Determine you energy vampire. What are the signs of energy vampires

The existence of the phenomenon of energy vampirism has known for a long time. The vampire is a weak, uncertain man with a bunch of complexes and fears. He is catastrophically, therefore he compensates for her at the expense of other people. As a rule, the energy vampire is powered exclusively with negative emotions. He seeks to spoil the man's mood, provoke him to conflict, put in an awkward position.

Types of energy vampires

Lunar vampire

Sunny vampire

This type is much more dangerous and dear than the lunar. His behavior is aggressive and provocative. He defiantly arrogantly attacks the sacrifice and, sometimes, for one conversation you can lose half aim. Solar vampires can often be found in the working team. Their energy universe consists of malice, hatred, and egoism are their nutrition. They are the epicenter of scandals and stools, they are looking for misses and compromises, insult and condemn, inflicting sacrifices. Their only goal is to demoralize a person, omit to an identical level, and then pump out energy out of it. Naturally, people react to provocations by offend, irritation, begin to defend and prove the rightness. And the vampire is only necessary. The more strength spends his victim, the more power he gets.

How to recognize the energy vampire

  1. The behavior of the vampire is always offensive. He first starts the conversation: begins the dispute, reprimand, his goal is to take possession of attention.
  2. He is confident in his rightness and does not tolerate any arguments against. It is impossible to defeat the vampire, since he is not interested in your opinion, and he will not listen to him, - he is a priori right.
  3. The vampire loves to criticize and "wash the bones" in a row. He needs constant flow streams to find a negative in them and absorb it. Vampire loves to watch bad news, emergencies, transfers to something sad or terrible.
  4. To be near the vampire is uncomfortable. You can feel moral and physical discomfort. You suddenly covers anger and indignation, or, on the contrary - weakness and depression. After communicating with the vampire, you feel broken, squeezed and devastated.
  5. You are intuitively avoiding this interlocutor. He causes you antipathy and rejection, although you cannot explain why.
  6. Energy vampires do not like animals, and plants are wither from their "care". In their hands constantly breaking something, the technique ceases to work, although they can be quite ridiculous.
  7. The vampire very much may seem responsible and devotees, but literally hesitates his carelist in the Donor. The vampire wishes to burn out its "food" from the outside world, as a result of his concern turns into a real

How to protect yourself from the energy vampire

In the old days, blasting were used to treat energy vampires or used leeches, but the truth is that it is meaningless to deal with such characters. The most reasonable to leave the battlefield. This is not a defeat and not cowardice, but only a retreat for the sake of saving their nerves and health. If it is impossible to immediately finish the conversation or ignore the energy vampire, you should keep a calm tone in the future conversation. In no case can not be shown that the poison reached the goal. It is better to try everything to joke, except when the conversation is really serious (for example, called the boss).

The chief - the Vampire is located in a hundred times more winning position - its rules and regime have legal grounds, complicating protection. He will not stop until she brings the subordinate to the "necessary condition" to have a widow. If resistance feels, his aggression is already tripled - he is ready for everything, just to get the covered eggs. The Council in these cases is the next - to get rid of yourself from MUK, as quickly as possible by providing the Vampire's chef desired, - Play humility, confession of guilt or even tears and enjoy the confusion confusion, which was preparing for a longer torture.

When the energy vampire attacks too aggressively, try to distract and remember something good. Do not let yourself be hot, imagine yourself with ice, remember - the vampire needs warm blood. Cross your arms and legs, connect the fingertips, closing from sucking energy. Do not watch the vampire in the eye, - he rents and will look for your opinion. Put the mirror into the breast pocket before the conversation, it will reflect the negative. Another way to protect is to imagine that there is a transparent wall between you and the unfriendly interlocutor, and his words are divided into glass, not good to fly to you.

Having the opportunity to wrap all connections with a vampire. Without having, - twist communication to a minimum. At work Speak with a colleague - a vampire only in the case, do not let him eat with you - take your time and strength to unnecessary discussions.

Family energy vampirism

Often, people have to suffer from energetic vampirism in the family. Such cases are most dangerous and can lead to real tragedies. Family tyrant to their households, although he accepts this for the manifestation of love. Usually he, even having bad health, lives long, pulling his life from "donors", is much worried about his loved ones, while they are fading with young (answer to the question: why good people go before bad). Such people carry energy decline, failures, longing and even death - they are not able to give the surrounding anything other than negative and depression.

With some vampires, you can live quite peacefully, provided that they will be saturated with energy outside the house - at work, in public places. So people cannot be sitting all day in the apartment, you need to walk more and engage in interesting things.

The universe consists of energy, our whole life is an exchange of energy. Learn to recognize and manage its streams and remember - wearing garlic with you or read spells meaningless, because energy vampirism is not a deportation of mysticism, but a completely real psychological phenomenon. Most vampires behave like this not intentionally, most often they themselves are not suspected of their malicious essence. The internal disharmony, and a low level of self-esteem, force them to steal someone else's energy.

Cut the time only with those people who inspire you and are encouraged with which it is easy and simple and you can be yourself. Stay away from those with whom you are unpleasant to communicate, who constantly offend you and sees only bad - the energy vampire is not endowed and therefore not worthy of compassion, and will not appreciate it. Peace health is the basis. Be healthy!

So-called energy vampires are quite good. They are not at all villains who are just thinking about how hence hence the joy of life. It just so develops that some actions of one person make another sluggish, evil, irritated. We tell how to save your energy.

They are constantly new

"Well, why did you decide to change the job now, the crisis is dangerous!". "Maybe your new man and good, but you still check his phone sometimes."

Such people have a negative view of life, and they constantly caution, scare, question. In general, make doubt and worry.

What does energy go?"To restore your positive picture of the world, convince yourself that everything is fine. And that everything will be fine, "Elena Lavrov says.

How to defend. Realize this feature of the interlocutor. To put a mentally imaginary wall between you or, if possible, cut communication to a minimum.

But, if you don't hide from the nodik, it is politely, but firmly stopping his thread of pessimism: "I am sure that I will not happen to this." "If you had an unsuccessful experience, this does not mean that it will happen with all the others."

They are angry pierce

I look like?

Excellent, this cool "lifebuoy" around the waist will not let you drown!

The man like joking, but he sounds like an insult.

What does energy go? "To understand what happened and how to respond. Such jokes knock out the soil from under the feet, "explains Elena Lavrov.

When it says, "You are fat!" You can answer straight. And so man joked. Explain to him that this is a shame - you will show a borough, which does not understand humor. So it turns out: you were humiliated, and they still do not give rights.

How to protect yourself. Appeal to your feelings: You are always right in what you feel, it cannot be challenged. Ask not to joke so more because it's a shame. And point.

If the joker is not thrown, you can go to the attack from protection: "Something you have a joke all the same type, wit is missing?"

They violate personal space

Each of us has a familiar or colleague who likes to talk, approaching close, always sits down closer, then it is a matter of trying to take a hand or somehow touch.

"Personal physical space is not a circle, but a convex sphere in the shape of an egg. Rear - less, front - more. Foreign people most often come to us closely in front, breaking this invisible border. This behavior is perceived as an attempt on personal territory, "Elena Lavrov's psychologist explains.

What does energy go? To cope with irritation, which originated because of the invincible invasion. And yet - in order to expel a non -actic interlocutor from the zone of personal comfort.

How to protect yourself. Explain that you are inconvenient and help to remove it. You can say: "Sorry, it's easier for me when you stand a little further, otherwise it is difficult for me to focus on what you say."

They violate the psychological space

Vampires have another talent for wet, where they do not ask: ask tactless questions (from "when will you give birth?" To "And what is your salary?"), Giving unborn tips.

"It deprives forces and nerves and excessive alien frankness: telling the details of your life, the person pulls you into his personal space," says Elena Lavrov. This is not only outsiders, but also close.

What does energy go? To put a person in place. Or to cope with sadness and anger, if he was still bored for living.

How to protect yourself. Say: "I do not like to discuss it." If you do not want to spoil relations with a person, you can stick to you: "This is my big secret."

And to stop the flow of other people's revelations, it is better to say so: "Listen, I don't want to climb your personal life, I think you understand it better than me." Or: "Sorry, I do not like to give advice."

They depreciate your experience and feelings.

Share with someone your experiences, and in response you hear: "Oh, yes, it's nonsense!" It is quite possible, a man wanted so much so much, just that the feeling remains as if he spat in the soul.

They do not drink blood, they are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people are fed by the emotions of others.

Are there really energy vampires?

Psychologists and bioenergy are confident that they exist. These "bloodsicles" complain about their unfortunate fate, scandals, are hurt, threaten or try to bring their sacrifice from the state of equilibrium to another way. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person or even a whole group of people in which such a message is sent, the mood deteriorates, well-being deteriorates, powerlessness and depression arise.

Not always vampires know that they need feeding. However, even if they unconsciously pull out of other energy, you should know how to resist energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: the negative impact weakens the body, reduces its protective functions. Quite just to understand how to resist energy vampires. It is only necessary to adhere to proven psychological and bioenergy techniques.

Signs for which you can learn the vampire

After communicating with him, fatigue and irritation arises, clone in sleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

It does not miss such an individual of the case to quarrel, argue, throw out your dissatisfaction and anger on others. Then he immediately improves the mood.

A person in relation to others may not show visible aggression, but constantly complain to health and fate, complain, demanding sympathy and take a lot of time from the interlocutors. At the same time, he usually does nothing in order to make his life better.

Massack-entertainers and lovers chat, always seeking to be in the spotlight, are a special kind of energy vampires. However, it is not necessary to suspect all others who have similar features. But if such a person of positive emotions does not cause, his active interference in the personal space of others can be called energy aggression. How do energy vampire behave? A feature that distinguishes such people as follows: they are trying to often install with you - stroke, pat on the shoulder or tormented to touch. All these signs will help you figure out how to find out the energy vampire.

There is another sign. These people love to be borrowed, promising at the same time to give "as soon as, so immediately."

How to defend against vampires?

In stores, in transport, at work and just on the street, you can easily meet the bloodstone. Do not let it in a personal space! You should know how to resist energy vampires.

Be sure to keep calm, even if it is not easy to stay impartial. You should never join such a person in conflict, it will save from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you about how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the annoying requests of another take time and violate plans. Avoid communication on the phone with people, constantly networking on the fate, complaining about life, to the bosses, husband (wife) or children. It is necessary to assist someone who really needs it.

Do not unknown people disclose their energy. If you have a trust man with you, but you are forced to be in the field of his view (a trip to transport, meeting and other situations), you should cross your hands on your chest or pin your palms in the castle and connect the feet. So you will call your personal space and will become inaccessible for the energy vampire.

Bioenergy is also advised to wear a small mirror from the inside of clothing, reflecting the surface directed from itself. This is a charm from the vampire energy. Instead of the mirror you can also use a pin. Such an overlap from the vampire (energy), according to bioenergy, will reflect the negative directed by you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help to accumulate strength. If you stand a few minutes by pine, oak or birch, hugging them or touching them, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can withstand any negative impact. It is best to choose the growing separately from the rest of the tree.

We are clearly or hidden day-to-day mental attacks. Therefore, everyone is useful to know how to get rid of the vampire of the energy. The conditions for successful counteraction of various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Take a contrasting shower in the evening and in the morning: the water washes bad if, for example, at work there was a contact with an unpleasant face, you can sprinkle with a cold water and wash your hand with soap. So you can get rid of at least partially from the negative send.

Drink tea from various medicinal herbs (for example, the horsetail of the field, Aira, Yarrow) after communicating with the vampire ... and forgive your offender. To eat black or red pepper, add a nutmeg in coffee is to extinguish negative energy directed at you.

Full Son.

Comfortable, full sleep is very important: the forces during rest are restored, the resistance of the entire body is growing. Do not remember before going to bed, those who have offended you during the day. Do not let them in a dream.

Silver jewelry

Decorations It is preferable to wear silver, since this metal cleans thoughts and absorbs the negative. Silver item can be placed for a while. After that, silver ions will turn into a living, which has protective, antibacterial and recovery properties.

Often, we ourselves are the cause of energy exhaustion, since we attract increased attention to yourself. Causes behavior, bright appearance - and you are on the hook. Do not provoke! Sometimes modesty is beneficial energy.

Power of thought and words

The invasion of the informational and biological space, referred to as in the people of the Slam and Slaughter, will make harm only if the soul is open to negative. Thoughts and words carry various information, so do not destroy themselves with negative emotions. Be optimistic! People thinking positively are not carriers of negative energy, and also do not attract it to them. Learn to forgive! Even with the slightest manifestation of such emotions, as anger, for two days, retains a negative state. The larger the rage in you, the more harmful to health. On the contrary, a positive attitude towards people and events guarantees well-being and attracts good luck.

Making powerobarrier

In order to repay negative energy without loss of forces, you should be able to put protection. You can use the practice that yoga apply. They know how to get rid of the vampire of energy. If you are forced by the nature of the activity to be a long time in one room with a manipulator, connect the imagination and combine multiple receptions.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the intercostal level, as well as from the sides and the back are at the distance of the elongated hand 4 golden warm peas. Present mentally that they are spinning around you, thereby forming the hoop. After that, try to see how it turns into an egg having a dense wall. For about a minute, his layers are wound on each other. At the same time, the shells of eggs can be represented by color, best of all orange, blue, golden. It is very important to feel all your actions. You can also submit that you have enveloped, forming a dome, a silver-white web. So you do not allow the breakdown of the biofield, closed its contour. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall"

You can build mentally between an unpleasant interlocutor and you are a mirror wall. You can also put yourself in a mirror cube yourself. The negative energy will affect, and the scar will leave you alone, losing some of the strength. You can also build a brick wall: imagine that you put cement, place bricks.

Theater game

Save calm will help the effect of alienation - a special psychological reception. Imagine that you are in the auditorium of the theater dolls for children. The energy vampire acts as Karabasa Barabas. Imagine how it decreases in size. Perceive now any aggression into your address as a role. This will help not take the words close to heart. It is possible as an alternative to submit an energy vampire as speaking on TV.

Useful to apply other means. It may be prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports and more. Listen to your feelings, look at the depth of yourself: on the subconscious level we all know how to resist energy vampires.

We are surrounded with a variety of people, each with your past, problems and achievements. We all react to each other in different ways. With someone we would not want to intersect once again identify it as an energy vampire. And with someone we are ready to go hand in hand all my life from the very first meeting.

Often the real essence and intentions of people are not so easy to see, even if you lived with this person not few years. Being kind and responsive in the first few months or years, our friends and relatives can sharply become:

  • Hard on the rise;
  • Irritable;
  • Scandalous personalities.

And it happens that we are accustomed to tolerating such a behavior of relatives since childhood, without understanding that this may not affect us.

Modern science has confirmed many times the reality of such a concept as a biofield inherent in any living organism. Biopol is the cumulative radiation of our internal organs and systems. It, depending on the state of the body, may be strong and weak. Biofield as an invisible shell reacts to everything that happens around her. But this reaction is directly reflected in the body's condition.

If a person has survived the stressful situation or for a long time is in the depressed mood, it affects not only his mental balance. This is also visible on the physical, and energy state of the body. Such people have violated the circulation of energy flows throughout the body. They experience an acute shortage of forces. Such people are often called energy vampires..

You should not attach all weak energetically people to energy vampires. Many people Also lose a lot of effort when communicating with these vampires, are their donors. And theity is that with a long contact can and mean to start feeding Someone's energy by purchasing energy vampirism.

The most important advice in confronting energy vampires:

  • Your durability and composure.
  • You must consciously impose yourself from the people annoying you, even if they live with you nearby,
  • In no case can not succumb to provocations in the form of complaints or scandals.

You must have a goal of being a full-fledged and self-sufficient person, independent and non-emunched on trifles.

The best way to energy self-defense from vampirism is your smile and conviction in the fact that there is a way out of any problem. When energy vampires see such a person, they are confused. The game begins to go not by their rules.

You need to push them to independently resolve their negative situations. After all, if a person does not undertake to unravel the tangle, who himself did, then he can hardly have to truly help him.

Who are energy vampires?

Energy vampire is a person forcibly selecting your energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange. Energy vampire is a person forcibly selecting your energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange. Vampirism Today takes the scale of the epidemic, yes, it is epidemics, because vampirism is a disease. Energy vampires themselves are subject to various diseases, they are also in their surrounding people provoke the development of ailments.

Energy vampires can be divided into two types: those who do not suspect their ailment, and those who consciously feed on the energy of others.

The first type is not so socially dangerous. And, by the way, anyone can become a vampire, without realizing himself. After all, each, sometimes, is experiencing energy starvation, as, for example, during periods of illness or in stressful situations at work. Some of these "hungry" restores their forces in nature, the other part - takes energy from the surrounding people.

There is much more dangerous to another type of energy vampires that deliberately take human energy. Around such people, it is always as if the cloud of aggression and negativity is hung. They with a little spark swollen a huge fire. They suck the vitality in people who surround them. And only if they all reveal in the stream of their aggression, the energy vampires begin to feel noticeably better, they are even smiling and friendly.

So what is "energy vampirism"? Some kind of mystical unknown force with the minus sign? Disease? Or maybe just confusion and ignorant legalism? The answer should be sought in the nature of vampirism.

Where do energy vampires come from?

The essence of the energy vampire begins to be laid in man from childhood. The fact is that children's energy grid is very weak and unprotected, and the baby easily absorbs the energy of his parents and educators. Therefore, if the baby does not feel love for himself and often hears in his address coarse and cold replicas of the parents, then such a baby will grow naughty, and when it will grow up, starts to some parents in response. As can be seen, even in infant age in man can be born vampirism.

Teenagers vampires are going to pieces, they are full of aggression, hostility, negative. Such teenagers are looking for an energy feed in destructive activity - they paint the entrances, set fire to the mailboxes, belong to animals.

From such adolescents grow in the future fathers-tyrana, chiefs-monsters.

Vampirism can manifest itself in the so-called "prosperous" family, where peace and love reigns. Why? Because, unfortunately, teacher schools do not pass tests for professional suitability. And often it happens that the teacher and the child teacher is the real energy vampire. It is worth saying that the children under the care of such a person will also be exposed to the manifestation of vampirism.

Energy vampires among people

In many families there are vampires. With energy vampires, a person has to come across constantly. The jealous is an energy vampire by definition. His distrust and suspicion he sucks the strength of the one who he allegedly loves. Often the relationship between the mother-in-law and son-in-law, between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are the relationship between the vampire and his victims. The sick man in your family for a while is able to turn into an energy vampire, with his whims and whining it will take your strength to recover from himself.

Heavy and work under the guidance of the energy vampire. Such a boss will tear your aggression on the subordinates, insult in the face and arrange regular "drags" to employees.

The greatest accumulation of energy vampires can be found in bureaucratic institutions, in the mail, in utility reception locations.
But if you still can still be protected from such vampirism, it is almost impossible to protect the crowd from the energy vampirism. In any rallies and demonstrations, exclusively vampires always take part.

Why, after communication with some people, a feeling of unfortunate irritability appears, the mood is sharply deteriorated. There is a feeling, as if "squeezed like a lemon." Where does this mysterious feeling of fatigue appear? Most likely, the buddy is the energy vampire. But how to distinguish the energy vampire from an ordinary person? How to calmly communicate with him and not feel the decline of forces?

There are several signs for which you can determine the energy vampire.

1. The main distinguishing feature of the vampire is that they always annoy and bring out other people. A reason for a quarrel can serve any little thing. They can also humiliate the interlocutor in the presence of others, laugh at him and evil to swear to cause irritation. Can take money and not to give. However, they will constantly promise "as soon as right."

2. Energy vampires. Menitious people, bore and egoists. Often they just do not hear the interlocutor, because his opinion, his thoughts and the feelings of the vampire do not worry.

3. The energy vampire is very jealous and avenge. The vampire's personal donor protects the vampire from the outside world, surrounds increased attentiveness and care, jealous of other people.

4. Energy vampires can talk for hours by phone. Immediately ship your interlocutor with their problems and failures. The conversation reminds usual chatter about anything, but after it, for some reason, the feeling of fatigue and depression begins. It is very difficult to get out of the energy vampire, resentment immediately. Sometimes you just have to turn off the phone.

5. It is believed that in the presence of energy vampires constantly breaks the technique and the flowers are wound. At home, they also do not happen more often, they simply do not like them, or the flowers themselves do not grow.

6. Vampires adore the people's cluster: queues, demonstrations, big shops. Vampires love to appear where the big probability of scandal. Scandal for them is an additional energy source.

It is worth saying that there are mixed types: the same person can manifest itself in different situations and as an energy vampire, and as a donor. Among the energy vampires are often charming and kind people who simply do not notice their negative impact on other people.

Very often happens when one relative lives at the expense of the other. This can be expressed in scandals, clarifying relationships. However, the family can be considered an ideal generally, but someone in the family constantly hurts and is generally considered a loser. This person gives his energy to the vampire. By the way, when in the family two vampire, they either constantly swear and diverge, or live "soul into the soul" and draw energy in random connections.

It happens that the vampire is waiting at work. And if it is also the boss? Such a vampire does not like when a good mood reigns around him, he will do everything to spoil this mood. And it is useless to persuade it.

There is a curious look of vampires - these are sex vampires. At the time of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy. And the vampires take this energy and do nothing in return. After sexual contact with the energy vampire, his partner feels disharmony and dissatisfaction.

So, if among these characteristics you learned your friend, friend, relative or even a loved one, the question arises what to do?

First, do not be annoyed! The purpose of the vampire is irritation, it is a vulnerable place. Instead of annoying and angry, you just need to either get away from the conflict, or vice versa to react an unexpected vampire. For example, joke or instead of crying smile.

Secondly, with the energy vampire, it is better not to communicate at all. And especially if a person is unpleasant and uninteresting. No need to attract the attention of the energy vampire, not to join him into friendly relations and not to make good actions for them. They still do not appreciate it. And just take energy as soon as the slab will feel.

Thirdly, it is necessary to protect its energy and biofield. To do this, during a conversation with a vampire, legs or hands should be crossed. You can keep the fig in your pocket. It can be imagined that there is a thick mirror between you, the reflection of which is drawn to the vampire.

If it is not possible not to communicate with the energy vampire, then you should try to perceive the interlocutor with humor. And from the rude statements of the vampire to drupt. It is necessary to be sure, he does not endure this and will not be able to harm you.

And irritation and fatigue from the energy vampire can be removed using your favorite music, movies, poems, books, aromatic oils. After contacting the vampire or after finding in places of the cluster of people, you need to take a contrasting shower and drink your beloved hot tea. To walk among the trees, they pull the negative energy and process it in positive.