Pregnancy and acute appendicitis. Apandicitis during pregnancy. Symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of appendix most often becomes the cause of operations in pregnant women. Apandicitis during pregnancy in many cases is associated with an increasing uterus of the future mother.

Selfieness painful laparoscopy
Removal care pulls
Pain in the days

The priority of the diagnosis has priority. The operation is inevitable, but has some differences from the usual, different and postoperative rehabilitation.

The process of developing the disease

The pathological process begins with a violation of blood supply to a heart-shaped process. The causes of appendicitis, not only during pregnancy, become its transmission, clogging with food masses, infection. But the size of the uterus, the weight of the fetus often has a decisive effect. Nevertheless, the initial stage of doctors is called simple.

Next comes the surface or catarrhal stage. Inside the appendix is \u200b\u200bformed by ulotnik, the purulent mass begins to accumulate. This process continues about a day, then the stage of destruction comes. On it, the development of appendicitis, as usual, can continue in different forms: phlegmonous, apostleatous, ulcerative, gangrenose. Any of them can lead to the defeat of the neighboring organs to which purulent inflammation is distributed. If you do not make an operation, the pus will fall into the abdominal cavity, which will lead to very serious complications.

The duration of the development of pathology is from two to four days. But in the third trimester of pregnancy, appendicitis develops rapidly, so sometimes it takes only six hours.

The usual symptoms of the disease are generally characteristic of pregnant women. They manifest consistently:

  • the first to appear abdominal pain;
  • disappears appetite, nauseous, can tear;
  • the temperature rises, but not higher than 37.5.

Symptoms manifest as overall health

In addition, during examination, the doctor defines a painful reaction to palpation. To do this, two and three fingers are messenger pressed on the stomach, then they dramatically release them.

The sign of appendicitis when tooling may also be a forced possession of a woman. On the right side, with pursed legs it becomes a little easier to tolerate pain.

Pains can decrease after a fear of gas convention. Sometimes it happens that there are no in the first stage at all. On the other hand, in the later dates, because of the displacement of the process, the pain can be felt under the ribs, near the navel, in the lower back, crotch, give to the legs.

The first symptom of appendicitis during pregnancy becomes abdominal pain. Only then an additional may appear. But their meaning is usually depreciated by the position of the woman.

  1. Painful sensations may indicate a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, as well as infectious inflammatory diseases.
  2. Nausea, vomiting, fever - these signs are similar to toxicosis.

Because of this, about half of the cases of appendicitis in women are diagnosed incorrectly, the precious time is overlooked. On the other hand, quite often, already during appendectomy, it turns out that the Cell-shaped process is healthy. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is so important.

Sharp pain - clear sign

Specify the preliminary diagnosis made on the basis of a survey and inspection, laboratory and instrumental methods. The urine analysis will show the increased content of leukocytes.

Approximately four-five women out of ten manage to recognize appendicitis on such a safe procedure as an ultrasound. But for the rest, the absence of the result is due to the fact that it is not possible to consider the process, and the diagnosis remains unconfirmed.

Then resort to other procedures - computed tomography and MRI. For their pregnant women, low concentration preparations are used or they do not use them at all. The accuracy of these methods is very high.

With suspected appendicitis during pregnancy, laparoscopy can make a doctor with the opportunity to see a real picture inside the abdominal cavity. For this, thin tubes with optics transmitting the picture on the screen are injected through small cuts inside. When inflammation is detected, it can immediately start the operation.

Laparoscopy is less traumatic for a pregnant woman

This method is considered the least traumatic, after it is faster the healing of small scars. But he is still not studied enough. Therefore, a woman needs to rely solely on the opinion and qualification of the surgeon. Read

The degree of danger of consequences

If any symptoms of appendicitis are found during pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to measure the temperature, control its condition to accurately and consistently describe it.

When confirming the diagnosis, the operation is inevitable. Otherwise, very serious consequences are possible for mom, and for the baby:

  • peritonitis;
  • development of multiple abscesses;
  • the purulent-inflammatory process of the veins of the liver - Pilyfelbit.

These consequences of appendicitis during pregnancy lead to infection of blood, the impossibility of preserving pregnancy, in very difficult situations likely the fatal outcome. The worst thing is that at the last stage of the inflammation of the appendix, the nerves die away, the pain calm. But after breaking the process, they renew with a new force, spilling around the abdomen - it is already peritonitis.

Of course, the operation itself carries some risk to both organisms. But the forecast after it is quite favorable, especially if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Therefore, cut appendicitis is not only possible, but also needed during pregnancy. Unless, of course, the presence of inflammation is established.

Appneltectomy technique is ordinary. There are differences in preparation, anesthesia, rehabilitation period. Appropriate antibiotics and other medicines are selected. Anesthesia can be common, spinal or epidural. At the end of the stomach, the load and ice are not put.

Removal by operation

After removal of appendicitis, such complications of pregnancy are possible:

  • premature childbirth;
  • complications of generic activities (bleeding, contractions of kits);
  • postoperative infection;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • very rarely - intrauterine infection, premature detachment of kindergarten, oxygen starvation kid.

Therefore, careful monitoring of pregnant and fetus is underway. The risk of complications for the child is higher if the appendicitis during pregnancy was removed on the second trimester.

All pregnant women who have suffered surgery are automatically entered into a risk group. The base - the infection transferred to the baby. Control from doctors will be strengthened, that is, to visit them will need more often. Additional surveys are also appointed.

The most dangerous is seven days after surgery. If it was carried out in the last weeks of pregnancy, and after appendicitis, childbirth was launched literally in a few days, they are carried out as careful as possible. The stomach can be tightly constructed so that the seams are not separated. To accelerate the expulsion of the fetus, dissection of the crotch is allowed.

Causes and ways to prevent diseases

Until now, the exact causes of this disease could not be installed. But most often it is associated with improper nutrition, infection, frequent constipation, blockage of the input from the colon in Apandix. Apandicitis during pregnancy, especially in the second half, provokes squeezing agitatus.

Given these reasons, certain prevention measures can be used, although their effectiveness is not scientifically proven.

  1. Avoid random infections.
  2. Prevent constipation.
  3. Follow food, food should include a lot of fiber, lactic acid products, meat should not be too much.
  4. Enough to move, start the morning with gymnastics.
  5. There is no shelter of seeds, grape bones, that is, what can clog the entrance to Apandix.

To know exactly how appendicitis hurts, especially during pregnancy, may not be a single doctor. Therefore, any suspicions are a direct road to the hospital. Previously, the operation will cause less negative consequences. Nevertheless, it is better to make sure of the absence of danger many times than bringing yourself and your own child to serious complications.

After all, this pathology develops no more than five pregnant women from hundreds. The first trimester accounts for about a third of all cases, on the second - about 60%. Judging by the reviews that have undergone appendicitis when carrying, usually everything ends safely. Even with complications, premature genera with proper care are also a favorable outcome.

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The information published on the site site is exceptionally introductory and is intended only for familiarization. Visitors to the site should not use them as medical recommendations! The editorial board does not advise to engage in self-medication. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment technique remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of the doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

The most common cause of surgical operations during pregnancy is the inflammation of the appendix (a worm-like transformation of a blind intestine). The provoking factors for exacerbation are abuse - this is the increase in the uterus, as a result of which the displacement and squeezing of the process, and constipation, which have to penetrate infection in it. In addition, the cause of appendicitis during pregnancy can violations of the immune system, which leads to a change in blood composition, and an abnormal placement of the process.

Medicine allocate two main forms of this disease:

  • Catarial, or simple appendicitis. Usually, with a simple form, a black-shaped process is inflamed and increased, but the fabric remains without damage.
  • Acute destructive appendicitis. This form is dangerous with the fitting, perforation of the walls of the process and the ingress of pus into the abdominal cavity.

To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests of blood, urine microscopy and ultrasonic analysis of the abdominal cavity are prescribed. But only when carrying out laparoscopy, a reliable diagnosis of the inflammatory process is possible.

Apandicitis during pregnancy: symptoms

Typical signs of the disease in a pregnant woman are smoothly the same as in any other patient. But the pregnancy itself complicates the recognition of the inflammation of the appendix, especially in the second half of the child's hatching. A number of symptoms are considered a normal phenomenon for women in the position.

The clinical picture of the "acute abdomen" is leveled at the expense of physiological, hormonal and metabolic changes. The location of the internal organs changes with increasing the uterus: the blind intestine and its process rise upwards, as a result of which pain syndrome is localized in an unconventional place. Such phenomena as nausea and vomiting are inherent in toxicosis, so a woman may not immediately pay attention to the beginning of the pathological process. When palpation of appendicitis during pregnancy, pain is not felt so acute due to the stretching and weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Nevertheless, the development of the disease is characterized by signs that allow a specialist to assume inflammation of the process:

  • Increased body temperature (values \u200b\u200bin the rectum and in the armpit, have one degree difference);
  • Tachycardia, steady superficial breathing, bloating;
  • Sudden attacks of stupid and chic-shaped pains, ongoing from 2 to 24 hours. In the lying position on the right side, the pain is sharply intensified due to the pressure of the fetus for appendix;
  • Nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting.

Among other symptoms of appendicitis during pregnancy, uncompical manifestations can be distinguished with an abnormal arrangement of the process. So, with low placement, when it borders with the bladder, signs of cystitis can be observed - frequent urination, painful and crotch pain. If Appendix is \u200b\u200bhigh, under the biscuits, the symptoms of gastritis with characteristic noving pains in the top of the abdomen, nausea and even vomiting appear.

After the diagnosis is set, regardless of the period of pregnancy and the form of appendicitis, the inflammation is permitted only by operable. The earlier the disease is determined, the smaller the risk for the child and the future mother. Therefore, when suspicious pains in the abdomen appear, it is necessary to immediately turn to a specialist.

Removal of appendicitis during pregnancy

In modern conditions, surgical intervention to remove the inflamed organ can be performed in two ways. With a traditional method, a dissection of the abdominal cavity above the area is located where Appendix is \u200b\u200blocated. The surgeon makes a cut, the length of which is 10 cm, and cuts the process. Then the seams are superimposed, which in normal healing are removed by 5-7 days after the operation.

A new way of removing appendicitis during pregnancy is laparoscopy, carried out using an optical system. In this case, the puncture of the peritoneum at the level of the heart-shaped process and the patient's excision occurs. The advantages of this treatment method are obvious: postoperative pain decreases, the rehabilitation period is significantly easier and faster, after the operation there is no long scar. Laparoscopy is an optimal solution in the treatment of appendicitis in women who carry the kid.

In some cases, the rapid development of destructive appendicitis can cause the risk of abortion. Nevertheless, the form of appendicitis and the length of the child's noding is in no way indication for this. Extremely rarely experts resort to Cesarean cross section. The need to interrupt pregnancy may occur in the case of too much the size of the uterus when it closes access to the process and interferes with the execution of the operation.

To avoid heavy outcome, a woman after surgery should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, be under special observation, because in the first rehabilitation days the risk of complications are very high.

Apandicitis during pregnancy: consequences

In addition to the threat of miscarriage, the removal of the inflamed process during pregnancy threatens with other complications:

  • Hypoxia fetal;
  • Postoperative infection;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Premature placental detachment;
  • Pathology of contractual activity of the uterus;
  • Postpartum bleeding.

In cases where the consequences of appendicitis during pregnancy have a pathological nature and can lead to violations in the development of the fetus and deterioration of the state of the future mother, appropriate treatment is appointed in the hospital.

Pregnancy is a wonderful waiting time. The future mother should enjoy his position and do not think about the bad. But, unfortunately, this stage can overstate health problems.

One of these possible problems is appendicitis during pregnancy. Is he dangerous? And how is the treatment in this case?

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the so-called worm-like process, which is called Appendix in medical practice. Such a process is considered Rudiment, that is, in fact, who have become not necessary in the process of evolution.

But such bodies may well give themselves to know. As practice shows, the fourth of the entire population appendix is \u200b\u200binflamed. Age does not affect such a state, but most often appendicitis develops in young people (about 30 years).

As for pregnant women, they also have a worm-shaped process, it may well infamore that by and large it is determined by their position.

Of the total number of representatives of the beautiful sex, who have undergone appendicitis, about 5% are the future mothers. Acute appendicitis, by the way, pregnant women meet more often than ordinary people.

There are two forms of this state: catarrhal and destructive. In the first case, appendix increases in size, becomes ottoly, but it remains as a whole, that is, the pus cannot be poured into the abdominal cavity.

The destructive form of the state, in turn, can be divided into several types:

  • FLEGMOGNE appendicitis is greatly increased in size and fills in Geek. It resembles a bubble, which in some circumstances can burst. From the first form in the second appendicitis, it goes about 6-12 hours, although sometimes everything happens much faster (per hour), which is extremely dangerous.
  • If the measures have not been adopted on time with phlegmozn appendicitis, the following shape can develop - gangrenous. At the same time, the fabrics of the appendix walls gradually begin to die and collapse, it can well burst, which will lead to a pus in the abdominal cavity. In such a state, the black-shaped process can be about 12 hours.
  • The latter and most complex shape is perforated. It develops in about a day after the first manifestations of inflammation. In this case, the pus is poured into the abdominal cavity and fills it. Because of this, an infection may develop, which is a threat to the life of the future mother and the fetus. If you do not seek medical care in the next day, then everything can end very sad.

The reasons

Until now, doctors have not established the exact reasons for the development of such a state. It is believed that Appendixes can inflame due to the blockage of the lumen, which connects the blind intestine and the black-shaped process itself.

Why is this happening? Probably the wheel masses remaining in the intestines are hard and mounted, forming closures. In addition, slags that the body did not bring on time, they may also completely clog this clever. And sometimes the state of the appendix is \u200b\u200balso affected (it can be different).

As for pregnancy, it itself is in this case a negative impact factor. First, the uterus grows very quickly and can shift the neighboring organs.

Especially displacements and squeezing are intestines. At the same time, the appendix can shift, which will lead to his inflammation. Secondly, in the period of tooling the baby, many women have problems with a chair, that is, constipation.

The stagnant the contents of the intestine through the clearance can penetrate the appendix or simply clog this very lumen.

Thirdly, during constipation, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, which can also serve as a certain starting mechanism. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms may well get into a heart-shaped process and provoke the launch of pathological processes.


Manifestations of appendicitis, as a rule, do not remain unnoticed, but often future mothers confuse them with an increased tone of the uterus (and such a phenomenon is not uncommon) or other problems and processes associated directly with pregnancy.

The signs are extremely important to notice on time to consult a doctor and avoid serious consequences. List symptoms:

  1. First of all, there will be pain. At first she will be felt at the place of inflammation. Since the uterus shifts appendix up, the unpleasant sensations will be flounded in the top of the abdomen.
  2. Then the pain will spread through the body, go down. Often it happens with a skewing, gives in the other side, lower back and back. If at first the sensations are not so strong, then the pains will be almost constant. First, they are nullifying or pulling, then they can wear a gravity character. If you lie on the right side, then the feeling will increase.
  3. Since the process gives pressure on the uterus, then Hypertonus may arise. The stomach will be hard, can sick a little.
  4. Vomiting and nausea can appear (if the appendix will put pressure on the liver). If the process is located in a small pelvis, then squeezing the bladder will lead to painful urination.
  5. There is a weakness.
  6. Often this condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature (sometimes quite significant).


As already noted, the consequences can be very sad:

  • The placenta detachment may begin, which, in the absence of timely measures, can lead to fetal death.
  • Probably bleeding.
  • Another threat is hypoxia (oxygen fasting) of the future child, which is the cause of irreversible changes in the brain and other bodies of the fetus.
  • The postoperative period in the improper observation of doctors can also be dangerous. So, there is a risk of developing intestinal obstruction (after surgery, the intestinal emptying is complicated). In addition, there is a probability of infection.


To reveal appendicitis, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive examination. First, blood and urine tests are prescribed. Secondly, an ultrasound examination is required.

But the most accurate results will make it possible to obtain laparoscopic diagnostics, which is carried out using the puncture of the abdominal cavity and the room in the camera (Endoscope).


The only effective way to eliminate this problem is operational intervention. There is no other way, as it is impossible to remove the inflammation of medication tools. If it started, in any case, the process should be deleted. But the operation can be carried out by two methods:

  1. Traditional operation. In the abdominal cavity above the location of the appendix, an incision of 8-10 centimeters long, through which appendectomy (removal of the process) is produced. If there is an abscess, the drainage tubes are installed through which the pussy is displayed out. Then the seams are superimposed, they usually remove them in a week.
  2. The second method is a laparoscopic operation. A few punctures are made in the cavity. After one, an endoscope is introduced (it allows you to see the cavity from the inside and find the focus of inflammation), and manipulators are placed through others (with their help and manipulation). It is this method that is preferable for the future mother, since the risk of developing complications is reduced at times.

Postoperative period

The probability of consequences increases in the first days after the operation. The future mother will not impose a cargo and ice on the belly, as is usually done. A pregnant woman shows a strict bed mode, as well as gentle nutrition.

Doctors must certainly follow the work of the intestine. In most cases, special soft preparations are prescribed, preventing constipation.

In addition, if the uterus begins to shrink, drugs can be assigned, relaxing muscles and removing spasm (for example, Papaverin and other similar).

Another important measure is prevention of infection (after surgery, this probability is quite large). For this, the doctor will appoint antibiotics, which must be selected with special care and taking into account the situation of the woman.

After 2-3 weeks, the pregnant can be returned to the usual way of life.

One can only add that the appendicitis during the toaling of the baby is dangerous, but if we take action on time, the consequences will be avoided.

Many pregnant women bind pain in the abdominal cavity with their position, which often turns out to be true. But it is pregnancy that can provoke an attack of appendicitis. In order for the attack to not find you surprise, it is worth a clearly to know how this disease shows itself, what is his symptoms, and how to deal with him.

Appendicitis call inflammation of a worm-shaped process. It is worth noting that there are quite a few pregnant women with this disease (about 3.5%). Acute appendicitis in women in the situation is somewhat more common than other fair sex representatives.

The causes of the development of this disease are still not known to scientists. One of the versions is the blockage of the lumen, which exists between Appendix and a blind intestine. Due to the blockage, there is a violation of the blood supply to the process, which leads to the edema and the development of the inflammatory process.

Often, pregnancy is a factor predisposing to the manifestation of this disease. It is caused by an increase in the uterus, which, squeezing the process, disrupts its blood supply and, accordingly, leads to inflammation.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis during pregnancy?

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between the two forms of appendicitis: catarrhal and destructive. Each of these forms require a certain time for the development of the disease. The catarrhal form of illness is developing within 6-12 hours, destructive forms can develop a little longer from 12 hours to two days, then perforation may occur, that is, the contents of the intestine can get into the abdominal cavity.

It is impossible to call certain symptoms of appendicitis in pregnant women, because the body of each woman is individual, therefore, changes in the process can occur different, in addition, not all appendix is \u200b\u200blocated equally.

When inflammation occurs in the process itself without affecting the abdominal cavity, the woman is usually worried pain In the upper part of the abdomen, which are gradually moving to the lower right of the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of appendicitis may be such phenomena as vomiting, stomach disorder, nausea .

Sometimes pains are insignificant and arise in all areas of the abdominal cavity. When examining a pain physician can be determined not immediately and detectable in the region above the location of the uterus. Also often pregnant experiences painful sensations, lying on the right side, when the uterus has a maximum pressure on the inflated process.

With the development of the inflammatory process, the pain begins to manifest itself in the right iliac region. Often, painful feelings are moving to the lower and upper departments of the abdominal cavity and even in the hypochondrium. The degree of pain, as a rule, depends on the period of pregnancy, that is, the more the uterus presses the inflamed appendix, the stronger the pain appear.

It is worth noting that all the symptoms that are characteristic of the patients with appendicitis, pregnant women can be expressed more weakly or manifest itself somewhat later.

It is worth noting that the nature of the appendicitis can affect pain in the inflammation of the appendicitis: if the appendix is \u200b\u200bunder the liver, then pregnant can experience symptoms that are similar to gastritis symptoms: pain in the top of the abdomen, nausea and even vomiting appears.

With a low arrangement of the process, when it borders with the urethra, pains can be given to feet, crotch, a woman may experience frequent urge to urination, which is why it is important not to confuse in this case the inflammation of the appendix with cystitis.

How does appendicitis affect the fruit?

Of course, the development of the disease in the second trimester of pregnancy affects the future kid. The most frequent complication is the threat of abortion in the late period. Also, complications include infections that may arise in the postoperative period, and intestinal obstruction.

Rarely, but still there are cases when pregnant women with the appendix may have a premature placental detachment. In the case of timely diagnosis of detachment and competent treatment, pregnancy can save and bring to the end. In the case of inflammation of the fetal shells, the baby's intrauterine infection occurs, and mandatory antibacterial therapy is required.

Complications, as a rule, arise during the first week after the operation to remove Appendix. As prevention in the postoperative period, all pregnant women show antibacterial therapy.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in pregnant women

Diagnose this disease should doctor. As a rule, the presence of appendicitis in a pregnant woman can indicate high body temperature, soreness (sometimes quite strong) in the right side of the abdomen when walking or even at rest. Often, when palpation, the pain is enhanced with a rustling pressure on the stomach, and then when the doctor's hand is taking.

Also diagnose the disease according to the analysis of urine (The presence of appendicitis may indicate an increase in leukocytes). It is worth noting that the increase in leukocytes can be caused by any inflammatory process or infection occurring in a pregnant woman, which is why it is not enough to form a diagnosis of urine analysis.

One of the most modern and reliable methods for determining appendicitis in pregnant women is ultrasound procedurewhich allows you to see an increase in the process and even abscess. But it is worth noting that when ultrasound, only half of the patients can see a worm-shaped process, which will allow to give an accurate conclusion to the doctor about the inflammatory process.

Another diagnostic method - laparoscopy. In the course of this procedure, the doctor can see all the abdominal bodies, including appendix. When the appendicitis is detected, it should be immediately eliminated. Laparoscopy is the most accurate method that allows reliably to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity.

That is why, if you suspect a pregnant woman to inflammation of appendicitis, it is necessary to go to the hospital, where they organize continuous monitoring, will make the necessary analyzes and diagnostics and, if necessary, will carry out an operation to remove the inflamed process.

How is the appendicitis remove?

Unfortunately, when setting this diagnosis, treatment is possible only by operating. Now the operation to remove appendicitis in a pregnant woman can be performed both traditionally and with the help of special punctures of the abdominal cavity.

For standard operation The cut of the skin is performed above the area where the Cell-shaped process is located. The length of the cut is about 10 cm.

The surgeon examines the process and abdominal cavity around it to eliminate the presence of other abdominal diseases. The appendix is \u200b\u200bthen removed, during the abscess it is dry when using drainage, outgoing. Then the seams are applied to the incision, which are removed, with a normal postoperative period, in a week.

A new way to remove appendicitis in pregnant women is the use of an optical system. For laparoscopy The doctor can carry out an operation to remove the process through small holes in the abdominal cavity instead of a large cut. The advantages of this method of treating are indisputable: postoperative pain decreases, and recovery occurs much faster.

In addition, laparoscopy provides a magnificent cosmetic effect, which is an important factor for most women. Laparoscopy allows the most accurate diagnosis in the case when the doctor doubts the presence of Appendix in a pregnant woman. The laparoscopic method of removing appendicitis is the most optimal method of treating appendicitis in women waiting for the kid.

How is the postoperative period after removing appendicitis in pregnant women?

The postoperative period in pregnant women requires the attention of specialists, as well as the prevention of complications and certain therapy. After the operation, the ice is not superimposed by the ice on the stomach, so as not to harm the flow of pregnancy, a special gentle mode is formed, so that a pregnant woman can recover faster, and the removal of appendix did not affect the health of her future kid.

Also for pregnant women provide special means that help to normalize the intestinal work as soon as possible.

The use of antibiotics in the postoperative period is a measure necessary, but it is worth noting that drugs are carefully selected by specialists, given the condition of the woman and its pregnancy.

Prevention of premature genera and interruption of pregnancy is also carried out, so the patient is recommended to comply with bed rest, eat right, take vitamins and comply with all the recommendations of her doctor attending it. Special treatment is prescribed to support pregnancy, including soothing drugs.

After extracting from the hospital, pregnant is automatically included in the list of women who have the risk of abortion and early childbirth.

The fruit in pregnant women who have undergone an appendicitis removal operation is also subject to careful learning and control. Doctors carefully track how his development proceeds, follow the state of the placenta. In the case of any violations in the development of the fetus or deterioration of the state of a pregnant woman, it is sent to the hospital for carrying out appropriate treatment.

If childbirth occurs in a few days after the operation to remove appendicitis, they are carried out with special cruelness and under special control. They monitor the seams, the seams are not separated, they produce full-fledged anesthesia.

In the process of childbirth, a constant prevention of intrauterine lack of oxygen is carried out. The expulsion period of the fetus is shortened due to the dissection of the crotch, so that the seams imposed on the operation are not separated.

How many time would not have passed after operating intervention before the delivery, childbirth in any case will be under the watchful control of specialists in order to eliminate the emergence of complications, postpartum bleeding and other anomalies.

In any case, even if you had to survive the operation to remove appendicitis during pregnancy, you should not worry about the health of the baby. Remember that for your future child, the emotional state of the mother is very important, and the rest should be completely relying on the staff, which will take birth.

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Appendicitis - This is the inflammation of the process of the blind intestine, which is called Appendix. For a long time, Appendix was considered unnecessary. Now scientists have changed the opinion: after all, this body is a "reserve" for intestinal microflora, thanks to which it is restored after disease.

But with the inflammation of the appendix, the operation to remove it is obligatory, including during pregnancy, because without surgery, there will be a gap and inflammation of the abdominal cavity, which will lead to the death of the fetus.

Figure 1 - Appendix Location in Women's Body

Appendicitis during pregnancy: Is it possible?

The risk of developing appendicitis during pregnancy is higher than in the usual condition. So pregnancy is a factor for the emergence of the inflammatory process in Apandix.

This is presumably due to the fact that the increased uterus displays the abdominal organs by putting pressure on them. Such squeezing disrupts blood circulation in the process, which is why it swells and is inflamed.

Another reason for the appearance of appendicitis in pregnant women is the fact that the future mothers are produced in a large amount of progesterone hormone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs, including the muscles of the digestive channel. As a result, food is delayed, and constipation arise, as a result of which the carte masses harden. These felling stones due to the slow motion of them in the Tolstaya intestine can penetrate into appendix, contributing to blockage and inflammation.

What is dangerous acute appendicitis during pregnancy?

During the battery, a woman should listen to the slightest changes in their own health. The unwillingness of pregnant women to go to the doctor when possible signs of appendicitis appearance will lead to terrifying consequences.

For a child, such an indifferent attitude is expressed in the form of oxygen starvation (hypoxia) and premature celaiming placenta. The baby threatens death due to the irresponsibility of such a mother.

The woman herself exposes itself to the risk of developing intestinal obstruction, infectious inflammatory process in peritoneum, mass bloodstream, septic shock and other things.

When the process is breaking, a cesarean cross section is carried out regardless of the period of pregnancy, the uterus and uterine pipes are removed.

Stages of development of acute appendicitis

The first stage in medicine is called catarova. It is characterized by inflammation of the process, stomach pains (more often in the navel area), sometimes nausea and vomiting. Its duration from 6 to 12 hours.

If at this time the operation was not carried out, then complications appear in the form of the second ( phlegmonous) Stage, during which the destruction of the tissue of the appendage, the appearance of ulcers and the accumulation of pus. Permanent pain relocates to the right side, the body temperature can increase to 38 ° C *. This stage of acute appendicitis is about 12-24 hours.

Next occurs necrosis of the walls of appendix and its gap - the third ( gangrenoz) Stage. An unpleasant feeling may appear for a while, but then with stringy, strong abdominal pain will occur. The duration of the third stage of appendicitis is 24-48 hours.

The last stage is the gap of appendix and inflammation of the peritoneum ( peritonitis) Due to the contents of the contents of the abdominal cavity. Next, without surgery, the situation ends with a fatal outcome for both.

* Remember, during pregnancy, the normal body temperature is slightly higher than that of a pregnant woman, it comes to 37.4 ° C (in some up to 37.6 ° C).

We give the fetal mortality statistics when inflammation of the mother's process.

The table shows that the progression of the disease increases the risk of kid's death.

Therefore, it will not be turned out to be seen, and the treatment of folk remedies in this situation will not help either. With the slightest suspicion of appendicitis, it is immediately necessary to consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Ignoring symptoms will bring deposits.

If there is suspicion of appendicitis, then it is impossible:

  • putting the heating on the stomach - so only accelerates inflammatory processes, and the child is so heat only harm;
  • taking antispasmodics and anesthetic - the diagnosis is hampered, and when patting the doctor will not be due reaction;
  • to eat anything and drink - the operation is made on an empty stomach, otherwise the risk of developing complications during the operation increases.

Symptoms of appendicitis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, appendicitis proceeds atypically. There may be no vomiting and nausea.

The main symptom of appendicitis during pregnancy is pain in the right side. The place of localization of pain (see Figure 2) and its intensity varies depending on the period: the more the term of pregnancy, the brighter the pain is expressed.

In the early periods (first trimester) due to the lack of belly, the pain is felt near the navel, then shifts into the right iliac region. When crossing and voltage, it becomes more pronounced.

In the second trimester, the extensive in the size of the uterus shifts appendix back and up, so the pain is felt near the liver (in the right side somewhere at the navel level).

In the last period of pregnancy, it hurts immediately under the ribs, in sensations somewhere behind the uterus. Also, pain can give to the lower back on the right side.

Figure 2 - Appendix location in pregnant women, depending on the term of pregnancy

How to independently define appendicitis? The symptoms of appendicitis during pregnancy are estimated in view of the natural changes in the body of the future mother. But there are two scientific methods or a sign of the presence of appendicitis in a pregnant woman:

  1. Strengthening pain when turning from the left side to the right (Symptom of Taranco).
  2. Strengthening pain in the position on the right side because of the pressure on appendix with the uterus (symptom of Michelson).
  3. Nausea, vomiting, together with a stomach disorder (diarrhea) and a stupid constant pain on the right side.

If the appendage is located near the bladder, symptomatics of cystitis appears: rapid urination, pain in the crotch, giving up.

Signs of peritonitis (abdominal inflammation): High body temperature, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, bloating.

Diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis during pregnancy

The diagnosis of appendicitis during pregnancy is somewhat difficult. Usually, honeystones that are stuck in the place of transition of the transition to the blind intestine are detected using X-ray. But during pregnancy, X-ray irradiation is harmful, especially in early terms, because such rays violate the division of embryo cells, which can lead to the development of diseases of the nervous system of the fetus or to the birth of a seriously ill child.

As for the ultrasound research (ultrasound), it is used only to exclude the diseases of the internal genital organs of a woman, because often painfulness with inflammation of the uterus and appendages are confused with pain in appendicitis. Well, in order to diagnose appendicitis, ultrasound is inexpoxy, since during pregnancy the uterus pushes the appendage of the blind intestine inland, and the process is not amenable to visualization.

Pay attention to the symptoms of gynecological diseases are not nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This is characteristic of appendicitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Be sure to susperate appendicitis, doctors take blood tests and urine: any inflammatory process increases the content of lymphocytes in these substances to high values.

Well, the main method of diagnosing appendicitis is an inspection of a pregnant surgeon, which plays (feeling) of the stomach and polls the patient:

  • as pain is strongly expressed (insignificant, unbearable);
  • whether she is felt when walking, shaking or lifting the right leg in the position of lying;
  • what was the body temperature;
  • there was a nausea, vomiting, etc.

Due to the weak symptoms of women in the position more often fall into the hospital in the later stages of the disease. Pregnant women with gangrene appendicitis are five times more than non-empty.

Appendices treatment Only one - Appendectomy (Operation to remove appendix). Appendix carries out one of two ways:

  • laparotomically - make a decade -antime membrane above the process;
  • laparoscopically - make three punz in the stomach.

During pregnancy, the second version of the operation is used more often.
Laparoscopy is carried out with a tube having an optical chamber, and two manipulators. This technique does not leave the seams after himself, which is important for the aesthetics of the female body.

Operate the patient under general anesthesia so that the future mother is not worried. In later dates, there may be an emergency cesarean section.

After the operation, the pregnant woman regularly examines the gynecologist. Prescribe bedding. You can get up only for 4-5 days.

After the operation, it is necessary to comply with a diet compiled by a doctor. The first two days can be pulled porridge, puree, chicken broth, dairy products. Then gradually introduced into the diet of the soups chopped with a blender, omelet without oil, steam cutlets, but fresh fruit turn on only on the fourth day. Three months later, sweets are allowed, fried food, if desired, drinks with gases.

On the seventh day, the seams (with laparotomy) are painlessly. Pregnant on the stomach do not lay ice, heels and other goods.

Medical staff conducts the prevention of complications and disorders of the digestive tract peristals, assigning:

  • tocolics - drugs, relaxing muscles of the uterus and preventing premature births;
  • strengthening immunity and necessary vitamins (tocopherol, ascorbic acid);
  • antibacterial therapy (duration 5-7 days);
  • physiotherapy.

After discharge, the woman includes a risk-based risk and early childbirth. Conduct the prophylaxis of fetoplacentage insufficiency.

If the childbirth happens shortly after the removal of appendix, the doctors spend complete anesthesia and put the bint on the seams, making everything extremely carefully and carefully.

Remember, with timely appeal for medical care, threatening life and health consequences for the mother and child can be avoided.

Health to you and your puzzles!