Quince: Useful and harmful properties. Is it possible to nursing moms? General characteristics of quince

Pregnant women, how never need products of rich useful trace elements: minerals and vitamins. However, at the same time, the future mothers become very arrogant in food, they are worried not only the taste of food, but also its influence on the body of their kid. And this is not in vain! After all, the health and development of the fetus largely depends on the lifestyle of the mother's nutrition. Even such useful foods like fruit cause many disputes and suspicions. But fortunately, there is a fruit that will not exactly bring harm to your child - this is aiwa. However, you need to know about all the nuances of its use, as well as take into account contraindications to its use during pregnancy. We will talk about it today and talk.

What is helpful for women

Quince looks like a major, pear-like yellow fruit. It appears on the shelves of our stores at the end of the autumn and early winter.

Quince is a fruit that is really a relative of apples and pears, but carries more useful properties.

This fruit perfectly combines a number of useful substances. This is copper, iron, glucose, fructose, apple and tartronic acid, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and boron. Also in Ayva, you can find folic acid and many group vitamins, which prevent the occurrence of a child of various pathologies and mutations.

Another advantage of Quince is that it is absolutely hypoallergenne. Thanks to this, pregnant women can use it without fear more than 4 times a week.

Useful properties of quince:

  1. Since Quince has a large amount of vitamin C, it can be used as a means to strengthen immunity and reduce symptoms when coughing, bronchitis and other manifestations of colds. It is also useful in burns and inflammatory processes in the eyes.
  2. Very relevant for pregnant women, the question of raising hemoglobin. Quince copes perfectly with the task of blood saturation with iron and prevents the development of anemia.
  3. Also, this fruit is useful for pregnant women, because it is capable of carrying carcinogenic and toxic substances from the body. Isiva is very useful with heavily metals intoxication.
  4. Juice juice helps to remove edema. All thanks to the diuretic action of this fruit.
  5. The use of raw quince has found its use when bleeding gums and nose. This fruit helps to get rid of diarrhea, lungs and asthma diseases.
  6. The baked and rubbing quince will help the future mother in the diseases of the liver. Compote or tincture can also be used, since with thermal processing fruit its healing properties practically does not lose.

As you can see, the benefit from Quince is really great. This tart and not ordinary fruit will help you get rid of many problems.

Quince leaves: Medical properties

If you managed to find a fruit with leaves, do not rush to throw out greens. The leaves can also be used for therapeutic purposes. You will be surprised how many problems can be solved with this, it would seem not the necessary greens.

Use of leaves Quince:

  1. A decoction from the leaves of quince helps with angina and diseases of the oral cavity. To get rid of such ailments, you need to carry out a rinse with such an infusion.
  2. You can also get rid of a ragger of quince leaves from foot sweating and their fatigue. To do this, you need to boil 5 tablespoons of quince in half-liters boiling water. When the decoction cools, use it for foot baths.
  3. Tea from the leaves quince will help you normalize blood pressure and blood sugar. To prepare such a tool brew a teaspoon of leaves in a glass of boiling water.

As you can see, quince leaves can bring a lot of benefit. To preserve the greens of this fruit, you can dry it in the sun.

IIVA, benefit and harm: how to eat for treatment

Despite the fact that Quince is a very useful product, in some cases it can bring serious harm. This may happen if you have diseases in which this fruit is contraindicated.

Almost every product has any contraindications. Therefore, before you use a new food during pregnancy, make sure you can eat it.

Contraindications to the use of quince is not so much. Basically, they are associated with its astringent properties.

Contraindications for the use of quince:

  1. Quince contains a large number of tannins. That is why it is not recommended for constipation.
  2. If your labor activity is associated with frequent ligaments, then you should not use quince before work. A large number of tannilic substances in Hywe can have a short-term negative effect on the ligament.
  3. Fresh quince capable of irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is not recommended to be used in gastritis with increased acidity.

You should also know that in recipes, where quince bones are used only seeds with a whole shell. Otherwise, sinyl acid can be distinguished from them. Quince can be used not only for the sake of taste, but also for medical purposes. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several ways to use it for treatment.

Quince treatment:

  1. If you suffer from an insufficient amount of gastric juice, which is accompanied by a meteorism, belonging and a permanent sense of gravity, then you will help you puree from weaving quince. In this case, such a product must be included in the daily diet.
  2. Upon swelling, the compote from the slices of quince will help you. From this problem you can get rid of the diuretic product.
  3. From hemorrhoids you will also help get rid of quince. To do this, apply compresses from the freshly squeezed juice of this fruit to the affected area.

Such recipes will help you to cope with many diseases during pregnancy. There are other ways to apply this fruit for medicinal purposes, we described you the most popular.

As is the quince: raw or ready

In addition to its healing properties, Quince has a pleasant taste. It can be prepared the most in different ways.

Quince can also be used in the raw form, but this method of her eating on an amateur. All things in its sharp and very sour taste.

You can independently come up with a way of cooking quince. Thermal treatment with the addition of sugar will help to get rid of excess acid and stiffness. However, we suggest familiarizing yourself with several successful recipes.

Ways of cooking:

  1. Clean the quince of the peel and seeds, pour sugar and let it stand for 12 hours. In the resulting syrup, tapping fruit for ten minutes. Put the parchment paper on the baking sheet, and exacerve the pieces of quince on top. Dry the product in the oven. The resulting candle can be added to porridge or use as dessert.
  2. You can also, clean the quince of the peel and seed, cut it on the halves. Next, the fruit is poured on half a height of water, falling asleep with sugar and put in the oven in a foil form until a complete softening. A treat with whipped cream is served.

You can also cook compotes, and marmalade from quince. This fruit is good and in the form of a side dish or sauce to meat.

Can I quince nursing moms

Quince is one of the few fruits that can be used during breastfeeding period. This product can significantly diversify the diet of a nursing mother, without bringing harm to children who consumes it milk.

Use of quince during breastfeeding:

  1. After childbirth, the woman's body may experience a lack of vitamins. A small amount of quicted quince per day helps to solve this problem by replenishing the lack of vitamins of group A, B and C.
  2. During the postpartum period there is a risk of uterine bleeding. Quince is an excellent preventive tool from such an unpleasant situation.
  3. Quince helps to fill in a woman's body lack of most of the necessary trace elements. It is also useful when dealing with anemia.

Thus, the use of quince during lactation is quite possible. However, it introduces it to the diet, it is necessary to gradually, in small portions.

Isvi is useful during pregnancy (video)

Quince is a useful and delicious fruit that helps avoid the emergence of many ailments. Moreover, it can be eaten like during pregnancy, so breastfeeding. However, do not forget that this fetus has several contraindications. Watch your health, use only useful food and do not neglect the advice of the doctor!

During pregnancy, many women pull something exotic. Among other fruits special attention is deserved by Quince - popular delicacy from Central Asia. Is it possible to have any future mama? What useful properties has this sweet fruit?

Composition of quince

In ancient Greece, Quince was considered a symbol of fertility. According to the legend, it was the fruit of quince that Paris the goddess of Love Aphrodite. After a few centuries, Quince was named an apple - thereby fruit that became a reason for the famous Trojan war.

The composition of the quince includes the following utilities:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, E, PP;
  • mineral elements: potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus, calcium;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids: lemon, apple, tartron.

Due to its unique properties, Quince was also known in medieval Europe. In many countries from Italy to Sweden, it was believed that quince fruits should use young women wishing to marry and give birth to healthy children. The preventation as a gift of this sweet fruit was a kind of recognition in love.

Useful properties of quince

The aromatic fruits of quince served as a medicinal product in ancient times. This sweet exotic fruit has a number of useful properties:

  • activates the operation of the digestive tract;
  • favorably affects the immune system;
  • has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates blood formation and warns the development of anemia;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • increases the total tone of the body;
  • improves mood;
  • stimulates memory and attention;

Ripe Iiva has pronounced antiwheat action. This property of an exotic fruit is useful for a future mother in the early pregnancy. Several poles of quince for breakfast will help to cope with toxicosis, eliminate nausea and vomiting, reduce salivation. Freshly squeezed quince juice increases appetite, which will also benefit a pregnant woman.

Fragrant fruit favorably affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Quince stimulates the development of enzymes, improves food digestion and makes it easier to eliminate the exchange products from the body. Fresh fruits, as well as ice juice, is used in the pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract, some diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.

Quince will benefit in the pathology of the urinary system. Exotic fruit has a pronounced diuretic and light antiseptic effect. In a complex with medication, Quince helps to cope with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.

Fresh quince juice (pure or diluting with water 1: 1) helps fight swells, deriving excess water from the body. Good fruits will benefit with pregnant women suffering from anemia. High iron content makes quince the most desirable delicacy in the second half of pregnancy, during the period of increasing load on the cardiovascular system of the future mother.

Quilting is rich in vitamin E - beautiful natural antioxidant. With regular use, the quince helps to keep the turgor and the elasticity of the skin, gives a healthy gloss hair. Means based on these fruits are used in cosmetology. From the meakty quince prepare various oils, masks and creams to care for oily skin.

Quince is an excellent tool to help fight depression and fatigue during pregnancy. The fragrant fruit supports the body in good shape, improves the mood, gives the strength and gives the charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. Quince favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory and attention, and also prevents the development of insomnia in late dates.

The unique properties of quince allow it to be used as a means of stimulating immunity. Freshly squeezed juice and pulp helps the body to fight infection with a cold and flu, contribute to the removal of viruses and speed up recovery. With the exacerbation of various chronic diseases, Quince can also be used to maintain the general tone of the body. The juice and fruits of quince helps to recover after stress, strong emotional experiences and physical exertion.

Precautionary measures

Quince - exotic fruit. In some women, fragrant fruits can cause the development of an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash or feeding of quinque. Often, for the first time, such a reaction is manifested only during pregnancy due to a sharp change in the hormonal background. Futive mothers prone to allergies are not too fascinated by an exotic fruit, especially in the late periods of pregnancy to the coming births. The use of quince during lactation can lead to the development of allergies in a child.

  • ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • enterocolitis of various origin;
  • constipation.

Fragrant fruits break the functioning of voice ligaments, lead to the irritation of the throat and provoke cough attacks. Quay is not to get involved in women speaking on stage and working with a large audience.

Useful properties of quince are known many centuries. More Avicenna in his writings wrote about the healing qualities of the fruit and recommended its use to facilitate the state in violations in the work of the heart, digestive organs and other diseases.

Indeed, fresh quince of biologically active substances occupies one of the first places among all seed crops. There are many pectins and organic acids such as malic, lemon, tartron, a significant amount of carotene and ascorbic acid, vitamins RP, E, B1, B2, B6, such trace elements, like iron, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, Nickel, Bor. The specific tartness and astringent taste of quince are due to tanning substances, catechin and epicatechin.

Such a rich set of minerals, vitamins, other biologically active compounds determines the benefits of quince in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

A large amount of potassium has a diuretic effect, and the combination of tubyl substances and pectins is an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and fixing effect.

In addition, pectin and tubyl compounds are removed from the body carcinogenic compounds and toxins, clean the intestines and confront the development of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Their presence determines the powerful cleansing effect of the fruit, including under intoxication with heavy metals.

Calorie Quiliary

Due to the low calorie content of the quotion, which is 37-58 kcal per 100 g of the product, it is recommended for nutritional nutrition nutritionists, and the presence of vitamins of the group B helps to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improving the skin condition.

Quince during pregnancy

It is very useful to use quince during pregnancy. Fruits are a good anti-ansulistic agent and facilitate a state with toxicosis, their soft diuretic action prevents the occurrence of edema, and iron and copper makes the deficit of these trace elements characteristic of a preventive woman, serve to prevent and treat anemia.

Juice Ivy.

Antiseptic, enveloping and smaller action of quince causes the use of the yoke rinsing juice, as well as in the form of a row and the surcharge to process the cracks of the rear passage, during the exposure of the rectum.

Healing properties have fruit seeds. They consume starch, tannins, up to 8% oily oil, resin and pectins, covering film contains about 20% of mucous membranes. In therapeutic purposes, it is the mucus that is obtained, insisting seeds in warm water and periodically shaking them.

Such an infusion or decoction is taken inside as a laxative, enveloping, expectorant, as a hemostatic in the uterine bleeding, and also externally, with dry cracking wounds, including cracks in the rear pass, burns, breakdowns and doughs, eye inflammation. In official medicine, the extract from Iiva seed extract is considered a good expectorant.

With a medicinal goal, not only fruits and seeds are used, but also leaves of the plant. Properties of bravery and infusions of them normalize blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure, to stop asthma attacks for a long time and are widely known to traditional medicine.

In cosmetology, leaf decoctions and branches are used to strengthen and restore hair, they have a slight tinting effect, they mask the early gray gray and give the hair a beautiful shade. With cosmetology purposes, the quince juice is also used, which improves the complexion, whitens freckles, cleans fat, porous skin.

Contraindications of quince

The presence of a large number of tuban substances causes a number of quantities of quince. So, the fruit cannot be used in constipation, its astringent action, as well as the presence of a skin covered with felt input, worsens the state of the larynx and voice ligaments, so the fruits are not recommended to use people whose work is associated with the voltage of the voice (singers, teachers and lecturers) .

Fresh quince can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as well as cause the difficulty of breathing, the sore throat, so it is contraindicated in pleurrites. The cause of poisoning can be the bones of quince.

In this case, harm in this case causes high content in amygdaline glycoside seeds, which, under the effects of enzyme, emulsion turns into a sinyl acid. Therefore, with all the ways to prepare the fruit of the bones of it, it is better to remove it, manufacturing drugs from seeds, you need to use them entirely, without saving and non-shred.

In order to get the maximum effect of using a fruit for medicinal purposes, it is important to know how the quince is eating with certain diseases. Fresh fruits and juice of them are used in gastric diseases accompanied by bleeding and diarrhea, as well as for the treatment and prevention of anemia. Ivah juice is a good antiseptic, it is very useful to suffering from various pulmonary diseases, and is especially recommended to asthmatics, since it also has a pronounced antiallergic effect.

As a diuretic, antiwhere, with liver diseases, fruits are used in boiled and well-protected form.

The taste of quince

Quince is used not only for therapeutic purposes, it is a delicious and useful food. True, in the fresh form it is rarely used because of the sour and binder taste, only a few varieties after a long, 4-6 month storage becomes softer and can be suitable for food.

Mostly, the fruit is subjected to heat treatment, since boiled or baked quince becomes soft and sweet.

In many national cuisines, the fruits are used as a side dish side dishes, of which various seasonings are preparing, which have, due to essential oils present mainly in the skin, a special aroma and sour taste.

Quince is harvested in the form of jam, compotes and juices, the high content of pectins allows you to make high-quality jams, confiture, jelly and marmalade from it. It is proved by the way that the first marmalade was prepared from this fruit, even the very name of the product "Marmelada" in Portuguese means "jam from quince".

Quince during pregnancy helps to fight toxicosis

Use of quince during pregnancy

The composition of the pulp and juice of fruit includes vitamins of group B, folic and malic acid, minerals. Due to the high content of Kalia Quince, it is recommended to use people suffering from high arterial pressure.

Quince during pregnancy helps:

  • derive excess fluid from the body;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • fight stress and nervous disruptions;
  • prevent the appearance of heart disease and vessels;
  • faster to cure from ORVI and ORZ;
  • cope with toxicosis.

Folic acid, which is part of the quince, prevents the appearance of congenital pathologies in the child. Minerals contained in fruit contribute to raising hemoglobin levels, thereby reducing the risk of anemia.

Quince has a series of contraindications:

  • acute laryngitis (pharyngitis, tonsillitis);
  • individual intolerance;
  • frequent constipation;
  • the ulcer of the stomach and gastritis (when used by fresh quince).

Japanese quince during pregnancy: recipes of delicious fruit dishes

Quince is rarely used in the fresh form due to its acidic taste. It prepares side dishes and sauces to meat, pastries, desserts and drinks. After thermal treatment, the fruit retains all the useful substances.

Baked quince is a tasty and fragrant dessert that is combined with a cup of green or black tea with lemon. For the preparation of the dish you will need:

  • quince - 5 pcs.;
  • honey - 150 g;
  • cinnamon - 2 h.;
  • lemon;
  • creamy butter - 160 g

Fruits cut in half, remove the core. Inside each half place on ½ tbsp. l. Oils, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, sprinkle cinnamon. From lemon to squeeze the juice and sprinkle them a quince. Heat oven to 200ºC, put fruit in it and bake 40 minutes. Honey in the recipe can be replaced with sugar.

No less tasty and useful is a compote from quince. To cook it, you will need:

  • quince - 1 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon stick.

Fruits cut into thin slices, put in a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar and add cinnamon. Pour quince water and cook for 20-25 minutes. Ready compote cool and serve with mint branch.

Quince during pregnancy will not give up by vitaminosis and decline. It will help the body of the future mother to prepare for childbirth, and the baby is to be born healthy and strong.

The main task of the future mother is the birth of a strong, healthy baby. This is designed to serve the food diet of a woman every day. It must be saturated with enough vitamins and trace elements. The best source serve vegetables and fruits. Quince is one of these fruits. What is its benefit for the future mother? Are there any restrictions on use, contraindications? Let's deal with together.

Ivy's benefit during pregnancy

During the pregnancy period, women revise their menu, trying to saturate it as much of the beneficial substances. Throughout the pregnancy, fruits must be present in the menu. In our time, the doctor recommends pregnant to eat quince, like a rich source of trace elements and vitamins. The composition of this fruit contains pectins, iron, copper. Quince is able to save many diseases, protect from avitaminosis, improve well-being.

Surely all pregnant women know about the dangers of chemical drugs during the battery of the child. They can cause significant harm to the baby, its development. Therefore, to the treatment of any disease of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to fit very carefully and weighted. This fully applies to traditional medicine: not all herbs, juices, plants are safe for the fetus.

Therapeutic properties of quince during pregnancy

As for Quince, the doctors advise the use of quince grains with and ac. The decoction of them is an excellent assistant with bronchitis and inflammation, eye diseases and burns. Recommend it to women and uterine bleeding.

It contains a sufficient amount of iron that is necessary during pregnancy to support the function of the blood formation.

If you compare quince with other seed crops, it takes the position of the leader on the content of biologically active substances: there are many fructose, iron and copper, potassium and phosphorus, tartron and malic acids. Therefore, a pregnant woman is recommended to use this fruit three times a week.

During pregnancy, the use of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals should increase. And the use of quince will provide an opportunity to increase the dose of carbohydrates and vitamins without harm for the shape and risk of extension set.

From the period of pregnancy planning, a woman is recommended to use (vitamin B9). It prevents the development of "hare" lips, psyche disorders, hypotrophy and other congenital malformations of the kid. This vitamin in Ive contains a sufficient amount. Many in it and vitamin B1, which helps well with toxicosis, blood circulation disorders.

Quince is famous for the high content of iron, which is important for the pregnancy for normal supply of mother and child oxygen. Iron helps to avoid symptoms of fetal hypoxia during the toddler period and during the delivery process.

In 100 grams of this fruit, 23 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is contained. He always possessed antiviral properties, was and there is a defender of our immunity, which is especially important for pregnant women. And still ascorbic acid contributes to the absorption of iron and blood formation.

Glucose as part of Quince is the main source of energy for the body, the nutrient for the development and growth of the baby.

Quince has an easy diuretic effect like apples. Therefore, it is useful for pregnant women with swelling or tendency to their formation.

So, taking into account all the beneficial properties of the quince, it can be safely called an assistant to the healthy tooling of the fetus, a storehouse of useful substances and energy for a pregnant woman.

But this does not mean that it can be used every day without restrictions. This fruit can cause allergies (though, very rarely). Given the diuretic properties of Quince, in the evening it is better not to eat in order to avoid morning eath. And 2-3 fetus three times a week will benefit every pregnant woman.

Especially for Elena Thochec