition to lectures. Courses are needed for the correct psychological attitude to childbirth, the acquisition of self-pain relief skills, which include postures, massage, relaxation and breathing techniques, and caring for a newborn.

A standard set of lectures usually includes topics on the characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, fetal development, the main aspects of medical supervision of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a postpartum woman and a newborn in a maternity hospital, breastfeeding, the introduction of complementary foods, the development of a baby in the first year of life, an overview of maternity hospitals in your city. In most of the courses, in addition to lectures, practical exercises are conducted - obstetric gymnastics and labor trainings, during which they practice the technique of pain relief. It is better to attend classes for future parents with a partner. Such courses can be found at the antenatal clinic or maternity hospital; there are also independent commercial clubs for future parents. When choosing courses, pay attention to the qualifications of teachers (usually lectures are given by specialist doctors and psychologists), gymnastics coaches, the convenience of the location of courses and the time of classes, the opportunity to attend lectures with your husband and choose specific topics of interest to you.

Maternity leave

A disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy for the following periods:

with a normal pregnancy - from the 30th week to 140 calendar days (70 days before childbirth and 70 - after childbirth);
in the case of multiple pregnancies - from 28 weeks to 180 calendar days;
in the case of complicated childbirth, postpartum leave is increased by 16 calendar days and the total duration of the decree is 156 (70 + 16 + 70) calendar days.

Generic certificate

Taking maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother can receive another important document. This is a generic certificate intended for additional payment for the services of doctors of antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and children's polyclinics from the federal budget. The project for the issuance of generic certificates started on January 1, 2006; its goal is to improve the quality of medical care for expectant mothers and babies in public medical institutions.

The certificate consists of three coupons: the first goes to pay for the services of antenatal clinics, the second - the maternity hospital, and the third - medical services in the children's polyclinic. In the consultation, the certificate is handed out at 30 weeks, subject to registration no later than 12 weeks and visiting one doctor at the antenatal clinic at least 12 times per pregnancy; By agreeing to take the certificate, the expectant mother shows that she is happy with the medical care she received. In case of irregular observation, late registration, medical care on a commercial basis, or in case of dissatisfaction with the level of the provision of medical services, the birth certificate is not issued in the consultation. In this case, the expectant mother will receive a birth certificate already in the hospital. It should be emphasized that a birth certificate is not a mandatory document for planned or emergency hospitalization in a maternity hospital, regardless of which maternity hospital is chosen and on what insurance conditions - under the compulsory medical insurance policy or on a paid basis - the expectant mother will be served.

Fourth ultrasound

The last ultrasound scan recommended for normal pregnancy is after 32 weeks. By this time, the fetus has already formed, occupies a stable position in the uterus, and the doctor, according to the results of the study, can assess its physical development, location, presentation, estimated size by the end of pregnancy, amount of water, state of the placenta, blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cord and uterine arteries. This data allows you to draw up an anticipated birth plan, determine the degree of risks and the need for additional medical training.


It is advisable to conduct this study after 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. The method allows you to assess the well-being of the fetus in terms of frequency and variability, i.e. changes in his heart rate. To do this, within 20-40 minutes, the baby's heart rate is taken using an ultrasonic sensor and recorded on a paper tape in the form of a graph. In addition, the CTG chart shows the moments of the baby's movements and the increase in the tone of the uterus. Changes in heart rate, frequency of fetal movements and increases in myometrial tone can be used to assess the risk of developing fetal hypoxia and premature labor.

Choosing a maternity hospital

This important process should be started no later than 34–36 weeks of pregnancy. When choosing, one should take into account such criteria as the remoteness of the maternity hospital, the dates of preventive treatments ("washes"), the technical equipment of the maternity hospital, the level of comfort of the birth wards, if necessary - the presence of a special medical specialization, the possibility of choosing a doctor and individual management of childbirth, the presence of a partner at childbirth, joint stay of mom and baby in the postpartum ward.

Getting to know the hospital

Having previously decided on the choice of the hospital, after the 36th week it is worth going to it in person and "look around the place." It is better to study in advance the options for the route to the maternity hospital, see where the entrance to the admission department is located, familiarize yourself with the admission rules for admission to prenatal hospitalization and childbirth, find out the time of visits, conversations with doctors and receiving parcels. When planning an individualized management of labor at 36 weeks, it is possible to meet with a doctor and sign a labor contract.

Things and documents in the hospital

This must be done no later than 38 weeks of pregnancy in order to take everything into account, double-check and not fuss at the very last moment. The list of items permitted for admission to the antenatal, maternity and postnatal wards can be requested from the maternity hospital information desk or from the insurance agent when concluding the birth contract. The requirements for clothing and personal belongings that you can take with you can be very different in different maternity hospitals, so do not be too lazy to find out the rules in the selected maternity hospital in advance. It is better to collect things separately for each compartment by packing them in plastic bags. From the documents for hospitalization, you will need a passport, an OMI policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate and a birth contract - if you have one; it is better to make photocopies of these documents in advance for the admission department of the maternity hospital. You can immediately take a package with things and documents for childbirth with you, but bags with things for the postnatal department can be handed over to the hospital only after the baby is born, so it is better to pre-label them and provide instructions for relatives.

Interruption of the menstrual cycle after conception is the norm, a natural process, the violation of which can lead to various consequences. Why do menses sometimes go on during pregnancy?

Menstruation during pregnancy is not uncommon, but a reason to consult a gynecologist. After all, this may be a sign of a serious hormonal or other disorder that will prevent the child from being carried.

Menstruation occurs during early pregnancy, most often during the first month. This is facilitated by various failures of egg maturation (for example, simultaneously in both ovaries), multiple pregnancies with the prospect of rejection of one of the embryos, hormonal disorders, the presence of diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis.

The reasons for the release of bloody mucus in the early stages can be implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus, sex, or damage to the vaginal mucosa during a gynecological examination.

Cycle time

Can menses go on after conception and when do they stop? Strictly speaking, menstruation and pregnancy are incompatible, the cycle should stop immediately after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. And if this does not happen, then the fertilized egg, formed at the end of the previous cycle, simply did not have time to reach its destination. Usually, it needs 7 to 15 days to attach, during this period menstruation may occur.

How to distinguish a cycle from bleeding?

How to distinguish spotting from menstruation, and why menstruation can occur during pregnancy? With a regular sex life, without the use of contraceptives, fertilization of the egg in a healthy woman is almost guaranteed.

Signs of pregnancy with menstruation in the early stages can be:

  • the onset of the cycle much earlier or later than the period;
  • discharge is not abundant, even scanty, without the usual clots, indicating the detachment of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • color can vary from bloody pink with an admixture of mucus to reddish brown;
  • unusually short running cycle.

All these signs of pregnancy after menstruation are evidence that discharge is not menstruation at all.

As for the bloody mucous discharge, which sometimes accompanies early conception - their cause is most often mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina during sex or after gynecological examinations, such discharge is not dangerous. Alarming should be profuse bleeding of brightly colored blood, which, being a sign of rupture of large vessels, requires immediate medical attention.

In the first trimester

Menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy can last up to 11 - 12 weeks, most often it is caused by hormonal disorders: taking contraceptives, hormone imbalance caused by various endocrinopathies, viral and infectious diseases, stress.

Other causes of menstruation in early pregnancy can include:

  • implantation of the ovum into the endometrial layer of the uterus, which causes minor vascular damage. As a result, scanty discharge appears that does not threaten the development of the embryo;
  • fertilization occurred at the end of the cycle, and the egg did not get the opportunity to attach to the wall of the uterus, such "menstruation through the fetus" are real, and they can only happen in the first month of pregnancy, while the body has not yet begun to rebuild;

  • can there be a pregnancy with real menstruation, and in what other cases? With a very rare phenomenon of almost simultaneous maturation of eggs in different ovaries. In this case, when the first is fertilized, the second is rejected;
  • the attachment of fetal eggs, how many there will be, does not matter. One of them is rejected, causing bleeding;
  • ectopic, in which the discharge is easy to distinguish from the usual - they look like brown clots and are accompanied by sharp pain;
  • the attachment and growth of an unfertilized egg, before spontaneous rejection, provokes regular bloody and mucous discharge.

Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may be no different from real menstruation and sometimes continue until the end of the trimester, but they are very scarce.

What periods during pregnancy in the first trimester can be considered dangerous? Heavy bleeding with painful sensations or frequent regular traces of blood indicate a serious pathology, for example, the threat of miscarriage. In general, pregnancy and menstruation are incompatible, any bleeding in this position is a reason to see a doctor.

In the second trimester

You can still put up with bloody discharge in the first trimester, since most of them do not pose a threat, but are there monthly periods during pregnancy in the second trimester? The appearance of blood at this moment is a direct threat of miscarriage. Its causes can be:

  • presenting position, when the walls of the uterus cannot keep the incorrectly lying placenta in a fixed position. Ruptures occur and bleeding as a result;
  • partial or complete rejection of the placenta before delivery;
  • the threat of interruption and frozen fetus;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus;
  • rupture of uterine tissue. Such bleeding occurs due to the presence of a postoperative scar, chorionepithelioma, thinning of the walls of the uterus due to multiple births and abortions.

Anyone who has had a period during pregnancy knows that any bleeding in the second trimester is a reason to go to the hospital immediately. With a timely appeal to a medical institution in 95% of cases, it is possible to prevent miscarriage and fetal death.

In the third trimester

Can there be periods during pregnancy in the third trimester, and what causes bleeding? Discharge during this period is the threat of interruption, they can be caused by any acute infectious or viral disease, hormonal imbalance, severe nervous shock, trauma, bruises, rejection of the placenta and bleeding from the vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus.

During pregnancy, menstruation can be triggered by other pathologies:

  • an enlarging fetus can cause the development of a serious disease - varicose veins of the uterus, and at a later date provoke rupture and bleeding from damaged vessels;
  • not healed in time for erosion of the cervix may appear minor, but regular bloody discharge;
  • extremely rare cases - bleeding during pregnancy can occur due to intrauterine polyps or cervical cancer.

Menstruation and pregnancy in the third trimester are incompatible and can be a reason for maintaining or interrupting for medical reasons. If at this moment menstruation went, especially plentiful, it can be very dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

What is the danger?

Menstruation during early pregnancy is not always dangerous, only in the late gestation period. In the second and third trimester, with very rare exceptions, they indicate pathological changes in the body and pose a danger to the baby and the mother's life. For example, with varicose veins, there is a chance to provoke a rupture of rather large vessels of the uterus and it is extremely difficult to stop such bleeding.

To be precise, all bleeding that occurs after conception cannot be called menstruation: they have a completely different mechanism of occurrence. Although real periods in the first month of pregnancy can go, due to fertilization at the end of the previous cycle.

During pregnancy, there are menstruation, provoked by mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina, they can also be classified as harmless, provided that no infection is introduced into the microcracks.

More reasons

Pathologies that can provoke the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy:

  • anomalies in the development of the uterus (for example, two-horned), in which it is very difficult to become pregnant and bear a fetus;
  • acute infectious diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • various hormonal disorders and endocrinopathies;
  • blood clotting disorders;

  • the presence of varicose veins of the uterus;
  • congenital pathology of fetal development;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • the use of certain drugs that can cause the uterus to contract;
  • ectopic and multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta presenting;
  • chorionepithelioma;
  • severe nervous shock, shock, stress.

Household injuries from falls and bruises can be the cause.


Is pregnancy possible during menstruation, or is it excluded? At this moment, extremely unfavorable conditions for the survival of sperm are created in the genital tract of a woman, therefore, conception becomes impossible.

But is it possible to be pregnant during menstruation, and how to understand whether you have a cycle or a discharge? During menstruation, the chest usually swells rather painfully, pulls the lower abdomen. If these symptoms are absent, then a sign of pregnancy through menstruation can be considered:

  • scanty, brownish discharge;
  • "Menstruation" is always painless;
  • came much earlier or later;
  • ended quickly;
  • occurs only during the daytime.

Features of physiology

Can menstruation go on during pregnancy or is it a pathology? Why do menstruation go, what causes bloody discharge? An ovum, ready for fertilization, matures regularly in the female body; by the period of its maturation, the uterus is prepared for the attachment of the ovum, increasing a special layer of cells. If fertilization does not happen, the egg and the layer of endometrial epithelium are excreted with menstruation.

When fertilization has occurred, the body begins to hormone reconstructs so that the ovum is fixed in the uterine wall, and no factors provoke its rejection. Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to be pregnant if there are menstruation, the answer is yes, but only at a very early stage, because menstruation after conception is more of a pathology than a norm.

How do you know if the cycle hasn't stopped?

Can pregnancy occur through menstruation how to know? By purchasing a test, of course. But sometimes this is not a guarantee either. With 100% certainty, you can confirm the presence of an embryo if you take an analysis for chorionic hormone (hCG), which begins to grow literally from the first week. And with normal development of the fetus, it increases 1.5 times every 2 days.

Menstruation and pregnancy

There is no definite answer to the question of whether menstruation can go on during pregnancy. Biologically, these two processes are incompatible. The fact is that menstruation, in fact, is the process of decomposition of an unfertilized egg, which must leave the uterus along with the top layer of cells. This occurs over a period of three to seven days and is accompanied by bleeding, referred to as "periods." If pregnancy occurs, that is, the egg is fertilized, then the woman's cycle is disrupted and menstruation does not occur. If there is a fertilized egg in the uterus, but menstruation still went, most likely we are talking about bleeding, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, to the question of whether menstruation can go during pregnancy, a science such as biology gives a rather categorical answer: no.


In our time, more and more women complain about their health. This is reflected in their fertility. In the last period of time (5-10 years), women increasingly find themselves in a situation where they do not know about their pregnancy. We are not talking about illiteracy among the population, it's just that many expectant mothers continue to have their periods! From the point of view of the correctness of the biological processes taking place in our body, this is completely unacceptable! But despite this, it happens. But can menstruation go? This happens during pregnancy. But is it dangerous? Depending on the reasons that caused them, this may be:

1. Threat of miscarriage. This is the most common cause of menstruation. If you want to save the fetus, it is best to see your doctor. Even if you wanted to have an abortion, consultation with a specialist will not hurt you, since it is better not to joke with the bleeding that has opened. In any case, you have to go to the hospital.

2. "Color pregnancy". Science still cannot explain why it comes and under the influence of what. This phenomenon allows a positive answer to the question of whether menstruation can go on during pregnancy. But experts are still unable to figure out the nature of this phenomenon. The fact is that the hormonal background in a pregnant woman remains normal and there is no threat of interruption with such a menstruation. Such a process is not considered a pathology until the fifth month of bearing a baby. Then the woman will have to go to the hospital for storage.

3. Disease. Sometimes this can indicate a serious illness. If the fetus has abnormalities, then the mother's body rejects the ovum. The result is a natural abortion. Also, the reasons may be a woman's illness. If the expectant mother has problems with the endocrine glands, then the hormonal background will not correspond to the condition and as a result of low progesterone, a natural abortion may occur. Pregnant women are prone to this in the first trimester. Further, the ovum grows stronger and penetrates deep into the body of the uterus, so the viability of the fetus does not depend on the mother's progesterone.


Women are often interested in whether menstruation, kidney pain and swelling of the legs can go during pregnancy. All these questions can be answered positively. Such processes require consultation with a doctor, as they can be reasons for serious anxiety. The above symptoms are characteristic of normal pregnancy, but can also be the result of a disease. If a woman has a disease of the genitals, then her body may simply not cope with the load and the amount of hormones, and as a result, a miscarriage occurs. So, can your period start during pregnancy? Yes, but that's not always good.

As a rule, the absence of menstruation is a clear sign that pregnancy has occurred. Of course, if there are no pathologies and the woman is healthy. However, such cases are not an exception when, being pregnant, especially in the first months, menstruation still took place. By the way, it is for this reason that it is very difficult to identify the fact of pregnancy for some women. In today's publication, we decided to figure out whether menstruation can really go on during pregnancy and what this threatens for women's health.

Menstruation during pregnancy: dangerous or not?

To begin with, menstruation during pregnancy is not at all common, as many claim. And even if your closest friend assures you that she had her periods during pregnancy, while the baby was born healthy, you should not ignore the discharge. Indeed, in fact, there should not be menstruation during pregnancy, and serious pathologies and diseases can become the cause of this phenomenon. What kind? Let's consider.

First of all, let's remember the school anatomy course. The physiology of the female body is such that once a month an ovum matures in her body, ready for conception. Moreover, if conception did not occur, then it collapses and goes out with menstruation. If the egg cell is already fertilized, then the body prepares a special place for the embryo and directs all its forces to prevent the uterus from rejecting the embryo. This is facilitated by the increased production of the hormone - which stimulates the growth of the inner lining of the walls of the uterus so that the embryo can properly attach to them. Progesterone prevents the walls of the uterus from contracting, which prevents rejection. That is why we cannot say that menstruation during pregnancy is the norm.

However, in fairness, we note that indeed some spotting during pregnancy takes place. However, it is very difficult to call them monthly. The cause of these secretions can be various pathologies, a violation of the hormonal balance in the body, as well as detachment of the ovum, which threatens.

Women who notice spotting in early pregnancy, as a rule, suffer from a violation of the production of the hormone progesterone. If in the body of the expectant mother this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, then at the right time for normal menstruation, spotting with fragments of the endometrium can be observed. However, this is a very dangerous process, since rejection of the fetus can occur along with cleansing. Naturally, this process cannot be ignored, so be sure to visit a doctor who will prescribe drugs that replace progesterone. Artificial progesterone in most cases helps to avoid miscarriage and carry a healthy baby before the due date.

Another cause of bleeding during pregnancy can be genetic changes and abnormalities in the development of the fetus or ectopic pregnancy. Women who are diagnosed with endometriosis or uterine fibroids are also at risk. The fact is that with these pathologies, the fetus may not gain a foothold, as a result of which oxygen starvation occurs and a miscarriage may occur.

A hormonal disorder that leads to the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy, called hyperandrogenism, is an excess of male hormones in a woman's body. Not treating this disease means threatening the normal development of the fetus.

Quite a rare phenomenon, due to which some women have their periods during pregnancy - 2 embryos initially formed. One of them develops normally, and the second, for some reason, is rejected by the body, which leads to bloody discharge.

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: menstruation during pregnancy is far from the norm and is not at all harmless. Therefore, you should not listen to "fairy tales" that you should not be afraid of them. If you have noted the slightest - be sure to seek the advice of a doctor, and if back pains are added to them, then call an ambulance.

Take care of yourself and your unborn child!

Especially for Ira Romaniy