Difficult science: how to choose a perfume. That most likely "will not sit down." The most common fragrances

Real perfume is not just a mixture of various essential oils. Their creation is a whole art. This is why a good high quality perfume cannot be cheap. Choosing a fragrance that would emphasize the individuality of a woman and give her a unique charm is also not an easy task. To understand how to choose a perfume so that the “soul unfolds”, it is worth using simple rules.

How to buy perfume

Buying perfume is quite a responsible business, because it is not for nothing that they are called invisible clothing. They should not only reflect the aroma of the perfume composition, but also please their owner.

There is such a rich assortment of perfumes in specialized stores that it is difficult to prefer one thing. A few tips will help make this task easier:

  • when going to buy perfume, you should not use perfume or deodorants with a pronounced odor;
  • since the threshold for smelling is the highest in the morning, this is the best time to choose a perfume;
  • to the question of how to choose a men's perfume, you need to approach, guided by certain character traits of the chosen one;
  • you should not take perfume in the market or in small shops, you should look for good perfumes in branded shopping centers;
  • you should not rub a drop of perfume, evaporation should occur gradually, then the aroma will be better revealed;
  • in one visit to the store, you can carefully taste no more than four smells;
  • if you immediately liked the scent of perfume, do not rush to buy, their composition will be fully revealed later - it is better to put a drop on your wrist and follow during the day how their smell changes;
  • those who prefer to smell the smell from the bottle need to know that it will not be possible to understand the aroma in this way;
  • since the perfume composition begins to open in about half an hour, it is better not to sniff the strip with the tester right away, but to wait a little. We must also remember that smells are revealed on the skin in a completely different way, differently than on paper;
  • if the perfume is of good quality, then its smell will last for a long time.

Features of choice

The scent of the perfume is revealed gradually. At the initial stage, sharp notes appear, which are given by the alcohol base. The exception is oil perfumes, which should be preferred. External factors also have a significant impact on perception: the presence of odors in the store, interaction with the skin, ambient temperature and humidity, and even the time of day and weather.

After the base has evaporated, the main aroma begins to unfold. It lasts almost a day and should become the main guideline in the preference of certain perfumes. After the main one, a trail of residual aroma remains for several hours. To decide which perfume to choose, it is better to first purchase a sample with the scent you like and use it for two to three days. During this time, the scent of the perfume will fully unfold, it will be clear whether this perfume suits you or not.

When choosing a perfume, one should be guided by other factors - in summer it is better to choose aromas of flowers and citrus, and in winter - woody scents. Daytime perfume should have a delicate light scent, while evening perfume can be thicker and more spicy. Perfumes are also divided according to the nature of the prevailing fragrances.

The most common fragrances

  • The most popular are floral fragrances, among them such as lily of the valley, violet, lilac and others stand out. Their base smell can be very delicate, subtle, and concentrated, sweetish. Both young girls and mature women love them.
  • Spicy oriental scents are present in amber aromas with hints of musk, ginger, sandalwood.
  • Ozone, sea aromas create a feeling of coolness, impending thunderstorms, ocean breezes.
  • You can choose for the summer wonderful refreshing smells of citrus fruits - orange, lime, grapefruit.
  • Fern aromas are created by exquisite compositions with notes of lavender, oak, vanilla.

Classification of perfumery products

The perfumery assortment is also classified according to the concentration and persistence of aromas.

  • Perfume is on the top step by this criterion. Their rich aroma lasts for a long time, the concentration of oils is above 20%. Perfume bottles are small in size.
  • Daytime perfume or eau de parfum takes the second place in terms of the concentration of smell and its persistence, but their price is much more affordable.
  • Fans of light odors will prefer eau de toilette with ten percent flavoring additives. It can be identified by large spray bottles.
  • Colognes have a low extract content, which creates a light pleasant scent. A good cologne can be chosen by a man.
  • Deodorants are also distinguished by unobtrusive aromas and belong to hygiene products.

The importance of making the right choice

It has long been noticed that smells can affect not only mood, but even well-being. If the perfume is chosen correctly, then it should delight and excite, give confidence and awaken energy. The smell of vanilla relieves stress, rose and jasmine promote active creative processes, citrus notes in the aromas refresh, relieve fatigue.

There are also such scents that can evoke negative emotions. An inappropriate smell can ruin your mood and cause headaches. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right perfume for yourself.

Features of using perfume

The art of using perfume also has its own rules, without knowing which, you can make common mistakes.

  • Many people believe that if the scent of a perfume is felt only in the first minutes, then it is perfect. However, the smell of perfume should evoke positive emotions. If it is not felt at all, this may indicate the so-called olfactory adaptation, when the brain blocks the smell as a protective function.
  • Each person has an individual scent, mixing with which the perfume creates its own unique scent. Their "sound" will not be the same for different people. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy perfumes just because they reveal an irresistible scent on someone. When deciding which perfume to choose, you need to try their "sound" on yourself.
  • Since external factors have a significant impact on the shades of aromas, it is not recommended to use the same perfume at any time of the year and during the day. The scent should be appropriate for the weather, season, time and place of visit.
  • The real scent of perfume arises only when it interacts with the skin. You don't need to put them on clothes or jewelry.
  • For the scent to appear, some rub the perfume into their skin. However, by doing so, they only accelerate the evaporation of fragrances.
  • Do not throw away paper packaging after buying perfume. It performs, in addition to a decorative, and protective function, protecting the contents of the bottle from the destructive effects of light. Otherwise, the smell of perfume will change over time.

Selection of men's fragrances

How to choose a perfume for men? For representatives of the stronger half, it is more difficult to visit perfumery stores, especially tasting numerous smells. Usually, women choose perfumes and eau de toilette for them, focusing on their taste and intuition, and often their solution turns out to be successful.

  • The choice of a masculine scent is largely determined by the character of the potential owner. A cheerful, sociable person, with whom it is always interesting, most often prefers fresh, sea smells with plant notes of mint, hyacinth.
  • The fantasy of romantics is endless, they come up with new surprises every day to surprise and delight their chosen one. Such a person is likely to prefer light aromas of citrus, lavender, cedar.
  • For confident and self-sufficient men with a strong character, options with rich aromas of bergamot and musk can be selected.
  • How to choose men's perfumes for a distracted person with a creative soul and a broad outlook? He has a bright and deeply individual nature. Such a person will also choose an aroma with unusual notes, such as thyme, sage or brushwood.

Men's fragrances are more intense than women's, adding notes that emphasize such traits of character as strength, independence, individuality.

There is also such a thing as "perfume etiquette", which is part of the general culture. It is associated not only with the ability to answer the question of how to choose a perfume, but also with the art of "wearing" them. It is just as important as determining the best scent. And the main principles here are relevance and moderation.


It's no secret that pleasant smells drive a woman crazy. It is not without reason that Coco Chanel, who had a huge influence on the development of fashion, said: "Perfume speaks about a woman more than her handwriting." Both men and women should choose the right perfume.

The fair sex expresses their individuality through perfume, and men need to understand perfume in order to know how to please their soul mate. Choosing the right scent is not easy and very laborious, and so, let's figure out what to look for when choosing a good scent and, in general, how to choose a perfume.

Composition and properties of perfumery

How to choose a perfume and what properties and compositions do they have? To begin with, we will find out how many classifications of fragrances exist according to the degree of concentration of essential oils:

1. Perfume 15-40% on the package "Parfum" or "Extrait".

2. Eau de Parfum 10-20% eau de parfum.

3. Eau de toilette 4-10% “Eau de toilette”.

Making perfume is a whole science, and each composition is individual in its own way. One composition can include about 70 fragrant components, which are obtained in various ways. The most common are the leaves and roots of trees, flowers, and various essential oils.

But rather unusual aromatic substances are also used. For example, for expensive perfumes, ambergris is used, which is formed in the intestines of the largest of the toothed whales, the sperm whale. And beavers secrete castoreum, an oily substance widely used in perfumery. If earlier you had to make animal sacrifices, now castoreum (or beaver stream) can be obtained on livestock farms.

The products of the flower world in perfumery did not begin to be used immediately, but over time their influence increased. A common element is the rose, from which the essential oil is obtained. One of the most famous rose fragrances is "Paris" by Yves Saint Laurent.

In addition, the composition of the perfume contains solvents and dyes that perform a technical function. Dyes give the perfume the color it needs. It is important to remember that the colorant does not affect the flavor.

The structure of the perfume is very reminiscent of a pyramid, in which each floor has its own role. At the top of the pyramid, notes that create the first impression of a perfume, but quickly disappear. In the middle of this pyramid is the main scent of the perfume, and the most persistent ingredients are the foundation. High-quality perfumes do not release all the fragrances at once, but are revealed step by step..

How to find your perfume scent?

Do not underestimate the importance of spirits: they not only complete the image, but can easily captivate a man. Let's figure out what to focus on when choosing a perfume and how to find your fragrance.

1. Each person has individual physical characteristics, but scientists have found that in the morning, smells differ best. Before going to a perfume store, it is advisable not to eat spicy or spicy foods.

2. When applying a certain type of perfume, you should wait 5-10 minutes to fully experience the scent.

3. Apply perfume only to yourself (best on the wrist). If you are applying to a probe, it will be difficult to determine if this scent is right for you or not, as the paper distorts the real scent a little.

4. Physiologists have proven that with a sharp change in aromas, a person's sense of smell is dulled, therefore, after testing 4-5 aromas, it is necessary to "knock down" the sense of smell. Coffee beans are perfect for this.

5. Do not buy perfume on the first day. Get a sample and find out how scent compares in different conditions and circumstances.

How to choose a perfume? Rules for choosing perfume

1. The correct choice of perfume occurs mainly in the first half of the day, when the sense of smell is not yet dull. An important point: you should not choose a perfume on critical days and a few days before them. The fact is that these days the sensitivity to smells is changing. And in order not to be disappointed in the choice made, it is better to wait a few days.

2. The ability to "listen" to perfume is an important quality. Sniffing from the cap or bottle is highly discouraged. You also need to wait a few minutes to get to know the aroma better.

3. There are long-standing stereotypes about fragrances. For example, some people divide perfume by age category. If you liked any fragrance, then listen only to yourself and your heart, do not be afraid of the opinions of others. Also, the division of fragrances into male and female is rather arbitrary, the "unisex" style is increasingly spreading in our society.

4. Everything is known in comparison. You should not buy the first bottle of perfume you like, it is better to pick up several options and choose the best one.

5. Scientists have identified about 20 points on the human body, where aromas are felt better, but the most important and popular places are: the wrist, temples and neck. When trying perfume, try to use these points.

Versatility of aromas. How to choose a perfume?

If you are used to following traditions and do not want to change the aroma, then you should take care of the correspondence of the aroma of the perfume with age and appearance. So, girls are advised to make a choice in favor of light notes, women in their prime - to focus on fruity and musky aromas, older ladies - to choose spicy scents.

A woman's lifestyle and style also influences the choice of the right scent. Aquatic, citrus perfumes are perfect for people with an active lifestyle, elegant ladies are suitable for calm smells, and sweet aromas are ideal for young natures.

Women do not always love with their ears, sometimes with their eyes. Perfume packaging plays a very important role, plus it carries additional information that can be decisive in choosing a scent. One of the tasks of perfumers is to suggest the right scent, and the design, posters and even videos of advertising campaigns can help in this difficult task.

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As you know, demand creates supply. The vast majority of people today use perfume. Some have already chosen their fragrance, others are in search. However, to solve the problem of how to choose the right smell, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the types of perfume, their features and how to choose a perfume.

Perfumes of all flavoring agents have the highest percentage of aroma compositions (15-30% in 96% alcohol) and the highest odor persistence (5-10 hours), therefore they are always sold in small bottles without a spray bottle. The downside is the high price.

Eau de parfum - a lower concentration of odor (10-20% in 90% alcohol), but also a lower price when compared with perfume. This is by far the most worthy replacement for them. Sold in large packs with a dispenser.

Eau de toilette is almost always a daytime scent. The smell is much weaker, lasts up to 3 hours, so the water should be applied more often.

Cologne is the lowest concentration of aroma. It can almost always be compared to eau de toilette for men.

Some hybrids have a perfumed body mist. This class includes all perfumed body care products.

The types of perfume are the same for men and women.

Types of fragrances

When it comes to fragrances, this topic can be explored endlessly. In order to choose the right scent or your perfume, you need to navigate the main types of aromas. Experts have divided them not only by gender, but also by clearly marked families:

They also distinguish between fruity, green, sea, spicy, citrus, flower families. There are 14 types of fragrances in total. Arriving at the store, you can let the consultant know which families you can not offer.

The science of how to choose the right perfume is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

How to determine the authenticity of a perfume

Perfume is a rather expensive product. Very often it is faked, passing off as "customs confiscated", "leftovers after the closure of the store", "motivation during the advertising campaign." However, you can quite simply determine what is in front of you: a quality product that will meet all your expectations or a fake that will disappoint. It should be noted that fake aromas disappear on average within an hour, and often completely change the smell beyond recognition after being applied to the body.

Here are some really helpful tips on how to choose a real perfume:

The same principles should be followed when buying perfume in an online store. At the same time, it will be correct to inspect the box and the bottle in the presence of the courier.

How to choose a perfume

If you don't know how to choose a perfume that you will enjoy using all the time, listen to a few of our tips:

  1. You should not go to buy perfume right after suffering a cold or runny nose. During this period, the receptors do not perceive smells like that.
  2. When you come to the store, try no more than 3 of the suggested scents at a time. The rest will not be perceived at all or will have a distorted smell.
  3. Make your final decision 10 minutes after applying the perfume to your skin.

Eau de toilette is also chosen based on character traits. It has been proven that oriental scents are more suitable for introverts, while for extroverts they should give notes of fresh, floral notes. This gradation should not be relied on because of expert advice or fashion trends. It's just that if you choose the wrong scent from this point of view, you will feel uncomfortable wearing it.

For the simple reason that perfume is a very individual thing and its aroma depends on the chemical composition of the skin, we do not recommend choosing a perfume as a gift without the presence of the addressee. You just won't be able to determine correctly what exactly he will like. An exception may be the case when you know exactly the name of this person's favorite perfume or which notes he prefers.

Knowing how to choose a perfume for yourself, you can avoid many mistakes in the store, which the consultant cannot always warn about.

Several rules for using perfume

To delight those around you with your aroma, it is enough to choose your own perfume. However, it is also important how and what kind of perfume you use. Follow these simple rules:

Look for your perfume. Choosing the right perfume, choosing the scent means always leaving behind a pleasant impression.

Today an incredibly large number of different perfumes and perfumes are presented, but choosing "your" scent is very difficult and you can do it by trial and error. Before proceeding directly to the choice of a particular scent, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the various types of perfumes.

Varieties of perfumes

The greatest percentage of aroma composition is inherent in perfumes, which are also characterized by the highest odor persistence (at least 5 hours, and sometimes even 10-24 hours). That is why perfumes are sold in small bottles and do not have a spray bottle. The main disadvantage is the rather high price.

Cologne has a minimal concentration of aroma, the smell is rather weak, sometimes barely perceptible. In almost all cases, it can be compared to men's eau de toilette.

Unlike perfumes, eau de parfum has a lower concentration of odor, which is why it has a lower cost. We can say that eau de parfum has become an excellent alternative to expensive perfumes today. It is sold in large packages and has a dispenser.

Eau de toilette has a daytime scent in almost all cases. The smell is rather weak, lasts about three hours, which is why you have to apply eau de toilette much more often.

Perfumed body mist is a kind of hybrid. This includes a variety of perfumed body care products.

You can talk almost endlessly about different types of fragrances, but in order to choose the right perfume that will suit you, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types. Their definition took place taking into account the families:

  • Chypre great for those who love nature. They have an amazing aroma of lavender, sage, as well as patchouli, resins and oakmoss. Perfect for both women and men.
  • Amber contain aromas of lavender plants and oils. As a rule, they are used by men.
  • Aldehyde will open only after interacting with the heat of the human body, regardless of what scent they have. First used at Chanel # 5.
  • Woody. The inherent aroma of rose bush, vitiver, sandalwood, myrtle, musk.
  • Floral oriental. They have light floral aromas, interspersed with subtle notes of amber, sandalwood, musk, apricot. Used by women only.
  • Oriental or oriental. They are characterized by aromas of wood, vanilla, amber, resins. They have a rather dense odor, so they can be used by both women and men.
  • Leather- there are notes of birch bark and juniper. Preferred by men.
  • Fougere-, oak moss and lavender. Just perfect for both genders.
At the same time, such families also differ - floral, spicy, fruity, citrus, marine and green. A separate type includes aromas with the addition of pheromones, which help to stimulate sexual desire.

A correctly selected aroma will not only delight, but also help to improve your well-being, while the increased attention of men is guaranteed to you. When choosing a fragrance, many girls listen to their intuition, but if you take into account several selection criteria, you can be 100% sure in a successful version.

It is advisable to go shopping in the morning, since it is at this time of day that the sense of smell is sharper. Experts were able to establish that during menstruation, women experience an increase in the work of all organs, so it will be possible to make the right choice.

First, you need to properly prepare your skin - you should not eat anything spicy or spicy, because such products can change the acidity of the skin, therefore, the aroma will smell quite differently. Before going to the store, you need to remove all bracelets and rings - jewelry made of plastic, metal, leather can affect the change in scent, which will lead to certain problems when choosing a perfume.

It is not recommended to purchase perfume on the first day. It takes some time to get used to the scent so that you can get the right impression about it. If you wake up in the morning and still like the scent, you can purchase it.

It is not recommended to use the same scent in the morning and in the evening, as the choice of perfume should fully correspond to the situation. When choosing a perfume, age should also be taken into account - for example, youth fragrances are strictly prohibited for use by adult women. Light and fresh scents are perfect for young girls - for example, marine, floral or fruity scents.

Before choosing a particular perfume, you need to decide on the type of product. For example, perfumes have a more persistent scent and have a concentrated base. Much less emphasis is placed on scent oils during the production of eau de toilette, so the fragrance will fade away much faster.

Citrus smells

These are the most common and popular scents that can be slightly sweet or bitter. However, they are always pleasant and fresh, which makes them the most sought after among young girls.

Various citrus aromas are added to almost all compositions. Such perfumes have a very pleasant scent, so they are simply ideally combined with various groups of fragrances. Citrus fruits include the smell of bergamot, orange, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine.

Citrus perfumes and perfumes always bring coolness and amazing freshness. Therefore, such aromas are recommended to be used in the first half of the day. Citrus aromas perfectly refresh, invigorate and stimulate to more active actions. Perfumes that contain notes of citrus are chosen by active, lively and energetic girls.

Chypre scents

Such perfumes always last for a very long time and are among the most persistent fragrances. Chypre scents are very warm and deep, musky or woody. The classic version of chypre perfume has a light citrus freshness at first, after which the main bouquet opens, which, with the exception of musk, also includes a floral scent. Depending on the sweetness of the floral notes, the warmth, as well as the saturation of the perfume, will be determined.

Today there are practically no boundaries and one can find leather, fruity, floral, woody chypres, etc. These fragrances have a common base - woody-musky. There are other nuances that will only emphasize the depth of the base of the fragrance.

Chypre fragrances are classics, so they are perfect for those who prefer quality, luxury and conservatism. They are ideally combined with the image of a strong and confident woman who is not only very brave, but also prefers to be independent.

Floral scents

These are the most romantic and sweetest scents. If some special holiday is coming soon, a meeting with a loved one, then it is worth paying special attention to flower arrangements, which represent a fairly wide selection. As a rule, several colors are included in the composition of floral fragrances. The aromas of lilac, violet, rose, lily of the valley, narcissus and jasmine are ideally combined.

Floral perfumes are divided into several different categories, which are determined based on the composition - floral-fruity, floral-chypre, floral-citrus. These scents are truly unique in their own way, since they simply do not exist in nature.

All perfumes with different floral notes are fresh, youthful and a little daring, therefore they are suitable for young girls.

Fruit and fern scents

Fern or fougere aromas, fresh, have a slight bitterness (lavender, bergamot, oak moss, wood, etc.). To acquire the so-called "unisex" scent, you need to stop the choice on fern ones, which are as close as possible to masculine aromas, and the main distinguishing feature is slightly harsh herbal notes. A common feature of fern scents is a sensual, clear, pleasant aroma with a little astringency.

Summer aromas include fruity ones that convey the taste of warmth and summer. To create such aromas, any fruit is used, because each of them has its own, unique taste and expressive, bright aroma. Before purchasing any fruit perfume, you must first try it. For example, notes of pineapple and give mystery. Pears and apples are used to create fresh and simple perfumes. And the berries help to give a unique richness to the perfume.

Perfume with a pear scent is extremely rare, which is why it is so popular among girls and women. Vanilla gives sweetness, but such compositions are quite complex, therefore, they can have an ambiguous effect on the hearts and minds of people around them - they can attract representatives of the opposite sex, excite the imagination and help improve mood. All perfumes with the addition of vanilla are durable and suitable for individuals who prefer success and independence.

Video with tips on how to choose a scent for different situations in life:

". Green notes are also often used in the top layers of perfumes to give them a fresh, light scent.

Aldehydes are exhilarating synthetic fragrances that do not resemble any natural scents. These deliciously fresh and clean fragrances lend a certain sophistication to spicy, woody and floral notes. Therefore, while most of the categories of fragrances are distinct and very specific, some of them can overlap - this is especially the case with aldehyde group perfumes. For example, Lanvin Arpege and Chanel 5 are classified as modern aldehyde blends because they have the characteristic freshness and spice, while Byredo Blanche and Chanel 22 are more aldehydic floral perfumes, so how their woody and floral notes give them a mild powdery scent.

Oriental perfumes are the most daring of all fragrances. Mysteriously sweet and spicy, they surround you with a heady scent of vanilla, sandalwood, cinnamon and spices - these notes are often used, like the base notes of other perfumes, to enhance their longevity. Chanel Allure, Christian Dior Dune, Dolce & Gabbana The One, Thierry Mugler Angel, Thierry Mugler Alien, Tom Ford Black Orchid, Lancome Tresor and Yves Saint Laurent Opium ". However, some oriental perfumes do not have such a distinct sweetish and spicy scent. For example, Versace Crystal Noir Eau de Parfum is a modern oriental fragrance characterized by its sharper top note and floral heart, while Givenchy Organza and Christian Dior Oud Ispahan are classified as floral oriental due to its floral and fruity notes. Those who love exotic will surely like oriental perfumes. Some are traditionally sweet and spicy, others are better described as fruity, and still others have more modern aromas.

Chypres are distinguished by their modern yet classic combination of aromas of trees and mosses, giving warmth and depth to the perfume. Three examples of such perfumes are Chanel Chance, Givenchy Ysatis and Lancome Magie Noire (often classified as floral chypre due to its rich floral notes). Many fragrances for men fall into the same group - for example, Aramis Aramis, Coty Stetson and Chanel Antaeus.

From feminine and frivolous to rich and romantic, floral fragrances are good for any time. Of the six categories, the floral group is the most popular, and this is undoubtedly due to the wide variety of fragrances in this group. Floral perfumes can create the image of one flower, or they can remind of a whole bouquet. Floral fragrances range from feminine and frivolous to rich and romantic. Some floral aromas are more sweet, some are light and some are fruity. There are also combinations of these. The brightest bestsellers from the class of floral fragrances: "Christian Dior J" adore "," Christian Dior Poison "," Nina Ricci Nina "," Kenzo L "eau Par Kenzo", "Lancome Miracle", "Lanvin L" Homme "," Hugo Boss Hugo Deep Red, Guy Laroche Fidji, Givenchy Ange Ou Demon Le Secret Elixir.

Animal (animal) notes are often used in perfumes to give them a sensual accent and make the scent last longer. There may also be perfumes that completely belong to this category. The most striking examples of such fragrances are: Cacharel Noa, Burberry The Beat, Calvin Klein Contradiction, Kenzo Amour, Moschino Couture. Animal perfumes are easily identified by their warm, musky scent and by the name, which will almost certainly include the word "musk". For example: Montale Roses Musk, Narciso Rodriguez for her Musk, Lorenzo Villoresi Musk, Amouage Musk Abyadh, Kilian Musk Oud.

Perfume test on the skin

Spray your favorite perfume on your right wrist. Don't be greedy! This is an experiment. And keep the bottle ready, you will need it again soon. It’s hard to believe that the creation of a scent that you will feel in just a few seconds could take a specialist many years. Considering that there are thousands upon thousands of essences at the disposal of perfumers, it is not hard to see why this is so.

Some perfumes can contain anywhere from 75 to 200 ingredients. A number of essences used by the perfumer are obtained by distilling plant materials - flowers, herbs, medicinal plants, aromatic spices, bark, wood, tree resins, mosses and even vegetables. Other essences are synthetic.

There are two main types of synthetic ingredients - those that mimic natural scents and are designed primarily to reduce the cost of making a perfume, and those that are completely unique, inimitable, or contemporary in nature. However, the use of any specific ingredients is not the whole story.

How different essences are combined, in what quantity they will be included in the composition of the perfume - all this makes the same contribution to the final effect and durability of the resulting fragrance, as does the selection of its components. The attractiveness of perfumes is also due to the fact that many of them change their scent after being applied to the skin. The various periods of evaporation, or layers of perfume, are often referred to by specialist notes: top notes, middle notes, and bottom notes. Generally speaking, the lighter and fresher ingredients are the first to evaporate.

Pay attention! Immediately after applying the perfume, you will surely immediately feel the light, vibrant essences of fruits, aromatic plants, herbs or flowers. Like the first bars of a symphony, these top notes help capture the mood conveyed by the perfume: harsh, fruity, fresh, sweet, musky and other scents. The top note of perfume lasts no more than a minute. The middle notes begin to emerge as the perfume reacts to body heat and natural oils on the skin's surface. When the middle note, or core, of the perfume emerges, softer scents of flowers, woods, and "modern chords" can be experienced. Middle notes "sound" from thirty minutes to an hour. The bottom notes, sometimes also called base or dry residue, are the stage when the perfume is most harmoniously combined with the chemical characteristics of your skin. Aromatic spices, resins, mosses and animal scents such as amber gum and musk are characteristic bottom notes. The bottom note is felt from two to six hours, depending on the degree of pure essence in the perfume, as well as on a number of other factors.

Interestingly, not all perfumes have top, middle and bottom notes, or layers. Some of them only have one layer. Consequently, they will change very little, because all or almost all of the components will evaporate at the same time.

Now it's time to put some more of your favorite perfume on your skin. But now sprinkle perfume on your left wrist - and you can compare the top notes of your perfume with their core. Do not forget to smell the "dry" right wrist first, and then the "wet" left wrist. Otherwise, you won't be able to feel the very subtle differences between the two layers. Then, after 30-60 minutes, you will be able to compare all three layers of your perfume. Spray your left wrist again and quickly compare the scent to the bottom perfume on your right wrist. Wait a few minutes for the middle note to appear, and then feel how the core of your perfume differs from its base.

Sweet floral, heady and intense oriental scents are perfect for an evening. The more sophisticated you are dressed, the more elegant and sophisticated your perfume should be. Nothing emphasizes the solemnity of an evening dress like perfume. But why do we like some perfumes and not others?

Experts believe that habit plays a big role here: we are more pleased with scents that we have already felt before, perhaps under some favorable circumstances. The attractiveness of a perfume, of course, depends very much on how it is presented to the buyer. Perfume, and this is quite understandable, is one of the most difficult products to promote on the market, because it is difficult to convey the entire complex range of sensations from aromas with ordinary words or pictures. It is impossible to describe, at least enough, how certain perfumes smell. But even if it succeeded, a person should still try the perfume.

However, a creative approach to marketing allows you to introduce the perfume to their potential consumers. Take titles, for example. One of the latest marketing trends is to give perfume the names of famous people. Of course, this does not mean that you will certainly like the perfume named after your idol, but for many there is something alluring, even romantic, in this.

Often perfume names are accompanied by a catchy and catchy advertising phrase, for example: "Genji" ("Jinji") ... "prolong this moment", or an image, the type of person who might like them, such as "Acapella" ("Acapella ") ..." your unique style. "

Another important aspect is the design. In many ways, the bottle and packaging matter as much as their contents and name. In short, a perfume is not just a scent, it is an image - a look, style, image and mood. The more you use perfume, the more clearly you will understand how much it affects your life. This is what the art of perfumery does.

How to use perfume

● It is best to wear perfume before dressing so that you can apply your favorite scent over a wider area of ​​the skin. So you will be enveloped in a whole cloud of scent. (And besides that, then there will be no stains on clothes.) If you want the perfume to last longer, apply it to moisturized skin. The perfume does not evaporate so quickly when it has something to "hold on to." Use bath products that are scented with your perfume. They will not only serve as a wonderful backdrop for your perfume, but they will also provide better cleansing and hydration of the skin due to their composition.

● Never put perfume on your skin with a bottle cap - sebum may remain on it. In a closed bottle, it will mix with the perfume and break the complex composition of the perfume. This is one of the reasons why spray packages are produced.

● Store flavored talcum powder and powder in your laundry drawer. This will gradually transfer the fragrance onto your clothes. Perfume evaporates faster on dry skin - another reason to use moisturizers after a bath, especially if you have dry skin.

● Food affects the sense of smell. Therefore, it is better to try new perfume before meals than after, especially if you are going to try a spicy dish.

● The scent rises, not falls. If you want to smell your perfume, don't just apply it behind your earlobes.

● Avoid wearing perfume when going to the beach. They can increase the photosensitivity of the skin.

● Store unwrapped scented soaps in a closet to keep both towels and sheets scented.

● Since the points where the pulse is felt — the throat, wrist, bends of the elbows, knees, and ankles — are warmer than the rest of the body, perfume applied to these areas wakes up faster.

● You cannot judge the smell of perfume by the scent coming from another person. There are no people with the same skin chemistry.

● If the situation requires only a hint of perfume, take a scented bath or use a scented body lotion, cream, or mousse.

● Store perfume that you rarely use in the refrigerator. So he will not lose his qualities.

● When you run out of perfume, do not throw away the empty bottle. Place the open bottle in the closet and the cork in the laundry drawer to add a scent to your clothes.

● Since different products evaporate at different rates, applying multiple coats increases the depth and strength of the fragrance. This is a step-by-step process. Apply the first coat while you wash - use scented soaps, scented bath formulations, or shower gel. The second layer is applied when you use a moisturizing composition - lotion, gel or body mousse, scented with the same perfume. The third liquid layer is cologne or perfume. Finally, for even greater effect, use flavored talc and mousse.

● Storing perfumery products where they are exposed to direct sunlight or near a heat source will degrade them quickly. It is best to store them in a cool place, away from the window.

● Always close the perfume bottle tightly so that it does not evaporate. Even aerosol bottles need to be well capped after each use.

● Test vials are ideal for travel. These small bottles contain enough perfume for several uses.

● Are you having trouble falling asleep? Or are you so tired that you cannot work? According to aromatherapists, help is close - it is at the "tip of your nose." It is believed that the aromas of jasmine, marigold and hyacinths have a soothing effect, while the essence of peppermint, grapefruit, peach, cinnamon and sandalwood invigorates.

● When the weather changes, the aromas of the perfume also change. The perfume smells much stronger in hot, humid summer months than in cold weather.

● If you are using unscented styling products, sprinkle some eau de toilette on the brush to give your hair a light scent.

● Try no more than two or three kinds of perfume at the same time. Otherwise, they will all seem the same to you.

● The drier the climate, the faster the perfume evaporates. Especially during the winter months, you can increase the persistence of the scent by first applying a moisturizer. It's even better if it's flavored with the same composition as your eau de toilette.

● During extreme heat, perfumes and eau de parfum smell more strongly than usual. If a strong smell is not appropriate, use bath products instead of eau de parfum or perfume.

● If you don’t smell your perfume, it doesn’t mean that others don’t smell it. Maybe you are just used to them. Therefore, if you apply eau de toilette more often than once or twice a day, it is very possible that you may be overdoing it. Ask someone else - close, if the scent of your perfume is too intense.

● Do not save up perfume for future use. They are not eternal.

● Keep a small spray bottle of perfume in your briefcase or purse for you to use throughout the day.

Perfume and a sense of proportion

A fragrance that is too strong can be inappropriate in many situations. Here are some tips to help you avoid these complications:

● Perfume is a great way to set off your business style, provided that it is not the main thing that will be noticed in you. Most perfumes and eau de toilettes are too scent for a work environment. Saturated oriental and animalic perfumes are also not suitable for work, especially those with a strong scent of patchouli, musk or sandalwood. Sweet floral perfumes can also be too heavy. If you really prefer these particular scents, apply a small amount of eau de toilette or perfume, or use scented bath products or other aromatic products (powders, mousses, etc.) after showers in the morning and at night.

● Smell and taste are very closely related. Generally speaking, if you don’t smell, you don’t feel the full gamut of taste sensations. A very strong aroma also affects the taste sensation. Therefore, if you used a very strong perfume before dinner, this can spoil the pleasure of the dishes served not only for you, but also for those around you.

● Cramped spaces require lighter odors, especially on an airplane or car. Fresh light floral and plant aromas will be good companions for you on the road.

● After exercising, be sure to take a bath or shower first before applying perfume.

● If you plan to spend time by the pool or beach, do not use perfume. Perfume and beads of sweat that appear on the skin are incompatible. But, more importantly, when using perfume, direct sunlight can cause sunburn or increase photosensitive reactions.