What to do if beige discharge appears in pregnant women in the early stages - the doctor advises. Beige discharge in gynecology: listen to your body's signals

Discharge while waiting for the child can be different. Like their color and consistency. And what happens in the female body during pregnancy depends on the shade.

Many expectant mothers are worried about the secretion that comes out of the vagina. Sometimes such a process can indicate a serious pathology, or it can be absolutely normal. Their color may vary - there are light beige discharge during pregnancy, greenish, brown, light pink, white, transparent and dark beige discharge during pregnancy.

Any changes in condition that occur during gestation should be observed and analyzed, but not only. You should always inform your doctor about your concerns and incomprehensible symptoms.

However, the beige secret that stands out during gestation is not always a worrying factor. If this happens in the first trimester, the pregnant woman has nothing to worry about. The integrity of the endometrium is disrupted at the time of attachment of the fetus, so a light brown secret may appear, without blood and discomfort.

In the third trimester, a brownish secret is also called a normal variant, but not always. It can occur when the mucous plug comes off and labor is approaching.

Another reason for the appearance of beige mucus is recognized as infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs. An unpleasant odor is often added to the symptoms. A specialist is able to identify the development of pathology based on the results of research. Another reason is called cervical erosion, which, as a rule, is determined even before conception begins. This anomaly cannot be treated either during gestation or for some time after childbirth. Sometimes, such damage to the cervix begins to develop after fertilization. In these cases, it goes away on its own. But the presence of this process should still be reported to the attending specialist, who will prescribe additional examinations.

Beige and beige-pink discharge during pregnancy sometimes speak of particularly unpleasant phenomena. For example, if a pregnant woman showed signs of an interesting situation, including sensitivity of the mammary glands and morning toxicosis, and later they ceased to bother and were replaced by the manifestation of light discharge, this may be a factor in the fading of the development of the fetus. In this case, in order to make the correct diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies.

Ectopic gestation was recognized as a more serious pathology. Clinically, it occurs with pain in the pelvic region or on the side, where the development of the ovum occurs, and beige secretion. This is an urgent need to tell the gynecologist.

It also happens that some future women in labor experience endometrial detachment from time to time. This happens not only at the very beginning of the gestation period, but also during the first three months. The schedule of occurrence is similar to the monthly menstrual cycle - approximately every 21 days. Such secretion is distinguished by a beige or light brown color. Usually, they are characterized by scarcity, reminiscent of menstruation. To determine that there is no threat of miscarriage, it is recommended to visit a doctor. Before communicating with the attending gynecologist, it is necessary to reduce physical activity and temporarily exclude sex life.

The article discusses discharge during early pregnancy. We will tell you for what reasons they arise, in which cases they are a physiological norm, and when they are pathology. You will find out what beige secretion means with and without pain in the abdomen, reviews of gynecologists and women.

During pregnancy, a woman's body works differently. In the early stages, the expectant mother can observe an increase and change in vaginal discharge, which is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for bearing a child. Starting from the 2nd trimester, progesterone gives way to another hormone, estrogen, which can also affect the nature of mucous secretions.

Beige secretion should not cause discomfort

Experts distinguish between physiological and pathological nature. Physiological secretion should not cause any discomfort in a woman, its color is transparent or white. In this case, the discharge should not be accompanied by itching, burning or pain in the perineum, or have an unpleasant odor.

Egg implantation

In the period from 1 to 14 days from the moment of conception, the fertilized egg moves into the uterus. After the completion of this process, the expectant mother may experience beige-pink spotting, which quickly passes and does not cause discomfort.

An admixture of a pink tint in this secretion is due to a slight rupture of the capillaries when the endometrium is damaged. This condition is not dangerous for a pregnant woman, and therefore does not require treatment.

Examination by a gynecologist or vaginal ultrasound

Often, after a vaginal ultrasound scan or examination by a gynecologist, a woman notices light beige discharge on her daily pad. Quite rarely, or may be present in them.

This happens due to the contact of the cervix with a sensor or gynecological speculum. Also, minor trauma to the mucous membrane can lead to the appearance of blood streaks.

Estimated days of your period

Often, beige secretion appears on days when menstruation should have gone. This condition does not pose a threat to the fetus and the woman, but still should not be left without the attention of the doctor. This secretion usually has a short duration.

On these days, it is recommended not to burden yourself with physical labor, to rest more. If the discharge is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, then the reason for this may be the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process.

Allergic reactions

If, before conception, the expectant mother did not suffer from allergies, then during the period of bearing the child this may change (for more details, see the article). The hormonal changes that occur in the body of every pregnant woman make her sensitive to everything.

Changing the usual washing powder, new linen - all this can lead to the appearance of beige secretion. Allergy is most intense in the first trimester against the background of reduced immunity. Beige discharge disappears immediately after the elimination of the allergen.

Taking hormonal drugs

In case of a lack of progesterone, the doctor prescribes a pregnant woman taking Duphaston or Utrozhestan. These hormonal drugs can cause the appearance of a beige secretion, which does not pose a threat to the fetus and the expectant mother.

Remember, if any discharge appears, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to prevent possible complications.

Photo of beige discharge during pregnancy

Pathological causes of beige discharge

Vaginal secretion of a creamy shade, accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, bloody impurities or a specific odor is a reason to see a doctor. Such signs indicate the presence of serious diseases, which we will discuss below.

Infectious pathologies

Sexually transmitted infections cause a beige secretion and can lead to termination of pregnancy. That is why it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid negative consequences.

The most dangerous conditions include:

  • Sexually transmitted infections - sexually transmitted diseases always cause abnormal secretion (,). Most often they are abundant, with an unpleasant odor, causing itching and burning in the genital area. With gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, the secretion is purulent, yellow-beige,. The presence of gardnerellosis and chlamydia is indicated by white-cream or light beige discharge.
  • Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, accompanied by beige secretion.
  • Vaginitis - hormonal changes and a decrease in the protective properties of the body entails a change in the microflora of the vagina and the development of nonspecific vaginitis. A characteristic feature of the pathology is a fetid odor and beige discharge.

Cervical erosion

This pathology can cause a creamy beige smear with blood streaks. Secretion may increase after intimacy, exercise, or bowel movements. An examination on a gynecological chair will help to identify the disease.

The threat of termination of pregnancy

Beige secretion mixed with blood often indicates placental abruption. Before such discharge, there is often abdominal pain, breakthrough bleeding, leading to the onset of a miscarriage. If a pregnant woman feels discomfort or how the stomach pulls, general weakness and uncharacteristic discharge, you should immediately call a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy

Often beige discharge indicates. This condition poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and requires surgical intervention. Unfortunately, it is not possible to save the child, but the correct and timely actions of the doctors preserve the woman's reproductive functions, thanks to which she will still be able to become pregnant in the future.

Treatment of pathological discharge should take place under the supervision of a doctor.


Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of when to see a doctor if beige discharge is worried, whether it should be done right away or should it be worth waiting until they stop by themselves. It is necessary to seek medical help immediately, since any delay can cost the life of both the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Especially the woman should be alerted to abnormal discharge, accompanied by a specific smell. Additional negative symptoms may include pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, burning sensation and itching in the perineum.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, only a doctor should make a diagnosis based on the research and the patient's complaints.


The following measures will help prevent the appearance of pathological beige discharge:

  • Compliance with the rules.
  • Use of cotton underwear.
  • The use of contraceptives when having sex with an unreliable partner.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist, following his recommendations.
  • The use of perfume-free intimate hygiene products.

From the very first days of gestation, the female hormonal background begins to change intensively, and the transformations affect all areas of the body. Beige discharge during pregnancy, which usually occurs under the influence of progesterone hormone, is considered quite common. But sometimes an unusual shade or an unpleasant smell can join the beige daub, which indicates the abnormality of these secretions. How to figure out which leucorrhoea and secret are considered normal during gestation, and which indicate pathology.

The right approach to planning will help avoid complications during gestation.

The first weeks after fertilization are of the utmost importance for the crumbs, because it is during this period that it is fixed on the uterine wall and begins to actively develop, forming into a tiny man. The mother's body during this period can present many surprises, such as unusual painful sensations in the uterus, morning sickness or unusual spots on the linen.

  • Progesterone begins to be actively produced, which increases vaginal secretion, so the appearance of a beige daub in early pregnancy is not considered something unusual or supernatural.
  • Moreover, these secretions are of important functional importance, because they moisturize the organs of the reproductive system.
  • The appearance of a light beige secret in the first month of gestation indicates the beginning of the formation of placental tissues and mucous plugs, which will protect the baby from the penetration of infectious agents, bacterial microorganisms, fungi and other aggressive and dangerous substances throughout pregnancy, providing him with a comfortable development.
  • On the days when the patient began her period, beige discharge may also appear in the early stages of pregnancy, containing minor bloody streaks. Such a phenomenon is also considered quite natural, and over time, this daub will stop.
  • In addition, minor brownish stains on laundry can be found after a gynecological examination or ultrasound diagnostics. It's just that the genital tract is somewhat loosened, so it becomes sensitive to any contact.
  • Sometimes beige discharge during pregnancy is the result of an allergic reaction to the used underwear made of synthetic materials, soap or gel for the intimate area, powder, etc. Stopping the use of the allergen will eliminate the problem itself.

All this discharge is considered quite normal and should not cause any concern. If mommy is experiencing severe discomfort, then you can use sanitary panty liners, just choose thin ones without any fragrances.

Beige discharge as a sign of inflammation

But sometimes beige discharge during pregnancy in the early, first weeks can be a sign of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, proceeding latently. They can be activated against the background of the traditional lowering of the immune defenses at the beginning of gestation. It is better to prevent such problems in advance than to treat them after the onset of conception. After passing a thorough examination and passing a smear and blood for latent infections, you can easily detect such pathologies and treat them in a timely manner, even at the planning stage.

Great happiness in the family is the birth of a healthy baby

Often the situation has a slightly different character, when the girl has already conceived, her immunity has weakened, and hidden sores began to appear. In such a situation, it is possible to eliminate beige discharge during pregnancy only in the most gentle ways for the fetus. How to understand that inflammation is raging in the body and without the help of a doctor you cannot cope with it? In general, beige daubs can be of harmless origin. It is only necessary to carefully monitor the state of health, and if the spotting suddenly became abundant, acquired a suspicious shade or an unpleasant odor, urgently consult a doctor.

If minor blood impurities are due to implantation processes, then in a day all suspicious symptoms will disappear. By the way, many mothers often confuse such discharge with the beginning of the period. If the intensity of such discharge does not decrease, the color becomes only richer and a nauseating odor appears, but it is urgent to be examined. The doctor will prescribe the laboratory tests necessary for the diagnosis, because at random no specialist will treat a pregnant patient.

Such discharge can occur against the background of a variety of conditions, for example, cervical pathologies, which can be identified by a regular gynecological smear. It is during this period that the patient's body is extremely overloaded, all its resources are directed to the formation, preservation, bearing and provision of the fetus with everything necessary, and nothing remains for its own needs. As a result, a woman becomes defenseless against all sorts of dangerous and undesirable infections when carrying. Any deviation from normal values, be it color, smell, consistency of discharge - all this requires a medical consultation. This is necessary, because some infections can lead to spontaneous interruption or fetal pathologies.

What infections to avoid

We are talking about the earliest weeks when the patient may not yet know about conception, but sexual intercourse took place and now she has a delay. If a girl has unusual and unpleasant-smelling beige discharge, then they should be perceived as an alarming sign, because they can indicate infectious pathologies like:

  1. Vaginal dysbiosis. It is characterized by the presence of viscous, thick and dark discharge, which occurs against the background of violations of the vaginal microflora.
  2. Inflammation of the cervical canal. The shade of mucus in such a situation will vary according to the type of pathogen that provoked the pathology.
  3. Inflammatory lesions of the fallopian tubes are also accompanied by unusual daubs. In this case, discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester and in its first weeks may acquire a beige, red or yellowish tint and is often complemented by painful sensations in the abdomen.
  4. Infections of venereal origin (trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, etc.) during pregnancy can also occur, while smelly purulent impurities will be present in the mucus, fever or slight hyperthermia may bother you.

It is impossible to independently determine the true cause of the discharge, only laboratory tests will help to accurately determine the source of inflammation and its nature.

If the discharge is yellow

The expectant mother should be under constant medical supervision.

A dangerous sign is the appearance in the first weeks of yellow or beige-green discharge. They may bubble, and a rich beige-yellow hue indicates the presence of a large amount of pus in them. This discharge is usually a sign of an acute infection or STD. In the first months of gestation, fungal and infectious pathologies are especially dangerous for the embryo that has begun to develop, because the placental barrier will finally form only by the beginning of the second trimester, and before that time all pathogenic microorganisms are able to freely seep into the bloodstream of the crumbs. Therefore, urgent treatment is needed.

The appearance of a beige-yellow discharge may indicate the development of vaginal infectious pathologies. With trichomoniasis, patients note the appearance of light beige or light yellow discharge with a nasty odor, and with chlamydia, beige-yellow or brown discharge with a characteristic soreness in the abdomen. Gonorrhea manifests itself as a light yellow secretion, urination with cuts and abdominal pain, and colpitis - watery yellowish-green fetid discharge, fever and pain in the genitourinary organs.

When prescribing treatment, patients face a serious problem. Girls in a position cannot take all medications in a row, because they also penetrate the fetal bloodstream. Therefore, the selection of safe medicines for pregnant women is an extremely responsible and difficult business, and in the early stages it is practically impossible. But self-medication or delaying therapy is just as dangerous. A special category is represented by patients who deliberately refuse to take medications, trying to protect the baby in this way. They can be understood, because today everyone knows about the dangers of pills for pregnant women. But the danger of intrauterine infections is much higher than taking medications to eliminate these very infectious processes.

When to worry

To avoid the threat of miscarriage, inflammatory or infectious pathologies, a girl in the process of gestation must timely undergo laboratory tests of blood, urine, smears for the presence of hidden infections and the nature of the vaginal microflora. You also need to undergo all routine gynecological and obstetric examinations, ultrasound examinations and other diagnostic examinations. Such measures are extremely important in order to timely detect the activity of pathogenic bacteria and destroy them at the earliest stage of their development.

  • If the discharge has changed its consistency, shade or intensity, then this does not mean the development of a serious disease.
  • However, if a fetid or nauseous odor has been added to these signs, burning-itching discomfort in the perineum and painful symptoms have appeared, then urgent measures must be taken.
  • The first step is to contact a specialist who will determine the true causes of changes in vaginal changes.
  • The main symptom of pathology is a sudden change in color, odor and consistency that occurred simultaneously. Usually, a smear test for microflora is sufficient to diagnose the cause.
  • If the developed inflammation has worsened, then the discharge may also remain beige, however, itching in the genitals, painful urination are added to them. Such symptoms often indicate an STD infection.
  • If the beige discharge has changed to brown, blood streaks have appeared or bleeding has opened, then urgent intervention by specialists is necessary. Similar symptoms are manifested by ectopic pregnancy, detachment of placental tissues or exacerbation of cervical erosion.

Pregnant women need to remember that a beige secret without pain, odor, bloody impurities and with a uniform consistency is considered normal. Excessive abundance, unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the perineum, abdominal pain - these symptoms are pathological in nature, therefore they require urgent diagnosis and treatment.

What tests to take

First of all, when a beige discharge is detected, the patient needs to undergo a blood test for the content of progesterone, because this symptom sometimes indicates the lack of such a hormone. Progesterone is very important for a pregnant woman, because if it is insufficient, there is a threat of early pregnancy failure, fetal growth retardation and other problems of gestation. But this study requires some preparation, only then the data obtained will be reliable. The test results can be affected by the intake of medications that change the hormonal background, as well as some products that can stimulate nervous system activity. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor all the drugs taken by the girl.

In addition, the day before donating blood, alcohol, tea, coffee and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Progesterone can increase under the influence of fatty foods, so about 3-4 days before donating blood, you need to give up fatty meat and high-fat dairy products, caviar and eggs, as well as vegetable fats. A blood test to determine progesterone levels must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. If you donate blood only during the day, then you can easily have breakfast in the morning, the main thing is that at least 6 hours have passed from the moment of eating to donating blood. But it is not forbidden to drink ordinary water.

What to do first

If the analysis shows an insufficient level of progesterone, then the woman is at risk, more precisely, her pregnancy, since insufficient progesterone will not be able to fully protect the embryo, as a result of which the female body can reject it, which will lead to a miscarriage. In addition to progesterone, when suspicious signs appear, a woman is prescribed a smear on the microflora, which makes it possible to assess the composition of microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa, and also to assess its acidity. If leukocytes and other extraneous cellular structures are found in the smear, then appropriate therapy is prescribed.

  • If genital infections or urogenital inflammations are found, then they try to cure them as quickly as possible with drugs that are sparing for the fetus, because they are dangerous for the child himself, provoke loosening of the tissues of the genital organs, which is dangerous with ruptures during delivery.
  • Before taking a smear for 2 days, it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse, douching, the introduction of suppositories or vaginal tablets.
  • On the day of delivery of the biomaterial, it is necessary to wash only with warm water without soap and other means.
  • Approximately two hours before the procedure, you need to urinate for the last time and try not to drink yet, so that you will not be drawn to the toilet again.

But such a smear does not show the presence of mycoplasma, ureaplasma or chlamydia, their presence in the female body can only be detected by using a PCR study for latent infections. After receiving the results of the studies, the patient is prescribed appropriate therapy. When the course of treatment ends, the patient again needs to be tested to confirm the absence of pathology.

To eliminate the likelihood of pathological beige discharge, you need to abandon lace and synthetic underwear. In addition, you need to take care of the emotional state, not to get nervous and avoid stress, because they negatively affect the immune forces, leading to an exacerbation of infections, etc. appropriate treatment.

The initial stage of bearing a child is very important, because the embryo takes root in the endometrium. During this period, the fetus is very vulnerable. Naturally, women are worried if they find beige discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Let's discuss why leucorrhoea is unsafe.

Allocations in the early stages

It should be emphasized that discharge in women can be not only pathological, but physiological. First, consider the cases where this is the norm.

In pregnant women, the amount of progesterone increases, which increases vaginal secretion. Accordingly, a woman in the early stages of pregnancy observes beige discharge. These leucorrhoea are even beneficial: they moisturize the genitals - and the mother does not experience any discomfort.

Let's find out why the stains still appear on the underwear. During the formation of a mucous plug, mucus may come out. Such light beige, odor-free discharge in early pregnancy is a common occurrence.

At 1-2 weeks, the egg travels towards the uterine cavity, where it will take root. During this period, the integrity of the mucous membrane of the latter may be slightly disturbed, due to which an insignificant capillary bleeding occurs. Because of this, dark beige or brown discharge may appear during pregnancy. They are also not a cause for panic.

After 20 weeks, estrogen increases in the body of the expectant mother, which also causes the appearance of beige mucous secretions during pregnancy.

But often, discharge can warn of big trouble. Consider the cases when a woman is obliged to take responsibility for such manifestations.

When is this symptom dangerous?

Brown stains on laundry can appear after sexual intercourse or ultrasound examination. This is due to the fact that the walls of the uterus become loose, which means more vulnerable to various direct contacts.

If a woman finds beige-brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, then this may indicate such dangers as an ectopic pregnancy, erosion of the cervix. If this is an ectopic pregnancy, then there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the discharge develops into slight bleeding. Due to infectious diseases (candidiasis, etc.), unpleasant discharge with a foreign bad smell also appears. In this case, be extremely careful, because they can enter the uterus, affect the course of pregnancy and harm the fetus. Here it is urgent to take tests and start treatment.

So, the norm is considered to be a one-time dark beige or brown discharge during pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterus. In other cases, if a woman finds brown spots on her underwear, and she has pains in the lower abdomen, this is a reason to rush to the doctor.

Thus, if beige or brown discharge appears at an early stage of pregnancy, this does not always indicate pathology. Listen to how you are feeling. And if you find alarming symptoms, go to the doctor immediately.

Leucorrhoea of ​​various consistency, structure and color accompany a woman throughout her life and is considered the norm. During the formation of a woman as a mother, the situation does not change, and the discharge continues to appear. Very often, beautiful ladies are worried about beige discharge during early pregnancy. Is this a serious symptom or a norm?

Don't worry - it's okay

The first weeks of pregnancy are very important not only for the woman, but also for her unborn baby. It is during this period that the embryo attaches to the uterus and begins to form into a small fragile man. The organism of the future mother at this stage brings many "surprises": from aching pains in the lower back and abdomen and ending with morning sickness and vomiting.

At this stage, the production of hormones increases, in particular progesterone, which increases the secretion of the vagina. Accordingly, it is not worth waiting for the discharge to stop. By the way, they perform a very important function - they moisturize the genitals from the inside and outside.

In addition, light beige discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is direct evidence that a mucous plug and placenta have begun to form, not allowing anything extra into the uterus, allowing the fetus to live comfortably in the tummy.

On days when a woman is menstruating before conception, a light brown, blood-streaked discharge may appear in early pregnancy. It is also considered a completely natural process that will disappear altogether over time. In addition, small brown spots on the panties may appear after being examined on a chair by a gynecologist or after an ultrasound procedure. The fact is that after the corpus luteum is attached to the walls of the uterus, the birth canal becomes looser, which means that it is highly vulnerable to direct contact.

A light yellow discharge is often a sign of an allergic reaction. Gels for intimate hygiene, synthetic underwear, washing powder, and so on can act as its causative agent. The problem is solved by eliminating the irritant.

All of the above is considered the norm and should not cause concern for mommy. And to reduce discomfort, you can purchase a pack of thin sanitary napkins, only odorless and fragrance-free.

When should you worry?

To prevent the emergence of a possible threat of termination of pregnancy, the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, you are required to take blood tests, smears for microflora, undergo an examination and do an ultrasound scan on time. All these measures are necessary for the timely detection of pathogenic bacteria and their elimination at an early stage of development.

Changes in the color of the discharge, their consistency and intensity do not yet indicate the presence of any pathologies. But the appearance of dangerous bells, such as smell, itching, burning, pain, should alert a woman and force her to urgently consult a doctor. There can be many reasons for concern, for example:

  • A simultaneous change in the smell, consistency, and color of your secretions can warn you that an infection that has caused inflammation has settled in your body. In such cases, the gynecologist usually prescribes a smear to identify the cause.
  • When the inflammatory process has passed into the stage of exacerbation, along with beige discharge comes severe itching of the external genital organs and burning sensation during urination. These same symptoms are very often the harbingers of infection with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Intense brown discharge streaked with blood or bleeding is a reason to call an ambulance. It can be an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, exacerbation of cervical erosion.

Beige discharge during early pregnancy without pain and other characteristic symptoms are harbingers of both an increase in progesterone and its insufficient production. In any case, only a blood test will show this. I want to say right away that you shouldn't panic. Excessive nervousness, heightened feelings and fear will only aggravate the situation. You need to gain common sense and a cold mind, react quickly to changes and see a doctor.

Read also:

Many of the causes of beige discharge are not so bad and can be easily treated with medication. And here I need to say a few words about those women who are afraid to take medications, trying to protect their child from their principle of action. Such motives are clear and understandable to everyone, but for some reason the fact is not taken into account that the infection will harm the fetus much more than a couple of pills drunk. Therefore, you should not resist the doctors, because none of them wants to inflict any moral or physical harm on you.

In conclusion, I would like to give you a few tips that you probably know, but may have forgotten under a lot of piled up worries:

  • Even in the early stages of pregnancy, you should change your beautiful lace panties for more comfortable underwear made from natural materials. Fabrics such as linen and cotton will not cause irritation and allergies, which means that one reason for the appearance of beige discharge has been eliminated.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations - this largely affects the exacerbation of chronic diseases, including the appearance of a threat of miscarriage.
  • Do not self-medicate. Even if the symptoms seem to you to be insignificant, it is better to once again clarify everything with the doctor leading the pregnancy.